THE SEMI-WEEKLY R 3 PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Wade Hampton Kinlaw, "Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, . - - K.t Office over Webster's Tin Shop A. McLean . A. W. lleLui J. . MeCorntok. IcLEAI.IcLKUaicCORIICK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON, N C Office on Snd floor of Bank'of Lnm berton Building, Rooms 1, a, 8, & 4 Prompt attention (riven to all business. CHAS. B. SKIPPER, MORE RADICAL THAN IN 1896. W. J. Bryan Discusses Qaes lions Has Nothing; to Wlth draw on Economical Qacstlons London, Eng., Dispatch, 12th. William J. Bryan having had th& opportunity of reading Amer ican newspapers, consented to day to discuss some of the ques-i tions which have been raised! since he has again become promi nent as a Presidential possibility. tie said: T A! il A T J !L 1 x uuiicu bimii x am uescnoea to work and not to interfere with the others laborers , fiu pf course -when an overseer has to be selected experience cannot be left out of consideration. ' The worker who came' late would, . if honest, be too modest to assume an attitude of superiority over those who had toiled daring the earlier hours. While the ques tion is one of purpose a man who recognizes the dangers that threaten our country and is anx ious to avert them will not find it difficult to establish friendly re dan' Igolden rlIle! i calls FOR PIANO BOYBS. uvovnuvu , ,. .., ,, , as a conservative, and in order P"" ujows who saw that therfl tnftv h nn miannrW. K an earner aate, standing on Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, - - - N. C. All business entrusted to him will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Office in First National Bank Building ver Post Office. erty when in fact the Democratic that subject permit me to say that in one sense I always have been a conservative. The Democratic politics are con servative in that they embody old principles applied to new conditions. There was nothing new m principle m either of the If the differences between the sincere and the pretended friends of reform cannot be discovered before they will become apparent when the platform is written: for if present indications count for anything that platform is likely to be so plain that no one can ulatforms on which I stood. W muwaire n ana so strong crro no were accused of attacking nron- OI lemocrauc principles . . . - " r I mill Kv A m rt 4. l Tf ill wj uianu iaj vuc ifai ujr. E. M. BRITT, Attorney at Law, LUMBKRTON, N. 0. Office upstairs in Argus Building. All business promptly transacted. Mclntyre & Lawrence Attorneys and Counselors at Law, LUMBERTON, : E. J. BRITT, Attobnky at Law, Lumberton, N. C. Office over Pope's Drug Store. R. O. PARVIN, Contractor and Builder. Lumberton, N. C. Plans, Specifications and Prices furn if hed on application. McLean & Black, Attorneys at Law, MAXTON, N. C. Office on and floor MCaskill Building, Rooms 6-8. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lumberton, : : : : N. 0. Office next (loot above Savings Bank. party is the defender of property because it endeavors to draw the line between honest accumulation by honest methods on the one side and predatory wealth and immoral methods on the -other It is to the interest of every hon est man that dishonesty should be exposed and punished; ether wise the deserving are aDt to N. C. suffer for the uruiAsprvino- Tf . . 7. 7 " nowever, oy tne word conserva tive they mean that I have changed my position on any pub nc question or moderated my opposition to corporate aggran uizement tney nave a surprise awaiting them- I am more radical than I was in 1896 and have nothing to withdraw on economic questions which have been under discussion. "The only question we dis cussed in 1890. upon which there Mr. Bryan added that he would discuss the trust, tariff, railroad and labor questions, im perialism and other issues at I length when he. reached America. When a Piano A'gen on you treat him withburt- csy, bat don't plate order for a Planointll you have wrlttenChas M. Stlef f, the great ruth em Piano Manufaurer, talked with one of salesmen or called on their ns Southern Wareiiom S West Trade Si , CIIAIirXTTE, N. C. H. WILMOTH. f gr, C. BIG DRAINAGE UNDERTAKING. The Department of AarfcuMure Interested In Improvement ol Coast Land. A step that will doubtless mean much for the coast sections f North Carolina and Virginia within the near future has been taken by E. S. Mead, chief of the bureau of drainage and irriga tion of the Department of Agri culture. He has just sent a force of skilled engineers to Charles ton, S. C, to begin active work surveying lands that need drain- FOR TREATMENT Drink, Cocaine and ' Habits. OF I am prepared to offer to all friends and relatives interests! wno desire to relorm and rq the el ink. cocaine and trlorpli in In- town of Lumbtrton at large, the well-known am Morphine hndidates, in same, ruin from ne habits, country oml'-rlnl ..I (l) w MacKay Trea mint which 1) been I e fore ih-i public for a quarter rt a century, and litnce thoroughly tested Hxatniue literature and testimonials am notice it adoption bv the Canadian Ciernment. For further information, aptly to R. B. BECKW1TH. M. !.. McLeod Building! LUMnasTON, . I N. C. ing in that section, and these has been any apparent chancre is engineers have already com- the silver question. We contend- menced operations. Granite flndlt arble. n' Aii o. havenotonly vindicated tHequan- lands are soon to be opened and ui u. zxiitm ol uttoucuui y , titative theorjr of money but have made fit for agricultural pur P. D. UASTLKBUKY ed for more money and urired the free coinage of silver as the only means then m sight of se curing it. The increased pro duction of gold has brought in part the benefit we expected to secure from the restoration of silver. The per capita volume of money in the United States is almost live per cent, greater no w than it was in 1896, and the bene- 111 . 1 V A. . ms orousrnt dv tins increase For many years efforts have been made by Representatives in Congress from Virginla,North Carolina and South Carolina to effect some practical results in tne matter of draining swamp lands. The first two States have so far received no tangible re sults from the work done, but South Carolina has taken the ini tiative in the matter recently wiui tne results tnatner swamp CorrcMMiinleiice desired and drsivMis for inonmnrii! -, tombstones, tc, funiishei on ition by O. K RANCKf1., fj '. H LutnUerton. N. 0. Something New. Dentists, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Dr. McMillan's Drug Store. DR. J. D. REGAN, DENTIST, Lumberton, - N. 0. proven ine oenents of the larger poses. amount of money. No advocate During the session Of Gongress of the gold standard can claim just ended Representatives from the triumph of his logic. . I both Virginia and North Carolina 1 believe in bi-metahsm. and introduced bills lookine toi I believe that the restoration of draining of swamp lands in tx silver would bring still further respective States and Repre. prosperity, besides restoring par tative Small, of North CaroTim in exchange between trold and endeavored to nass a bill annro- Office in Shaw building, drag store. over Pope's Dr. F. H. PITMAN, DENTIST. ASHPOLE, ' N. C Dr. R. B. BECK WITH, Physician and Surgeon, Offers his services to the people of Lum berton and surrounding country. Office in lie McLeod Building. Phon No. 6. Can be found at night at residence . former lr occupied by Mr. George M. Whitfield. JOHNSON & BRITT, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Argus Buil ling. silver-using countries; but I rec ognize, as do all other bimetalists whom 1 have met abroad, that the unexpected and unprece dented increase m gold produc tion has for the present removed the silver question as an issue. While the money question has of the Department of Agricul waned m Importance, other quesJtu re, and Chief Mead believes tions have been forging to the that the plan is one entirely irom ana to tnose questions we worthy of careful, consideration must apply the same principles by Congress, priating 3,000,000 for drainage of the Dismal Swamp. It is be lieved that this would have re ceived favorable consideration had not other appropriation bills been larger than in years past. The scheme has the endorsement Discussing the matter pf drain age generally, Mr. Mead said: The Department is very much interested in the drainage ques tion and we have just commis sioned and put in the field near Charleston, S. C, a corps of skil- ed engineers. Thev will work "THE OLIYER" The Typewriter WitL the LONGEST, STRONGEST and BROADEST Guarantee. Catalog for the Asking. J- E. Grauton & Co- General Agents, Trust Building, CHARLOTTE, N. C. MhinoOt Beauty Is fl Joy forever. Our Photographs are Beautiful and Life life, finished in the ntosi up-to-date styles. Come and see our work. We make Fami lGrou;.,K, V i vs Htc. Come while the weathet i i t-. .. i ud bring the little fulks. 3. J. WAITS, LUMBEBTONART STUDIO, - Oyer Pope's Drug Store, we uppuea w uie money ques tions, and seek to secure the greatest good to the greatest number by legislation which con forms to the doctrine of eaual rignts lor all and special privi- leges to none- XI . . kjh uie new questions manv nrill :4-U . Al ! -i, 1 vni tusu wiui ua wiiu were against i in vicinity oi unarieston un us on the money question, for til they have finished the work notwithstanding the discussion there, then tnev will ero to othfir or tnat question, millions did not places that may hereafter be as understand it and were fritrht- sijrned them, ened into opposition. We cannot About three weeks ago the expect the support of any one people of lower South Carolina who is interested in taking ad- held a convention at Charleston vantage of the people either which I attended with Engineer inrougn trusts or through any C. U. tilliott. of this DeDartmfint. otner illegitimate form of busi- At that convention matter nf ness. Our efforts should be to vital importance were taken nn J-; .-, . I , L uisunguisn rjetween tnose cor- ana discussed, and the results is porations which are legitimate that the corps of enfrineers T anu inose aggregations oi wealth nave mentioned has been sent Which are organized for purposes to begin work there. The same or public plunder and appeal for thing could be done in Virginia, support to those only who are North Carolina and others States. wining w nave tne .-government if tne people of the different sec protect each person in the en- tions would follow the lead of the joyment of his own earnings. Ihe newspapers have been trying to create friction between what they call old friends and new friends in politics. Those are friends who are working to- If you need a First-Clan Bed Snrincr. trn tn Hiitiinhrv Xr t o r - 1 J - "t at the LumbertonNovelty Woiks,Lumlef ton, N. C, Manutacturers of the Cele brated High-Grade Excelsior Folding Bed Spring This Bed Spring possesses many points or supeiionty over the ordi nary Bed Spring sold by the trade. The Excelsior Spring is made of the best Spring Steel Wire, manufactured espe dally for that purpose. The bed is com posed of Springs, put up in independent sections to that lying on one part of the bed does not affect the other. Two or more may occupy the bed at the same time and rest comfortably. They will not sag or mash to one side, and are so con structed as to render them absolutely noiseless. To Whom it May Concern: This is to certify that we the under signed are now using the Spring sold by Fillyaw & Humphrey, and do testify to their merits as being just as represented the most comfortable Spring we have ever used. Signed Mrs. W. J. Pate, W. B. Flow era, K. L. Owens, B. Edwards, Z. M While, H. D. Miles, W. K. Brock, J. El wood Porter, J. D. Regan, D. D. S. Any one desiring to purchase a set of First-Class Bed Springs, we would be pleased to have th em call and examine ours be for buying. We use nothing but me oest oi material, and put tliem up un aera ten years guarantee, and sell dirert to the people at Manufacturers' Prices. Yours Truly, Fillyaw & Humphrey, Ma lufacturers and Proprietors, LUMBERTON, N. C. We also have a few machines and choice counties that we will consign to parties that wish to go into the Manufac ture and Sale of Bed Springs. Only small capital needed. For particulars can on or address Fillyaw & Humphrey. a-13 Ready for Business. Wo are now ready to do your work, and do it rigid. We make a specialty of mantels, turn work, repair furniture and upholster; builders' fin ishers, etc. We also make tables, desks, cupboards, safes, etc., etc. Freeman's Woodworking Plant H O. FREEMAN, Proprietor. the River foot of "In The Good Old Snmmer Time," v Just across Bridge. Iron 6-i w. I. LinKhaw&Go 1 906. With grateful feelings for the verv lib erai ousiness receiver during tne yeai justelneed, we oasa another milestone, nn the nu.. tear better prepared thaju ever to supply the trade with any. tiling in our Hue. At all times our pens in De iouna wen niiea wun tue best Tennessee Mules Experience has taut-lit us that thi class is much better suited to our climat than those bought in the far west. Ou BUGGY AND WAGON REPOSITORY Was never better supplied. We earn only STANDARD and HIGH GRADB work. The Hackney Wagon fs the peer of all in Eastern North Caro- ma. I lie old reliable Piedmont fs too well known for comment. In Bug gies, we are prepared to sho you from 50 to 100 at all times f romwhich to select Our Leaders are Wrenn, Hackney, Bab- cock and Hummer. Latest designs and up-to-date finish. Everything in the Harness Line. Terms, Cash or on Time with Approved Security. people of South Carolina. As I said, this is a most im portant question and one that is susceptible of great latitude. Even on the north Atlantic sea board, where the lands waraa a common end, and each cases will not becin to eaual thosr Snectai Rate via the campaign onngs w some extent runner down the coast, irriga anew alliirnment. In 1896 the tion and Jrainacre matters nro hp- party lost many Democrats and ing given the closest attention." was recruited by a great many The outlook is good for sys who had been ReDubBcans un to tematic work to be that time and we welcomed them, other Southern States in drain- in lyoo some came back who age matters within a very short were against us in 1896. and we time, and the next session nf did not shut the door against Congress will doubtless soo e-ool them. I have no idea that the i appropriations for the work party will require tickets of ad- All along the South Atlantic; mission in the coming campaign., coast, in the States of Virginia, Usually parties are so anxious to" the two Carolinas, Florida and secure recruits that past differ- others there are thousands of ences are not emphasized if there acres of fine swamp land that a "ioio uKiewiuttiib on ures-1 wmu ue . uiaue w produce, as ent issues. I do not know ' thatmueh as land an v where oisa in we can find a better plan than the country if nrnnprlv trnntrwi. ftlA Pikla nl.n mVIaL .J '-. - a 1- - I rm.A 1 i . 11 vim plan, Hiuuu uuuiiis mei luu Duujeob n us receivea serious T TT A T?" T)"D fTiTTTnT-) ci eleventh hour comer to a place in consideration at our hands for i3VJ 1 Uiljlib, the vineyard, and to share the re- many years, and I am" glad to UmbertOn'S Expert TODSOrlal irtlStS, ward with those who began ear- see that the people are now be- The Latest and Moft Aooroved , L think this is sound poli- ginning to realize the importance Fiitnres. tics as well as sound religion pf developing land that has hertf- cile, door afove McAllister provided the new- recruit .comes 1 tefore proved of little value. ; I Give uTyou rJSSSfc The Seaboard begs to announce ttiitton account of the occasions mentioned be. low the rates and conditions named will apply. Mouteagle, Tenn. Monteagle Bible Training School July 22nd-3ist, one first- class tare plus 25 cents for round trio. Mouteagle, Tenn.--Womin's Congress July 3oth-August 20th, one first-class faae plus 25 cents for round trip. Aslieville, N. C Conventi n Com mercial Law League of America, July 4lh. one liist-class fare plus 25 cents fsr round trip. . For further information as to rates from any point or schedules apply to your nearest Agent 01 address the undersigned.-. C. II . GATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. Jan. 8. t Wlien money becomes scarce with ihc F'artniirs and all btlier business men, we make it a rule to furnish our customers with all the money they need, at the rate of six jwr cent. We lend ou Real Etdato or other Good Security. All Mwioy Deposited with us will earn four percent, compounded evt-ry three months. By making a Deposit, either large or. small, and nee how fast it inr reases. ; ; BEGIN NOW Robeson Coooty Loan and Trust Company, Lumberton, N. C. A. W. McLean, Fresideut. ('. II. Morrow, Cashier. Rings! Rings! Rings! Signet Rings for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Also Set Rings and Band Rings. ALL SOLID GOLD ! And of the Most Beautiful Designs. A Tremendous Stock to select from. We can certainly suit you. McLEAN - ROZIER CO., July 10. The C. W. Polvogt Company, Wilmington, N. C. Ours in the Largist and Handsomest Store, not only in Wilmington, but probably n tbe btate, and our block Is at all times Full and Comolete. It includes eviv Article needed for Ladies' Wear and our Styles and Prices are uch as (o sa.isfv Shopper. Mail Orders Receive PromDt Attention. SEND FOR SAMPLES. Wlio Does your Frintlno? If we aronot now doing your work let 1 1 s order. We expect try turn out a First - 'ln. thing we undertake to do. : : try your .I'llt (III next any- COMMERCIAL PRINTING j Our Specialty. Send us your work. FREEMAN PRINTING COMPANY. B. B. FREEMAN, Manager. SUBSCRIBE VOR THE ROBESONIAN. EO. S. HACKER & SON RALEIGH AKD CHARLESTON Rai Ar. Scliedule'ln effect June 3 SOUTH. No. 1. 1 Lumberton 10.25 am Pope -..10.34 Kingsdale 10.40 Polopcliu 10.45 Proctorville 10.57 Delia 1 1.06 Barnesville 11. 12 Flowers 11. 18 Marietta .. 11.24 Holmesville 11.29 Page's Mill 1 1 .35 Kemper . .11.41 May 11.44 Squires . .11.49 Fork 11.52 Zion 12. ot p m Rogers 12.10 Marion ........12.25 NORTH. S I M 2 00 p m . 2.40 !yJr3w ""' 3 00 3 lo 3- 25 3 35 3 55 4 oj 4- 25 438 4 4 4 53 5.00 5 17 5 35 6.05 Lve Marion Rogers ... .. 6.20 Zion... . 6.30 Fork 6.53 Squires 6.57 No. 6 No. a ... 6.00 a m 3.25 p 11 3-39 3-47 3-5S 7.05 7.12 7.18 .7.30 7-5" 8.00 8. 1 s May Kemper . Page's Mill .. Holwesville. . M arietta... Flower ...... Barn, sville .. Delia 8.25 Proctorville 8.40 Polopolis ...... 8.50 Kingsdale 9.10 Pope 9.20 Lumberton ic.oo Nos. 1 and 2 Passenger, press, run (mil . Nos 5 a: I (, Mixed Trains except Si nday. Ar. 5 . 4.04 4.fc7 4.10 4.19 45 4. jo 439 44 4 5 5.00 505 5.10 55 Mail and Ex- run daily J. M. TURNFJ:, G neral Manag Trinity Park School. A flrttolSHs preparatory school. Ce-(lncates of KfJuuon kverptrd for entrance to IraUlrf Southern colleges. est Equipped Preparatory School in the Sooth. Faculty of ten ofllcers and teachers. Cmmi fseventy live acres. Library rontalning thlr ty thousand rolumes. Well equipped irymnk slum. High standards and modern Eethods of Instruction. Frequent lectures hr oromi. nt lecturers. JCxpenpea eiceedingty moder. te. Seven years of phenomenal success. For-eatalogua and other Information, d ress, . H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, Durham, N. C 6-18-8-10 SEABOARD Air Line Railway. Direct Line lo Points in the rt MANUFACTURES OF Doors, Sash. BlindsaJMouldlngs. Building MaterU Sasb Welohls and Co. J. Charleston, S. C Purchase our makes, which we truar antee superior to any sold South, and thereby aave mono. Window and Fan cy Class a Specialty 4.20 Trinity College. Four Departments Colleeiate. Graduate, Hngiuecringaml Law. Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in all depart ments of science. Gymnasium fur nished with best apparatus. F,x penses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young Men wishing to Study Law should investigate the su perior advantages offered by the Department of Law in Trinity College. " " " " For catalogue and further infor mation, address, 1). W. a l-8 10 Nf.wsom, Registrar, Durham, N. C. 44444444C(tt4 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ' I789-19M. Head of the State's Educational Svstein. DEPARTMENTS. Collegiate, - Engineering. Graduate, Law. Medicine, Pharmacy. - S 1 T I J 111 IF" li'WLIiT-T. s M"t, Vg U0QD1C iiZZJ' A South, South-West, :4North and North-West. Boston, New Yur', rhiladrlphia, Baltimdre, Washington, Norfolk, Richnioml, Ral -igh, Cliarlotte, Wil rnington, Atlmila, liirmingham, Memphis, C'lmttn. oa, Nashville, Montgoniero, Mobile, New Orleans, Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa and All Florida Points Two Trains DAILT 1SKTWKEN Two Tralna DAILY New York, WaAhingl-n, Portsmouth, AND Atlant, Birniinvham, Memphis, Savannah and jacktonville. TRAINS COMPOSED OP Vestibule iUy coaches, Pullman drawiie room Sleeping Cars and the Latest Cafe Dining Cars. DIRECT CONNECTION AT Memphis, New Orleans and St. Louis for poms iu Texas, Cull ma, Arkansas, Colorado am! the , North-West. Interchmi$:e:i!je mileage looks good over 15.000 miles road, Southern Lines. For Time tables, Winter or Summer Booklets Illustrative of the South and South-Wc-t, at. ply to Seaboard Passenger Representatives, or address, C. I. Ryan, G P. A., Portsmouth Vs. H. F. Cost, 211I V. P., Portsmouth, Va. C. II. Gattis, T. P. A., Raleigh, N ,C. Library contains 41,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central he.U- ngs-stem. Nrw dormitories!, tvnina-i- uin, Y. M. C. A. building. C82 Students. 71 In Faculty. The Fall Term begins September loth. 906. Address Francis P. Venabuf, Prfsidknt, Cha'pei. Hill, n. C. 6'k THE NEW Hotel Tarromoore OPENED JUNE FIRST. It proniU' the Ijest arfonirrH'd:iii '-v.-af forded Vl-tlorrt to VVrlfht-vl! ., 175 nimnstrtfarT the nresn. I ivy.lvi in every -room. Brllllsntly tl'un Hnv-I with leclric lights, . Il"t or cii'l tnl iiiil shower btlha Abuntlsntiy supp ifl 1 :li limit li sivinn arte stan water. Ki-i Ut I. - f..r iurf 11:1111. sail log, txiatins: ! fi-iimit iin.urpHs-.l. Kleel lent euiiii-. h'"r r.i'-'i an.l ..tlu r tiiformatlDU, add res 1 W. J. MOORE. Prop.. Wnirlit-Vllle Hesch. N. t!. 1905 Kaeford Institute. 1906 Next Term Open Aug. 21, '06. A porfUl canl mil l.riut an attraetlye cat lOKIle. Eight Experienced Teachers. Thiruui!li r.T aoj collegs.ilasiiu. I'Uno, .ki . .-iriiiicl liistrumenw. Art Uiure Uie finest of any preparttorr school In ibe state sipei'lal Court (or pros. BCOCCe teachers. 7-HM .4 t