THE RODESONIAN PVtUBBKD TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS BY KOBESONIAN PUBLISHING CO. CHAS. A. BINES. P. A. BRYANT, Editor Bus. Mgr. UBS0KIPT1ON EATIS: at Tr Is Von tat Threw Moathi Oa afoatk 11.60. .7S to .16 Onr Adwtlalng Rate re P .tfor MhUSolt of priori from which the n 1? 1 W nriTlllon Onr r.t and dril- adnrtiMr. BnterM wcond clM m.twr l ; the , Pot VBot lmbrtoD K. C under the Act of 4oareMf March rd. 1W7. TUESDAY. MAY ai. 1006. Has anybody asked you the old question, "Is it hot enough for you?" Since Ex-Congressman Romu lus Z ig-Zag Linney has named the place of holding the Republi can State Convention, the execu tive committee need only to fix the day. A Louisville -woman laughed herself to death over a funny story. She must have gotten hold of a part of the congression ial record containing speeches on the rate bill. When Kuropatkin announced that he would write a history of the Russo-Japanese war, he was asked if it would be a running story." Now he will not write the story at all. The Washington Post fears that something will be left un said in connection with the rate bill discussion. Among other things, it says: "Wouldn't it be simnlv awful it after the rate 1 - bill is passed and signed, some senator should think of some thing he left unsaid." The people of the State are wondering who will succeed Thomas S, Rollins as chairman of the Republican State Execu tive Committee. Some one said to Judge W. P. Bynum, .Jr., re cently that the judge was the man for the place. To this Judge Bynum repled, "I would as soon be in h without claws as to be mixed up in such a crowd." Next! President Roosevelts' sudden change of attitude with reference to the rate bill has lowered him considerably in the estimation of the people generally. Senators Tillman and Bailey have attacked him in speeches that were bitter in their denunciation of him. The trouble is that President Roose velt has talked with too many members of congress and allow ed himself to be quoted on more occasion than was best for him and the supporters of the rate bill. "I don't want you to speak to me again," is what Judge Pritch ard said to Congressman Black burn in Washington Wednesday. Several years ago Congressman Blackburn went to Raleigh and in a hard fought contest with Marion Butler stood side by side with Senator Pritchard. We had thought Senator Pritchard too much ot a gentleman to refuse to shake hands with a man who had labored for him, but his action only goes to show how great is the ingratitude of some Republi can politicians. The Census Bureau has issued a bulletin in which it is stated that one woman out of sixteen works for her living. There are only eight trades in which women are not engaged. This is fine news, isn't it? It is very encour aging to the advocates of women suffrage, who will throw up their hats and shout' for joy. But it does not seem' "fine" to us. What is the matter with our girls? Are they extravagant and not willing to be makers of homes, rather than to be engaged in business? What is the matter with our boys?- Are they not "Willing "to pro id- for their sisters? These are burning questions that come trooping intoour minds and press us for an answer. They are ques tions in which our future is in Browa Captures Convention. Wilmington, May, 15 Friends of J. A. Brown, of Chad bourn, seem to have captured the county convention here to-day for the the selection of delegates to the State and district conventions. G.J.Boney was elected chairman and to him was delegated the authority to appoint delegates to all the conventions after confer ence with an advisory committee to be appointed by him, one from each ward in the city and one member from the county town ships at large. It was expected that Godwin, of Harnett, would lead in the congressional race in this county but, at the ward meetings last Tuesday night, a businessman's ticket of dele gates to the county convention appeared in the central wards and were elected without opposi tion. The Congressional Vote. According to the official vote for .Governor in 1904 as given in the North Carolina Year Book, the vote of the several counties in the Sixth District in the Con gressional Convention, later to be called, will be as follows: New Hanover 26 Brunswick 13 Bladen 20 Columbus 32 Robeson 49 Cumberland 34 Harnett 24 Total 198 Jotinson-McCormlc. The following invitation has been received: "Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. McCjarmic request the honor of your presence at the marriage of theirilaughter, Lena Esten, to Dr. Livingston F. John son, Wednesday afternoon, May the thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, at half after five o'clock, Methodist Church, Rowland, North Carolina." Change ol Schedule. Effective May 27th, trains No. 39 and 40, now operated between Hamlet and Wilmington, will be Extended through to Charlotte, as was in effect before the change of April 15th. These trains will take eare of all local stops and elminate the necessity of Nos. 28 and 41 stoppin between Monroe and Hamlet. This will save the annoyance of a change of trains at Hamlet and Monroe by pas sengers going from here to Char lotte. NAME CARVING. Upon the samls I wrote my name And hoped that it might stay, But soon there came the sweeping tidt And washed my name away. Again, I carved upon a tree My name .in letters plain, But when I came in after years I searched for it in vain. A granite shaft I built so high And on it placed my name; The stone endured but for while And then it downward came. "If all these fail, what shall I do?" I asked myself at last; And then I thought of another plan, A plan with joy forecast. On hearts of men my name I'll write In letters bright and fair By deeds of good that I may do While I am living here. Aud then beyond the touch of time My name will surely live. For reason of good that I may do, And joys to others give. C. A. H. Most men would save a lot of money by letting others do all the speculating. We Trust Doctors If you arc suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it.too. Ask him about it. Ton mnit look well after tha condition of 7mr IWorand howvli. thm It dalle action or tha ttoweli, pbiaoouua prodneta an kbac.rbtd. caiultw beaiUelie, Mllonaneu, ua . dTipeHla, and tnu sravmttng tba Bar. Mparflla from doing IU bast work. Ayara Pllla are liver pllla. Act gentlr. all Tafatabla. Tn doaa U onlj ana pill at badttaM. Madabr J.O. Arer Oo., tKnralL Mm Alao manufhatanaa af 9 mm VMM 1 IPTQ AOUB CURB, Commissioner's Sale ol Timber. By virtue of authority vetted In me by a judgment of the Superior Court of Robe ton County, entered before the Cler in Special Proceeding pending in tatd C url. aame being a tale to make aaaeta, entitled Nathan Britt, Executor of R. S B irt, ceceated, vt. lane Britt and othea. being Mo. 1485 on the docket I said Court, I will, on Monday, the 1 8th day of June, 1906, at 13 o'clock uoon, at the Court House door in the town of iviimbertoa, N, C, offer for tale to the highest bidder at public au;tton for citah. ALL THE PINE. GUM. CY PRESS AN . JUNIPER TIMBER of the diamterof twelve incites and upward, when rut, eighteen inches from the ground, waicu it now growing on ana upon the following described lands in Kooeaon county, in urit' t lownsnip, being aame lands formerl 1 owned Dy K. S. Britt, deceased, and d. scribed as fol lows: Firat Tract Containing 80 acres, more or leas, being same lands conveyed Dy uaieo uritt to R. 3. Bntt. Second Track A trad containing about 70 acres, being the land conveyed to R. 8. Britt by hat Britt, excepting about 35 acres heretofore sold by K. b unit to joe Britt and I. V. Britt. Third Tract A tract containing about 67 acres more or less, being same land conveyed by W. r. French to k. !. Bntt. Fourth Tract On West side of Lum ber River, containing about 83 acres, be ing land described in a mortgage from R. S. Britt to Caldwell & Catlyle. regis tered 'in book of mortgages No. 4, at page 456. The outside boundaries ot tne taid tracts, which adjoin each other, are as follows: Beginning at a pine near the mouth of Robert Britt 's lane, and runs South 64 West 30.85 chains to a stake; thence S. 25 East, 23 chains to a stake in Isham Stone's line, thence as his line about North 60 East, 20.85 chains to a short leaf pine at the tdge of a bay, said Stone's beginning corner; thence as his other hue South 38 East, 3 5 chains to a stake and pine in the Lot Britt line, then as that line South 38 West, 7 chains to a stake in the edge of an old field, the sec ond corner of lot No. 3 in the division of the lands of Labsn Britt. thence as that line North 77 East, 25 chains to a pine on the Nort twest side of a branch, the be ginning corner of said lot No. 3; thence as the other line North 50 East, 29 chains to a stake; thence North 40 West, 20 chains to a stake and 5 pines, third cor ner of said lot No. 3; thence North 70 West, 5.45 chains to a short leaf pine in Gilbert Meadow, the corner of a 67 acre and 50 acre survey, then North 36 West, 17.83 chains to a s ake in J. D. Britt's line, the 3rd corner of said 67 acre sur vey; thence as that line South 50 West, 32.25 chains to a stake, pine and post oak in Caleb Briefs lire; thence as that lin : South 20 East, 7.20 chains to the be ginning The right will be given to the pui chaser to enter upon said lands for the period of TEN YEARS for the purpose of cutting and removing said timber and such purchaser shall also have the right to construct such roads as may be nec essary upon the premises, and to use such dirt and undergrowth as in ay be necessary for such construction or re pairs; and to erect and remove when through with them, such as mills, buildings and outhouses as may be nec essary. At taid sale, the above described lands will be sold in the following lots: Fir6t Lot Beginntg at a small pine Weft of .he house; thence Sonth 64 West 20.85 cjains; thence South 25 East, 23 chains to a stake, thence North 60 East, 20.85 chains to a pine; thence a direct line to the month of a ditch, near the school house, tbeace with the ditch a di rect line to the beginning, being same laad devised to Alex. P. Britt by R. S. Britt. Second Lot- -The 67 acre tract above described, being same devised by R. S. Bi tt to Kelly Biitt. Third Lot The 83 acre tract above re ferred to, and so much ot the lnds de scribed above as lie bttween the home tract whereon R. S. Britt lived and the lines of J. A. Britt and Lot Britt. These lands were devised by R. S. Britt to his son, David Britt. Time of Sale: Monday, June 18th, 1906. Place of Sale: Court House door, Lum berton, N. C. T inns of Sale: Cash. R. C. LAWRENCE, Commissioner. Mclntvre & Lawrenre, Attorneys for plaintiff. 515 5m Sale of Land. Under an order of the Superior Court of Robeson Cyunty, made by W. H. Humphrey, Clerk of the Superior Court, in a special proceeding therein pending, entitle, Kate P. McLe:d and husband, Geo. B. McLeod, against James D. Proc tor et. alt, the undersigned will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in Lum berton, N. C, on Wednesday, May 23rd, 1906, the following lands in Robeson county. North Carolina, in Luraberton township, lying North of the town of Lumberton, and adjacent thereto, all of those lands known at the Proctor & Mc Leod lands, now owned by Mrs. Kate P. McLeod and the estate of B K. Pioctor, Jr., deceased, which lie isortb of the center of 24th street, at designated on the last official map of the town of Lum berton, made by J. E. Pur cell, civil en gineer, dated November 1st, 1904, and approved and adopted by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the town of Lumberton, under an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, a copy of which it now on file in the office,, ot the Town "Clerk and Treasurer f the town of Lumberton, the taid lands lying South of the Meadow branch and adjoining the lands formerly belonging to Berry God win, now known as the-New Cemetery and owned by the town of Lumberton, and the lands of H. McE. McMillan and Mrs. S. B Rowland, a eurvey of which will be made before the day of sale, and exhibited on the day of eale, the said sale being made for partition between the tenants in common. This 20th day ol April, 1906. STEPHEN McINTYRE. J. G. McCORMICK, 4-24-5 tu CommissioLera. Notice of Administration Having this dty qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of D. A. Smith, de ceased, this it to notify all persons hav ing claims, against said etai a 10 present them to the undersigned dnly authenti cated for payment, on or be ore the 2rt day of May, 1907, or thia notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. All person indebted to taid estate will please come torward aod make immediate pay. meat Thit i7th day of May, 1906. REBECCA J AN K SMITH. 5-22-6tn Administratrix. Notice Of Tax Listing in AlfordsviUe Township I will be at the folio wing named place on day t mentioned: June 8th, at Branchvillf, Junf cih, t Midway, jnot 1 i'li. it Bennett' Store, June 16 li, t AlfordavilU. C. B. CQX. Mav 4" m Tax List Ttker. GEO. S. HACKER & SON MANUFACTURES OF Doors. Sash, Blind. Mouldings, Building Materia Sasn Weights and Co.-J. Charleston, S. C Purchase our makes, which we guar antee superior to any sold South, and thereby save money. Window and Fan cy Glass a Specialty 4-20 "THE OLIVER" The Typewriter WitL the LONGEST, STRONGEST and BROADEST .Guarantee. Catalog for the Asking. J- B. Grauton & Go- General Agents, Trust .Building, CHARLOTTE. N. C. Mortgagee's Sale. By virtue of authority vested in me by mortgage given by Moses McNeill and wite, Mary Jane McNeill, I will, on Mon day, June nth, 1906, at the Court House door in Lumberton, N. C, offer for sale, the following described tract of land: In Back Swamp Township, Robeson County, N. C, on the North side of Back Swamp and White Oak Branch, adjoin ing the lands of Wm. Coble, Dougald McCormic, Richard Townsend, and con taining one hundred acres more or less, and is the same land upon Which Cade McNeill lived at the time of. bis death and is now occupied by his widow an l parties of the first part, and is the lame land that Cade McNeill purchased from J. P. Smith and wife. A. D. McKENZIB, 5-i5 4tu Mortgagee. Commissioner's Sale. By virtue of authority vested in me by a decree ot the Superior Court entertil before the Clerk in a Special Proceed ing pending in said Court, wherein D. L. Sinclair et. als. are plaintiffs and Earl Bryant et. als are defendants, I will, on Thursday, the 31st day of May, I906, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Court House door in the town of Lumberton, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bid der at public auction for cash, the fol lowing described lots or parcels of land situate aud being in the County of Rob eson and bounded arid described as fol lows: First Tract In AlfordsviUe town ship, on the West side of Back Swamp, beginning at black gum in the run of said Back Swamp and runs thence South 60 East, 70 chains to a stake in an old field; thence North 45 East, 8.20 chains to a post oak in John Leitch's line; thence North 60 West, to the rnn of said Back Swamp, thence down the the various courses of the run of said Back Swamp to the beginning, contain ing 60 acres, more or less. 1 Second Tract Oj the West side of Back Swamp, adjoining the first tract beginning at a stake in the westtrn boundary of a 360 acre tract, and runs South 45 West, 9.40 chains ,0 a stake in same western boundary, thence South 60 Ea t, to a stake in the rnn of Back Swamp thence up the line of said swamp to a stake; thence North 60 West, to the beginning, containing 60 acres more or less. Third Tract On the west sideof Back Swamp, adjoining the lands of the Leitch heirs and others, beginning at a stake in the line of the estate of John Leitch, deceased, and iuus So th 60 East, with and as J. K. Sinclair's line (formerly) to a stake in the n n of Back Swamp: thence down the various courses of said run of said swamp to the slake; thence North 60 West, to a stake in tiid line of estate of John Leitch, deeets:d; thence with and at said line to the be ginning, containing 6a acres more or less. Fourth Tract On the west side of Cack Swamp, adjoining the landsowned by the Sinclair heirs, aul bei.ig the same laLd as was alio' ted to Catharine Sinclair in the partition among the heirt at law of Nancy Leitch and Sal he Leitch, containg 60 acres, more or less. Time of sale: Court House door, Lum b rton, N. C, M ty 31st, iqc6 at 12 o'clock, noon. Terms of sale: Cash. Any persons desiring to inspect the premis s will communicate with the un dersigned. Dated this 28th day of April, 1906. R. C, LAWRENCE, Commissioner. Mclntyr? & Lawrence, Attorney tor Plaintiffs. 5 l Au Candidate for Solicitor. I deiie to publicly announce.thst I will be a candidate for Solicitor cf this Judicial District before the Democratic priuiarits of Robeson County. N. A. SINCLAIR. April J7lh. V. J. PREVATT. MIMMIMMIIMMI tllllllllMI A Large and Well Selected line of General Merchandise. Our Large SprlngM Is already purchased and New Goods " Are being received every day. . Several Thou sand Dollars' worth of Men's, Women's and Children's SHOES. A Large Line of CORSETS TH6 Puritan Brand Men's Clothing, Shirts, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Hosiery, Etc , Always Carried in Stock. Look over our line of Trunks, Suit Gases and Hand Bags Before Buying. Don't overlook the fact that we have a Large and Select Line of General Mer chandise, NOTIONS, and Everything that is needed by either the Housewife or the Parmer. W. J. PREVATT. Hinds' Bed Market. You Mav Depend on the Two Indispensablea when you get Beef at mj mar ket. I guarantee the QUALITY AND FULL WEIGHT. Orders by phone or in pernon promptly attend d to, Our Number is 21. CALL ME UP. Tours to Please, . A. H. HINDS. March 16 For Sale! One 50 H. P. Automatic engine and one 40 II. P. boiler, one 13 H. P. engine nd 20 H. P. boiler, on 60 mw Cotton Gin, one prtat with all Decenary attach ment! 20,000 capacity brick machine and fixtures. For term apply to C. M. BARKER, 4-13-4-mof f Lnmberton, N. C m m m m is m m m m m m m m m m m m m v. CALDWELL & CARLYLE'S Department Store. Is a thoroughly organized institution with a Superior Force of Salesmen con stant ly studying to supply. the demands of the people of this town and surrounding country. : : : : All who patronize our store get the benefit of almost in cessant thought, labor and effort to obtain the best of ferings shown by dealers and manufacturers. Pay Our Store a Visit. CALDWELL Lumberton, Horses and I have on hand a few nice Driving Horses, and a few Good Mules. It will be to the interest of those wishing to buy to see me at once as the season will soon be over. : : : : BUGGIES ! "BUGGIES ! My line of Buggies is Complete. I have in Stock now, Seventy five Buggies,' and it will be to the interest of all those wishing to buy to see me before doing so. Among some of the brands I carryis the Cortland, Tyson & Jones, Chase City, Columbia and Goldsboro. Give me a call and I will Bell you a Buggy. : : C. M. FULLER April 13 "Solve the Rebus" We have a board in one of our show windows, with a low arti cles carried in a Hardware Store, nailed to it. Each article represents a word. Can You Read It? To each house-keeper that correctly solves this rebus, we will give them absolutely FREE, a sample can of "Sunshine," the best finisher and re-finisher for Furniture, Floors, Chairs, Bric-a-Brac and interior woodwork. It produces a rich lustre and makes old and dingy surfaces look like new. Made in 10 beautiful colors. PUT A LITTLE SUNSHINE IN YOUR HOME. Tne McAllister Hardware Go. Lumberton, N. O. Marion Iron W'emanufacture Boilers, Engines Cotton Gins and Presses We do and Machine Work. . , , Subscribe For Tne Robesonii X. m m m m m m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to & CARLYLB, lVe C LUMBERTON NO. CA. t All 1 Mules ! Works, Ms?- and Saw Mills. Agents for General Bepairs in Foundry 316