V. ' 4 I i-i V iff! V ' - t ' k , ," 'v s 1 ,J .1 fJ '"l' ( ' v. , w: . ; ; v " V 7 ' ' J (!,,-: .'v: . .. S' Si WAYS OF THE SIBERIANS.1' - ' ' ' ' ' S vV;' tmg, M mCrcury wiltsordTde.troy tbtsse TjtritJnr Phss of Llfs of Thi (. x t ! ' ' . v - ' to be of smell and completely derange th PaonU Ar Told in Book on 't"" ' """""m ' i-.irX. r- .V - :.: ' V": BeWttt 5? DaWttt Istfcs ssmetolsokfor '.; Ki o tt bay Wttek nnw sarva. Witt's WttcJl Hod Sah I tb erlefmi see ah wwli ha DeWttt'Sls ths only Witch Hnti Safes ; that is rasas iron lh snadoltaratad fll AH others ar counterfeit be Imi tations, cheap and worthlea area daateroua. DeWltt'i Witch HazalSalvs I a specific lor Piles: Blind, Blaadlnt. ' Itchlnf and Protruding Pltoa. AtaoCuta, Bums, Bruise. Sprains, Lacerations, Contusions, Boils, Carbuncles. Eczema, Tetter. Salt Rheum, sad all other Skis For Sale by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. PROFESSIONAL GAPS. K A. McLean. ' A.W. McLean. J. G. McCormick. mcleai, icleak 4 Mccormick, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON. - N C. Offices on tnd floor of Bank of Lum berton Building, Rooms 1, 2, 3, & 4 Prompt attention given to all business. E. BRITT, Attorney at Law, 1 LtJMBERTON, N. C. Office upstairs in Argus Building. All business promptly transacted. Mclntyre & Lawrence Attorneys and Counselors at Law, LUMBERTON, : : N. C. Wishart & Shaw, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON. N. C. Office in Shaw Building. Practice in all the Conrts. E. J. BRITT, ArroitNEv at Law, Lumberton, N. C. Office over Pope's Drug Store. McLean & Black, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MAXTON, N. C. Office on and ftoor McCaskill'BuUdiBg, IRooms 6-8. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ILumberton, : : : : "N. '0. Office nextdoot above -Savings! Bank. a. t. alien. r. d.oastikbWy. Drs. Allen & Gastldbury, Dentists, LUMBERTON, TM. C. Office over Dr. McMillan's' Drug Store. Phones Office, 45 ; 'Residence, 94. DR. J. D. JHEQAN, DENTIST, Lumberton, - N. 0. Office in Shaw bwikHng, drug store. over Pope's Dr. F. K PITMAN, DENTHST, Ash pole, " N,jo urn- g Country. Dlaaaaaa. ;Dr. R. B r I ttt00 adcLeod Building, Pbon- A 'Can be found atiaigbt at residence '"formerly occupied by sjlr., George M. VTaiweici. OPEN LETTER To!Wr. A . J. McKImwi rQnern-lUtf'BullolVVoods-FcarttlnBsr. A.J-vMcKinnon, Treas. jSiQutberii Exchange Co.. Maxton, N. C. Dear (Sip I used 50 bags of your Gu ano, tiiaU of Woods, and am bound to say I got better. results from it than any Gu ano I ever jused. I used it for Potatoes and Cotton. J, have the best crop on my place this year )I have had in 20 . years My neighboreadily tell me this and asks me why it is, ad il tell them I cant see any other rent yply I find I used ' the ; best Guano I evr aed before, sol advise everybody that want i make a good crop to use Bull of the Wood Guano. Yours iraly, J. II. Wjmeiks. Draughan, N. C, Oct t8. 005 JRead the above and call on any of the fallowing merchants tor the goads: CAMDWEIX & CARLYLE. Lumbermen, N. C. J. S. OUVER&CO., j.d. McLean & co., A. R. McEACHEJRN, Msiietta,'Jf. C Asbpole, N. C v v St Pauls, N. i. X & VV. F. BULLOCK, . Alforasyille and Rowland, f. C. & BAPTIST UNION 11IXTING, The Baptist tJnkra Meeting. April 27-29,: 1906, promises to be one of unusual interest, having a well arranged program by which to be governed. r ': Long Branch church is situ ated on the Creek roadabout six miles south of Lumberton, and among the best in the county. Bro. LP. Hedgpeth has been the under-shepherd of this good people for quite a number of years, and holding their un shaken, confidence no man is loved more than he. ' The brethren have planned for a new, "up-to-date house of wor ship, and already the material is on the grounds and the money in sight to pay for its building. The people of this section are frugal in their habits, yet liberal and consecrated, patriotic and indus trious. The chief object of this Union meeting is to promote the Sun day school work of the Associ-. ation. This work is of special importance and deserves especial emphasis. The Robeson Asso ciation is composed of 46 Baptist churches with a membership of 5,030. The Sunday school column adds up 3, 116. Prom a statistica view- point, only half of this num- erwe members of the churches. A sad spectacle to-be-sure! 3,472 "Baptists in Robeson, who are not enlisted in the Sunday school work. How to reach them is the mo mentous question; We would in closing advise the clerks that an up-to-date sta tistical report from each church is expected. . This was urged at the Union Meeting at Ten Mile in December. Not tfoat these re ports will be pnbKcly read, but that a digest of them may show the spiritual and financial condi tion of the Association. Let each churoh be faithf ully represented by (delegates who will remain through the entire meetings. J. M. Flemjung. DO YOU GET W WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes Tou JfiseraMe. I Almost verybody"who reads 'flw news papers is sure to know of the -wonderful -cures maoE vy ur. ;Kilmer's-Swnp-Root, the great s kidney, liver araibladdffnremedy. 3t Is the rgreat medi Bdltrlumpho'f the nine- iteunth century; dis covered rafter ;years' tl sctentifio -research by "Dr. Kilmer, he emi naitt kidneyiand ' blad der 'specialist, and Is wonderfully success! ulJJn .; " -ty c curing lame back,: ltfdn "d trou bles arid P1 Ve worst :Kt :rec- II II li --ly0WliaveKia-rr.i::inv wwwmdyyop.need. ;lt hms imn ested frt so many ways, .in hospital work,, inrlyate practice, amongrthe hclpleagrtoo poer-lo pur chase relbrf andiiia6 proveil.so suqceasful in every case that & -special arrangement has been made by which all readers of tbispaper who have not already tried it may 'have a sample bottle sent tfree by mail, also a hook telling more .about 2warnp-Rfcot and how to find out if youhavecidpey or bJadder trouble. When writingroeutien.readingabis genesous ,ji)rwf Will -a1 svum-i offer in this paper nd send your address Jo Dr. Kilmer &CoBig hamton, N. Y.- Tne .regular fifty cent and Som. at 6uni-Rot ..dollar sizes are sold by all ;ood druggists. . Don't make any mistake, but cemembef tthe name, Swamp-Rot, Dr. Kilmer ! ; Swamp-Root, and the address, Binfbamton, sN.nY., on every bottle , Teacher Now, Tommy, ' if ;your father had twenty dozen eggsiin his store and found tfcat eagbteen of them were bad, how much would he lose? Tommy-Nothin'. I guess you don't know pa. ' A Young nother At 7O. "My mother has suddenly been made veung at '0. Twenty years of intense suffering froau dyspepsia had entirely disabled her,' until six months ago, when she began taking Electric Bit ters, which have completely cured her and -restored the strength and activity she bad in the prime of life " write Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrick, of Danforth. Me. Greatest restorative medicine on the globe. Sets Stomach. Liver and Kidneys right, purines the blood, aid cures Malaria. Biliousness and Weak, ness. Wonderful Nerve Tonic. Price SOc. Guaranteed by All Drujg'sts. A corn doctor may make money, but he isn't in a position to acquire much glory. f aa mercury wilt sorely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange th whole system when entei log- It throw the mucous surface. Such article shouM never be used except on pre scriptions from reputable physician, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the Hood you can possibly 'derive from them Hall's Catarrh Cure, man ufactured by F. J Cheny & Co., Toledo, O., contains trsercuiy, and Is taken internally, acting directly upon the bloott - nd mue -us surfaces of the system. In bu . ing Hall's Catarrh Cute be sure you get the genuine. It is taken Internally and made in Tole do, Ohio, by P. J. Cheney A Co. Tes timonials tree. Sold by Druggist. Price, 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. SHOES REPLACE OLD BOOTS. Polka Becoming Sensible in the Past Century Ancient Footwear Being Discarded. Somebody wants to know if boots are jQade any more. They are, answers the St. Louis Star Chronicle. Your Uncle Hiram, who will be 81 his next birthday and who flouts all new fangled things from automobiles to patent eoi4i shelters, wears boots. He says the rheumatism wonld be the death of him without calf-skin coverings. There is still a limited market for bootjacks. . If you will study the foot covering of men and women for the last century you will be surprised to see how sensi ble folks are getting. We wear shoes instead of boots because they 'are neater, more comforta ble, less 'expensive and not clumsy. It would be next to im XKifisible for Dame Fashion to make s get to boots. Henry Plantagenet, duke of Anjou, wore shoes the points of which were two feet in length. That was for the purpose of hiding an excres cence on one of his royal feet. Peo ple who had ao excrescences on their feet followed unit. They had to. In the reign of Queen Mary square toes were the rage, 'until a roya proclamation was is- sad that no shoes were to be 'worn with toes more than six inches square. 'In this city a sin ;gfle shoe firm has an output worth ;a million dollars a month. We are the greatest shot? manufac turers in the world. Onr shoes go to all nations. They find increased favor because of their cheapness, -durability and elegance. FRENCH ON RAT HUNT. Eighteen Thousand Killed in the -Streets of Paris by jar ,prisd Workman. An extraordinary ight was -witnessed in the siuaH honrs of the morning recently by persons passing asking the street and boulevard in the neighborhood oi the East railway tatUxn, Paris, says the London Matt Thousands of huge rats, tnany tf them as large asrabbit, were Fcampering along in terror. They .e re being bravely attacked by i Jinf thP latter AiA Tin always conae off best in .the en counters, ad numbers of -cats were killed. People fled from tin streets in terror, but the rats did not attack any human beings, and turned into the sewers whenever they could find an opening. It appears, What a short time ago while a temporary wooden bridge was being demolished in the Boul evard Hebastopol over the tunnel ing tor the new Metropolitan rail way, an old sewer was brought to light, lit must have been the headquarters of all the rats in the neighborhood. They poured out into the streets in an enormous army. The workmen, several hundred ftn number, laid about them vigorously with sticks and spades and killed no fewer than 1,X)0 of the rodents. The inhabitants of .the neigh borhood are nlarmed and are afraid to go down into their cellars for coals and wine. Surprising. Snbbnbs I bought some chick ens yesterday and started a poultry yard, apd early this morn ing there were two colored men hanging aronnd my place. Ool. South Yo' don't say, soh? And do yo' really hang, 'em up hyar, merely fo'stealin chickens? Catholic Standard. . .Keep your bowels regular by t be ue of CbambPrlairrs-8tomach- and and Liver Tablets. There in nothing better. . For sale by McLean-Rcii-r to. The Pope Drug Co. H. B W. r 1 Fsopl Ar Told in Book oa VV :' That Conatry. 'r- Some interesting phases of Si berian life are described in Bara cel Turner'aj book on that eoun try. Of the exiles he writes 1 "When I told a Siberian friend that I carried a revolver as a pro tec tion against wolves, I was prompt ly informed that I bad much more reason to fear the human wolves 1 raightencounter,andthi, I found, was a general view of the case. About one-third of the criminal exiles escape all control. Armed with a stick, to which is attached a strong piece of cord or catgui, they will approach the unwary traveler from behind, throw the cord round his neck, and quietly strangle him by twisting the stick, to rob him at their leisure of what ever he may possess, or secure his passport in order to make their escape from the country."-. Great is the butter-making of Siberia, and greater, says Mr. Turner, it is to become a region that might supply half mankind with butter. "There are, how ever, peasants who, for one rea son or another, refuse to sell their milk or to turn it into butter. The owner of a farm not far from the station of Tagai was asked by a Danish friend why he did not sell the milk from his 300 cows to tho neighboring dairy. He replied that his grandfather and his fa ther had not sold milk before him, and that he "saw no reason why he should do so; he was sure the Lord wonld not like it." Here is a familiar picture which the author saw from the Siberian railway as he traveled on it, day after day, across- the sea of steppes: We of ten passed sledg es going in the same direction as our train, nnd sometimes, when the horses took fright at the en gine, they maintained the same speed, as the train for consider able distances, frequently termin ating the race by overturning the sledges And scattering their occu pants." XsTDkrarg 'Out tor lAttt Things. !' will learn to lok out for the little leaks if you cwntinue in our employ," -said the head of the groat commercial house as he paused at the new bookkeeper's desk. He beat a little nearer the page ff the ledger. "Hem, I see yon 'flot your i's,' " he said. "We discouraged that antique custom several years ago. fit takes time, and time is a great desideratum in tins firm. And, Mr. Peck ham!" "Tes, srr."" "fll you win drop'into my private Torrm after you are through with your duties this afternoon I will give you '-a -copy dfa little pam phlet we Issued last summer show ing jnst how much ink, as well as time, can be-saved'by substituting commas for semicolons. Don't forgeJJ" -Cleveland Plain Dealer. The House of Hesse. 'The ld royal house of Hesse, it German principality, rarely lose a rela live 'below the age of 70. The la ndgruwe A lexis, who died re- rent ly, wan '.7C. During the nine .eeirt h wirtnrr 40 or 30 members rvf the family crossed the big di Aide, the youngest having reached t'bv allotted three score and ten ami Hie oldest being!2.. This won derful longevity is possibly trace able to the fact that the Jless family has often intermarried witk 4-o mm oners. Life on the Plains. Traveler I thought y said you had no factories in this sec tion. Westerner Haven't. "What's that big chimney ver there?" "That ain't no chimney. That's my well. Cyclone turned 'er in side out." Cleveland Leader. The Prehensile Faculty. Man on Commission fsn't it a shame for a man to accept $100,- 000 a yeaj merely for the use of his name as president of a great corporation? Man on Fixed Salary No; that isn't so bad if he'd only be satis fied with that. Chicago Tribune. Feeds Nobody. It is a grand thing to have claim to noble birth, but some of those, who have it go hungry while th low bredytnan who has a nice soft r r - Ha ir it- fciiJii TrT- i -1 Ti hi n -iniiTii-li-i -tifri - "i an i' : ' ,'.:' The Hindi Too nave Always in use for over 30 years, w wmt Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jast-a-goodar) bxrfe experiments that trifle with andjendanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment WhaTisCASTORIA Castoria is a harmless sabstltnte for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and SoothingJSyrnps. It is Pleasant.; It contains neither Opium; Morphine nor other Nareotto 1 substance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worn ; ' and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the; Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy sd natural sleep. . The Children's PanaceaThe MotherVFrtenda - GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAYt Bears the The Kind Yon Have In Use For Over 30 Years. Patter HBarHDiir. 60. You'cas.'aeaTchlhelsad and you wn't find better bar. gains omnors attractive gjoods than we offer. We guar antee t -save yon money. PIANOS AND ORGANa At tbm store fan cab buy the very best made ov earth. Instro meatn dL Artistic Character anrl World-Wide reputations. Onr Pisnos awd 'Organs sre the-kiod that yon find in the artistic musical ho act n overtht workl. Ko scnsauonal methods. No false claims. No promise unfilled , eoe sre our methods. ' In or Furnitar sid Mri departments we show more than double Khe stack of say oiber Jerder in the State. Write ns for catalogues. PARKER - G-ABDNER CO. LAJtGEST DEALERS IN THE STATE. CHARLOTTE, N. C 1 syfiVfli SlSWaVakaSBf CRASSfffOFFERS :IM DAKOTA cat 'tb 'Stat la This Insect, Says Xan Whosw Home Is lis Aberdeen, 8. D, 'The -eourge Of "South Dakota Is tlie grasshoppers, which travel in swarms so vast that they ap pear likeclonds against the sky," said Hrttvwey L. Rowland, of Aber deen, JA. IBl, tcthefflilwaukee Sen tinel. onf h Dakirta farmer will woit asiiiHt long continued drsujrht, -sickness umoiig the cat tle and ouy of the thousand and one plagues Hurt contribute To the iinpleaKairtiiess of the existence of atilrer-ftf the soal, but when the jcrasshopjiei-H desi-end upon him be throws ap both bauds and con tents himself with prayer. 'About a year ago I took an early mora rag buggy ride out of Aberdeen to a neighboring town and, passing a cornfield, I heard a curions clicking noise, as if a million knitting needles were be ing used at once. Asking the j driver what caused this phenome non, he told me that the field was infested with a swarm of irrass- hoppers which had swooped down that morning. "Driving back by the same road thatnight we stopped at the corn field to view the devastation. It was the most desolate sight I ever saw. Every stalk of standing corn bad been stripped clean of its green leaves and shoots and the scores of, acres of the crop were ruined. The only thing that farm er could do was to put down a few hundred dollars to profit and loss. all attributable to the .voracious insects." - All smart up-to-date women of to-dav. Knew how to bakewaih.sine and to -playf-: i Witho-it thee talents a wife if N. G. Unless she takes Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your Druggist. Bought, and wbkh Jus been has borne the signature of and na.i been made under Ids per sonal saperrlsfon since its Infancy. . M . - J . t .f no one 10 uecerve jou in uua Signature of A woman show it off. puts on a thing to Always Boupt Affected people are not the ones v who win affectionr .j Having a fine carriage makes a girl more willing to walk. . ' . Living indoors so much doling the winter mbnths creates a " ort of stuffy, i want -of -ozone condition in the blood "- : rnd system generally. Clean un and pet ready for spring-.! Take a few 4 ' fcarly Risers, These famous little nil Is i cleans the liver, stomach and towels anu give the blood a chance: to purify Itself. They relieve deadache. sallow V ): compleqion, etc. Sold by The Pode irug Co. . i The church collection nasket is passing stranger to some people. It is a penetrating fact that the miser's chief characteristic is a, penny trait. 'A Blood folsoning results from chronic constipation, which is quickly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. They remove allnoisonoua germs f rfcrn the system and infuse new life and vigor; cure sour stomach, nausea, headache, d Lai ness and colic, without griping or discomfort 25c Guaranteed by All Druggists. Wouldn't you sometimes liko running expenses to take a short stroll? The coffee merchant cannot say his trade suits him toaT. A Badly Burned Girl or boy. man or woman, is qolckly out of pain If Bucklen'a Arnica - Salve la applied promptly. G. Welch, of Trkoasha, Mich., says: "I nse it iu my family for cuts, sores and all skin injuries, and find iLperfect." , Quick est Pile cure known. Best healing; salve made. 22c at All Druggists. . - A bird and a cat watching if are similar signs of spring. , v A man may be humble without adreTtisingnhe-fa'ct A savage dog has caused many a man, to lead a chased life.. '41'; Si :VS.i-:'-i .ft:; A nolitical berth cets fat. ' 1

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