REPORT OFTHE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF ROWLAND At Rowland, in tbe Stat of North Cara Una, at the close of business Jan l8lh, 1906 K3SOITKCKS. Loans and discounts $105,150 09 Overdrafts secured, It, 119.49 1 nosecured,$3,975 7 I 5.o5 4 Dfin(t hnniM furniture ami fUturea 3.99 Due from banks and hankers. 16,034 30 Cash Item i.aia 61 Gold Coic 670 on Silver coin, including all minor coin currency... 1,065 69 National bank notes and other U. S. Notes a,63j 00 Total $I35.9" '5 LIABILITIES. Capital Block paid in $5. 00 Surplus Fund.... - a.9 00 Undivided profits leas current expenses and taxes paid, ifilo 09 Bills Payable 50,000 00 Time certi6cetes of deposit-. 36.789 00 Deposits subject to check 44.445 '7 Due to Bauks and Bankers 2,903 45 Cashier's Checks ottsUnding, 54 34 Total $ '55.90 15 State of Noith Carolina, 1 County of Robeson, J I, V. F. Bristow, Cashier of the aliove naiiied bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. F. BRISTOW, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 33rd day of June, 1906. R. S. Bond, Notary Public. Correct Attest: A L. BULLOCK. E. M. HINBS, Director J. Mf. WARD, Report ol tbe Condition ol The Bank o! Ashpole, At Ashpole, Iu the State of North Carolina, at the clos; of business, June iKth, 1906: RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts l3'.977-8 Overdrafts; cured J76.o " unsecured 38.14 314 74 Furniture and fixtures 74.2' Due from Banks and Bankers 1,953 63 Gold Coin -f r yo.oo Silver coin, including all minor . coin currency -- 3,347-6 National bank notes and other V S. Notes..., 1,400.00 Total 39.7-31 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock paid in $9,500.00 UUU1V1UCU 1 imiii" expenses and taxes paid... . Notes and bills rediscounted, Time Certificates of Deposit, Deposits subject to check . . . Cashier's Checks outstanding 689.91 2,500.00 6.743 74 19,786.44 47-5 Total $39.7 34 State of North Carolina, V 69 : Robeson County. j I, F. L. Blue, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my kDOleiKe aud belief. F. L. BLUE, Cashier. Subscribed and aworn to before me Ihisaand day of June, 1906. O. I. FLOYD, Notary Public. Correct Attest: R. O. Pitman, I Directors. A S. Thompson, Commissioner's Sale. By virtue of authority conferred upon me by a judgment of the Superior Court of Kobeson County, entiled before the Clerk in a special proceeding pending in sa d Court wherein Hamilton McMillan, executor of Stephen McNair. deceased is plaintiff, and Comfort McNar and oth ers are defendants, same being special proceeding No. 25-54 on the part of fald Court, I will, on Wednesday, the 25th day of July, 1906, at 12 o'clock noon at the Court House door in the town of Lumbertsn, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land situate in the County of Robeson, in Rer Spdngs Township, adioining the lands of Murdock McDonald, James McNair, deceased, estate lands of D. G. Rober son and othets, containing 5a acres more or less, and being the same land which was former! owned by Stephen McNair, deceased, and upon which he resided at the time of his death. Time of rale July as, 1906, ia o'clock noon. Place of sile, Court House door in Lumberton, N. C. Terms of sale cash. Date ! this June 22, 1906. R. C. LAWRENCE, Commissioner. Mclntyre & Lawrence, Attorneys, for plaintiff. 6 25-40100 Mortgagee's Sale. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained 111 a mortgage deed exe cuted to the undersigned mortgagee by Moses McNeill and wife, Mary lane Mc Neill on the 7th day of December, lo 1903, and recorded in Hook of Mortgage Deeds No. 6, page 26, in the office of Register of Deeds of Robeson County tbe undersigned mortgagee will expose lor sale, at public auction, to Uie highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Lumuerton, N, C, on Monday, July 23rd, 1006, at ti o'clock noon, all the right, title and interest of the said mort gagers, in and to the following lands to-wit: In Back Swamp Township, on tin North side of Back Swamp and White Oak Branch, adjoining the lands of Wni Cobb, Dougald McCormac and Richard Townsend and containing 100 acres, more or less, and is the tame land upon which Cade McNeil! lived at the time of his death and is now occupied by his widow and Moses McNeill and wife, and is tin saule laud Cade McNeill putchased of J. 1'. Smith and wife. Terms of sale: Cash. This 23rd day of June, 19x16. A. D. McKENZIK, Mortgagee. McLean, McLean & McCormick, at torneys. 6-25-4 Hon & WE HAVE MOVED FROM OUROLI stand near the river to our new place , on East Trade Street, where we ha-e a first-class artesian well and are otbtr wise equipped for makiiur (rood soda waters. -Artesian Bottling Works. 6ii3t Report 01 Tbe Condition 01 Tbe Bank o! Lumberton At Lumberton in the State of North Carolina at tbe close of business June 18, 1906. RESOURCES. Loan and discounts $ '539'4 87 Overdrafts, secured, a;:d unse cured, 1,5 n n Furniture and Fixtoies, 3,3H3 7 All other real estate owned 510.00 Due from Hanks and Bankers 67,087 6 Cish items 38.01 Gold coin '.3 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency i36 04 National bank totes and other U. K. notes 9. 261 00 Tot.! $139,379 6a LIABILITIES. Capital stock 50,000 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 6,729 41 Dividends unpaid 18650 Deposits subject to check 166,673 95 Demand Certificates of Deposit 15.45 00 Due to Banks and Bankers 17 39 Cashier's Checks outstanding 315 3 Certified Checks 7 Total State of North Caroliua $39.379 ("111111! v of Robeson. I, C. B. Towusend, Cashier of the alwve named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the lest of my knowledge and belief. C. B. TOWNSEND, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22nd day of June, 19 6. J. G. McCORMICK, Notary Public. I My ciimnilSNlon expire March 7th. Idol.) Correct Attest: (J. T. Williams, j A. K. W111TK, TV . Stkphkn McIntvrr l Directors. A. W. McLkan. Report ol tbe Condition o! the Robeson County Loan & Trust Co. at Lnmbertoti in the Slate of North Caro lina, at the close of business June 18, 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts (83,804.13 Furniture aud Fixtures 357-77 All other real estate owned 3.37 79 Oil ; from Banks aud Bankers 12,478.18 Cash Items i,7-43 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 140.59 National Iwtnk notes and other V. S. notes 375 co Total $101,803. 89 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock 10,000.00 Undivided profits less current expenses and tases paid 2,066.64 Deposits subject to check 89.737:25 Total State of North Carolina, I101.803.89 Robeson County. ) 1, C. II. Morrow, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the akove statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. If. MORROW. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of June, 1906. C. B. TOWNSEND, Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. P. McNrii.i., A. W. McLkan, A. E. Whitjs, K. M.'Bk;i.s, ! Directors. Report ol the Condition ol Tbe First National Bank At Lumberton, N. C, Iu the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, June i8tb, 1906: RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts ( 151,749. 36 Overdralts, secured and unse cured, ... i 057.85 II. fc. Bonds to secure circula tion, 25,000.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 1,196.86 Banking house, turniture, and fixtures, 3,802.34 Due lrom National Banks (not reserve age-its) 8,45931 Due from State Banks and Bankers 2,44400 Due from approved reserve agents 4.893.05 .necks and other cash items, 4,064 41 Motes ot other Natn'l banks, 210.00 Fractional naoer currencv. nickels and cents.. 98.59 uawiui Money Keserve is Bank, viz: Specie.. 2,186.00 Legal-tender notes... 3,610.00 5,796.00 Redemption lund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of cir culation i,i5o.o Total $209,921. 74 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in . j Surplus Fu:d $25,000.00 35 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses aud taxes paid ... National Bank notes outstand. "K Due t j other National Banks Individual deposits subject to check . . 3.359 15 25,000.00 '3'-55 77.447-33 Time Certificates of Deposit 5'. 731-97 35000 t-ertitied Checks Cashier's checks outstanding '.S51.74 duis payaoie, including cer tificate of deposit for money Wrowed 25,000.00 Fotal. - -. I200.g21.74 Stale of North Carolina. I ss: County of Robeson. ) I, II. M. McAllister. Caslidr rf ' H. alwve named bauk, do solemnly swear nidi tiicauuve statement is true to the best of my kuowledge and belief. II. M. McALLISTHR, n Cshier. Subscribed and sworn In tfar ... this 23rd day of June, 1906, C. B. SKIPPER. Notary Public, Correct Attest: J A. McAi.mstbr. ) Gko n McLkod, J Directors. a. a. James, J WANTED. ALL THE Livr mypo I can buy st a reasonable price. H. E. C. Bryant, Charlotte, N. C. 6-8 BY-LO Taioum Powder, Natural Violet. By-Lo is so fine that it floats in the air, and so delicately perfumed with the odor of fresh flowers, that we know you will like it. It does not have that Talcum Powder odor, just The Smell o! Fresh Yiolets. We handle all the different kinds of High -Crude Talcum Powders, but re gard By-Io as the best there is. You will think so too when you try it. Yours to Please, Dr. J. D. McMillan & Sod, DRUGGISTS, Lumberton, N. C. June 18th UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 178-10. Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS. Collegiate, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains 43,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central beat ing system. New dormitories, gymnasi um, V. M. C. A. building. 682 Students. 74 In Faculty. The Fall Term begins September 10th, 1906. Address Francis I. Vknablb, Prksidknt, Chafki. Hiu., N. C. 6,2! Announcements. For Register of Deeds. I take this opportunity of thanking the people of Robeson County for having elected me Register of Deeds two years ago. I have tried to make them a faith ful servant. I hereby annonnce myself a candidate for re-election to said office, subject to the action of the Democratic voters of Robeson County, and promise to give them the best service possible if re-elected. D. W. BULLOCK. To My Fellow Democrats of Rob eson County. With a sense of profound appreciation for your kindness to me in the past, I re spectfully solicit' your support at your township primaries and county nominat ing convention for tbe nomination for the office of Clerk Superior Court. If chosen for the office, I shall endeavor, with the aid of my experience and ob servation, to make you a more accepta ble officer than I have in the past. Respectfully, W. H. HUMPHREY. For Treasurer. I here'.y announce myself a candidate f cr the office of Treasurer of Robeson county, subject to the action of tbe Dem ocratic County Convention. GEO. h. THOMPSON. For Clerk Superior Court. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson County, subject to the action of the Democratic County Con vention. A. NASH. For Sheriff. I take this method of announcing to the citizens of Robeson County, that I will be a Candidate for tbe office of Sheriff, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic Convention, J. A. BARKER. For Sheriff. I hereby annonnce myself a Candidate for the office of Sheriff of Robeson Coun ty, subject to action of the Democratic County Conven ion. 6 e. c. mcneill. For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candidate oromceoi ireaeurer tor tne county ot Robeson, subject to the action of the Democratic County Convention. 6-16 W. D. McCALLUM. Notice. North Carolina, Robeson County, In the Superior Court. Clyde McCallum, vs. Edwin P. Slocumb, trading as E. P. Slocumb & Compa ny. To E. P. Slocumb, trading as E. P. Slocumb & Company: You will take notice that a summons in Jhe above entitled action has been this day issued returnable on the 6th Monday before the first Mondsy in Sep tember, 1906, it being the 23rd day of July, 1906, and yon will further take no tice that a warrant of attachment has been duly issued by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson county, which said summons and warrant of sttachment is returnable at the teim of the Supeiior Court of Robeson count f to be held in nd for said County at tbe Court House in Lumberton on the 6th Moadav before the first Monday In September, I906, it bciMK the atrd dar of Inly. 1006. when U wnere you are required 10 oe ana appear and answer or demur to tbe com plaint then and there to be filed in this actio", and likewise ai swer said war rant of attachment which is then and there returnable, or the relief demanded n the complaint will be granted, You will further take notice that this action Is instituted to recover the sum of 250.00 on account of breach of contract. and for lumber sold and dellveied by the plaintiH to the defendant for which tbe defendant has failed to pay, said sum being the balance due Dy the de fendant to the plaintiff on account of lumber so furnished and delivered by tht plaintiff to tbe defendant. Dated this sist day 01 June, 190b. W. H. HUMPHREY, Clerc Superior Court Robeson County. Mclntyre & Lawrence, attorney (or plaintiff. 6-15-4 mon MONEY TO LOAN IN SMALL amounts on real estate. Apply to Stephen Mclntyre. 3-16-tf STANDARD FOB QUALITY Tried and Pound True. When you want Reliable Axe, Call for '!THE JACOBI." Don't take any "Just as good." For sale by the Leading Merchants of Robeson. N. JACOBI HARDWARE . COMPANY, Wilmington. N. C. THE NORTH State Normal and -COURSES Literary, Classical, Scientific. Pedagogical, Three Course leading to degrees. Special courses for graduates of other colleges Well-equipped Training School for Teachers. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for" use of text books, etc., 170 year. For free-tuition students, 125. Fifteenth an nual session begins September 20, 1906. To secure board in the dormitories, all free tuition applications should be made before July 15. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. For catalog and other inform ation, address CHARLES D. MclVER, President, 6-15 Greensboro. N. C. Yon Should Try HEINZ Mustard Dressing. For lettuce, tomatoes sliced and all green salads, as well as with cold meats, it is unex celled; while as n base for makingl mayon. nais there is nothing superior. It has a delicate niel. low mustard flavor and is a most appetizing relish. feyer Becomes Rancid J. n. WISIIART THE CARLYLE LIVERY, Lumberton, N. C, Will furnish you a team or feed and care for your horse at reasonable prices. Phone t ails promptly met, day or night. PHONE No. 03. Ira Bullard, 6 15 Manager. "Inside Information." New York dressers are making a stam pede for Blacks a' d Blues. This is the Blue Serge season. July and August will be great months for these two "Solids" the Blues nd the Blacks. We have the Goods, and they are just now the 'Properest" ever. John D. McAllister, Made-to-Measure Garments, Lumberton, N. C. Notice ol Stockholders' Meeting. The Stockholders of the Raynham Gin ning Company will take notice 'that a meeting of the stockholder .of the said corporation is hereby calUd to be hrld in tbe town of Lumberton at the office of Mclntyre & Lawrence, in said town, on Thursday, lulv sth. 106. at II o'clock a. m for the pur ose of directing the is suance of stock in the said corporation which has been heretofore paid for but no certificate of stock issued therefor, and for the transact on of su:h other bus iness as may come before the said meet ing. Dated this 29th day of May, 1906. A. W. BULLARD. Stockholder. H A. TOWNSEND, Secy, and Tress, and Stockholder. 6 95 Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue of authority vested in me by an order of the Superior Court of Robeson bounty, in special rroceed ing entitled B. F. Powell and wife vs. C. P. Williams, et. als.. defendants, thelun derdimed Commissioner will exoose 'ior tale at public auction, to the highest- bidder, for cash, on Monday, July 23rd, 1906, at 1 a o'clock, noon, at the Court House door in Lumberton, N. C, the following described lands, to wit: In Sterlings Township, adjoining the Unas 01 Annette winiams, u. r. Wil liams estate land and others: 1st Tract Lying in Indian Swamp, beginning at a gnm at the head of a marsh; thence South 11 East, 320 to a pine; thence South 66 West, 160 to a stake; thence North 34 West, 30 to a sUke; thence Noith 66 East, 160 to tbe beginning, containing 3c 3 acres, more or less. s. Also anothei tract on Bear Island Be ginning st a pine stump on said island, the lower corner of a tract laid out to Marsh Cole, and running oa his line South 66 West, 22 chains and 36 links to a stake; thence North 24 Ess', 44 cksins and 72 links to a stake; thence Mortn 66 East, 22 chains and 36 links to a stake; thence North 22 West, 44 chains and 72 links to the beginning, containing 100 acres, more or less. Also, snother tract Beginning st a white oak in the edge erf Ashpole, Wil liams' beginning corner of another sur vey, and runs with his line 37 West, 10 chains to a stake, his corner; thence North 3 West, 23 chains snd links to walnut tree in an old field; thence with Williams' line m West, 33 chains and 50 links to a stake and oak; thence South 55 West, caiinstoa stake; thence South 27 East, 2J chains; thence due Bast 1 chain. 50 links; thence direct to the beginning, containing 63 acres. Terms of sale, CASH. This 22nd day of Juno, 1906. J. G. McCORMICK, Commi 'aionet. McLean, McLean & McCormick. At torneys for Petitioners. 6 25-41100 A E 40 Years Old ! Tbe Axe ol Yonr Childhood. CAROLINA Industrial College. Commercial, Domestic Science, Manual Training, Music. Notice of Administration Having this day qualifies! as Adminis tratrix of the estate of D. A. Smith, de ceased, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned duly authenti cated for payment, on or be'ore the aist day of May, I907, or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate pay ment. This 1 7th dsy of May, 1906. REBECCA JANE SMITH, j S Jj-6tn Administratrix. 4 444 4444 Trinity College. w is Four Departments Collegiate, Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in all depart- J merits of science. Gymnasium fur- nished with lest apparatus. Ex- penses very moderate. Aid for jj worthy students. 2 Young Men wishing to Study Jt Law should investigate the su perior advantages offered by s the Department of Law in jjj Trinity College. w w w For catalogue and further infor mation, address, D. W. Nkwsom, Registrar, Jj Durham, N. C. S-18-8-10 4444444444Vts. 44 THB.NBW Hotel Limjmoori; OPENED JUNE FIRST. It promises the best accommodation eve f forded visitors to Wrlghtsvllle Beach; ITS rooms; 114 face the ocean. Telephone I u every room. Brilliantly lliun lasted with electrle lights. Hot or cold tub and Bhower baths Abundantly snpplied with health-giving arte alaii water. Facilities for surf-bathing, sail log, boating and Ashing unsurpassed. Excel lent cuisine. For rates and other information, addrrsa W. J. MOORE, Prop., 6-1 W rlgh t .Yii le Beich , N . C. SyiSWu;Msvnjns.n MT IS IT YOU WJT ! IT MATTERS NOT WHETHER IT IS DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, SHOES, GROCERIES . or HARDWARE, We can supply it. . Every Department has been carefully attended to and every need provided for. Visit our Store and inspect our Goods and Prices. You will be welcomed and shown courteous treatment. la 1 1. JC Mi mi GENERAL ASHPOLE, CLEAR THE TRACK ! And give Dr. Bdnnnd she right of war, for his Remedies tare stood ths test for twelve years, when verytntng alst bad failed, and his many friends will back him bp In sarins IMS. His Ureal snd well-known Remedy, r j Dr. Edmund's Colic and Lung Fever Cure, n In specific tor Colla, Srsvel, Posnaaonls, and any Stomach or Lung disorders. This i ' medy always relletes, sad has stood st the front for twelve years. Itlssareat Blood Farmer, too the Best on tbe Market, and this Remedy will Prevent And Cure Bog Chol era. Ail br. Kdmund MU 1 for the readsr to try one bottle. Yon will then keep it oa band. v Every Bottle Sold Under a Guarantee to Care or Money Refunded. Taoussods of TMtlsJonlBls upon request. Manufactured only by DR. W. O. EDMUND, Phone 52 LUMBERTON, N. 0. 3-16 MONEY AT SIX PER CENT! We furnish our Customers with Moiey at Six Per Cent, to meet their business requirements. No customer hss ever had reason to complain of our failure to lend him money either ia good or bad times. We make no promises that we do r v. fulfill. Onr security to depositors, snd our assets are much larger than any other Eank in this County or section. o o o o o o o For this, and many other good reasons, it is to )our interest to deal with us. If you have not done so, open an account Vtitb us, snd join our host of pleased customers. o o o o o oooooo o The Accounts of Farmers receive our Special Attention. The Bank of Lumberton, A. W. McLEAN, Pres. R. D. CALDWELL, Vice-Prea. IP YOD GET IT AT The Right An old proverb says: "A short delay has often great advantages." This may be worth remembering when it comes to buying Drugstore Goods. Delay long enough ' see our assortment and get our prices, and then buy as your judgment, dictates. It is your right lo buy where you can buy best. This right is often forfeited. In fairness to your own interests you should know where your money will go farthest and buy best. H. B. WAED, Ph. G. Drugs of Quality. Rowland, : : : : N. O. xexx: Bristow Bros 9. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Rowland, N.C. MERCHANTS, C. B. TOWNSE.ND, Cashier, J. P. STANSEL, Asst. Cachier. WARD'S IT'S GOOD. ol Choice. For Sale : Six-Room Cottage and Two Lots, East Main Street, Rowland, N. C. 140 Acres nine miles East of Rowland. Two-Horse farm cleared. few N. C. J if -