. ft,; asaa. IttHltW ;!3W' M yoef Paper, ft if .tr SatocrtpHme. eptres, ;.- asAdvertlal sg Mrflw. E8TABLI SH EDI 870. Country, God and Truth. SIN GL E COPIEe 6 CENTS! 14 ii ? 1 ffli -5. A VOL. XXXV& NO. 49 LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY, AUGUST 20. 1006. WHOLE Nd!2i06s; : PROGRESSIVE RENNERT. Crop I ConaTtlon-New Road Needed Business ' Change Mrs. Mclntyre' Mlslortnne. . Correspondence of.Tha RobeBOBie Commissioners trems both very wet ana tnen very hot and dry, the latter caus ing corn and cotton to burn rap- The new public road irom oaa I Suggested For Editor Kubeaonlan i There seems to be plenty of candidates for all the offices ex Icept county c6m missioners- The office of commissioner is 'one of While the farmers of this neigh-1 the most important, if not the bbrhood have been real jubilant most important, of all the offices. over the crop prospects the first I so far as the people are con of the season we are now, some- cerned. The board audits ac what discouraged, as the seasons counts and disburses at present recently have been on two ex- about sixty thousand dollars ev ery year, l ne omce pays so nine that there is great temptation to use it as a means of securing county business at a bargain buying or selling supplies to the die Tree church to tue Kennert county, puttiug friends and rela nublic road near Rennert has tives in public place for favorit been irranted bv the county com-1 ism alone. For these reasons men missioners but we understand J of the highest character and the the funds are not sufficient to best business ability should be construct it. We hope the com- chosen. The manner in which missioners' will either put the the office is administered may chain gang on it or tax us at once help or injure the Democratic sufficient to build the road as it party, accordingly as it maybe is one of Saddle Tree's greatest properly or improperly admin needs. -1 istered. Therefore, it is greatly tr to the interest of the party and nr rpkm0 T.a,i,ia n.t Uonnnrt. I to its future welfare that men ...ripi.fi himsplf with Mr. who will be guilty of no jobbery J. D.Johnson in the mercantile or favoritism should be put m business. Mr. Johnson has done these places. Let the Democrats o t-aHa t.hi vear n nrl wa bfl- think well over this matter before ppeak for him and Mr. Lawis a selecting the commissioners. k;,. fhino- t.v,;a fil "and winter: They ought also to be weh ds- Mr. Lewis is a young man of fine tributed over the county qualities, industrious, sober and crentlemanlv and will deal fair with-all who will - do business with him. ' Miss Mamie Mclntyre, who has spent the early part of this year in Richmond, Va.-, is now visiting her aunt.Mre. C. F. Law ler, of Pembroke. Mr. J. W. McNeill is 6ne of our coming farmers of this section He is unpretentious, industrious and does his work himself and don't live or grumble while at it Mrs. N. A. Mclntyre had the misfortune while playing with The people of Thompson's township are going to ask that Mr. R S. Bond be put on the Board. He is a good man, a good farmer and merchant, and Thompson's township needs a commissioner. The extreme up per end should also have a mem ber of the board. Mr. D. S. Alderman, of Blue Springs, would make a good one. He is a very successful farmer, and a man of high character. The extreme lower end ought to have a mem ber of the board also. There could be no better man found in that section than Mr. Oscar Page, her little grand-daughter (little 0f White House township. He Flora McNeill) to fall and dislo- hs one of the best farmers in the cate her right arm in the wrist county and a man of great public joint. While it is severely swoien spirit and painful we dont think that Burnt Swamp township has any bones are broken andwe hope not had a member of 4he board that she will soon be able to use jn a long time, and the section her hand. " around Buie Station is a very We would like to say something important one. No better man aboutlcandidatesbutif the people can be found than John A. will just let Mr. Humphrey.Mr. Humphrey. He is a typical Bullock and Mr. McKenzie,with Scotchman, of unquestioned hon all Ithe county ctfm missioners esty and a successful farmer, stay where they are we will just No. other man in Robeson county hush no and let all the rest run has done more for the Demo for life or office; just as they cratic party than he please. Rennert, N. The fifth member of the board C. Aug. lGth. I should live in Lumberton. There L - i 1 - I F A 1 . hnurrl thara fnr sinnii t.imrt n.nl it is vory inconvenient to the people of the county not to have a member of the board at the county seat where so many of the people from various parts of the county go to attend to county business. When the board is not in session, it olten happens that matters in some sections of the county need attention, and ai member located at Lumberton can usually communicate more quickly with the outside mem bers. Besides, the county prop ertw, the court house, jail and Importance ol Coming Tii the Editor: The time of all timos to the people of Robeson is rapidly ap proaching. You are beginning to feel it in tho atmosphere. The far distant noise of the pestle, as it mashes your neighbor's apples into cider, is also one of the har bingers of the day the day thai people meet to choose their rep resentatives and county officers. We are all, more or less, getting excited on this question, and when you meet your neighbor, instead of inquiring about his cotton, your first question will county jhome are located there probably what do you know and are constantly needing the about politics r and so it is, and supervision of tho board. Mr, this is one reason we are not 10- Jn0. p. McNeill would make an day like the Kussians- excellent member from Lumber- We are all Democrats, except He was born and rai8ei on a few Republicans and some wan- the farni) and is now a lar?e an(i denng ropuusis, anu n uenooves successful merchant and busi us to do the best we can lor uie neS8 man Ho has never held a well-being and up building or our public position.butis industrious, common county, ijetussena men public spirited and above all, a to tne legislature wnom we can gentleman of the highest integ depend upon not to be dominated rity and character. by railroads and trusts, ana wno j believe the county would have will Deannonor to our couuey. a safe board of commissioners Of the many county offices to be with the gentiemen atove named nned oy tne various canumaius, compfjsing it. Business Man. you can hardly go wrong however Thompson's township, Aug. 18th you may enoosu. lue cuiuiuia- even if it may mean some busi ness sacrifice. JNow, there are a great many important things which the peo ple of the county want properly attended to when the Legislature meets, and no man can do these things better than CoL McLean Our road law is not satisfactory and needs amendment in many particulars, to prevent inequail- ties and unfairness. The law in regard to the working of the chain-gang needs amendment so as to secure good service on the public roads. The law in regard to the duties and manner of nam ing the county finance com mitte needs amendment so as to properly protect the public funds of the county, and to provide for more specific publication of items of disbursement. Robeson coun ty has never received her share of the patronage from State in stitutions, because these things usually go to other sections of the State which have well known and influential members in the Legislature- The Legis lature is more important to Robe- san county than Congress, so far as direct benefit is concerned;and it is to our interest to be repre sented there by our most intelli gent, experienced and influential men. I believe the intelligent men (and all Kobeson county Democrats are intelligent) will see that it is to our own interest to send Col. McLean to the Senate, and that they will go to the con vention the 6th. and nominate him unanimously. If the many . m am good .Democrats trom all over Robeson county, whom I have heard express themselves, are any indication of the sentiment f the county, I believe they will do this very thing. The upper end of the county has had the senator for the past two terms and now this section should have the naming of the man. - . Native ol Robeson. St Paul Township, Aug. 17th SEVENTY-EIGHTH BIRTHDAY. I R. E. WISHART KILLED. Capt. Wm. J. Page, Who has Passed the 78th Mile Post. Cele brates the Event With Rela- , tlves and Friends. Corm (ondditee of The Bobraon Ian . The family, near relatives and a few friends spent a most pleas ant day, Saturday, at the home of Capt. Wm. J. Page, nearLatta, S. the occasion being his 78th birthday. For several years this day has been observed in an elaborate manner by his family and on this occasion proved a most delightful success. Mr. Page is one of Marion county's prosperous farmers and is held in highest esteem. He is a man of integrity and honor and has made a name that will long be remembered by countless friends. LOCAL BRIEFS. niOM NEWSY ALFORDSVILLE. V Mistaken for Another Man For uter Robesonlan Is Shot and Killed. It is learned from a dispatch trom ucaia, Kla., that Mr. It. K. Wishart, of that city, was killed Sunday morning in the dental office of one Nichols at San An tonio, Fla., by a man named Bur ton. The dispatch says Wishart operated a tie camp at iMiren, and with his twodaugh ters went to San Antonio to have dental work done for one. Whik the young lady was in the den j t in, usi a cnair and wishart was waiting in the office. Burton, who had a grievance against the den tist, whose name is Nichols.came to the door and asked if N.c.hols was in. Wishart replied that he was, and Burton, thinking it was mi. ,i j m wan, nuu ouium, wiiiiKiuK n was , : . r ,SVnVJ;5TlHNIclMl- who .poke, flJ.fcd Thurv n,Rht Mr. Stephen Barnes died Thursday at his home in Long Branch neighborhood, aged 84 years. There will be a regular com munication of St. AHmn's Lodge, No. 114 A. F. and A. M tomor row evening. Mr. Tbos. McIIargue. carrier on route No. 3 from Lumberton, is off on his vacation. Mr, Sandy- Pitman is relieving him. Dr. J. F. Norman went to spen cer Sunday, where he will sub ir r. u. . woibh, uruKKiaf, ISlSter at AslK'Vi while the latter takes a month Mr. (Jus M. vacation. ,1 been Tho Indies of Regan's church. Howellsville township, will give en ice cream supper at theohurch Mr. McCallnm Return 'From 7' 2 :r Georgia wh a Bride-Death . Of an Inlant Personal Mention. ' - The picnis.it Alfnnlsville, Aug. ; -Uth, Was Ki-.-ntly enjoyed by a-. ' ' A' large crowd. J-r'. ' ' ' Miss Coca .1,1m. of Lumber r " Bridge, was visiting friends in J, this community l;it wtsek". s ' -Miss Susie .M.-Intyre has brt . t thechnrmingguitof MbsMary Jiurt'J. KMua ! niiiirn i.r .soruutimn. i'.-stwt Mr. .1. K. his old hus Mr. Al.-x A Alford in repftirinf in visiting hi; sioners, however, is a auierent thing; While the county officers are all clerical in their duties and are&clearlydefined, the commis sioners are administrative and . have to do with our finances, end we should give to their selection our earnest and thoughtful con sideration. . We often select them at ran dom. I nave often voted in con vention for men whom I did not know, and probably had only heard their names for the first time. This ought not to be so. We should men to be Another for Col. McLean. To the Editor of The Robesoniio. As nearly all other sections of tqe county have voiced their senti ments in favor of the nomination of Col. N. A. McLean for the Senate at the convention which meets September Gth., I de sire to say that our section is practically unanimous for his nomination. Since I first saw his name' mentioned in connec tion with the matter.I have taken occasion to ask nearly every Democrat I would meet what he have the very best thought of it, and I have yet to had, men of solid find a single man who was not business abilities, and are enter- heartily m favor of nominating prising and progressive in their Col.t McLean. They were not on ideasr iknow nothing about the ly in favor of his nomination, but present board as a board, and am reflecting onjhem in no way, but I simply want to impress upon our people the great impor tance of a proper selection, a se lection,' by the way, the most important that we will be called upon to make. : ' , - -' i D. P. McEachkrn. S Red Springs, N. 0., Aug. 15th. ! enthusiastic over the matter. Some people seemed to doubt at first that he would accept, but I have recently been assured by some of his closest friends that while he is not a candidate, and will not seek the .nomination, yet if the people of Robeson county desire that he should represent them in the Senate, he will do so, Endorses Mr. W. J. MeLeod. Mr. Editor: I saw a communication in your last week's issue from Britts township advocating Mr. W. J. MeLeod, of Red Springs, for one of our members of the house of Representatives. I desire to add my endorsement to this sugges tion. Mr. MeLeod would make a most excellent member. He is broad-minded, honest, intelli gent and popular with the people I had thought of him as the very man to put on our board of com missioners, but after seeing his name suggested for the Legisla ture, I heartily concur in the suggestion that we send him to the Legislature. Democrat ' BackS wampTownship, Aug. 18th. The Court House Square. Civil improvement, the love of the beautiful in nature does not appear to be well developed in Lumberton if one is to judge by the little attention paid to beauti fying public ground, streets and private premises. As a horrible example look at the court house square with its surface covered with paper, brick bats, pieces of wood, old benches and other rub bish. Weeds flourish as the green bay tree and the shade trees, beautiful in themselves, are neglected. In the midst of all this evidence of the unsightly, tho "council of safety" holds its daily session from early morn till late at night, Sundays and legal holidays not excepted. Would that they would devote a part of their deli berations in the effort to en gender civil pride in our people. Where are the ladies, who arc born with an eye for the beauti ful. Can they not spare a little of their time from do mestic duties to bestow some effort upon the public square, the grounds at the arte sian wells, the river banks in the town and the landscape at the depot and - the old cemetery. Surely they can do their town no greater service than to educate public sentiment along these lines. Our intention in referring to these things is not to criticize but to admonish. With Our Advertisers. Watch John T. Biggs & Co.'s space for their next installment of interesting information. One E. Walters, administra trix, gives notice. A young man with good habits' is wanted to learn the drug busi ness. Dr. R. B. Beckwith has a mare and a cow for sale. John D. McAllister calls atten tion to a little booklet, a 'Royal" Road, which abounds in interest ing reading and beneficial sug gestions. . such an occasion and by ten ociocic guests oegan to arrive and soon the wide piazzas, halls and rooms were well filled and the sound of animated conver sation and careless laughter filled the house At 1 o'clock dinner was served on the veranda The long table was filled to overflowing with a beautiful dinner, consisting of edibles too numerous to mention A suitable description of this dinner is beyond our ability A more elegant and elaborate spread it has never been oar was one of thorough and pleasure to all present and all wished for Capt. Page many returns of the happy occasion Capt. Page was the father of 10 children, three of whom have, with their mother, passed into the great beyond. Those of his children present were: Misses Kate, Ila, Carrie and Dora Page, Mrs. W. G. Barnes, Mrs. Walter Conoly, Mrs. Lou Utley and Messrs. S. L. and F. M. Pape: Misses from a shotgun into Wishart's heart, killing him instantly. As Iturton fired he called out: Nichols, you have ruined my wife." Mr. Wishart went from Robe son county to Georgia about 20 years ago and moved from that btate to Florida about 8 years ago. tie has a brother, Mr. A. S. Wishart, who lives three rnilos from Lumberton. Another broth er lives in Wilmington. Mes- dames I. J. Belch, of Bellamy, and C b . Cottingham', of Clio, S. I w,1 tt' OUIT1VC. IJUUJUU1 III Uj jf VpP rAlnt.lVAa ftltin lira horn an1 enjoyment ,-lrif mh 0, mat ion they had of the sad oc currence was from the columns of the Charlotte Observer this morning. The proceeds benefit of the at (,'airip. time, cnm. 1 bringing with plished brill., Heaiphill. Mr. will bo for the church. Licenses have been issued for the marriage of Mr. J. R. San ders and Miss Minnie Brady; Mr, Warren Kinlaw and Miss Mahssa Parnell; Mr. Richard Britt and Miss Ora Walters- Mr. Berry Godwin has been quite sick since Saturday. His condition was improved this morning. Mrs- Sarah C. Carlvle has also been very sick f r some days and her condition is about the same. Mr. J. A. Raine has rented a house from Mr. Emory McNeill and will move his family here from Dunn this week to live; ford a I hi m, who has'1 (In., for a long I'.nii' ThursdayV-. Iiiiii his accom- Miss (Jnrtrude funl Mr Me- C Call urn an' now visiting rotative at Red Springs. The protractfil meeting closed " at Purvis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John (Jrahrtm have our hearts s.yni.thy for the loss of ttifir I it t ! mhir.t. who died sudden. Tin- d.wtor pro nounced heart failure. Tint re mains were carried to l ayette ville and buried in die family cemetery there. Mr. Gus Alford, of Chi-ley, ; Fla., is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Carr and children, of Wallace, are visiting tht. Misses Alford. Miss Lizzie Mclean sj writ last week with her cousin, Mins r;na Bullock. The young, people a ill soon li ' K.,' u .n..A i- t. . .iwv delighted with the pleasure of uuu jinn ii tcu i,i XSUIUA iui unci . -. leasting on rijie grnjies every Maxton Personals. Cormpond.nee of Th Bobteonlan. Mrs. A. B. Croom has returned from a visit to her father at Ral eigh. Mr. M. W. Cole spent several Winnie days at the Beach, returning home are grand-children: Moore, Nell Page, Mesdames B. Monday afternoon. C. Ellis, K. Page, Robt. Bethea, Mrs. Weatherly and little son little Miss Clara Conoly and returned from the Beach recent- Messrs. W. W. and Otis Patre II v. where thev had hpnn for noma i " - and narry Moore: great-grand- time ennaren: jjime .misses tieien rw n n Mi,ra, im juay ana uarrie. r ionne. n.ins I v,;- u,, n v,- uuu easier iwioi,. imoa. aisu he win be for somo tinldi present were Mesuames m Paere, G. L. Pasre and M Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. S. C, past four or five months. A team of colored baseball players of Bennettsville, 8. C, was here Thursday and played a colored team of Lumberton. The latter beat the Bennettsville dar kies by a score of 10 to 2. We told that the Bennettsville fellows have not suffered defeat before this season, but.the Lum berton team made them bite the dust. Prof J. M. Massey, the Blind Monday Musician, will be at the opera Sunday. Messrs. Dunk and Bunyau Bracey went to Klrod Sunday. Mr. Tom Bracey s-ient Sunday with Mr. Hugh Mid an. Mr. Lamnr .McCallurn came home from Boston, (Ja ., Sunday. Mrs. Frank Mclean was visit ing her mother, Mrs- John Bul lock, at Rowland last week. Mrs. T. J. Cottingham is vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Cox, this week. Miss Elva Alford spent a few house Thursday and Friday with Miss Jesse btubbs son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank faster ling, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hugh Breeden, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stackhouse, Mr. and Mrs. J. L McLaurin, Rev. W. B. Baker, Mr. H. Tiamsdiir rfttnrnfid , rnj Monday morning from Shelby- ... . . . . . , miss reari mornson, oi mc- Coll, is here now, the guest of the Misses McNair. Miss Elizabeth Payne, of Wil mington, spent last Monday night Misses Alma Rancke, Mary Belle here with Miss Cammie McCas- McLaurin, llattie Lee McLaurin and Messrs. W. G. Barnes and G. E. Rancke, Jr. kill on her way to the mountains Mr. Evander McNair, of Win evening of this week. His pro gramme will consist of vocal and instrumental music. Admission; adults 25 cents;children 15 cents, and reserved seats 35 cents. Tickets on sale at the usual places The doors open at 7 o'clock and the entertainment begins at 8 o'clock. At a meeting of the State Farm ers' Alliance, held at Hillsboro, ston, is visiting at the home of the past week,. Mr. J. A. McAlhs Parkton News. Correspondence of The Robesonian. It has been some time since Mr. W. S. McNair. this week. Mrs. Jno. m. uiacn and son, Archie, left Thursday for Red Springs, where they will visit for last week. Mr. W- F. Bullock is having bis residence re painted. Mr. Lacy John is visiting old friends in this community. Mr. Edgar Price was visiting, Mr. J. B. McCallurn Saturday. Everylxnly will be kept quite busy with their fodder for awhile. Miss .Juliette Bullanl was vis iting Misses Mary and Naomi McLean Wednesday. Alfordsville, N. C, Aug. 15thv have seen anythingin yournewsy some time. j paper from our hustling little Miss Mattio Williams McLean town. The streets have been re- left Thursday morning for Jack paired and greatly improved by son Springs. ditching and plowing.etc. and we MisaKateThomnson is visitinc must congratulate our mayor for relatives at Ashnole this week. ter, of Lumberton, was elected vice president. He was also named on a committee to draft an address to the farmers of the state, urging the importance of Arthur, of ht. Pauls, were organization and setting forth tried Thursday afternoon. Popular Young People Wed. Mr. Robert K. fxwis, of near Lumberton, and Miss Mary Mc- mar-The this. The work that Capt. W. L. Thames is doing on the public road leading from Parkton to Edonia is lasting and he deserves credit for same. The Parkton Mercantile Co. is putting up a large cotton irin plant with modern principles. It will soon be ready for operation. Crops are very fine in this sec tion. Fodder pullers are very scarce. The Parkton merchants must expect to do a rushing business this fall, as they are already fill ing up their stores. Automobiles and motor-cycles are quite numerous in this sec tion, and greater horse-scarers could not be invented. ( Mrs. H. C. McCormick return ed home yesterday from an ex tended visit to relatives in Geor gia and Florida. Mr. Alex. Mc Arthur and family came with her. , Miss May Nixon, of Little Riv er Academy, visited Miss Rachel and Mary Lou Culbreth this week. We are glad to see Miss Mary Alice 'Malloy out again. She is looking well after her illness. We are glad to report all the fever cases convalescent in this section. Mr. Shaw McArthuris to take a vacation and will spend sortie time at Jackson Springs. The Third quarterly meeting for Hope Mills circuit will con vene here at the Methodist Epis copal church the 25th and 26th. Rev. J. B. Hurley, presiding eld er, will preach Saturday and Sunday at. 11 o'clock. The pub lic Is cordially invited. Parkton, N. C, Aug. 18th. the advantages of membership in I event was solemnized at 'A o'clock the State Farmers' Alliance. I at the home of the bride's par- ;n v,,. 4,; 4lent8. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc- given atGlenwood school house Arthur, Rev. Mr. Kvans ofhciat- (on tho Pfimhroke and Lumber. I1UK. Mr A. D. McLean and family, ton road botween D. C. Buie's of Washington, N. C, aro here and Pembroke) on Friday night, this week at the home of .his Aug. 24th, 1906, by the commu- father, Mr. J. A. McLean. They nity, under tho auspices of the were accompanied by Miss Bes- TJ. D. C. Refreshments will be sio McLean, who was their guest served by the ladies. Recitations, for sometime. humorous and patriotic, etc. All Mrs. Sue D. McRae is at Jack- !?ood people are invited. Pro- son Springs this week. Misses Bee Weatherly and Ida Henderson left Thursday morn ing for the Beach, where they will spend some time. Several went from here to Wil- minuton on tho excursion last Tuesday, returning morning. Mr. Jno- M. McKinnon is a Jackson Springs visitor this week. Mr. and Mrs- W. S. McNair left Thursday for Cleveland Springs, where they will be for several days. Misses Christain Hawley, of Charlotte, and Lillian Austin,, of Red Springs, are the guests of the Misses Morrison this week. Miss Almena Currie, who has been away for some time taking her vacation, returned home re entry and has resumed her posi tion in the post office. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCaskill. Jr., are visiting Mrs. MgCaskill's people at BennettsvilleHhis week. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Williams left Friday morning for Wrights ville Beach, where they will stay until Monday. Mr. John A. McLean, Jr., re turned home Friday night from Raleigh, where he has been tak ing a business course- Mr. McKay McKinnon, Sr., went to the Beach Saturday. Maxton, N, C, Aug. 18th.' ceeds to the monument fund. It was a quiet but pretty homo wedding. Only relatives and a few intimate friends were pres ent. The attendants were Mr. Yf. P. McAllister, of Lumberton, best man, and Miss Katie Mc---. Arthur, maid of honor. Mr. Shaw McArthur and Miss Stew, art were the other attendants Mr. and" Mrs fitwis left that af ternoon for the mountains of Western North Carolina to spend their honey union. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis are both Woman's Missionary Union. The Woman's Missionary Un ion of. Fayetteville Presbytery convenes at Lumber Bridge aii.knnrn ronm? neoDle ol tho church Wednesday, 29th, and Lnnntv and :ue n.oular with a Thursday will be in session that day and largo' acquaintance Mr Lewis iiie louuwing is me Mg a prosperous young farmer. The popularity of the couple was attested in a measure by the number and value of presents they received- Une or tne pres- the next. programme: Ti'ESDAT-:O0P. M. rs or'i Welro. AddrriM Kr. O. H . AOUnwon, Monroe. N. C. WE1)MESDAY--:W A. M. DeTOtlonal Eicreliei. Or((nliiion. ADOOlntiunt of Corns litem. nepuru ni . Addrew Addr Rt. of onntr VlOfi-frentdaata. I'rrsldmOs Keport. -M1mI. V. Lee, Mexleo. 11 A. K. H. C. Oatron, Porwird More-meat. WEDNESDAY AFTKRNOON-ajOO'OLOCK. Young feople'a Sel-lce. Sonic : "T!ll It A ln." Report of Mneer Youn Ladlen' Work. Recitation "A LtUleBurt And How ltOrew." Muer Kport. "ChooMtnii Conntriee." Addretis R-y, J W. J. plIiiK.RedSurlnn. N.C. Knipan nd 8li Carina. So. g : The Storr Mailt be Told." : 0 P. M. AdrireM Ker. tl. M. Atkinson. THUBSDAY V30A. M. Devotional Exereteea. , Hept.rte of Soclr.tlea Report cf lifcu.Te Cut nllln. Election ol Olliwra. 11:00 A. M. AddrrKK Hey. DaiUl MtGilrar;, D. D .Slam THURSDAY AFTEKNOOS iM O'CLOCK. Sonn and Ptal.e Set vice. Hon r Mtkitlo Work . Rf or !i F.dii Ilome Mlmlon Sorletles. l'nnlalied and Ne buinr.. - Adjournment. B:U0P. M. Mlaalouarj Addres. ents was a di'ofl for zl acres of land from Mr- ('. II. I?wis, brofb- tr of the groom. Messrs. W. P. and M- Mc Allister, of Lum berton, attended the marriage. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Luuiberton, N. C, postoftice, Ahg. :'oth, I'Mtj If not called for in one week, wilt be sent to the Dead Lett.-rC rice. Washington, D. C. Parties call ing will please say advertised. Capt r.ailev, li lioin-uer, ivirss Viola Ifciddie, Miss Mary A Uul--lock, Miss Fiatui- liannas, Miss Janie (iol'h o, U A Hooper, Miss Helen Mav Cant; '2: I. Ive'y, David Lannaaiit, Miss Liicy:' Nance, Miss f.w.rgtaniin-Jk'laih,...-; Miss hlla Mcl-aurin, Mrs II C.fe Meshaw, Clora More, L L Halt, t F W Owt'i'S Mi.s Aitdonia Mitch- . t ell, Miss f.olu Stone, A CThoinp-)p; son, Miss' Annie Wards, N O Newell. ,'-'!'- It M. Xohment, P, M:'Q:S:-::g . j. 1 - .V '"'.-ir-.' ' - V', ,-' --1

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