PERSONAL. MONDAY. JULY a. ljo6. figgf Cotton to-dajr, 15 cents lOi cents Mr. Thad Bullock spent Sun day at Orrum. Mr. Hugh Monroe, of Pates, was here Sunday. Mr. Frank H. Wishart spent Sunday in Fayetteville. Mr. O. 11. Bracey visited rela tives at Rowland Sunday. Mr. E. M. Britt visited his parents at Barker's Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Prevatt went to Wadesboro last week to visit rela tivea. Near $300,000 lor Public Building. Wash. Special, jHth, Charlolle Observer. There are indications that North Carolina will yet come out all right In the matter of public buildings in the closing days of the session. The State will in all probability get a little to the rise of&JOO.OOO, which, on tho basis of wealth, if not population, is a first class showing. Senator Overman, who since the death of Senator (Jormnn, was made memlKM- of the committee on nublic bnildintr and ground, set to work when the omnibus bill was sent over from the House working from this point of van tago of committee membership had rajsed the Salisbury approp riation from $(j0,000 to $75,000, obtained $00,000 for Fayetteville instead of $10,000, got $75,000 for Washington instead of !JG0, 000 and induced the committee to muirnnrinta &40.000 for a site at Mr. J. G. McCormick went to Concord, which is a new propsi "Whiteville Friday night on legal lion entirely- The appropriations business. Mr. A. T. McLean went to Maxton Saturday afternoon, re turning home Sunday. Rev. J. B. Bridges has return ed from a six-months' pleasure trip through the West. for some of the States were very materially reduced, and some of the delegations are kicking mightily as they arecompelled to stand by and watch great slices of pork disappear before their eyes- Alter tins decision oi tne committee, that each member was entitled to a few additional Seaboard Excursion. The Seaboard announces their next one-day excursion from Wades boro to Wilmington on July 5th, train to leave Wadesboro at 6 a. m., returning leave Wilmington at 0:30 p. m., same day. Rate from Wadesb:ro, $:.7$, graded down.- The finest trip of the season, Visit all the beaches at Wilmington. Plenty of room for every one: spec roaches for white people, special coaches tor colored people, aad plenty of room for everybody. For further information see large fly' err call on your ticket sgent or sddtess C. II. Gattis, X. f. A., Raleigh. N. U BUSINESS BUILDERS Try an ad in this column st five cents per llje for each insertion. Whether it is a house to rent, something you have for sale, or sometnmg von want to Duy Tne HODesonlan Want eolum will bring the results. WANTED INTELLIGENT YOUNG man who wishes to lesrn the printing business. One who hss bad tome ex perience preferred. A good opening for a bright young man wao wishes to become s skulled printer. References required. Address, stating age, THE MOKMNU STAR, Wilmington, N, WANTED-2,000 CORDS FOUR-FOOT pine wood. Apply to K. E. L. Correll General Manager, or Oeo. M. Whit field, Secretary. 6 8-tf Mr and Mrs. V. B. Baker have shoes of pork, the bill was sent to eonlorence. returned from South Carolina, where they visited relatives. Mrs. Julia Hamilton, of Hope Mills, arrived Friday night to visit her son, Mr. S. H. Hamilton. Miss Vivian Townsend went to Charlotte hist night to see her sister, Miss Claire Townsend. Miss Jessie Puller was in Clarkton Friday to attend the funeral of Mr. Norm: n Barnes. Mr. and Mrs.Whaley and fami ly and Miss Ijeslie Proctor went to Wrightsville Beach Saturday night. Misses Mary and Martha Allen left Saturday morning for Ral eigh, where they will spend a few weeks. Miss Alma Rancke went to Gaddysville, N. C, Friday, where she will visit relatives and friends. Mr. Frank Bullock, of Alfords ville, was here Thursday. He is a brother of Register of Deeds Bullock. Mr. and Mis. A. HI. White went to Wrightsville Beach Saturday, whore they will sp nd a week or ten days. Miss Lucy Allen has returned from a visit to her mother at Tar Heel. Her mother has been very sick but is better. Rev. E. McWhorter, of Max ton, is at Dunn, -Harnett county, assisting Rev. J. A. Lee in a meeting at the Methodist church. The Messenger, for M, In A With our Advertisers. Read the "Golden Rule Piano Players" in Chas. Stieff's ad. The next term of Raeford stitgte opens August 21st. postal card will bring attractive catalogue. John I). McAllister wants to save you 20 per cent on "that summer suit. " The Seaboard will operate an excursion the 17th. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Lumberton, N. C, postomce, July 2nd 1906. Tf not called for in one week, will be sent to the Dead Letter O (ice, Washington, D. C. Parties call ing will please say advertised. J. W. Bailes, J. B. Berverly, M. H. I Tendon (2) L. A. Dooglass Ira J. Hooks, Wily Jones, H. D Kea, Mrs. Mary McNeill, A. D. McNeill, Miss Maud McGilvany (2) Mrs. Julia Reed, J. H.Stubbs, W. A. Sinclair. R. M. Nokmknt, P. M. IN MEMORIAM. In memory of our dear friend, Encie McKenzie, the only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Mc Kenzie. She was born Nov. 8, 188, and died Jan-, the 12, 1906. Encie was a bright and obedi ent girl, the embodiment of mod est and good nature. About three years ago she gave her heart to the Savior and united with the Methodist church, where she remained a faithful member FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE desirably located. Possession Inly 1st Apply to A. E. White. 6 28 WANTED ALL THE LIVE FOXES I can buy at a reasonable price. H. E. C. Bryant. Charlotte, N. C. 6 8 MONEY TO LOAN IN SMALL amounts on real estate. Apply to Stephen Mclntyre. 3-16 tf A STYLISH LOT OF LADIES' HAND Bags ju.t received at McLan-Rezier , Company. WANTED A TRACT OF TIMBER cut by the thousand. Call on or ad dress R. C. Parvin, Lumberton, N.C.515 FOR RENT BOARDING HOUSE. nicely located, twenty-one rooms, sup plied throughout with all necessary furniture, bedding, etc. Electric lights, water, all conveniences. Apply to Frank trougn, Lumberton 5-11-tI BUY A LOT IN LINDELL, LUMBERS ton's beautiful northern suburb, with rent money, and you will own a home and also have an investment continual ly increasing in value. Apply to A. W. McLean or A. E. White for terms. 2-6 IF IT ISN'T AN EASTMAN IT ISN'T a Kodak. Come and let us explsin why. McLean-Rozier Co. WATCH LINDELL GROW! BUY A lot for cash or on easy terms, and your investment will double in valne in a short time. See A. E. White or A. W. McLean for terms. 2 6 BUILD A HOUSE IN LINDELL TO live in or to rent. We will sell yon the lot and help you build a honse. Apply to A. W. McLean or A. E. White for terms. 2-6 If IVJcoBl' 40 Years Old! Tbe Axe oIYocr Childhood. STANDARD FOB nn Arm? Tried and Found True. When you want a Reliable Axe, Call for "THE JACOBI Don't take any "Just as good." For sale by the Leading Merchants of Robeson. N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY, Wilmington. N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and industrial -COURSES- College. CLEAR THE TRACK ! A nt (tire Pr. Edmund th riant of way, for his Rnmerilea nave stood the test for twalye LWui'raM friend, will back W ap in saytn, Dr. Edmund's Colic, and Lung Fever Cure, j laa spmUfloforCfllle, (Jmvel, Pneumonia, and any Stomach or Long disorders. This re 1 mwly alwara relieve, and haa stood at the front for twelve years. It la a Great Blooi i.1 V, ti"'v!&e B? " th Marteit, and this Remedy will Prevent And Cure Bog Chol hand L r-Mmund is for the reader to try an bottle. Von will then keep It on Every Bottle Sold Under a Guarantee to Core or Money Refunded. Tuounanda oi Testimonials upon request. If anufaetured only by DR. W. i'hone 52 O. EDMUND, LUMBERTON, N. 0 8-16 Literary. Classical. Commercial. Domestic Science, Manual Training, Music. Scientific, Pedagogical, Three Courses leading to dcerees. Special Well-Quipped Training School for Teachers. Board, laund TV. tlllttmi nrwl fur use of text books, etc., $170 s year. For free-tuition students, $125. Fifteenth an nual session begins September 20, 1906. To secure lxard in the dormitories all free tuition applications should be made before lulv 11. those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. For cataloging oilier inform ation, address CHARLES D. MclVER, President, -l5 Greensboro. N. C. fr6S4 You Should Try HEINZ Mustard Dressing. A For lettuce, tomatoes sliced and all green salads, as well as with cold meats, it is unex celled; while as n base for making mayon. nais there is nothing superior. It has a delicate in el. low mustard flavor and is a most appetizing relish. Jfeyar Becomes Rancid J. II. WISHART HUDNUT S TOILET WATER THE ladies' favorite kind. McLean-Rozier Co. FOR SALE Seven room dwelling in Asnpoie. Located on one-acre lot, and has barnes and a,tesian well on place. Apply-to O. N. Bradly Asnpoie, N. C tf till her death. She was only a Wadesboro, bud of spring opening into the says that Misses Lena and Mary ros of summer, when she was Tn vuxvo fP,ifinHii.Kinr I1' to adorn the land of C. H. visiting the family of Mr May at Morven. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. C.G.Vardell and children and Miss L. D. Jor dan, of Red Springs.have gone to Blowing Rock, where they will spend the summer. Mr. C. M. Puller and little Ash pole, N. C, J une daughters, Annie Neil and Epsie, left litis morning for Randolph never fading flowers. Dearest Kncie, thou has left us Here thy loss we deeply feel, But, tis Cod th-t hath bereft us. He cau all our sorrow heal, Yet again we hope to meet thee, When the day of life, is fled, Then in heaven with joy to greet thee Where no farewell tear is shed. A Friend. 29th. LUMBERTON MAKKET. Rsf fresh rwr hntinH a lit county, where they will remain cotton per pound . 1 ou lorn per bushel B0 some days visiting relatives. Col. and Mrs. N. A. McLean and daughter; Judge and Mrs. T. A. McNeill; Messrs. A. W. McLean, E. J. Britt, R. E. Lee, Fodder per hundred J.aa, Hams per pound. lajf u Sides 11 13H Shoulders 1011 K(?gn 16 Chickens grown 26 IS Chickens, fries 1536 BY-LO Talcum Powder, Natural Violet. J. G. McCormick and Stephen Turkeys 75-1.60 Mclntyre We returrfrom . --71 06 1.36 Har, per 100 pounds.. Beeswax ner nnnnif- w rights vilie Beach, where they Taiiow perpound. attended the Bar Association. Rev. Z. Paris went to Pem broke Friday to look after the work that is being done on a Methodist church there- The town has never had a church but recent efforts on the part of the people there has resulted "in a movement that will build one. Fayetteville Observer: Mrs. Ellen Jones Redmond, of Lum berton. and Mrs. Thomas II. Sut ton; p.Jekson, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lamb on Hay mount, and will remain lor the marriage of Miss Katie Lamb to Save 20 Per Cent. On That Summer Suit We have about 200 Styles of Summer Fabrics from which we can make a suit at 2op'rc;.it. discount This means a strictly High -Class Tailor-M-de Suit at frtm f, to less thau retail price. Let us show you our samples. Very Truly, John D. McAllister, Made-to-Measure Garments, Lumberton, N- C. By-Lo is so fine that it floats in the air, and so delicately perfumed with the odor of fresh flowers, that we know you will like it. It does not have that Talcum Powder odor, just Tbe Smell o! Fresh Violets. We handle all the different kinds of High-Grade Talcum Powders, but re gard By-Lo as the best there is. You will think so too when you try it. Yours to Please, Dr. J. D. McMillan & Sod DRUGGISTS, Lumberton, N. O. June 18th LEAK BROTHERS, Umberton's Expert Tonsorlal Artists, The Latest and Mott Approved Fixturei. Located next door above McAllister Hardware Company. Give ns your patronge. Notice 0! Stockholders' Meeting. The Slock holder ol the Kavnham Gin uing Company will take notice that a meeting of the stockholders of the said ro-rnrnlinn a tirl,tr tmA in V.A t., ij Dr. J. H. Judd on Wednesday, in the town of Lumberton at th nAW nf Juy J Mclntyre & Lawrence, in aaid town, on 1 inuisuay, juiy 51U, 1900, at II o'clock Mr-Fred Brown has resigned "-. for the purpose of directing the is- ,;. ,,.,. ,. I auance of stock in the aaid coiporalion H""IUUU w'M me iYien-opoij-1 which has beeu heretofore paid for but tan Life Insurance Company and BO certificate of stock issued therefor , , , . . . ' . and for the transact ou of su h other bus nan m rrpveu QlStriCI, man- Imess as may couie before the said meet- airement for Tinhosnn Rrntlnnrl I K l?;,.i,m.;. .i Da,e, ,his 29th ?' M.y, 96. , 1JIOUCU CfcllU VU1UUJUUB counties, with . headquarters at Lumberton, for the United States Casualty Co. Secy 6 25 A. W. BULLA RD, Stockholder. H A. TOWNSEND, and Treis. and Stockholder. 1905 Raeford Institute. 1906 Next Term Opens Ana. 21, '06. A postal card will bring an attractive cata logue. Eight Experienced Teacher. Thorough preparation for any eollegcMaalc: rimno, vooai, Binuacu miirumeDij Art Course the mnnl in the atata uaatttc teachers. 'n1 prepsrltorj Speola Course lor pro 7-J-a-i Grand Excursion to Wilmington and Seashore, July 17th. The Seiboard Air Line will run a ifrand excursion to Wilmington, leaving Ches ter, a v.., iuesciay, July 17th, at 7 a. m.; Monroe, s.40; wadesboro, 9.3O; Rocking ham, 10.00; Hamlet, 10.25; Lumberton, 10 p. rn., a riving at Wilmington 2.10 m., stopping at all intermediate sta- ions up to and including Lumberton f. r passengers. The rate will be verv low nd it will be the best opportunity of the season to visit the Seashore. Trai will leave Wilmington Thursday at q. to a. m.. riving two evenings tnd nights at the Beach. This is the loneest time ever liven on such a cheap trip. Let every body turn out and make this a ureat time. See the ocean and take a dip in it. Visit Lumina which is equal to Atlantic City something always doing, sever a dull moment. Seashore and Tarry more noieis oner nne places to stop, also num ber of elegant cottages where thosj who do not care to pay hotel prices can get ac commodations, and Wilmington will welcome all who stop within her limits. Don't miss this great opportunity. For further information call on your nearest agent or write C. H. Galtis, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. C. P. Gwathnty, T. P. A , Atlanta, Ga. Lumberton, N. C, Will furnish you a team or feed and care for your horse at reasonable prices. Phone calls promptly mot, day or night. PHONK No. Ira Bullard, 0-15 Manager. v ftnJf tetft mmmif Trinity College. Four I Upnrtmen ts ColU'Ri.tte; Gradimte, FiigincrringiiiNl Law. Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in nil li-ai I ments of science, (ymiiasiiiiu fur nished with best apparatus, li censes very imiIimIc. Aid for worthy slml.-ji . Young Men vikhinjj to Stmlv Law shouH iu c-,1 i.ate the su perior adit'iti;ges offeml lv the Dcpaittnetit of I, aw in Trinity College. For and farther infor mation, : ,' i: ess. I). Y. 6-1B-8 1C 'i u'.om. Registrar, Iturliatn, N. C. The Bant oi Lnmberton, Lumberton, N. C. Attention is called to the strong condition of this Bank, as reflected by its report which you will flndin The Robesonian of June 25th A. W. McLFAN. rrea. R I). CALDWELL. Vice-Pies. -CJELjrQWNSENICasbtert. . J. P. ST ANSEL, Asst. Cashier. M IF YOU GET II AT WARD'S If S GOOD. i A Hidden Menace to Health. 1 I M! M V A large variety of the most common diseases will eventually be stmijed ontTiy trrrproved sanitation. These are germ diseases. The difficulty of coping with them now is the difficulty of realizing that such ruis ar.J about us all the time, always ready to multiply and men. ice hoaUh 'whenever conditions are favorable. The way to guard against these dangers is to use reliable disinfectants frequently and thoroughly. Cellars, sinks, drains, closets and all dark and damp places about the home or premises should be frequently disinfected, especially nt this time of the year. We have material suitable for purpose and it desired can advise you what to use in any par- i very t icular instance Announcements. THtl NEW Hotel Tarriimoore OPENED JUNE FIRST. It promises the Ix-st ju mmod.iM. u ey.-nf fordd vlsltorn ! Wrtirhim-ir,. Heieii- r;:. rooms; 111 f:ice the on-an. T-leplimn-In every room. Brilliantly il.'un ia.ite.l witli eleetrie llKhtH. lint or eolil till, .nut sin, Ul. j- I,..!!,, Abu.-iilantly siippliHil with In altli . ivinij into water. Kar-IIIUes f..r Kurf .iithi,i s.l'l- iiik, imauiiK aim IIsHIiik iwiKiirumeil. Kki i I lent milKine. F.,r raleH anil other Inf .rinallon, adilre.-i.4 vv. J. MOORE, Flo..., Wrii;hl ulie H-iel!.- N-. i 5.a.- H. B. WARD, Ph. G. Drugs of Quality. Rowland, : : : : : N. O. :xx: m Bristow Bros flCo.-, For Sale : REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Rowland, N.C. Six-Room Cottage and Two Lots, East Main Street, Rowland, N. C. 140 Acres nine miles East of Rowland. Two-Horse farm cleared. m For Clerk Superior Court. I hereby announce myself a candidate lor the office ot. bupenor Court Clerk. ubject to the action of the Democratic Convention Of Robeson County. A. E. FLOYD. For Register ol Deeds. I take this opportunity of thankinc the people of Robeson County for bavin? eiecxea me Register ot Deed two year ago. I have tried to make them a faith ful servant. I hereby announce tnvself a candidate for re-election to aaid office, subject to the action of the Democratic voters of Robeson County, and Vromise to give them the best service possible if re-cieciea. D. W. BOLLOCK To My Fellow Democrats ol Rob eson County. With a sense of profound aoorerintion for your kindness to me in the past, I re spectfully solicit your support at vour . - ! - l . . wwnanip primaries ana county nominat ing convention for the nomination for the office of Clerk Superior Court. If chosen for the office, I shall endeavor, with the sid of my experience and ob servation, to make vou a more accent a hie officer than I have in the past. Respectfully, W. H. HUMPHREY. For Treasurer. I hereby announce mvaolf a rarriMate i or me omce oi Measurer of Robeson county, subject to the action cf the Dem ocratic County Convention. GEO. L. THOMPSON. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS. Collegiate. Enalneerlna. Graduate. law. Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains 43,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central heat ing system. New dormitories, gymnasi um, Y. M. C. A, building. 082 Students. - 74 In Faeultv. The Fall Term beinns WrmW ,r. 1906. Address ' Francis P. Venabik, Prksidhnt, CHAPKt Hm, N. C. 6-at For Cleric Superior Court. I hereby announce mvaelf a eandidatn for the office of Clerk of the Sunerior Court of Robeson County, subject to tbe action of the Democratic County Con wntlon; A. NASH. For Sheriff. I take this method of announcing to the citizens of Robeson County, that I will be a Candidate for the office -of Sheriff, subject to the action of the Dero ocratic Convention, J. A. BARKER. m Ml I 5wi IT MATTERS NOT WHETHER IT IS DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, SHOES, . - GROCERIES or HARDWARE, We can supply it. Every Department has been carefully attended to and every need p provided for. Visit our Store and inspect our m Goods and Prices. You will be welcomed and shown courteous P treatment. For Sheriff. I hereby announce mvaelf a eatwlhL'of for ttl nffij. nt .QIiMff r . r ' - " "--"" v. AVIUII UUUU ty, aubject to action of the iJi-mnrrntip Count f Conven '.ion. 6-' E. C. McNEILL. - For Treasurer. I hereby announce tnvaeir a eandlHot. for office of Treasurer for the muntv n Robeaon. subject to tbe action of the Democratic County Convention. 6-16 W. D. McCALLDM. m i 11 111a I Li l Pith ASHPOLE, GENERAL MERCHANTS, lWMAlW yai.iKU..w.u..,, ... mm. ":c -j. - . T