; h , ' THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. men, luilders and farmers' 1 . : ; : 1 1 r : : ffrfii. 500 BARRELS ANCHOR BRAND LIME. This is the Standard ltock Lime of America. It costs a little more and is worth a great &g deal more than other makes. Aiso 100 15arreis JxMUgii nrana 1 J i. "w M never heard of a Portland Cement claimed to bo better than LBHIQII. Wo have 100 SI Bushels Plaster Hair. These Goods are generally desired by best Workmen and Builders, and we make prices sau.tactory. FARMERS' GOODS. New Ground Plows, Chattanooga Plows, Dixie Plows, Sweep Plow Frames, Plow Castings, &c Several makes of Fertilizer Distributers, Cox Cotton nanters, iyicn jMmpse ouon Planter, and Farm Implements in general. ing. 500 BUSHELS BURT SEED OATS. This is Host Variety of Oats for Spring Planting as they can be cut in 90. days after sow b 500 Bushels WHITE SPRING SEED OATS and RED RUST PROOF SEED OATS. 6X 2 THE BEST SEED IRISH POTATOES. We have best Maino and Second Growth Stock, which give best results. jJ EARLY ROSE, WHITE BLISS, RED BLISS, EARLY OHIOS and JUNIOR PRIDE. CU j m FERTILIZERS FOR ALL CROPS. We furnish anything desired in this line, and of any analysis, and at THEIR TRUE ml WORTH AS TO PRICES. Of course a reasonable man demands bo more than yalue ie- Xjs -ceived we crive that. - itv AN IMMENSE STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Our Stock of General Merchandise is unsurpassed. Ladies' Goods, Ladies' Sumner n- derwear, Millinery, Etc. Men's, Boys' and Childrens' CLOTHING; Furniture, Cook Stores fn? and Household Supplies in general. . " stt l in Come to see us early in the SPRING TIME, and start business with your friends. c AL DWELL March 2nd, 1906. Ani vi F LUMBERTON, N.CAROLINA i 5 Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. tlnhealtby Kidneys Hake Impure Blood. All the blood in your body posses through your kidneys once every three minutes. 1 he kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neclected kidnc uble. KL . . 'rouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteriss. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. Ifyou are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderf ul cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a sample Dome Dy man hom of Smmp-Rmt. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. f ., on every bottle. Success ia Life. In a recent lecture to the stu dents of Aberdeen University on "The Basis of Success, "Sir Fred erick Treves, the eminent sur geon, denied at the outset that success in life depends largely on money, social position, influ ence, luck, or genius. Ample or even moderate means at the ca reer is a hindrance to indendent progress. It is often said that a man with money is better able to devote his energies to origni nal research, in as much he sper ed the unproductive drudgery in Yolyed in earning his daily bread. But that drudgery is not unpro ductive. As a matter of fact, the leisure of a man of means is de voted, as a rule, not to original research, but to golf or fly fishing. In the medical profession unarm ed money counts for nothing in the struggle to exceL "If it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven, it is," said the lecturer, "still harder for a man so burdened to enter with advantage upon the career of medicine. In like manner, neith er influence nor an initial social position is to be reckoned as con ducive to real success. It is a common plea faint-hearted that , success depends mainly on luck. I fam no believer in luck, and the man who is content to wait for a stroke of good fortune would probably wait until he had a stroke of paralysis. Luck in any serious profession means nothing more than the man to whom it comes is ready for an opportunity when it presents it- self. Most sagacious of all is the contention that success in a pro fession needs genius, (jrenius in its crude or native state is not wanted in the profession of medi cine, nor could it be said to be a marked attribute of those who have raised themselves to the higher position in that calling. The marvelous achievements of Harvey, Hunter and Lister were not the outcome of any brilliant flash of flenius nor of any inspi ration which was denied to less fortunate mortals, but were the product of slow, dogged per sistent work. Genius in a phy. sisian would be apt to give us flippancy, instantaneous diagno ses, the detection- of disease by instinct, and other astounding phenomena which one attributes rather to the charlatan. In like manner, brilliancy in a surgeon is a quality from the possession of which he might well pray to be saved In the days before anaes thetics the chief qualification of the operator was rapidity. Suc cess in surgery is measured now, not by the duration of the opera tion, but by the duration of the recovery from it. " What is really needed for success, it was held, is health, serviceable knowledge, sympathy, industry and honesty. Only a strong man can bear the bijrden of a really busy profes sional life. Baltimore Sun. Well Worlh Trying. W. H Brown, the popular pension attorney, of Pittsfield, Vt, sayi: ' 'Next to ft pension, the best thing to get is Dr. King's New Life Pills'"He writes: "they keep my family in splendid health." Quick care for Headache, Constipation and Bilons ness. 25c. Guaranteed at all drag tore. There will be rascals in the world just as long as there are fools in it. Our idea of a true friend is one who sees us only from our own viewpoint. A Safe Cough Medicine for Children Ia baying a oongh medioine for children never be afraid Co boy Oharaberlain's Ooogh Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is al ways rare to follow. It is espeoially valuable fer colds, croup and whooping ooogh. For sale by Dr. H. T. Pope & Oo.Dr R. G. Rozier, and H. B. Ward Farms Awaiting the Farmer. All over the country there are farms orying for tilling, and there are few responses. The lure of the city has absorbed thousands of the best young people of the agricultural district. If no plan is found for keeping young men and women on the farms, then a large scheme of emptying the cities of their poor and helpless should be evolved. It is one of the in comprehensible phases of the situ ation that, no matter how poor and suffering the average family of the oity slums may be, it pre fers to suffer the miseries of the tenements rather than go out into the country where healthful em ployment awaits all, and where the pure air wiil revive debilitated bodies and the sunshine win back the feeble tides of life. Kansas City Journal. Anyway, the Ohio man who was buncoed at the age of eighty-live live to enjoy a green old age. The Breath of Life. It's a significant fact that the strongest animal of its size, the gor illa, also has the largest longs. Power ful longs means powerful creatures. How to keen the breathing organs right should be man's chief est study. Like thousand of others, Mrs. Ora A. Stephens, of Port Williams, O ,f has learned how to do this She wrtes:'' Three bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery stopped my cough of two years and cured me of what my , friends thought consumption O. it's grand for throat and lungs troubles." Guaranteed by all druggists. Price 50o and $1.00. Trial bottles free, It's a wise mining stock that knows its own par. The Oood Old Way, A severe cold or attack of lagrippe is like a fire, the sooner you combat it the better your chances are to overpower it. But few mothers in this age are willing to do the necessary wotk required to give a good old-fashioned reliable treatment suoh as would be administered by their grandmothers, backed by Boschee's Ger man Syrup, which was always liberally used in connect ion with the home treat ment of colds and is still in greater house hold favor than any known remedy. But even without the application of the old fashioned aids German Syrup will cure a severe cold in quick time It will cure colds in children or grown people. It re lieves the congested organs, allays the irritation, and effectively stons the couch. child will take it. It is invaluable Trial sizebot Por sale by The C. W. Polvogt Company, Wilmington, N. C. Ours is the Largest and Handsomest Store not onlr in V ilmirigton, but probably in the State, and our Stock is at all times Full and '"omplete. It kclode ev.ery Article needed for Ladies' Wear and our Styles aua Prices are burh as to gratify snopper. jij- Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. SEND FO SAMPLES. GROUNDHOG SPECIALS 4,800 Bags Pure Kainit $11 oo 1.986 Bags S-4 4 Guano.. 12650 9,750 Bags 8-2 2 Guano f r8 00 2, 741 Bags ? 7 percent Acid Infoo 6,440 Bags 8-3-3 yuano ..$22 00 4.50 B gs 12 per, cent Acid iooo ; 0,219 uags 13 per cent acki H050 Shall Planters Pay Two Prices for Goods? Shall Planters bell Cotton at Half Price? " pw Ia a Planter's Dollar Equal to Others? w Mchl6 B. COOPER, Wilmin r Any ia a household of children, tie, 25c; regular size, 75c. Dr. J. D. McMillan It is impossible to tell how much a man is amused by the vol ume of laughter he lets escape. A liberal dose of printer's ink has kept many a man from mak ing a fool of himself the second time. Women would be crying nearly all the time if it didn't make their noses so red. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought A 1 7 silsk i our OwnDocton If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take It. If he has anything better, then take that. But we know what he will say; for doctors have used this cough medicine over 60 years. "I hre wed Ayei Cherry Psetont tot bard ooldf , bad coughi, and Influenza. It hu dona me Rreat food, and I believe it U the best cough medicine in the world for all throat and long trouble.''-. Eli V. Stuabt, Albany, Oregon. fill by J. O. eiyr Co.. LovtU, yers manntaotmre or 9 8AR8APARIUA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. ly'VZZ' - INI A SHss-n ..... Qimsr mnr- SEABOARD Air Line Railway Effective April 16th, 1905. DIRECT LINE TO PRINCIPAL CITIB NORTH, WEST AND SOUTH. BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEW YORK. NORTHWARD. No. 45. Lv Wilmington Lv Lnmberton Ar Hamlet 7 00 a m 9 55 am 11 02 a m No. 39. Lv Wilmington Lv Lnmberton Ar Hamlet, Lv Hamlet Lv Southern Pines Lv Raleigh Lv Norlina Ar PorU month Lv Richmond Lv Washington Lv Bajtimore Lv Philadelphia Ar New York 3 00 p m 5 26pm 7 35 P m 10 10 pm 11 30pm 1 25 a m 3 31 9 ooam 6 23 am 9 50am 11 30am 1 45Pa 4 15 pm SOUTHWARD No. 67 Lv New York Lv Philadelphia Lv Baltimore Lv Washington Lv Richmond Lv Portsmouth Lv Norlina Lv Raleigh Lv Southern Pines Lv Hamlet Lv Lumfcerton Ar Wilmington ia 50pm a 55 P 5 17 pm 7 25 p m 11 00 p m 9 30pm 1 57 am 4 15 am 6 20a ra. 8 40 a m 10 15 a m n 45Pm No, 44. Marion Iron Works, ush: We manufacture P oilers, Cotton Gins and Presses, and Machine Work. EnjjinRB nnd .caw Mills. We do General Repairs Agents for g in Foundry 3- 6 . Keep the bowels open with on of Ayer's Pills at bedtime. Just one. Japan's Little Bill to Korea. The Koreans seems to be a sus picious people. They think their Japanese friends are full of guile. Says the Korea Daily News: "Once upon a time Korea had a man-of-war. She was a collier, rminted white. She was at the outbreak of hostilities taken by the Japanese as a collier again. We have reason to believe that she is at the present time resting under some twenty fathoms of deep ' blue sea. The Japanese minister now has the effrontery to send the Korean government a bill for the maintaince of this phantom ship," The sphere of influence is not without its humorous side to the influence. ilii Lv Hamlet Lv Lnmberton Ar Wilmington 3 30 P 5 10 pm 7 50pm ATLANTA BETWSKN WILMINGTON AND SOUTHBOUND. Lv Wilmington B 00 m Lt Lnmberton IKpn Lv Hamlet 10 16 pa Lt Athena 6 08 a m Ar Atlanta, 8 40am NORTHBOUND. Lt Atlanta Lt Athens Lt Hamlet Lt Lumberton Ar Wilmington No.n. 00pm 11 31pm 4 40am 10 16 am 13.18 p m BKTWKKN WILMINGTON AND TAMPA. SOUTHBOUND. ACT 1 - ... T. Don't irown look pleasant, it yon are suffering from indigestion or soar . stomach, take Kodol Dypepsia Cure. I Hon. Jake Moore, of Atlanta, Ga. , says : "I suffeied more than 20 years with indigestion. A friend reoommed-n ed Kodol. It relieved me in one day and I now enjoy better health than for many years " Kodol digests what yon eat, relieves soar stomach, gas on the stomach, belching, eto Sold by The Pope Drag Oo. can easily be nisei with of the very best trade, for which the highMt price can be rotten at your warehouse, or from tobacco buyers if rib" rail fW wwlkJ before planting, Virjixia-Caraliaa Fertilizers. Use them arain as a top dresslnr, or seoond application. Then fertillaera are mixed by capable men. who hare Dro manna; zeruiuers au their lives. and contain phosphoric acid, potash ana mtrofen, or ammonia, In their proper proportions to return to your oil the element of plant-life that dbtb Doeu caxea nam it Dy continual cultivation. Aeoept no substitute. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Richmond. Va. Atlanta. Go- Norfolk, Va. Savannah. Ga. inirnam. n.u. Charleston, 8. C, Hontfromery, Ala. aiempnis, reno. Baltimore, Md. Bbreveport, La. 4 or niess Burssss Soretv Lt Wilmington Lt Lumberton Lt Hamlet Ar Columbia Ar Savannah Ar JacbsonTllle A t Tampa S 00 9 m fl 10 lopm 19 Hpm 4 Mam 8 Man e St p m NORTHBOUND. HoM Lt Tampa tt Jacksonville Lt Havannak Lt Columbia Lt Hamlet Lt Lnmberton Ar Wilmington Mam 1 Warn ' IS IS a m t Mam 8 Mam IS it am llpm aft on, timetables and Through Pnllman Sleepers on all trains. ror general lni Damuhlets. address J. 13. GATTI8. T. P A.. Raleigh. V.I. J, A. DOZIEK, Ticket Agent, Lnmberton, IT ABERDEEN AND . KOCKFISH RAILROAD CO. TIMB TABLB IN KF7XCTAU0. IB. 190. Dally except Bnnday. Mall and Express, No. I. Leave Aberdeen. 8 JO a. m.: leave LeavUia. 8. 48 a. m.; leave Junction, tM a. m.; leave Montrose, S.OO a.m.: leave Tlmberland, 8.16. m. ; leave RaetordSJUi a. m.: leave Pundar- rosh, B.B0 a.m.: leave Arabia,! 0.00 a. m. ; ken Rockflsh. 19.16a. m.s leave Treefall. 10.48 a. m.; arrive Hope Mills, 11.18 a. m. Daily except Sunday Mall and Express, No. 8, Leave Hope Mills. 1. 00 p. m.: leave Treefall. 1J0 u. m.; leave Rockflsh, 1.46 p. m.; leave . Arabia, 8,05 p, m.: leave Dundarroch, kjsV m.; leave Raeford. 8. 00 p. m.; leave Timber- ana, s.w p. m.; leave Monirese, 1 .so p. nJ.: eave Junction, 8.48 p. m.; leave Leevitta, t.ie . m.; arrive Aberdeen, 4.96 p.m. -All trains comic over Bethesda' Hillmnst be under perfect control. O. N. BLUK, uenerai enpennienaenii Approved: JOHN BLUI, Presides -

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