8 THE SEMI-WEEKLY KOBESON1AN. DARGAN'S BODY EXHUMED. Grave Opened Remains Identi fied In Presence of Crowd. Darlington, S C. Jan. 19 In the presence of half a hundred citizens and representatives of the life insurance companies f interest ed, the grave of Robert Keith Dargan was opened tuis morning and physicians pronounced the body thereinto be that of the late president cf the Independent Oil Company and j the Darlington Trust Company, whose suicide, by taking caibolio acid on July 11, 1905, created a sensation at the time. The hotly was exhumed by permission of the father of the de ceased, who in a letter said that permission was given to set at rest the scandalous rumors that had persistentlybeen heard to kthe ef t ect that R. Keith Dargan was not lead, but had pretended suicide and escaped to Europe Dargan 's death followed closely to the fail ure of the oil company and the trust company, followed closely the failure of the president. The body was Dadly decompos3d, but the identification was said to be complete. KEEP COMMISSION'S REPORT. THE PASTORS CONFERENCE. The wtiole of each session of the Pastors' Conference from start to finish was unique and well di reoted. It was in everyway a suo cessful convention, packed full life and business in which Jesus Christ was the specific center o attraction, or, to put it in other words, Jesus Christ was the hub, the preachers and visitors were the spokes fitting in the hub and the Spirit of love unified and bound them together as the rim around a wheel binds it and makes it strong It was well attended and all o A 1 1 1 0 tne speeones were euiryine ana uplifting. It is a source of real joy to have the honor of meeting in such way with the elders and brethren i i i i i in general ana to nave tne rea presence of God so vividly mani fested. Those who did not attend have missed a great deal. One ot the decisions centered in the fact that we believe the Bi hie teaches that the Lord's people should give not less than one tenth of their income to His cause. And still another beautiful sen timent grew into a vital reality in encouraging our people to pray very earnestly for a great religious awakening in our midst. There are many other things that might be said about what took place in the "Pastors' Con ference,'' but we will not clafti more of your space. Pastor Durham is a jewel of a man and has a fine flock to work with. They entertained the Con ference in an exceptionally fine way. We bow in gratitude to them for their excellent hospitality, and in the providence of the Lord promise to visit them again in the coming March. Blessings upon all. J. M. Fleminer. Secretary Wilson Shows It was Bag of Wind. Washington, Jan. 19. Secreta ry Wilson, referring to the report of the Keep Commission today de clared that many of the changes suggested by the commission ac tually had been made in the De partment and were now and had been foj: a long time in force. He declared that the increased sphere of usefulness of the State agents was no new idea, as it had origi nated in his Department and he needed only the necessary addi tional appropriation to put it into effect. The proposition, however, to do away with the 85,000 corre spondents, he said was radical, and one which needed careful consider ation. He pointed with pride to the small fractions of difference between the Department's esti mates of the production of cot ton and these of the census bureau based on the ginners' re ports. Concerning the personnel of the crop estimating board, Sec retary W ilson said be had about determined upon a prominent whftt der feathers would bring. Southern man for appointment to j It's better fer thank d Lawd the vacancy on the board created . fer worl' you l'v:u in, than tr i k i i t v it r i r it. . ny tne ueain oi ;.ur. nuicnins spgud yo' dtys ba-ikerin' after de Brother Dickey's Philosophy. Lie wicma ines w en uo man punues, but Satan Boon sots fire t")r his wing?. Trouble is de lot er all mens, but some er us is gut ten acres too much. Take all di misery out er dis ori', -! r j so grtt tired loaf in' rou wid happinsps. Ei Wr had do wing er angele, me pr us wi r.id soon soil 'em fer THIRTEEN HUIDRED DOLLARS RAISED FOR MOJUIEHT FUHD. (Continued from 1st page bteu contributed ly patriotic citi zen, Messrs. A. W. McLean and! B. Godwin, of Lumber top bad previotuly given $200 each. Mr. A. E. White gave $200, and wan followed by Sheriff McLecd, who gave a like amount. The Daugh ters gave $200. and then follcwd othor donations in rapid sncoe sion. Several pledges sent by means it telegrams were read and evoked vigorous applause. Daring the taking of the collec tion Miss Irene McLeod recited ''The Boys of'Gl"in a mannerthat called for prolonged audharty Br- planse. As a fitting finale for the en yable exercise the chorus coir poeed of more ttiau a score of girls saDg "Dixie", the orchestra pl log an accompaniment and the audience applauding. Early in the evening the chorus sang ' It was Summer Time in D xie Land" much to the delight of tnoB pre- teat. The audience was dismissed with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Paris. Editor Robesonian: Below find list of subscriptions to Confederate Moument fund an nounced at the celebration of Lee and Jacksons birthday Januarv 19th making total of $1801 50. As these subscriptions are paid ii - to the treasury theylwill fcbe pro perly acknowledged through the papers. J. A. McAllister. Treas, C mfed Mon Asso. Daughters of Confederacy $200 00 Miss Pearle Floyd. 2 50 D. B. McNhiII, 2.50 K. M. Bipgs, 2.00 J. T. Biggs, 2.00 A E Spives 1.00 L. C. Townsend, 1.00 J. A. Barker, 1.00 Dennis Biggs, 1.00 J. C. Barnes, 1.00 8. S Phillips, 1.00 Thos. Kmlaw, 1 00 R. Y. Stone, 1.00 K. D. Edwardo, 1.00 M. W. Floyd, 1.(0 A. M. Prevatt, 1.C0 John Blount McLeod, pd 50 General Collection, 0,00 Total, 12SG.00 B. Stausel, 5.00 W. G. Allen, nd " 10.00 Jut total One Oar Loadof Fine Young ules $1301.50 Statement of Confederate Mono ment Fund. Previously acknowledged 56.00 Cash of Ca.t. W. G Allen, 10.00 Jobu Blount McLeod, 50 B. Stansell, 5 00 A. H. West. 1.00 Total $72.50 moot, Joy's m de elnments, but wi Hpend halt on all our What Did Curran Mean? Speaking of the witticisms am humorous sallies of Curran. the'arcunus farrhus Irish orator and lawver. a tmie w'aitm' fer Trouble ter knock biographer mentions the follow- i at door. ing example: Curran was once ad-1 Usl "o7Letters dressing an Irish jury in an ini-j T) . . . T , . . , i Remaining m the Lumberton, portantcase. During his speech j N a 1)09to!icet J(in. 22, P.IOi. he observed that the judge shook i If not called for in one week his head. Fearing lest the! will be sent to the Dead Letter gesture should have an adverse 1 (,lnce, Washington, D. C. P,ar- intluence on the jury, Curran warmed up for the moment and said: "'I see, gentlemen the mo tion of his lordship's head but, be live me, if you remain here many days you will see that when his lordship shakes his head there's nothing in it !"' He Was Given a Job. A Btnall boy entered an office in New York the other day, very early in the mornin?, when the morchaut was reading the paper. Tr" latter glanced u; and went on r- iug. A'rer three minutes the boy said: "Excuse me, but I'm in a hurry." ''What dj you waut," he was asked. "A job." "You do? Well", encrted the man of busi- ussp, "why ara you in hurry?" "Got 1 to hurry,'' replied the boy. ''Left echol Yesterday to g to work, ai d haviui': struck an- tning yet. 1 can t waste time, you've, got nothing for m, say s and V' i k.r. !c 'slaewtie. " "Wtjeri cat. you com?" ask;d the surprd merchant. "Dou't have to ocai'V h"e was told. ' I'm hers oow. aud would have been to work before tbis if you hai taid o.,f American Advertiser. ties calliiiir will nlease sav ad verfised : Boyd Edwards, Miss Mollie Ed wards, J. R. Hays, Miss Jane Walker, J. B.Green.R.H. Humph rey. Miss Mary' king, Mrs. An drew McMillan, J.eO. McNeill, M. H. Merrick, J. C. McLean, Rev. McNeill, J. R. TBridgers. Jap Suggs, Raymond Thompson. R. M. Norment, Postmaster. A woman was making a gusset Wnicn drepped and the kitten did musset, Aud she sat 1 ike a sphinx Only saying, "By jinx! If I wasn't a lady I'd cussetl" An old hen was pecking at some stray carpet tacks in the back yard. ' Now, what do you suppose that auch alfool hen is eating those tacks forV said Pomer. "perhaps',, rejoined his better half "she is going to lay a carpet." Chicago News. "Well, I'll tell vouthot.rnnhl ! ; with Sterling, I admit that he's ; a fairly good business man. but 'there's, a nrettv bit? element !' in his success. He's insufl'tvahl y ooureited too. and then it's mere ly his hypocrisy that" '"You seem to know him nrettv wll " "Oh, yes .we're great friends. '" j Philadelphia Press - E. White, 200.00 McLeod Bros. 200.00 W. B. Coribry, ' 100.00 R. R. Barnes, 100.C0 Allen Edeus, 100.00 D. Caldwell, 100.00 W. H. Humphrey, 50.00 N. A. McLean, 50 00 P. McNair, 25.00 W. P. Humphrey, 25.00 I'. fc. aim, 20.00 O. J. Peterson, 10 CO D. D. French, 10 00 C. M. Fuller, 10.00 H. T. M-jKiunou, 10.00 C. II. Durham, 5 00 J. T. Culbretb, .00 L. T. Townsend, 5.00 G. M. Whitfield, 5.00 J. II. Floyd, f co J. P. Sfansel, 00 Ira. L. Pope, ; 0() W. P. McAllister, 5. CO Jno. D. McMillan Jr., 5.00 J T. Auslev o.OO Th9 American Tourist "I sup pose I speak broken French, en, Henri The Waiter "Not! eeKsactly. M'sieur. You haf a word describes it bettaire let me see ah, yes it is pulverized." "An heiress is rather a contra -tradiction to the usual order of thingi-" "Why bo?" "If she wants to save ber money, about the laat thing she could do is to husband her resources." The Judge "But if you tooted your horn, how is it that the plaintiff did not hear you in time to get out of the way?" The Defendant "1 am con vinced, your honor, that the ac cident was due entirely to the en fenor velocity of sound." I think this is the best load that I have ever shipped to this town. Every mule All I ask is that you Call and get m y Prices be f o r e buying a mule. must be as rep res ent e d o r mon e y ref un d-ed. Cash or On Time. A WHITE LUMBERTON, N. C. December 29th. Notice. Notice is hereby given that al! perrons will he required to observe Sec. 48, of the Road Law. which makes it unlawful for any person to obstruct, disfigure or ren der nv of the public roads of the coun ty unfit for pubiic travel, or who shall cut up the same, or make deep holes or ruts therein by means of log carts or plcws. The riijht of wav of all the public ro ds I of. the county is twenty feet, and as the time ot yoar is coming on for people to begin their plowing, I feel it to be my du tv to ask the people to please not plow, or in any way disfigure the right of way of the roads, and if the law is not complied with in thn respfct. I shall have to see 1 that it is enforced. This January 22nd. 1906. W. O. AT,I,KX, Supt. 1 Is Robeson County. I-23-2t The lowland Irug Do Desires to thank its friends and the public generally for the liberal patronage bestow ed during the past, and solicits a continuance of the same in the future. We wish you fl Happy New year. The Ten Dollars On For a be. 1 Rowland Drug- Co., GEORGE K. McNEILL, Mgr. , Ten Dollars in Gold will be paid by us to the person who suggests a name which will be adopted for our surburban territo ry in North Lumberton. This property will soon be offered for sale in lots of any size and terms to suit the purchaser. Send names suggested before February 1st to A. W. McLEAN, or A. -E. WHITE. AiM)Pimceinnieel 2 A Visit To Oar Stables And Look Over the Large Stock of Morses and Mules That we have, before making a purchase. We have already sold one car load of Horses and Mules this season, and all are giv ing eminent satisfaction. ft New Load Has Just Been Received And are now on exhibition at 'our stables. A Full Line Of AUBURN, SPRING HOPE VIRGINIA and CHASE CITY WAGONS Sam I wi! Tin- I'lvttir.-t Mini Mst ( Kinplctc Airtiiicnt Stricilv Malt-t-Mt'a.Miiv (!annriit I'm- it iitli int'ii. Iiilit il lv Mr. J. K. Kirk"-.'V in l.umln i tim. .human '' Itli. I'ini-li. Style ami Quality our iuaraiiter. Wliv !uv U .examine Quality atnl I'rio's tlii- line'' : . John D. McAllister, Fit. t'.'IV Don't buy that Buggy till you see our line of ' Buggies and Harness. We carry a splen did lot of Cart Wheels. Yours for Business, EDGERTON & ! I Parkton, A. J. G ARRIS, Jan. 8th. WINSLOW, N. C: : : Manager.