v.v: Jim, . r?; a,, , v... ,:jraB. semiweekly.; RO&ESONiAKk UjY robesonian. till , 1 Si t The4iew Laxative that does not .gripe or nauseate. Pleasant to take. Carolina mmn railroad. Schedule.in effect Tan'y S. 1904. SOUTH. No. I. No. 3 te niLanaberton to. jo n m 7.0s a tr Poptt o 38 71.5 Kingsdale 10.43 7-35 Polopolis io.4j 7.40 Proctorville 10.57 750 ! Delia tt.09 8.05 Barnesville 11 14 8.15 Flowers 11. 18 8.28 Marietta 11.24 840 Holmesvilie it.30 8.5 J Page's Mill 11.36 9.11 Kemper.. 11.47 9 '9 ;May 11.50 9-S5 Squires.. 11.56 9.40 Fork .11.50 9 5 'Zioa 12.07 P m Roeers ia.13 io.io Ar. Marion.. 12.30 10.40 MORTH. No. 4 . 5 00 p - 4.40 - 4.30 . 4.20 - 4 05 3 50 . 3-40 - 3-38 - 3.20 .. i.ia - 3.0s . 3-00 . 2.56 . 2.48 . 2.44 - 2.32 . 2.20 2.00 No. 2 m 3.00 p : 3-15 .V4 3-33 3.36 3-43 3.45 3.51 3-57 4.03 S3 4.2i 435 4! 4.48 4.5 5.00 Marion . ..... Rogers Zion Fork I Squires May KetnDcr ...... Page's Mill ... Holrnesville. .. Marietta...... Flowers .... . . . Bam, svtlle ... Delia ' ProctorvtT e ... Polopolis ..... Kingadale Pope . Lumberton ... Ar. J a mixed arilv 'cept Snn- rrt 2 f.iu) 00 .-y. .uMJ LY: Ge.:. w; tt. o ! Plant Wood's j 'Southern-Grown Watermelon, and Cantaloupe Seed if you want quality, sweet nees and the best melons . that it la possible to grow. ?, Northern or Western-grown seed doesn't begin to compare when you consider the quality of the fruit produced. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue tell all about the best kinds to plant. Mailed free. r' We are Headquarters for CoW'Peas, Soja Beans, SoigfcsinsTMfflet Seed EnsJlage Com, Aftafta and all Southern Seeds: Write for prices and Descriptive Catalogue. -T.7.'V00Da$0:iS,; 8CEOSMEN. RlCtMIONO.VArf CIcdc! Dyspasia Cro L-s. RHEUMATISM TO M.Js&W v jj i i r irlUMP nInn 1 W '-...' ..,..iyy., r rt ill iiiiiiiii ii i i u and Makes You Well All Over." Those pains are danger signals, warning you of a disease that threatens the entire system. Headaches, Pains, Bad Taste in the Mouth, that " No-Account " feeling indicate that you need REMOVES THE .... , QuincF. Mass., July 18.1905. Bobbltt Chemical Co.. Baltimore. Md pear Sirs: I was laid up last November with Rheumatism In my feet and ankles, but after taking four Dottles of Rheumacide I have not been bothered since, I tried every old kind of liniment and was under two doctors, and all I tried had the same re sult, until I rot Rheumacide. Now, I am pleased to say. ft has not been necessary for me to take any medicine for Rheumatism since February last. Everybody that I recommended it to has had the same results. Yours very truly, , P. RANAGAN. Manager. Quincy industrial Co operative Society. N R Laxative Fruit Syrop SDLO BV DR. J. D.JMcMCHAN, Lumberton.lN. C, H. B. WARD, Rowland, N. C. The Modern Method. F. Hopkinson Smith, painter, author, engineer and profession al optimist, tells a story showing that Boston boys of the street are like all others. He overheard a conversation between two youngstersselling newspapers. "Say, Harry Wat's de best way to teach agirlhow to swim?" asked the younger one. "Dat's a cinch. First off you puts your l$f t arm under her waist and you gently, takes her left hand" "Come off; she's me sister." "Aw, push her off de dock." 1 iV cccr.i at ncceta. "7 F:t7 million bctlleaof August Flower 31 1 in lb 5 United States alone since its utrodu:tion! v And the demand for it is till growing. Isn't that a fine showing ct ej?:;-' Don't it prove that August Fl3't has nao unfailing succers in the :nre cf indigection end dyspepsia the iw: giarest enemies of health and hap pinKc' Does it not afford the best evi oenct tnat August Flower is p ;rj spe lific for all stomache and intestinal di -df r that it haa proved itself the best of alut'.cr regulator!? Augu't Flower h&3 a matchless record of over tbirty-673 veaisin curing the ail'ng millions of .bese hsli?sing cotnplaints a success that is oacctniag wider in its scope every day, at home and abroad, as the :m of August Flc wer spreads. Trial bottles, 25c; re nlar rizs, 75c. For sale by Dt . . D. Mc Millan. Misunderstood. The danger of sending tele grams is shown in the following story: A in ember of Parliament was have m: de a speech of n,.Kr and, biing unable to do so be cause tiie heavy rains had de blrojed the'brach railway, sent a telegram, as follows; "Cannot come washout on line."' In a f. 3 w hours this reply was received: "Never mind, borrow a shirt." For a W csk Dif estion. No medicine can replace focd but Ch; mbe Iain's Stomach and Liter 'J ac.tfc v ill help jou to digest your I--'. It i- tiot the quantity ot food I kcn tbar gie strength and vigor to tl e f vbteui, but toe amount digestrd and afcimilated. If troubled with a wead digestion, don't fail to givethe Tablets a trial. Theus- ndshave been tenefitted bythelr use They only cot a quarterNkFor sale by JSdc Lea n R. ier Co., The Pope Drug Co. rl. B Wu d. , A woman is awful proud of her husband when he gets in a lawsuit. ;y,,t '.. , i RHEUMACIDE the Inside," and that after all other remedies sweeps all the poisonous eerms CAUSE OF Cured 80-yar.oM Mrs. Mary Wlborn of High Point. N. C. ftor she iMfOll?9,??"': St? " 'J- 1f'j r old. a loading Mothodlst mlnlator. of Roiotoratown. Md. Cured John F. Elino. of Balti. S!0!! 'tJCJohna Hopklna HoapltaOlad oomplataly tallod. Curod Jamca Wllkoa. of Dillon. S. C. after ho had boon In bod threo yoara andhia Iocs woro drawn up Malnat hla back. Bottor get bottle from four Drugalat at once. Sample bottle and booklet FREE if you send 0 centa for poetage! BOBB1TT CHEMICAL CO., Proprietors, BALTIMORE. There's Danger in Delay. Cures Stomach and Liver trouble and Chronic Constipation. She Couldn't Draw It. A school teacher one day, dur ing the hour for drawing, sug gested to her pupils that each draw what he or she would like to be when grown up. At the end of the lesson one little girl 'showed an empty slate. "Why," said the teacher, "Isn't there anything you would like to be when you grow up?" "Yes," said the little girl, "I would like to be married, but I don't know how to draw it." The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honev and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These warthless im itations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genv ine Foley V Honey and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. H. B. Ward, ROwland, and J. D. McMillan. Lumberton. t . JIany an otherwise clean re cord is soiled by contact with filthy lucre. A brave man never lifts up a foe for the purpose of knocking him dbwn again. Don't tie a ooug-h or a cold up in youc system by taking a remedv that binds the bowels Taki Kenne ' Laxa tive Houey and Tar. It U different from 11 other cough syaups. It is bet ter. It open the bwels expels all cold frow t le system, relieves coughs. COlIf, crimiv 4 hoiUM'itf eo Jg"-, etc An ' ideal remedy for y un ml .1. ChiV !j titi- -rii. t . ' dren like it ooiu oy 1 lie i- ,)e vrig A woman jdt-a ol h luodel hus band is one who takes hou.s clean ing philosophically. Trying to .-et into,hehvn on the strength of a tombstone testi monial is risky business. Rieumitlc Puis Qilckly R:Ueve! The excruciating painn characteris tic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly relieved by applying CI am berlainV Pain Bann. neereat pain relieving' or ! theliimticu- iia.yit;n the surprise and delight of thyuatuU of sufferer. Tlw quick relief from pain which it affords is alone wnrfi many timta its ci. For sale oy Trie Pope Drug McLean-Rt zier H B. Ward. If you would .discover a wo man's weaknessvall you have to klo iareep quiet and listen. Beware vt peopfe who feather their own nests with borrowed plumes. iVjvLi;-. A RUBBING DON'T CURE, Rheumatism Is an internal dis ease and requires an internal remedy. 0ts at the Joint from is the reason it Cures have failed. Rheumacide and acids out of the hlmd THE PAIN. w. i u i uuANY, FRANCE People of This Section Shoot Bats and Jaya Simply to Eat Them What English Writer Thinks. The olive trees round Lucca are riot nearly so old or so gnarled looking aa those familiar to vis itors on the Riviera, probably be cause, owing to the proximity of the mountain, the clirsa'te, in which Ihey grow, is more temper ate. The earth in which they grow in a reddish-gravelly soil; iu fact, for olives, the drier the earth the belter, and they do not require much depth. It takes the fruit of five of the largest trees to make only one barrel of the pure oil containing 3fi litres that is about 110 pounds in weight; and even this amount cannot be reck oned upon oftener than once in every two years. Moreover, an olive tree has to be planted and grafted 'four years before it will produce fruit at all, says Lieut. Col. Andrew Haggard, D. 8. O., in Chambers' Journal. There would be a great many beautiful singing birds in the groves and mountain sides around Lucca were it not for the passion which the Tuscan contadini have for la caccia the chase! The sport they indulge in all day long is shooting at goldfinches and lin- j nets and other little birds, all of 1 which are sold and eaten. In the markets at Lucca. I have seen jays for sale. Upon my expressing a doubt as to their sueculency, 1 was assured that they were excel lent when boiled. Fancy boiled jay as a repast! There is apparently no rule in Tuscany as to not shooting on the high roads. Indeed, on every mile or two of roadway you will probably meet at least one caccia lore with a gun upon bis shoul der. They will fire at anylVing, even a bat. I myself saw' my ! fi - end's cook, Tito by name, shrot a bat on the high road; he said if he could only get enough of ihem j they would make a good pie. Ye 'gods! biif pie and Loiled jay what .! llniier! I aseerfaim-d t'lat theiv is some excellent trout fishing to be ob tained not far from Lucca, many of the trout being of good size. The troul are already in season in the month of February and rise very well in March and April to u tiy. Thi i the season of listlessness, ad cVa and prinr disorders. Uol li .ter' R cky M unt tin Ta is a sure preventative - Make ou -rne- and Tlgorou. 35 cent-. Tea or Tablets. Ak jour Druggist. Mules have one adir irable trait they refus to respond to flat tery. Happiness only comes to those who try to make others happy. USEFUL RATHER THAN RICH. X Vang man of ability and great promise recently refused tc enter a vocation which would yield him a large Income, lest the temp tation to become rich might eat up his desire to help hie fellow men. says Orison 8wett Marden. in Sue cess. He feared that the frantir struggle for wealth and self being waged by the majority of meu With Whom' hi' position would force him to associate would in sensibly draw jim into the same vortex of selfishness. He felt that his ideals would become tar nished, that his aspirations would be starved in strh an atmos phere, and so he chose a rotation which would enable him to render the greatest eervice to inanity. It is a refreshing thing, in a ma terial age, to see people who are ambitious to be useful rathtjr than rich, who are more eager to help others than to make mny. These are nature's noblemen, these are the characters which enrich life, and which have pushed civilisation from the savage to the Floreuce Nightingales and the Lincolns. One of the most promising things about our civilization to day is that, side by side with the greed for gold, is the ever-growing passion of humanity for good. The number of people who prefer to be useful to their fellow-men is con stantly increasing. This passion for good is the salt of humanity; it is what makes us believe in the future of the race. RACE EATS BUTTERFLIX. Australian Natives Are 7nd ot tke Orttba as Food South jnci N01 Like the Otuuuu Australian natives are fond of butterflies and large whitegrubs, and declare them to Ik more nour ishing than the flesh of kangaroos or fowls. The butterflies are pounded into a sort of cake and eaten in that form. The white grub is eaten alive at one month fill iiiiva Vl'it.n.Paf Th uhnruMno- nf A ma.J " . I & -"' xcb. and Africa consider the guana, a large lizard, a great delicacy. These lizards are not unlike a small crocodile, but are far more unsightly than that creature. Its repulsive ajtepanince is no bar to its being much enjoyed as a food. In an old volume of "Travels" Pe ter Martyn tela how the Spanish conquerors ot South America came to esteem the flesh of this lis ard. He says: - "These serpentes are lyke crocodylea, saving la bigness; they call the guanas. Unto that day none of oure men durst adven ture to taste them, byr reason of they re horrible deformities and lothsomeness. Yet she adelanta do, being entysed by the pleasant ness of the king's sister, Anaca ona, determined to taste the ser jK'ntes. Hut when he felte the flesh thereof to be so delycate to his tongue he fel to aniayue with out al feare. The which thyng his companions perceiving were not behynd him in greedyness, inso much that they had now none other ta Ike than of - th aweet nesse of these serpentes, which they afflrme to be of more pleasant taste than eytber our pheasantes or part riches." i ALL AT SEA ON SUBJECT. Ooartod Tells of Toolish Asksd of Usher In Qusbs Show Hoiuml Heinrlch Conried was laying his winter plans before a group of 1 iiss. win ws 1 j uuu iin xs y asked a foolish question, and Mr. Conried said: j "That question reveals your ig norance of music, doesn't it?" , "Yes, I suppose it does," there poner-auswereu irsnitiy. "i con less 1 11a 1 1 uuu 1 tuuw ruuup mil sic to tell a waltz from a march." "Your question indicated .all that and moj-e," said Mr; Conried. "It reminded me of a question 1 once beard in Quebec. "A young man accosted an uih er in a Quebec theater long before salve thsS the commencement of the per- tion the chan t it did not have the ; forma nee, and pointing to the!!'m "-15 C. TSsWitt Ca': printed huge bass viol that Teaned agains, 1 Tsthe mJr "t??0' ' .;n......,.. ' The cnnl De Witt's HaseL .--- . . lt i tra, he said, excitedly: " 'Where is the best place to sit to get a good sight of the man that is going to put that fiddle under J his chin? The Way The tissues of th throat ire inflamed and irritated; you cough, and there is more irrita tion more coughing. You take 1 cough mixture and it eases the ;J: ': ) irritation for awhllef You take ' SCOTT'S U LSI ON ind it cures the cold. That's what is necessary. It soothes the throat because it reduces the ; i iMtion ; cures the cold because i: drives out the inflammation; nifds up the weakened tissues i conise it nourishes them back i their natural strength. ThatY i.ow Scott's Emulsion deals with. 1 f.ore throat, a coueh, a cold. or ttronc 1 hiti s. wri SEND YOU A SAMPLl FREE. SCOTT & BO WNE, frmri S(rS Maw Ywk GEESE FOR THE TEUTONS. Great Flocks Cross th Busaiaa lron tlr In th Fall Months Arm Fattened, Americans who cross the Rus sian frontier in the fall months on the railroad between Warsaw and Berlin are likely toaee an Onnsual Hight. They will observe flocks of geese numbering 1,000 or mote be ing driven toward the frontier, says the New York Sun. Kach flock is in charge of four or five men, some with red flags and otherB with booked sticks. I! a refractory bird straggles out of line it is deftly caught by the neck with a hooked stick and returned to its place. Germany buys more than 2,000, 000 of these Russian geese every year between August and Novem ber. The Germans are very fond OI OOSe UUU especially OI BIIIU1I.CU - . . . . .t -..V. ,.,.U.. HOUBr uieuni, niiH uiiniiiui ouvui 25 cents in that country and for two or three times ai much In New York. Roast goose is also the principal dish on St. Martin's day, both in Germany and in Russia, having the same honored place that the turkey occupies with as on Thanksgiving day. Far back in Russia one may see at the geese collecting stations the loading of hundreds of cars with these birds. The cars bave four platforms, one abovV anoth er, and a little gangway is st retched from the ground to the highest shelf. It requires some coaxing to get the birds up the gangway, but when one starts others crowd along and the platform is soon filled. Then the bridge is connect ed with the next lower platform, and so on till the car is locked up with several hundred geese on board. ; Geese do not stand long trans portation very well. Several years ago the Russian exporters made the experiment of sending them throughto Germany with out any rest! Many of .the birds were sick when they reached the frontier, and the Germans refused to buy them. Ho thet exporters went back to the old plan. When the journey is long, and it often takes several days, the geese are unloaded at two or three intervals and drive j t h rough" the fresh air and across the commons, where they may'eat" jsome grass, to tne next station, hen they are- loaded on the ears r,;1 jn .s the trains approach thefron- sh.r they are .topped at a little f niage, the geese are taken off :ind 9tart An their jlslt walk; Th ali ,10 ,-3i;aov welcomed bv the nipli.t of the goose fattening I .Ian is ierosa the border. Ponds fo' swim in and the most nutri tious food are provided, and in a few weeks they aVeA ready for market. 1 T ST . a k - w m . f ' w eMeewVU 1 IMS f ,r burnv S9rrs tetteiy eracke4 a hand4, etc, Fo- btind. bleed lot;, itching and prounding Piles it affords almost imroediat relief, it stops the J pain.4 Sold by The Pope Drug Co. : r ' "-! 'f ' jf- -.' - -" ;' , V - - '' "- 4 J' 'Sty MM i ', S i. I'M i ' "'il - tt ' V - ,: s ass. ; . . - WtSWMstfMIC 1

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