PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Wade Hampton Kinlaw, Attorney t taw., "7 LtJMBERTOW. NC. Office ow Webster1 Tin Shop IcLEW.IcLEMfiltcCORIICI, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, tOMBERTON. N c- Offices on 8na floor of Bnk of Lum berton Building, Koonw i, p. , Promt attend giv to U business CHAS. B. SKIPPER, Attorney at taw. LUMBERTON, - - - N. C AU bunes. entrust to bim will - eeive prompt ana chow Office in First NaUal Bank Building ver Poet Office. B. ML BRUT, Attorney at Lsvw, LlJMBERTOH, N. 0. Office " nprtaira in Argus Building. . All business promptly transacted N. -C Mclntyre & Lawrence Attorney and Counselors at Law, LUMBRRTON. E. J. BRITT, ATTORNEY AT LAWf Lmnberton, N. C. Office over Pope's Drug Store. R. 0. PARVIN, Contractor and Builder. Lumberton, K. C. Plans, Specifications and Prices furn lshed on application. . McLean & Black, ATTOttMEYS AT LAW, . MAXTON, N. C. Office on and floor McCaskill Building. Rooms 6-8. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PatfsiCIAN AND SURGEON, Lumberton, : : ' N' ' Office neit dooi abow Savings Bank. R.T F. D. (JAWI.SBUBV Drs. Allen & Castlebury, Dentists, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Dr. McMillan's Drug Store. DR. J. D. REGAN, DENTIST, Ldmbkbtoh, - N. C. over Pope's Office in Shaw building, drug store. Dr. F. H. PITMAN, DENTIST. i N. C ASH POLE, Dr. R. B. BECK WITH, Physician and Surgeon, Oflers his services to the people of Lum berton and surrounding country. Office in ue McLeod Building. Pbon No 6. Can be found at niht at restf ence formerly occupied by Mr. George. M Whitfield. JOHNSON & BRITT, Real Estate and Insurance Agents. LUMBERTON, N- C. Office over Argus Buil ling. Croatan Picnic and Cotton Grow .' "Z X 4 era Association.; i Correspondents of Tbe Kobrsoalsh. v ' A meeting of the Croatan branch of the Cotton Grower's Association of Robeson county was held at Jim Dial's school house, Thursday, Aug. 9th, which was in every way a success. A nice covered stand was , erected for the speakers od seats pro vided for the audience : in the grove; At J 2 o'clock, noon, A. A. Locklear, presiding, in a few well chosen remarks, called the meet ing to order; prayer was offered by Rev. Gilbert Locklear, after which Mr. R. W. Dvermore was introduced and delivered one of the most instructive and pleasing addresses, filled with apt illus trations and amusing anecdotes. it has ever been our pleasure to hear, on the subject of "King Cotton.' During his remarks he expressed himself in no uncer tain terms. The association- as an organization knew no Demo crat, no Republican, no Populist and was an association in which all political shades could meet on an equal footing, as ii had noth ing to do with politics; but Jit was the duty of every farmer as an individual to exercise his po litical rights and see that good men were elected to fill the vari ous offices. As a whole it was a fine speech and for conservative- ness, ability and a knowledge of the . subject handled, reflected great credit on the speaker. At its conclusion dinner was an nounced, where fried chicken, ham, roast beef, breads of all kindscakes and pies, was in abundance with'icecold lemonade to quench the thirst, and not withstanding it rained in tor rents the crowd could not be driven away from so many good things. When dinner was ovor the meeting was again called to order and Cpl. fjamilton McMil lan, of Red Springs, was intro duced, who delivered, as usual'i one of his patriotic and edifying addresses. He only casually re ferred to the cotton interests, as Mr, Liyermore had so ably han dled the subject, but urged organization- He spoke principally of the progress and improvement in the (Jroatah people even with;a too past ten years; compared the past with the present, the churches and schools of today ana tne interest taken in them, making personal reference to the scenes around him which mdi cated great development and a still brighter future before them. He also cautioned the people about bringing politics into their association and referred to the alliance that prospered and did much good until politics was in troduced, then as an organization it went under. His remarks were received with a great deal of en thusiasm. At their conclusion Mr. John E. Carlyle was loudly called for and responded in his usual happy style. He took issue with Col.McMillan on the alliance question, stating the old alliance was not dead or dying; 82 lodges were still existing and doing business at the old stand and much good was coming from them. These remarks concluded the exercises, but there being a sprinkling of candidates on the grounds, a call was started for them. Mr. E. C. McNeill was called, but declined. Mr. W. H, Humphrey was next- called and responded with a very happy talk to his old friends and neigh bors, making no reference to any political question. Our next sher- hi, mr. j, a. earner, was men called and responded with a few remarks suited to the occasion, after which the crowd adjourned, all feeling a day had been pleas antly and profitably spent. Too much cannot be said in praise of the perfectjirder that was kept throughout the entire day, not a single incident happened to dis turb the perfect peace and pleas ure of the occasion' and we are glad we were there and hope for another opportunity. "A Spectator." "THE OLIVER" The Typewriter WitL the ' LONGEST, STRONGEST and BROADEST .Guarantee. Catalog for the Asking. J. &. Grayton & ,6o- General Agents, Trust .Building, CHARLOTTE N..C. fl Thino 01 Scanty isA Joy Forever. Our Photographs are Beautiful and Life life, finished in thetnoa. up-to-date at lea. Come snd see onr work. We make Fami ly Groupcs, V.cws Jttc. Corae while the weather is pleaaant ud bring the little folk. k EJ. AWAITS, , LUMBERf ONIART STUDIO. ,,. Oyer Pope's Drug Store. Shannon Locals. Correspoiidenoa of To R6bsontn . Mrs. Annie C. McLean and children, of Rowland, are visiting relatives and friends in this vicin ity. Mr. J. C. McPhail is somewhat indisposed for the last few days. The R. P. D. carrier here is taking a part of his 15 days vaca tion this week and Mr. P. McN. Gibson is carrying the mail on R. P. D. No 1 from this place. In our items of a few days ago we inadvertently omitted to men tion the visit of Mrs. J.E. Clifton, of Lumber Jb ridge, to the home of her brother, Mr, D. S. Klarpp. 5 There is some prospect of Mr. A. ABethune organizing a sing ing lass. at Shannon in a'short time. We hope he will succeed and that much good will be ac complished by his course of in struction The hot weather' of the past few days is making fodder ripen very fast and causing cotton on light land to turn pale and shed Bome.. Rain is . wished for by many, , " ' . -' Shannon, N. G, Aug, 11th. R estimation ol Capt.W. G. AUca. TotbsMltorof h tofcaaaiilal.'. f .? It "seldom,, happens rfia a life time we have occasion to - take note of an incident thai. , brings with it so much genuine ; regret as the resignation of Capt. Alleri, pleasant, genial, with a "good word of cheer and encouragement for all with whom he earner in con tact either in a business or Social way- A deUghtfult oompdnlonftlie sound. that will be missed from our The inland circle and many days will come and go e'er bis place will be filled, should it ever be- : But this was not all. He was a man possessed of fine abilities and skill in : his chosen profession, that of build ing roads' and equipping nigh ways with bridges and culverts for the convenience of travel. Two or three years ago, , and; I speak from experience, the roads around Lumberton and other townships of the county, ; were, almost impassible during bad weather; the numerous swamps tkrough which these roads lead, would almost swim ahorse, but these conditionshave wonderfully changed within the past two years. You can now travel from one end of the county to tne other and make good time, rain or shine, ana the baa swamps have been bridged and the road beds raised, and whatever may be said of the Wake county man and the objections raised, to him for this reason, it Is absurd and the argument of ignorance and prejudice. What he has done for the roads of old Robeson, stands as a lesson to those who may fol low, and will remain a monument' to the skill and ingenuity of the man. bo rules the intelligence of the county and it is a- de-; batable questional the opening of another presumably bad sea-1 son when the work done during 1 the summer under continued rains will fall down to a greater or less extent, whether the com missioners were wise in accept ing his resignation at this time, but required him to fill "out the term for which "he was' ejected one year hence- Robeson s loss will be Wake's gain, yet we may hope the exi gencies of the case the future may present, wijl force him back to our midst as time proves the need of his service. "A Traveller." streets are sandy, the water braekisn, the plank - sidewalks out of repair the people slow . in their- movements and ready ;? al ways to hear" the stranger and help him toa f The Manteo folks are - intelligent and courteous. They believe in education and keep in close connection with the world from ' which they are -de tached by the muddy waters of of Roanoke, as our readers know, is full of historic interest. Of course we visited the old fort where Vi rginia "Dare was born and where White, Colony was last seen as the ship sailed away for the shore of En gland. A circular row of stones marks the outline of the old fort while in the. center stands a modest monument telling the. simple story of the colony, that vanished out of sight. It gives one a peculiar thrill to stand on the historic sppt and see with bis eyes the place where the history of our great old Commonwealth had its beginning. Roanolfe.Island. Charity and Children. Harder to reach than Boston, Roanoke Island, which is the eastern rim of civilisation, is "wet worth the trip with all its changes and trials. The island is some twelve miles long by three miles wide, with a population of 2,500, and containing the county town of Manteo, named after the big chief of the tribe of Hatteras We have always wondered why the county seat of Dare ws es tab! i shed on an island cut off from the mainland by the sound A citizen explained the situation by saying that Roanoke island is the largest body of land in Dare county and within easy reach of the majority of Its" population. Dare Is mostly water. Sheriff Etheridge can reach nearly every citizen's home by boat, and if he owns a buggy he lias little use for it. On the island there is some fairly good farming land, but most of it is wet and boggy. On. the shore of the sea, some three miles away, there are great ranges of sand dunes that look like red. mountains in the dis tance, and that shift from place to place, covering everything that lies in their pathway. At Nag's Head there are' several buildings that are doomed, and It is a pitiful thing to see the sand slowly creeping toward a home that must finally be buried fifty feet under the huge red hill. The place where the ejd hotel .stood which was burned some . years ago) is covered with the sand and if the building had not been de stroyed by fire it would have been everwhelmed with sand. Nothing can stay the onward march of the monster- The wind blowing over it sends the deilcate sheet down toward the south and it is curious lo watch the process, so steady and yet so gentle, that results at last in utter destruction. It is one of the won ders of this section of the North Carolina coast, which abounds in so many things of natural as well as historic interest. . ; :; The principal business of the island is the. fishing industry. Many varieties of valuable fish are caught and the.: business has reached immense proportions. The discovery of gasoline as ' a motive power makes boating easy and swift." Hardly a" row-boat can be found on the bosom of the broad sound, but even the small er craft, which were formerly propelled by the laboring oars man, glides over thq, water by gasoline power. It is an easy matter . to . get. over ground (or rather sea), the average speed of the launches being from seven to. nine miles an hour. Manteo is a town of some six or seven" hundred souls and re sembles i the ordinary, seacoast village, ..which we nave setn wherever the ocean roars. The When the Hair Falls Then it's time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi ment ! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, tool So make up your mind this very minute Iftat.Jf your hair ever comes but you will use Ayera Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in, . . It. cannot dp any thlng else. It's nature's way. The 6ot kind of a testimonial "Sold for over aixty yeara." A or J. O. Arr bo., Low.U, AM iM numuteutur.ra of f 8ARSAPABILLA. PILLS. enem pectoral. yers Democratic Convention, The Democratic Convention for the nomination of State Senator, two members of the House of Representatives and County Of fioers, will be h-ld at Lumberton, North Carolina,, on Thursday, September 6th, 1906, at 11 o'clock a. m- The Township or Precinct Pri maries will be held at the polling places in the various Townships on Saturday, September. 1st., at 3 o'clock p.' m. All Democrats are urged to attend said Town ship or Precinct Conventions and at the same, delegates will be se lected to represent the Town ships in the County Convention. By order of the Democratic Executive Committee of Robeson County, this 6th day of August, 1906, J. G. MoCouMick, Chairman- Free To sufferers from Kidney, Liver and Bladder Troubles. Other manufacturers say "Buy hott'e if Jt doesn't cu- we will refund your money." We say, "Takea full jti.oo size FREE b tt!e of UVA SOL and if it benefits you, then -se UVA SOL until cured. " This advertise ment entitles you to a bottle.of UVA SOL at The Pope Drug Co's. Only aUrited number of hottles given away. IJon't miss tins opportunity to test UVASOL. ; S-dthurs Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualified as Adminis trator upon the estate of Joseph's. Stone, deceased, late f Robeson County, this u to give notice to all persons having claims against said estate to present them to me at my residence in Kobeson County, or to my Attorneys, Messrs. Mclntyre & Law rence, at Lumlierton.on or before the aoth day of July, 1907, or this notice will be plead 111 bar ot tneir recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. iJateajuiy 17m, 1900. JESSES STONBi' Administrator. Mclntyre 8t Lawrence, Attorneys ' for Administrator. 7-19-8-J3 Commissioner's Sale. By virtue of authority vested in mi under a judgment and decree of the Snper'ot Court of Robeson County en tered n a special proceeding therein pend'ng. w'.ierein Ann E gay et als are plainuns, anu ira r. Kay ei ais are de fendants same being special proceeding No 21 10 upon the docket of said court, I will, on Monday, August 27th, 1906, at 12 o clock noon, trie enrt bouse door in Lumberton, N. C., oflr for sale, at pub lc auction, to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands i Beginning at a stake in tne western edge of said swamp in Angus Ray's lower line, and runs with his line S. 20 W. 16 chains snd 50 link",, thence N. 70 W. 30 chains to his corner; ihence with his own line S. 17 W. 29 chains: thence So. 7J W 16 chains'; tbenee B to W. It chains to AleMcljityre'f comer: ttence "3. 75 B. 50 chains to ar "pine by four pines, Oxendine'a corner; thin.-e with his line N. 40 E -.7 chains and 50 links to a large pine in Grim-dey'a line; thence with his lines N. 50 W. 13 chains to a stake b t pines; the ce N. 40 W 17 chains and 50 links to the Western Edge of Burnt swamp; thenee1 'up the various courses 01 the same to the beginning, containing 109 acres - XJatert Wis July 3rtt , 1006. K. C LAWRENCE, Commissioner. Mclntyre & Lawrence, At'.orues far Plaintiff. 7-26 4thu Business Integrity. ' There is nothing that give as much confidence as square and fair dealing with the public. We do not use any form of fake scnemes 111 our business. We have never lowered the art of piano building to the mere level of a money making traffic We have never sacrificed tone, quality and perfect workniaunbip for expense; 1 ' We have never made cheap pia nos snd never will. The reputation of our pianos lias been gained by merit alone, the standing of our firm by Business Integrity. The mere Dotwenslon of a Stelff piano put tue seal ot supreme ap proval upon the mimical taates of its owner, CHAS. At. STEIFF, Southern Wareroom, S West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. C. H. WlLMOTIl. Mgr. "InThflfinhdflldSiimmPPTirnA." . When money becomes scarce with the Farmers and all otler J business men, we make it a rule to furnish our customers with all the money they need, at the rate of six ,r cent. We . lend -on Real Estate or other Good Security. All Money Demoted With us wiJIearn four percent., eorapomwh-.! evi .ry tfirw month. htlAllf .nam tt.. -H- Ti. nmm uouuij im diiu i rust company, A. VV. McLean, President. ('. II. Morrow, v. as tiiet. AQoldWatch ',".''"' ''1 1905 Kaeford Institute. 1906 Next Term Opens Atifj. 21, 'OS. A postal card will brio an sttrictire eats loifue. Eight Experienced Teachers. ThorotiKh pre.arilon for am onllege M . slv riano, Vooai, Htrlniffrt 'rst-UDent.. ri vonr-e tii Kint of anv nreosr'.ton Speelsl iJuuroo for pros- school In ihf xrsto proX teachers. RALEIGH AKD CHJRLESTCJ RAILROAL Ar. Schedule in effect June SOUTH. . No. l. s Lumberton.... 10.25 a tn PP 1034 Kingsdale 10.40 Polopolia ...... to.45 Proctorvllle 10 57 Delia 1 1x6 Barnesville ....n ij Flowers 11.18 Marietta 11.24 Ilolmesville 11.29 Page's Mill 11 j. Kemper 11.41 Msy 1 1 44 Squires 11 49 Pork 11 52 Zion . 12.01 p ni Rogers ij (o Marion 12. jj ORTH, No. 6 3 9o6 No. 5 2 00 p a a 10 2.40 2 43 3x0 3 io 3-5 3 3S 3 55 4 0S -45 43 4 4 4 5'' 5-'w 5 17 i 5-35 6.05 Marion . . Rogers 6 20 ?ioo... ..... 6.30 Pork 6 u Squires 6.57 May Kemer Page's Mill Holmesville Msrietta.-. Plowera .... Barn, sville Delia S.j Proctorville 8.40 Polopolis 8 50 Kingsdale " 9.10 Pope 9.20 Lumberton lr.oo r. Nos. 1 and 2 .re&s, run uail Nos 5 a d 6, e'fpi n ay. No. .. 6.00 a m .3n p 1 3 39 3- 47 3 i 358 4.04 4.' 7 4.10 419 4- 5 430 4.'9 4 41 4ia 5.00 5 05 5 10 S 5 Passenger, Mai and E- 705 7'3 7.18 7 V S.00 8.15 Mixe1 Traini, run dsilv J. . TURN , G geral Mansg r SEABOARD Line Railway. Direct Line to All Points In tbe South, South-West, North and North-West. Doable Daily Service Between Boston New YorW, Philadelphia Baltimore, Washington, Norfolk, Richmond, Raleigh, Charlotte, Wil wdngton, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Chattanooga, Nashville, Montgomero, Mi'bile, New Orleans, Columbia, Savannah. Jacksonville, Tampa and All Florida Points Two Trains DAILT Two Trains DAILY BETWEEN New York, Wasliingfn, Portsmouth, AND Atlant, Birmingham, Memphis, Savannah and Jack onville. TRAINS COMPOSED OP Vestibule day coicbes, Pullman drawing room Sleeping Cars and tbe Latest Cafe Dining Cars. DIRECT CONNECTION AT Mem his, New Orleans and St. Louis foi poins la Texas, Calinia, Arkansas, Colorado and the North-West. Interchangeable mileage books good Over 15,600 miles road, Southern, Lines. For Time tables, Winter or Summer Booklets Illustrative of the South and South-West, af ply to Seaboard Passenger Representatives, or address, C. P. Ryan, G P. A., Portsmouth Va. H, F. Cost, 2nd V. P., Portsmouth, Va. H. Gattis. T. P A., Raleigh. N .C. For Sale or Rent. We have for sale or rent, abUft one thousand acres of gwl farm f tiff laud, ex tending from the toanJimitsof Ashpofe, the farthest not exceeding four miles. These farms run from 100 acres to 300 acres each, and have from 50 to 150 acres cleared land to the farm, and hau- good dwellings and out-houses on then!. Par ties interested will communicate with South Eastern Lumber Co., . jA. IT. Ashxky, Agent, ,-r " As'tipole, N. C. Subscribe for The Robesonian and keep posted. Is something that Every Lady can possess at the Low Price we ar selling them. We have the Biggest Stock of both Ladies and Gents Watchea in Robeson County, and if you don't be lieve we can save you mOney, just come and sec. McLBAN August 10. j it ROZIER CO., The C; liilgt Company, Wilmington, H. C. Ours is the Largt st and Handsomest Store net only in tt ilmirMnn but probabJr in the S'ste, snd our Stock is st all times Full snd r0mpite. it i ci.dt tvry Article needed for Ladies' Wear and onr Styles ami Prices Shopper. ; . 7 Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. SEND FOR SAMPLES. Who Does your Printina? - If we are not now doing your Work let us try votir next order. We expect to turn out a FirwU ln.-s Juh on any ' thing; we nndertake to do. : COMMERCIAL PRINTING j- Our Specialty. Send us your work. FREEMAN PRINTING COMPANY, TTI T T.I I TTrT. A -T -mr " a. d. r aiiiD.s3a.Jxis, manager. CENTRAL : ACADEMY, A Hi0li Grada Preparatory School Iltl Industrial Fqolpmsnt. m ..r !; nun juuun uira recarru inr co.lK in fftwsmjBh UKlllff Course embru-fs Litln.Grwk. Mslhematles. H-t. ry .md Eh'IhIi tl'i psjrs tuition board, room, light, boat met m.rrj f-- for tlit i Jfr. An opportunity will tnglTts to a nomlr; i f iouii(r men to wtrS their way tlirouuh school If Ton Srs tBlcrestrd wru,- RAYMOND 7 300-ao BROWNING, or J B. AIKEN, LITTLETON, N. C. Principal, U U ii) it) ii ib w. LLinKhaw'&Go 1S30 6. With pratefnl feelincrs for the verv lib eral business received during; the year just closed, we oasa another milestone, snd enter the nw ear be ter prepared than ever to supply the trade with,, any thine in our line. At all times our pens will be found well filled with the best ; Tennessee Mules Experience has taught us that thi class is much better suited to our climat than those bought in tbe far west. Ou BUGGY AND WAGON REPOSITORY Was , never better tmroHed. We only STANDARD and HIGH GRADE work. The r Hackney Wagon Is the peer of all in Eastern) North Caro lina. The old reliable Piedmont Is too well known for comment. In Bng gies, we are prepared to show yon from 50 to 100 at all times fromwbiqb to select Our Leaders are . . '.';.'., , Wrenn, Hackney, Bab cock and Hummer. Latest designs and up-to-date finish. Everything in tbe Harness Line Terms, Cash or o time with Approved Security. W. I. LINKHAW & CO. Lumberton, N. O. Jan. 8. Subscribe for The Robesonian. Its only $1.5Q for a whole year. BeKin now. Ready for Business. We ii ro now ready to do your work, and lo it right. We mako a sj, ialty of mantels, turn work, repair furniture and iip!iol.s r; builders' fin ishes, ete. We also make ; tallies, de.sks, euplK),irds, safes, ete., e(e. Freeman's Woodworking Plant. H G. FREEMAN, Proprietor. Justac-o the River foot or Iron Bndtre. -6 , FOR TREATMENT OF prink, Cocaine and Morphine Habits. I am prepared to offer to all caiidMates, friends ai1 relatives interestffi in atne, who desire to reform and retrain from thed ink. cocaine and morphine iiaMt. in thr town of Lumberton air! co-intrv st lare. : he well-known ai..! u.inlcrful MacKay Trea tut ut wlii' h I as b en t.e fore th-f public for a qiLirtei f .i cent ry, and htnee thoroughly tr?t-ii h'xamiue liteiattire and testmionin's i: i notice its adoption bv the Canmlian (overnnient. For further infurciHiion, itply to R U. BECK WITH, M. D.. McLt-o.1 Buililiiig, Lt'MWKi ton, - . . N. C. 5 iHr L?' Granite And Mamie. Corrt-rmii'leiici- dosin-d anil des,ijis for monuments, t(imbstone., etc., furnished on application bv . r-. C. K RANCKB, ' I.uaibt rton, N, C.;' ' - ". r JSubsevibo forTha Kobesonian, and keep posted.