THE8EMItWBEKLY ROBESON1AN., ' , . ' '.K-r-- PERSONAL. Cotton lo-day ' 65 9 5-8 cents 20 cents Mr. J. E. Curly le was in town Saturday Mr. J. S. Oliver was on the streets here Saturday. Mr. "W. B. Sutton, of Noraoenfc, spent Monday in town. Mr. Wade Wisha t is in Ral eigh today on business. Mr. Hecto r Stephens, of Board man, spent Saturday here. Mr. A. B.Little, of Lumber ton R. P. D. No. 5, was here Saturday. Capt. D. W. McNaughton, of Boardman, was in town Satur day. v I Mr. G. B. Patterson, of Man ton, spent Saturday in Lumber--toc. Misses Thagard and Ha1!, of .fem crone,: spent baturaay m town. Mr. T. H- Johusori, of Ashpole E. P. D. 'No. 1, was in town Sat urday. Among the people in town Sat urday was Mr. C A. OJfver, of Marietta. Mr. H. Li. Edens, of Marrietta, w8 among the, people in town S aturday. Mr. J. P. Parker and daughter, Miss E'uabeth Parker, were in town the past week. Mr. Stephen Mclntyre and Dr, R. T. Allen attended the Union meeting at BarnesvF'e Saturday. Mr. R. C Lawrence went to Wake Forest Saturday afternoon to spend Sunday with relatives Messrs. Thosi Durham, of AsbevJHe, and B. H. Moore, o Gastonia, are here with Eev. C H. Durham. Mrs. Howe)', ' tfho had been visiting her daughter, Miss Ada HoweiL returns today to her home at Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLean, who have been visiting in New York and other places for some weeks, returned home last night Sheriff and Mrs. Geo. B. Mc Leod spent SundyatRed Springs with their daughter, Miss Irene McLeod, who is in school there LOCAL BRIEFS., Th firm of Messrs. Marcrolia & Goldswasser, at- Rowland, has The first day of October and (been dissolved by mutual con cooler weather; ; . sent, Air. Goldwasser retiring There will be a regular coin- from the firm. Messrs. Ed, municatioa of St. Albans Lodge Heiman and Max Margolis will tomorrow night. compose the new firm of Margolis xt a n.- . I Bros., who will continue the bus isi' . a. xuuujpsun now nas office at the hospital and Dr. J. D, McMillan & Son!s drug store. The special train to Marion on account of Cole Bros, show will leave here at 8 o'clock in the morning. ' Mr. Randolph Harrison left Saturday a'ternoon for Jackson- iness. Mrs. A. A. Wi'liford, of Rae- ford, died yesterday in Asbeviiie, wnere sne had been for some time for her health.' She was a daughter of Mv. David Curi ie. of Raeford, and was about 40 years old. The remains were brought in "R.apfnrri whAPA t.hf intprmont. :n TTii- 1 : i v- 11 1 ' - - - ",,B'ria;- nu wm join an wil I take place today. engjneerjng corps. The Donnely & Hatfield min The injuries Rev. C.H.Durham received some days ago by beiog thrown from a buggy are more serious than was thought at frst. He has suffered considerably the past few days. His friends wi1' "Col, Cough Please. News and ObMi ver. Col. Frank Gough, formerly excursion agent of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, was a visitor to Re'eigh yesterday. His home is now in Lumberton, where he is engaged in business.. Dr. Sinclair Dead. .. Dr. Duncan Sinclair died Sat urday night at his home in Row land, aged about 80Jyears, death resulting irom the onnrmitiea 01 old age.. The; i ntermen . .took place this morning at A3hpoi.e PrestjytertairphurCh. ( Dr. Sinclair is survived by his wife, a son, Mr. N. A. "Sinclair, of Fayette. i"e, and a daughter, Miss Se'Me Sinclrr. Several sis ters also survive. Greater Washington Special. The Greater Washington Spe cial ar.-ived here Thursday a fter noon about 4 o'clock, instead of 6 o'clock, as was the original in tention. The train was side tracked at the depot and for about three hours the merchants and other of the town visited it and inspected the lines represent ed and displayed in the cars. Those who did go received cour teous attention from those in charge and were very favorably impressed with the idea. ' . The object of the train and the trip is to seive notice on the Southern merchants that Wash ington is in the field to compete for some of the commercial busi ness of this section. Some of the leading business houses of the capital city were represented by lines of samples and representa tives. The undertaking is under the auspices of the Washington Star, which also had clever rep resentatives along. strels at the opera house Thurs day night. An interesting pro gramme is promised. The . Daughters of the Confed eracy a"6 requested to meet with be glad to know that his condi- Mrs. J. A. McA - lister Thursday tlon is some improved this morn- afternoon at 3 o'clock. irjg He has been removed from A colored man was seized with his home to the hospital- a fit Saturday morning and fell Lumberton looked real busi- on.the street near the express ness-like Saturday. The farmers office. He recovered after a short weroia wkh cotton and tobacco waie . and other farm commodities and License-have been issued for aU day long tbe streets presented the, marriage of Mr.Whaley Kin- a busy appearance Later in the law and Miss Fannie West; Mr. afternoon the employes of the C-J. Biggs and. Miss Mary H local manufactories turned ont Conoly. and added to the shoppers. Vflom Hail... T1 I . - wio xjmbj vuiioicj, ui Dai- Scottish Chief: We aU regret timore, MdM arrived yesterday very much to gjve Up Mr. M.O 1 w vauuiv nwcK.nzie and faor y who 'are Heterson during the mi'Hnery moving away to Lumberton. season- is ve"y i jconvenient Tor him Rev. A. B. Crumpler, of Clin- attend to b:s official duties while ton, N. C, wiV begin a series of residing here, hence hi move.- meetings at the Gospel Taber- VVe sha1'. miss these excei'ent nacle November 5th., to continue people. But to perform efficient ujuwi owi. uj. iivveuuuex-. . iy tne auues 01 any office one An agent was here Saturday must be situated, so that he can sel'ing Oklahoma re?l estate to ot-S:n b's day's work berore the some of our citizens who , wi'l middle of toe dayf We hope that make a trip there in November whr 1 . he lays as'de the oneious to look after their holdings. dul'.es. of county treasurer,, he Tne meeting of the Robeson w,n return h -e to live Baptist Association, which was to be held at Back Swamp the 1 1:20: to With Our Advertisers. Th stnrp nf J Af o Tt TlrnMr ia onil , u: a. 1 1 lines of merchandise. poned until November 18th Mr. aid Mrs. W. N. Womack left yesterday for their home at ReidsvPe. Mr. Womack has been here during the tobacco season and had been sick for sev eral days. . Mr. J. G. McCormick, who has been sick for the past two weeks, is recovering. He returned yes terday from Wilmington, where he spent a few days with relatives. "Tl I.- A At. xv is no secret com mem, ' seid the observant man. "that the track of the' Seaboard Air ine railroad in these parts is so rough that as the train runs along the jar rings the be11. " Mrs Fannie. Peterson gives no tice of her miVnery openirgnejXt week. Democratle Speakings. The following appointment's for Democratic - speakers and speakings for this section are announced: F. M. Simmons.F'izabethtown, Monday, October 15th; Lee S. Overman, CJarkton, Saturday, October 6th; Lumberton, Mon day, October 8th. Dr. P. Crumpler. FayettevlUe Observer. Chief of Police Chason haa a werrant for one P. Crumpler, M. T : J 1 1 t t 1 1 . -v .. . . .. . biu iu ue irum jremuroLB. or n op ucm an tun XMtSb LJU 111 UCL WJil ch; doaen young 'men and wouieh de cided to live the belter liie.r' AH the Jewish estabi;shments were closed from "Friday after noon t',v Saturday afienoon and the ones of that U' th observed Yom Kippur ia fasting. . There were severs1 Jews here from the nearby towns. A party of fox hunters went out Friday night and had a gcod race. They ousted Brer Rey nard at about 10 o'clock and ran him until about 4 o'clock Satur day morning, when the chase was abandoned. Capt. G. W. Harrison has re signed bis position as road master of the Seaboard Air Line railroad. His resignation went into effect at' midnight last night. Capt. Harrison will build a road from Alma to the plant of the L. T. Cottingham Lumber Co. 1 he board of registration met here today. The poll books for regristration will open Thursday and continue open throueh Sat- brday, 27th. Registrars will find aH supplies at the register of deeds 'office. Challenge day will be Saturday before the elec tion. ' of Fayettevil.'e boys, in violation of the Cumberland county pronibi tion law, in that the boys pe scribed for were not boaa fide patients of the said Dr. Crumpler. The Chief bas found that quite a number of these prescriptions were put to good (or bad) use, and is now looking for Dr. Crumpler. Dr. Crumpler's friends say that he issued the prescriptions in good faith, while some others say that the doctor is a mj th. Woman's Missionary Societies pi mc Koaeson Association. Mrs. H. T. Pope, vice-president of the association, announces the following program me of the meet ing which win be he'd with the Baptist church Wednesday, next W hONKSIMY MORS I NO. u:oo: D.'vciio.mi Exercises, led hvMrs E. K. I'rocto. . 11:15: Atl.ln ,s of Welcome, v Mrs. R. D. Caldwell. K-s!)i!ise. bv Mrs. C. B. Thmrtn. x son. 11:25: Anpnir.hiient of Committees. Ii:": R I C.'U of Socie'ie. 11:45: A tin iv 1 Rtpc.t by Vice Preddrnt of Assorlal (. 12V o : hiai k board IlIi's.truUon, by Mrs. I. P. HedKj - h, fo"owed by discussion of obiec's to which our so- cidies coiu.ibute. Announcetntnto: Closinir Exerc ps: Rr WKflNKSDAY AFfERNOON. 2:30: Dtvo nnr Exercises, led by Mrs Neve-. 2:45: Ro 1 Call of Bands 3: o: He?: ng of Repo. s of Committees 3:15: Progrmme by Sunbeam Band Li mb 1 ton Cbrrcb. 3:45: Talic by Mrs. Elizabeth Biiicrs. of Raleigh, Band Supe mtendent of Bands, Announcements, doping Exercises. WEDNESDAY NIGHT. 7:30: Prayer and Pi aise Sei ice. 7:45: A Id -ess by Rev. C. J. Thompson Durham, N. C. The ladies of the town are cor diai'y invited to meet with the association in the morning and afterncon, and the public service at niht wiU be open to a Candidates Start Ont Monday. (Sheriff Geo. B. McLeod began bik tax collecting round to-day. He will have appointments every day through. Saturday, October 20th. The candidates for the various county offices will accom pany him and speak at the differ ent places. The appointments are as follows: Bntts, . - - Tuesday, Oct Ho-..clsv:ile, - Wedneslay, " Raft Rwanjp Thursday,, " Saddle Tree, - Friday, Wisha. - Saturday, " Maxton, - Monday, " Smiths, Tuesday, " Red Spi ing 5,' - Wednesday, " Blue Springs, - Thursday, ' Lumber Brdg- Friday, ." Parkton, - Saturday, " Thomp ens, . . . RoWlaad,'1" '-'Monday, Alfordbville, - Tuesday, " White House. . Rogers' Sire- Wednesday, " Sterlings, - Thursday, St. Pauls, - Friday, " Burnt Sw np. - Saturday'; 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 8 th. th'. roth, nth. nth. ijtfa. 15th. i6h. 17th i8th 19th. 20th. JBailnegf Ties arad Ware Avoid the-Bush. Send in your order to us through your Merchant. A Big Crop of Hay Mears Scarcity of Ties. N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY, 10 and 12 South Front Street 9 Water Street. Wilmington. N. C. HONEY AT SIX PER GENT. We furnish our Customers with Money at Six Por Cent. Ut meet their business requirements. No ciistonur ha s ever had reason to complain of our failure to furnish him cioy eith r in good or bad times. We make no promises that we do not fulfill. Our Security to Depositors, and our assets are larger than any other Bank in this County or section. : : For this, and many other Good Reasons, it is to your interest to deal with us. If you have not (toofi so, oien an account with us, and join our host of pleased customers. : : The Accounts ot Farmers Receive our Special Attention. The Bank of Lumberton, A. W. McLEAN, Pres. R. D. CALDWELL, Vice-Pres. C. B. TOWNSEND, Cashier, J. P. ST ANSEL, Asst. Cashier. DIED. On September 25th. her home in White House township, the soul of Mrs. 1 ua vey, Deioved wile of Mr. M. R. vey, was suddenly called fron the trials ana lobulations of this probationary feta'e to that rest n.erja red for the neonie ner aeain ine commuaity in which hd lived and labored has lost a most es- tjntable ch'stiaii woman; her chuvch one ot its most fatlhful and efficient woricer. .; Uereb'ldYen a loving, tender and sacrific ing mothe.-, and her husoand a tender and fai'hrul compan'on. She was 43 yars of ae, and has been UST OF LETTERS. Remaining in the Lumberton, N.C., postoffice, Oct. 1st., 1006. If not called for in one week, will be sent.lo the Dead Letter O flee", Washington, D. C. Parties call ing will please say advertised. David Blackburn, J. Bryant, Sr., J. T. Bryant, W. L. Blount, Lony Austin, Stephen Dayjs.liox ana Davis, Katie Glarpin, A I James, Eddie Lewis, Jim McAl Uster, H. A. McAllister, J. W. McLauchlin, Wm. McLeod, Sam McNeil'., Alexander Moore, R. J. Scarborough (2), C. R. Simmons, A. R. Stone, Mrs. S. W. Thomp son, Miss Jennie Watterson, J. W. Wilson, Dennis G. Wilkinson. T " f -K . i- r XWipn, and (valued member of Uif Bari-lsL ctnffeh for'abinrn win Viavinr chtlvcli in her t Vlluod days. She wasj fcf the mother of eleven children, J V ht of f 1 ' . f. I VI a Whom are st'll living to bless her raemo- The funeral services were conducted at her late residence on September 27th, by Rev. W. C. Wallace, of Dillon, S. C, al ter which her body was borne by lovln" hands to the fa.uily bu.ying ground and laid away to await the resurrec tion morn. Se.vant of God, well done, rest from thy employ; The battle's fought, the victory's won, Enter the Master's joy. A Friend. Millinery Opening I will have my Millinery Opening Wednesday and Thursday, October iothand nth. Mr. Fannie Peterson. 10-1 LUMBERTON MARKET. Beef fresh per pound J. p-u Cotton per pound . 9 c-8 Cora per bushel .... go Fodder per hundred i, Hams per pound; ujf n Side; 11-iaj Sfcoalderf . 1011 Iggff.i . so Chlolteoi grown ..... S6 86 Chickens , Wee 1&2S Turkeys . -lM Butter per pound Beeswax per pound . aaj$ Tallow perponnd...' 06 Hay, per 100 p onndt.... l.3t Notice of Dissolution. The firm of Margolis Goldwasser, Rowland, N. C., has been dissolved by mntual consent. All money'due said firm ispayable to Margolis Bros.,- who assume rC debts of said firm. yum One dollar will buy you the best pair of nickel plated sheara that can be produced from the best steel by the most skilled labor in the world. scissors and shears are made from only the highest grade crucible steel which is carefully picked and selected for perfect material. They are carefully and finely adjusted and will cut keen and sharp as razor ; unlike others, they retaia their edge, and even though constantly used they will require sharpening very seldom, If ever. When -you buy KtSM KUfffR scissors and shears you know you are getting the best. . McAllister Hardware Cc. 'i , . : . Headquarters for Shoes and Hats. We sell the M. A. Packard Shoes for Men, in all the Latest Styles. Calf Skin, Gunmetal, Patent Coult and Patent Vici, in Popular Prices from I3.00 to I5.00. The Southland Bell, Southern Girl and Beats the Band for Ladies and Children. Men's and Boys', Hats. o Mount Vera (len, Boy Price to cm, and Xhesterfield Brand. - The.Latest Blocks, for Old and Vminr s and thlldre-n'.i ' Hkxti Hate.'Soft iHats Cheap ts and Better HatT ' ' nl Alt. fl CoTtm Rnv An! AnA tA D1-- BIGGS lumbertqn. N. C. JUST RECEIVED! Some Nice Driving Horses. Also Good Farm Horses. Come and look them over. HORSES! With serviceable qualities are what counts. My Line ot best make B U G H I FS! Is complete to suit all classes of buyers. Prices on Everything Right C. ML FULLER LUMBERTON . NO. CA. 1 1 $ October 1 4mon a coldwasskr, - Max Margous. Notice. I will ein your cotton for one dollar ner bale, up to 500 pounds, and pay the high est market price for seed or exchange. Bagging and Ties on hand all the time. im T. W. RAYBON. tt pays to advertise, know yon are living. Let the people Fire Insurance Of All Kinds. For further informatioa apply to . S. H. HAMILTON, "Western Union Telegraph Office-

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