THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROEESONIA& 3 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Wade Hampton Kinlaw, Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, . - , - c Office over Webster' Tin Shop H A. MLwi j.e. A MeOormlek. W. MtUu KcLEil, IcLElI & IcCORlICt; , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MJliBERTON. N C Oftae on. Ind floor ol Bsnk'of Lam- Wion Building, Room 1, 1, 8, A 4 ' prompt itention given to hll business CHAR B. SKIPPER, Attorney at Law. LUMBERTON, - - - N. C. Alt boaineM u trusted to him will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Office in Pint National Bank Building ver Poat Office. E. M. BRITT, Attorney at Law, Ldmbkbton, N. C. Office upataira in Argus Building. All business promptly transacted. McTntvre & Lawrence Attorneys and Counselors at Law, rnuilOTTfiN ? : N. C. E. J. BRITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lumberton, N. C. Office over Pope's Drug Store. R. 0. PARVIN, Contractor and Builder. Lumberton, N. C Plans, Specifications and Prices furn ished on application. McLean & Black, Attorneys at Law, MAXTON, N. C. Office on sud floor McCaskill Building, Rooms 6-8. The Care of a Grindstone. Exchange. "Most persons, said the hard ware drummer, -"have the idea that if there is one thing in life a man doesn't have to buy twice it is a grindstone. The fact is they are among the best sellers we have. "The life of a grindstone is not very lone. Prom two to three years on a farm and from a year to a year and a hall is - a DiacK- nmit.h ahon nnt most of them to the bad. It sometimes happens if a man draws a poor stone that it will be out of service inside of six mounttis. "There area good many things nhout a crrindstone that most Dersons don't know. For in stance, a mistake most farmers make is in leaving the stone un covered. When I was a boy the usual place for the grindstone was out by the orchard, where it would be hand v for the men in the fields. The wise man now a days houses his grindstone. "kefc a good drenching rain mme alone, and the stone will absorb a lot of moisture. Often it never Decomes wholly dry wain. "Some people have the idea that letting the sun shine on a moisture laden stone will bring it out all rieht. Usually the sun has a damaging effect. The de fect will not be noticeable lor a time, but the stone becomes soft and crumbles "Most of the grindstones used in this country come from Ohio and Indiana. Cleveland is the Baa Every Man His Price. Charity and Children. Not at all, and the man who be lieves it is to be pitied. Of course we have plenty of men in high places who prostitute their op portunities to the basest ends. Offices of honor and trust are honey-combed with corruption, graft is rampant everywhere,and the golden gates of the great and powerful swing open to all who have amassed wealth, no- matter how they got it. All these things do give the pessimist ground for his wail of woe, but, notwith standing all this, it is yet glori ously true that there are men who live above the fog and whom money cannot buy. They may be found right here in Thomas- ville, and in almost every commu nity. Their names are not often paraded in the newspapers how ever. "Along the cool,'sequesterd vale of life They keep the nolielest lenorof their way but they are right here yet plenty of them. We believe there is as much old-fashioned integ rity in the world at this moment as ever, if not more. These incorruptible men are not always, nor usually, men of great financial ipflyence we are persuaded they are Qftener found in the ranks of the poor but wherever they are found, you may be sure they are in the world, and what is more they are holding St together. The cynical sneer at the existence of such men as these only proves that the snearer is not one of them XIlvll muio mo ufjv nun, and they would shed eyery drop GOLDEN RULE FOR PIANO BUYERS. When a Piano Agent calls on you treat him with court esy, but don'l place an order lor a Piano until you have written Chas M. Stleif, the great South ern Piano Manufacturer, talked with one of their salesmen or called on his; Southern Wareroom great centre of the industry. n hlnod in their veins rather Grindstones are made otaouarte- taan foraake a principle or a I 1 : 1 . J . ITimmii ffninrflnr, 1 . lime BtUlusiAJUK. auvcrjr ' l6 I friend leaves new points of the stone nrotrudinsr. and they never, as a rule, wear perfectly smooth- Another reason why a stone is cast aside after a couple of years' service is that it wears We go further still, and say that we have men in public life today who are not for sale. Pub lic attention is called to the rascal who betrays a trust, but nothing is said about the men who remain S West Trade St.. CHARLOTTK, " N. C. C. H. W1LMOTH, Mgr. FOR TREATMENT OF Drink. Cocaine and Morphine Habits. I am prepared lo offer to all candidates. friends and relatives I nteresUd jn Mine, who ilesire to reform and refrain from the il ink, cejjaiae mid morphine habits, in tli-: town of l.unibt rtou and country at large, the well known and wonderful MacKay Trea mml which has b?en le-. fort- ihe public for a quarter of a cent iry, ami Hence thoroughly tester!. Kxamtne literature and testimonials and notice its adaption bv the Canadian Government. for further information, apply to R. Br BECK WITH, Mr D,t McLeod Building, LUMBRBTON, - N. C, 5 J8r Ready for Business. Wo are now ready to do your work, and do it right. Wo make a specialty of mantels, turn work, repair furniture and upholster; builders' fin ishers, etc. We also mako tables, desks, cupboards, safes, etc., etc. Freeman's Woodworking Plant, H 0. FREEMAN, Proprietor. the River foot of Just across Bridge. Iron 6 I ti.binGo 9 06. With grateful feellnes for the very lib eral business received during the year just closed, we oass another milestone, and enter the nc,. sear better prepared than ever to supply the trade with any. thing in our line. At all times onr pens will be found well filled with the best Tennessee Mules Kperieuce has ns that thi class is much better suited to our cliniat than those bought in the far west, Ou "In The Good Old Summer Time, When money becomes scarce with the Farmers and all other business men, we make it a rule to furnish our customera with nil the money they need, at the rate of six per otnt, Wa lend on Real Estate or other Good Security. All Money Deposited with us will earn four per cent., compounded every three months. RRfilN NOW By maki,,g a Deposit, either large or small. "vu and see how fast it Robeson CoQotv increases. A. W. McLean, President. Loan and Trust Company, Lumberton, N. C. c. II. Morrow, Cashier. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, N. 0. Office next door above Savings Bank. down considerable and too many throughout their lives steadfast, revolutions become necessary to honorable and true. We have sharpen the tools, ine wear is men in Washington who are in usually most op tne sorwjsi part corruptible, and we shall have of the stone, and t acquires a them in Kaleigh next winter. We jiggly motion that is not pieas- plead w,th our young friends, ant. 'There is practically no differ ence in the quality of stones turn ed out, and the difference in price, ranging for ordinary ones' from 5 to $7. is due to the character ii t luti r. D.uAatLBsunir oi me irame ana inequality m TWa A lion Mr wood used. Many of the Srio, " : , , . - , . ,T i stones som to we uig r,uuiiN especially, not to yield to the sa- tanic sentiment that money is stronger than virtue, for it is false. There are many thousands who have not bowed the knee to Baal and who never will. Granite And MarDle. Correspondence desired and desitrns for tnoiiumi ii'i, tombstone, etc., furnished on uphill ..lion liy C. U RANCKR, i--i8 Lumberton. N. C. Something New. BUGGY AND WAGON REPOSITORY lietter supplied. We carrj d I! (Gil GRADH Visitors to Lumberton Will do well to visit our Store whr t they will find at all times, a most select and up-to-date lino of 'ine Jewelry, Silverware and Cut Glass- Good Goods. We do not sell cheap jewelry. Our aim is to sell Reliable Goods in tk is line, and every piece iafitiaranteed. We are Headquarters for Wedding Presents, f live us a call. McLEAN - ROZIBR CO., 'May 15. Must Be Sold Out ! Dentists, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Dr. McMillan's Drug Store. DR. J. D. REGAN, DENTIST, LOMBEBTON, - N. 0. and farmers are equipped with power attachments to oe run Dy wind mill force or gasoline en gine. The farmer is the best cus tomer for grindstones. In later vears tne biacRsmitn ana ma Oklahoma State. tlithm Record. Another star in the galaxy of States was added to the Union Saturday when President Roose velt signed the bill admitting Oklahoma and Indian Territory under the name of the former as one btate. ine measure also 3 cbinists have pretty generally provides that Arizona and New DfiQ oDriDSi d6U SpriDS. f .Iran fr lha 110a ff amoraron V I Maviaa Vr o A m i HnA f r.if li v na a I TO Office la ghaw building, drug suare. taken to the use of emergency over Pope's wheels. These cost more, but they last a great deal longer." A Word to Country Parents Catawba County News It is a remarkable fact that large part of the prain and brawn has always come from the rural I i i l - . . ii i. TTr- JJT. 1. B. Muanuo, mieht eo down the business Physician and Surgeon, street of any town in North Car- Dr. F. H. PITMAN, DENTIST, Ash pole, " n. Offers his service to the people of Lnm- berton ana surrounuiD cuuoirjr. nffic In dt McLeod Building, Phon- Mo. 6. Can be found at night at residence former lv occupied by Mr. George M.l Whitfield. JOHNSON & BRITT, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, LUMBERTON, N- C. Office over Argus Buil ling. oiina today and take an inven tory, so to speak, of the men who are doing the business, and we would find the largest part of them were reared in the coun try. We do not write to make odious comparisons between the country children and the town children, but we wish to call the attention cf parents in the coun try to the new order of things coming to pass. We wish to ask fathers and mothers if it is reasonable to sup pose that their boys and girls in the country who only have an opportunity to cultivate and dev elop their minds from three and onehalfto four months in the year will be able to stand up and complete withand enter into life's struggles with the boys and girls in the towns who have nine months to improve the mind and be trained for life's work; to say nothing of the magazines, good literature and lectures to which they have access. It is not reasonable to suppose thatchildren who have practically the same natural ability and have more than twice the opportuni iies the others do, will be equal when the contest comes. Parents of the rural districts, your children are as dear to you an rniv narents. Do vou want BROADEST .Guarantee, them to be helplessr inferior in Catalog for the Asking., capacity to their fellows in the svAAwa 4- iAma9 T am anva ns true parent does. But mark the W 13. Viuyuun " w Urediction: unles "THE OLIVER' The Typewriter WitL the LONGEST, STRONGEST and Mexico be admitted together as a single State provided a majority of the people in each territory vote in favor of admission on the terms submitted to them by Con gress. This is not probable, as the people of each territory have almost unanimously clamored for seperate admission into the Union. Few people have any idea of the marvelous growth of Okla homa in the past few years. While very little progress has been made in Indian Territory her twin sister State has grown wonderfully since 1889, when the land was first opened to settle ment. Last year alone nearly 400,000 bales of cotton were rais ed in Oklahoma, showing from an agricultural standpoint the great progress of these people. in population, manufacturing and industrial growth along all lines her progress has been marvelous and it is no idle dream to predict for this new btate a position in the near future equal in every respect to that oi any State of the great middle West. Oklahoma is the first State ad mitted into the Union in ten years, Utah having been the last, The new State will make the for ty. sixth, and has a large popula tioa than any other- State , when first admitted, and larger than any one of the original thirteen btates at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. It is con tidently predicted that it will have a population Of 2,000,000 at "alf on or address If you need a First-Class. Uo-to-ate Bed Sprine, go to Humphrey & Filtvnw. at the Lum berton Novelty Works, Lumber ton, N. C, Manufacturers of the Cele brated Hieli-Grade Excelsior Koldine Bed Sprint; This Bed Spring possesses many points of superiority over the ordi nary Bed Spring sold by the trade. The Exrelsior Spnno is made of the best Spring Steel Wire, manufactured espe cially for that purpose. The bed is com posed of Springs put up in independent sections to that lying on one part of the bed does not affect the other. Two or more may occupy the bed at the same time and rest comfortably. They will not sag or ma an to one side, and are so con structed as to render them absolutely noiseless. To Whom it May Concern: This is to certify that we the under signed are now using the Spring sold by Fillyaw & Humphrey, and do testify to their merits as being just as represented, the most comfortable Spring we have ever used. Signed-Mrs. W. I. Pate. W. B. Flow- era, R. L. Owens, B. Edwards, Z. M. While, II. D. Miles, W. K. Brock, J. El- wood Porter. J. D. Regan, D. D. S. Any one desiring to purchase a set of First-Class Bed Springs, we would be pleased to have them call and examine ours befor buying. We use nothing but the best of materia!, and put them up un der a ten years guarantee, and sell dirert to tne people at Manufacturers' Prices Vonra Truly, Fillyaw & Humphrey, Manufacturers and Proprietors,- LUMBERTON, N. C. We also have a few machines afefl choice counties that we will, consign fo parties that wish to go into the Manufac ture and Sale of Bed Springs. Only small capital needed. Fur particulars Was never only STANDARD work, The Hackney Wagon Is the peer of all In Eastern, North Caro lina. The old reliable Piedmont Is too well known for comment. In Bug gies, we are prepared to tho you from 50 to 100 at all times fromwbich to select Our Leaders are Wrenn, Eackney, Bab- cock and Hummer. Luttst designs and up-to-date finish. Everything in ibe Harness Line. Terms, Cash or on Time with Approved Security. W. I. LINRHAW & CO. Lumberton, N. O. Jan. 8, RALEIGH AID CHARLESTON RAILROAD All of my Two and Three Vivcv Suits Must Oo, even if at Rock IJotlom Prices. So will many other articles in my .store. II you lon t know what real comfort is, try of Selz Shoes. We Have Them. pa 1 A. WEINSTEIN, King Clolhlcr. The C. W. Polvogt Company, Wilmington, IT. C. Ours is the Larg st Bm' Handsomest Store not in Wilmington, but probably in the Slate, and our Stock is at all tiniri Full snd f omplele. it ii clndes every Article needed for Indies' Wear nod our Styles snd Pi ices nre tuch as to satisfy Shopper. j Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. SEND FOR SAMPLES. who Does Your Printing? If we are not now doing your work let us try your order. We expect to turn out si Kirst-Cluss Job on thing1 we undertake to do. next any- the next census. General Agenti, Trust (Building, CHARLOTTE. N O. fl Thino ot Beauty is fl Jon Forever. prediction: unless the parents of the rural districts bestir them selv and secure more of the advantages for their children in the way of education, the time will surely come when those who have not must serve. This is not a pleasant, thought, but it is as true as the Gospel it self. We do not want to see par ents of rural districts satisfied with three or four months' school; they must not be content with this if they expect to keep pace Onr Photographs are Beautiful and Life life, finished in the mos. up-to-date stylet. Come and a nnr work. We make Fatni lv Grot MS. YleVM. St?. Come while the vreathe. tefjlwaatul bring the little with the towns and villages tolas. . E. J 'WAITS Christopher D. Jones has been - - m 1 . ii a . I nominated ior couector 01 cus E. J. WAITS. LUMBEKTONART STUDIO, Oyer Fooe'a Drug Store. 1 torn of Beanfort district. Generosity of Messrs. McLeod. To the Kdltor of The Rubegonlsn. I cannot refrain from writing and expressing my appreciation through the columns of yourval- uable paper to Messrs George, Alf, and Sandy McLeod for their open-hearted generosity in don ating a valuable lot to the Eastern Diocese of North Carolina for the erection thereon of an Episcopal cnurch- Mnese gentlemen are not Episcopalians, and for this reason their action is the more commendable. It is just such action as Ithis from generous, broad-minded men, that has made our country great.- I feel sure that not only the Episcopalians residing in our town, but that people of all de nominations, will join in incom mending their bountiful gift- Churchman- Mr. J. S. Newton, of Duplin county, has located in Fayette 1 ville to practice law. a-3 Fillyaw & Humphrey. Special Kates via the Seaboard. The Seaboard bees to announce that on account of the occasions mentioned be low the rates and conditions named will apply. ban l'rancico, cal. Angeles, Cal. National Educational Association, July 7th MLh, from Raleigh, 77.50; Wil mington, $77.50; Charlotte, $77. 50; cor responding low rates from other points. Montenine, lenn. Mouteai'le Sunday School Institute July 15th -August 5th, one first-class fare plus 25 cen'js for round trip, Moiite:iile, lenn. Mmueaele Bibie Training School Jnly jand-ilst, one first class fare plus 25 cents for rouud trip. Monteaile, Tenn. Woman's Congress July 3otb-Aujfnst 201I1, one first class faae plus 25 cents for round trip. Aheville, N. C Convention Com mercial I .aw Lesene of America. July 30th -August 4th one fiist-class fare plus 25 cents tsr round trip. I'or further information as to rates from any point or schedules apply to your nearest Agent 01 address the under signed. C. II. GATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. hi Read our Business Builders- Schedule in effect June 3 1906 SOUTH. No. 1. No. 5 Lve Lumber-ton 10.25 a m lz 30 p o Pope 10.34 12.40 Kingsdale 10.40 1. 10 Poloxlis 10.45 l.rS Proctorville 10.57 1.30 Delia ...11.06 I.40 Barnesville 11. 12 1.55 Flowers.. 11.18 2.05 Marietta 11.24 2.25 Holmes ville 11.29 J. 35 Page's Mill 11.35 2.55 Kemper 11.41 3.08 May-- 11.44 3 1 Squires.. 11.49 3 20 Fork :...n.52 3 30 Zion ..12.01 p m 3 47 Rogers 12.10 4.(5 Ar. Marion 12.25 4 35 JORTH. No. 6 No. i Lve Marion . 6.00 am 3.25 p s Rogers ........ 6.20 3.39 Zion. 6.30 3.47 Fork 6.53 3.55 ' Squires 6.57 3.58 May 7.05 4.04 Kemper ....... 7.12 47 Page's Mill 7. 18 4 ,6 Holmesville 7.30 4.19 Marietta....... 7.50 4.23 Flowers.... 8.00 4.30 Barn, sville 8.15 4.39 Delia 8.25 4.44 Proctorville 8.40 4.52 Polopolis ...... 8 50 5.00 Kingsdale 9.10 5.05 Pope 9.20 5.10 Ar. Lumberton lc.oo 5.25 Nos. 1 and 2 Passenger, Mail and Ex- press, run nail . Nos. 5 a d 6, Mixed Trains, run daily except tit ni'ny. J. V. TURN ft!'., ('. neral Manager Trinity Park School COMMERCIAL PRINTING j j Our Specialty. Send us your work. J J j A flrslclasH prepsratory ncliool. Certificates of graduation ecpli-d for imtrence to lesdlog Southern eollKa. Best Equipped Preparatory School In tha South. Facu'ty of ten officer and teachers. Campus of teventy fle aerrs. Library containing thlr ty thousand volumes. Well equipped gymna hlum. HlKb standards and modern methods of Instruction. Frequent lecture by promi nent lecturers. Kspenses exceedingly moder ate. Seven years of phenomenal success. For catalogue and other information, ad dress, HM. NORTH, v, Headmaster, Durham, N. C 6-is-e-io PRINTING COMPANY. E. B. FREEMAN, Manager. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ROBESONIAW. GEO. S. BACKER & SON MANUFACTURES OF Doors. Sash Blind Mouldings, BnUdlng Materia Sash Weights and Co. J. Charleston, S. C Purchase onr make, which we guar antee superior to any sold South, nml thereby save mone . Window and Fan cy Glass a Specialty 4-20 SEWING MACHINES. SEABOARD Air Line Railway. Direct Line to AH Points in tbe South, South-West, North and North-West. Double Daily-Serrice Between Boston. New York, Philadelphia, Bnltimdre. Washington, Norfolk, Richmond, Raleigh, Charlotte, Wil ninton, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Chattanooga, Nahvijle, MnntKomero, Mobile, New Orleans, Coluniiiia, Savannah. Jacksonville, Tampa and All Honda Pointsf Two Trains UAILr The Singer and the Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines are on sale at the Singer Store on West Trade St. Will also rent machines on easy terms. I Wish to Call Special Attention to Singer Style 8S. A full supply of Oils, Needles, etc. I also repair machines. Come and examine machines and see that they are the In st. S. W. ODOM. June S Two Trains DAILY BETWEEN New York, Washington, Portsmouth, AND Atlant, Birmingham, Memphis, Savannah and Jacksonville. TRAINS COMPOSED OP " Vestibule day oraches, Pullman drawing room Sleeping Cars and the Latest Cafe Dining Cars. DIRECT CONNECTION AT Memphis, New Orearjs and St. Louis for poins iii Texas, Calinia, Arkansas, Colorado and the North-West. Interchangeable' mileage books good over 15,000 miles road, Southern Lines, For Time tables, - Winter or Summer Rook lets Illustrative of the South sad South-West, apply to Seaboard Passenger Representatives, or address, P Ryao, G P. A., Portsmouth, Vs. f. Cost, 2nd V. P.; Portsmouth, Vs. U. Gattis, T. P. A., Raleigh, N ,C

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