THE ROBE SON! AN PUBLISHED T0E8DAYS ASD FRIDAYS BT B0BESON1AN PUBLISHING CO. P.A.BRYANT. Ed. and Mor. SUBSCRIPTION KATK9: Ob Year Six Hoots ', Thrr Months One Mont f 1 60. .7S 40 .tf la ordering the address of his papereliange1 a ubrnr should the addreas t liloh It has heen ftninK. and the aew addrrsn With the lug circulation that It bHv The Rolesrniaa Is a ft rut-el m adverllHliiK "1",n urn. Hat will be fnrntsard promptly t proretl advertisers. The paper wants to be fair to nil will irlve them a much latitude an It thinpublle policy will permit. ' art-not responsible for the Tles of any oorrcHpoid rnt. We require that writer Blftn hi name to a communication attacking some one else or an lnxlltotlon. In publishing; arttelex whrre the name o( In writer I not required to l published, we reserve the riant, for ood reason, to give me name worn anaeu iur. Knured a. second-class matter at the Post .nice at Lumberton, K. O., under the Act of Oonitres of March rd. WOT. MONDAY. JUNE 95 ioc6. THAT NEW DEPOT. Lest the Seaboard Air Line should forgot, it may be well to call its attention to the fact that we are still expecting that new depot here- It is high time for some evidence that it is going to be erected. We have already had some talk and promises but Ave would like to have the goods delivered. The people are not clamoring for a new depot just because they want it but because they need it. They pre entitled to at least decent accomodations, and this they have not got. On only ordinary occasions the little box they now have will not seat the traveling people that have to wait there. It is a case of either stand in the sun or go up town. Other conveniences necessary to a modern railway station are lacking. Another reason why we should have a better depot is the fact that Lumberton is a remunera tive point to the road. The busi ness done here is far ahead of other points where better facilities have been provided, and this con dition is getting better with the steady growth of the town. Both the passenger and freight depart ments are receiving more busi ness. The Seaboard took steps some months ago looking to a more satisfactory depot and proposed to erect a wooden building. This was not acceptable to the people here as our own people aie forbidden by law to erect a frame building in certain limits in which the depot site is included and of course they would not wake and exception with the rail road. THE REFORMATORY. The plea for a reformatory for youthful criminals is based on tlie idea that punishment is cor recti ve rather than vengeful. We put men in prison not to punish them, but to save them. Biblical Recorder. The real object in the sentence of the law is to correct and make better citizens of criminals, but it is a hard matter to make the criminals look at it that way They take it as punishment and when they have served a term for some, crime they feel that they have discharged their full duty and can go and do likewise again. We believe in the case of youthful criminals a reformatory would serve a better purpose, as they would realize they were put there to be reformed. Of course if they were worked on chain gangs and confined in prisons they will not form such opinions. Continuing The Recorder says: "But to take a mere youth and associate him with mature crimi nals and environ him with the conditions that must obtain in our State's Prison or the county convict camps, is to do all that can be done to degrade him, con firm, him, in evil and ruin him. The separation from the ministry of women that alone sends one downward;, to restrict him to the lowest forms of labor; to deprive him of the opportunity to learn a good trade; to submerge himi n punishment rather than to shore up his character in correction; these are bad enough: but to as sociate him with mature crimi nals it is sinful, not to mention the short sightedness of it." RESTRAINING ORDER VACATED. The Raleigh Railroad Schedule Matter Settled. Raleigh Dispatch Wilmington 8lar,lst. The Commission today, through Attorney General Gilmer, an swered the restraining order by Judge Purnell in the United States Court against the (South ern Railway Company for fines and penalties for refusal to obey the order of the Commission not to put into operation the new schedule for the Southern train from GoUlsboro to Greensboro. The answer reviewed the course of the Commission in the matter and stated that the Com mission had just made an order allowing the withdrawal of peti tions on which their order was based thereby vacating the whole proceeding- The Com mission, therefore, prayed the United States Court that the or dor against the Commission be vacated as there were no pos sible ground on which suit for penalties could be maintained against the Southern' On this presentation of the case, Judge Purnell with consent of counsel for the Southern, made an order dismissing the whole proceeding and taxing the Commission with the cost Judge Purnell in dismissing the order at the cost of the Com mission stated that nearly all points Involved had been settled in the Greensboro Tee and Coal case. That at the time the res traning order was issued as the fact then appeared, the restrain order was entirely proper, though complainants might have awaited a clay or two for develop ment. ' The CorjHiration Commission is given full credit in this court for the sincerity of its answer," said the Judge on drawing up the dec ree dismissed the bill and taxing defendants with the costs except the defendant Lawrence, who answered that he had no in terest in the matter and has in curred and provoked no costs." A sensational feature of the hearing was the tiling of an an swer from Robert C Lawrence, of the law firm of Mclntyre & Ijawrence, of Lumberton, as one of the petitioners for the order forbidding the operation of the new schedule by the Southern. In it he declared he signed the petition against the Southern without and jersonal knowledge of the situation solely on repres entation of the conditions by a traveling agent of the News and Observer and he now finds he was deceived and that there ap pears to be no reasonable ground for objection to the new schedule. He prays, therefore, that he be allowed to get out of the case without incu r ring any of the cost. Mr. Lawrence, of Lumberton;" J M. Scoot, of Sanford, and P- K Ferguson, of Southern Pines, were the petitioners singled out and especially mentioned in con nection with the restraining or der issued by Judge Purnell at the instance of an attorney for the Southern, answered and dis missed today. If present indications were any index to what will be done two years from now it could safely be predicted that William Jen nings Bryan would be the Demd'- cratic nominee for President. Several Democratic State Con ventions have declared for him and he has gained favor that he has not heretofore had. However prospects may change within the next two years, or at least there is plenty of time for a change- Those who have not already done so, have but five more days to list their property for taxes. To wait until alter this time means you will have to pay extra. Resolutions ol Respect. Whereas, it has pleased our Heavenly Father to take from our midst our brother, Capt. Willis P. Moore, therefore be it resolv ed. 1st. That while we bow in humble submission to the will of Him "Who is too wise to err and too good to be unkind" it is with profound regret that we part with our brother. , L'nd. That the lodge has lost one of its oldest valued members, having been a member of the or der for 50 years. He was a valu ed citizen, good husband and father and ever ready to do bia part as he saw it as a Mason and a citizen. 3rd. That while the lodge mourns its loss, it is not without hope for we feel it was his eter nal gain. He was a faithful mem ber of the Methodist Episcopal church for over twenty years,and his life was such that we believe he is "at rest." 4th- We extend to his loved ones our sympathies and bow with them in humble submission to Him who doeth all things well. 5th. That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to the family and spread upon the minutes, and al so to the Orphans Friend for publication. C. B. Townsend, R. D. Caldwell, Q.T.Williams. Committee-Mr- Everet Gilmore, a young man living near Loekville, is the champion hawk-killer in Chat ham. He haskilledl3 hawks since the beginning of this year. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any caae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Haifa Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHKNRY 4 CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, bars known K. J. (!he. ney for the last 16 years, and believe hla per fectly honorable In all bualncas transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions nade by his firm. WILDING. KlNNAN 4 MASTIK, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo.O. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free Price 76 cents rer bottle. Sold by all Droglsts. Take Hall's family Pills for constipation. John M. Pattison, Governor of Ohio, died Monday at his home at Milford, Ohio, aged 59 years. Commissioner's Sale. By virtue of authority vested in me by a judgment of the Superior Court of Rob eson county in a civu action merein pending, wherein Caldwell & Carlyle are plaintiffs, and A. C . McGoogsn and wife Mattie C. McGoogan and Mrs. C. A Mcuoogan are defendants, I win. oa Monday, the and day of July. iuo6,at n o'clock, noon, at the Court House door in the town of Lumberton, N. C, offer .o public sale at auction the highest bidder for cash, in order to satisfy said judgment, the following described tracts or parcels of land situate and in the Count of Robeson and State of North Carolina, Lumber Bridge Town ship, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: ist Tract Lying on the West side of the Great Maish, about I J miles below Port's Bridge, being one half of one hun dred acres granted to Charles Powell, be ginning at Ambrose Powell's Ncrth-West corner and running thence SDoth with his line 31 chains and 63 links, and thence West 15 chains and 86 links; thence North 31 chains and 63 links;' thence direct to the beginning, contain ing 50 acres. 2nd Tract Containing 63 acres, ad joining the above 50 acres, beginning at a small pine west of a pond near the old line, and runs North 12 chains and So links; tnence West 50 chains; thence South 12 chains and 70 links; thence to the beginning, containing 63 acres. The said two tracts of land being the same lands conveyed by John Matthews to Hugh McGoogan, March 29, 1815, as will appear by Register of Deeds of Rob-' eson County, N. C. 3rd Tract On the South-West side of the Great Marsh, beginning at a pine, Hugh Graham's southern corner on the West side of the Big Cypr:sspond about 1 So yards North of the head of the Hol low Branch, and rung South 20 East, 2 chains to a pine, the beginning corner of John Powell's 50 acre survey; thence with bis line South 40 East, 15 chains and 82 links to a mapl; in the head of Hollow Branch; thence with and beyond his other line South 50 We&t, 35 chains; thence South 35 East, 25 chains to a stake amocg thtee pines; thence North 56 East, 41 chains to a stake in the lower end of a bay; thence due East, 34 chains to a stake by three pines; th.nce due North 17 chains and 50 links to a stake by a pine, the dividing corner between Hugh McGoogan and Ambrose Powell; thence along his owa line due West 15 chains and 82 links; thence due North 31 chains and 63 links; thence due West along the line of his 63 acre sorvey, 47 chains to a cypress in the Big Pond; thence as his other line due North 12 chains and 50 links to Hugh Graham's line; thence as his line to the beginning, containing 315 acres. There in excepted from the above 315 acre tract 63 acres con eyed to Paul Wellington, and 38 acres conveyed to Bunyan Tolar by the said A. C. McGoo gan and wi e, the said 315 acre tract be ing the same land conveyed by James McAloin to Huirh McGootrsn bv deed duly recorded in Book U, page 21, In the once ot Register ot JJeeais 01 Robeson County, N. C. R. C. LAWRENCE, Commissioner. Mclntyre & Lawrence, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 5 29-51.11 Qommissioner's Said. By virtue of authority conferred upon me by a judgment of the Superior Court of Robeson County, entered before the Clerk, in a special proceeding pending in said court, wherein M. J. Barker, ad ministraor of A. B Carlyle, deceased, is plaintiff, and Annie B. Carlyle and oth ers are defendants, same being special proceediag No. upon the docket of said court, and being a proceeding to make real estate assets on thepart ofsaid 1 administrator, I will on Monday, the -6th lay of July, 19O6, at 12 o'clock noon, a; ?? vourt House door in the town of Lutnbertoa, N. C, offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract or parcel of land, to-wit: In Saint Pauls township, adloinintr the lands of S. B. Rozier, L. Dean, A. J. Carlyle and others, beginning at stake by a cypress in run of Ten Mils swamp in Rozier's mill pond, and runs North 65 East, chains to a stake on th- east bill of said swamp, thence North as West, 24 chains to a stake, thence about South 76 West, about 34 chains with Campbell and Daniels lines to stake by three small gums; thence down the ram of said swsmp to the beginning, contain ing 57 acrev, more or less, running around and including 1834 acres previ ously conveyed by A B. Carlyle, and not intenaea to txj inciuaea in tne above sale. Dated this 15th day of June, iy6. V. C. LAWRENCE, Commissioner. Mclntyre & Lawrence. Attorneys tor plaintiff. c-i&-4tn mm ts the sasM road, old-faatiloaad Mdiciae that has saved the lives of little childrta for tha past ie years. JtteasasdJctae aaade to cars. It lMa kaowa to rail. If roar child. Is sick get a bottk ? rUKY't VlfMIFUH AFTCE TCXtO FC1 tZMZTM Do sot take a subsUtata. If yoar dnwfist does aot keep ' It. send Twenty-fee cent la stamps to .. ID. cto 0. JPXUSTX' Miusnore, na, and a pottle will be mailed you. First - Glass Marble. Correspondence desired and designs for monuments, tombstones, etc., furnished on application by G. K. RANCKE, 6-16-12-18 Lumberton, N. C. Commissioner's Sale. By virtue of authority vested in me by the judgment of the Superior Court of Bobeson County heretofore entered in dvil actton pending in said Court where in Caldwell ft Carlyle were plaintifls, and D. D. Currie and Dora Carrie, his wife, were defendants, same being an action for the foreclosure cf the mortgage executed by said defendants to the plain tiffs, which said mortgage is recor dedin the office of the Register of Deeds tor Robeson County, in Book of Mortgages, No. 8, on page 54, I will on Monday, the second day of July, 19O6, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Court House door in the town of Lumberton, N C, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands, to wit: First Tract In and on the North side of Saddle Tree Swamp in St. Paul's township, Beginning at a' black gum by two black gums in the run of said swamp and ru s North 39 West, 7 chains to a stake iu a field, then North 65 West, la chains to a stake in Arch McNeill's line, also bis own line, thence as that line North 26 West, 22 chains sixty-five links to a dead tree; thence South 82 West, i6 chains to Melntyre's line; thence as his line So th 45 East, 30 chains to his own corner; thence South 50 Bast, 55 chains t a pine in the run of caddie Tree; thtnee as the various courses of the same to the beginning.containing 116 acres, more or less see deed recorded in Book T T T, page 787, Register's offic. of Robeson County, N. C, and the same land hat Eli Skipper and wife conveyed to the partits of the first pert by deed which a not yet recorded. Secun I Tract In Blue Springs Town ship, adjoining the lands of Neill Mc Neill estate, lands of Henry McNeill and other", beglnnig at a stake by three black gams and a poplar in the run of Long Branch, and runs North 46 East, 16.10 chains to a stake by road leading from Thomas McBryde's to Bewmore; thence North 66 East, 16.78 chains to back 11 le of a 23 acre survey, a stake 47 100 chains below the upper North corner of John McNeill's old sut vey at the lower end of the bay ; thence as line ef 33 acre survey South 31.53 chains to Duncan McBryde's corner; tbence North S3 West, 8. 50 chains to his own line; tbence as line of old 100 acre survey, South 45 West, 17 85 chains to the run of Long Branch; thence up the various courses of run of same to the be gianin , containing 64 seres, more or less, being the same lands conveyed by D. N. Currie aud wief to D. D. Currie by deed recorded in Book Y Y V, page 731, Reg ister's office of Robeson County, N. C, R. C. LAWRENCE, Commissioner. Mclntyre & lawrence, Attorneys for Plaiutiffi. 5-29 5tu Commissioner's Sale. By virtue of authority vested in me by s judgment of the Superior Court of Rob eson County, in a dvil action therein pending, wherein Caldwell & Carlyle are plaintiffs, and A. C. McGotgan and Mrs. C. A. McGoogan are defendants, I will on Monday, the 2nd day of July, 1906, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Court House door in the town of Lumberton, N.C., otter for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for carh, to satisfy said judgment, the following described tract of land in St Paul's Township, Robeson County, bounded and described as follows: - An undivided 1-4 interest in and to 405 acres of land in St Paul's Township, Robeson County, N. C , adjoining the laads of the estate of Neill McNeill, de ceased, Willis White, S. R. Tolar and others, and is the same land devised by Duncan Campbell to the four daughters of Dougald Campbell, as will fully ap pear by reference to ihe will of the said Duncan Campbell, recorded in Book of Wills No. 3, page 261. probated October 8, 1891, 385 acres thereof being describes1 as will fully sppevln a deed eze uted the 3rd day of January, 1820, by John McNeill snd Neill McNeill to Duncan Campbell, Jr., recorded in Book S, page 274. in the office of the Registei of Deeds of Robeson County, f C. R. C LAWRENCE, Commissioner. ' Mclntyre & Lawrence, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 5-29-5tn Notice. North Carolina, In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Robeson County ) R. E. Lee, Executor of Henry Bullock, Mary A. Bullock and others, heirs at law of Henry Bullock, deceased. To James McCormick and Murphy McCortnick: The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Robeson County for final ac count and settlement of the estate of Henry Bullock, deceased, on the part of R. E. Lee, executor, m which estate the defendants, James McCormick and Mur phy McCormick, have or claim an inter est; and the defendants will farther take notice that they are requited to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson counlv at his office in the Court House in Lumberton, on Monday, July 21 1, 1906, and answer or demur to the josnv'alnt, and petition to be filed in this salon, or the relief demanded will be granted. uatea mis ibtb day ot June, iouo. W. H. HUMPHREY, Clerk of the Superior Court. Mclntyre & Lawrence, Attorneys for plaintiffs. 6-18-stu A Large and Well Selected Line of General .Uerchaiiw Our Large Is already purchased and New Goods Are being received every day. Several Thdu sand Dollars' worth of Men's, Women's and Children's SHOES A Large Line of CORSETS The Puritan Brand Men's Clothing, Shirts, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Hosiery, Etc., Always Carried in Stock. Look over our line of Troiiis, Suit Cases and Hied Bags Before buying. Don't overlook the fact that we have a Large and Select Line of General Mer chandise, NOTIONS, and Everything that is needed by either the Housewife or the Farmer. W. J. PREVATT. Hinds' Beef Market Yon Mav Depe'pd on the Two InaiapenMbl when Ion get Beef t mt tau nt I gnatantM the QUALITY AND FULL WEIGHT. Orders by phone or in person promptly attend to. Our Number ia 21. CALL ME UP. Yours to Please, A. H. HINDS. Mtrob 16 For Sale! : One so H. P. Automatic eniriat sad one 40 H. r. boiler, one 15 H. P. engine and 90 H. P. boiler, one 60 saw Cotton Gin, one press with alt necessary attachments-'- ao.coo csrpacitf brick machine and fixtures. For tettn appl ? to ' CM. BAJtKER, 4-13-4-nios f -, LnsnbRton,.N. C to fa fa $1,000 Assortment ladies' Muslin Underwear Will Go On Sale, May, July 2nd. We had to contract for this large quantity so as to get Special Price , and it will foice ns to give bargains uevf r approached by us, or any other dealers heal . We must sell the assortment. This Spe cial Sale will eclipse anything ever held here, and will compare with any sate ever held in any of oar cities. This gre t assortment will have to be sef n and examined in order to appreciate the G eat Bargains offered. We call on the Ladies of oar Town and surrounding Country to call and make an examination of the goods offered. Corset Covers, ioc, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c, i.oo and up to $i.So each. Drawers, ioc, 15c, 85c, 50c, 75c, J1.00 up to I2.50 Underskirt, 5c 50c, 75c, $1 00 up to ja.oo each. Night Gowns, 50c, 75c, i.oo up to $2 00 each. Chemise 50c. We guarantee the quality and the make of each and every article offered in this assortment, as these goods were bought of the Pough keepsie Underwear Company, whose reputation is established. Remember the Date, July 2nd, And visit our Store and inspect this line of goods. In addition to these Special Bargains we will make Special Prices on all Summer Goods. fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa f fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 1 CALDWELL f Lumberton, Horses and Mules! I have on band a few nice Driving Horses, .and a few Good Mules. It will be to the interest of those wishing to bay to see me at onoe as the season will soon be over. : : : : BUGGIES ! BUGGIES ! My line of Buggies is Complete. I have in Stock now, Seventy five Buggies, and it will be to the interest of all those wishing to bay to see me before doing so. Among some of the brands I carryis the Cortland, Tyson & Jones, Chase City, Columbia and Qoldsboro. Give me a call and I will sell you a Buggy. : : C. M. FULLER April 13T Delights of The usual oppressiveness of the warm season can be mademoro bearable if better fixed for it A very delightful aid is a plate of nice home-frozen CREAM. We have the FREEZERS that will make the task easy. If it is v Fishing Tackle or Baseball Outfit, We have them also. ..... - tub McAllister Hardware go. Lumberton, N. O. Marion Iron Wemanufaoture Boilers, Engines Cotton Gins and Presses Wo do and Machine Wort. 18 fa fa fa fa fa fa fa it fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa m fa fa fa' fa & CARLYLE, : : : N. C. LUMBERTON NO. CA. the Season ! Works, "gSS- and Saw Mills. A gents for General Repairsin Foundry 3-lt For """" ' I friPhCisfrifc 1 taMi'liCTK I