BANK Jt, ' f HI-RQBESOMAN i ESTAB LIS H B D 1870 Coiitit.;-, bd ind Truth SINGLE COPIE9 6 CENTS . . 'x 083 EOTKWON. NORTH OAROUNA MONDAY. OCTOBER 81903. V JXJm " i-- "" " i 888 THE' BEST 'INVESTMENT A MAN CAN iMAKE IS A - WALTHAM WATCH. WE SELL WALTHAM WATCHES IN ALL SIZES. .. Look our Stock of 17 Jewel Watches over. We are Selling Waltham and Elgin 17 Jewel in Silverine Screw B & B Case for $9.00; in the old Reliable Fahy's 20 Year Case, at $12.50. See our Stock of Simmons' Watch Chains, the best made in the United States. Mail Orders solicited. Will send by Express, C. O. D., with privilege of examination. H. C. BOYLIN, N. C. The New Hospital, . A (The Lumberton BanaLanum.; My New Hospital is now ready and open for the reception of all non-contacrious dis eases. I have a Corps of Competent Nursas and a Well-EquippedSHospital in all Bespacts. Am j also! prepared to give ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. Any information as to prices, etc., will be furnished on application to me. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PROPRIETOR, i Tl U. Idel Beauty. Faces naturally beautiful don't need "1? I2?hS 55 Ideal Beauties raunt have Hats rotted to thr feature iisS Ribbons. Fashionable and become you 10 oesi .""w want Our KKKaSMS ta BUtoTore looking fi- lbi ment. She is an experienced Trimmer. ' DRY GOODS. T..' Autumn Good, .r. her. in Be.Mifnl Colors. You grt here choice Dres, Patterns. PURS. FURS. PURS. Nothing .dd. so muck Gr.ce ud Refinement to . well-gowned . hand some set of Furs. . f the above lines. Also Shoe and Notions. V c umi E. W. . : N. C. Floyd, Superintendent ShotbyEmploye. Lexington 8pectl, 7th to Charlotte Superintendent R. H. Eubanks of Lane Brothers' Company Jones, contractors, ws shot and killed instantly this morning at the railway camp about two miles north of Lexington by a negro employe named Oscar Gad rlv From all accounts the kill- in a was totally without provoca tion, and all Lexington and sur- roudingcountryis in greatexcite- . i i J ment. A posse ol two nunareu nr more men with guns are in nnrauit of Gaddy, who made his immpiliatelv after the CiJUpv Irilliner. 0 ... ... The circumstances of the ma- mo- annear to oe as lunuwe. "0 t-c Sunt. Eubanks heard some shoot- ine coing on in one of the negro huts this morning and went to SPA what was the matter. Upon arriving at the door of the hut, which was filled with negroes, he A A. nA. "Whn is that dome tnai oaiu. v shooting down here?" Gaddy was lying on a bed with the pis tol in his hands, and replied: m s me nd I will shoot you, l a you!" Then Supt. Eubanks ad vanced into the hut, having m his hand a small cane. Without saying anything iur- ther Gaddy fired into Mr. Eu- Knnka face the ball taking eneci just above the mouth, coursing upward through the brain, ana killing Mr. Eubanks instantly. Affor firincr the fatal shot Gaddy jumped out at the door, dropped his pistol and fled as last as ne could. He was clad in shirt and trnnsers. having on neither shoes nor hat. He was seen ..... later running in a northerly air oinn 7 the Dublic road. V1VU a. Aa snnn as word of tnetrageay ,QfTYinrton Sheriff Dorset, Chief of Police Helper, the other police, and about two hunarea men set out for the camp. Bloodhounds were sent for from Greensboro and High Point. Thorp, is strong talk of lynch ing, and it is hard to say what will take place if the negro is caught. Most people think if ha murderer is once lanaea in jail, he will be safe, but he may Ko iriiipd in the arrest. w m Snnt Eu banks was held in bign esteem by everybody, having made many friends during the fpw months he has been locatea here. He was 38 years of age, a ot.iva nf Amherst county, Va., and leaves a wife and three chil dren, who now reside at fediar Mills, Va. TVip nPirro Gaddy nad oeeu for the contractors here -Krwntt.wn months and lived at rr;n noarflrefinsboro. He ruic - ;Q o tall stout looking, danger mon Tist nieht!about fifty of the negro employes who worK thp rtnuble track, went to Salis- k.w onH name back loaded down with liquor.raising a disturbance on the train. Liquor was in evi dence this morning at the camp omontr t.hP. neeroes and may nave ". .. ., , !. been the cause of the trouoie.out m;nria nf cmod neople in III LUiuwt. r- . this vicinity, it is no mitigation frtT. nil thp crimes committed by thse vagrant blacks, most of whom belong to the vicious aua criminal class, gathered togeth er from all parts of the country. tO SU8- Cotton, Dr. Phillips, Messrs. S. S. Nash, H. A. Gilliam, James B. Lloyd and Prof. F. S. Wilkinson. All of the speeches were conser vative and temperate m tone, yet evincing a firm determina- natiou to suppress lawlessness and bring to justice the crimi nals. A motion prevailed that a good go?ernment committee of 2o membars be organized by the best element of negroes to aid in bringing about better conditions in this community. The negroes oledire themselves to do all in than- liAwpr with the aid 01 the white people, to ferret out the 1 1 1 nofrrn wrptp.hea wnu nave uwu AJVg v ' ' r;ifir rf porAtit, crimes and to rid the community of such char otra This meetinir and suo- 1906,35,766; routes in operation rwnhAF iQ(V routes die- continued since June 80, lWfi, 74; petitions pending October 1, 190f, 2,424. Of the 35.5fiA routes now in operation, 36 were sewed three times a week, all the others hav ing daily service. PROFESSIONAL M. A. MeLn. A.W. MaLM. J. S. If eCormlek. IcLEU, IcLEAI I McCORIICI, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON, H C Office on 2nd floor of Bwik'of Ltua bertoa Building, Booms 1, S, 8, The balance of the appropna- Bttentk given to all bxuAntm. tion available for service during ' th onrrant vear is S1.479. 8ft4. In Rerjresentative Small s ois triot 150 petitions have been re ferred, 45 adverse reports have been received, 97 routes are in operauuu buu o.Bu Lreer Poit Office pending. In Representative Claud Kitchen's district 193 petitions have been referred, 75 adverse re ports have been received, 10fi routes are in operation and ten CHAR B. SKIPPER, Attorney at Law. LUMBERTON, . - N. C. All busineM entrwted to him will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Office in Firrt national bm K M. BRITT, Attorney at Law, Ltjmbebton, N. C. Office upataira in Argna Building. All buaineaa promptly transacted. acters lnis meenuB .... . ... , , nniStions are t mdinir seauent meeting wmno douoi uo r-- - - -B . Js..: td" at"i3ViLo. .r r Mdntyre & Lawrence aw ana oroer o 103 adw. nporto h.yo b.en w- . A .u., here. I . 1 1 rv, .Antao era in nnnr. ation. In Representative W. W. Kitch- ia's district 387 petitions have been referred. 183 adverse reports at Butler and Pon Selma Dispatch, 6th. Three thousand people, seven f, va nor font,, of them KepuD VJ .v, . . ;na trathfired at Kmithneio have been received. lfi routes are today from Johnston, mrnen m operation and 11 petitions are arA Ramnann counties to neai nAndincr. the joint debate between ex-Sen- jn Representative Thomas' dis- ator Marion Butler and uon- tr!0t 203 petitions have Deen re- (rrpasman K W. Fou. Especial ferred. 98 adverse reports have itr-oof nt.t.nhfid to this occasion raneived. 104 routes are in lUKiVUV - 1 - inasmuch as it was the first time operation and one petition is pend in t.ViA nrpsent cam Daign that any ,. r ' 1 n i 1 M "Rnf lor nn T t Pctrorann'll 1 jp.mocraii lias lucw " " 1 in aeuiwiuvauio thP. stumD. Efforts had been made distriot 194 petitions are pending, naf DT.anvprnnr Avcock to a, arlvArnn renorts have been uu ft v w w 1 vn - x ronirr to Mr. Butler but this 102 routes are in op M.1JJJ - . I -" ' not. hA arranced and only nrotinn nnd three oetitions are wuivi m-m.s w w - 1 A. sir. A hQT. I 1 T7actjrrta.v was 11 anuuuutcu irpnninff. With T- T?- vaoan of 1 VA Pftcre's dis former Senator in the dis- trjot 254 petitions bave been refer- Attorneya and Connaelora at Law, LUMBERTON, : ; N E. J. BRITT, ArroaintY at Law, Lumberton, N. C. Office over Pope'a Drug Store. Office at Hospital. the former Senator in tne ais- triot 254 petitions nave Deen reier cussion of national and State ie(j. 120 adverse reports have bee Lumberton, Vf - t- aA nff with a :A 1 IO .nnini urn in nnflTR- I Office at H JSSucO' rovOivou, X . w -1 speech of an hour and fifteen tion anti tnree petitions are pend- i t -moa fnllnwpd bv Mr. HJlUUbea aiivi vs " " I tug. Butler. Mr. Pou replied in a jn Representative Blackburn's speech of fi;ueen minutes and distriot 891 petitions have been re- was fni'owed bv Mr. Butler in a .rreH 223 adverse reports nave hum MAi'varl 147 routes are in operation and 12 petitions nandini?. K a Tn ReDresentahve Webb's dis trict 2g6 petitions have been refer red, 79 adverse reports have been a. 0. PARVIN, Contractor and Ballder. Lumberton, N. C. Plana. Specification and Price furn iataed on application. McLean & Black, Attorneys at Law, MAXTON, N. C. Office cm and floor McCaakiU Building. Room, 6-8, . Dr. N. A. Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON, : : N. 0. Phone No, 41. are aneflnh of thirtv minutes. "f""" , Mr. Pou confined bis reman to naf-oDal issues in bis nrsi speech. State issues weresprung Vw M- But er in bisnrst speecu - - ingly denounced Butler for his Ueoeived and 125 routes 'are in op t.h Dakota COnnecuuu wnu "-" -- ivraiiuu. bond suits ana asseu iuo iuu- Populist leader for an explana tion as to this. Mr- Butler, in B. T r..0AWT Drs. Allen & Oastlebury, Dentists, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Dr. McMUUn'a Drug 8tore. DR J. D. BEGAN, DENTIST, LUMBIBTOlf, 0. Office in Shaw building, drug atorc. over Pope's Om'SWORTH GO TO S. WEINSTEIN & SON For Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Dry Goods. Next Door to the Postoffice, ASHP0LE, N, C, his reply, said that he did oniy what any other honest lawyer would have done. The Demof cratic Congressman interrupted . 1 -.T .'"it v,;m to sav that no loyai iMoriu Carolina lawyer would have done as Mr. Butler did in this case. Mr. Pou read a number of edi ia which aDneared in The nanonsian under tne iiuuer r m nntraatinir the statements KJUAVIWMW. ' t.hprein with statements maae oy Mr. Butler in more reqenti speeches.his object being to show Bator up as a turn-coat. r. T.. avaAaA t.hfi 1SSU6 8S WJ UUUld MVw whether the editorials were ar tPH hr himself. S3 K1 1 Rrtfh mad ft cood speeches and the crowd was well entertained. Rural Bootes In State. Washington Special 6th. to Charlotte Observer. The report of the Fourth Asaist- potmoatpr (ienerai on me BUI, X UOfcUlWU."" condition of the rural free mail system for the month of beptem hflr. shows the free mail scheme to be on a steady increase, despite the warnings that have from time to time baen sounded that routes in the south were to be disoontm Tn Representative Cadger's dis- trict 162 petitions havebeen refer red!1 56 adverse reports received, 82 routes in operation. Tablet to in Commemorate Party. Tea Dr. F. H. PITMAN, DENTIST. Ash pole, w c Dr. B, B. BEUS-wri-n, I .ni Cnmvnn. Th North Carolina society of 'Offer. W. aemcee to in. - - - . Derion tno the Revolution, at a meeting held - M McLeod BuUding. Phon- in this city last evenmg.received H-6. favorably a design for an immense bronze tablet to be erected by the society in memory of the JOHNSON & BRlTT, nxienbon iea t vuwi Botb Races Cooperate press Crme. Tartwro Special. 6th., to OharlotU Observer. Last night the courthouse was filled with citizens, woo 1 they werenot.sum bled to take action with respect ued J u ,m.0nt primes tnaii uave, j been committed in this county. Rev. R. C. Craven presided and made an effective and admirable speech. He was followed by Captain W; H. Powell, Rev. R. B. John, Captain Watson, General Th tntal number of petitions received for the establishment of naar rrmtoH in all Darts of the TTnitrl States siDce January 1, lX)fi. 54.120; adverse reports 15, 056- routes in operation June 20, 1774, participated in by fifty-two ladies of that period to endorse the "Resolve of the Provincial Deputies not to drink any morel tea or wear any more British cloth-" The tablet is to consist of a wreath of tea branches in flower and pine cones. In the center of this wreath will be a huge teapot. Near the top of v,Q tna not. will be an etching of UUt? " aV. the house of Edenton wnere the rtv" wa hftld. about the ITCCb pw ' " ' center the names of the 52 ladies inated will be inscribed. WhilA at the base will be the ;r,crini m of the society and 1UJV ar" . UilCS UWWV xv. w - , rVUr, r)nn haft hfiAtl to DlaC6 thlS x ii f tablet in Edenton but in as much as the location l tne nouse is al ready suitable marked miuienion the daughters of the Revolution are inclined to piace ine oruuws tnKiAt ir, Ra pufhand acommittee Wui was appointed 10 comer wiui lu Nortn uarouna niswricai sucietj and otuers as w me must , a m no ble location. One very favorable received suggestion is that it be placed in Capitol square on a suitable granite base. Real Eatate and Insurance Agents, LUMBERTON, N- C. Office over Argua Builling. C T.CASHWELL & SON. ASHPOLE. N. C, Coffins, Caskets and Burial Supplies. Wheelwrights, Blacksmithing ana woodworking oi au nuiua. Patronage solicited. ft Ttiina 01 Beauty is ft Joy Forever. Our Photographs are Beautiful and Life like, finished in the moat up-to-date styles. r-. . 4 AA strtv a?rkr sr We make Faml- hy Groupca. Vea Ktc. Come hile Uj weatner u picxw" B. J. WAITS, lumberton:art studio. Over Pole's Drug Store. 4 BIG DAYS 4 Oct. 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26tlu The Cumberland County Ealr, Fayettevllle, N. C. EVERYBODY WELCOME. t I -

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