THE SEMI-WEEKLY 'ROBESONIA1L tr'.-.r. - - ; 4- J- PERSONAL. THURSDAY, AUGUST a6, I. Ootton to-day, ,15 Cent JO 1-8 cents Miss Alma Ranok went to Fork, S. C , yeaterdayC - Mr. J- W.Kaneer was In Char lotte Tuesday on business. Mr- E. J. Brltt went to Shelby this week on legal business. Miss Maggie Pitman left this morning for Red Springs to visit Mr. AlfDuckett, of Raleigh is visiting his sister, .Mrs.. K- M. Biggs- jv ;. t e i; Mr. Prank Gougb. and Miss Lina Gough went to Charlotte Tuesday. e Mrs. J. C- Dees a!nd daughter, of BennettsviHe, & are- vis. lUng her brotherr-Mrr-R E. Shooter. - " Mr. u. H. Bracy,, clerk at Messrs. Caldwell & ,Carlyle's, is spending his vacation at Rowland this week. : '' ; . Mr. P. P. Gray, bookkeeper for the Lumberton Cotton Mills, is spending a week's vacation at Suffolk, Ta. ' Miss Elizabeth Whitfield will return home tonight after a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. C. Ham mond, at Ashboro. . Maj. and Mrs. Gilbert B. Sel lars, of Maxton, spent yesterday in Ldimberton, guests of Dr. J. D. McMillan and family. Mrs. Marcus W. Floyd, accom panied by her friend, Miss Long, went to Asbpole yesterday t visit relatives. They returned this morning. With Our Advertisers. The Mayor wants to know those who desire connection made with water and sewer mains. C. B. Skipper.agent, offers lots in Marrietta for sale. J. MCR. Bracy, Rowland, N.C., general merchant, is headquar ters for International Tailors. McLean-RozierCasells watches at low prices. W. H. Humphrey wants two good young men who wish to work their way in good high school. Joseph Campbell is administra tor of James Campbell- F- L. Black, commissioner, will sell lands September 12th. W. B. Cooper calls attention to Alendleson lye- ine secretary or State gives notice of dissolution of a corpora tion. A gold watch has been lost and a reward offered for its retu rn The firm of Floyd & Thompson has been dissolved. Seaboard Excursion. Tha Seaboard annnnaoe that It will oprr- lU one-d.y per capita esceraron Irani Kock inftnam to wnnungion.Haiuraay, The following rates and schedule Willi Will Leave Rc Ingham, Itamlet. Old Hundred, Laurel Hill. MurtnburK, ataxuto. Alma. I'aU-H, I'embrote. Now Nec. I.umtierton, Allfnlon. Ynrkvlllr, tlladenhoro. Alibolloburg, I larktnu, Klkton. koalada'a, Oounol'H, Arrle at Wll mlnalon. Saturday, Au With. appii : Tim Rat l m i . :Uam ISO. 1.60. :17 am 1-M. A :4V aw I M. 7 :iM a m 1 au. Til am I. HUB 1. J Ma in I:lll I. IT, t :M a m las H-AjHim I X H:1M a m 1.46 NS&am I. 8:14 a a IK :44 am l.M a am - l.o 1:1111 111" J tna-tnn at 10:10 a. ni. Return Im will leae WDmlne-ton at 8 Jba d. m For further Information call on agent, sea dyer, or addreaa, H.CATTiS T.H A. Kalelgh N.U. BUSINESS BUILDERS. Wanted To find one ortwogocxl voting men who would like to work their way in a jfood high school. Apply to W, H Humphrey, Lumberton, N. L. S-lo-4t Lost. Between Mrs. Morrison' resi dence and Townsend Bros, store, la dy's doubled-case gold watch; 14 karat Walthatn works, and chataliue pin with two pearl. Suitable reward for return to W. H. Bryant. 8-l6 For Rent. For office purposes, the room in rear of my store. Up stairs bed-room goes with the office if wanted Immediate possession given. H. C Boylin. 8-13 Don't roroet we are still running our Pressing Club. Blfone your orders to No. 7 and they will receive prompt at tention John I). McAllister. 8-6 FOR SALK SIIVKR LACED WYAN dotle Coakerels, pure strain. Dr. R. 11 Beck with, Lumberton, N. C. -6a Rvrry Third Man You Mkkt Thksh days has either just pnintcxl his house with Ilammar Paint or is just going to, Color cards, ami plenty 01 paint al Hloyd Bros. Ashpole N. C. S-9 4t Ladles Skirts are cleaned and press ed by us with special care. I'hone your orders to No 27 and they will be cured lor. John D. McAllister. 8 6 BE SURE TO SEE US FOR WEDDING Presents. McLean-Roner Co. WANTED A TRACT OF TIMBKP cut by the thousand. Call on or ad dress R. C. Parvin, Lumberton.N.i ,515 Wk Heavy On Summer Whar- ing apparel for men, women and chil dren, and it will pay you to call and get some of our closing out prices. Floyd Bros. Ashpole N. C. 8-9 4t. Careful and Experienced workman manship are the main features witne-s ed in our works Phone ycur orders to us at No. 27 11 vou wish your clothing cleaned and pressed nicely. John D. McAllister. 8-6 Notice to Water Users To the Public: The board of commissioners of the town of Lumberton have under consideration p'ans for the extension of the system of water works and sewerage BOW Owned by me town, aim 10 inai ena nave employed an engineer to make plant and specifica tions tor me extension of tne system the entire town. Of course- it will be impossible to lay the water and sewer age pipes upon every street as this would involve the expenditure of a sum far greater than is available at this time for this purpose. It therefore becomes nec essary for the board to be advised as to names of all persons who desire co'nnec tiuns with the water and sewerage mains made with their residences so that the hoard can then determine upon what nrcu iu run uiese lines, me lines run in accordance with the wishes of , the major ity of the patrons. It is the purpose of the board to call an election hereafter ur 011 the question of issuing bonds for this purpose, in the ni an time I beg to re- quest mat all persons desinne the water and sewerage mains .to connect with their residences to give me their names imme diately. Respectfully, W. O. THOMPSON, August i6-2t Mayor. Notice of Dissolution. The firm of Floyd & Thompson has tLis day been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr H. . Flovd assumes entire control ol tin biine, of Flovd & Thompson. All accounts due said firm will be payable "" an iianuities settled by him. This the 14th day of August, ira6. E W. FLOYD, 8-i6-4thurs C. B. THOMPSON. Special Rates Over tbe Seaboard To Kith mond, ,'a. account Grand Foun cU "rutr ui true jteiormerg sep tetnbrr iUi-iith. our. far for the round trip piua ! cu ly-nve cent. To afeaiphli, Tnn amount National Bap tint Convention (colored Septra berlltta-lvtta oiie (are plus eenta for the round trip. r. Mexico- City. Mex. account Inter national Geological Conirresii Anguitt 91al In 1 f one isirpiur twenty nte cenla (or tbe round trip. Ta Toronto, Ont. account Patriarch Mill tantand Sovereign brand Lodge, September lltn-Mnd, ( rata of one flm-claa (are plui To MoreSead City, N. C account N. C. uiTiaion united conieaerate veterans August nna-'a two cents per mile in eacn direction anianoe traveled plus twenty live ceo. For further information as to rates and acneaulea apply to: FOR SALE OR RJiNT-KIGHT ROOM house with all modorn conveniences. Artesian overflow on premises. Will rent either furnished or unfurnished In one of the best neighborhoods in town. Apply to K. B. Freeman. S-6a For Sale 47 acres of Land Near Moss Neck , situated on both skies of C. C. railroad. Apply to a. S. Tyiier, Buie, N. C, R. F. D. No. . 8-9 4t ALL ACCOUNTS DUE ME SHALIv BE paid to Dr. H. T. Pope, who will re ceipt. for same. D. C. Mclntyte, M. J' July 23 im. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAN to burn tar. G00J wages to rijlit man Employment for one year. Address H Wright, Marion, S. C. 8-6 WE ARB v HEADQUARTERS FOR Pickles Sweet and Sour Preserved Fresh Fruits Pure Fruit Jellies Select Queen Olives Pickled Onions Prepared Mustard Baked Beans with Tomato Saiicc ami numerous other seasonable del icacies comprised in the Heinz 57 Varieties OF GOOD THINGS. We also carry a 'ull line of Fancy Bis cuits, Tinned Meats, Sardines, Print But ler, Fancy Cheese, Lemons, Etc. J.H. Wishart Phone I Free Delivery. MENDLESON LY E 1 318 Cases M Lye, f2.25. 196 Cases Octagon Soap, $3.00 718 Barrels Best Flour. 109 Barrels Half Patent. 240 Bushels Seed Rye. 980 Bushels R. P. Oats. 110 I Barrels Best Flour. 187 Bags Coffee. 311 Cases Sandflies. 329 Cases Celluloid Starch. 1 54 Cases Loose Starch. 140 Bags Potash.. 900 Bags German Kainit. W. B. Cooper, f rJACODll "t' 40 Years Old! The Aie ol Your Childhood. STAND ABD FOB QUALITI Tried ajd,Fpnod True. When yon want a Reliable Axe, Call lot "THE JACOBI.' Don't take any "Just as good." . For sale by the Leang Merchants of Robeson, N. i JAOBI HARDWARE COMPANY, i ' WUsttlBOf OaV N. cj m m IF YOD GET IT AT WARD'S IT'S GOOD. We Want Your Stationery Trade "Therfui'ef ery reason why you should come here for anything in rfle Stationery Linej ' . v Our Stock is complete, we afford an -unusually wide selection, and ' the New Styles in Correspondence Papers come here as soon as they come oqt. If you seek both Quality and Right Prices, you will find it to your interest to trade here while our Ample Assortment con tains papers to suit every taste. f We also have all the items that go with a Stationery Line: Fens, Pencils, Inks, erasers, Etc. H. B. WARD, Ph. G. Drags of Quality. Rowland, ; : : : N. 0. m Wilmington, N. C. SOLID GOLD AND PEARL BEAD Necklaces at McLeau-Kozier Co. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE, AND THE best outside evidence of eood charact' in a community is a well painted house, Ana tne best paint is Hammar Paint condeused, double value Half the money, wears twice as long. At our store Floyd llros. Ashpole, N. C. 8-9 4t SOLID GOLD. NRCK CHAINS AND Lockets at McLean-Rorier Co's. WANTED. ALL THE LIVE FOXES I can buy at a reasonable price. H. E C. Bryant, Charlotte, N. C. 6-8 State of North Department of Carolina, State. C, 8, p ATfTIS, T t.A v : t stalalgh, M. THE CARLYLEL1YERY Lumberton, N. Will furnish you a team or feed and care for. your horse at reasonable rices.: t .' Mione calls promptly met, day or night. fUONK No. 08. Ira Bullard, 6"J5 ' '.: ::,;K:.MMerf CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: Whereas. It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that tne Keil springs Oil ami Ke tiluer Compa y, a corporation of this State, nose principal office is -situated in the town oi Ked .Springs, county of Robeson, state of NorthXarolina, (J. G. Williams being the agent therein and in charge tnereoi, upon whom process may be served, ) has complied with the require ments ot Chapter 21, Kevisal ol 1905, en titled "corporations," preliminary to the issuing ol this certificate of dissolution: Now.Therelore, I, J. Bryau Grimes, Secretary of State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation uiu, on me otn oay ot August, 19, rnl in my office a duly executed and attested consent, in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceeding afore. said are now on file in my said office provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 8th day of August, 1900. . Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State. A. D , SKAI..1 8-i6-4thurs Administrator's Notice Having thli day qualified aa Administrator upon tne muk or tb late Jtmri Campbell drccaaed, late or Kobeaon County, this la to glc notice to all r-eraona having clalam agalna! said estate 10 present same In lue at my rerldrnce lu Rnbeaou County, r y post oBUtr addrest being Ked Sprluna, fa. K. I). No. 1, or fc Molmyre A Lawrence, try attorneys, at Lu berton H Coo or before Auguat IMtb, mm, or tbla notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to atld eauie will p ete maie Immediate payment lo me. LlaUd thli August nth. idut. JOSEPH CAMPBELL, Administrator. alclntyre a Lawrenea, Attorneys for Admin Commissioner's Sale. Under and by virtue of authority confer red upon the undersigned by a judgment of the Superior Court f Robeson County, endered at the April Term, iqo6, in a civil action pending in said court wherein J. s. McRae is plamtitl, and George Mc Nair, Mary Lelia McNair et. al. are de fendants, and also in a civil action pend ing in said court wherein J. C. McCaskill is plaintiff and Stephen McNair, George McNair et. al. are defendants, the two said actions having been consolidated and made one, I will, on Wednesday, Septem ber ijth, 1906, at 13 o'clock noon, at the court house door in Lumberton, Robeson County, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands lying and being in Red Sprin-s Township. Rob so:i County, North Carobna, bound ed and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake by a pine, maple ind gum, and runs South 10 chains to a pine; thence houth 83 West 21 chains and 50 links to a sjake by 3 pines; thence South 60 West 14 chatus to a stake; thence North 60 West to the beginning 15 chains to a post oak and gum; thence to James McXair's beginning corner, con taining 52 a res, more or less, being same lands on which George McNair now re sides. Dated this 13th day of August, 1906. F. h. Black, Commissioner. McLean & Black, Attorneys for the Plaintiff. 8-if4thurs K M. BIGGS Two Car Loads Furniture. Big Values in Oak Bed-Room Suite, ranging in prices from $14.00 to $50.00 Nice Line of Center and Library Tables, Hall Racks to Suit you, $7.00 to f 20.00, Good Things in Oak Dining Chairs, $3 00 to $ 12.00 per set, Latest Styles' in Oak and Rattan Roefcers, 75 cents to f6 00, Guaranteed Felt Elastic Mattresses, $6.00 to $12.00, We sell the Celebrated Rex Noiseless Folding Bed-Springs. For Floor Coverings Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Linoleums, Foot Mats. We can suit you in Sideboards, Kitchen Safes and Cupboards. K. M. BIGGS EMBERTON, N. C. to to 1! to to to to to t BristowBros&Co., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Rowland, N. G. We Represent: FIRE, The Insurance C6. of N. America, The Southern Stdck Fire, The Aetna, The Phoenix of Hartford, The Phenix of Brooklyn. LIFE, The Prudential Life Ins. Co. to to to to to to Advertise in The Robesonian. CLEAR THE. TRACK I And Or Dr. Edarnnd tb rtjrhtof war, for his Beaiadles Kara stood the test tor tvelva ; j Pr. Edmund's Oohc and Luner Fever Cure. ' jaaapamnsiorvoiie, Uravel, FiMnraonla, and any Stonseh or Lnnc dtsosa D . .. .. " " wiww mw l ui, y7r. ! VICTil SI JU ... "I VI 1 . rf tl J " iiarsei, aaa this Jtemedy will Prerent And (Jure Bog Choi m miuHBu aaaa is lur tarn reaaer u arv an anaua. 1 year. Yoa will This reai Bloo then keep It MaVr Every Bottle SoMUader a Gnaraate to Car or Money Refaadcd. . k 1TnonHo'Tasttaioplal npon request. 11 anataotnr4 only bjr . J.. : Phone 52 DRa : W. ? O.;- EDMUND, UMBfcRTON;N;d. r .3-16 Statement pt Condition of The BanF of Lumberton, At the Close of Cash on hand and in Banks, Notea and disc-unts Pnrnttnreand fixture, teat tsaune. Business An east RESOURCES: 7th, 1906. J87.186.96" ' '7J.043-M 510 oowt' LIABILITIES! Capital Stock, UndwMed Profitsi Deposits Due to Banks, COMPARATIVE STATEMENT! Ana. 7th, '03. Aag. 7lh, 0V An a. 7th. '05, Deposits ita,99o,66( I39,376.4.: $oo.3io.i8,- w.uuu.w, v xone, . X2O.000, (264.1a3.4j 1 - 'JO 50,000.00' 4,634-53 09444 20 : X- 54-73 t 264,133.45 Ana. 7th, W. y 9.444-"'i None Our constantly iocreasino- bnninpss indipatm Satisfied Depositors. . . , . A. W. McLEAN, Pres. R. D. CALDWELLvVice-Prea. ' C. B. TOWNSEND, Cashier, J. P. ST ANSEL, Asst. Ca-hie- Remember The Date. On August 27th, 28th and 29th, Mr. Kirksey, representing the Co lumbia Tailoring Co., of Baltimore, will be here with oneof the Largest and Most Attractive Lines of Woolens ever shown in this city. An expert Tailor representing a reliable concern. Remember the date. john d. McAllister, Made-to-Measure Garments for Gentlemen., ' - Room No. over Savings Bank. John T. Biggs & Co. Watch this spacem Monday's paper "There will be , something doing." JOHN T BIGGS 6t In McAllister Hardware Co's Old Store. CO. AUgUSt 13th. Robeson Institute, Lumberton, N. C. Fall Session Opens September 3rd, 19G6. Prof. R. E. SBNTELLE, Principal. Miss MARY WATSON, Miss CHRISTINE GOWER, Primary Teacher, Music Teacher. The other departments will be fil'ed by competent teachers. The patronage of the public is earnestly solicited. Stephen Mclntyre, Aug. 6 " Chairman Boar u .ees. - 6-1 jaUiiuuM pus joiaudcuj paajUBJEnX uoipBjsjjBSpnBpasn ru qo ppo jo spui js pua proper- Administrator's Sale. jjv virxue 01 auinonty vested in me as administrator upon the estate of Joseph S. Stone, deceased, I will, on .Saturday,! hetneniDer 1st. loofi. at 12 o'clorlr nmn a4Viill of the late Joseph S. Stone, in BncfB-Ttownsliip, oner tor sale to the higfieflrtiiddar t public auction for cash. the foTksfting destnbed personal ty, to-wit: One as H. P. engine, One scrap boiler. Shafting, belting, etc , connected with saw mill. (Capacity of mill 9,000.) One circular saw, One log fart, One bbl machine oil, Two mules, One lot of. goods in commissary con sLsting of groceries etc. Dated this August nth, 1906. JltssiK S. STonk, Administrator. 'McIxtyrk a LawrknCK, Attorneys for administrator. ' 8-iir-8-v no nvo Hotel THE NfiW Subscribe for The Robesonian and keep ( posted OPENED: JUNE FIRST. It promises the lst accommodation eye al forded visitors toj WrlgbttlTllle Beach; 176 rooms; 114 face the ocean. Telephone In eterr room. Brilliantly Ulun lasted with electric lights. Hot or cold tub and shower baths Abundantly supplied With Health-gUlnn arte slan water. FaolUUes tor sort-bathing, sail ing, boating and Ashing nnsurpassed. Excel lent colnlne. For rataa and other information, address W. J. MOORE, Prop., 1 W right YiHe Beaoh, Ngp. C T.CASHWELL & SON. ASHPOLE. N.'C. Coffins, Caskets and Burial Supplies. v rif.Vr'- ' " ' : . " Wheelwrights, JU,acksmithing; and woxxlworkirjg of all kinds. r , , Patronage aolicjed. hut n 1 T Til WADT ? J. McR. Rowland, N. 0. BRAGY It takes two to make a bargain but only one of them gets it. The wearer of an INTERNATIONAL suit gets tbe best of the .bargain every tispe. (Quality, Style and Fit go hand in hand at ?J.: McR. Bracy!, General Merchant, RowlaiiiljiN. SC., whbs well-known store is headquarters of the International Tailors. ' ' y:-.Z& V X. t STINCEON INSTITUTE AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. AT ' ORRUM, N. O. Fifth Annual Sessiqn Opens August 20th, 1906. ; A School for Boys and Girls. i4SLudenU laat HmMlnn rmnamiln. Cnnntln "anil two States. Teacher Uterary. M luteal. Co aiercial Normal, and Biblical coaraes. Artealin ater, healthy location, a-ood church and Railroad raellltlea nnlii iiiiiUi narionni teachers, moderate exoanaea and Ihavrade nf work don, all an mak-a. tha hni a Haui. aDie piace tocaucate unjn ana tiirii. Before deciding where you will send yoar ehlldrea w njw.mii IT MATTERS NOT "WHETHER IT IS DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, SHOES, - . t . GROCERIES or HARDWARE, We can supply it. Every Department has ! been carefully attended to and every need provided for; Visit our Store and inspect pur Goods and Prices. You will be welcomed and shown courteous treatment. mm mm GENERAL ASHPOLE, merchants, - :'n. , wrlla the Prlaolpal (or a catalogue and particular. . f 1 1 mi tiew M. SHEPHERD Principal. istrator. , , .,., H-W-ltburs. 1 7-2S-IO-M jMjiaj mm :e if-