PfiOFESSlOHAL CABDS. Wade Hampton Kihlaw, Attorney at law, LUMBERTON, - ' -V N.C. Office over Webster, Tin Shop - St. A. HoUu. A.J. MeiM r. . McComlc IcLEil.IcLEUAIcCOBlICK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUIBERTON, - - N C. Offloei on 2nd floor of Bank'of Lnm. berton Building, Roomi 1, ,, Prompt attention given to H bnrineM. CHAS. B. SKIPPER, Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, - - N. C. All basin etui entrusted to htm will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Office in First National Bank Building rfver Post Office. E. M. BBITT, -'. Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, N. 0. Office npsUira in Argus Building. All business promptly transacted. McTntyre & Lawrence Attorneys and Counselors at Law, LUMBERTON. : c; ' eTj. britt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lumberton, N. C. Office over Pope's Drug Store. R. O..PARVIN, .. Contractor and Builder. Lumberton, N. C. Plans, Specifications and Prices furn ished on application. McLean & Black, Attorneys at Law, MAXTON, N. C. Office on and floor McCaskill Building, Rooms 6-8. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, r.nmWnn : : : : N. 0 V , Office nextdooi above Savings Bank DR. R. T. ALLEN, Dentist, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Dr. McMillan's Drug Store DR. J. D. REGAN, DENTIST, Lumberton, N. 0. Office In Shaw building, drug store. over Pope's Dr. F. H. PITMAN, DENTIST. Ash pole, N. C Dr. R. B. BECKWITH, Physician and Surgeon, Offers his services to the people of Lnm berton and surrounding country, nffio. In ..f MrLeod Building. Phon No. 6. Can be found at night at residence formerly occupied by Mr. oeurgc ax Whitfield. JOHNSON & BRITT, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, LUMBERTON, N- C. Office over Argus Buil ling. "THE OLIVER" The Typewriter WitL the LONGEST, STRONGEST and BROADEST .Guarantee. Catalog for the AikiDg. J-&. Grayton & 1G0- General Ageate, Trust (Building, CHARLOTTE, N. C. flThlilQOiDMUlSfl Jou Forever. Onr Photographs are Beautiful and Life life, finished in the most up-to-date styles. Come and see Our work. We make Fami ly Groripet, Views, Etc Come while the weather is pleasant and bring the little folks. E. J. WAITS, LUMBEBTONIART STUDIO, Oyer Pooe'a Drug Store. f INCOMPLETE SCHOOL SYSTEM. Superintendent Jfoyner's View ol the Sltnatlon. , The following is an extract of State Superintendent Joyner's report: "It is still painfully manifest mat our public acnooi system is incomplete, that. our public scnoois, tne only nope ior the eu ucation of all the people's chil dren, are still unequal totheedu cational demands of the century and still intferiorinmo'st respects to the public school of most other sections of our common country: that they are still inadequate to their stupendous task in houses and equipment, in teachers and length of school term, in super vision and in available schoo funds, as long as tne average length of the public school term in North Carolina is only 88 days and the average length in the ru ral districts is only 85 days, while the average length of the publict school term in the South ern States is 99 days, the average length in the Jorth Atlantic States 178 days and the average length in the United States 147 days: as long as North Carolina spends but fl.Od for every man, woman and child of its popula tion, while the average spent in the United States is 43.15 and spent but $3.12 for every child of school age and if 4. 12 for every child enrolled and $0.97 for every child in daily attendance while the average spent in the United States for every child of school age is $11.09. for every child en roiled is $ia.u and ior every child in daily attendance is $22, 75. "No Carolinian who believes in equality of educational opportu nity for the children of North Carolina, can doubt the necessity of unrelaxed ' and strenuous ef fort for an increase in the public school fund and in the length of the public school term, as long as the average monthly salary of white teachers in North Carolina is but $41.40 for the city schools and $28.80 for the rural schools and the average annual salary of white teachers is but $341 57 for the city schools and $125.21 for the rural schools, realizing that the teacher makes the school, that teaching is a difficult and delicate art, that preparation for citizenship and civic righteous ness, the formation of human character and the shaping of human ideals, the betterment and the very preservation of civiliza tion, society and government are more dependent upon the work of the teacher in the school than upon any other single agency, except perhaps, the work of the home and the w6rk of the church that such a sacred and vital work should be committed only to the best and strongest: that these can be commanded and retained for this work only" by a compen sation somewhat commensurate with thatf which they can easily command in a hundred other av enues of employment, and which will be sufficient to enable them to command for themselves the opportunities that will make and keep them the best and the strongest, no friend of education, no true lover of his State, can afford to relax any effort for, the quickening of the public con science to an appreciation of the work of the real teacher and the necessity of an expression of this oppreciation in better compen sation for that work. as long as we have in the ru ral districts, where more than 82 per cent of our people dwell, ,294 rural white schools, only 861 of which have two or more teachers and only 832 of which offer any instruction in any high school, because no thoughtful man can doubt the necessity of finding or making a way by con solidation, local taxation, the es tablishment of township and county high schools and other means for increasing the number of schools with two or more teachers and providing for the children of the rural districts better facilities, somewhat equal facilities with those of the chil- ren of the towns and cities far more thorough instruction in more advanced studies as will give the needful preparation for intelligent citizenship and for suc cessful competition with others in all States and lands that have provided for: their people such facilities. As lon as only 68 per cent of the total school population of the State, 69 per cent of the white and 65 per cent of the colored is enrolled in the public schools, and only 42 per cent of the white school population and 37 per cent of the colored school population is in daily attendance; no con scientious citizens of this State that has recntly adopted by con stitutional amendment an edu cational qualification for suffrage and citizenship; no citizen that believes In the safety of intelli gence and the danger of igno rance, in the power of intelli gence and the weakness of igno rance, in the ireedom ol intelli gence and the bondage of , igno-1 ranee, in the divine right of every child to have a chance to develop every power that ' God has created in him and the con stitutional right of every child of c republic to make the most pos sible of himself In spit of any sort of environment in childhood, for which he can in nosense be held responsible; that acceps the fundamental doctrine established by the experience of man kind; that in universal education is to be found the best protection to life, liberty and property; that, therefore, the goverment has the right to tax, every citizen to se cure this protection to itself and to every citizen ad that every citizen taxed has the right to de mand from the government the protection Ithat he has paid for against the ignorance of every child; that no man !or woman has any right to deprive any child during the period of helpness and irresponsible childhood, of the rijrht and the privilege of education, or to deprive any tax payer of the protection that he pays for against the ignorance of ever child, can doubt for a mo ment that some way must be found to increase the enrollment and attendance, to bring all the children into the schools provid ed for them in order to necure to every child his right, to the gov erment its safety, and to the taxpayer the protection that he pays for. In the face of these tacts, in consideration of the further fact that all important foreign countries, except the ignorant countries of Russia, Spain and Turkey, have found it necessary to adopt compulsory attendance laws in order to over come illiterarcv and that 23 of the 45 States of the American Union have been compelled to re sort to the same means of over coming it and are finding the means effective. I am forced to the conclusion that North Caro lina will be compelled to adopt the same means to rid itself of illiteracy. " A Thompson Voter For Patterson To the Kdltor of The Robesonian. When the sixth district elects congressman this year, each voter should bear in mind the fact that the office is one of trust and honor and that it was created for the good that its incumbent might accomplish for his district and the country at large in the aw-making body of our land, not for the emolument or the stow age of a political favorite. In so much as it is a place of trust, it behooves the voters to elect a man of honor, integrity and, a the same time, a man of experi ence. The great 'lights in the House of Representatives today are not first-term men, but men who have gathered wisdom and experience by years of close study of the parliamentary ma nipulation necessary to brim a bill before the House and secure its passage. This knowledge can not be gained in one term, and a man who has served his district well in this capacity is the man who deserves re-election. His service record, if it be worthy, should elect him. The office, as mont.inriArl hffnrt urna rrt,nfl , .v j. . . . . . .1 for the district, not for the mail, and tne districts that remain un- known quantities in Congress are those that persist in sending a recruit there after each election. The sixth district is repre sented by a man eminently wor thy of the honor he wears, and how could any loyal citizen think of voting to remove him, for the purpose of putting a man untried and untrained in his place, when he has not xet reached the zenith of his effectiveness. The real men in the House today are men who have represented their con stituency for a succession of terms. Our district is repre sented by a man whose sun is still ascending. Then, voter, send him back. It is your duty to yourself, your district, your coun try and last, but not least, to the man himself. Thompson's Township Voter. Rowland,, June 19th. An Eye for Business. An Kxcbsngr. If you are superstitious about the number 13 you had better give us your quarter dollars, for on each one are 13 stars, 13 let ters in the scroll of the eagle's beak, 13 leaves on the olive branch, 13 arrows heads and 13 letters in the words "quarter dollar;" No it's not safe to keep them, so just bring them in and get credit on your subscription for the full amount- Subscribe for The Robesonian now- ronly 75 cents till Jan. (07. Special Bargains Iii High Grtd9 Sqnars Pianos, If you hard the room It is far preferable to buy god square piano rather than a cheap upright. Our square piano have been thor oughly overhauled by skillet work men, and if it was not for the fact that tbey are entirely out of style not one would bring less lb. n f4 io.oo to f 700,00. Stieff StHnway & Sons Hazleton Brothers Krainch & Bach James & Ilolmstrom Waters & Sons Waters Bacon & Raven New England Wagener Knabe $'75fo 17500 I2S-CO ri s (X) 105.00 100.00 95.00 90.00 K5.00 75-00 60.00 5r-.oo Stleii, Julio Galling Gilds. Southern Wareroom: 5 West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. C. H. W1LMOTH. Mar. FOR TREATMENT OF , Cocaine me Habits. I am prenared to offer to all candidates. friends and relatives interest ;d m game, who desire to reform and refrain from the d ink, cocaine and morphine haMts, in lli-r town of Lumberton ami country at large, the well known ami wonderful MacKay Trea mint which lias b.-en l e foie he public for a quarter of a century, and hence thoroughly tested Ixamine literature and testimonials and notice its ad ption by the Canadian Government. I'or limber intormatlon, apply to R. B. BECKWITH. M. D., McLeod Building, Lumberton, - - - N. C. 5 i3r Something New. Bed Springs. Bed Springs. If you need a First-Class. Up-to-r'ate Bed Spring, go to Humphrey & I'illynw. at the Lumberton Novell y Wot Its, Lumber ton, N. C, Manufacturers of the Cele brated IIieh-Grade Excelsior Foliliue Bed Spring This Bed SpriuS possesses many points of superiority over the ordi nary Bed Spring sold by the trade. The Excelsior Spring is made of the best Spring Steel Wire, manufactured espe cially for that purpose. Tbe bed is com posed of Spring!, put tip in independent sections to that lying on one part of the Deu Uoes not attract the other. e otner. 1 wo nr more may occupy the bed at the same lime ana rest comioriaoiy. 1 ney will not sag or masn to one side, ana are so con structed as to render them absolutely noiseless. . - 1 To Whom it May Concern: This is to certify that we the under signed are now using the Spring sold by nnyaw ac Humphrey, ana lo testify to their merits as leiug just as represented, the most comfortable Spring we have ever used. Signed Mrs. W. J. Pate, W. B. Flow ers, K. L. Owens, B. Edwards, Z. M. While, II. D. Miles. W. K. Brock. I. El- wood Porter, J. I). Regan, D. D. S. Any one desiring to purchase a. set of First-Class Bed Springs, we would be pleased to have th em call and examine ours befor buying. We nse nothing but the best of material, and put them up un- der a ten years guarantee, and sell direct " rP'e at Manufacturers' Prices. Yours Truly, Fill yaw & Humphrey, Ma lufacturers and Proprietors, LUMBERTON, N. C. We also have a few machines and choice counties that we will consign to parties that wish to go into the Manufac ture and Sale of Bed Springs. Only small capital needed. For particulars call on or address Fillyaw & Humphrey. Special Rates via tbe Seaboard. The Seaboard begs to announce that on account of the occasions mentioned be low the rates and conditions named will apply. San Francisco, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. National Educational Association, July 7th-14th, from Raleigh, $77.50: Wil mington, $77 50: Charlotte, $77-5o; cor responding low rates from other points. Monteag;e, Tenn. Monteagle Sunday School Institute July I5tb-Augusl 5th, one first-cjass fare plus 3$ cents for round trip. Monteagle, Tenn. Monteagle Bible Training School Jnly 22nd-3ist, one first class fare plus 25 cents for round trip. Monte igle, Tenn. Woman's Congress July 3oth-August 20th one first class faae p us 25 cents for round trip. AHheville, N. C. Convention Com mercial Law League of America, July 3otb-August 4th one fiist -class fare plus 25 cents fsr round trip. For further information as to rates from any point or schedules apply to your nearest Agent or address the under- i signed. C. II. OATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. Dissolution Notice. The partnership exi . ting between D -. W. A. McPbaul and myself has been dis solved by mutual consent. All' business of the firm will be settled by me. All indebted to said firm will please make prompt payment. Dr. J. P. BROWN, Ashpole, N. C , June 8th 4ft) Read our Business Builders. Readjf for Business. We ore now ready to do your work, and do it right. We make aneciaRy of mantels, turn work, repair furniture and upholster; builders' fin ishers, etc. We also make tables, dusks, ctiplmards, safes, etc., etc. Freeman's Woodworking Plant, H O. FREEMAN, Proprietor. Just acioas the River foot of Iron I Briihre. 6-1 w.l.Uihaw&Go 1906. With gratefnl feelings for the very lib eral business received during the rear ! just closed, we oass another milestone, and enter the nc. 1 ear beiter prepared than ever to supply (he trade with any thing in our line. At all times our peu will be found well filled with the best Tennessee Mules Experience has taught 11s that thl class is much better suited to our climat than those bought in the far west. Ou BUGGY AND WAGON REPOSITORY Was never better supplied. We carr GRAD1 only STANDARD am d HIGH work. The Hackney Wagon Is the peer of all in Eastern North Caro lina. 1 be old reliable Piedmont I Is too well known for comment. In Bug ifies. we are prepared to slio you trom 1 50 to 100 at all times froniwhich to select Our Leaders are Wrenn, Eackney, Bab cock and Hummer. Latest designs and up-to-date finish. MaSBBBl Everything in the Harness Line Terms, Cash or on Time with Approved Security. W.I. LINKHAW & GO. Lumberton, N. O. Jan. 8. RALEIGH ADD CHARLESTON RAILROAD Schedule in effect June 3 1906 SOUTH. No. 1. No. 5 Lve Lumberton to. 25 am I2 30 p n Pope 10.34 12.40 Kingsdale .10.40 1.10 Polopolis 10.45 l.f3 Proctorville 10.57 1.30 Delia 11.06 I.40 Barnesville ..-.'11.12 1.55 Flowers ri. 18 2.05 Marietta 11.24 2.25 Holmesville... 11.29 2.35 Page's Mill 11.33 a.55 Kemper 11.41 308 May... -11-44 3 1 Squires.. 11.49 3-20 Fork 11.52 330 Zion 12.01 p m 3 47 Rogers .ia.10 4.C5 r. Marion.. 12.25 4.35 MORTH. No. 6 No. 1 Lve Marion. ...... 6.00am 3.25 pa. Rogers ..- 6.20 3.39 Zion 6.30 3.47 Fork 6.53 3.5 s Squires 6.57 3.58 May 7.05 4.04 Kemper 7.12 4,17 Page's Mill 7.18 Holmesville 7.30 4.19 Marietta....... 7.50 4.25 Flowers.... 8.00 4.30 Barn, s vl lie 8.15 4.39 Delia 8.25 4.44 Proctorville 8.40 4.52 Polopolis ...... 8 50 s.oo Kingsdale 9.10 5.05 Pope 9.20 5.10 Ar. Lumberton ....ic.oo 5.25 Nos. 1 and 2 Passenger, Mail and Ex press, r ri nail . Nos. 5 a. d 6, Mixed Trains, run daily except Si m ay. J. y.TURNEr., O neral Manag r Trinity Park School. A flrstclara preparatory school. Oe-tlflcates of graduation accepted for entrance to leading Sonthern colleges. Best Equipped Preparatory School In tbe Sonth. Facu'ty of trn officers and tecbre. Campus of (event? Are acres. Library containing tljjc ty thousand volumes. Well equipped gymna sium. High standards and aodern aethoda of instruction. Frequent lectures by promi nent lecturer. Expenses exceedingly moder ate. Seven years of phenomenal success. For catalogue and other Information, ad drers, r H. M. NORTH, Headmaster . Durham, N. C 6-18-8-10 0 "In The Good Old Summer Time," When money becomes scarce with the Farmers and all other business men, we make it a rule to furnish our customer? with nil the money they need, at the rate of six per cent. We lend 011 Roal Estate or other Good Security. All Money Deposited : with us will earn four percent., comjounded every three months. RRflfN NOW liy makin a I"0"'1- (it'"ir ,ttrg r small, 1UUlli llUU and see how fast it increases. Robeson Connty Loan and Trust Company, Lumberton, N. C. A. W. McLean, President. Visitors to Will do well to visit our Store where they w ill lind at all iSao limes, a most select and up-to-date line of Fine Jewelry, Cut Glass Good Goods. We do not sell cheap jewelry. Our aim n to sell KehuMe (ioods in 1L is line, and every piece isfiiituantn d. We nro Headquarters for Wedding Present. !ive us a rail. McLEAN - ROZIBR CO., May 15. Must Be All of my Two anl Three Piece Suits Mnxt (Jc, even if t iWk Bottom Prices. So will many oilier articles in iny store. If you don't know what real comfort ih, try u pair of Sfclz Shoes. We Have Then).. A. WEINSTEU, King Clothier. g The C. W. Polvogt Company, Wilmington, N. O. Ours is the Largest and Handsomest Store, not only in Wilmington, but probably in the State, and our Stock Is at atl times Full and ompletc. It kclndes every Article needed for Ladies' Wear antl our Styles and Prices are such as to satisfy Shopper. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. SEND FOR SAMPLES. Who Dobs Your Printing? If we are not now doing your work let us try your onler. We expect to turn" out a Kirst-f lass Joh on tiling- we undertake to do. : : : : : COMMERCIAL jk j Our Specialty. Send us your work. E. B. FREEMAN, Manager. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ROBESONIAN. GEO. S. HACKER & SON -MANUFACTURES OF Doors. Sash, Blind. Moaldlngs, Bnlldlno Materia. Sash Weights and Co. J. Charleston, S. C Purchase our makes, which we guar antee superior to any sold Sonth, and tnereoy save money. Window and Fan cy Glass a Specialty 4-10 SEWING MACHINES. The Singer and the Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines are on sale at the Singer Store on West Trade St. Will also rent machines on easy terms. 1 Wish to Call Special Attention to Singer Style 66. A full supply of Oils, Needles, etc. I also repair machines. Come and examine machines and see that they are the best. S. W. ODOM. June 8 C II. Morrow, Cashier. Lumberton Silverware and Sold Out ! next any- PRINTING PRINTING COMPANY. SEABOARD Line Railway. Direct Line to AH Points in the South, South-West, North and North-West. Doable Daily Service Between Boston. -New York, Philadelphia, Baltimdre, Washington, Norfolk, Richmond. Raleigh, Charlotte, Wil mington, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Chattanooga, Nashville, Montgomero, Mobile, New Orleans. Columbia, Savannah. Jacksonville, Tampa and All Florida Points. Two Trains DAILT Two Trains DAILY BETWEEN New York, Washington, Portsmouth, AND Atlant, Birmingham, Memphis, Savannah and Jacksonville. TRAINS CCMPOSED OF Vestibule day coaches, Pullman ilrawiug room Sleeping Cars and the Lalest Cafe Dining Cars. DIRECT CONNECTION AT Memphis, New Orleans and St. Louis for poins iu Teias, Calinia. Arkansas, Colorado and the North-West. Interchangeable mileage books good over 15,000 miles road, Southern Linen. For Time tables, Winter or Summer Booklets Illustrative of the South and Soulh-West, afply to Seaboard Passenger Representatives, or address, C . P. Ryau, O I. A., Portsmouth, V. E. F. Cost, ami v. v., f ortsmoum, v. C. II. Cattis, T. P. A., Raleigh, N .C.