.J It1, V ' - THR SEMI-WEEKLY ROPESONI AN. IIDO Oinin. I iim.n..JeS813 iQcreasmg mucn raster . . . . . . Mlltfi Oilmn J. mnUnUftjf tha can "sppply workers for the same. Asain we almost find it impos If sible to jreenugh northerners x r CMV here to meet this demand and now we have to look to Euro pi E ': ' i ' C5 e ' 1 I : i - U f if I f -' ,,'- J 1 V V P . J J f r the much needed help. During the past three months. several English spinners, from the largest mills in Manchester. England, have been sent here, and even now we tind help to be lacking. ' u. il . 1 Mrs. Sarah .T win nv., 'so raany ine aenis wuo cousin of Zachary Taylor, twelfth make a business of supplying yiesuieni oi tne ln ted States bta k.... i erandnWA nf a in, Vt".',,. lauul many laise who signed the Declaration of Inde I methods, to promote their finan- T rttl - I Vlnol 'is a Mni1 cial ends and sent nuite a num I am 76 years old. hut hD o h,. ber of Ensrlish irirls to this noun- nnnoflf,. l " .7 " I " ----- D Srfl'a? ee ,.ar try, making them all sorts of when I waa vonn? rmi nQ n iDromises , o vfn waa i f, . j Jr - greasy. . unpalatable Ol form, and It fairly gagged me to get , it down. Vinol is entirelv difrronf lotte SriPsab.ooadDd t0J?I ork; all seemed to ro on nicely tonic and strength creator I ever used unt lt was found out that these Vinol is a real i nv., bus aPets had r)t implied tion, from which the useless oil has with the emigration laws. And UVr" . l'1 an1 ton'c Ton added, to some P.vtoTt nnr rl. ,miA,v,s "J wuui ca our Kuarantefi 1 j... in a position that nvatfil much We (i- Quite a pumber came to Char- entlrely different Mtte ana (jastonia, and went to Dr. J. D. McMiilan & San, Druggists. A Variety ol Comment, Meeklonbu X .ea.N a!! .',! I'ounliHS in-school wi'i. Wei!. W do aot envy h:T ,r. til.- ! '.".-!.. A!! we can .a.v !s, i'.-r t!i; ;; o "he i'nu:!i.;i'' to ,i ',,,.-,1 . ; . UUd not, he ir;! W-.i i a ; ixihli ;j. If WO (loil'L ..'..;;:.. ! with her ;il pre.ser.t, lot it.- 'oii'v her c.:.:n pie. it is now timt the i';gi ctes, pera do. Harvey (alias everai oliier names. was ex soldier ;uid hiul served his time in the regular ;i:-;:h- IVr . saps this iiriv le true, an ti we uouoiaiioi. out siicn scuiiers ;,s these are iiocrodit t our am: or any other. h!.i :ne the i ''.; 1 li. V help ij se ; .i'i(ii t .' I' I j 4i' I . S' i) Ao doubt the Jletliodists of Luiuberton would be interested to Know the whereabouts of Bish op Atkin. The worthy Ivishcp has been on an extended business trip west, where he has attended live conferences, besides making many outside addresses. From all accounts, the North Carolina bishop has been in great demand throughout his trip, and we a re glad to know his ability is appre ciated in a wider range than in his own State. It is said that cigarette man ufacturers' nr.? forced to put new brands on the market t meet the changing tastes of ihe smokers. We sincerely hope that the taste of the smokers wil change more rapidly than new brands can be manufactured For the new brand of cigarette often stamps a new brand on the health of the smoker. So the brand new brand leaves the old brand well stamped on its user, one that needs no explana tion. Weare nowlivingin an age when the great educator is as "worthy of a monument as any great gen eral or statesman. The educator of today has pushed himself for ward to the highest place in "history. The theory of our age is knowledge, and so the teacher of knowledge stands in the fore most rank. To him the honor of the past is due today. And when we mention of erecting a monument to the great educator of North Carolina, and perhaps the greatest of the South. We do no more than our duty to keep in heart and minds of ourselves, as well as those who are to fol ow after, the name of Dr. Mc- Iver. He is indeed worthy of such and we want to see a monu ment worthy of his name. Owing to the increase of our manufactures in the South, and especially North Carolina, we find that the mosl serious pro blem that confronts us at present is the labor question, We are aware there are not enough people in our own State to meet this demand as our busi-1 com mont iomI operators h mm ly acq'i'rcd ! o : hrj -lioiiiii h;,'.e iiivi ti ; i L' Pa ;'i ws i "tore iKepUrg :! : No eri in-';.'s. im-.;--'- the s tions t ;. did (,,... uirls ;:tid leuvo r- fat-, but uiii i"s. tlieir Wfst'.-ire. O: as the :minig :!'.., found sc:i:ethii;;j wr;.-g tives were at ";iec vu; iw i investigate the wi;'-).- matt to !:ik! the guilty parties. In Charlotte, 'Mavor McXinch' took the trouble to go to Washington and fird out a!i par ticulars, and for the sam-1 lie should ie congratulated: :" itt I r: not only benefited those at Char lotte, but seta good example fin al! the city officials in the State where foreign labor will be brought. - We know that the girls have been placed in em harassing posi tions but neve r t h e ! e s s they have been treated in the best possible manner by the citizens of the different cities and towns where they were dis tributed. And every tiling has been done for them to make them feel at home. Of course we do not know how soon our city, shall need foreign labor in our mills, but when it comes to that, let us take the example set by our Charlotte citizens in welcom ing them. Of course it is only natural we prefer the English as we are so closely related to 'John Bull" that we sometimes look upon his subjects as our cousins. tit viz i) 5 it v) ii ft j; Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Underwear, Hosiery, 1 Neckwear, Suspenders, Drevs Shirts, Xighu Shirts, X fil I'M li f u-ities i & erit toj iti r. and ! & i Handkefcb.eifs, -i ! intf, Ha s j Paraso's, Trunks, Suit Casa, Hand Bags, Cotton and Wool Blankets, Bed Sheets, Pillow Cas?s, Counter Pa:v ! C u i f s, ars, Neck Ties, I I iii'vcr in tin- '.nil Cenit- . . t i i Lr r Ovi El .nee Pan- T o w clcti-:; d c r t o ?, it r 5 . --a -js js. -46 --a -j -s 1 . - .., Jt.f THE OUVER" The Typewriter WitL the LONGEST, STRONGEST and BROADEST (Guarantee. Catalog for the Asking. J- E. Graijton & Go- GMorhl Agents Trust Building, CUARLOTTE. .N. C. w.J;:i, El a :: in n .i j Forbidden. I forbid all people, town and corpora tions to throw carcasses, take wood, sand r otherwise trespass upon what is known as the sand bed and property of my grand father, Berry Godwin, deceased, south of Carolina Central and Raleigh & Charles ton railroads. GEO. G. FRENCH. 11-19-tfr I ''Subscribe for The Robesonian and keep up with the crowd ROBESO GIVES The n t dews, The State and Foreign News. For 31 50 you can have it all, intwice-a-week installments, for a whole year. m 11" DorCt Suffer dill niht lonij from toothache neural3iec or rheumectism Liivinveivt kills the painr quiets the nerves CMid induces sleep At cJI dealers. Price 25c 50c 61.00 Dr; EdtH S.SIo&rv, Bosor,MaLSS.U.S.A.- Advertise With Us. This paper is a splendid medium through which merchants may reach customers. The cost to do it is very rea- jsonable, in fact it is by far the cheapest way that can be found. Come to us or write us for terms. Don't allow your wares to remain on the shelf when judi cious advertising will move them. If you have confidence in your own prices and goods tell the people about them. The Robes onianPublishingCo Ltimbertor, -N. C. n 1 ? m i ft i -.-4