SINGLE COPIES 6 CENTS. VOL. XXXVI, NO. 99. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1908. f 1 - WHOLE NO. 2112 ESTABLISHED 1870. , r ; Country: Gotland Truth. GRAND JURY SAYS HEW COURT BOUSE Jrdat Bsil& is Ubi crftj ! ; Best V - Kcrti Carolina Ccaatj. IAULTS KOT FIRE , PROOF. II' Fire Were to Occur County Records Would be Destroyed Forty Four True Bills Returned t County Convict Force Greatly Increased. SsperiorCjpurt adjourned - Ftu day.after hav tig cleared the crim inal docket of all tire cases that 40ld be conveniently disposed of at this s term. The grand jury made its1 report bafore the ad journment of the terjn and , the - reading of the rep rt was listened to with much interest. Forty.four true bills were re turned and in taenty-nine cases not true - bills were . found. Six . presentments were also made by the jury. 1 The grand jury reccm mended in its report that new clothing' and mattresses (or the convicts ; should be purchased j otherwise, the akmp was found to : be in a 'good condition. Several new cells were, reoom mended for the jail; also a new coat of paint forthebuililng. , As to the oonditioa of the conn , ty oflScea, they were found ' in as. good the building will permit. The "so-called -fire: - proof taults''- it was stated iwrould be no protection at all if the build lnfiwere to'oatoh re. . Should a ' conflagration occur the records ef ' a hundred years would be destroy- edr meaning a great loss to every individual taxpayer, as well as a serious disaster to the county-at' large.' r ( The jury recommended that as the county wai free from debt, bonds bearing a low rate of inter est should be floated in order to build a new court house. It was also suggested that the old build ing should be removed and the new court house oooupy the site of the present inadequate build ing. The report was ordered e corded and a . copy sen to the board of county commissioners. Sylvester Powell was fined fifty dollars for retailing and placed under, a bond in the sum of $200 to appear at every criminal term 'ofoourtfor two years to show that be bad not violated the law in the illegal sale of "ardeats.' An appeal being taken, bond was fixed at $100. Alex Brown and Alex McMillan were sentenced to 18 months on the county roads for assault. They were participants in the Panther Greek fight Christmas. Judgment- was suspended as to the others. Gub McNeill, churged with murder of Aluritch Brown, by consent of Solicitor Lyon, was " given the privilegelof giving bond in the sum of $1,000, He will not be tried for murder in the - first degree. Frani Branoh was fined $60 and assessed with the costa in the qase charging hm with assault Vpn .Frank Pate. v ,A number "of other cases -for minor offences were disposed of "during the week and several mo -tions"were argued. The criminal docket is now in good shape ; only C two state prisoners remaining in Jail, .There are two Federal pris oners in the county jail. . , - - As a reselt v of the court ,the . . rpunt.v convict force has beenfma- teriaitv increased, , Jen were sent " to the roada for terms of consider -, ab!e leneth.a few others are on for shorter terms. ' The present force is larger than it has been in some time.; Last year there were as few aa two in the gang, but' this . year it will never be so low as that number. lj . v Wilmington lias a Fire. ' Firs of uuknown origin broke oat eftr leven o'clock Friday night, in Wilmington. ' It started in athre.Titoiy briok boildins:, cccopied on the ftnt fltor by Mr. W. Ai Vfolier as a grocery stort, oj the second as a, tnrs;e room and on th tbtrd Grmania Hall, total'y dofttroving th bnild-1 log with all its eoQ'entr. Also thd Willard BK "4 Mnutctai- ing Cmpiu new three ttory factory, with' nAvoral wtrfhnuset immedutfjy in me rntr. Tb l will nei?rPijatH u t $100000, the fire haviog inu oue ot the wont in thu reciut history of tb citv. The Llttlefleld Bill. The House Committee en Mer chant, Marine and Jfrilnrie uid a fhvorable mporton the Littlf- field bill which does away with compalsory pilotage iu-oos'-wise sailtug veaseli. Tail billisaomr- what similar to the Wilmiogtou pilota bill which passed the last State legislature. Representative Patterson, who is a member of the committee, voted to report the bill unfavorably. Buys Another Exchange. r-The Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company has pur chased the independent system at ftookicgham and Maxtoq, says the Charlotte Chronicle. Mr. J. L. Bandy was the former'owner of the exohange at Rockingham. The Bell Company will "ut in a new system and hopes to double the number of subscribers. r - i ii in n ii l. . YOUNG LADY WONDERING WHO THE MAN MEANT. Merchant Said ho Would Send Parcel By Her Hasband Lumber Bridge lews. ' Lumber Bridge, Feb. 11. A young lady of the town phoned to a business house ip Fayetteville receatly about the transmission of some article of merchandise and got the reply promptly it would be seat ont in good time by her husband. Now that young woman la wondering if that is prophecy. And if ao what i the color of his eyes, hair and extent of nia accom plishments and capacity to pro vide creature comforts and ' make happy. . t Miss Janie Mslloy, who has been visiting several weeks in the South, mostly among kindred in Florida, reached home Tuesday and resumed at once ner plaoe in the store of Mr. A. L. Snaw. She wis missed greatly in her absence. Everybody had cordial greetings for her on her arrival. Mr, A. L.-Snaw, who converts bis dwelling into a hotel whenever it happens there are no accomoda tions elsewhere in town for the traveller who wants a shelter, - a dormitory or something to eat, has had somewhat of a crowded house of late, -, It is reported that Mr. M. L. Marley has purchased a good lot of timber from Mr. A. K Shaw neat town and : will put down a new saw 'mill at ' an early day. mere is no better saw mm man among ns than he is. ' Mr, and Mrs. Tillinghast, of Providence, R. I., are sojourning here tor rest, diversion and shelter from the severe weather of Rhode Island and are delighted, The volume of business here, it 1 is safd, is to be increased at least BED SPRINGS : f. mm A11D 110TES Rohsssiia Ccrrespc:i::t, Rei.P. B. ' Lai Stills on Tom Sc:t4. -' COURT HOUSE DISCUSSED, Mr. W. H. McCalluan. ol Bow land, Visits In the City - Greys and Blues arc to Meet at Fort Fisher This Summer and Pro- ceed to Fight Battle Over Again Red Su'iiit. Khi . 11. A nb of a pwnci', a tl,ifr. mi m abort n tH enviuiz. "ucciiiv nil I ctme back," is what tbu talentfd and versatile d tor of your Red Spring depart mat. i ta wr . your rr eot corrcupoudeot bt'ore he stitd South. Tbi writer cau very eisilv occcpv th pomtion, bat can no more fill it tbau auv other ordi. uary man. It reminds us of au ecdote told ou Gaud Towmeud wtrnn clerk uf superior court dnr iLg the days of the lt political upheaval. A oertain fellow of the baser sort was appoiuted a justice of the peace and coming in the clerk's office asked to be qualified. The clerk told him that be could swear hiai in, but all nature couldn't qualify- him only Abe didn't exactly use the words, all natnrd. :f-;' Another bone of oooteotion be tween the upper and lower ends of the county was. unearthed, when the judge initrasted tbe i grand jury to recommend in their report, the building of a new court house; Wonder who instructed the judge. Among the pleasant visitors to, our town a few days, agp, was Mr. W. H. MoCallum, of Rowland. You'd have to go far and search ! earnestly to find a better and a truer man tbau William McCal- lum. Suob specimens are getting scarcer every day. If Judges would put whiskey sellers on the roadv, inatead of fining them a few dollars which they ean always very eaaily raise, the moonshine and blind tiger business would soon atop. We have aeen the thiDR tried. The high type of American atd British citizenship waa ahown in their refusal to attend the bull fights, gotten up for the edifica tion of delegates at Aigericas, Spain. , A oertain gentleman of our ac quaintance, remarked tne other evening when .we were looking fer Rev. Peter McQueen that be would like to attend the; lecture if ho thought he oould understand him. I suppose, he thought his lecture would be in Oalic. ' We were pleased to meet the new editor of The Robesonian for the first time a few days ago. He is a much younger man than we ex pected to aee at the helm -of so important a paper, but that don't oount anything these days', o The Greys and Bines are to meet at Fort Fisher next summer and after passing around tne pipe of peace will proceed to fight the battle over again. ' 'It is &, II. Sikea who' lives in Florals. Ala , bnt W. B. Siks hatls from Red Spriogr. onethird over las) year. The achool ia flooriahing It haa an enrollment of mors than a hundred.- .... . . Misses Treva and Allie, Malloy are en joying, the warm sunshine and balmy air of West Florida. " Mr, A. W.- Currie'ia thinking seriously, we think, about a trip at no distant day to Florida t,. - ' Mr. Vaodrne,' of New York, is the guest of Mr. R. A. McEacbero. WHO IS THE WIPE. OF LATE W Icci Interest kzzztl la Bjstery Ub- til Ireiit Fijetteillli. BELIEVED TO BE STILL ALIVE It Is Thought That He Is not Dead but Felgnlng-Work on Railroad Will Proceed New Paper Is sued at Fayetteville Local and Personal. FhmviIK FeK 12. Th .'ate E. B. Wt h filled no small sacb iu t-ub!cpru)t lu the last two wmk. Uimiittf rere Mine ynrs ago, he e-tsh lalitd fine plant in the ouukiru ol tee city, and latnr he moved into the ooun- try. H haa been umally spoken t( as manager of tb Weed Distil). iog Company, but having resigntd ki Jstnck holder and director a boat a year ago, he bad uo positio in the company afterwards. Weed lift here in D'cember, and in a day or two afterwards a telegram was received here announcing hit death" and stating that he died in a New York bopitai. Since to at time his wife, whom he married since coming hre, has resided at "The Pines," a fashionable wipter resort on Haymount. Oa Jan. 81. lfe claiming to be No. 1 arrived rom acksonvilt, Miobigan, where ihf claims to resiJe-with her father-m'-lawi and haying' with her papers substantiate her claim. Fairrng; tar? rsceive her ' Dace mber remittance of $50 from Mr. Weed she had written the Chief of Police here and learned of his death. After arriving here the made un successful attempt to aee wife no, 2, who pleaded nervousness as an excuse. It is said they have not yet met. lJ . .. The whole matter is a kind of mystery. The body was said to have been cremated. People here have begun to believe, he is not dead at all, but that it is trick to "start life anew, Tbe; question haa not yet been 'answered , Who ia the wife of E.B. Weed? i ; : The work will proceed at. oce on the construction of the Raleigh aV Southern Railroad company's line through "Myrtle Hill," the estate of Mrs. Eva Oothram, the injanctioo prohibiting same hav. tug been dissolved by Judge Jw." tioijat Lumberton Tuesday. W. C. Doulas, Etq., of Ral eigh, addressed a union concregs- tion at Haystreet Methodist church Sunday night on M Liquor and Law Enforcement. The Southern Esgb, au insur. anoe journal published by-tbe Southern Life Insurance Company, makes " its first appearance this feek. This oompaoy has wr tten n tnree montns one million one i - a . . ' ' lundred thousand dollars of in- uranoe. ., 1 The new steamer, C. W. Lyon f the Tar Heel Steamboat Co., it aid to be a splendid' boat. She rill undergo government inspect ion and begin a regular schedule etween Wilmington and Fsyette- ille this week. :': President W. L. Poteat, of Wake orest College was in the city s iiort while Saturday on hia return kom RbdVSpriDgs where he spoke tnda.juight." : )y-' - -r '4 ' Messrs. Jno. A. Oates and O. K. limocks attended the meeting of bd executive committee of the Itate Anti-Saloon League in Ral agh Thnraday. -' - Mr, E.IJ. Hutnpbre has been mite sick for a week, but is im iroving;,'. ( - LAND TRANSACTION. Qalie a Great Deal ol Seal Estate Change Hands. The following land transactions have been made . in the county since February let? J, T Williams to SaUia McCat- Iom, $S75; Mrs. Mary E. Barasa to D W. Millsaps, S40; Board , of Education to N. A. Mener, , $2 R. L. Bullock and wife to Beau fort Lumber Co., 1215 ; A. L. Jcnea to J. G. M cCormick. $120 M. L. Martey to D V. Walker. $150: Maxton Building & -Loan Association to Jno. Leach, $228 East Carolina Loan & Improve mentCo.,to D. F. Lowre, $2 Jno. M. McNairand wife to M. Murphy, $800; Jno. N, Seasoms and wife to Dr. J. D. McMillan, $250; J. 3. Rosier to R. A. Ro- tier, $150; R. H. Lewie to J. D. McMillan, $125; Harry Mercer te T. Purnell,$o; Troy Singtetary to Calvin Moore, $100; A. W. Mc Lean to Sam Dunnie and Harris Dunnie. $500: Jao. M. Buia to Margaret Buie, $118; M. D. A, MoDuffie to Lula McDuffie, $200; T. L. Grimsley, and wife to Sam Dunnie and Harris Duanie, $1,100; J. B. Allen to T. L. Grimsley, $1,100; C L. Allen to Thomas Allen, $150; Henry Bullok to L. O. Carlyle, $2,125; Henry Bui look to Bullock, a gift; N. D. Kelley to W. W. Eelly,l$10; R. F. MoDonald, to W, F. McDonald, $270 ;Jno. MoPhaul to Albwiy ngletary, $1,500; D. G. Robeson and wife to Albway 8ingletary, $60Cj?Jra Wilcox toMoDiarmid Williams Lbr. Co.: W. H. Mo Calium and wife to L. Z. Hedg path, $30 ; BA G. Worth to Martin McKinnon, $G00 ; Jno;, F: Mcln (Continued on 4tb page.) TOTAL ECLIPSE OF UOON . LAST FRIDAY UOBHfHG Few Stayed Awake to See Shadow Darken Face of the Fair Lma at Early Hour. There. was a total eclipse of the moon Thursday night, though few, if aoy.Lumberton people remained awake to aee it. The earth's shadow firat struck the moon at 12:57 a. m , Washington timr, and one hour later the entire surface was in eclipse. The moon was in dark ness for one hour and tbirty-oins minutes. The moon then began to emerge and was out of tbe slfadow at 4 :87 Friday morning, vj ; Oil on Southern Tour , The RevV P. R. Law, our cor- reapondent at Red Springs bss gone South on bis annual winter vacation. Oar readers in Southern States will no doubt be glad to see and meet bim aaain. Tbe editor received a pretty souvenir post card from him jes(erdsy stating that he arrived in. Jack sonville, Ffa., Friday. Delegates to Convention. Mr. I. E. Wishartj of this place, who has been a student of Wake Forest, during tbe past year,; has been appointed the fifth student delegate to the International 1 SI dents. Volunteer Convention, which meets in Nahville, Tenn. Febru ary 28th. to May 4th;, " : Engineers llefe to Survey. A parly of engineere are in. the oily working on the survey of the proposed railroad, to ruu from Fayetteville to Lumberton, being a part of the Raleigh & Cbarleaton railway.' ' There will be a Valentine party and - fruit and oyster supper at the grocery store of Mr. G.W, Jones op Seuths Elm street, on Wednesday night,' February 14th. PISTOLS USED III POfflCAL FIGHT POLICEUAH AUOSG ECUEZD Banc Dyer was Killed 1st a Fight Watch Stance by an Attach ass " MeKenna Soawc rorty Shots Were Flrcd-Several Made. - Arrests Savannah Ga., Feb 9. Partie-' ans of the two rival local political factions had a pistol fight this . afternoon in front of the City Fx- . change. "Babe" Dyer waa killed and .Frank Hagle, a bystander, waa - sbot through tbe eye, and in a criti cal conditon t Pnt Kearner. a - policeman off duty at the time, waa . shot through the neck, and 0. H. or "1380" Dver. waa shot twioa through the legs. 'li catcher" Dyer and Thomas Hewitt, a private detective, are on der arrest Besides those under: arrest. Besides those under arrest ' or wounded, those who participat ed in the shooting were Harbor ' Hester, James McBryde, his ton, ' Tim McBride, who is a clerk in hia father sofBee , Plumbing In- spector Richard MoEanaa, and James Cane, keeper of the polica ' atation. ?';"r ' It is not known definitely who - fired the ehots by which the kU lad and wounded were struck. Tka shooting; was general and about , forty shots were fired. The battle started when tho three Dyers tttaoked McKennav ' one felling him With a billy. The others came to the assistance of MoEenna. There had been a fight earlier in the day in the court house, when MeKenna beat Babe' Dyer with . a billy. This had followed a fight , in the court house on Wednesday last when two of the Dyer brothers fought with tbe police patrel driv er, Monroe Half a dozen pistols were then drawn, but no blood was shed. , MeKenna, at a late hour tonight' was reported to be in a precarious condition, v A report from the hoa pital stated that Kearney is suffer ing from paralysis aa a result of t his wound. The condition of Nagel also it reported worse than waa at first surmised. .Tonlgb t -the coroner's jury returned a ver diet that iBabf) Dyer came to hia death at the hatjds of parties to the jury unknown. "Sap" Dyer and "".Santcher" Dyer swore ont warrants against James McV Bride, Tim McBride' Sumes Lane and Pat Kearney, 'all of whom were arrested, charging them with . murder. When the verdict of the coroner'e jury was announced they were released, ' JIM CROW BULL PASSES BOUSE. R chmond, Va., Feb. 9.Tfce Birrett bill providing for seoara- tion according to racein street can and other public conveyance passed tbe House ( f Delegates to day. It extends oveo the entire State tbe operation of. .tbe Rich mond law which - secures separa tion of whites and blacks in street cars and public, halls practically lthont friction. Tbe Robesonian haa received a nnpy of tbe ''Oldest Inhabitant on Union Pacific," a large and, lean tiful picture issued bv the Union Pacific RailroadvCompaoy' .The picture represents a Isrge fcnffalo, whieH is fast becomicg extinct in the West. f 1 ' - -; v t i 4" f ) ' J 1 i ' t I)' A1