., J,.T-,'-i '-:'?. '-His JTHE 8 EMI-WE BXT KO3ES0N1 AN 1UE CUBAN SITUATION. Armv to OccudV Island.the First Expedition ol Troops go Via Newport New. Va. Tail's Proclamation. Washington Dispitoh Spt.th. Preparations for the nj;'' tary occupation of Cuba moved at a rapid rale to-day a-e- the receipt of a dispatch f -om Sec e tnryTa'Lu rgi ag the sending o. an arrov to Cuba. Sufficient supp'-es to last 5,- ot Cuba to assist roe in the work tbf restoring order," tranquii-iy and public confidence. "Wii'iamF. Ta'fc., "Secretary of war Up'ted States Government. "Provisional Governor of Cuba. "Havana, Sept. 29, 1906.'? Governor Taft proceeded to the Pa'ace at noon to take over fie trovenment of Cuba- The act was not accompanied by any form? I ceremony or pubhc dem? 500 men for. 80 days are being onstration. rushed to Newport News, where the first expedition wiH be mo bilized with fuU speed. Quar termasters depots at PhUadel- oh 'a. Boston, New York and man? other cities are being w drawn on, and Captain Samuel E. Smiley, of the Fifteenth In fantry, has been ordered to New port News, where he w'll secure storehouses and look after the supplies. Brigadier Genel T- J- "Wint, o.ommandiue the Department of the Missouri, was to-day ordered to Newport News, where he wiil o sou trio f 11 11 charce of the em Mv' fcj M V D barkation of troops. It is now Liiorcn that Brigadier General Frederick Funston, who is already in Cuba, is to be in command of all the troops sent to Cuba. HTnn Dispatch. Spt. 28th. Prnt-Uinnpi Gove-'iior Ta is 'proclamation declaring jnterven tion in Cuba, as puS 'rod in The Official Ga-cette, Saturday as fol lows: "To the People of Cuba: "The failure ot Congress-, to act on the irrevocable resignation of the President of the republic nfCuba or to elect a successor leaves the country without a gov NEWS OF BELLAMY. Mr. Hcrrlna Accepts Possltlon at Boardman Personal Notes. Correspondence of The Bobesonlan Mr J TT McLean went to Lumberton Friday Mr- Robt. Pate spent Friday nirht. nr. t,h home of Rev. M. A Stephens Mr. Jno. Herring went to Boardman Saturday, where he wiU accept a position with the Butcer's Lumber Co Miss Bertha Linnon is visiting relatives at Lumberton Messrs. Renz Britt and Walter Pitman went to Kingsdale Satur day Mrs. Exie Ivey, of Raynham, spent a few days with her daugh tor Mrs. L. Pate, last week, re turning home Sunday Mr. J. B. Smith and family, of Bicoe, are the guest's of Mr. J P Mo.fl.rAa. Thev wjII u ove to Bladenoo.-o in the near luture. Mrs. D. C. Carpenter, who has been visit'ng her parents, Mr and Mrs. P. A. Todd, returned home F.-Iday. Miss De,;a Nance, of Btaden, spent Saturday at the home of Mr. E. W. West. Mr. L. Pate went to Raynham - i 1 Riinrinc rAturn'ncr home Mon ernmeni at a wme wutsu k)cu j: nncnllo on A i'Dn in i"0a I Utv.V. . i. 0f f Mr. and Mrs. A-CP'e ct-naij- ' ' I 1 ! - ml i n TVT r: fV, Tionoaca rxr stpn ie. Ol VjreoriTJa, 1 Y'BlliuB " v . U 4-nUnn in fha name Qnr) hv t.hft I B. C Todd. d .aatanf. nf t,o W 1 dose with best wishes . r Hester's Cottsa New Oi '& Dli.piP, f Secretary Hesters weekly New Orleans cotton exchange? state ment issued to-day shows: Amount bhouffKtr 'fcto- t during the past wee fco be 358. 415 bales, against 879,805 for the same days last yea and 499,287 year before last; and for . the 28 days of SeplembeiSbas been 938,802 against 1,186.035 last year. The movement s'Dce Sept. 1st 8bxws recepts at a'l Ur"l;ed Statesports 64,7,784 ac?:nst874, 000 last year. Overland aci oss the Mississip pi, Ohio and Potomac rivers to Northern mi)s and Canada 19,- 765 against 17,707 last year; 13,- 585 year before last and l,6o8 same time in 1903,iuteiior sfcoc rs excess of those held at the close of, the cpmmerclpl year 67,2o3 against 117,219 last year; South ern mills talpog 180,000 against 76,609 last year. Foreign exports for the season have been 360,570 agp'nst 417,370 ast year. The total takings of American miffs, north, souta and Canada, thus far for the seasons have been 270,992 against 236,727 last year. 'J'hese mciuae w,rw oy northern spinners, against 110,-035. Mr. to and protect ?5'e and property in the Island of Cuba and the is lands and keys adjacent thereto, and for thiS purpose to establish therein a provisional government The provisional government here by established wi'l be maintained only long enough to restore or der. peace and public confidence bv direction of and in the name nf the President of the United States and then to hold such el- Be"amy, N. C, Oct. 1st. Red Springs News. R d Sitings Cltfii. Tne death of Mr. J. G. McPher- jn cccured at the home of Mr. J F. McKay Wednesday afternoon, pnd the funeral services were held at Pbiladelphus church Thursday morning, attended by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends. Mr- Mc- Phersonwas 83 years old, and . i - options as mav be necessary to An-oved the acquaintance and determine on those persons upon friendship of nearly everybody . i whom the permanent government I m Robeson county, having spent nf thA reDublic should be de I hi a whole "fa in their midst. For vninWl Tn so far as is consistent I tho lash i -wo vp.ars he has been wiih the nature of a provisional in 'Hhealthand bis death, though government estab,5shed under usurnrise is vet received with the? a,p,ttioxty of, the. United profound regrej. sHe was a mem Stales, this api'i bi;a dubangov, toentof 'the Presbyterian church, ernment, conforming wan toe and an exemplary christian, pnnstitution of Cuba. TheCuban Mr. E. B. Bacrcrett. formerly flai? will be hoisted as usual over ift resident'ol Z&erl Snrines...but the government buildirgs of the now living in Florida, was mar island; a)l the executive depart- rjed in that State on the 12th ments and provincial and muni- jQst. to Miss Minta Rodes, at cipal governments, including that the Rodes home in Melbourne. of the city of Havana, wi" con- Tney are now on their bridal tinue tobeadimniste -ed as under tour, but on their return wilt V Maxton News Nots. ii 5 T TTt5 A TD II IU L' STTD A ! Vol. a. iucLean ana wue, ori An A erf wi. Tir ItArmnA M.ri.1i . n.tA KaaJ. llnAil Hi. U.1 n Lumberton, were here Saturday a'ternoon, returning home toat night. Mr- J- G. Shaw, of Fayette- MrrJdhn A. McLean spent last every ooiue soia pnaer a aarantee to Cure or Money Relunaea. i V?n.A Gnna WUK W. ' B.am upon reque... .nurtured onij or Dr. Edmund s Colic and Lunsr Fevei Cure. j w . If spclfio for Colla, GrTl, Pneamooltf, nd ny 8tomoh or Lang disorders. Thii r medy lwyt relieves, nd hst stood at the front for twelre rears. It Qreat Bloo Partner, too the Best on the Msrket, nd this Remedy will Preent And Cars Hog Choi er. All lr. idmnnd sk U for ths reader to trrona bottle. Yon will then, keep It oad hand. m Insurance Case Decided by State Supreme Couri. A case wMch selllea Tof the first iuie in this Stale en iiyjjrjtant point of insurance law is Doa v. !niurcnce company, f roto Crei . The plainliff held a policy m the FiHeHty M utu?l Life oooipp ly, and it was cancelled for nonipa of premiums. " ' . Dcffy oro.'ght suit against the coTpHiiy for premiums paiu on the grounjd, that he received , no notice from the company of the premium on whic'i forfeiture was entered being due. The company has a bjMaw that the milling of notica to the Doliov holder shall bj proof of notice to the policy holder. The court holds that this record of mailing 'notice can dhly be presumptive evidence of notice served on the old principal capital of law that any by4aw 'which attempts to limit the right to sue in court is Void. Democratic State Chairman Simmons has arranged with Hon. John Sharp Williams, of Mississ ippi, the Democratic leader in the House of Representatives make three speeches in North Carolina, at Statesville.October 13th; Greens boro the 15th and Goldsboro'.' the 16th. The speech at Statesville will be in the day iime. , The newspaper is the old reliable ad. e rising medium. ' daochter. Miss r Mattie Brown McLean, who is a student at the Southern Presbyterian CoJiege. Mr.- Charley McCell, o! Ben- nettsvIUe, S- C-, spent last Sun dav hAA with his sister. Mrs. J C McCaskl-i jr. Mr. M. W. Cole spent several J M days at bis home in Cary this fjf week, returning here Wednesday morning. ff Miss Lucy Cobb spent Satur- li day and Sunday in Bennettsville ff with -friends. I ffi Quite a crowd went to Hamlet to see the circus last Tuesday. I OH We have decided not to call any I ffK names as it appears to get next rjt to a man who goes to such things. ft Dr. Peter McLean and Mr. (fl Hinton James, of Laurinburg, n spent last Wednesday afternoon in town. m A good many of our young peo- j pie went to Laurinburg last Wed nesday afternoon to attend the vioi;n recital given by Miss Kate McNei-'. Mrs. W. S. McNalr andber fathe.-, Cape. John A.' Smith, spent Wednesday in Bennetts- vie with Mrs. A asell Rogers. T'-e Greater Wasb'nujn Spec. i;.' was side tracked in our town foe about 3 hours Inursday. A lavgd nuaiber of t.be citizens vis- i'oed ihe cars and weie carried awav wiLh tb;s new method of rdve -I's'og. Miss Kate McNe'l' le t Thurs day n;ght for FriyeuLevi'ie, where she w'1 tiive a recilri f "id then sie cots to her home in Char- lo'utesv'e, Va. Miss Lura Brltton, of t lore'a, A'a., is here this week, the guest of the Misses McNair on RaUroad street. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Croom and little daughter spent Thursday ijl Bennettsvie with friends. Mr. Win Garrett, of Red Springs, was here Friday. Rev. Wm. Black spent Friday niirht here with bis son. F. L. Black, Esq. Maxton, N. C, Sept. 29th. Phone 52 Testimonials upon request. Manufactured only by DR. sW. O. EDMUND. JuUMBERTON, N. O. 3-16 it 117 vnn ni?T tt XTwaDn'oiT'e nnnn w u iuu um 11 ni unuis u li u uuuu. Brushes For Instance! What we can do for you in one line U an example of the service we can give you in all lines that Diggista sell. Every family rtqt -'.m Brushes. The next time yo,u need a Brush come to na for it and bee how well we do by you. Here are some of the kinds of Bruges we handle: Tooth Brushes. Hair Brushes. Hat TtnmVipa Tfstirt R-nsVif . Neil Brushes, Bath Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Com plexion urusnes, rami nrusnes, wnuewasn urusn;-. we give you the Largest Stock to pick from, give you Right Quality and save for you on the Price. -.' - . j - - - . . . . H. B. WARD, Ph. G. Drugs of Quality. Rowland, V : : : : : N. O. C L 0 T H 1NQ! Dry Goods; Sboes, Hafs, Caps and Notions. tfjsjHSjjaajsmpssjiMiiMHMWMBIiiK 1 haVe purchased in the NiortHern Markets, a Nice Selection of Fall and Winter Goods in the above lines. Just come and see for yourself, the BARGAINS I ' have to offer you. : : WILLIAM BRICK, Rowland, :::::: LOOK FOR MY SIGN. N., O. Krank Bohannon was tried in Guilford superior court at Greens boro the past week and found pmiltv of murder of R. E. Beach- o J man, at Hilltop, in the first de- crrpft. Hp was sentenced to be o hung October 25th. Subset ibe for The Robesonian and keep up witn tne crowa. the Cuban repubi;c. Ine courts will continue to ad n'nisler jus tice, and ?'l ihe laws hot in tnei" nature ioapp'icable by reason of the temporary and eme gent characte ot the government v be in force. "President Roosevelt has teen most any'o' s to brln? acout peace under the cons' 'tuOD?1 government of Cuba, pnd he made every endeavor to avoid the preheat step. Longer de'; y, make their home at Titusviue, f1 la. Mr. Bagget is well remem. bered here and his friends ex tend their hearty congratula tion. Mr. D. P. McLaod, who spent the day in town Tuesday, in formed us that he, with his fam ily, would move here about the first of the new year. They will be cordiany welcomed. . . Mr. R. C. Wei's, who has for overf1 yeas been the success- BristowBros&Co., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BR&CY'S STORE 1 Rowland, N. C. M I Rowland, N. C. Ladies and Gentlemen ! We are Heaquarters for Dry Goods, Furnishings, Clothing and iNOUOUS. II you wouiu iiesw laswiuiiy iiu oeuuinjiitriy , visiw our Store Fashion, Quality, Economy, Promptness, Ex cellence, Worth. Choose your Outfit from our Stock of Furnishings. Visit our Notion Department MARGOLIS BROTHERS, BoNwcnd .s We offer for sale this week the following residences in the grow- m ing town of Rowland: L m (0 Six-Room House and Two Lots. Five-Room House and Two Lots. We have on our list other prop erty which should interest buyers. Is the Spot, anddid you see the Sppt to do your Trading? There you will Full and Complete Line of General Merchandise. find however, would be daosevous in f ul and popu'ar fceight agent at view of the resignation of the at tins piace, has resigned and Cabinet. a ' will go next week' to South Can "Until further notice the heads Una to work. Mr. E. B. Huggins of aH the departments of thecen- succeeds him. tral government wiH report to Mr. Will McKinnon has resig- me for instructions, including nedb'S position with SikesCurrie General A'exandero Rodiignez, Co. and has gone to Hope Mills in command of the rural guards to accept a position at that and other regular government pface- forces, and General Carlos Ladies' and Gents Furnishings a Specialty. We have the famous catalogue of INTERNATIONAL samples for Men's Clothing,' ! ran fiTIARANTRE vou a Perfect Fit. . Also a Nice selection 01 me Famous London Fashion Brand Clothing in Stock. THE LADIES Will find a Nice and Up-to-date Xine of Dress Goods, and the clerks will be glad to suow you uie line. Ji Once a Customer, Always a Regular Patron. J. McR. BRAOY, ROWLAND. - - - - N. O. Roloff: treasurer of Cuba. "Until farther notice the civil Governors and a'caldes will also report to me for instructions. "I ask all citizens and residents The county's next Sheriff, Mr. E. C. McNeil, is in town today. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Oliver, of Marietta, are visiting relatives in town. BRICK ! BRICK! ! BRICK ! !! When you need brick apply to us for prices and samples. We have 800,000 on nana ana are mamngau me nine. vhu lurmsn wem .vm. All our Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes are'on sale at Cost Prices, and we will ? ' dispose of these lines by Christmas. A Complete Line of Groceries Kept all the Time. Bracey-McCormick Brick Company 8.27 itowiana, im. u. STICK A Pffl BIGHT HERE! It is a fact that we have a full line of CottonWaireboase J5g!5!? .. - nV.. ikifiW. inn niimitrnnc 4rt rriAnfinn whirh ' Our Warehouse is -Complete and at your Service. Brincr vour Cotton to Bowland and old for Higher Prices. j Rowland Cotton Storage Company. many other things too numerous to mention, which we offer at Rock Bottom Fnces. . & Call and see us and be convinced. Wrs to Please, I0NA SUPPLY COMPANY, McDonald, N. C. .