PERSONAL Cotton to-day 103-8 cents Eggs 20 cents " 1 'i ' " 1 1 1 Sheriff Floyd spent Monday in Marion, S. C. Mr. A. N. Mitchell, of Ashpole was here yesterday. Mr. John Mclntyre, ofHamlet, was here yesterpay. Mr. Wm. S- Stone is critically ill with typhoid fever- Mr. W. C. Townsend, of Lowe was in town Tuesday. C. S. Smith, of Howellsville, Was in town Wednesday. The Misses Hammond, of Row land, were here Tuesday. Mr. Hector McLean, of Max ton, was in town Monday. Mr. J. C. Smith of Howellsville was a visitor on Thursday. Mr. Hector Stephens, of Board- man, was in town Monday. Mr. Love Chasin, of Tolars- , ville, was in town Wednesday Misses Bracey, of Rowland, spent Tuesday in Lumberton Mr. Alex Barely of Red Springs, called on us Thursday Mr. M. L. Mar ley, of Lumber Bridge, was a visitor on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Stevens of the county, were in town yes terday Mr. J. W. Jernigan, of John Station, was a visitor here Wed nesday. Mrs. Grimsley, of Ashpole, was among the shoppers here Tuesday. Mr. H. B. Adams, Jr., of Laur inburg, spent Wednesday in Lumberton. Me ssrs, A. W. McLean and J. A. Barker went to Oxford Tues day morning. Mr. H. M. Brown, of Pem broke, was among the people here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Meares are visiting relatives near Burgaw, Pender county. Mr. John A. Boone, of Lum berton R. P. D. No. 6, was in town yesterday. Mr. C. M. Fuller left Monday night for Atlanta and other points on business. Messrs. G. E. Morgan and E. W. Harrington, of Marietta, were in town yesterday. Dr. R. F- Graham, of Rowland was among the out.of-town peo ple here yesterday. Mr. D. Z. McGougan, of Lum ber Bridge, was a Lumberton visitor Wednesday. Capt. W. F. Williams and Mr. J. D. Taylor, of Red Springs, were in town Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Brown, of Ashpole, were among tne visi tors in town yesterday. Mr. J. R. Bullock, of Ashpole R. F D- No. 2, was among Lum berton's Monday visitors. Mr. Thos. J. Dunn, a young attorney of Laurinburg, was in twn Tuesday on legal business. Dr. R. A. Roziar and son, of Cbipley, Fla., who visitek rela tives in this county, will return home today. Miss Lillian Meares, who has been off on a vacation, is back at her work in the clerk of the court's office. Mrs. Walter Meares, of Fair Bluff, who was the guest of her sister, Mrs- James Stephens, has returned home. Miss Minnie Edwards, who was the guest of Miss Dora Smith, has returned to her home at Rosendale. Sheriff Geo. B. McLeod at tended theSmith-McCallum Wed ding at the residence of Mr. A. D. McCallum, near Red Springs. Mr. R. L- Thomas and family are moving here from Wilming ton to live. Mr. Thomas will be superintendent of the Dresden Cotton Mills. LOCAL BRIEFS. Ladies' Broad Cloth only 75c yard at W. O. Thompson's. , The sale of personal property of the late J. S. Stone Friday brought $2,736.27. Mr. Buck HiJtard, of the Back Swamp community, fell from the banisters of a porch Monday and was quite severely hurt. The Moss Neck millpond was drawn off Thursday and lots of fun was had catching fish- There was a good lot of nsh caught. All members of the Woodmen of the World, are especially re quested to attend the important business meeting Friday night Nov. 23rd. Drs. R. G. Rozier and John Knox have rented the office at the rear of the Robeson County Loan & Trust Co. and will occu py it as an office. -Mr. D. W, Biggs has returned from Raleigh, where he went to carry Mr. J. Luther Smith, con victea 01 murder at the recent term of the Superior court. There will be a oox-supper at Barker's Wednesday evening, November 28th, to which every body is invited. Reasonable ad mittance fee; proceeds to buy paino. At the meeting of the Western North Carolina Conference, just closed at Mt. Airy, Revs. J. A. Sharpe and F. B. Noblitt were transferred to the North Carolina Conference. There will be an oyster supper at Buie Thankserivincr nitrht to which the public is very cordially nvited. The chief attraction will be the selling of a beautiful quilt with names worked on it. Rev. Z. Paris, who was receiv ed into the Western North Caro- ma Conference last week, will be located at Marion Station. He will leave for his new appoint ment in about two weeks. Mr. John A. Boone and broth er have purchased the farm of Mr. W. B. Townsend, in Back Swamp township and intend to run a dairy farm, beginning about the first of next year. Miss Isabelle Kirkpatrick, of Mecklenburg county, has accept ed a position as stenographer for the Lumberton and Dresden Cotton Mills and arrived Monday night to take up her duties. Mr. A. E. White, of the local telephone system, has arranged wiih the Government to furnish the daily weather forecasts and Mr. White will give them gratis to all the subscribers of the 'phone. The boys of the Robeson Insti tute are organizing a foot ball team and soon hope to be in con dition to play teams of the nearby towns. There is good material among the students of the insti tution, and with proper coaching and practicing they can soon put a good team on the field. The Holliness Convention, which opened yesterday and will continue until Sunday, are cap acity congreations, at every meet ing so far. Rev. A. B. Crumpler is doing all possible to make the convention a Success. About fifty liiinisters and delegates are here, partaking in the exercises. Work has begun on moving the depot of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad at Pembroke from its present site to the forks of the Seaboard ,and the Atlantic Coast Line, where it will be used by .these roads as a union depot. The new site of the depot will be where the little old Sea board box now is. Some new buildings are be'ng erected at Pembroke. The Pem broke Supply Co. is building a large storeroom, which it is ex pected will be ready for their business early in December. Tiii.sis.anew company recently organized and chartered. An w school house has just been com pleted there. CHILD BADLY HURT. Passes Falls From Cart Wheel Over Its Face. The three year old son of Mr J. P-Scott,of Wisharts township, met with a very painful,accident this morning about three miles from Lumberton. Mr. Scott was on his way to this city, with a cart loaded with produce. While not noticeing the Jittle one at tne time, it is thought the child leaned to far over the side of the cart and lost his balance as he fell head down wards almost directly under the wheel which inflicted quite severe wound across the fore head, besides scraping the skin from the side of the face Dr. Knox upon a close examr nation, stated no bones had been broken and that the little fellow, while he may bare the scars of the wound, is not dangerously injured. Rev. Mr. Durham Pounded. Nhe members of the Baptist church congregated at Mr. S Mclntyre's residence Tuesday evening and a short while after wards marched over to the home of their pastor, Rev. C. H. Dur ham, and proceeded to give him a pounding a preacher's pound ing of provisions and fruit. After the pounding was over, those present were entertained by music by the teachers and pupils of Robeson Institute. Hand Was Badly Cut. Mr. Willis Baxley, an employee of the Prevatt saw mill, met with a most painful accident Tuesday afternoon. While adjusting a piece of lum ber his hand slipped and came in contact with the large buzz saw. The whole back of his hand was severely cut, and two lingers were so badly mangled that they had to be amputated. Dr. H- T. Pope performed the operation- Twenty stitches were taken in dressing the hand. New Schedule on R and C. Commencing Monday Nov. 26, the tram leaving Lumberton for Marion, S. C, will leave at 9:45 a.m. instead 01 w-.zo a- m. . Liberty Bell Tobacco 25c pound at W. O. Thompson's. Mr. J, E. Phillips, of Rowland, was among Tuesday s visitors. Mr. Phillips is administrator of the estate of his brother, W. B, Phillips, and came on business connected with the estate. Mr. WiJlian Laurie Hill, of At- anta, who is connected with The Southern Presbyterian, is spend- ng a few days in town. He is ooking after the business inter est of the paper and has secured several new subscribers. The County Board of 4 Educa tion has brought suit against the town of Red Springs to secure, we understand,' certain fines, which it is claimed should be paid over to the county school fund. Messrs. Mclntyre and Lawrence instituted the suit for the Board of Education. ' Mr. D. W. Sherrill, of Buie, spent Tuesday in Lumberton. Mr. Sherrill has advertised his valuable farm near Buie for sale. The advertisement appears in another column of The Robeso nian. Mr. Sherrill has not yet decided where he will go, other than thao he will remove to some town with good school facilities.' With Our Advertisers. Drs. Knox and Rozier ha?e moved into their newoffict. A. Weinsttin, The King Cloth ier, can clothe you from the top of your head to the bottom of your foot. Rev. Z. Paris has some milk cows for sale. Watch John T. Biggs & Co's space. The Bunk of Rowland publishes statement of its condition. , McLen r. R zier Co , call atten tion to h.yui-pain ted china, Mr. Uoylin discusses good clocks. A horse is strayed or stole from Dili n, S. C, and a reward fo.- its return is offered. If it is a new ground plow you want call on McEachern, John son & Co., St Pauls. Mr. Nye has a good roan mare for sale- A two-horse farm, east of Ash. pole, is for sale. Don't friii to attend the Won-, derland vhile in Charlotte. J. F. Kay, Laurinburg, offers property i 1 town of Rowland for sale. Cora Lee iv;cMy w ?dmin;- tratrix of J. i Ma kle.v. D. W. Sherni lias valuable farm for sale. North Carolina Day. State Superintendent of Pub ic Instruction J. Y. Joyner has issued an urgent letter to the county superintendents of public schools insisting that they see to it that North Carolina Day (Dec. li) is observed in all the schools under their supervision and that 4 the special Mclver memorial ex ercises prepared for the day be bllowed. He appeals, too, for all teachers, children and par ents as far as possible to make a contribution on that day to the Mclver memorial fund being raised. Prizes of steel engrav ings of Dr. Mclver are to be given to ten schools in each county that give the largest amounts for this fund. "Pointers for Shooters' At the Big Wilmington Shoot held recently. Pet en" Factory Loaded Shell, in hands of iM TEl?R8 "Lyon & Simms," v,o:i i;,t and and' places in that cks. At Carolina Beach, August ,2?rd, Peter' Shells were high over all, MORAL: Get behind this kind of ammunition for trap and field shooting to obtain best results. For .ile by Leading Merchants. If yours don't haudle them write to m. N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY, 10 and 13 South Front Street 9 Water Street. Wilmington. N. C. THEBflNKOfLUNBERTON LUMBERTON. N. C. Capital and Stock Guarantee, - - $100,000.00 Total Resources, $380 943.71 Strength and Safety ;ire our Greatest Considerations. Not a Dollar lost by had loan in our career of nine years. Our Presi dent and Cashier lxrrow no money from the Bank. The fact that our Director? are Successful Business Men, Insures Safe Management. : : ; : : : : : The Bank of Lumberton, A. VV. McLEAN, Pre. R. D. CALDWELL, Vice-Pres. C. B. TOWNSEND, Cashier, J. P. STANSEL, Asst. Cashier. fliPHEX McINTYRE, S. A. EDMUN' j. g. Mccormick, Q. T. WILLIAMS, DIRECTORS: R. D. CALDWELL, C B. TOWNSEND, W. F. L. STEELE, R. R. BARNES. O. C. NORM EXT. L. H. CM.DWELL, A. E. WHITE. V. McLEAN, H. B. JENNINGS. Ve have just opened up a Tremendous Assortment of Hand Painted Chin.i, and we respectfully invite every lady in town to come and inspect this Beautiful Line. We fee! sure that you have never seen such a Magnificent Dis play of Hand Painted fioods shown in Lumberton before.. Our Christmas Line this season will b a superior one. McLEAN November 22. ROZIER CO., LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining in the Lumberton, N. C., postoffice, Nov. 19th., 1906. If not called for in one week, will be sent to the Dead Letter O fice, "Washington, D. C. Parties call ing will please say advertised. J L Fonville, S K Gaddy, Miss Maryn Gaspie, Gertrued Heny, Thos Grurerd, C J Goins, Mrs Laura N Sykes, Tiller N Le vis, 8 L Leggett, Susan Moore, W D Pope, John Reeves, Frank Russ, Bennie Thompson, Peter Smith, John Sikes, D J Smith. W G Tay lor, Mrs Dosa Willis, W A West, J A Walters, P L Walters. R. M. Norment. P. M. A Well Known Remedy. One of the ojiiest, safest and most fa- orably known remedies in the world to-day is Brandreth's Fills a blood puri fier ana laxative. Heine purely vegeta ble they can be used by old r young with perfect safety and while other reme- les require increased doses and finally cease acting altogether, with brandreth's Tills the same dose always lias the same effect no matter Iiow long they are taen. One or two pills taken ach ni-jht for a while is the best iliing known for any one troubled constipation, indiges tion, ayspepsia or any trouble arising from an impure state of the blood. Brandreth's Tills have been in use for over a century and are sold in every druj; and medicine store, either plain or star-coated. Resolutions ol Respect. Tbe members of the Women's Home Missions Society of Rowland M E. c urch, impelled by a sense of their great loss in the Lath of Mrs. Bettie Gibs n Bradley, have adopted the follow ing resolutions: Realizing that this peculiarly sad be reavement falls heaviest on onr beloved pastor, we extend 'to bim our svinpathy and pledge him our prayers that he may find comfort where comfort alone can be found in the tender love of our Heavenly Father. As a Society we wish to express our appreciation of the work done by our loved sister. Her readiness to undertake and her zeal in accomplishing cannot be too highly prosed. We feel that her service as an officer in our auxiliary have greatly forwarded the success of our en terprises. As co-workers with her in a christian organization we fee! that we have a right to speak of her fine christian life, wherein she was an example worthy for us to follow and we commend to others that life and spirit. . And still in our grief we claim the right to hold deep in our hearts the sac red joy of an assurance that her life con tinues iu that world where death never comes. That this expression of our love and respect be recorded on the minutes of our society, a copy sent to the family and one to the Raleigh Christian Advo cate and Robesonian for publication. Mrs. W. H. Graham, Mrs. W. F. Bristow, Mrs. P. H. Barnes. If DISTRIBUTING DEPOT FOR r PITTSBURGH PERFECT" FENCES, ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOR FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING. THE ONLY ELECTRICALLY WELDED FEICE. EVERY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT. The DURABLE Fence. None so STRONG. All large wires. Highest EFFICIENCY. LOWEST COST. No Wraps , 10 noia Moisture and cause Rust. "Pitobums Funo" Fkmcimi (BUodud Style.) Ibicluttly STOCK FftOF. Vt cu SAVE Y09 COKEY ea facia. CALL AND SCC IT. I I I I H H- tn-F"1 H H- - ..... . . - . - 2500 Pair Shoes, Thompson's. 15c up, at V. O. LUMBERTON MARKET. Beef fresh per pound 16 Cotton per pound 30 3-8 Corn per bushel 80 Fodder per hundred - !.2G Ham per pound 12 18 Sides " 11 12'$ Shoulders r H 11 fcSS 20 dhlckens grown 26 :)6 Chickens, fries 15 a Turkey 75-tM Butter per pound - 35 S8 Beeswax per pound ti-4 T!low per pound . Oft , Hay, per 100 pounds .- 100 For some time we have been investigating a New Idea In r Fencing. After a most careful examination we have been convinced that wj have iouud the best field fence made. Below we give some of the points of advantage which we claim for it. It You Are Looking for a Fence That will Stand Hard Usage; That will not sag down or curl over on the top; That has stays that will notfslip; " ' That will conform to uneven ground; That has no slack wires; That does not require an expert to erect; That is Low in Price Then Read What We Guarantee! 1 The stays are Electrically Welded to stranda, forming a perfect union and an amalgamation with the strands not found in any other fence. 2 No wr .ps to get loose, or ho'd moisture Sud cause rust 3 No projections to injure stock or tear wool from sheep. 4 Stronger at the joints than any other fence; welded together by electricity. 5 Guaranteed that the wi e is not injured a., the joints. 6 Guaranteed adjustable to uneven ground. 7 Guaranteed that says will not separate irom siranas. 8 Guaranteed all right in every particular. 9 Made by the most modern process and on the latest improved machinery. -""mo Most of the weak points in other fences ar on account of the way the stays are fastened. Our stavs are amalgamated with the strands by means of electricity and the strength of the fence increased ahundred fold over the strength of a fencewhere the stays are wrapped or clamped on the strands. If by this time you are interested, come and see our fence and get in your order. If 'you are skeptical come and be convinced. We add oar personal guarantee to everything claimed for it and would be pleased to submit prices. Don't f?il to see us before buying your Fencing. Don't put it off until you are ready to use it, but place your order in advance, as we cannot cary all sizes in stock. Tne MGfliiisier Hardware Go; Lumberton. N. C. .

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