Trie. HOB SOMAN "7USHKD TCSSDAY8 BY AND FRIDAYS' KOBESOMAN PUBLISHING CO. P. A. BRYANT. Bus. Mgr. 9CBSCRIPTION RATES: on Yo so. lz MonUta ' hre Month, One Montb .7R to In ordering the 1lres of his super oh aiced subforlber should le the addreee to which tt h. hn trnlnir. nd the uew addrpss With the Imbb circulation that tt ha?. The Rntmimin la a first-class advertising medl in Rates will he, fornlgoed promptly to nmsTtM(lff advertiser. The caper wants to be fair to correarondenn and will elve mem as roue a lautuuc u think rnb!ic policy will permit. w are not resnonRihle for the views of any co-respond ent. We require that a writer sign his nane to a communication attacking some one else or an Institution. In publishing articles where the name of th writer is not required ti he published, we reserve the right, for good reasons, to give tne name wnen asaea ior. Fnrered as seeond-class matter at the Post- JRe-at bnmberton. N. C. , under the Act of Congress of March Srd. 1807. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1906. Inasmuch as Lumberton was content to sit quietly by and al low the new Methodist College to be located elsewhere, we are clad that it is to be situated within the borders of our county. The citizens of Maxton have shown a most commendable breadth of spirit and a devotion to the town and its best interests which speaks well for them and ionneir rown. ineynaveaone a I . j FTM 1 1 I themselves proud and may well rejoice in their good fortune. The benefit to them and their town will increase as the years go by, and while those who have subscribed, may receive no divi dend-checks from the investment, the benefits derived therefrom will be more lasting and of far greater value. The Robesonian congratulates the people of Max ton on their good fortune and the town itself on the public spirit 1 1 A 1 1 1 I suunulls pwpw, aim wisiies the institution to be the fullest The Seabord Air Line is not only up-to-date in one respect but in one instance it is ahead. We ordered a shipment of news the other day and the day after it was delivered to the road at Richmond, Va., it was delivered in ,our warehouss here. That is quicker almost than it delivers passengers. MAXTON VICTORIOUS. Proposed new Methodist School For Young Women to be Loca ted at This Thriving and Wlde Awake City Two New Churches. Correspondence of The Robesonlan. On Tuesday, last, the dele gates and representative of the various towns in the Fayetteville, Rockingham and Wilmington Districts met at Maxton, and presented their claims to committee on location for location of their proposed college. the the new Red Fayetteville, Sanford, Springs, Hamlet and Maxton were placed in nomination. Each town had an advocate who pre sented the advantages, subscrip tions, etc, for their towns. The speeches were able, and full of humor and flavor. It is doubt ful if ever an institution in North Carolina started under such en thusiasm and circumstances of favor as this institution. Maxton offered the preference of four choice lacations and a guranteed subscription of $12, 000 beside other subscription. Fayetteville offered a beautiful site and $25,000 subscription; Sanford offered a site and $12L 000; Red Springs, a site and $15,000. Hamlet, a site and $12, 000. After a good natured but thoroughly contested effort, ow ingtoits superior location and railroad facilities for the accom modation of the section to be benefited, Maxton was chosen. It is an auspicious beginning that this school has subscrip- tioas came from the heart, re gardless of denominations- Tb enternrizincr citizens of Maxton stood solidly for the school Max ton is now erecting two modern churches at a cost of about $30, 000, and now with a great new school she offeres advantages which few town in the State of- I feres to the home seeker Maxton, N. C. Nov. 22nd. ASHPOLE NEWS LETTER. New Houses Being Built Rev, Mr. Jackson and Mr. N. A Thompson Indisposed Minor Matters. Correspondence of The Robesonlan. Mr. McKenzie.Robesonian rep resentative, was here last week raking in subscriptions and money- Hope he made a great success. There are abou teighteen houses being built in our little town right now. with several more to be begun at once. Mr. F. G. Taylor left last Sat urday for a vacation trip to South Carolina- tie said tie was going deer driving but the boys spell it dear. Architect Cooper, of Wilming ton, was up last Saturday to ar range numerous things concern ingO- I. Floyd's brick building. contractor Arcti Uollms is building a house for Boyd Hays and will remodel Mrs. Augusta Ashley's dwelling. Mr jane Thompson, of the Kentyre section, South Carolina, ;s visitim? relatives in town. We are sorry to report the venerable IN. A. Thompson in worse health than usual- Rev. J. B. Jackson, not being at all well last Sunday, his place was ably tilled by Prof. U T Royal- There was no service at night- However Mr. Jackson ex pects to be tuny recovered in a iew aays ana win preach on 1 1 Ml 1 Thanksgivin gd ay as usual, Attorneys Lee and Britt. of fho r.nmWrnn vr wo ; vav J-iw fc-a-a vva-A j TV VI liOl Mr. J. B. Miller, recently ap pointed town marshal, has moved his family into the P. R. Floyd house- Mr. Whaley. of Lumberton. onA w,a ,k( the center of attraction on Main Street last Tuesday afternoon. Ashpole, N. C, Nov. 21st. Death of Mr. T. H. Hutchison's Father. At the home of his grandson, Mr- J. T Kunkle, 218 North Fifty-ninth street, West Phila delphia, on the morning of Octo ber 29, 1906, Mr. Charles Hutchi son, formerly of Kingston, Pa., died. Mr. Hutchison was born at the Brig 0' Johnston, near Paisleji, Scotland, August 30, 1824. When 1I m x a oui a ooy or ten years he came with his parents to Cape Breton, iova bcotia. Leaving tnere in his young manhood, he came to Pennsylvania, where he married and became identified with the anthracite coal industry, being one of the pioneer individual coal operators of the Wyoming Valley. He was progressive and - public- spirited. ....The first coal cars that ran on the Delaware.Lackawanna and Western Railroad he owned, and afterwards sold to that com pany. The first telephone in the valley connected his office with his mines. Mr. Hutchison was also a Christian man and devoted to the interests of religion. Not only the churches of his own faith, but of others, were liberally assisted by him. He was one of the charter-members of the Presbyterian church of Ply mouth, Pa., and afterwards, for many years, a member of the Kingston Presbyterian church A student in youth of the Word of God, it& promises in advanced age were consolation and sup port. The day following Mr. Hutchi son's death a son-in-law, the hus band of his daughter, Louisa Eno, waTTcilled to 9Bloomsburg, Pa., in a railroad accident, and - wiinmaweeKnisaaugnier.Agnesi (Mrs. KunkleX livjnpf with her son in West Philadelphia, snd- - denly passed away. The inter- I ment of father and daughter was I at Forty Port, Pa. Deceased was the father of our townsman, Mr. i. ti. nutcni- son, who attended the funeral. The Farmers and Merchants Bank, of Stanley, of which Mr. 10. L. Spauldingis cashier.opened for business Tuesday. Mr. Spaul- ding is known here, having mar ried a daughter of Mr. C. B. Townsend. Ladies' Skirls and Jackets at cost at V O. Thompson's. REPORT OFTHE CONDITION OF I1E BANK f Rowlahd At Rowland, in the State of North Caro lina, at the close of business November 12th, 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 188, xxo xi uveroratts secured ana un secured, 570 "56 Banking nouses, lurnitureand nxtures ... VQQ2 22 Die from banks and bankers, iq.416 82 Cash Items..... 1,51644 Lroia coin 700 en Silver coin, including, all minor coin currency... 626 14 National bank notes and other u. b. Notes 2,210 00 Total .$117,362 49 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $25,000 00 Surplus Fund 3, goo 00 Undivided profits less current expenses and taxes paid, V876 22 Bills Payahle.. None Time certificates of deposit.. None Deposits subject to check 85,370 60 uae to Banks and Bankers None Cashier's Checks outstanding, 215 58 Total 117.362 da state 01 North Carolina, 1 County of Robeson, J " I, W. F. Bristow, Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. F. BRISTOW, Cashier. ouoscnDed and sworn to before me. this ibth day ol November, 1906. K. b. Bond, Notary Public. Correct Attest: A. L. BULLOCK, 1 E. M HINES, V Directors. JOHN W. WARD, J Dr. R. G. Rozier. Dp. Tohn Knox. Dra. Rozier & Knox, Physicians and Surgeons, Offic : at rear of Robeson County Loan auu 1 rust Company. Fire Insurance Of All Kinds. For further information apply to S. H. HAMILTON, Western Union Telegraph Offi Administrator's Notice Having qualified as Administrator of T. W. Raybon, deceased, late of Robeson county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned 011 or before the 1st dav of November, 1907, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 29th day of October, 1906. J. B. PITMAN, Administrator. Mclntyre & Lawrence, Attorneys for Administrator. Il-l-6thurs Notice of Administration. Having this day qualified as Adminis tratrix upon the estate of J. R. Rackley, deceased, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the said estate to pre sent same to me at my residence in Lum ber Kndge township, Robeson county, or to Mclntyre & Lawrence, my attorneys at Lumberton, N. C, on or before the 25th day of November, 1907, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. mted this iNovembei 21st, 1906. CUK.A LEE RACKLEY, Administratrix. Mclntyre a Lawrence, Attorneys, lum berton, jn. c li-22-6thurs Valuable Farm For Sale. The undersigned will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder on Monday, Decemlier 10th 1906, at 12 o'clock, m., at the courthouse door in Lumberton, N. C , that valuable tract of land in Burnt Swamp township, Robeson county, Is. C, known as the Peggy Ray place, Mtuatea 1-2 He lrom Bute, con taining 90 acres. About 60 acres clearer' ana m good state ot cultivation; 2a acres more can be easily cieared. Entire place sown in peas th s year arid vines left 011 tne place. 1 wo tenant houses, one -six- room dwelling house ot complete Weatherboarding and brick on hand suf- fici nt to complete. Title perfect. No bid will be accepted of less than twenty dollai s p?r acre. Private sale will be made lietcen now and date of sale either for cash or on time if satisfactory term cau be made. This the 20th dav of November, 1006. D. W. SHERRIL, R. F. D. No. 2. Buie, N. C. McLean, McLean & McCormick,Atttr- neys, L,umberton,-ls c,. H-22fi2-6r THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Lumberlon, North Carolina. DEPOSITORY FOR COUNTS' OF ROBESON, UNITED STATES COURT, Call on or write us. Apple Butter Johnny likes it on his bread and the "old folks" think there is no relish quite so good; They are right, too, if the, "but ter" is made of fine, tart apples, boiled down smooth in good cider with pure spices for seasoning. We have that kind one of Heinz 57 Varieties We sell this Superior Apple Butter to our most particular customers great quantities of it. We believe you would like it. It's Perfectly Pure and have you or any of your friends ever been through the Heinz factory? Those who have, naver hesitate to eat Heinz Apple Butter or any other of the Heinz Pro- ducts. J. H. Wishart Phone 1 Free Delivery FLORIDA ORANGES. 9,800 OrangeB, $1.50 per 100, 1,850 Pounds Mixed Nuts, 2,400 Pounds New Raisins due 1,520 Pounds Evaporated Apples 1,960 Pounds " Peaches 1,040 Pounds Prunes due, 103 Barrels Ben Davis Apples. 11 Barrels Baldwin Apples, 410 Boxes Penny Candy, 109 Pails Chocolate Caramels, 41 Pails Chocolate Drops, 236 Boxes Plain Candy, 318 Pails Cheap Mixture. W. B. Cooper, Corner Nutt and Grace Sts., Wilmington, N. C. Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualified as Adminis Irator upon the estate of the late G. G McPherson deceased, late of Robeson County, this is to trive notice to all per sons naving claims against said esta'e to present same to me at my residence in Robeson County, my postoffice address being Red Springs, N. C, on or before October 25th, 1007. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will nl ase make immediate payment to me. uated this October 25th, 1906 J. F. McKay, Administrator. io-24-6thur. Notice ol Spumous and Warrant o! Attachment. North Carolina, In the Superior Robeson County. Court. J. D. McLean and J. W. Carter, co-partners, trading and do- Notice of sum- in 2: business as J. l). mons and war- McLean &. Co. rant of attach- vs ment.' J. E. Jacobs. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has bee i commenced in the Superior Court of Robeson County, same being brought against the detendant tor an indebtedness in the sum of Fourteen Hundred Dollars for goods, wares and merchandise sold by the plaintm to the defendant, and the summons in said action is returnable be fore the Judge of our Superior Court at a Court to be held in the court house in MondnaK Lumberton, North Carolina, on the 13th ber, 1906, it being the 3rd day of Decem ber, 1006; and the defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued against the property of he de fendant, on the same tiay and date by the undersigned C lerk of thejS iperior Court, which warrant is.'returnable at the time and place above named for the return of the summons, when and where the de fendant is required to appe r and answer or demur to the compl int, or the relief demanded will be granted. Witness our said Clerk this 3rd day of November, 1906. W. H. HUMPHREY, Clerk Superior Court. McLean, 'McLean & McCormick, At torney for Plaintiff . - n-8-4thurs Town Property tor Sale. S ven nice business or residence lots on west side of main street of Rowland, N. C. For further infbrmation address J. F. RAY, Ii-22-6t Laurinburg. N. C. We Pay Interest On Time Deposits. ' h. m. McAllister; cashier. BUSINESS BUILDERS. Try an d in this column at five cents per liae for each insertion. Whether :t is a house to rent, something you ' ave lb- sale, or something von want to buy, Tne Robesonlan Want Column I will bring the results. FOR SALE- -Gentle horse Sound, fine saddler any lady can drive at bar gain. W. O. Thompson, Strayed or Stolen From Dillon, naay nignt, dark bay horse, 6 years old, weigntaoori noo pounds. Shod all round. Signs of old cut under fet-1 lock on tore feet. Reward for return or for mfoimation as to his where abouts. L. F. Johnson, M. D., Dillon, &. C II-22rtf if It's a Clark New Ground Plow you want, call 11 or write Mcachern. Johnson & ( o. They'll do you right. They belong to Gideon's band. J. D. Clark, bt. Fauls, N. C. ll-22-it ror saie a gooa roan mare; 0 years old, sound and gentle; well broken; work anywhere, inquire of O. j: Nye, xumoerton, jm. c. n-22-2t For Sale Two-horse farm, east of Ash pole, on railroad. Adapted to cultiva tion 01 diversity ot crops. Two dwell ings and outhouses. App'y to J. R. Bullock, Ashpole, N. C, R. F. D. No 2. 11-23 wnen you are in Charlotte don't fail to see the new Metropolitan Ainuse ineiit Parlor, "Wonderland," and hear all the latest songs sung by Mr. O'Con nor. 11-22-it For Sale-Two Fine Milk Cows and one Heifer within next 30 days. Cows six years old, heavy milkers, a'so 60 or 75 ioas 01 manure. Kev. Z. Pans 10-22 For Rent 5-room house for rent. Ap ply 10 ueo. a. jucueod. 11-19 i 1 mm -in if 11 111 j juh i 1 u j -- -i W? d a mtm- 1 ruronie cneap 1 wo good lots in Belvedere Apply to The Rubesonian for further information. 11-19 Lost A Pocket Book containing express receipt and registered letter receipt; al so one ten and one hve dollar bill. finder wi.l receive prop-r reward by returning tarue to this othce, 11-12 We Are AcrentS For Waterman's Fountain Pens. They are the Best. McLean-Rozier Company. u-12 Guitars. Banjos, Mandolins, Vfolins, just received. McLean-Rozier Co. tor Rent Two-horse farm in Alfords- ville township, will furnish jor not fur bish stock. Apply to S. F. Willard.Max- ton, is. t, K. r . D. No. 3. 11-5 Wlleys's Candles Received Fresh by Express from Atlanta. McLean-Rozier Company. 11-12 rurneni iwo 2-norse ianns, adjoining r t , f .... each otner, one mile ot Ashpole. Good dwelling, good tenant houses. Apply to ur. w. A. aicriiaiil, Ashpole, X. C. n-5tf ror aaie-A 20 11. p. juiaueii enmne and 25 h. p. boiler, both in good shape. roriurtner lntorniation, apply to Oil- breth & Duncan, Pembroke, N. C, R. F. D. No. 1. n-itf For Sale Good lieht two-horse wairon at a bargain. Apply to O. C. Nor- ment. 10-18 For Rent One-horse farm a mile and a I half from Lumberton, on the Stage road. Apply tp'JJ. a. AicXeiH, Lum berton, N. C. 10-itf For Sale or Rent. 58 1-3 acres of land, one mile of Bloom- ngdale school and church, on Raleiarh & Charleston railroad. About 27 agres in cultivation. Five-room dweilitu. 2 tenant houses, 2 tobacco bsrnts, good stalls. It is a part of the Sttriing mill tract of land fnces reasonable. Address - W.J. PURVIS,' " n-5-3monr Tabor, N. C. Fine Farm For Sale. Qn the Fayetteville road, 5 miles North 01 Lumberton. About 120 acres; 40 acres cleared and under cultivation, the balance exceptionally wen timbered, there is a three-room dwelling and necessary out houses on the place. This land must be seen and carefully looked over to be ap preciated. For further information apply to T. W. Maxwell at Caldwell & Carlyle's, Lumberton, N. C, or to W. C. FISHER,, ll-5rtf Baxley, Ga. Administrator's; Notice. Having this day qualified as Adminis trator noon the esta.e of Tv.dson Willis. deceased, late of Robeson county, this is to ritify all persons. havi"g claims aga'.v t said esti .e to present same to me at my residence in the county of Robeson or to Mclntvre & Lawrojca, Lumber on. N. C, my atto .ieys, properly autheuti- cated, on or belore o euber 1st, 1007, or this notice will be plead in bar of their j recovery. All perrons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment to the unders'giied. Dated this'OcUjher 31st, 1906, S. O. WILLIS, Administrator. Mclntyre & Lawrence, Attorneys for Administrator. n-i-6thus TOWN OP LUMBERTON, UNITED STATES POST OFFICE Pure Meats ! "When you buy Meat you want to feel that the live stock was in good condi tion. I spare no pains to see that this is true with what I sell. I also carry a Select Line of Canned Goods for making Soups. I pay special attention to phone calls. I pay best Prices for Beef Cattle, Hides, Etc J j Jt A. H. Hinds, Phone 53. Land Sale. Under and bv virtue of the power con tained in a certain Trust Deed executed by A. Toon and wife, which deed is duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Robeson county, in book 5A, page 367, the undersigned will sell, at public auc tion, for cash, at the court house door in Lumberton, N. C, on Monday. Decem ber the 3rd, 1906, the following lands in K.ooeson county, is c, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the: Ivey's Bluff road with the Fair Bluff and. Lumberton roads, Timothy Britt's land at the sign post, and runs direct to Lumber River at the upper edge of the Meadow Landing; thence down and with the ede of Lumber River as it meanders to the mouth of Little Mill Branch. V4 of a mile. below the o d bridge at Griffin's Bluff, otherwise known as Princess Ann; thence up the Little Mill Branch one mile to Joe Sealy and Everett Bass' corner, thence wun vvertu juass' line to tne old Fair fluff and Lumberton roads at Stinking Branch; thence with said Fair Bluff and Lumberton oads to the beginning. The foregoing lands are the same as were conveyed by J. B. Schulken, com nrssioner, to Amanda Toon by deed re corded in book M M M M, patre 42. in the office of Register of Deeds of Robeson county, and conveyed by T. F. Toon and wife to Amanda Toon by deed registered in book M M M M. paere U2. in the office- of said registry. Excepting, however, from the opera tion of this conveyance that part of said lands above described, which have here tofore beeii conveyed bv Archibald Toon and wife, Amanda Toon, as follows: One tract conveyed by Archibald Toon and wife to Sarah K. Lawson by deed du- iy recorueu in dook u U U U, page 507, Register's office of Robeson county. By Archibald Toon and wife to Bud Hunt by deed recorded in book TTTT, page 142, in the office of Register of Deed:, of Robes n county. Ey Archibald Toon and wife to Butters Luml er Company, by deed recorded in book. i'TT T, page 347. office of Keiris- ter nf Tleirla rtf fx nitpcmi iiy Archibald loon and wile to Francis P. Britt, by deed recorded in book W W V W, page 259, office of Register of Deeds ot Robes n county. A'so one other tract conveyed bv Arch ibald Toon and wife to Hunt, ad joining the lands of Bud Hunt and oth ers, containing i acres, more or less, a particular description of which will ap pear by reference to deed which is not yet recorded. Said lands hereinbefore conveyed are not intended to be conveyed in this deed. H. S. TOON, Trustee. By McLean, McLean, & McCormick. Attorneys. October 17th, 1906. io-r8r-n-29 Administrator's Sale. North Carolina, ) In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. Robeson County In the matter of the Estate of S. R. To- Administrator's Sale. lar, deceased. Under and by virtue of authority vested in the undersigned Administrator of Sv R. Tolar, deceased, by an order of the Supe rior Couit of Robeson county, I will ex pose to sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, on Tuesday, Nov. 27th, 1906, at 1 1 o clock, a. m , at the late resi dence of the said S. R. Tolar. deceased. near Rennert, Robeson county, NorJi Carolina, the following described person al property, to-wit: A lot of corn, fodder, household and kitchen furniture, wagon, buggy, farm inj implemerts and other property be longing to the estate of the said intestate. Terms of sale, cash. This the 5th day of November, 1906. S. F. TOLAR, Administrator, of S. K. Tolar, deceased. McLtan, McLean & McCormick, Attor neys for Adjii istrator. 1 i-8-3thurs Executor's Notice. Havinr qualified as Executor of D. A. McGirt. deceased, late of Robeson coun ty, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same to the undersigned whose postoffice is Max on, N. C, R. F. D. No. 3, on or be fore the 8th dav of November, 1907, or this ncice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. N. L. SINCLAIR, Executor, R. F. D. No. 3. Maxton, N. C. ti-8-6thurs. ,