ROBESONIAN ESTABLISHED 1870,. Country, God and Truth. SINGLE COPIES fi cbiito TOL. XXXVII. NO. 67. LUMBERTON. NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1006. WHOLE NO. 2171 DEATHS AT JtENNCBT. Old and Vooao Answer San TO County Ticket Horses Dylan. OoriMpoadenM of Th HobetomlM. - Well, tbe convention is over and it seems that a'l are satis fled. We, in oor.Jiumble sphere, J don't think that a better and more satisfactory ticket could have been selected in the county, take, the whole a atter, from sen ator t coanty commissioner, it could not be better in the county, We neither belong to the upper end nor to the lower end, but we do think the upper end ought-1 a be satisfied with tr's load or poles. Yes, we have a soun ticket and the thing to do is fi ; every Democrat in the county o put himself to work and be : i hand at the po''s and ect this grand ticket from a to 'ard. As has been report ia are Cont issue of Tne Robesonian, the 'sickness cf Mr. 8. R. To'ar, Mr. A. J. Jackson, , Ms. i iO-a Ann Carlyle has proven fa also the infant son of Mr. r Mra J. T. Mclntyre. lore our oldest and best citizens a the very youngest in this neip borhoca. Death is not a respect tf persons or age Mr. J. J. Davenport is seri ously sick at b's father-in law' Mr. D. 8. Smith. Mr Davenpo is a Virginian, he married las November M;ss F.orenceSmr of this place, and has made man: friends here s'nee he came am j us. It is the hope of many thi he may be spared and as he has proved a christian, a good church worker, we hope for his recovery. Mr. J. W. McNei'1 whose nam has been mentioned iu Trie Ro esonian, is very low with fevc Mr. McNei11 is one of ou" b citizens and we a1! sincerely bo for him speedy recovery. we are Having almost an epi demic cf staggers among the horses in this section. Mr. W, J. Humphrey lost a very fine horse a few days ago. Mr. D, L. Mclntyre lost a nice one and several others have died of the same disease. It seems that it would be risky to buy a horse just now. Rennert, N. C.r Sept. 14th. Comments on Convention. Red Springs Gltlwn. The "pie" was not evenly dis tributed last week. Some of the townships didn't get a slice, while others received more than their snare. Tne primary plan gives everybody an equal show and avoids a scramble at the conven tion "pie counter." A resolution was adopted in the county convention last week . instructing our representatives in the legislature to give us the legalized primary. The Citizen has advocated the primary plan since that memorable Fayette vi'le convention of four years ago, and we believe it is the or'y tb'ng that w 1 keep the Democrats in . Robeson together - If the machine is smashed due credit should be t'ven Messrs A. W. McLean and A. E. Wnite. notn ox in em led in tne ngni .or the rights of the people, and it is due to. them, more than any one else, that a iair and honest m er- pretation of Democratic law pre- vp'led in the convention n the Thompson townsr-'pi ntest. Mr. McLeri made a strong fight for Capi. McNe" and T.onover cut and dried mac,;ne methods, being suS jP'ned by the clwr-i id after wards, under protest by M Cook, of Ma ton, by a vote : 1 a La" j" i convention, jwr. jucuotoic. ; s fair and impa'tialin a'l h i ingsand is otherwise a caVit presiOTgomcer. luetovtns s sent able and true men vo t..e convention, and the candidal ts selected shou id receive vhe heart y support of the Democrats of Rob eson county. Powhatan's Oak. Jan town MMfzla. One of the most notable i vees in America is a massive old I:ve oak, four to five feet in diameter with a spread of more than 70 feet. 1 ilia monarch of t'ie James town. Exposition is supposed m be nearly 1,000 years old. It w a large tree when the -first tlement of Jamestown was in. 800 years ago, and was a la v. resting place of the Indians Chief Powatan's power ful tribe. According to authentic reports Indian war ta'ks were made un der the shade of this old tree in the early, days when ' the - first whites settled in America and the Indians began the long, hope less struggle for their homes and hunting grounds. Miss Falter Entertains. At the home of Mr. C. M. Ful ler Thursday evening Miss Jesse Fuller was hostess to friends in compliment of her guest, Miss Annie McKay, of Wilmington. Besides the guest of honor, the following were present: Missess Annia McLeod, Annie NeiH Mc Lean, Pearl Floyd: Messrs. E. J. Bcitt, J. G. McCormick, M T. iicLeaa. F. P. Gray. Jas. D. Proctor, C. H..,Morrow pnd P. A. Blyant. Toe guests were received on Lhe spacious porch of the Fuller home, which, beautiful at r'l lmes, was made prettier for the occasion b .pending -Jighte - Japanese lan ter-na. AJerasho time g ven t peasant con vers; tion t.-e de' gutful hostess f i pished the guests with stationery or writing a Jove letter. About -he usur 1 time it requires inex pe ienced iove-ieter writers tr conplrte the task was r owed The gussts were each provided wiyh two b'ank-bi"ots on which j wriie their cdo;ch fof ho win ner. one ba'ioc to oe voted lor r ady and the otae for a gentl aian Tne Je.ter were the. ead p'oud by Mr. Proc r. Two pi '-zes were offet-ed, a lady's and a ten Jem an '8. Ije ormer ws awarded ihe guest of honor and the lauer to Mr, Gray. Both prizes were books, treating of vbe subject which was written a'lout. . M''. Proctor presented the p zes. wr-'e tne result ot tne con lest was being decided, the guests repaired to another part of the porch, whe-e they were nerved a sa'ad couise ard re reshments, A souvenir carr with the name of the guest on it, i narked h'sorher plate at the able. On the opposite side cf De card were conundrums to be ..nswered, wh'ch added to the enjoyment. Little Misses Amanda Nor- ment, Annie Neal Fu 'er and Epsy Fu''er were charming assistants in the serving. Work of Conk:. M. A. Buie vs Atlantic Coast Line Railway Co., defendant not indebted to plan tiff. S. J. Smith vs R. T.Draughan, continued. W. H. Ha" vs. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co., defendant lodges motion for new trial which i- overruled and deiendant ap peals to Supreme court. E. H. Cook vs. Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company., judg ment against defendant for $17.- 50 and costs of action. J. D. Gibson vs. American Telegraph and Telephone Co., recovers $50. Bank of Suffo'k vs. L. T. Cot- tingham Lumber Co., continued Albert W. Mayers vs. McKiui mon & Smith, judgment. O. C. Norment vs. Mutual Re serve Fund L'fe Association, compromised. li, F. McLean vs. J no Graham, defendant given 80 days to f e answer. W. J Prevatt vs. Caro,!na Cen trai R 'road Co., judgment. ?9 and cost. J. D. McLean, minor, order receiver to encroach on prmci pr' .und to educate said minor Jim Robo ts vs. Atant c Coast Line Ra' rotd Co., judgment. McLern Bros. vs. Western Union Telegraph Co., judgment, 50 cents and cost of action. w. w- Ca-lyle vs. town o; Lamberton, judgment $3D. Alex Tyuer vs. Alex Shaw, motion continued. With Oar Adversers. H. C. Boy 'n g;ves the combi u a tion to a good watch ?nd offers lijeui for two do''ar3 less th t 'iey have been se,,!ne for. 'l je Robeson County I an r d Trust Co. gives some common ie aavice as to oorrow tg m iey. Joh t D. McAl"ster has got on to the new way of spe'"ng. A. K. McEachern is adminis- tntorof John B. McNeill, de ceased. R. C. Lawrence, commissioner, wi'l sell land October 15th. Townsend Bros, want to make you a guar a iteed suit of clothes, pair of shoes, or sy' sh hat. Toe-McAllister Hardware Co. se"s the keen kutter pocket nives. Wm. Brick, Rowland, is bead- quarters for dry goods, clothing, Does, hats, caps and notions. A. Weihstein anticipated the fa'! season and went - North to buy suitable . goods for rs cus tomers. ; ' v. A mule is lost, strayed or stolen. J. McR, Bracy will give away ree a five dollar pair of shoes uuder certain conditions. Restraining Order Heard. The matter of the Fayetteville street Railway Co- vs the Aber deen ARockfish Railway Co., the Kaleigh & Southport Railway Co. and Jerry Respass, civil engineer ol the Aberdeen & Rockfish Rail way Co.. was argued here before J udge Council Friday afternoon and evening, Attorneys for the plaintiff were 8. H. McRae and N. A. Sinclair rnd for the de fendant were Messrs, Geo M. Rose and John G. Shaw, of Fay- ettev'"e, and Col. N. A. McLean. of Lumberton. The action was brought bv the Fayette"'e Street Railway Co. to restrain defendant from con demning and otherwise acquiring title to the abandoned right of way of the Cape Fear and Yadl-'n j Railroad from Hope Mills to Fay ettevi''e. Afer beaming the argument, Judge Counc" decided that the plaintiff had not acquired any prima fa'e title or richt co prop erty in question sufficient to en title them to rest -aia de'endan rue order was d'ssolvcd anc" thereupon by consent it was agreed that both parties be re- strr'ned spending finrl decision oi vne wavier oy tne supreme ourt, pla'ntiff having apper'ed supreme court. Elrod Personals. Corijipondouc ot Tu Rotmonlao. r. , .. . ue scnooi or asi aid is pro gress sr nicelv under its ajT- cient teacher, Mins Emme PrI- tersoo. Mrs. Walter Culbreth, of God win, is visiting here th's wee'r. Mtss Fioi-ence McKe'.lar. of Rowland, has been spending a few days with her uncle, Mr. Stubbs. Messrs. Dunk Bracy, Dave 'aircloth and Bishop Pate were in the community Sunday. Mr. Frank Adams, who has been visitin? bs parents at this place, has returned to b's posi tion at Laurinbu -g. Messrs. Marcus Smith and Ted Thompson, of -EowlandUs-e n this section trs Mr. Elbert Bridg hamt visited here Sn Mr. U. r. Fate went to McDon- ds this week on business. Mr. J. Gaitly, of Rowland, was nere Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J.A.McRae went to Rowland. Messrs. D. A. McCa1! and R. Poole were in Lumberton tr's week. Mr. N. E. Hues has returned to Elrod to take a position. Mr. Roy.Barnard, of Raeford, was visiting friends and relatives of th's place Sunday. Mrs. Patrick and nephew, of Rock'ngbam, were spending a few days' here this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Drawn, of Rowland, were in town th;s week. Messrs. Douglas Barnard and Dunk McCormac were in this vicinity Sunday. The picnic of tKs place was quite a success last Saturday Mrs. W. Stu'bbs hasbeenquir sick th's week. Mr. John McCa1! was visiting relatives at Hasty last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Albert Smyth went to! Branchville Sunday. Mr. John Ba-nard r-fd little daughter Kat e, were at Mr. R W. Bullard's last Sunday. We a-e having fine weather for Harvesting. FJrod, N. C, Sept. 14th. Maxton Locals. Cornwpondooee of Tb BobMoaUa. "Mr. A. T. McLean spent Sun day nere with his people. Mr. Cliff Wilkinson, of Atlanta, Ga., spent several days he -9 the nrst part of the wtk. - Mrs. O. F. Smith of Scotland Keck, is here now at the home of her parents, Maj. and Mrs. T. J. Wooten. The following youmr ladies left tne past week for school: Misses Mattie B. McLean. Em McRae, Emma G. Ltonell, Mary McKinnon, Maud McRae an Hazel Mcrrison, for the Southern Presbyterian College at Red Springs: Misses S 'Me L. Mc Kinnon and 'LWrn McNair to Randolph Macon, Lynchhurv Va: Misses E'katetu McNair, R-ate fB-'.sn and Hithyl u. !tley, w feace lostitute, tu eigh. Mrs. G. b. 8'iers and !ttle daughter, Evelyn, spent sever' ' days in Lumbe-'ion tHs week. Messr s. Jas. Stic w, Henry Car ter, W Parish, Wp'ter Jones i -d Lacy McKerz-e left this week Tor Chapei f " T, where they wi'l eDter the Ut'Tersity ol Noi til Carolina. D-. McLaurin, of Natchez, M'ss., is here this week v;th frier ds. Mess -s. H. B. Adams and Joh i Pbi"ipa, o! I urlnbuag, were Visitors hee Inursday. Mr. and M.-8. j, p. Wiguins. of Bloomlnadale Items. I LOCAL muttr. worrMpolDM of Tha RobMaUa. Air. J. k, iJritt. of Lanrinbnrcr. I Mr. J. T. TUrlrAi- lnai m. (Ida is visiting friends and relativMlmnla SatnrdA. tAr hncr afolr in una community ins week. roar days. nl iaAA. I vXA.l J If ! SCHOOL BULO1N0 COMMJETZ9.' ters attended services at Otrum Monday. Miss Ik Swan Surles SDent rrs . . - . mesoay at Urrum with friends. iiu. r tit iMino uioa w .iers soent a Rowan died suddenly Saturday afternoon at her home near Lumberton, There wfU be a regular com ImpMlna Ceremoates Marked tk Celekratloa of ifcLa 1 Caracr Stone ol ' Atbne.ia Sekool Balldlas-Ashaols fs. 17 rax. Las Wednesday. Sent, f was a irreat day in our tovn for munication of 8t. Al ban's Lodge r Hr,aaie.we celebrated the- part of last week very Dleasantlv tomerrow evening. - ZZcrr Yi . ' ,)p e new spent last Saturday and'Snn Kiri!!:- 1. . -5 ' with Misses Cattle Pnd Myrtle cured lr- Kflered At'-nson at Marietta. 7" Tf ' 51?" "J"' V 1 -h Mi.w. B. Ms'inv. of uvvAtfA I James, oi wew xork, wmi u" yJ- Je Masgno : A Cariyle fifntnl aaster, Dr. R. T. APen!" Mrs. Arthur Britt and cb". tr ' IZtJX?, 1 ie, r XP .th. -U aren, wbo have been nmnHlni; Mr. T n S nf wn " . " ' r u " UM co 8omtlm :.,.:rVo;: Tl' rl.r:-:V L "I aecra.att)e9u.n-. K. Ba"nes. returned hnm a a fawlasRiatincr M t '11 ahn . hu ' - a w wm uu uu isj co u ton for Alex Sprunt & Son. yi 'ven -e, a-iveo nee inu-s day night end vh'i be here for several days. Mr. P. A. Fo-e. o: Richnrond. Va., was he e sever' days th;s wee I . Mr. W. M. McKinnon. who has beea visitiD'' ac the home of his mother for some time, returned to his home at Wiutergreen, h a.. yeste' day. M -s. G. H. McF'nron r id daughte-, Sadie, le '. Itiursday afternoon for New York, wh jre they 7l" spend part of the winter with Mrs. McK'naon's brother. Maxton. N. C, Sept. 15th. Parkton Items. Corrirondenoe pfJTh(BobnonlAa days ago Mrs. W. R. 8u-les and daugh er, Blanche, r id Miss Swan buie8 Will leave next Wednesday xor ijnnnnDurg where they wi spend some urn the guests of nuss s; ne Liucas A good mrny of ou-oeoDleare anticipating a trip toNorfo - on toe tut'-teenlh. AmoDgthe visitors at Blonm ogd eontbefi"st Sunday were laursday. s m r " I Mr. andMrg. A-cr-e Hedcneth. of Rowlr id, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, oi ooaromi i. and Mr. Mai nr oj r ajeriev 'e, aisoM . and Mrs lorn Iledgpeth and daughter, miss Luia. Mrs. Wr Ver Hodge and chil dren, Kutn a id Wallace, spent one a ay .'ast week at the home of Mrs. E. McQ. Susies. 1 ie B'oomingdale F!crh School or nunc. PIK '11 h becoming '; s nd pfc no stone. solemr'ly. A flam oe r taes w e A week from tomorrow Johnlanzong them a i:oiKmi;iin ith Robinson's circus wi'l perform I vhe sccoont of the Jaw count . ' - at Hamlet. 'i,-4s v be good I contention the e mi. . Aer the'. news to people nearby who love jceremooy came tbe ma;actfiit a circus. s Id'oner set ved t,y the lirtiesvi, " It was one of the Hne-,t evfy? '' ' saw r id seemed mucu Ko.jrecfiiW " ea. ne Aiasons ,re y rwjVf c that ow lag to t ie ."au ihat the, ' A'.YtAll WU In. -"or . .on idnu . J'.'' , ' 'x je Seaboard wl sell tic'teta ctns "rom here to Charlotte and re-ltoaoread di rni" rn ihn rr"tnA : . turn lomorrpw for $5.20 to those but it was good jut the same who wish to hear Wm. J. Bryan, nd no one was heard to gi-tforv' who speaks at 8 o'clock to-mof- b'e. ' row evening. I ATter tbe c'inner J. A. R -n'i ( A sad incident connected with of Cbadbor o, Kave us a most ' the ice cream f u irtion at Ttnha. I sp'eodid speech. M . D own is' son Institute Friday evening was I PbabJy the most foi j r msij the mis 'or tune that befef Robt.l'tt Robeson coon.y wiiodieH nofc Mr. J. B. 8chu" en. ReoubM. can nominee for Congress in this district, w i address tbe Repub- "cr i county convent'on here : in t - k . o;jens the first Monday in Octo-X arvlD 800 Mr- C. Parvin. v a us ijuunus jk W4 oe', witu Pro. J. P. Price as I . ""''"P'vidb ooyisn i -'."" ",- prascK on r m tnrew nim, aownl ' ieuu u w near uy pnncipf . In the meeting at Bloom in a- dale, wh ch closed on the first bunday, there were ten additions to the church. Bloonvngd 'e, N. C.Sept. 12th. Allordsvllle Happenings. - Oorreipondne of Thj SobaaoaUa. and as a result. broken. Y s arm was thing he mi :ht H.tV. w was "Bu' dc-vs' Nvt a Candidate. Mr. G'les Da s, of Rrt Swamp, was m town Saturday. Wr" ng into Ije Robesoni n office he s? :d: "I saw in the RobesoDiaa t 's roo'ivng that it was reported that I would be a cp tdidate br sheriff beove the Repub,5can county convention , 1 lursday. I just came in. to say t bit I am not fc ing to be and that I am not near as hungry foiv office as tbe mi i who furnished you the report." In a genera' row in a house of ill fame in Wjimintion about 2 o'clock Friday morning Pete WiHiams,of W-'mingoon , received a pistol shot wound from L jpm'e LSwlpes, alsoof W'mington, f i-om wbicn hedieu F' iday. Jn effect ing b's arrest officer Croom shot Snipes, mr cting a serious hut not fatal wound. W:' iams was acting as peace maker. . Tue lawn party at Robeson Institute Friday evening was en joyed by a large attendance and the proceeds amounted to a neat sum. . ! week to enter the Southern Pres byterian Col'ege and Conserva tory of Music at Red Springs. Mr. Gray Culbreth is home from FayettevH'e for a few days Sarah Jenrette,the ten-months old child of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. nugnes, died Tuesday morning at8:80. Mr. Hughes reached here from Perry, Fla.. on the noon train Wednesday and the little one was tenderly laid to rest in the cemetery at Lumber Bridge Wednesday afternoon. We deeply sympathize wall the bereaved. Mr. and Mrs. Hukhes and little son, u. u. Jr., Wi'l leave Wednes day for thei r home at Perry, Fla. Mrs. J. w. Mcuormick received a telegram Wednesday te'.'ing of the death of her brother. Mr. J G. McNaW Mr McNatt had only been sick four days witn typhoid fever io the hospU ! at Ocela, F-a. 1 ae remains reached here lursday and were interred in the Tamiiy buy;ng g'-ound at the the McNatt homestead. A large crowd o" re'airves and "riends were present. Rev. Mr. Ca 'gan conducted t:ie ser 'ces. M Ne'H McQueen of I udi- wic, Ga., is iiere for a few days. Mr. r td Mrs. Toeodore i.'omp- son, from r r:abehi.own, Bladen county.are v'.si,ingrelatiej here Parkton, N. C, Sept 15A. RESOLUTIONS OF BESPECT Adopted by the Robeson Chapter ol tbe Daughters ol Conleder- acy September 1906. Wnere as our Heavenly Father in His infinite wisdom has seen best to le: d into a higher l:?e orr sister Mrs. Sarah C. Carlyle, therefore 1e it resolved. 1. That we have lost one of our most faithful members; that we are thankful for the influence and inspiration of her ''e. 2. That we chei '.ah her memory and )rtuea, especially her of self sacri fice, ear i st devotion to the cause of Chiist, her unti.lng zeal and abiding faith in God's promised. 3. That., we e tend to the bereaved re latives or deepest sympathy, and j.oint them to the gieat fountain Head of love and sympathy, who has promises to be a source ot comfort in tines of trouble. 4. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the s. rwivin ; sou and daughter Mr. W. W. Carlyie and Ilrs. R.-f). Cald well, to The Robeapuian, and that a copy be perserved in the minutes of our socie ty- Mrs. S. McImtyre. Mrs. L. T. TowwsKNn. Com. Miss Mary Watson. The Freshman Class of Wake Forest College organized Friday and among the officers elected were W. K. Bethune, of Lumber ton, vice president, and W. S. j Britt, of Lumberton, t'storirn. at her borne luuriday afternoon We are sorry to report the se-1 0 o cicv irty-do ars, the rwiUminu source ox wiicn is witheid, has Humphrey requests 1,111 tl.. ,! I'-a suoject a )J, neod'esr' to say, was p ac'c1, i-ite esJig . and instructive. Eve ybody was -delighted w'kIi h'ft n.'d ess, and ; meet witn Mrs, R, u. Lwrence I fnl rtuvwhv:, n- lnV, - A movement is on foot to estab lish a pub"c library in Lamber ton ana ail interested in forward- some new ouiidings ana a 'so re painting r's old residence. Miss Phode Alford has been quite sick, we are sorry to learn Miss Mary Bullock left today M T J o ; n u tor iveu opnngs vjonege. Messrs. Knox Alford and James McLean were visiting at Mr. i'ranlt McLean's Sunday. Wonder what young gentleman it was so badly disappointed Sun day from over in Sputh Carol'na? borry to announce the illness of Mrs. William Stubbs, Hope sne win soon recover. We are glad to see Mr. John son, the R. F. D. No. 8 mail car rier, back again axter a week's acatioa. Messrs. Wil'is Martin and Ar cb'e Smith wer in this commu nity Sunday. We are always glad to see Mr. Martin for hawks are bad here. Miss Agnes Evans spent Tues day with Miss Mary Edna McUallum. 8quirrels are seeing hard times now. Everybody seems to have a craving appetite for tbem tr's time of the season. Mrs. J. E. Alford was visiting Misses Laura and Sue McCal- lum Sunday. Rev. J. W. Bradley filled b!s regular appointment at Purvis Sunday. A large crowd attended. ,l.iere are lots of antos in tb's community now and we wou'dn't care if there wasn't any. Little Jimmie Hasty fe'l from atree a few aays ago, getting his arm ur jointed. 'i the young folks of th's community are busy going to school now. Alordsville, N. C, Sept. 14th. Tobacco and Cotton, n Comnar. Ison. If two commodities bring in mr rket vhe same price per pound, raised on the same land, then there sbouH be no preference in the crop. But when twice the number of pounds can be raised of one, then the raiser should look well to his interest Inai is the case with tobacco. He can raise twice as many pounds of to lacco on the same land as he can cotton. Let b;m figure for him- self. The Lumberton market can't be brat in the South. Every man wno se"s there is higb'y pleased. Mr. Rowland Stevens. otOrrow: sold one load on the 4ta., averaging $20.50 for every- thing. Mr. S. L. Purvis, from Barne8vi'e, so'd 1,223 pounds, the lowest price 9, highest 89. H. Allen, Ashpole, 883 pounds, from 9.21 to 25. fn day wtvcii w n Ynet )oog fa" oar memories. - ' Ihe school con'Jniies to "lm, prove more pu p-'s com'nft In. . Mr. Riven ba k,of Mt. O'iye, is in town pi-e pared to do fine pho-- is au lnuTifvi a politician, and further he does noj, wish to take any active part m pu'iucs more tnan to exercise r s rights aa a public citizen. DOWN ON BBOAD RIDGE. How Robeson la Divided Bcpab- lean Primaries. OorrMpondcno of Tb RoImmdIm, Well, as we are down on the Broad Ridge as most people say. we w try to let the rest hear .'rom us occaslonr 'y. One fe"ow sa;d Robeson county was divided into foor parts, that is; Broad Ridge, Bnrnt Island. Scufflle Town, and Black Ankle- I think that suits pretty well but be said Broad Ridge was the garden spot. - WeU, Rey. I. P. Hedgepeth fi'led Y'n regalar appointment here Sunday, with a Jarg congre gation, and as the new church is not pain d yet we fa' ed to rave our services in it but will be -eady on tne next 8rd Suaday. Mr. E J. 1 'itt,of Lumberton attended sei- 'ces here Sunday. Miss Mat'.e Hedgepeth. of Barnes !Pe. section, was visltinor her aunt, Meg. 8. A. Edmund a ss Iore birgletary.of Back Swamp, spent last week y 'th M 1 88 Ao na Thom pson. Mr. rid Mrs. T. W.Thompson, of F'-betb, is visiting Mr. laompsoa'8 fatbe , J. S. 1 jpmp- j - i . . . . sor, na y reiu n Dome xoaay. Mr. Press McNei ' and wie.of Ced-.r G ove, spent Sunday V 'th jwl". a. u. stone. i- Misses Emma Row'? d. Belle Rorerand&r. F-tk Nash, of Lumber n, attended se-vtce bere Sunday and were the guest of Miss Maud Britt. Mr. Claud Roberts.of Lumber- ton, was v'siting h's parents.J F. Roberts- Mr. W. J. Britt and wife were Siting Mrs. Britt 's father, Mr. Caswe'l Britt, Sunday. Mr. o. T. Freeman of Lum- berton, past through here Son- days enroute to Boardman. Toe Republican primary was held at K'ngsda'e Saturday with a good list of candidates selected, though I think tbey got it a little mixed up, as their townsr'p con stable has p'wavs hflen nn .h other side. I guess hebas tum bled over. i ie re are lots of us who've offices. Welt, I w' ' close, as the pros pect is we a -e going to have an equinoctir' storm soon. With best wishes to i ie Robesonian. Lumberton, N. C, R. F. D. No. 4, Sept 17th. - 4 v -; s, of Monroe. Oi. V OvuwiwiiAMMi!) crow,,. anna Anit mntBr mtna in Miss Lorena DeVane lef or-X ' Red Springs Seminary last week. Thus ouv young people are leav-'l'-Y- mgusaaMj. Messrs. Lester B. Townsend and John P. McNei", of Lumber4-; ton, took p:irt in the MasoDto , ceremonies last Wednesday." Mrs. TL. T. A"en and cb''dren of Luinberton, spent Wednesday with Miss Fannie Brown. Mr. and M ,-s. TJaggett and cr"- dren, Red Sp-ints, are ?$itia" Mr. Stephen loom pson's lainlr, Mr. BagLctt is a contractor and ' has some idea ol settling In Ash' pole.'" ',f Ashpole, N. C, Bept. 14th. Baelord News Ilenis. Mr. Da"a S. TownsendlJefl-'Vv" Tuesday for Ast a h. Varwhej:,-'i' ae goes to enter i0o,pnMa-' COaWege. ' J " II ir T . 1 .. . . bolt. J. . jf" ua.f remrn." ed from a bus jess M-a. Jol i Sc-'es is lU'o'x her oaubier, Mrs. F. E MeNe '. ,, ?-jr., - M. j. C FY y. olCartbtseT; enteed sctio' i;e -e laniv week. Mi r.Pii'r i Cameron of Lumoerda'e. is Uie uest6 Misar;" ?nie McKe;ti;j i. . v5 K ' fVLt. Jno. K..Vi:Ne'-lbas accept- . t edTa pos'a'on as sr esmrn .for ' Peele B os 'i"T p:. H M. McDia-mid has - beene'ected p' itr-ipr' of Faisoa, ' Ac .demy. . rL j r M.r. Kat e Wr 'fer is apinamg j somet xne in urn.-more purccas ing a fu1' I'ne o. n- nery. ? f ; Raeo-d, N. c j sept- ioia. , : LIST OF LETTEBS 1" - Remaining in the Luinberton, - N. CM postoffice, Sepi. 17tu, 1906, . If not called for in one week, will ; be sent to the Dead Letter C lice, Washington, D. C. Parties call-. ing wiil please say advertised. : : B. F. B'ite. W ; " e Carle-, Perry Campbe",L;' e Cam pbe'Jenrie 1 ' Edwards, b. f - enco- 'ss Reana t .owe-s, m-'s. fnc , " Jones, J. C. j. C. Lewis, w-s. w. i?duud, : Rev. MccV i. be". Mota:i, a-.jlt. MoVoi .1. b. Pai l f r.O.L Peter- - 800, A'exander Has er, i.C.rfow -land,HaUe S-eMhens,M1ss Lydie . Stewa't, -8. a-nrowst"nt k John Sikes, J. HoiJtn, j. v- Sinclair, Fiank L. 6mi IV?-' lupmpson, J. R. Tbomesou. -. r R. M. NORsHCST, P,'i:. , , ?X' . 'V.-.-. i ' ' -