V ' V . ' "'m' i,"',! ''H ' V V ' J, ' THE SEUI-WECKLY R0BEC01II 1 njMMrviir'MiryanW)irivitiai1 uilders and Farmers' Hoods erf 4 'is! deceived t f - - c -This is tlio Standard Jlock J1 " fc5 deal more than other makes, n S never hoard of a Portland Cement claimod to bo hotter than LEHIGH. We have 100 $n Bushels Plaster Hair. Those Goods aro generally desired by best Workmen and Builders, !&3 and we make prices satisfactory. y FARMERS' GOODS. I , V'7 ; S -ONew Ground Plows, Chattanooga Plows, Dixie Plows, Sweep trf- Planter, and Farm Implements in general. UW This is Post Variety of Oats for Spring Planting as they can ingv 500 Bushels WHITE March 2nd, 1906. A. C. L SURGEONS MEET AT TAMPA. Dr. and Mrs. Brown, ot Ash pole Among Tbose Who Attend. Specii'' .. of The Bobesonian: As., le, Sunday March IS. -Off and away via. Atlantic Coast Line for Tampa, Florida, to attend the A., C. L. Surgeons' Meeting. First a disappointment' as Mr. and Mrs. White, of Lum berton, who were to be with us, were not to be found aboard. Doctors and doctors' wives in plenty and everybody in a good humor. We slept in a box on the shelf last night, but are right side up and hungry bright and early. Way cross, the well known, the lirst place we view. Of Jacksonville nothing was seen but distant views. We hope to take it all in later. Dr. Law has recently given such entertaining descriptions of Florida, we can not undertake to lo so. There is one thing which must be said of Florida though. She is strictly on the level. Mile after mile of hammock land cov ered with scrub palmetto passes before our eyes, but occasionally come glimpses of the royal St. John and lovely blue lakes smil- ing in Southern sunshine, which repay for all. The dust and heat are but incidentals, by the way. Three Pullman cars full of doctors and wives and daughters, .and it is really remarkable what an extremely fine looking, intelli gent crowd we are (with excep tions'.) The Doctors talk "shop"' in the intervals of admiring looks from the windows, while the wives silently admire their wise part ners, or gather in clans to dTs cuss numerous affairs. Dress seems scarcely interesting ixt haps, because most of us have a few more gray hairs than we redly desire. The train is, as usual, badly behind, and the day passes by. We view many pretty towns. Kissiuiee City being to our oyos the prettiest. The lake, wit Ii ih, sunset shining on it. Iving a glimpse of Paradise. The perfume of the tn-m.j-c blossoms creeps through the v',n- .dows and looking out we see bushels of the golden balls on the trees and ground, making us all hungry to try them. It is 10:30 p. in. by our time, 0:30 by Southern time. We reach the hotel, brilliantly lighted, with - freavenly music, pretty girls dressed in white.; What more can man want? Some of the Doctors begin to wish they had rTVS Caldwell & 500 BaRRELS ANCHOR BRAND LIME. Lime of America. It costs a little aiso iuu Barrels ix?nign nranu UJLLJJ-IO UUXVX lOililli-' SPRING SEED OATS and RED left their wives at home! A de liriously comfortable nights rest and we are ready for the meeting which opens at 10 a. m., with handsome Southgate Leigh, M. D., of Norfolk, Va., in the chair. Dr. G. G. Thomas, of Wilming ton, being the head and moving spirit of this association it can but be a success. The address of welcome by W. U. Fuller, president of Tampa Board of Trade, and the- presi dent's address are much enjoyed by all and especially the ladies who have gathered in to hear. In fact the ladies are mucli in evi dence. We were presented with pretty badges and are invited to join the trolley ride this after noon and the Bay excursion to morrow. The Robeson county contin gent are enjoying it all. They are Doctors Frank and Luther Mc Millan, of Red Springs, and J. P. Brown, of Ashpole, and Doctors Hall, of Boardman, and Withers, of Chadbourn, representing Co lumbus, all their wives being present. Tampa Bay Hotel we cannot undertake to describe this, the finest hotel we ever saw. Every thing a guest may need, or thinks he needs, seems provided for, and the grounds are superb. Plants, herbs and flowers from all over tne world are growing with neighborly friendliness by the side of towering palmettos which look centuries old. Nas turtiums, flox, roses and other summer flowers are in full bloom. And now one last thing to tell you. Amid all this grandeur we don't feel near as green as we expected, which goes to show that Robeson folks have plenty of "grit and gumption," and are not to be overpowered by the splendors of the mighty rich. Wednesday, March "21. A beautiful morning,and we've been out walking and selecting a few souvenirs. The meetings are proving very interesting and helpful to the doctors. I wish we were wise enough to write them up for you. The discuss ions are open and free and all seem pleased. Dr. Estes, a noted surgeon of Bethlehem, Penn., give a splendid address on cra nial fractures. Dr. Taylor, of New York, is also a visitor. Dr. Tilo; tlier". the ! ' chief vsurgoon, is here, tv v."he;-' " looking after re and com fort of ev- eryoiv. Taiv jo -The.troli.'.v ; noon was i lull and over the line. W t iv;;l ing r,s .yally. 'ah yesterday al't.er lightful. Two cars were, taken all over stopped at the larg- est cigar factory and saw7 hun dreds of Cuban young people at work. Such a chatter of Spanish! I concluded not to air my knowl edge of the language to them. We saw also the Cuban park of palmetto groves and dancing pa- C more and uk worth ft great roniauu wmenv, vo yo Plow Frames, Plow Castings, VliAtJ. be cut in 90 days alter sow- RUST PROOF SEED OATS. AQl VI F villions where their pleasures are spent. The girl from Wil mincrton almost decided she would take a Cuban baby home with her as a .souvenir, but con cluded he would be a rather lively one. They are pretty little yellow things with such beautiful black eyes. I always thought a little darkey lying in the sunshine a perfect picture of content until I saw the little alligators in the pool of the fountain here at Tampa Bay Hotel. Did you ever hear the expression, "Wouldn't give a darn?" Well, I'm not at all in the habit of "cussin," but ac tually that is what came into my mind as I saw them stretched out in the warm, sunny water. I had a little boy poke one of the little rascals with a stick, and he stalked off into deeper water with the most disgusted expression on his face? that was ever seen. We are having some of the finest music I ever heard. The orchestra of seven pieces is worth the trip to hear. Tomorrow night Nordica.the world famous singer, will appear here. The opera house is connected with the hotel. I would give much to hear her, but that Doctor of mine would rather hear me, so we'll not stay for it. There is to be a river excur sion tomorrow to see the Mana tee river orange plantations, con sidered the finest in Florida. Many will stay for hV, but we leave tonight for Jacksonville and hope to visit St. Augustine the next day. It is late afternoon a I com plete this. The Surgeons' meet ing is about ready to adjourn. The election of officers makes president fer next year Dr. Bul lock, of Wilmington, well known and greatly beloved by Robe sonians. The l'oll complete makes more than one hundred and twenty five doctors present, most , of them accompanied by ladies, yet we are not crowded. This house contains about four hundred and fifty rooms, and really if 1 had money to burn" I should select this as a very good place to burn it. There are a great many at tractions, besides the alligator. Mesdames McMillan, of lied Springs pass-mo often in the cor ridor with sniiks as wide asinine and 'arms full of bundles. They j are evident ly taking it al! in and getting a great, deal of enjoyment -at of the process. Florida is line but Rolvson is better, for a steady stay, so we shall not be sorry to return. F. S. B. A Safe Cough Midicine for Children In buying a conga medicine for childrea never be afraid to buy Chamberlaia'a Ooagk Remedy. Tfcert is mo danger Croat it and relief is al ways nri to follow. It is especially Talaable far ooUs,roaBid whoorlng ecagfc. Far sale by Br. S. . Papa A 0iOr ft. a. Starlar, ant B. S. Yarl THE We have best Maine and Second Growth Stock, which give best results. GENUINE KARLY ROSE, WHITE BLISS, RED BLISS, EARLY OHIOS and JUNipR PRIDBl g' FERTILIZERS FOR ALL CROPS. to gg We furnish anything desired in this line, and of any analysis, aid at THEIR TRUE foil WORTH AS TO PRICES. Of course a reasonable man demands no more than value W- VSw ccived we, give that. ' AN IMMENSE STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. j uur oiock oi uenerai iviercnanaiso is unsurpassed, ladies uoods, Jjaaies Bummer rjn- gM derwear, Millinery, Etc. Men's, Boys' and Childiens' CLOTHING; Furniture, Cook Stovee and Household Supplies in general. Come to see us early in the SPRING TIME, and start business with your friends, LUMBERTON, N. C A Farms Awaltlna the Farmer. All over the oountry there are farms crying for tilling, and there are1 few responses. Ine lure of tbe city has absorbed thousands of the best young people of the agricultural district. If no plan is found for keeping young men and woman on the farms, then a large scheme of emptying the cities of their poor and helpless should be evolved. It is one of the in comprehensible phases of the situ ation that, no matter how poor and suffering the average family of the city slums may be, it pre fers to Buffer the miseries of the tenements rather than go out into the country where healthful em ployment awaits all, and where the pure air wiil revive debilitated bodies and tbe sunshine win back the feeble tides of life. Kansas City Journal. Most men would rather have a measly political job and starve to death than to get a good living by work. The (lood Old Way. A severe cold or attack of lasrrippe is like a fire, the sooner you combat it the better your chances are to overpower it. But few mothers in this age are willing to do the necessary wok required to Rive a good old-fashioned reliable treatment suoh as would be administered by their grandmothers, backed by Boschee's Ger man Syrup, which was always liberally used in conned ion Hth the home treat ment of colds and issiill in greater house hold favor than any know n remedy. But even without the app'ication of the old fashioned aids Gerniau Syrup will cure a severe cold in quick time. It will cure colda in children or grown people. It re licea the congested organs, allays the irritation, and effectively stops the tough. Any child will ake it. It is invaluable in a household oi children 7 rial sie Dot tle, 25c; regular fcize, 75c. Vor wile by Dr. J. D, McMillan A tramp works hard trying to avoid work. A little taffy is apt to make silly people appear stuck up. If tou are troubled with Pilei aa can't find a cure, try Witch Hazel Salve, but be sure yon gat that nade byE O DeWittt & Co., Chicago. It ii the Original- If yon have ased. Witch Hazel Salve without being re lieved it is probable that you got hold of one of the many worthless counterfeit! that are sold om tbe re potation of the genuine DeWitt' Witch Hazel Salve. Dr. H T. Pope A woman hardly ever lias to tell a fib twice to make herself believe it. Doa't frown look pleaBant If you are Buffering from indigestion or sour stomaoh, take Kodol Dypepsia Cure. Hon. Jake Moore, of Atlanta, Ga , says: "I Buffeted more than 20 years with indigestion. A friend recommed-n ed Kodol. It relieved me in one day and I now enjoy better health than for many years " Kodol digests what yea eat, relieves soar stomach, gas on the stomach, belching, etc Sold by The Pope Drug Co. C ASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A lunatic's train of thought is unusually on the sidetrack. There is a lot more f tin running into debt than.crawlingont. BEST SEED IRISH POTATOES. The C. W. Polvogt Company, Wilmington, N. C. Ourt is the Largest and Handsomest Store not nnlv in w ilmington, bi t If My in the State, and oik Stock is at all times Full and Complete. It i-c'tie vrr Article needed for Ladies' Wear and our Styles an Price re suh as ratify Shopper. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. SEND FOR SAMPLES. GROUNDHOG SPECIALS 4,800 Bags Pure Kainit. u 00 I 1,986 Ra;? 8 4 4 Guanr. .'.e'so 9,750 Bags 8-2 2 Guano ji8 00 2,740 HaKs 17 per cent Acid. $1300 6,440 Bags 8-3 3 Guano $22 00 I 4.850 n .gs i? per cent Acid jio'oo 8,219 Bl8s '3 per cent Aci $10 50 " Shall Planters Pay Two Prioes for Goods? Shall Planters Sell Cotton at'nlf Pric? Is a Planter's Dollar Equal to Others? L W. B. COOPER, Wilmington, N. Mch lfi i f Marion Iron Works, MrN s We manufacture Poileis. Erg're3 i'kI aw Mil's Acrfnt for Cotton Gins and PreiSfS VNe do On. r u llrphirs in Foundry and Machine Work. 3-16 Religion is a guod thing, but it doesn't cut a very wide swath in a ho:re trade. StarVing to Death. Br cause her storrach was so weak ened by useless drugging that soe could net eat, Mrs Ma y H. Vt-i f, of St. Clair St., Columbus. O.. wan literally starving to death. She writes: "My stomaoh was so weak from u- 1es drugs that I oould not eat and. my nervs so wretched that I could not sleep; and not before I was given up to die was I indueed to try Electric Bitters; with the wonderfol res-ult that improvement began at oner, nnl a complete cure followed." Bfft health Tonio ou earth 60c Outran teed by all drupgiit Most people aro two-faced snd a few aro throo-faced. One would think the Laxative idea ii a oongh syrop should have been ad vanced long before it was. Jt eecim the on!y rational remedy for Cough! and Golds would be to niovo the bow els and clean the muoous niembrautt of tbe throat and lungs at the sann time. Kennedy's Laxative Honey aDf Tar does this It is the original Lsx tive Coughs, Oromp, Whooping Coughs etob. Tastes good and harmless. Solo by The Pope Drug Oav The less a man knows more suspicious he is. the R O L I N A. can easily be rained with regular, even stands, and of the very best grade, for which the highest prices can be irottenat your warehouse, or from tobaoco buyers if you will, a few weeks before planting-, liberally use VirpaiaCaroIina Fertilizers. TJse them ajraln as a top dressing, or second application. These fertilizers re nuxea oy capaDle men, who have been making fertilizers all their lives, and contain phosphoric acid, potash and nitrogen, or ammonia, in their proper proportions to return to your soil the elements of plant-life that have been taken from It by continual cultivation. Accept no substitute. Vlrglola-Carollna Chemical Co., Richmond, Va. Atlanta. Ga. Norfolk. Va. Savannah, Ga. Durham. N. C. Montgomery. Ala. ChM-leston. S. 0, Memphis, Ten. Baltimore, if d.' BtuWert LaT I FoiEYsnoirErmi -HasasssisilBBtBSSr? fcXi.,,iul