THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. r - LOCAL IMDPERSONALr figga 12 cents Cotton to day, 11 oents. ' W. A. Graham, of Rennert, was here Friday. R F Gregory, of Raft Swamp, was in town Saturday. Mr. R. T. Drauhan, of Row land, was here Saturday. ' Mr. J. C. Duncan, of Hanllet, was here on business Friday. v Mr. R. J. Roberts and son, of Tolarsville, were in town Friday. . Mr. Giles Robertson and son, of Rowland, were here Saturday, Mr. A. W. Wheeler, of Raleigb, was in town on business Thurs day. Mr. J. L. Monroe, of Elrod, was among recent visitors in the city. Mr J. Dickson, McLean, , of Maxton, spent Friday in Lum- Jberton. Mr. Ira B. Townsend went to Rockingham Thursday afternoon on business. Mrs. T. A. Norment. of Wil mington, is visiting her sister Mrs. C. H. Durham. Mr. W. P. Jenking.who resides on Lumberton R. F. D. No. 3, was in Lumberton on business Satur lay. Miss Mattie Williams McLean of Maxton, spent Thursday in Lumberton as the guest of Mrs A. W. McLean. . Mr. E. G. Cipher returned last week from Washington city, where he spent several weeks visiting relatives. Mr. N. D. Johnson returned to the city Friday, after an absence f several days spent at Parkton and Red Springs. Miss Alma Rancke left yester day morning for Chadbourn, where she will spend several days visiting relatives. Mr. A. W. Peace, assistant manager of the Southern Life In surance Company, Fayetteville, wa s here Thursday. Messrs. J. L. Townsend, of McDonalds, D. C. Dew, of Red Springs, and J. A. Humphrey, of Buie, were here Saturday. Mr. Wade Britt, manager of the Spencer House Furnishing Com pany, Spencer, N. C. was here Friday as the guest of friends. Capt. E. R. MacKethan, of Fay etteville, ex-representative from Cumberland, was here Saturday, in the interest of the United States Realty Company. The1 new bridge over Lumber river near Bryant's Brothers saw. miljf is now open for traffic. The bryige will, no doubt, prove quite a convenience to the public. United States Commissioner B. F. McLean and Mr. Leon T. Gook, of Maxton, were in Lum berton, Thursday to attend the meeting of the Robeson Bar. Mr. E. E. Page has sold out his fruit and fancy grocery business and gone back to his first line. ' He is now soliciting insurance for the Southern Life Insurance Co. Among Fridays 's visitors to Lumberton were Major W. G,f Hall and Mr. D. A. Shaw, of Pern.' broke; Messrs. Lewis McLean, of Maxton, S. W. Odum, of Rich. ardson and Glover Hodgin, of Antioch. Messrs. J. G. McCormick and R. E. Lee left Saturday evening for Asheville to be present at the hearing before Judge Pritchard of motions in the matter of the Southern Saw Mills Lumber Company. Mr. G. B. Costin, assistant superintendent of the Metropoli tan Life Insurance Company, re turned Saturday from Baltimore, where rite went a few days ago." Mr. Costin on his return was ac companied by Mrs. Costin and two children, who, with Mr. Cos tin Will make ' Lumber toif their future home. -Al n-J. F-Stephens, of Orrjama was in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. White left yesterday morning for Wilming ton. Mr. O.'J. Peterson has gone to are both from the University and Tenn.. on a business came here as a matter oi con venience. They are: Hr. Nor- Two aNewJbiwycrs For Durham. Durham, March 20.-Two new lawvers were today given the oath and permitted to practice in this State. These young men Jackson, trip. Mrs. Manly will leave in a few days for a stay of some time in Florida. Mr.'C. P. McAllister, who has been in school in Davidson Col- man Alexander lpwnsena, or Robeson county, and Mr. Thomas William Simmons, of Swnpson county. They received their li cense at the last sitting of the I Supreme court and are now lege, arrived in Lumberton Sat- studying for a degree in law at urday morning, after a few days the State University. In receiving spent in Greensboro. He wjll be the oath as lawyers Mr. J. Craw at home for several days. for(j Biggs, of this: city, stood Messrs. Caldwell & Carlyle sponsor for them and adminis- will have their millinery opening tered the three oaths taken by on Tuesday and Wednesday, the each one. Cor. Charlotte Obser 3rd and 4th of April. They will ver. have It's Good To know a good Drug Store where you can defend ongel .ting Good Service and Good Materials without paying too "Good a Price." - - - - We're waiting for an .oppor tunity to show you how well we can serve you. -Yours to Please, Dr. J. D. Mcllillan 4 Son DRUGGISTS, Lumberton, N. 0. Feb 6th. " an advertisement of their spring line of goods in the next issue of The Robesonian. BUSINESS BUILDERS PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. From Durham Herald. a Mr. jacKson nas oeen ap pointed postmaster at Hender- sonvWe which is another victory for somebody. There is perhaps no doubt but that it was Mme. Bernhardt's farewell performance in Asheville and Salisbury. The political rings might put up better men for office if they knew you would refuse to vote, for the other kind. If it does not pan out as Mr Jordan predicted he can at least claim that farmers did not act upon his advice. It is perhaps a fact that the putting of some republicans in jail is the only way to keep them from scrambling for office. If temperance was making as rapid progress as is prohibition the whiskey business would be on the run sure enough. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Lumberton, N 0., postoffioe, Moh. 26,1906 If not called for in one week will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, Washington, D. C. Parties call ing will please say advertised. Pink K Barker, James Byrd, J Stevenson Browne, Mrs Flora Browne, Thos Byum, Clark W Davis, Miss Lucy Howell, Miss wanted experienced man TO Try an ad in tbia column at live ceota per iue for each insertion, whether it is a house to rent, something you have tor sale, or something von want to buy, The Robesonian Want Column will bring the results. MONEY TO amounts on Stephen Mclntyre. LOAN IN SMALL real estate. Apply to 5-i6tf Jennie Johnson, W C LaWson, Bertie McMillan. Miss Annie L McLean, Miss Jannie Seacious. R M. Norment P. M. Make Tar one who understands his business. Address me at Marion, S. C, Xev. H. Wright. Well Worth Trying. W. H Brown, the popular pension attorney, of Pittefield, Vt. , says: 'Next to a pension, the best thing to get is Dr. King's New Life Pills "He writes: they keep my family in splendid health." Qoiok cure for Headache, Constipation and Bilous ness. 25c. Guaranteed at all drag tore. LUMBERTON MARKET. DR. W. H. WAKEFIELD, OF CHAR- lotte, N. C, will be in Lumberton, at Dr. Pope's office, Wednesday, April ir, for one day ocly. His practice is limit ed to Bye, Bar, Nose and Throat, and Fitting Glasses. 3i6-td FULL LINE EASTMAN KODAKS and Supplies. Remember, "If isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak. McLean Rosier Company. 3-13 BIGGEST LINE GOLD AND SILVER Watches in town McLean-Rozier Company. 3-13 LARGEST DISPLAY OF JEWELRY, Silverware and Cut Glass Wedding Presents ever shown tn Robeson Coun ty. McLean-Rozier Company. 3-13 Beef tredh per pound 9 16 Cotton per pound 10 . Corn per bupbel 75 Fodder per hundred J.OO Hams per pound. 10 12 Sides - 12 Shoulders 10 Kggs - 15 Chickens grown 2636 Chickens, fries - 16 Pi Turkeys 76 1.E0 And suppose the governor does per pound -so a :eawu per pouna Tallow per pound 6 Er ..; 1.0 Mr. Hearst wants to be gover nor of New York, but this can be explained by the fact that there is nothing else to run for just now. BUY A LOT IN LINDELL. LUMBERS m KAn..:f1 .-. . I. V U .1. 3 ucauui ui uui iut:i 11 suuuru, Willi rent money, and you will own a home and also have an investment continual. ly increasing in value. Apply to A. W. McLean or A. E. White for term. 2-6 WATCH LINDELL GROW! BUY A lot for cash or on easy terms, and your invt stt'ient will double in value in a short nmc See A. E. White or A. W McLean for terms. 2 6 spend a good portion of his time out of his office it will not hurt. those who want pardons to wait. Mr. Jerome is suing Mr Hearst's New York papers for ibel which, of course, causes many to wonder what they said about him. The republican who can get an office in this state iust now and have nothing said about it is en tirely too good for this world. It appears that about every body in this section of the State knew tnat ur. -ftiattnews was crazy, and yet he was allowed to run at large and practice medi cine. We are surprised to learn that the democrats are abusing the republicans. We thought they were standing by and enjoying the abuse the republicans were heaping upon each other. wiosD lowns winK at uie nouses of ill fame, claiming that they are a necessary evil, but if this is the case why not be honest about it and repeal all laws aimed at their suppression. COLUMBIA HOTEL FOR RENT. For terms see B. Godwin, Lumberton, N. c. 1-2-tf GOOD PICKLES 57 Varieties. 1 FOR RENT. uOOD, LARGE STORE- room. Formerly occupied by the firm of O. C Norment & Co. Reasonable price. Apply to B. Godwin, Lumber- tor, N.C. 12 tf BUILD A HOUSE IN LINDELL TO live in or to rent. We will sell yon the lot and help you build a bouse. Apply to A. W. McLean or A. E. White for terms. 2-6 FOR RENT STORE ROOM IN Co lumbia Hotel Building. Apply to B Godwin. 2-13 HEINZ Chow Chow Vp(jetab'rs ("elected with especial fan ana prepared with a dressing of mu. -taid. spices and mellow Malt Vinegar, '(hetlavnr of such things are rattier hard to describe of uouree, bu Heinz Chow Chow Is good enough to warrant us in refunding money to those who do not like Heinz Goods .We have full stock FIVE NICE BUILDING LOTS FOR Sale at a bargain in N rib-East Lum berton, known as the Higley property. Must be sold at once. For terms apply to A. E. White, Lumberton, N. C. 2 9 J. II. WISIIART The Implement Co 1302 Main St, Richmond, Va. Have issued a hew and interesting Catalogue telling all about the best 7 Time, Labor and Money Saving Farm Implements. It gives descriptions and prices of Corn and Cotton Planters, Wheel & Disk Cultivators, Farm Wagons, Engines, Baggies, Sorries, Harness, Saddles, V. Crimp & other Roofing, - Barb Wire, Fencing, etc. " Fanners will get the best Farm Implements on the market and save money by sending us their orders. Write for our Catalogue. . Mailed free on request. Land for Sale. I offer for sale for cash or on easy terms, the following lands in Robeson County, North Carolina, Blue Springs Townunp: First Tract: 132 acres, mom or less, ad joining the lands of J no. A,. McNeill, the old saw mill tract ef B. F. Barnard, the McCaskill tract, now Blue, Livingston and others. Second Tract: 260 acres, more or less. on both sides of the Aberdeen and Rock Fish Railroad, adjoining the lands of G. "W. Maxwell, J no. Mclnaia estate and others. Third Tract: Containing. 33 acre', ad joining the lands of B, F. Barnard and others. 'All of said three tracts above mention ed being that part of the New Garden lands now owned by Mrs. Lina A. Mc Fourth Tract:. Adjoining the lands of M. A Clark and others, and ly ing on the westside of Big Middle Swamp formerly owned by J. v. alcLeod, aad now belonging to the heirs of T. Dickson McLean, containg 50 acres mere or less. Fifth Tract: -137K -acres about one mile north of Red Springs, adjoining the lands of A. T. McCallum, D. G. Robeson and others, about 75 acres of which is cleared and npoa which is situate a good three room tenant bouse. For further information apply to A. W. McLBAN, Lnmbe ton. N. C. Jan 19-if DolVltt's Salro Fop PBasy Duma, Sore $50.00 Due Bills We notice that several Piano concerns are ottering due bills for different amounts to per sons making the most words out of letters contained in the firms name. These coupons to apply as a payment when the person holding the cou pon is ready to bay from them. We will accept coupons given by any Piano firm as pay- mention the Artistic Stieff, ""SEaw 01 any Piano we sell. ""Write for information. Send in your coupons. CHARLES M. STIEFF, Manufacturer of the Piano With the Sweet Tone. Southern Waxeroom 5 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, . Manager. MONET AT SIX PER CENT ! We furnish our Customers with Money at Six Per Cent to meet their business requirements. No oustomer has ever had reason to complain of our failure to furnish him money either in good or bad times. We make no promises that we do not fulfill. Our security to depositors, and oar assets are much larger than any other Bank in this County or section. :. ; : : : For this, and many other good reasons, it is to your interest to deal with as. If yon have not done so, cpen an account with us, and join our host of pleased customers. : : : t The Accounts of Farmers receive our Special Attention. The Bank oi Lumberton, C. B. TOWNSEND, Cashier, J. P. 8TAK8EL, Asst. Cashier. A. W. McLEAN, Pres. R. D. CALDWELL, Vice-Pres. 40 YEARS OLD! I JiacoBn STANDARD FOR QUALITY The Axe Of Tour Childhood. Tried arid Found True. When you want a relia ble Aao, call for "THE JACOBI." Don't take any ''Just as good." For sale by the Leading Merchants of Robesor County. N.JACOB I HARDWARE CO Wilmington, : : : : : N. O. One Year's Growfttii. Loans and Discounts Total Deposits Total Assets We give below a comparative statement of our condition at the close of business at the time of our last published statement, and for the same day one year ago. January 29th, 1905. January 29th, 1906. $51,320.23, $91,135.33 24,934.99, 112,393.09 68,796.24, 163,460.74 Gain in assets or resources during the year, $94,664.54. We extend every courtesy. consistent with safety, and solicit a share of your banking business. The First National itank. OP LUMBERTON, N.O. MELLHMEMY 0PEMMG2 . HOLUSTCH'S .tosky Mountain Tea Nuggets a Sir Xedida for Duj FmI. Tiring GaMw fiotttih Bcaowtl Vigar. . floecJflc tor CiUKtloillon, irxllfrMttoB. EJv Mi KMoay Trouble, rinp'e. Ecremfc, Impure , .fl, U-wi Breath. Kia?ih Bowel, Headache . t Uaekor-'Ao. It Unclrjr UotiDftlB Tc t itv . tr-w. hi cntn a tax, ' jiiue nxuto b) imwti'i Dhoo Compaxv, Mittli'u, Wia. wsiiCN fJVjr.GZTS FOB SALLCT OMJ To The Ladies: We wish to say that Bessie Cash has returned from Balti more, where she has been for some time, buying and prenarinc: Hats for the Spring Season of 1906. We wiH, have our opening on Friday, March. 30th, When Miss Cash will be delighted to show you the Newest Styles and Latest Ideas ia Spring Hats In addition to this Department, we desire to show you tit "Swellest" Line of Spring and Summer Dress Goods ever brought to Ashpole. Come to See Us on That Day Friday, March 30. FLOYD k THOMPSON, ASHPOLE. N. C. fl Tfilno 0! Btiautu Is fl Jou Forever. Our Photographs are Beautiful and Life-like, finished in the most up-to-date styles. Come and see our work. We make Family Groups, Views, Eta Come while the weather is pleaa- aot and bring the little folks. , E. J. WATTS, - ...... i LUMPEBTON ART PTUDIO. Over Pope's Drug Store. who's your Barber? For the Best and Moat Prompt Service, Most Polite Attention, go to LEAK BROTHERS, Lflmberton'g Expert Tossoriil irts, The latest and Most Approved Fb fores. located aezt door above McAllister Hardware Company.' Give na your patronge. TMC ORIGINAL. LAXATIVE COUOH 8YXUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE HONEY-TAB Cc4 Clover Bb qa mi Boaey Bc a Cmr SoflK ,