. t ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' V h 'l - ' T i, r . 3 Ai 3 &Bm-WtitiKTlY KOBE SON K XJx. 1 r 1 '''v J , V 1l ROBUP DEPARTMENT, : J Hsu Smith naT J , , .. . The miri "kho ha a constitution strong;' enough to iths&na an attack Of Spring 'fever and base ball fever combined is far too good for -Ibis old earth and . deserves v no credit tor such supernatural power.; There are a few such -people Iti the country, - but they the obvious anachronisms of the seasons and may be ex cused for existence on that score When the dogwood blossoms whiten the hedges and the blue-yji-A and mocking-bird fill the air with their singing, the man "mho-feels no Insane longing to go off somewhere and lie flat on his back and watch the hawks cir cling far above him, is not fit to associate with decent people no ' more than a jack daw is worthy of companionship with a night ingale; and he who can hump himself over a column of Agues, oblivious to the shouts of the youngsters and the crack of the baseball bat on the vacant lot just across the alley from his office, is not to be trusted along with the man who occasionally feels the call of pleasure stronger than the call of duty and who isn't too busy tryincr to "lay up .for himself treasures.on earth" to snatch a few moments of re laxation and enjoyment by the wayside. jDuty is conceded by all mri to be the grandest word in t ''.litraage, but it is so often con uded with greed that it is almoo. impossible to refrain from questioning the motives of some men. lne man wno worus irom a sense of duty,however, is rarely the man who never finds time to laugh with the world in the joy of living.' I would rather lie in - the shade and write a song that would live, or help win one cham pionship ball game, than spend my days in an eternal battle in which envy and avarice were the dominant motives. Kkff MUSICAL Tha PJnnn RoHtaI hvtlip music pupils . of the Rowland High School, mentioned in our last, was thoroughly enjoyed. The stacre of the academy was beauti- llfully decorated .and the program was m arusuc&uy reuuerou. aims music department of the school , is under the direction of Miss it, k . ft . myrxie Muse ana tne commena ' able skill of the pupils is a source rif nrinn nride to teacher and patrons, vine program was " lengthy and comiirehensive, but : '. . Hit nni mpnn tirAsnmp. and onlr A lack of space precludes our printing it. The height of its i standard is the greatest com pli y, nient that could be paid teacher or pupil ' t' Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Cox, of A1-, - fordsville were in townFriday. ' Miss Mattie Draugah is visit -' ing friends at Raeford and Ben ' nettsville this week. i"..- Jlrs. K. T. Drahan and chil t dren are visiting friends and re- ' ' We are glad to see Mr. T. W. Broke -h at nome agam after an abscense'of two! weeks inGeorgia, - Mrs. R." S. Dixon, returned home from Red Springs Wednes- ? day: We are glad.to report her , health,muchibetter thanlafew ' weeks ago. ' : ,- : rl- - - A. frerc cold or attack of ugrippe ii like a fire, the aooner 70a combat it the ' - better your chances are to ores-power It . Eat few mother in thia age are willing tq do the neceMarjr work required to gire a good old-faatawmed reliable treatment auoh as would be adminiatered by their rraadmoUtera, backed by Boackee'a Ger luan Syrup, which waa alwaja liberally u,;ed in connection with the home treat ment f colds and is still in greater booae ' UL1 faror than any known remedy, feat . even withoat the application of the old , fastened aids German Syrnp 'will cure a serere cold in qnicktime. It will eve colds in cUldren of grown people It re lieves the congested JMrgans, ; allays ' ht . irriiatioB.tndeffecUrdyitoosthe congh. ' Any chUd will take it.- It is fayalaablf U a household of children Trial sire bot tle, tc; reuUr size, 73c , For sal by Dr.J. D.UcUilka. . . XU A or-ltJaArAlwy M Xanielana--Xlyidsd la " , Tw RMtiOAAi Y I Musical insects of the) i win god type may be divided into rt ws troupe: - (1) Those which do not use their wings and (2) those wnicn ao, rpr,, lne production of iound. . Of the.two, the latter pe Vies is by far the more . numerous! A very curious fact Is that alj in Kits are tenorsv deep bass voice? being quite unknown ; in( addition to tms, the males are always th performers, female insects being: dumb -contenting tliemselvt-s with stopping at home and look Ing after the children instead of standing at the front door singing like their lords and masters, say the Scientific American. Many insects sing by day,"ach. for instance, as the chickadee, which, however, are not of the "vi olinist' type, as they play upon a sries of hard plates attached to the abdomen, much 1n the same way as a Spanish dancer useH the castanets. Another insect of this type is tha black field cricket, which has its home in a small, cavelike dwelling it prepares in the earth. Other insect! only sing by night such, for instance, as the domes tie and tree crickets, whose regu lar modulated notes are known to every one. The apparatus used by these insects exactly resembles a violin, the abdomen being partial ly endowed with small bridgelike' edges or ridges, against which t h" wings are rubbed, thus produeiug the strident note characteristic of the insect. - - Othor insects, such as locusts and ttit kin, have veritable bows coverc. I vith fine ridtren and at- taclif ;1 !n the'winirs !v two but ton like iriov.ths. )li;i'is have cavitiea covered over with a fine membrane which serve the office of resonators: in almost all in sects of this type there is a parch rnent like part of the abdomen which acts as a kind of soundir.g board. Strange to say, many of these harmonious insects are de prived of hearing. Crickets, how ?ver, are an xception, as they have sharp ears and cease their vocal efforts at the sound of ap proaching footsteps. Some in sects, although apparently do prived of any means for the pro duction of sound, are none the less capable of making a noise in the world. A notable instance o this is to be found in a locust re joicing in the euphonious name 0: Microcentrum tetinervis, which produces a short, monotonous note like two pieces of metal or flint rubbed together. 80 far the field of insect voice has not been widely explored. It would be interesting to study them from the point of view of musical notation, and also to de termine whether their song alters in any way according to the sea son, hour of the day, age of the in sect and meteorological 1 condi tions. HAVE) YOU WBAK LUNGS? The Hfbesooiau Bureau, G.K. McNEIKX. I i . ' ' v'--: '';' "Managers r NEIL ' vy- T&e Rdiland ; Drag : fjompanji if ' Subscriptions to The Robcsonlan :; ; ;r ' Rccelycd. i5z '4 We alao will make contracts for adverj tiring in these columns. Orders for all kinds of Job Printing Uketi. ' Satisfaction Guaranteed. All the legal; forms carried in stock and sold at lowest pnetr, , ? The Robesonian Bureau. Rowland, N. 0. V For Sale. One Lane Saw Mill with all fixtures, males, tarti, wagons, with, everything in good snape ana ready Jor running, one mile from Railroad, with 1,000,000 feet nice, large size long and short leaf pine. More timber can be had at this location. Mill already down and nothing to do but go to sawing. Reason for selling, have more work tnan can attend to. CLYDE McCALLUM. Acril 3 imr , Rowland, N. C. L A O liE S ) n R F a PR A MR n's j Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Suoerlor to other remeaiea sold at hleb Drtci. Cure fimrBiitced. SuopensfullT uwd by over uo.eoo wonet, i-rice " ASHCRAFTS ' ;- . Condition Povders A liigh-class remedy for horses in4 mules in poor condition and in need of a tonic. Bnilds solid fifascle and f at ; cleanses the sys tem, thereby producing a smooth, glossy, coat of hair.. Packed in doses. ; 25c. box. Sold by The Rowland Ding Co., Rowland, N. O. H. T. Pope, M.D. D C. Mclntyre, M.D. Dra Pope & Mclntyre, Physicians and Surgeons. Office up stairs in rear of Pope Drag Company's Store. gist or by mall. Dr. LaFranco, '2.1 Cent, dm I- Testimonial i booklet free. Philadelphia. Pa. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as Executoi o( Mrs. Eliza Flowers, deceased, Jate of Robeson County, N, C, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to'exhibit them to the undersigned Executor, on or before- the aist day of March, 1907. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their ecovey,. All persons indented to saia estate win please make immediate payment. This March 19th, 1906. , S; A. HUMPHREY, -' Exwutor. E. J. Britt and Mclntyre & Lawrence, Attorneys. 3-2o-6tu $5 Reward. STRAYED Black Tan Bitch. Small ears Short Head, medium size, little split in longue Five dollars Reward for re turn. D. S. Cailyle Rennert, R. F. D. No. 1. . Do You Fear Consumption? r -1 When we take into consideration the fact that one out of every seven in this climate die of consumption, u it any wonder that it is feared by the people of Lumberton who have weak lungs and chronic colds and coughs? A famous Loudon physician has for years urged his patients, when the sligh test tendency to consumption appeared, to take the best cod liver preparation they could find, and physicians every where have recognized that the cod'a liver contains curative talnes for coughs, colds,' bronchitis, consumption and all wasting diseases unequalled in medicine. but, unfortunately, few could take and derive any benefit from old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions on account of the indigestible grease which they con tain. Every person in Lumberton should know the value of the new cod liver pre paration, Vinol. It actually contains in concentrated form all of the strengthen ing body-building elements of cod lirer oil actually taken from fresh cods' livers, without: drop of oil or grease to upset the stomach and tetard its work. Therefoie, where old-fashioned cod liver oil or emulsions would do good. Vinol will do far more good. 7e guaran tee Vinol will improve the appetite, strengthen digestion, make rich, red blood,. create, streghth, cure chronic coughs and colds and strengthen wsak longs. If Vinol falls to give satisfaction, ws return your mooey without question. J. D. McUiUsa Druggist, y WARD'S All Healing Antiseptic. IT GUARDS HEfoTH AND eft; HEALS. CLEMS THE PRAOK 1 And alva Or. Edmund the rlaht of war.' for bis Kctotdtar'have stood th teat for tvalv Tears, whn erythlng else had failed, and his nanr frloads will baek hlia ap la wying ikls. BUreataiid well-anowo Mmodr, , . , . i v.-.,',- . ' a- iir. mamuna a uonc ana juuner Jbever uurd. & n Is a speolfle for Colte, Graval, Pnenmonla, and ny Stomaoh or Laag: disorders. This iw . medy always relievea, and hu stood at the frji for twelve years. ItlsaSreat Blood . Portlier, too the Beaton the ltsrket, and this Remedy wilt Frereat And Oar Boa Chat i T ' a II ht. Xdmuad aaka U for the reader to try one bottle. Yoa will ! keep tt oa - hand. ' i . - " . - . . . . Every Bottle Sold Under m. Gnaraatee to Care orj Uoaey Bcttmded.V TaonMndj of Testlaaonials upoa' request. : KBnfo tared only ay DR W; -,s O 5 ? EDMUND, Phone 62 :; LUMURRTQK, N.1 0; . . 3.16 you Will soo n Need Soine or All of the Following: - Borax, :' Moth Balls, Quick Siyert Bi-Ohloride of Mercury, Furniture Polish, Gasoline, . ' -Benzine Etc., --Eta Rem-ember, we are Headquarters for all. these goods, as well as f anything that is kept in a First-Class Drug Store.. : : : : The Purest and Best Drugs that money can buy, at prices a lit tie lower than any other Drug Store. .i : : : : : : : : OUK MOTTO-Fair and Square Dealing with AIL TKe Rowland Drug Co., GEORGE K. McNEILL, Mgr, I A. R. McEACHERN, J, A. JOHNSQN, L. A. McGEACHY. McEacbern, Johnson t McGeachy Company, ST. PAULS, N. C. Germs are ever teady to attacK either maq or beast. A wound from any cause will be quickl infected with them, and if they do not cause blood poisoning tbey will at leas retard the healing and cause the sore to be most painful. Wherever there is fermentation, decay or pus, there are. germs. Ward's All-Healing Antiseptic will destroy them, and is therefore a preparation that siiould be kep. at hand .for instant nse. It is good for msn or beast. It is invaluable in treating wounds, scalds, burns, bruises, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism, toothache, bowel complaint, diarrhoea, cholera morbus, flux, colic, . etc. We guarantee this preperation. PRICE 35c. Originated and Prepared Solely by H. B. WARD, Sold by Ashpole Drug Co., Ashpole, N. C. ; H. X. Curtis 8t Co., Gaddysville, N. C; no. W. Ward, Echo. N. C, and many others. Muth Bns. & Co., Baltimore, Distributing Agents. ROWLAND, North Carolina. Great Display of Spring Goods! We have united the Mercantile Business of St. Pauls, believing suek action upon our part will not only help us, but will also enable us to Give Our Customers Better Serylce. By combining the business we find that we can purchase in muck larger quantities, thus securing a GREAT REDUCTION in Cost of Goods. Our running expenses are reduced and now we have to pay the incidental expenses of only one business, instead of three as heretofore. Patrons of the store will be given the benefit of the closr buying and reduced expenses, thus getting their merchadise at " Much Lower Prices, Mr. A. R. McEachern, who has been in the mercantile business at St. Pauls for 24 years, will be manager. We will at all times carrr a large stock of General Merchandise. We also have in stock, Guano of almost every kind. We pay Highest Market Prices for Cotton. . a MG&adiern, Johnson January 26th. & MGGeachu Company. New Goods are Arriving Daily, of : : : : First shipment of Spring'Line Dry Goods and Notions Are now being placed on exhibition for your inspection. We will show a large line of famous SKREEMER SHOES for Men, and several different brands of Nice Dress choee for Ladies and Children. : : : : : : : : : We will'take great pleasure in showing you through our entire Stock. We thank you for the enormous trade given ns in the past and solicit a oontinuanoe of the same . : r - : : : Bead this Advertisemerit-It will pay you. Yours to Please, I McH Rracv R 0 W L A N D Hardware and Furniture. McCormlok & Rogers, or. Rowland, finding themselves with an Immense Stock of Hardware and Furniture on hand to reduce stock will sell, for the next 60 dayf. for cash, any article In their Huge Stock at LOWER PRICES than the same quality of goods oanbe bought elsewhere in Robeson or adjoining counties. The stook includes Thousands of Dollars' worth iof High-Orade Good, soch as STOVES, RANGES, BED-BOO! SUITS, and many SUple Articles. This-means BUSINESS, not blow, and it will pay anyone to drive twenty miles to secure the Bargains that we offer. .. : :. Tfry Truly. McOORMIOK & ROGERS, v. Rowlaiid,'.N. kO. : Haroh 16 Oil? a Pes Lett ol the large Slock el U LES ANB M(D)KE. . -- We had, and these we will close out at se & Extremely Low Prices, & Offered for Cash or on Fall Time. If you don't come witKin the next few days you may miss one of these Bargains. rf.k h. k. Mccormick & co. A. D. McKENZIE, Salesman. An Acceptable Wedding Gifii Is usually a hard thing to find, and often one does not mind ' the prioe as .much as jthe job of selecting the present. Ton will have ne trouble selecting a present at oar store We have the Largest and Handsomest Stook ever displayed inf -this section of the 8tate. Everything in1 ' Out Glass, Fine Je-vyelry and Silverware. 1 ' McLE AN . - ROZIER OO March 23 LUMBERTON, N. C. THE CROWELL SANATORIUM . - For The Treatment el " ' . Wnlskey, Morphine and Nervous Diseases. Modern Biw.&itba.ElectridtT; Etc Seedal aoartmata female patieata. For fall information writej s v MUtat Reiident rhjldaa,X3 : v. Ne.SW.3i4 Charlotte, M. C.