PROFESSIONAL CARDS. IcLEil, IcLEil 4 KcCORIICK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON, - - N C. Of8oe On nd floor of ..Bank of Lorn berton Building, Rooma 1, 2, 8, & Prompt attentk given to all busineta CHA8. B. SKIPPER, ' Attorney at Law LUMBERTON, - - - N. C. All business entrusted to bim will re ceie prompt and careful attentioa. Office in First National Bank Building ver Post Office. E. M. BRITT, Attorney at Law, LtJMBERTON, N. 0. Office upstairs in Argua Building. All business promptly transacted. Mclntyre .& "Lawrence Attorneys and Counselors at Law, LUMBERTON, : : N. C E. J. BRITT, Attorney at Law, Lumberton, N. C. Office over Pope's Drug Store. R. 0. PARVIN, Contractor and Builder. Lumberlon, N. C. Plana, Specifications aud Prices furn ished on application. - McLean & Black, Attorneys at Law, MAXTON, N. C. Office on 2nd floor McCaskill Building, Rooms 6-8. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOW, TinmhflTtnti : : : : N. 0 Office, next doot above Savings Bank DR. R. T. ALLEN, Dentist, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Dr. McMillan's Drug Store. DR. J. D. REGAN, DENTIST, LUMBERTON, - N. C. Office In Shaw building, over Pope's drug siort. Dr. F. H. PITMAN, DENTIST. ASHPOLE, - " N. C Dr. R. B. BECKWITH, Physician and Surgeon, Offers his services to the people of Lum- berton and surrountiing country. Office in the McLeod Building, Phon- No. 6. Can be found at night at residence formerly occupied by Mr. George M Whitfield. JOHNSON & BRITT, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, LUMBERTON, N. 0. Office over Argus liuil ling. TrraAK BROTHERS, Lnmberlon's Expert Tonsorial Artists, The Latest and Mott Approved Fixtures. Located next door above McAllister Hardware Company. Give na your patronge. muv ATnn?D" 1UD UJJlimi The Typewriter WitL the LONGEST, STRONGEST and BROADEST .Guarantee. Catalog for the Asking. J- E. Grayton & Go- General Agents, Trust ;BuIldlna. CHARLOTTE, N, 0. ft Thing Of Beauty Isfl l duu rorcvtjr. Our Photographs are Beautiful and Life life, finished in the trios, up-to-date styles. Coma and are ouovork. We malrtFanrt ly Groupea, Views, Etc.Coine while the weather is pleasant and bring the little folki. E. J. WAITS, . LUMBERTON'ART STUDIO, Oyer Pope's Drug Store. ; ' TRADE FOLLOWS FLAG. New German Steamship Line to tne Gall ol Persia. Consul-General Pitcairn writes from Hamburg that the proposed new lino of steamships of the Hamburg-American Company be tween European ports and ports of the Gulf of Persia promises favorable results, particularly in connection with the Bagdad Rail way. The maritime trade with Per sia has for years been controlled by British shipowners, by means of pool arrangements, and sail ings were restricted according to-ibe demand, and freight rates increased arbitrarily. A steam ship line between Russian ports and the Gulf of Persia, estab lished a few years ago by the Russian Steamship and Trading Company, found favorable pat ronage on the part of interested commercial firms because of its low freight rates, although annu ally only four or five steamers were dispatched, whereas the I British companies maintain monthly service. During the Russo-Japanese war, however, the service of the Russian com pany was discontinued. The exports from Germany to the Gulf of Persia have steadily increased in recent years. The chief articles of exportation to Persia are sugar, cotton and half-silk goods, dyestuffs, copper and iron goods, drugs and chemi cals, whereas principally wool, galls, gum, tragacanth and Arab ic, dates, mother-of-pearl shells, sheep and goat skins, boxwood, sesime and other seeds are ex ported from Persia. The value of the annual imports of Persia via Bagdad is estimated as amounting to more than seven and a half million dollars; the value of the imports fluctuates according to the conditions of the crops, but in favorable years almost reaches that of the ex ports. The average annual value of exports to Persia via Hamburg for the five last years amounted approximately to $113,000; that of the imports $121,000. Exports of cotton-woven goods and drugs to Persia are expected to greatly increase. The new steamship line will not receive any subsidy. LUMBER BRIDGE NEWS. Correspondence The Robcsoninn. Lumber Bridsre.'May 31. Mrs. J. H. McEachern is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Neill McKinnon, at Elkton. Misses Letha Lancaster and Pearl Cobb have reached home from the Baptist University in Ralegh. Mrs. J. A. McArthur. of St. Pauls, was called by telecrram Monday to tlie bedside of her aughter who was very sick at her home in Bcnnettsviile. Misses Julia and Carrie at tended the commencement ex ercises at the close of the Kenly High School. Messrs. Lancaster and Tolar :iave purchased the store build ing now occupied by Mr. M. L. Marley. YouYVUl Never Be Sorry. For doing your level best. For being kind to the poor. For healing before judging. For thinking before speaking.- For standing by your princi ples. For being generous to an ene my. For being courteous to all. For asking pardon when in error. For stopping your ears to gos sip. For being honest in business dealings. 1 For giving an unfortunate per son a lift. For promptness in keeping your promises. For putting the best meaning on the acts of others. Sunday School Advocate. One Hundred and Ten Years. Charlotte, N. C, June 4. One of the oldest negroes in the entire South, Aunt Jane Porter, who lives in Mecklenburg county, is dead at the advanced age of ; one hundred and ten years. She was born a few years after the Revo lutionary war and has the distinc tion of having reached a more ad vanced age than any person In all this section. Up totne age of one hundred years the old woman was in the best of health and went about with the ease of a young robust person. PARKTON NEWS NOTES. U Correspondence The Robeaonian : Park-ton, May 31-Pbuf HOW saw mill plants are to be in oper ation near Parkton in about thirty da vs. Perhans one or more of -T a. ' them are now running. They are to be operated by Messrs. Dew and Edwards.Hector Bethea, Thomas Fisher, and Hall and Hughes. These mills in addition to the four now running by Messrs. Hall, and McMillan will make eight mills and yet we are told that the pine timber in our section is about sawed up. Mr. John Phillip Hancock one! of the nrew of the torpedo boat destroyer Stewart is visiting hi sister. Mrs. J. C. D. McNatt, at Parkton. This is one of the finest hnnta nf its r.lass in the navy. It has all of the modern improve ments. It has a length of 270 feet and a speed of thirty-seven miles an hour. Its crew nutn bers 75 men, who are carefully chosen. It is pleasing to hear that Mrs J. CD. McNatt? whose critical sir.knfisa recently was a source of deep anxiety to many, is now convalescing. Work ol Methodist Conference Birmingham Ag Herald The St. Louis Globe-Democrat says the Birmingham Conference will be remembered in the annals of the neriod. It certainly will L be, for it dealt with great sub jects, and at all points the Church South has been found to be pro crressive and free from an iron rz dogmatism. This was shown in the resolu tions adopted looking to a closer union between the Church South and the Northern Church. The Conference refused to take any steps looking to organic union, but it did not hesitate to endorse all propositions that would elimi nate uncalled for antagonisms and that would carry out the fed eration already agreed upon. The Church South also goes on record as favoring a revision of the doctrinal faith of world-wide methodism; or, at least, taking ur the o uestion of revision. The l a. Conference that has just ad journed, started a movement that mav vet ero on until it is felt m - every part of the civilized worm. It may result in other words, in anew statement oi we common faith that would affect and con trol Methodism in all countries. Scarcely less important was the work done in relation to Van- berbilt University' Heretofore that great school has asserted in dependent control, and it had taken steps to secure a new char tor on independent lines. The General Conference asserted its rights, and hereafter, the Bish ops will have full charge of the institution and the policy and doctrines of the Church South will be dominant within its walls. The battle was fought in the committee of education, and not on the floor of the Conference, but it was a battle an important battle nevertheless. Hereafter Vanderbilt University will be a Church institution owned and controlled by the Southern Church. Action on these three matters fully justify the St- Louis Globe Democrat in declaring the Birm ingham Conference one of the most notable that has been held since the split occurred in Methodism in 1844. Reflections of a Bachelor. When 'a girl gets the fad of taking exercise, either she is trying to walk off flesh or walk it on. A man isn't half as anxious to try his hand at speculation as those who run the game are to have him. A mother seems to think it's a horrible reflection on herself if her daughter doesn't get mar ried before she is twenty-two. When a New York man gives his seat to a woman in a street car it's a sign she is suspicious he wants to flirt with her. If he wasn't so busy making everyb6dyeTse Iierv6u1tw0litd majje a baby awful nervous to trave wcmen talk all tho queer languages to it they do. New York Press. Spedal Bargains la High Grade Square Pianos. If yea have the room It is far preferable to buy a go:d square piano raihtrthaaa cheap upright. Our square pianos have been thor oughly overhauled by killed work men, and if it was not for the fact that they are entirely out of style not one would bricg lisa th. n f 40.00 to $700.00. Stieff $17500 St :inway & Sons 175-00 Hazleton Iirolliers 125.00 Kranlch & Dach T15.00 James & Holmstrom 105.00 Waters a Sons 100.00 Waters 9500 Bacon 61 Raven 90.00 New England 85 00 Wagener 75-oo Knabe 60.00 John Galling 5-..00 Ghas- M Stloil Southern Wareroom: 5 West Trade St., CIIARLOTTK, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Mgr. Something New. is Bed Springs. Bed Springs. If yon need a First-Class. Up-lo 'ate Bed Spring, go to Humphrey & yaw. at the Lnmbr rton Novelty Wot ks. Lum ber ton, N. C, Manufacturers of the Cele brated Iligh-Grade Excelsior l'oldins Bed Spring This Bed Spring posse-sset many points of superiority ovtr the ordi nary Bed Spring sold by tbe trade. The Excelsior Spring is made of the lies; Spring Steel Wire, manufactured espe cially for that purpose. bed is com posed of Springs put rp in independent sections to that lying on one part of the bed does not aff.;ct the other. Two or more may occupy the bed at the same lime and rest comfortably. They will not sag or mash to one side, and are so con structed as to render them absolutely noiseless. To Whom it May Concem: This is to certify that we the under signed are now using the Spring sold b) Fillyaw fie Humphrey, and do testify tc their merits as being just as represented, the most comfortable Spring we have ever used. Signed Mrs. W. J. Pate, W. B. Flow ers, R. L. Owens, B. Edwards, Z. M. While, H. D. Miles, W. K. Brock, J. El wood Porter, J. D. Regan, D. D. S. Any one desiring to purchase a set of First-Class Bed Springs, we would be pleased to have th eta call and examine ours befor buying. We use nothing but tne Dest ot materia:, aud put them up un der a ten years guarantee, and sell direct to the people at Manufacturers' Prices Yours Truly, Fillyaw & Humphrey, Maiufacturers and Proprietors, LUMBERTON, N. C. We also have a few machines and choice counties that we will consign to parties that wish to go Into tbe Manufac ture and Sale of Bed Springs. Only small capital needed. Fur particulars call on or address Fillyaw & Humphrey. a-3 Special Rates via tbe Seaboard. The Seaboard begs to announce that on account of the occasions mentioned be low the rates and conditions named will apply. Nashville, Tenn. Peabody College Summer Schools for Teachers-Vandei hilt Bib'.e Institute, Tune nth-August 10th, one first class fare plus 25 cents for round trip. Hot Springs, Va. Southern Hardware Jobbers and Manufacturers' Association, June 1 2-1 5th, one first-class fare plus 25 cents for ronnd trip. Kuoxviiie, lenn. bummer school of the South, June iojb-July 27th, one first-class fare plus 25 cents for round trio. Tufcaloosa, Ala Summer School for Teachers, June I3th-July 24th, rate one first-class fare plus 25 cents for round uiP Athens, ua. university bummei School, June 26th -July 27th, one first class fare plus 25 cents for round trip. Charlotte, N. C North Carolina Taachers Association, June iSth-22ud, one, one-third fares plus 25 cents for round trip on certificate plan. San rrancitco, Cal. L,os Angeles, cal. National Educational Association, July 7th-i4th, from Raleigh, $77.50; Wil mington, m 50; Charlotte, f77-5; cor responding low rates from other points. Monteagle, lenn. Mont eagle bunuay School Institute July I5th-August 5th, one farst-ciass tare p'us 25 cenis tor ronnd trip. Monteagle, Tenn. Monteagle Birne Training School July 22nd-3ist, one first class fare plus 25 cents for round trip. Monte isle, Tenn Woman s Congress July 3'tti-Augnst 20th, one first-class faae p;us 25 cents for round trip. Ashevi le, N. C. Convention Cotn- mercii-l Law League of America, July 30th-August 4th. one fust-class fare plus 25 cen'.s isr round trip. Wrihtsville, N. C. Summer School, June isth-2ist, rale one first-class fare plus 25 cents io-ud trip. . For fuithrr information as to rates from any point or schedules apply to your nearest Agent or address the under signed. C. H. GATTIS,-Traveling- Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. PIXIE MARBLE CO., Rep resented at Lumberton by W. H. SHOOTER, Can furnish Monuments of all kinds, eitherJn Marble or Granite. Also Table Tops, Etc , .. 5-18 6-12 .., rT It's Good To know a good Drug Store where you can depend on get--ting (Good Service and Good Materials without paying too "Good a Price." .... Wo're waiting for an oppor tunity to show you how well we can serve you. - - - ' You re to Please, Dr. J, D. McMillan & Son DRUGGISTS, Lumberton, N. O. Feb th. W.I.UllMlJlU-Oo 190 6. With grateful feelings for the very lib eral business received durirg the yiar just closed, we nass another milestone, and enter the tn... '-ar be ter prepared ibaa ever to supply tlie trade with eny- nitig in our line. At nil limes our rets fill be found well filled with the best Tennessee Mules Experience has taught us thnt thi class is much letter suittd to otir climat than those tough t in the far west. Ou BUGGY AND WAGON REPOSITORY Was never better supplied. We carrj only STANDARD and HIGH GRADH work. The Hackney Wagon fs the peer of all in Eastern North Caro lina. The old reliable Piedmont fs too well known for comment. In Bug les, we are prepared to show you from 50 to 100 at all times fromwhich to select Our Leaders are Wrenn, Hackney, Bab- cock and Hummer. Latest designs and up-to-date finish. Everything in tbe Harness Line. Terms, Cash or on Time with Approved Security. W. I. LINKHAW & GO. Lumberton, N. O. Jan. 8. RALEIGH AID CHARLESTON RAILROAD Schedule in effect June 3 I906 sorrn. No. I. No. s Lumberton 10.J5 ra la 30 p r Pope 1034 ii.o Kingvl.ile ..10.40 Polo; -lis JO.45 I.18 Procli.rville 10.57 1.30 Delia 11.06 I.40 Barnet,ville ri 12 1.55 Flowerb 11.18 2.05 Marietta 11.24 2.25 Holmesville 11.29 2.33 Page's Mill 11.35 2.55 Kemper 11.41 308 May 11.44 3 1 Squires... n. 49 3.o Fork 11.52 3.30 Zion 12.01 p m 347 Rogers 12.10 4.t5 Marion 12.25 435 VORTH. No. 6 No. 9 Marion . 6.00 a tn 3.25 p n Rogers 6.20 3.39 Zion. 6.30 3.47 Fork .i 6.53 3.3s Squires 6.57 358 May.,.. 7.05 4.04 Kemper 7.12 4,17 Page's Mill 7.18 4.10 Holmesville 7.30 4.19 Marietta....... 7.50 4.25 Flowers.... 8.00 4.30 Barniiville 8.15 4.39 Delia .... 8.25 4.44 Lve A.r. Lve Proctorville 8.4b Polopolis . 8 50 Kingsdale 9.10 Pope .... 9.20 4-5 5.00 505 5.10 Mil and Ex. Ar. Lumberton 10.00 N03. 1 aud 2. Passenger, press, ran nail . Nog. 5 ai u b. Mixed 1 rains, run Uailv except Binilay. J. V. TURN G neral Manag r. ABERDEEN AND ROCKFISB RAILROAD CO. TIMB TABLE IN EFFKCTAUG. 18, few. Dally except 8ondj. Mall snd Express, No. Tarc Aberdeen, 8 80 . m.:leT LesTlMs, S.tlta. m.: lea Junction. h.M a. 111.: Ie4 Moi'troae, .(. mTT lee Tlmberlind, 1ft s m. ; tears Raeforl 36 a. m ; Iran Dnndti riwh,JW. m.: leavs A rabla, lo.OOa. m. ; leave Kockflsn. !.!). ni.; leave Treetall, 10.4S a m.; arrive Hope Mills, 11.16 a. m. Dily except Sunday Mali and Express, No. , Leave Bipne Mills. 1.(0 p. m. ; leave Treefall, 1 JO p. m.; leave Kockflgh, 1.4ft p. m.; leave uw..ip, mviJ.AnrMJafrocn. jjjjb, m.; leave iUelord. S. 00 p. m.; leave Timber land, S.JO p. m.; leave M on trout, 8.8S n. m .: leave Junction, 1.46 p. m.; leave Leavliu, . p. m.i arnwADeraeea, . p. m. All trains coming over Belhesda Itlllmnd be snaer perieci control. u.n.hluk, General Bnperlntendentl Approved: JOHN LUK.ITealden (f In Thi fAAl MA Cr. Ill 11IC UUUU UiU Olllll When money becomes gcarce with the Farmers and all other tmeinera men, we mako it a role to furnish our customers withv all tlio money they need, at the rate of six jer cent. We lend, -V on Real Estate or other Good Security. All Money Deposited '' with 119 will earn four per cent., compounded every three months. ' BEGIN NOW By making and Bee how Robeson County Loan Lumberton, N. O. A. W. McLean, President. Visitors to Will do well to visit our Stont where tliey will find at times, a most select and up-to-duto line of Fine Jewelry, Cut Glass Good Goods. We do not sell cheap jewelry. Our aim i to sell Reliable (ioods in lain lino, and every piece is lu.iranteed. We are Headqnartcra for Wedding Presents, (tive us a call. McLEAN - ROZIER CO., Mavis. Must Be All (if my Two and Three Piece Suits Must ( Jo, even if at IJock Itottom Prices. So will many other articles in my utoro. If yon don't know what real comfort is, try a pair of He I. Shoes. We Have Them.. j A WEINSTEI, King Clothier. g The C. W. Polvogt Company, Wilmington, N. C. Ours ts the Larg t and Handsoment Store, not only in Wilmington, but probably in the State, and our Stock is at all times Full and Complete. It itclndea every Article needed for Ladies' Wear and our Style and Prices are such as to sa.isfy Shopper. Mail Orders Iteceive SEND FOR Wlio Does Your Prlntlno? If we arc wt now floing your work lot us try your order. We expect to turn out a First-Class Job on tliinf we undertake to do. : : : : : COMMERCIAL Our Specialty. Send us your work. FREEMAN PRINTING COMPANY, B. B. FREEMAN, Manager. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ROBESON! AN, GEO. S. HACKER & SON MANDFACT JRES OF Doors, Sasb, Bllndas Mouldings, Boildlng Materia. Sash Weights and Co. J. Charleston, S. C Purchase our makes, wbich we guar antee superior to any sold South, and thereby Save nione). Window and Fan cy Glass a Specialty 4-20 vSuGE It the me good, old-raahloned medicine that ha aaved the Uvea of little children for the paM 64 yean. It i a raedicina made to enre. It haa never . beea knows to fall. If your child la alck get a bottla of FREY'S VERMIRIQE k FINE TOXIC FOR CHILDREN . Da not Uke labttUw utwtHBt. If your draggiat aoea aot k it, acna 1 tamp to end twenty-five cents In ID. C3 S. H'H V Baltimore, Md. and a bottl will b mailed you. ier Time," a Deposit, either large or arnal!, fast it increases. : ; ' and Trust Company, C II. Morrow, Cashier. Lumberton all Silverware and Sold Out! I Prompt Attention. SAMPLES. next any- PRINTING ,6 jS j SEABOARD Air Line Railway. Direct Line to All Points in the South, South-West, North and North-West. Doable Daily Service Between Boston. New York, Philadelphia, IUlUmdre, Washington, Norfolk, Hichmond, Raleigh. Charlotte, Wil rington, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Chattanooga, Nashville, Montomero, Mobile, New Orleans, Columbia, Savannah. Jacksonville, "ln-no and All Florida Point. Two Trains UAILT Two Train DAILY BETWEEN New York, Washingtcn, Portsmouth, AND. . Atlact, Birmingham, Memphis, Savannah and Jacksonville. TRAINS COMPOSED OP Vestibule day coaches, Pullman drawing room Sleepiug Cars and the Latest Cafe Dining Cars. DIRECT CONNECTION AT Mem his, New Orleaoa and St. Louis for... poins ia Texas, Calinia, Arkansas, Colorado and the North-West. Interchangeable mileage hook rood over 15.000 miles road, Southern Lines, ...... For. Time lablf?.. Wjntar or Summer Booklets Illustrative of tbe Sooth and South-West, apply to Seaboard Passenger R epresentatives, or addref a, C. P. Ryan, G. P. A., Portsmouth Va,' E. F. Cost, and V. P., Portsmouth, V. C. II . Gattis, T. P. A., Raleigh, N .C,