THE SEMI-WEEICl.r KUbfiBONlAfl. ft ROWLAND DEPARTMENT McNkill s'tixnx burn Manager There is no disaster in history to compare with the destruction of San Francisco. One ot the fairest of American cities 1 swept from the face of the cartli. a tast multitude of peopk' are left homeless and turnpenny ami nothing but desolation marks iln spot where once stood a proud and progressive city. The de struction of property will run up into the hundreds of millions, much of which is doubtless ;i total loss. The strugRles and efforts of the builders of the cit.v that left their monuments in pa. latial homes and towering busi ness blocks must have a rebirth. In the excitement of the hour, the prophecy was made that per haps the city would never be re built as the outlook pointed to a complete annihilation; but tin other report came that the best people of the citv were using eve ry effort to check the progress of the flames and at the same tune were making embryonic plans to rebuild the city even before it was destroyed. It is character istic of the American people that no disaster, however appalling the magnitude, can daunt them. Fires, earthquakes and floods may destroy their homes and leave them penniless, but not lung, short of death can break their ' spirit. lieiore ine nres nave ceased to smoulder, we predict that preparations for replacing the destroyed buildings will have begun, and that from the ashes of her ruins will spring a grand er and more beautiful ban Fran cisco than the one that was once the gateway to the Pacific. There is an old proverb to the effect that one man's loss is an other's gain. It might bo added that it is often a whole com in uni ty's gain. We have profited by the misfortune of a colored nns creant during the past week. His timo devoted to the town's inter est has been spent in street clean ing and, inconsequence, there is a wonderful improvement in the appearance of Main street. A lot of tin cans and other rubbish that should have been removed by some souvenir garbage collec tor long ago have disappeared in the last few days. It would be interesting to know just what per cent, of t he cot ton crop of the South was planted last week. In this immediate vicinity, by far the greater part of the cotton planted went under ground then. It has boon ideal weather for farm work, notwith standing the fact that the land is gettihg thirsty and hard in some places to such an extent that it does not break easily. However, all things considered, it has been a very favorable spring for pre paring land and planting crops. Miss Mary fcoutherland, of lied Springs, is visiting friends in town. Mr. Colon Stubbs spent Thurs day in Payetteville on business. Miss Anna Worthy, of Car thage, is visiting Dr. and -M rs. W. E. Evans this week Rev. Joseph Evans, of St. Pauls spent Thursday night in town. Miss Mary Tom Weaver, as sistant teacher in the Ai fords ville High School, left for her home near Asheville, Friday morning. Miss Annie McQucer returned Thursday from IJennettsville, 8. C. She was one of the bride's maid's at the McCaskill McCall wedding. Mr. A. D. McKenzie .sjient Friday in Fayetteville on busi ness. v Mr. L. R. Hamer, of Raynliam, came over Wednesday night to hear the lecture by Air V C Moore. Mr. J. F. Parker, of Mdion tflds, was in town Friday The following gentlemen nt tended a fish fry at the MrUm -mill pond Thursday: Mess i; s Bond, P. II. Barnes. A H lh-dg--peth.O. D. Smith,.!. 15 MiLe".l and Dr. C. H. Lennon. M.r. J. J. Tavlor spent Wi d nesday in Fayetteville. Mr. C. C. Mortre, of Charlotte delivpreJ a verv utile :ild IT'S tl " H" '17 . , . ; litre W n ht t o t up 1 reiin tl v fm Milult hoid l t bv The I'oi.e IJ 'If o. THE DRAGON. 1 would u it give mi )-ii en ! For all the bnas'.ed km trot.E. streng'h r.f nil 'he Should ooce tbi billion the world week ones ot But realiu their numbert and their wrong Elaa Barker, in Evarybody'a Msga flu for Mtjr. Gxo K X PIBLJC SCHOOL CLOSES. Successful Session Cainc to end Friday. v The public school closed Fri day, niter a successful term of seven months and three weeks. Mr .1 hi wood Porter has been principal of the school during the nasi session, and his 1 ec t ion of the success by a unanimous vote trustees is proof of the h has at t r. in il. I ie w as sisi! - il .....! by Misses L. Jim lniilger.i una Anna v i l icoil. rl ne enrollment for the term was KM and the average daily attendance was KJ. The school will have a library nt a cost ol liO or more bv net term. Of this amount, MT.Iid u-j'.s i:nsol m the school and -!' was 1'iven bv the county and stiite The book case will be given bv t he county. lilood I'olsoumg results from chromr i oiihtip.-it ion, winch is omcklv enrol bv or. Ivini; s iNcw Life l'llls riicv remove;! 1 poisonou ircim f nin thr si hti-iii anil intuse new life and vior: cure sour stomach, n-iu-ra, ln'.i d;iclii', iliivmi-ss iiml cimc without Krll,,nK "r tiM"iiiifort. "c. (oiarautoeil bv All Dru'its. It Happened In Lnglaml. Andrew Lang once wrote to Israel Zanguill to iisk liini lo take part in an author's reading for the benelit of a charity, and received in reply the lollowmg lacotue nn ssage: Jl A. Lang will I. Zanguill. '"- ruder the Spreading Chestnut Tree,'' m hvorybody -s Magazine for May. I'LWY '.HI' DKKN Words ofl'iUTi'sl to Kvitv M.Jitr in it rton. Sin el v r.i"t li-r.s ar tint i-.i blame li ihat whit li lhe c.iiiniii In lp. IV.n wikii t hum' thin. imiIo-'ui cl :i:j t : u iv ci: I -(lreii ii i' : f.-ii i i) m:r !rctt e ;iM.iiin slit'wslli't nicMlus--. nrr to 1! m ,i'il are iv ever,- I'.oth r i l.r.inli- i'. ii oupbt tu Uiu her elrldieii Y i- o) is i tit c:)rti'.ll'S in ;l w ll.l l.:Cl 11 1.1 l'0 I' I i-iiie. ill r 1. 1 0 1, a r -. v. 1 t n; iii i li but It it fi.rm b ' 1 .-lll.lll.V i lmiii .t th.- ii i i In 1.1 v Mllll.'Mli'iyth ng nt,: l.ile li fin "i 1 1 yr. .1 - ,,r I1.!, ttti'iiacn hi; ii tl il. I .shiLin e u I sun that h Vi nl S O'lUll'll s. i r ' n- b u- CMhtrcn Mrs. J sa s tha! i.l i! clic'uii t!:i' mosi ieil l. ..i il,- ir. .1. bui' h tin ketl. x i II i .f M. b h: MI'I. f'ul 1. Dhi o . i i s ml e ill I 'ii w 'i. run il nii-rf si an , vmi that in 1 in ;i i cma U Ie a bun :.'y liu VilKll (1 ! -bn We u f.e it ST'l ir. Wi 11 b '. Ill tune. Km buth o 1 1 i 1 . 1 1 l the y ri-at st i n nt iter, hi n :i.;ilt..-r sit t! ml v ii- u nil in mil mini! ; e;s t-r. re: mi !. Hi' n- V i.i; ! it ! -lK t u i every c -e w lit-i tl II .1 ! Mi'M"! ,ri'-.t. l ommiseioner's Hale. Ilv viisiio i f jiu'.li n't vi- (ill m irv b a ju'ViiKi.t i f tin- S'.ip-j'inr l.'iuir: f.( KoKt-fim I'.iintv. Cilt.:ic-' b!ti:e tilt Cleik in a f.pc-c.i 1 pn -ci-o'ir -i; p-. n-1 i i j; n sai 1 Coin t herein A. A. McMillan ami O'.lieni p aimilln, aail John 1-Mi-Millei a;i.i utler:: lire ilefend nts, I will mi oil nesdnv. the r-,ul u.i v i.l Mnv, I ')". ft 12 u clock loiin, :it lb; Court House do. vin LumhertiHi, N. c. ffer for h ; 1 1 ?.t i hiylieht I iililer for . ilescriheil lanls si ... County 1 I K' lit-sm : ami bonii'l. '1 ami o is; Tract Cem 1 run of the ( reat M ,. lot No 5. and runt; 1 1 of lo- No. s Sou hi', lie 'ih. fitirtion tii -li. the fuliov. inir f ami bt in :n tlie . Pauls T i'wnsbii'i. : ibeil as fiillnws: H at a slake on the li at the corner of t rice alone; llie line 'e t 77. so chains to a titakc 111 a-i old held: theiiee North 76 West 1 r so ham to a stake 111 an old field: thence North 1 Kant 77-So rhai s to a stake at the run on the lirent Marsh, llienre down the run ol the same to the begintnitp c ltitRimiifr Ss acres. 2nd Tract !uvi u:nj; at a stdke 111 a la'KC di h. corner of lot No. 7. and runs Son tli -,- Wist t 'a slake, tiu nee outh a 1 .'i '-' 15 7() 'him to a stake: the ce S ulli 7h l-.ast ,j.3'l 10 h stake by a pin thei xe Mirth I I '2 Kast 2 Si) lo n s:.-ike on the We t m ii of I'orf.e liranch: thenre direct to he b .giiiinii, containing by . acri-s. T.ns April 2 -tii, I9.n0. K. C. J.A WRKN'CK, Ooilllllissioilei-. Mclntvre ic 1 awrtiice. At orii' ys for plnmiis. 4-24-stn Sale of Land. Ui-rWan order of th Superior C urt of Robes -ii Ctuntv, made 'iv-W H H1111 phr.i Cl. rk of ilie S perior l onri 11 -i S iec'ii! j roi-e dills; 'hen l'i p nd'n; n itle,. Kate P. Mrbt d and h sbui.l ' ,eo tor H a in st Jaineh I Proc-r-i) rd s- u 1 Inquest bidder, fo- . as. the uiiilt- no UlC'IOTT to t -li. H' t'li- our' H ''t n, N f. on V. 6. the o 'o 1 nir U'e door 111 I.tiie ne av, M v 2r.l tn kobes n I'liun v. 'lib (a'onui. 11. l.uii ! e t r t ;v'i in, Iv no; Nvj ili f 'h to vn of 1 I ji; 1 b. r' 11 aril jaee t thi r.lo alio I " 1 d- k w h 1'ie 1 'roet ' - Mr ! o 1 Ian!.. . Wii ,i i,v Jr. K ' e r. I Mr 1 I'll and 1 1 c e. ;ii t t'i-. K I'mi" , iJ-. 1. 1- h ', v Ircli li.- criii of the 0 of .rb ' -if. A s'i'iiate 1 11 ap 11. t : tot ol ,U'ii I 1 re. 1'. (ivil 1.11 v mh ' 1 -1 ig .), hi-. h N a' o- iv1 lie s I . f. low a , e ,. f 1 it f t! K S .11 1 in ' t , h . f, . w A l McK M 1 . . HIV v t il i '. il- Kow Tl d. :T i f Apt il ly (). : Mc! TVRK . C. Met okmioi; C' inmis- cr.,v 4-24-j tu Any innn vrho 1ms k Jot .f mo ntv can afford t.o wntu iviatrs ! or a living. It's Good x To know a good Drug Store wtitsre yon ran depend on get ting (iood Service and Good Materials without paying too "Uood a Price." - - - - We're wailing for an oppor tunity to nliov you how well we can serve you. -Yours lo Please, Dr. J. D. McMillan & Son, DRUGGISTS, Lumber-ton, N. 0. Feb (Uh. BUSINESS BUILDERS. T.y nu i in tins column at live cents per h ie for each itvsjr'on. Whether it is a house to reut. something you have for sale, or soun Ihinji vou want to buv, The Robesonlnn Want Column wi 1 1 Hi'K 1 l,c llrtu ,9- VVUL LINK HASTMAN KODAKS and snpphe -,. Ri member. "If isn't an l-.tistiiiaii. it is-' t i Kodak. McLean Kozter Coin umy. 3-13 IIKY A LOT tN IJMF.LL. LUMBER? ton's beiu'itnl northern suburb, with rent moiiev, and v m will own a home nii'l also have n ltivestmrnt continual ly mcrensiU); in vnl -e Apply to A. W. Mc' en or A. K. White for terms. 2-6 LAWC.KSr U1ILAY OF JEWELRY, Silverware ami Cut Glass Wedding I'le-eiits ever shown in Robeson Coun tv McLi au-Ko.ii'r Company. 3-13 WATCH LINliIii.L GROW! BUY A lot for cash or on easy terms, and your investment will double in value 'n a short time. vSee A. E. White or A. W. McLemi for terms. a-6 Iirn.D A MOUSE IN LINDELL TO live 111 or to rent. We will sell yon the lot an ' hr'p vou buiM a house. App'y to A V. McLean or A. E. White for 'einis. . 2-6 Ilir.GlSr LIN l GOLD AND SILVER Wat. lies 111 town McLean-Rozier C' liiji nv. 3-13. Ml INKY TO LOAN IN SMALL inn unts on rea estate. Apply to Sieiihen Melntvre. Vl6 tf FIVK NICK HUILDINO LOTS FOR s.iie ai h bargain in N rih-F,ast Lum berloi'. known as the Higley property. Must 1 11 s nd at once. Vor terms apoly 11 A K Wliiic Lumberton. N. C. 2 9 "U SAilC TW'i PAIRS OF PEA fmv s ilv lo Mrs Wesley Thomp Tcl'onalds. N. .-, 4-'7-3t HlK SAIh- -Seven room drelling in .-hiMilc. Located in one-acre lot, ami has barnes and aittsian well oiitil.u e. Apply to O. . Bradly, Ashpole, N. C. tl Notice. To the Incorporators and Subscnberi to the Capital Stock of the Diesden Cot ton Mills. Incorporated: 011 are hcrehv notified that the first meJnikr ot the incorporators of the Dres den Cotton Mills, lncorpcrated, will be be held nt the office of the Lumberton C 'it .11 M ills 111 tlie lowu of Lumberton, Ni r h Carolina, on Tuesday, May 1st, ii) 0. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, for ue purpose of orj'amzing said corpora tion, the election of officers and the trans action 1 I such busmes as may legally come 1 itore said meeting. Flease be prf'cut 111 person cr bv oroxy. This the 16th day . f April, 1906. C B. 'iownsend, Stephen Mclntyre, J. P. McNeill, W, J. Prevatt, O. C. Nonnent. II. B. Jenning", K M. nig;s, A. W. McLean, I II. Wishart. R C. Lawrence, L. II. Caldwell. Caldwell & Carlyle, A. E. White. Q. T. Williams, i-rank Gough, Incorporators. GEO. S. HACKER tl SON M ANt'KACT ''RES OF Doors, Sash, Blinds Mouldings, Uuildlng Materia Sash Weights and Co.J. Charleston, S. C. 1 u: dies our makes, which we guar uii-c superuv to any sold South, and ther?'v save in ne . Window and Fan : v Giass :i Spe la'tv. 4 20 ASHCRAFTS Condition Powders A high-class remedy for horses and mules in poor condition and in need of a tonic. Builds solid muscle and fat; cleanses the sys icm, thereby producing a smooth, glossy coat of hair. Packed in doses.' 25c. box. Sold by The Rowland Ding Co., Rowland, N. O. 2-16-31U 1 1 M?'(3LL MONEY: AT SIX PER CENT ! We furnish oar Customers with Money at Six Per Cent to meet their business requirements No oastomer hu ever had reason to complain of onr failure to famish him money either in good or bad times. We make no promises that we do not fulfill. Oor security to depositors, and onr assets are much larger than any other Bank in this Oonnty or section. : : : : : For this, and many other good reasons, it is to yonr interest to deal with us. If yon have not done so, open an aooount with us, and join our host of pleased customers. : : : : The Accounts of Farmers receive our Special Attention. The Bank ol Lumberton, A. W. MoLEAN, Pres. O. B. TOWNSEND, Cashier,: R. D. CALDWELL. Vioe-Pres. J. P, STANSEL, Asst Cashier FOR SPRING IN Men and Boys' Beginning Wednesday Morning, April 25th, we put on sale a very Handsome Line of Fine Pants for both Men and Boys. These goods are the Correct Thing Right up to the hour in Style and Pattern, and we defy all competi tors to duplicate the Prices we make on them. We have Pants of all Description and at all Pri es We quote a few SPECIALS that are SPECIALS indeed, and you can't afford to miss seeing them Come wnile you can get a neat fit. : : : : : v : : : Ostein S Eisttee S I One Lot Beautiful, All Wool Worsted Pants, the kind you have always paid $3.50 to $4.00 Our Knock-Out Price $2.50 and $2.85. Another Lot that we GUARANTEE to be as HANDSOME as you can buy elsewhere, for $5.00, we will SELL THEM WHILE THET LAST AT $3.50 and $4 00. Our Spring Pants for Boys Are All You Could Wish. we underDuu. we undersell. Liiiiiiiiirtoii Gash Cotton Planters Sell One Hall This Year's Crop at 10 Gents, Other Hall Not Under 121-2 cS6 ci6 Stand Together. W. B. Cooper, "ilrriretOD, N. O VERMIFUGE la the Mm Rood, old-fathioacd medicla that ha aaved tba lira of little childrea for the pait to yean. It ia a mcdlciaa made to cure. It haa amr fecca knows to fail. If roar child la aick get a bottla of ' ftlEY'S VERMIFUM k FIXE TCXIC FM CKILCHN Do not take a ubatitute. If yonr drag fiat doea aot keep it, aead twcaty-Ave ccata la atampe to 3D. 3 0. BaUtlmora, Mat. aad a bottla will b sialUd yoa. BUYERS Fine Trousers. clothing Store. Candidate for Solicitor. I dciire to publicly announce tbt I will be a candidate for Solicitor of thu Judicial District before the Petnocratic primaries of Robeson County. N. A. SINCLAIR. April :7th. Timber for Sale! On Monday, the 7thdy of Mav, 1906, at the court house door 11 I.urabertoa, N. C, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, all the merchantable pine timber measuring ia inches in diameter 18 inche- from the ground, on about 2,000 acres of land in Howellsville townsbip Robeson county, with nix years from February 1. 1966, to ent and remove tlit same. The land is located ab -ut 11 miles southeast of Rennrrt, N C. on le A. C. L. Railroad, aud about 12 mile k0rtheat of Lumberton, N. C. on the 3. A. L Railrond. The timber will W sold as a whole, except about 4 to acrr which sold stparattlvr on farti' date Terms of Sale: Cash; or one-ha I cash and the balance in six and months, twitb interest, on appn veri ft entity. The right 10 reject any and nl bids is hereby reserved. Parties rlcsning to inspect the timber miy do so by call ing on L. Shaw. St. Fbu s, N. C , who will give any information in rrgird to it. L. SHAW, Si. aulS, r. C Wishart & Shaw, Attorneji", Lumbeiton, N. C. 4 1O 3W For Sale! Ooe.viH. P. Automiitic etijji i nrd ne 40 II P boiler, enc 15 H. rn tre nd 20 H. V. boiler, 0111 60 a v otton in, :ne prs with all ntc ssniy attach ments ao, 00 cpacitv .brick machine an I fixtures. i-'r leiui. h ,. to r. M. R KKIiR, 4-13 4 moj f Luiti'mton, N. C HOLLISTER'S Aocky Uountaln Tea Nuggets A Bty Hadidns tot Biity Psopl. Brlacs SoMea Hcaltk and Rcnswcd Vlfor. A stMdUle for Constipation. Indigestion. LiTr sad Kklner troublea. rlmploa, EVzemu. Iut Blood. Bad Braatb. Slnfralsh Bowels, Httulaohs and Baekaehe. lta Bockjr Uountaln Tea in tab let form. 95 oan la a bos. Genuine made bf Hoixiaru Dbvo OOMFAaX Madlaoo, Wla SOLOEN NUSaETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE CLEAR THE TRACK I tndclrcDr Edmund V Huht of w. for hi R nd b voo.i tn-i e, i -ir fj, . jeon. when eryi -Iriff a m had filled and hl ,t aiy friend wlii ke b' n". :t -1 u ' j Dr. Edmund's Colic and Lung Fever C ; I a speelda for rolte, Grael, lrlromor.. ami any Utona h or- hint merty always rrlloves, an hat sttol a the fr nt twelve years It; rurler. too - the Bast ud the Mar-et. a d thia hnelT win fre out A , n ra. .'11 . r. Edmund asks Is for the read- r to tr bottla tot w ll) hr haod. Every Bottle Sold Under a Guarantee to Cure or Mone K Tnonsaadi of Teati 1 onlals upon request, kf anufaotored on y by DR. W. O. EDMUND, LUMBERTON, N. 0. Phone 52 The Live And Let But your Garden Seeds from us. We handle Wood's Seeds, the Best for tht Sou h. Our Seeds are all Fresh, aril Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. So much shipped corn and bay if not good for stock, Ashcraft's Condition Powders Will make them shed tone up the system, and keep them in a healthy condi tion during the Spring months. Try a package and be convinced. See us before buying yonr Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Etc., Etc. As we are Headquarters for the- e goods, and we are prepared to save yon some monej-. Call in to see na while in town. OUR MOTTO Fair and The Rowland Drug- Co., GEORGE K. "IT PAIS W PM FOR OMUTI Spring stationery. Our S ock of t"tionery keps riwp.g berane wi- I'ave nr w trig trade ThiH se.son s in- is Higj r arid Belic-r than .vr-. Box Papers in all the La'i-st st les; K ilk Pprr, ulcil an -ruled, a 1 Size and Qualities. There ar two tens n whv we i-xiit-ct vout trade n Stationer First, we give an Ample H i.tmen i cImos- fro n ht'Cood we sell a Cl !e t PsMbl- Pr ces Everything we sav of Stationep pulies to the th.-,Ks that jo w h StB'in 'rn I ks Pena, Pencils, Kir Right Kinds at Right Prices. WARD'S DRUG STORE, Everything m Drugs and Sundries. Rowland : : BARGAINS -IN- Hard ware and Furnitures McCormiok & Rogers, or Rowland, finding themselves with an Immenise Stock of Hardware and Furniture on hand, to redaoe stock will sell, for the next 60 days, for cash, any article in their Huge t-tock at LOWER PRICES than the eamequalitj of goods oan be bought elsewhere in Robeson or adjoining counties. The stool includes Thousands of Dollars' worth of High-'irade Goods, such as STOVES, RANGES. BED-ROOM SUITS, and many Staple Articles. This taeans BUSINESS, sot blow, and itgwlll pay anyone to drive twenty miles to secure the Bargains that we offer. Very Truly, Mccormick & Rogers, ' Rowland, N. O. I trJ I III' J Li0-1 I My ii I " ' Vs C WTi o h:! ) i tl I Lord Mafltoie ( titiidnrd rids Mig"ificeut Si-til' -fi in -iV- tie '.; ut 1916 -'i t''1sa l iitiileri ii N C Hi br- iituR 1 koA, -tvl . i'im:ui.i . u n1st pieteof Il'irse l'lesh ai Ni'iili Catoini. Porti;tlie p..rtirv - & . i ' R. B. Beckwith, SUBSCRIBE lpOR THE R0BES0NIAN. t'f ra bo :-. h 4- I III au4. 3.16 Liye Drug Store. Square Dealing with All. McNEILL, Mgr. lH IB : : ic:.-.WM-4,W'. mm N 2C2d8. ind eist r McLeod H i t i.ig, over PtiS'. flit j N 3 1 WW I Jt4 Xi V