THE RODESONIAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER aa, 1906. THANKSGIVING AT ORRUM. Entertainment at Stlnceon Instl tote A Cotton Platform Minor Matters. Cor esponde nc of The RobMonUn. There will be services at Bit? Branch Baptist church in the morning beginning at 11 o'clock. Services will be conducted by the pastor- - In the afternoon, there -will be a match game of base-ball be Iweon the Boardman and Orrum teams. At night an entertainment will be given to the public, in the auditorium, beginning nt 6 o'clock, after which, an oyster and fruit supper will be served in the girl's dormitory. The proceeds will go towards furnish ing the school rooms of the In stitute. Wr. Howell, of Back Swamp, and Mr. Purvis, of Ashpole, vis ited Orrum Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Baxley, of Raft Swamp, visited Mrs. Baxley's sister, Mrs. Powell Nov. 11th. Misses Pearl and Alice Will iainson, of Evergeen, Mr. Stin ceon Wiggins, of Page's Mill, S C, Mr. Bruce Edmund, of Chad bourn, and Mr. John A. Dove, of Dillon, S. C-, all students of Stinceon Institute, visited their home several days ago. Mrs. Pet Williams and Mrs. James Prink have been attend ing the meeting at Barnesville this week. The Atlanta Coast Line is erecting a cotton platform at the depot. This has been much needed for sometime. Mr. W. C. Powell's new resi dence has been completed and his family will move in this week. Mr- J. E. Spivey has moved into his new residence. Rev. I. P. Hedgepeth filled his regular appointment . Sunday afternoon. Mr. L. A. Tyner visited Mrs. R. D. Barnes, who has been ill for sometime, last Sunday. Mrs. W. N. Blackman, of Vine land, visited ber daughter, Miss Lillie, who is in school here, sev eral days last week. Mr- and Mrs. E. natters moved to Eastman, Ga., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nye and daughter, Caroline, visited Char leston, S. C-, last week. Prof. Shepherd and a number of school boys went out on a fishing expedition last week. They report quite a jolly time and besides feasting on fish while, away, they brought home a good ly number. Mr- Jacob Ivey and little daughter, Jennie, who have been visiting in Florida- A ball game between Center and Orrum took place here Sat urday, Nov. 10th. Orrum came out victorious 32 to 1. Hurrah for Orrum! Messrs. E. A. Paull, Almond Graham, and Sandy Stone "at tended the Robeson Association at Back Swamp, last week. Much success to The Robeson- ian. . Orrum, N4 C, Nov. 21st. RENNERT NEWS. Mr. Denny's Barn Burned Death Visits the Home ol Mr. Chasen I Personal Items. Corri?p ndonce of The R .besonlsn. Miss Stella Lewis is assisting the postmaster at this place. Mr. J. D- McCormick is hav ing his new house painted. Mr. V. F. McDonald and Mr. J. H. Fitzgerald attended church at St. Pauls Sunday. The sportsmen are bringing in lots of game now. The number of pupils in the nublic school has greatly in creased this week. Your correspondent made a flying trip to the Tar Heel section Saturday. Mr- J. T. Denny had the mis- CASH SALE jj I , (3SSE5BQ! run Is Still ON, and Will Continue Every Day Till November 24th. The merit and success of this Great Cutting-tn-Two of Prices is attested by hun dreds of Delighted Customers who have been fortunate enough to secure some of it.. - 1 -1 f O A t)P A TTC YITa a-a Mini fvtti Aiif nrAritliAneA fAftlatn'chinn' jtii fortune to lose hlS house ana all stock with NEW GOODS of all kinds. Every Customer can get just what tbey bis furniture bv fi re Saturday. want. We are sorry that during the pas few days we were in ihe rush unable to JJiessrs. J. m. aim x'. we can; the Bargains are yours, save money Dy securing tnem. KK.MK.MBbH. Donald went to Fayetteville on tireat underselling aaie applies 10 no special une, dui carries wiia u every I art irf in nnr stare, whirh U nnrfcwl from floor to ceiling. .. DUSiness oaiuruay Mrs. A. R. Pitman has gone to Pilot Mountain to visit her son Mr. G. L. Hall, who has been visitincr relatives at Hilizaoetn r town, has returned. Messrs. Bunn and A. M. Tolar went to Red Springs yesterday. We were sorry to learn Of the And Underwear, Dress Goods, Domestics, Prints, Perca'es, &c, in every imagable serious illness of Mr. Wm. lna- 6 56 J son's family at Tar Heel. Three ClfltMDl!. Mi. M GmOl fmMtti. ShOBS Flour, Sugar, Meat, GoIIee, and Alii Staples, Go just the same as other things. The wonderful reduction in prices is amazing and almost inconceivable, ureat array ot Ladies' wraps. GioaKs, snawis, CLEAR THE .TRACK! '' And Dr. Cdatnad the right of war, for hU Remedies hre stood the teat for twelve reera, when areiy thing elee bad felled, end hU menr frleade will beck Ma sp U eeylng UxU, Hie Greet end well-known .Remedy, e Dr. Edmund's Colic and Lung Fever Cure, If e speclfle for Collo, Gravel, Pneumonia, end ear Storasoh or Long disorders. This r rued? always relieves, end hee stood si (he front for twelve veers. It Is e Greet Bloo PnrlSer, toothe Best on the Merket, end this Remedy will Prevent And Cure Hog Choi ere. All It. Xdmunduk is for the reeder to try one bottle. Ton will then keep It on A head., 1 :v :,f- .'.,:(.'..;,;;.', ' -' Every Bottle Sold Under a Guarantee to Cure or Money Refunded. TuouMnds of Testimonials upon request. Manufactured only by DR. W. O. EDMUND. Phone 52 LUMBERTON, N. O. 3-16 16 m IF YOU GET IT AT WARD'S IT'S GOOD. SECURITY From serious throat and lung troubles depends on two thing: First, securing the right remedy; second, using it in time. We are confi dent that the remedy most certain to give prompt and satisfactory re sults in the curing of colds and coughs is Ward's Cough Cure. A FAIR PROPOSITION. You are apt to have a cold this season will want to cure it as quickly as possibl e. A cough will result and you e. We want you to try this remedy with the understanding that if it fails to give entire satisfaction you are to have your money back. Price 25 Cents. H. B. WARD, Ph. G. , Drugs of Quality. Rowland, : : : : : N. O. m in m m m n SI' At of his children have recently died and another member of his fantf ily is very sick -with pneumonia, Rennert, N. C, Nov. 20th. Oakton Neighborhood News. C orrespondence of The Robesonlan. Rev. K. Barnes filled his regu lar appointment Sunday. Mr. Alphonso Howell of Back Swamp, spent Sunday in this community. Mr. J. W. Hedgpeth, of Row land, is spending a week or two at home. Mesdames W. B. Hedgepeth and J. E. Walters are on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs- L. Z. Hedgpeth, of Rowland, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. J. F. Hedgpeth. Messrs. J. W. Hedgpeth and G. C- Atkinson were in Orrum Sunday evening- Mr. H. E. Purvis was in this community Sunday. Messrs. John Henry Purvis and Ira J. Walters went to Lum- berton Saturday- Mr. W. B. Hedgpeth visited his daughter, Mrs. Vaughan Lewis, at Barnesville Friday. Will close with best wishes to The Robesonian. Orrun, N. C, Nov. 19th. .The largest line of Xmas Goods in town will be found at W. O. Thompson's, Of Every Quality, Kind and Size, from an Infant's Slipper to a No. 12 Brogan 6,000 Pair at Marked-Down Prices. Trunks. Valises, Suit Cases, Furniture, Ca; pets Mattings, Rugs, and anything you want. We cannot name articles we ask you to come 8 ud see. We can furnish what you What, and at Bargain Prices heretofore unnamed. Remember, 1 Underselling Sale Continues Til Saturday, November 24th. W. J. Lumberton, : PREVATT, : : : : : N. Watch This Space IN The M Issue! We Have Something of Interest to tell you. JOHN T. BIGGS & CO. In McAllister Hardware Co's Old Store. Nov. 22nd. TtlEUTTLE-LONG COMPANY, From Charlotte, N. C. Head Pays Railroad Fare within a radius of 50 miles on Purchases of $50.00 or more. They handle the Best and Biggest Stock of Silks, DressTGoods, Millinery, Goat Suits, Gar pets, Jewelry, Shoes, Clothing, Children's, Ladies' and Men's Furnishings. Freight Paid on Purchases Amounting to $5.00 or More. of Mr. Clarence D. Townsend, of Lumberton, is with us and will be glad to have his Robeson County friends call. TO FOOT! That is in short what I can do for you Clothe you from the bottom of your foot to the crown of your head. It doesn't take a mint of money to go well dressed and comfortable if you buy from us. My variety and goods are all that the most particular buyer could ask for. Try a pair of A. Weinstein. ROWLAND, N. C. The King of Clothing. We are Receiving Goods every day, such as Clothing, Dry Goods. Shoes, Hats, Caps and Notions; and Ladies' Walking Jackets and Skirts, Millinery, eilk Ribbon, Etc. Just come and look through our Stock and select what you want. The Lowest Pricus and JJest Qualities. Come one, come all. Look for the Sign of WILLIAM BRICK, Rowland, ::::::::::::: N. C. Men's Fine Art Clothing ! The Lowest Prices In Town ! Marflolls Brothers have just returned srom the Northern Markets with the Latest and Largest Stock of Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions and Millinery, and all other kinds of Goods which we can't mention in this space. All we ask is for one and all to come andjsee the Largest Stock that's ever been in Rowland, and we will take pleasure in showing you our Goods, and our Low Prices will draw your attention. We will only mention a few Articles and give a few price. We sell Men's Suits from I2.50 to $18.00. Men's Pants from 50c. to I5.00. Boys' Suits from 75c to 8.oo. . Shoes from 65c to I5.00. Calicoes 4 i-2c np, and everything else accordingly. We ask everybody to come. Thanking you for your Past Patronage, we remain Yours For Bargains, MARGOLIS BROTHERS, Rowland, N.O. AT HOTEL BUILDING. OUR MOTTO : Satisfaction Guaranteed. BRICK! BRICK!! BRICK!! When you need brick apply to us for P'cm and samples. We have 800,000 on hand and are making all the time. Can furnish them in large or small lota. All our Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes are on sale at Cost Prices, and we will dispose of these lines by Christmas. A Complete Line of Groceries Kept all the Time. - Bracey-McGormick Brick Company s 7 Rowland, N. O. Men's Ties ! Men's Men's Ties! Ties ! You Will Find At BRACY'S STORE The Kind You Want We bought from a Special Neckwear House, and they Know and Make the Beqt and Latest Styles out There you can be Suited in a Nice Tio and Almost Anything in- g uents rurmsiiiiiirs. g a- Polite attention given to all J. McR. BRACY, THE LITTLE-LONG COMPANY. KING CLOTHIER. Lumberton, N. O. ROWLAND, - - - - - N. C.