THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESON IAN. r THE an: i,. ( .Si. v . 4 The new Laxative that does not .grips or nauseate. Pleasant to tafte. SOLD IJY DR. J. D. CAR0L1M NORHTERM RAILROAD. Schedule in effect Jan'y 8, 1904. SOUTH. No. 1. No. 3 L,umbertoii 10.30 h m 7.05 an Lve Pope 10.3S Kingsdale 1043 Polopolis 10.49 Proctorville . . 10.57 Delia 1 1.09 Barnesville - 11 14 Flowers 11.18 Mnrietta . 1 1.24 Holmesville . . . - 1 1.30 Page's Mill n.36 Kemper H-47 May 11.50 Squires 11.56 Fork 1 1. 59. 71.5 7-35 7.40 7-5o 8.05 8.15 8. 28 S.40 8.5a 9.11 9.19 9-25 9-40 9 50 Zion 12.07 P ni 10.00 Rogers 12.13 10.10 Marion . 12,30 10.40 MORTH. Ar. - ' ''. 1t. , ,. ' 1. A t. v. ' ir... .' ' .' Jki. ,S , 'i "-i i " ' " , l fc ( J " : . . . "? N ;. , "'- -r.isine yi..-n. il;,-, Vs,r, rv-i T w ir fa r 4 n -f J'h mf A y vi V Mf No. 4 No. a Marion 5 00 p ni 3.00 p n Rogers 4-4 3-15 Zion 4-3 3-24 Fork 420 3.33 Squires 4 5 3-3 May 3 5o 3-43 Kemper 3.40 3.45 Page's Mill .... 3.38 3-5' Holmesville 3.20 3.57 Marietta 3.12 4 03 Flowers.... 5.08 4.09 Barn.sville 3.00 418 Delia -. 2.56 4. '3 Proctorville 2.4S 4 35 Polopolis 2 44 4!44 Kingsdale 2.32 448 Pope 2.20 4.52 Lumberton 2.00 5.00 Lve Ar. Nos. 3 and 4, mixed, daily except Sui days. Nos. i and 2, Sunday only. T. C. McNFELY. Geni Supt W. T- EDWARDS. Receiver. i is tlii 'nine ;?ool, tili'.-fnsli iont-M m.. . i is. 1 ne that lias saved t'u I , ( s 1,1 litt'.e i'1i;Ii1t 11 ir I 'ao I ; 1 (hi'S. It 1311 ni i.u inr ijiruiv lt ' tire. It li:t.- u vLi' i veii known l i fail 1!" v "ir 1 bild is s:tt " Init'le l "&l TGNIC FOH -GK'Ll-' I '1 take a f 11I -M . . I n ! " 1 v nil.' clr'1'.rt.'ist il'.is la '. ! .-. .. 1 , s"lil I ''nt y 1. w u'li'. .1 s : .. in is ' 1 c(b 2rJ. jrnzsr? rial II more. ml n lintHe wi'l l'C tnai ' " ft HOLLISTER'S Kocky Msuntaifr Tea Nuggets A Busy Mediolne for Busy People. Brings QolJen Health and Renewed Vigor. A Kpeelflo for Constipation, Indigestion, Live enrl Ki iney Troubles. Fimples. Eciema, Impure BI00.I, Bad Breath. HluRfish Bowels, Headache anU Backar :e. It's Rocky Uountain Tea hi taN Itt form. 85 cents a box. Genuine ma by HoLLisTan Droo Company, Madison, Wis. OlOEK NUQGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPiS ONLY REMEDY RHEUMATISM TO STAY fca .e-ir i..--. rxtMOVES THE Bobbitt Chemical Co.. 1 llii Ju'y '8' 19& K)?l-lS: i 1 wars la"' l;,st November with four bottles of I have not been bothered since. I tried every old kind of liniment and was under two doctors, ami all 1 tried Imd the same re sult, until I j;ot Rhetimacide. Now. I am pleased to sav it has not been necessary for me to take anv medicine for Rheumatism since February last 1-vervl.ody that ! recommended it to lias had the sjuii; results. Yuurs verv truly , , I ' RAA(,A M.inairer. ijuuicy Industrial Co operative Society Laxative Fruit Synsp McMIM.AN', Lmnbertou, N. C, II. B. WARD, Rowland, N C. Not In the Ritual. St Jamea' Cburch in Washinp- ton i very "uigh" indeed, and providi H incense, sacred bells and altnr lu-hta to nseist the devotions of t ho congregation . A procession was passing aroand the imv.i of the church singing a pri "'CfSMi n a 1 bvmn, preceded ly aco y t s swinging censer and carry ing lighted candlep, Dr. James S. Clark noticed the censer grow ing weaker, and not wishing to in terrupt the processional stepped tip to the thunfer and sing in tho pltii) song harmony : "Whore, oh, where is the in cense po) ?" Whereat the boy, forgetting everything but his burnt fiugerp, sang back lustily. ' Left it iu the vest'y too damned hot !" Father Clark retreated. The dood Old Way, A severe cold or attack of la grippe is like a fire, the sooner you combat it the better your chances are to overpower it. But few mothers in this age are willing to do the necessary work required to give a good old-fashioned reliable treatment suoh as would be administered by their grandmothers, backed by Boschee's Ger man Syrup, which was always liberally used in connection with the home treat ment of colds and is still in greater house hold favor than any known remedy. But even without the application of the old fashioned aids German Syrup will cure a severe cold iu quick time. It will cure colds in children or grown people. It re lit es the congested organs, allays the irritation, and effectively stops thecough. Any child will take it. It is invaluable in a household of children. Trial sie bot tle, 25c; regular size, 75c. For sale by Dr. J. I). McMillan. Denmark Claims Nelson. The Dalies maintain that Ad miral Nels 11 was ono of their rac, despite the fact that he was born iu England. They point out that the name is Danish and that many Dunes wre settlers in East Augln. They cons, lr'd thm selves over their defeat at ihe ba t,le if Copenhagen with the thought thiit the v:c" 'y was one ot tntv.r r,wn race. At uast nf Scandinavian historian refers t.n his family as "one of the mc6t brifliuut examples of h"ble Eng lish families descended from the Northmen." There is probably nothirjg more annoying than to have to 'spend a lot of time preparing for an emer gency that failed to emerge. THAT CURES CAUSE OF Curjid 60-yar-old Mrs. Mary Welborn. of High Point. N. C. afUr ah had .uffered 20 year.. Curd Rev. J. R.Wheeler TO year. old. a lead'" Methodist minister of, Md. Cured Johli F. Ell ne. of Bait ES?.t "'tf 'John Hopkins Hospital had completely failed. Cured Jamea Wllkas, of Dillon. S. C. afUr he had bean In bed three years an hla KS. were drawn up against his back. Better get a bottle from you Druggist at one. Sample bottle and booklet FREE if you send 8 cent, for postage. BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., Proprietors, BALTIMORE. There's Danger in Delay. Cures Stomach and Liver trouble and Chronic Constipation. She Didn't Put it Out. An o.d luov of his il )ck nice . C!. . .. I)r Wlth tic. TliH d'ctor's 1 eck bands ivern to b ug tur tier ids ( f mil -isrerial humility, and alter a long harangue 011 the sin of ppide she intimated t hat sh has brought n pair of scissors with her and would be pleased if her dear pastor would permit her notions of propriety. The dector not only listened patiently, but handed over the of fending white bauds to he operr ted upon. When she bad cut them to her satisfaction and returned tbe bibs it was the doctor's turn. "Now,M said he, "von muBfc do me a good turn also." ' Yes. that I will, doctor. What can it bi'l" "Well, jjo biv something about you which is a deal too long and which causes me no end of trouble, and I should like to see it shorter." "Indeed, dear sir, I will uot hesitate. What is 11? Hre are the scissors; use them as you pleap. " ' C iin ftTrMi," said tho study divine, ''tjood sister, put out your tongue.'' Loudon Mail. The Orginal. Foley & Go , Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and j opolarity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitaciona are offered for the genuine. These 'worthless imiations have nimil'ar Sounding names. Beware of thtim. The genuine Foley's Honey aud Tar is in a yellow package Ask for it and refnse any substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. For sale by McMil lan's, & II B Ward, Rowland, N. C Reflections pi a Bachelor. Kithera woman doesn't trust her husband or wishes shu could. It's queer, but it's always the fat womuu in a crowded car that has the must bundles A girl thinks he-tven is some thing like a matinee aud a woman thtt it's like n nurser . The less sonso a man has the bigger bluff his wife puts up that she ' hinks he is a great man A man can never understand why a woman, after tbey are mar ried wants to- sit so close; and he vhy he doesn't want to. m f THF PAIM Warren and Jel!erson. .Joseph .'eleraon was playing Sheridan's comedy of '"The Ki vala' in Boston on odo ocaaiori many years aura His version of the play had been arranged in such a way a3 to ive liol Acres considerably more prominence perhaps than tho author originally intended, oeoaaionally nt the ex penso of tho other characters, William Warren, theold comedian, eat the play out and at its conclu sion was asked, ' How do you lij.e Jefferson's Bob Acres?" "Capital, capital," replied War ren, " 'and Sheridan twenty miles away.' " A Liquoid Cold Cure. For coughs and colds no remidy is to Kennedy's Lexative Tloney and Tar the Liqnoid Cold Gnre. It is different from all others better, be cause it expels all cold from the sys tem by acting as a cathartic on the boweli. Give strength to weak langs Affords immediate relief in 4 Croup, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Congh, etc Children Iovh it. Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope. Parenthetical Remarks. A well known Indiana man O ie dark night. last, wees, Weut to tne cellar with a match In search of a gas letk. ( H found n.) John Wrdcb by curiosity (Dispatches statp) tB goaded ; He iqninted in his old shotgun To sep it it a9 leaded. (Is wa.) A mn in Macon st pa'd to watch A p iteu sig'ir clip e " : He wondered if hi fi n or wtis Not quicker thao tb- nipper. I It wiisn'. ) A Maine man read that human eyes ()' hyf notism werojlull : lb went to see if it wouid work Upon 1111 angiy bnl1. (It wouldn't.) Cured his Mcther o; Rheumatism. "My mother has been a snfferor for many jtais from rheumatism, " says V. H. Howard of Husband, Pennsyl vania. "At times she was unable to move at all, while at all times walk ing was painful I presented her with a bottle of Chainberlau's Pain Balm and after a few applications she deeided that it was the most wonder ful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact she is never without it now and is at all times able to walk Au occasional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she. was formerly troubled with " For sale by Dr H T. Pope & Co , & Dr R G. Rozier. DISASTER IN MINE.' Eighteen Men Believed toH.ive Been Killed Rescue Work Difficult. ... v .; : - . . . t I ' 'II -f ,t,;.? ..f r s u r ( U rt I ; ' ( .i th''ir I y 'ii !i, ...i r-i r;i i i r li i 1 1 1 1 ' t " eHC'lpJ tflri .1 if! N i,f thH awful (IiH iiti r quick y s'piead to poarby amies, and ;nitidrad of men wore soon at th 'c-mio, eaf?er to join iu the effort ', rcun tho entombod miners, "if -tliv , Jeid . or recovor tbeir bodies if Tho ventilating fan was Iowa oat cf oo8it:on by tie xplosion and it was not until four I'ekck this afternoon that it had oen repaired and pot back m it plac". As soon as it was set iu mo. M"U a fairly good current of air was Bent circulating through the entries. The first rescue party consisting if 15 men, entered the miue at 7 -MO o'clock. Tha work of ie,)lac mg the fallen brattices, and n 'in ving the debris whicbjobstrnct jd their progress was slow. The first body reached was that of,. G. I'. Neal, which was discovered 150 yardi from the entrance. The mine supenuteudent says that the other men were working much further back than Neal, aud he has no hope of reaching themun- til tomorrow momiDg. Even though the men survived the ex plosion, it is almost certain that they will fall victims to the dead ly after damp. Mothers, wives, children and friends of the entombed miners crowd about tbe mouth of tbe pit and declare they will not leave un til they know the fate of their loved ones. Tbe cause of the ex plosion is not yet fully determin ed, but it is believed that a blast guited the dust w.hicb accumulates in tbe mines. Tbe Detroit and" Kanawha Coal Compauy sold its holdings a few lays ago to a syndicate consisting of the Mucklow Brothers, of this citv ; W. D. Berry, of Scranton, 1'a. , and other Pennsylvania cap; tabsts, who purchased ten mines on Paint Creek and incorpated tbe Paint Creek Colliers UurnpaLy to operate them. Thejtrnsf -r o; the properties whs made last Monday, and a few days bef re the transfer the mines were examined by the mine inspector, who reported that o, was m good cnd itiou. It invigorates, strengthens and builds up. It keeps yon incondition physically' mentally and morally That's what Holster's Rooky Moun tain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your Druggist. More Light. A case was being tried on the charge of selling impure whiskey. The whiskey was offered in dence. Jury retired to try the ev idence. Judge (presently) What! is the verdict : Foreman of Thirsty Jury Your honor, want more evidence. ci3co News better. -San Fran- Greatly in Demand Nothing is more in demand than a medicine which meets modern require ments for a blood and system cleanser such ug Dr. King's New Life Pills. The are jtrst what yon need to core stomach and liver troubles. Try them. At All Druggist. r. jf.. ' J "l VV'V, V., 1 1 ' : fi I , h t mi ; uie- '. t iiict 1! V.'Mliu ! ; 1 'i ii'i !- u i( jo en i;i in it y, Ih'cihso t Ik- oil 1 lint comes lrom it.s liyor surj;i-Nos all other fnt.s in 1101;; Miiim- mid lifi--givinsf properties. Thirty years ago tliT; propriety's of Scott's Eninl Kion found a way of preparing coa firer oil so t hat everyone C(in take it and get the full value of thet)il without the objectionable taste. Scott's Kmiilsi in is the lest thing in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate people, and all conditions of wasting and lost, strength. An I',- frf Humph. SCOTT & IJOWNK, CriEMISTS 4UO-41S rillL MTBRBT, MIW TO IK Mo tlv. All ilnintrlatf. A Model Witness. The opposing counsel: "What ib your namey"J '5 The witness, appealing to the judge: ''Am I obliged to answer this?" The judge: "You are." The witness: "My name is Todgers." "First name?' "I decline to answer." "On what ground?" 'It would be construed into a reflection on the good taste of my parents." "Where were you born?'' "I decline to answer." "Why?" Because all my information on tbe subject ii of the hearsay char acter." "But you were there at the time?" ' I decline to admit it " "What is your age?,' "Before answering I desire to consult with my attorneys." "What is your ostensible busi ness?'' "I do not remember." "Are you in any way connected with the ramrod trust?" "I do not remember " "vVhat is its capitalization?" "I do not remember" ''What is your salary ?" ''I do not remember." "Are you married?" ''I do not remember.'" Thejudge: ' The hearing will now be adjourned until JO o'clcck to-morrow .morning. And I want to congratulate the opposing counsel on the marked progre s they liave made in advancing the case ' Indigestion Overcome. Indigestion is easily overcame by the me of Kodol Dyspesia Care, be cause this remedy degest what you eat and i;ives the stomach a rest al lows it to re. uperate and t-ruw strong strain . Ki'dol relieves 1 ridi' stion. !'e I belc hing of Sour St.imaeb. Heart we Bi:rii, etc., and enables flu digestive organs to transform all tocds into the i blood that makes health and strength. ; Sold by Dr. H T. Pope. Wanted to Find the Crumb. Mamma hat are you tearing your doil to pieces for? Ilattie I'm looking for the crumb of com fort papa said was to be found in everything.