Country. CrOfl ,-i'1 Trvjrh SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS TOL. XXXVII. NO 82 LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY. DECK M BE R 31. 1PCG. WHOLE NO. 2209 r. T A H LISH F; i ) 1870 At the Beginning of the NEW YEAR! We wish to thank the people of Lumberton and surround ing country for their very lib eral patronage given us during the year just closing, and we hope by fair and liberal deal ings, to merit a continuation of your good will. P 1 B El S B) H Si Lumberton, N. C la Real Estate Transfers. A. J. McGeacby et als to R. K. and 0. IL Lewis, tract of land in Robeson county; consideration, $10. Geo. D. Yeakel to Q. T. Wil liams, tract of land in White House township; consideration, Si 00. R. R. Prevatt and wife to E. H Prevatt, tract of land in Britt's township; consideration, 10. John l'arker ana wile totiaty Bullard, tract of land in Robeson County; consideration, t'0- Hiram McPhaul et ux to Jar vis C. Mallett. tract of land in Red Springs township; consid eration, $S. R. L. Welch and wife to A- C. McCormick, tract of land in Park ton township; consideration, S2,"0. Martin McKinnon to A. I). Black et al, tract of land in'Ked Springs township; consideration, -!. .J. I. Wiggins and wife to Hec tor -Mcl,!Mii tract of iand iu Max Ion township; consideration, .-?!,()( n. A. P. McKinnon and wife to ',). (I. Mill, tract of lund in Max I on township; eonsideration, "oi. i IGough, tract of land in Lumber j ton township; consideration, 1 '2T. Rev. Eli Walker to Kvander Me business, with a capital stock of $-00, 000 the two combined mak ing a capital of something like Neill. tract; of htul in Red Springs I half a million dollars lor which township; consideration, 3M. i Wilmington will be the bas of Alfred Merrick and wife to eirutions. The officer of the Candace Houston, tract of land j latter company are 'A. W. White in Lumberton township; conoid-! head, of Wilmington, president; eration. 10. j C J. Cooper, of Fayetteville, M rst Trustee Union City Hih School , vice president; Martin McKinnon, to C B. Thompson, tract of land i of Red Springs, second vice p res in White House township; con-'idem, and R. F- DeVano. s' re sideration, 4o.40- . tary and treasurer; with the fo! lowing board of directors; Z. W i Whitehead, R. l DuVane, A- J. Concern for Development ot Tim- j M' Kinno:i, C J. Cooix-r, Martin ber Lauds Robeson Business McKinnon, V. H. Chadhourn, l. Men Interested. j W. McKeithan, George H. Bellamy Wiim1!M-,, i.ispat.-.,. ,'and Jackson Stanland- A syndicate has just been i Along the line of the proposed formed here with a capital stock j rairo-acl the company owns in of more than a quarter of a mil- j fue sjmpi,. several thousand acres as thej0f tju c)icest trucking .lands in all Kastern Xorth Carolina which ars to he subseq ucntly developed. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. . W. MclMB. A. McLean . J. (i. M; Cormlk. Mclean, um & xccormick, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, r-UMRRRTON, - N C. Jffices on 2nd floor of Bank of Lum berton Building, Rooms 1, 2, 8, A 4 rompi attention given to all buslnec BIG SYNDICATE FORMED lion dollars to be known Town Creek Railroad and Lum ber Company, for the develop ment or one. ot the largest aim ; rju;s ! j:,. , ..( 4.:. ..i :.. uiioi uuuii'.s- oi. i.inu oijj, i',asio rn iortn Carolina cmrii.v : y a virgin forest into which the woodsman's uxe has never be.n stuck- The o Hirers of th" coin puny are K. i'. DeYane, lied Springs, j.i'i sitl. u: A. .1- Me I depart nii'iit wdl bi nersomil su pervishui Chad bou rn, o H rub M f this cit v. CHAS. B. SKIPPER, Attorney at Law, U MBKRTON. ... N. C. All hn-.iaesB entrusted to him will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Office in first National Bank Building ver Post Oilic E. M. BRITT, Attorney at Law, LUMBKRTON, N. C. Office upstairs in Argus Building. All business promptly transacted. Mclntyre & Lawrence Attoitieys .-iml Counselors at Law, .r'.UBKkTON, : : N. C. (ico. 15. MeL.od and wife to ; Ki.inon, laxion, vice ;ii '.lames D- Proctor et als, tract of i Vv . mthei-d, : ilininti-n, land in Lumberton township; ! secretary a.nd. treasurer; tin lirUllSVVICK i of W'i, miut an.i '.viiili- -. rs'h , Ulioii !";roposiiions wili thus be ft ii 4 -yr Tar yw a 1 he INew Hospital J b"ard oi" directors consist. in' o R. F. B.'Vane, A. J M(-! illllOil, (The Lumberton Sanatarium.) My New Hospital is now ready and open for the reception of all non-contagious dis eases. I have a Corps of Competent Nurses anci a Well-Equipped Hospital in all Respects. Am also prepared to give ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. Any information as to prices, etc., will be furnished on application to me. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PROPRIETOR, Lumberton, :. : : : N 0. TO SEE THE COLLECTION OF Christmas Goods GO TO GAYLORD S STORE. We have received lots of new things this week, especially a very fine line of wag on", both large and small, We have wagons large enough to hitch a small pony to, beautifully made and nicely painted and strong enough to haul anything on at $ 7.50. Also a nice line of new automobiles in different sizes from . $4.98 To $8.50 Each. Rubber Tire Velocipedes, Nice Goods, from $3.00 to $6.00 Each. A splendid assortment of ga t es, paint seta, presses, doll carriages, go-carts for dolls as well as children, rocking horses, writing desks, manicure and toilet sets, siWerware and toys of every description. Christmas cards, souvenir cards, writing pads. A nice line of Christmas handkerchiefs; a beautiful assortment for both la dies and gentlemen; kid and silk gloves Our Christmas display is on the ground floor of our big store. An assortment equal to it has never been shown before in this city. Every one is delighted who comes in this store. The littla folks are specially de lighted to see the pretty things. Everything is on exhibition and no one allowed to handle the goods and everything is nice and clean. Remember the placa that gives you value. " j consideration, Sirouo. ! Isji-ir- I i I-:, I ii 1 - !ind wil'p til Mi i linUrahaui. tract. of iand in Uurnt j Martin McKinnon, '.. W. Wl.ito Sv.-a:nj) township; consideration, j li' ad and (J. J. Coopor. The 117.rl. 1 company has boon quietly but li. V. Liverinore and wife to j effectually buying timber in Melinda Locklear, tract of land j Hrunsv. ick county now for more in Roheson county; considera-1 than a vear, beginning with the tion, XS.'A) Alfred Merrick and wife to Town ' 're Gaylord's Store on Front Street. Wilmington, N. C. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH IF YOD ' GO TO S. WEINSTEIN & SON For Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Dry Goods. Next Door to the Fostoffice, ASHP0LE, N. C. John li. 1'urceli, tract ofland in Lumberton township; consider ation, $40. James Johnson and wife to Win. J. Johnson, tract of land in St. Pauls township; considera tion, $:soo. Fannie McNelly to Gaston D. Floyd, tract of land in White House township; consideration, $225. H. E. Thompson to Frank El lis, tract of land in Wisharts township; consideration, $50. Elisha Cox and wife to Benj. Cox, tract of land in Robeson county; consideration, $125. Ii. C. Lawrence to Beaufort County Lumber Co., tract of land in Lumberton township; con sideration, $700. A Toon and wife to liobbin Toon, tract of land in Sterlings township; consideration, $10. J. II. Warwick et al, to town commission, tract of land in Britt township; consideration, $15. C. B. Thompson and wife to Sarah L. Pitman, tract of land in Wisharts township; considera tion, $100. M. R. Baggett to J. C. Cope, tract of land in Red Springs township; consideration, $325. Robt. McLean and wif$ to the Red Springs towuship, tract of land in St. Pauls township; con sideration, $297.60. Vicey Lowry to Sandy McAr thur, tract of land in Burnt Swamp township; consideration, $80. W. A. Munn to F. P. Munn, tract of land in St. Pauls town ship; consideration, $450- E. D. McNeill et ux, to Paul Britt, tract of land in Britt town ship; consideration, $800. Oscar Britt and wife to town of Orrum, tract of land in Britt township; consideration, $60. Geo. B. McLeod et al, to Nellie M. Parmele, tractof land inLum-l berton township; consideration, $500. J. D. Harrell and wife to M. H. Monroe, tract of land in Lum berton township; consideration, $45. Candace Houston to Frank purchase of the Gibson mi!! and timber holdings at -Town Creek, where they now ha ' a large double-decked sawmill in opera tion with "a daily capacity of'!0, 000 feet, with planing mills, dry kilns, shingle mills, etc. To furnish the public with some idea of the company's" im mense holdings, it is said, that beginning at a point four miles west of Wilmington, starting with and includingthe John Wil der Atkinson tract on Jacks Creek the company owns a solid body of timber approximately seventeen miles long, two and three miles wide in some places and contains by actual measure" ment over one hundred million feet of standing timber, pine and cypress, besides anywhere from j twenty to thirty million feet of j hardwoods suc h ss oak, ash, pop lar and gum. This entire body of timber is penetrated by a standard gauge railroful, twelve miles of which is now7 in opera tion, from Town Creek south in the direction of Lock woods Folly, with twelve miles more under construction from Town Creek to Wilmington. It is expected to have the line between Town Creek and Wilmington completed and and in opperation by July next. When this shall have been done the company will extend its line from Town Creek to South port or Lockwoods Folly, Shal lotte and little River, S. C, or possibly both if sufficient encour agement isgiven theprojectbythe people among whom the proposed line will pass. Tbe adoption of the latter route would mean much to Wilmington, as it would empty into the lap of this city a wealth of resources and commerce from a vast domain of territory cover ing several thousands square miles today without any railroad facilities whatever. The same interests that own and control the properties of the Town Creek Railroad and Lum ber Company, together with some additional outside capital, have organized the Wilmington, Burnswick and Southern Rail road for the management and conduct of the railway end of the oiinty is to, I ay one on Vs b 'si t'eedo-.s. are !"!: i t atm' our the vc'oiiic ii-.t.-! li'.v; i;.'.'i.i-' ir -.. ;:! ' 'int. the ';Tly Oi t : Wi llis 01' ti)C liaiiiviasl and Lumi- r( oniuaiiv, tootlior with that of the Miming -ton. Brunswick and Southern Railroad hoids ul even grenT,,r things t the eity for our upbuilding and . future prosperity. Q President of Pennsylvania Hail road Dead. Alexander J.Cassatt, President of the Pennsylvania Railroad, died of heart failure at his home near Philadelphia Friday. Mr. Cassatt was one of the most remarkable railroad men oi' the present day and the way lu has built up the great Pennsyl vania system has shown to the world the greatest railroad in the world, his system being surpass ed only by the"Great Northern. " Mr. Cassatt was educated at the Troy Polytechnic Institute and Heidlebery University; Ger many. Upon his return home he went into the railroad service as a rod man in 1851, in 1867 he be came superintendent of motive power and machinery and in 1?7 became general superintendent of the Pennsylvania system. From that time on his rise was very rapid and in became first vice-president. In 1WM2 he I resigned and did not again hold any position, until he was elected president, 180 Mr. Cassatt be gan his railroad career in the engineering department and never lost his interest in that branch and the planning and starting the great New York city tunnel' system for the company was due to him. Mr. Cassat had resided in Philadelphia many years, and his fami'y had been very promi nent socially in that city. He leaves a fortune of about $75,000,- 000 BRITT, E. J. ATTo ' NKY AT I,.v , i.ii.iii. rl!.!j, N. C. Mac ov.-c -'-; Pra Sir R. C. PARVIN, Contractor and Bnllder. Lui!il)trtoa, N. C. PUni. Speciric.-itiuna ,iad Pries fum iiel on application. McLean & Black, Attornkvs at Law, M AXIOM. N. C. Office on 2ui floor McCfisknl BuiMicj;, Knorns 6-8. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SURG MOV, Lumberton, : : t : N. 0. Office ;it Hospitnl, Phone No. 4r. Down town ollicc at Pr. McMillan's Drujj Store. 1'ln.nt- No. 75, K.T AU.KN K. Ii. Oahthbiry Drs. Allen & Castlebury, Dentists, LUMBERTON, N. C. jffice over Dr. McMillan's Drag Store. DR. J. D. REGAN, DENTIST, Lumberton, - - N. 0. Jtfice in Shaw 'milding, over Pope'j drug sunt . A serious race trouble oc curred at Wahalak and Scooba, Miss., the first of the week. Sunday, in trying to quelladis tarbance among negroes on a traiD, Conductor Cooper was cut after which he shot and killed one negro and wounded another. Thio caused an uprising among the negroes and troops were rushed to the scene The trouble was about over when they got there. Just hov many lives were lost is a matter of doubt, but it seems a half dozen or more ne-grre-i were shot or lynched and two white men were killed. One of the white men was a consta ble, who was killed while trying U make an arrest. The other was a railioad conductor named Harrison, wh was fired on t"rn ambush. Dr. F. H. PITMAN, DENTIST. Ash pole, n. c Or. R. B. BECKWITH. Physician and Surgeon, Offers his 3er vires to t tie people of Lum berton ind surrounding country. Office in je McLwxl Building. Phon Vo. 6. Can be fonni) at nisrht at residence former ly occupied by Mr. George M. Whitfield. Dr. R. G. Rozier, D. John Knoc. Drs. Rozier & Knox, Physicians and Sargeons, Office at rear of Robeson County Loan aud Trust Company. ARCHIE COLLINS, ASHPOLE, N. C. Contractor and Builder and Dealer in Builders' Supplies. Special Attention Given to all Applica tions. ft Ttilno Ot Beauty is ft Joy Forever. Onr Photograph are Beautiful and Life like, finished in the most up-to-date styles Come and see onr work. We make Fami ly Groujies. V.chs Ktc. Come while th reather is jilewwini ""d bring the littla tons. E. J.3 WAITS, LUMBERTON ART.STUDIO. Over Poce's Drug Store. , , 1 v Dr. W. A. McPhaul, Physician and Surgeon, Ashpole, N. C Office Phone. No. 5. Res. Phone Na. Night calls answered promptly.

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