I - , I . , , i . I , . , 1 : : - , . . , . - ' . ' LOCAL S AND PERS0M4L : J8ggsv Cotton to-day, , ; 12 cents U t Mr. G. C. Fisher, of 'Maxton, is 4 the city. - , 1 Mr. N. H. Jones, Jr., and fam ily' have, returned. ;Tbe County Commissioners were in session Monday. Mr. Frank AUen returned from Raleigh Friday morning. '" Dr. J, D. McMillan is suffering from an attackbf grippe. Mr and Mrs. Ebeneaer Biggs : were visitors here Sunday. v Mr. J. P. falters, of Barnes- ille, was in town Monday. Mr. A.T. McLean spent Sun . day withjlatives in Maxton. Mr. J. S. Humphrey, of Shan- Aonwas in Lumberton Monday. Mr. Hector McLean, of Maxton, was a visitor in the city last week. 4 Mr, J. D. Judd, of Marietta, was among recent visitors in the ity. Mr. Z. T. McMillan, of Park ton, was here Saturday on busi ' ness. . . Mr-D. Z. McGougan, of Lum er Bridge, spent Saturday in town. - Captain T. C. McNeely, of Mar ion, S. C, spent Sunday night in town. i; Mrs. Jno. Puckett, of Raleigh, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. K. M. Biggs. Mr. Sid B. McLean, of Max ton, is among hose here attend- Messrs. John G. Brown and "Walter McMillan, of Red Springs, fere here Friday. Messrs. H. B. Jennings and J. W. ' Kaneer, were in Charlotte Thursday and Friday. Mrs. H. B. Jennings and Miss Annie Neill McLean spent sev eral days in Wilmington last week. Hon. G. B. Patterson, repre sentative in Congress from this . district, is here attending court. Sheriff McLeod is in Baltimore with Mrs. McLeod, who is in Dr. felly's Sanitarium on Eutaw Place. Mr. Mack Curtis has accepted a positton with &e Pope Drug CL and entered upon his duties - Monday morning. . Miss Ila HumDhrev returned Sunday morning from a visit of - several weeks to Miss Cornie Clegg in Greensboro. Rev. PV B. Law, S T corres pondent of The Jiobesonian at w "i r-t . 1 ; A iWZk Ul 111 LLCS W CU HCiVAlUU Jl , c - , . , ivAlbaLoge tto, 11 Af P. & ' tiA, at-., I'uesaay nigni. degree " Mr. H. M. Brown, secretary faiid treasurer or tne lirown-tsnaw Lumber Company, of Pembroke, was here Saturday on business. . - Mr. R. A T McLean has gone to Newbury, Fla., where he has ac cepteJd situation with D. M. McKinnon and Company, lumber anc( haval stores manufacturers. Mr. WM. Pate, after a vaca tion of thirty days spent with reiatfves at Bales, has returned to Bingham; S. C, where he is agent for the Atlantic Coast line Railway Company. ' J Messrs. J. Q. McCormick and R. E. Lee returned Frjday from Asheville. where -they appeared ill biw wan ui uuc uuuwiuu . Saw Mills and LumberCompany, wiu'ch came up for a hearing be-, forejudge Pritchard. Again we must . ask that our ' correspondents in the country sign their names to all commoni- cations sent us. The rule should be observed even though the cor- respondent be one who sends Jetters "regularly. - As a. matter of self protection we must insist upon: this: Anonymous contri " butious wiii ruueive uo ullenliuu. PILGRIMAGE TO LUXEMBURG Tourist Tells of " Aluaaal Journey - to Historic Shrill Afflicted - . . ThouMinds Sotk Curos. "I have just returned from a visit to my native state of Luxem burg, which I had not seen for more than 30 years,' said Hein rich Hirscbberg, of New Ulm, Minm., to the Milwaukee Sentinel. 'it'fl arrived I in Luxemburg in time to witness the annual pil grimage to the Bhrine of St. vyile brodus, who lived in the middle ages and who was afflicted with St. Vitus dance. It appears that after the death of this saiat many miraculous cures of persons' sim ilarly afflicted were made at his grave, and at the present time the first Tuesday after Pentecost is set apar t as his day. Thousands of those afflicted with St: Vitus dance visit his shrine on that day. Those who are so ill as to he unable to attend are represented- by their relatives, and this representation is said to be as efficacious as a personal pil grimage. . 3 "For two or three days before the day of the pilgrimage all the railroads running to the little vil lage where the shrine is located were crowded. The inns and kneipen did an enormotjs busi ness. On the morning of the trip to the church f uly 20,000 afflicted persons or relatives of sufferers formed a line about half a mile from the church. It was an inspir ing sight. Ten abreast they formed, those in each ten holding hands. Many bands of music ac companied the procession, which started at a given signal. "To the tune of a sabred march the procession proceeded on its way, the pilgrims marching slow ly with a sort of dance step. Four steps forward and two backward, in rhythmic motion, they made the half mile to the church in a short time. The entrance to the church was made with the greatest rever ence, and before the altar, in a me tallic casket, lay the corpse of the saint, who has been dead for cen turies. The casket was opened enough to permit a view of the body, being provided with hinges for that purpose. "Each passer looked upon the sacred corpse upon the altar genu flecting and inutterins; prayers and making the sign of the cross rapidly several times. After all had viewed the coffin the pilgrim age was over." CHINA'S BOWS AND ARROWS Only ta Past Few Weoks H&s This JCodo of Warfare Been Aban doned iu' tje Orii Though an attempt was made two years agd td abplrsh bows and arrows as the national weap ons of China the Work has only been accomplished withjn the last f e w weeks, :4isV rt s t he'VCb ica go Daily News, bft impenararchers hve--eisted" ub to-the time the royal edii t - put them out of busi ness about a month ago. The enr peror's decree is as follows: "Our dynasty was established by means of the bow and arrow and the art is still therefore kept up in the ex amination .of officials and the drilling of troops. Lately, how ever, military science """has im proved and weaponsre being niodernizedeverydayand we must imitate the martial spirit of oar ancestors by using our best' en deavors to establish a strong gov ernment. Rr C 'Hereafter the princes, dukes and ministers of the eight, ban ners must all earnestly practice military art and attain the utmost profieiency, which will leave no time f the'oMrvanee of mere forms, and we order all officials in future not to carry the bow and arro?r when 'thev attend - state ceremonials, nor are imperial body guards or the palace guards to u, them, but the best weapons must be provided for them. ( ; "Let ihe board of war draw up the necessary regulations for the proper testing of military effi ciency, for the soldiers and let the said board report thereon." ,v Point of Besemblance. Askitt -Ever shaved by a wom an barber? Knoittrr-Yes; once. ' X-''iIow did you enjoy it?P.'f ':.,.',...r "Oh, she hud just as much to aav as any other kind,." Chicago Dady Newa. Misses . Kate McMillan and Alice Toon spent Saturday and Sunday at the latter's home in Columbu? county. : i Messrs. J. L.Tbagard,of Pem broke, and N. M.,i Duncan of Moss Neck, were visitors to Lum berton during the past week. Mr. S. A. - Edmund was in Asheville last week to attend the hearing in v the matter of the Southern Saw Mil& and Lumber Company. ' v . The Robeson Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy will meet at the home of Mrs ,,J. A. McAllister Thursday after noon at 3 o'clock. Mr. C. B. Skipper has; opened a law office in the McLeod build ing over the postofnee. Mr. Q.T. Williams will have offices adjoin ing Mr.-Skipper's. Mr. J. W. Ferguson, of Ten nessee, will sell a load of fine milch cows at auction on Satur day, April 7th, at the stables of W. I. Unkhaw & Company. Mr. W. H. Humphrey, clerk of the Court, informs The Robeson ian that the first volume of the "Revisals" has been received and is now ready for delivery to the justices of the peace. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Lumbertdn, N O., postoffice, Apr. 2, 1906 If not called for in one week will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, Washington, D. C. Parties call ing will please say advertised. Mrs.Smithis Chavis.Miss Salie Blanks, Mrs. A. J. Bailers, Mrs. Anna Davis, Miss Hattie Lewis, Rus B. Koon (2) H. A. McAllister, E. C. Mishaw, A. L. Powell, Cattie Powell, Mrs. Margaret Thomp son, Miss L. J. Richardson, Miss Maggie Sinclair, Reubin "White, L. B. Richardson, Ms. WT. B. Watson. R. M. Norment P.M. The most rational remedy for Coughs And Colds is Kennedy's Laxative Honey ond Tar. It acts on the bowels as a miln cathartic expels all cold from the system Cuts all phlegm out sf the throat, relievas coughs, colds, croup, .whooping cough, ejc. An ideal remedy for children equally good for adults. Sold by The Pope Drug Co. LUMBERTON MARKET. Beef fresh per pound....... 16 Cotton per pound J. It .00 Corn per bushel .V 76 Fodder per hundred J.Oti Html per pound W Hid Rhoulder . io krks r is Chickens (crown .... 2.1 88 Chickens, fries , 1528 Turkeys - 7f 1.60 Butter per pound S5 80 Beeswst er pound iixA' Tsllow per pound Hsr .:. i-00 Two ar Of Fine Horses'nave just arrived at our barn, and we are in position to supply your needs for fancy driver or good farm stock. We haven't bought a thing vhich is not all that could be expected for the purpose and the prices are right. Call and inspect them befdre you4 make a purchase, and it will save you th tinie and trouble of 190k- ' ing elsewhere Our Uria of , BuooKs ;vvaodns, Garuviieeis and Harness, iamplete in every detail, and we, , waii;yririr1nspeotion. . Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting their continuance during.the. comingseason, we; are v. . zmST - o. MANlirmrLr.BR; it's Good To know a good Drug Store where you can depend on get ting Good Service and Oood Materials without paying too "Good a Price." - - - - "We're waiting for an oppor tunity to show you how we-1 wo can serve you. - - v Yours to Please, - Dr. J. D. McMillan & Son, DRUGGISTS, Lumberton, N. O. Feb 6th. BUSINESS BUILDERS. Ty an ad in this column at tire cents per Hjc for eacb. insertion. Whether it is a house to rent, something yon have for sale, or something von want to bay. The Kobesonlan Want Column wiU bring the results. MONEY TO LOAN IN SMALL amounts cn real estate. Applv to Stephen Mclntyre. 3-16 tf WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN TO Make Tar one who understands bis business. Address rat at Marion, S. C, 3ev. H. Wright. DR. W. H. WAKEFIELD, OF CHAR- lotte. N. C, will be m junmserton, ai Dr. Pope's office, Wednesday. April if, for nn Hav onlv.J His oractfee is limit ed to Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat, and Fitting Glasses. 3-ift ia FULL LINE EASTMAN KODAKS and Supplied. Remember, "If isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak. McLean Rczier Company. 3-13 - BIGGEST LINE GOLD AND SILVER Watches in town McLean-Rozier Company. , 3-3- LARGEST DISPLAY OF TEWELRY Silverware and Cut Glass Wedding Presents ever shown in Robeson coun ty. McLean-Rozier Company. 3-13 BUY A LOT TN LINDELL, LUMBER? ton's beautiful northern suburb, with rent money, ana you will own a nome and also have an investment continual ly increasing in value. AodIv to A. W. Mcf en or A. E. White for term. 2-6 WATCH LINDELL GROW! BUY A lot for cash or on easy terms, and your qnves-invnt will double is value ma Short rtnii. See A. E. White or A. W McLen for terms. a 6 COLUMBIA HOTEL FOR RENT. For terms see B. Godwin,. Lumberton, N. C. 1-2-tf FOR RENT. UOOD, LARGE STORE (oom. Formerly occupied byjbe firm of O. C. Norment & Co. Reasonable price. App'y to B. Godwin. Lumber tQt.N. c iatf BUILD A .HOUSE IN LINDELL TO live in or to rent. We will sell you the lot and help vou build a bonse. Apply to A. W. McLean or A. E. White for terms. 2-6 FOR RENT STORE ROOM IN CO lumbia Hotel Building. Apply to B Godwin. 2-13 FIVE NICE BUILDING LOTS FOR Sale at a bargain in North-East Lum berton, known as the Higley property. Must be sold at once. For terms apply to a. ij. wane, i,uin.rerton, w. c. a 9 oads ... . .i. . Typewriter AT A ' ptncnuARi r- PRir.F ;lLIIOVnilVa.l9 l hiuli Naw nr Wnnd-IIanfl , ASK vLamberUn, N. C. ItiifJln ttlPlar, Cth ci Kent. HONEY If SIX We furnish oar Customers with Money at 3is7Per Cent to meet their business requirements. No customer has ever hid reason to complain of oar failure to furnish him money eltheT in good or bad times. We make no promises that we do not' fulfill Oar security to depositors, and our assets are mncb larger than any other Bank in this County or section. : 1 ,t s J For this, and many other good reasons, it Is to your ; interest to deal with us. If you have not done so, cpen an account with usy and loin our host of pleased . . ss " - f w : . a.,,. y- ,, it f" The Accounts of Farmers receive our Special Attention. V7 The Bank of A. Wi MoLEAN, Pres. R. D. CALDWELL, Vice-Pres. 40 YEARS OLD! T 'THt. STANDARD FOB QUALITO The Axe Of Tour Childhood. Tried and Found True. When you want a relia- ble Aao, call for "THE JACOBI." Don't take any ''Just as good." . : For sale by the Leading Merchants of Robesor County. ' 4 N. JACOBI HARDtAARCO Wilmington, : : : : : N. O. . One Year's (Growfili. We give below a comparative statement of our condition at tfie lose of business at the time of our last published statement, and for the same day one year ago. January 29th, 1905. January 29tb; 190(1 . Total Deposits 24,934.99, 112,393:69 Total Assets 68,796.24, 163,460.74 Gain In assets or resources during the year, $94,6644. We extend every courtesy consistent with safety, and solicit a share of your banking business. The First National BanEf, OP LUMBERTON, N.O. ' ft TMno 0! Beauty Is fl Jon Forever. Our Photographs are Beautiful and Life-like, finished in the most up-to-date styles. Come and see our work. We make Family Groups, Views, Etc. Come while the weather is pleas aat and bring the little folks. E. J. WAITS, LUMBERTON ART STUDIO, Over Pope's Drug Store. $50.00 Due Bills We notice that several Piano concerns are ottering due bills for different amounts to per sons making the most words out of letters contained in the 0 firms name. These coupons, to apply as a payment when; the person holding the cou pon is ready to buy from them. We will accept coupons given by any Piano firm as pay ment on the Artistic Stieff, Shaw or amy Piano we sell. Write for information. Send in your ooppons. CHARLES M. STIEFF, Manufacturer of the Piano With the Sweet Tone. Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade Street, Charlotte, C. . I C. H WILMOTH, Kannger. PER CEtlT ! customers. -i5i - j,v Lumberton, C. B. TOTO8END Cashier, J. P. 8TAN8EL, Asst. Cashier. J , " J who's Your; Barter ? For the Beit n4 Most Prompt Service, Moat Polite AatUntioti, go to LEAK BROTHERS, LunDertOB's Expert ToascrUI Artists, - The Latest and Most Approved ' Fis tores. Located next door above McAllUter Hardware Company," : Give u yoor patronge. N. D. JOHNSON, Real Estate Agent. If yon wish to sell or boy farm lands timber landa, or property of any kind, X can assist yon, and will be glad to have yoor business. Call on write me at Lnm . berton, N. C. ' - - Ofice up stair in Shaw Snilding. yi6 Land for jBale. I offer for sale for cash or on easy. terms, the following lands in Robeson conniy, noru unuuu, juov pxuij(. Township:- First Tract: 133 acres, more or less, ad joming the lands of Jno. A, McNeill, the old saw mill tract Of B. F. Barnard, the McCaskill tract, sow Blue, Liringrton and others. - Second Tract: 360 acres, more or leas, on both sides of the Aberdeen ' and Rock Fiah Railroad, adjoining the lands of G. W. Maxwell, Jno. McIb:s estate and others. , . Third Tract: ConUfhisg 93 re, ad joining the lands of ( Bf F. Barnard and others. 4 . All of said three tracts above mention- -ed being that prt.of the Kew Garden lands now owned by Mrs. Lisa A. Mc Lean. - ' . l- Fonrtn Tncu Adjoining tne lanos -of M. A Clark and others, and It-1 formerlr owned by JM. McLeod, and now belonging to the heirs of J, Dickson McLean, contamgaaesinoreovless." ' Finn xrscw 17) - acres aoout one - mile porth of Red Springs, adjoining the .. . lands of A. T. McCallnm, D. G. Robeson . and others, abont 75 acres of which is cleared and npoa which is situate good ' three room tenant house, j .1 k' - For further information Apply to; A. W McLBAN Lutnbe ton, N. C. Jsn ia-jr u -