- u r'yyvt y'y : - S s ; i . t.- $ .-- iTABLISKEO1870. , Country, God and Truth. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENT8 v OL. XXXVII, NO 98 , LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, JANUARY 31. IPG7 WHOLE NO. 2222 , .. - ; I i f - iff: 1Qns ;" y2A V8 sf Boylin's J8walrjf C3? 12.50. We are still selling- ) 8 Size 17 Jewel W" alth am and Kl?ia Watches, in Fatty's Screw B & B 20 year Case $12.50. :::::: OLD FORK GLEANINGS. If ia nrtftd of a Watch you will make a mistrrke not !s tS.k rt.dvantafe; Of this l I once spent a winter Low 'Price for a GOOD v A T(Jb. : : : : : : Store, L:J- eee " a- ---------- . r... : , It Oust ! A Sojourn In West Virginia In the Sixties An Old Veteran Favors a Bill to Relieve Veter ans ol Taxation News Items. Correspondence of The Robeonln. What a blessing it in these cokl icy days to have plenty of pond oak wood, and fat light wood, with tarry splinters, which are ready to blaze up with a touch. This is one among few luxuries which the country folks yet enjoy and which wo have tree ot expense, save lor the cutting and naulinsr. in South .VTest Virginin, in the Squire's native home; the weather, was intensely cold un in those moun tain., and I wxts in despair, when I found that nothing a l iu to lighwondt was known in that country, and wood was the solo dependence for lires. It was be- to their poor old hearts that their services to the couutry had fi naJly met with deserved recog nition from their countrymen, lhe Pension bill, while its inten tions are goon, is yet bound up by such rigid restrictions as to benefit only a very few, whereas i:i my humble opinion every sur v i vu r of the ' 'Los t Oa u se " d a r i n g the brief remainder of their lives -merit some degree of reward t'rou! their common country. "Aunt FWky." The Eagle Furniture and Carpet Co., Lumberton, N. 0., Has decided to sell at COST, their whole entire line of China and Glassware all new designs. We make this offer because we must have more room to display a more Complete Line o! Musical Instruments. Give us your Christmas order for House Furn ishings and Musical Instruments. DO NT FORGET To cairon us. Ask our PricesCompare Quality. EAGLE FURNITURE AND CARPET CO. Dec. 20th. Solid Gold Scarf Pins! X 000 Something-that you will not be ashamed to wear your self or to give your best friend. A Big- Assortment Just Received, and the Prices are Low, as compared with the Quality of the Goods. Everything bought from us we Guarantee Mclean - bozier go, iru 11 FE By purchasing the right kind of ILIZERS T We will handle some of the kinds that will briny prosper ity to your homes by increasing your yield per acre. We don't mean to say by this that there are not others just as good, but we will carry a full line of High Grade Fer tilizers this season, and would consider it a pririlege to have the pleasure of serving you in this line. : : : : : J. Rowland, Yours Respectfully, c RACY- N. C. THe GroEl! sanatorium 'GompanyJi (!ucorpore?ecl) ;. FOR THE rporeteti) OF Whiskey, Morphine ami Nervous Disease, and odiorVlect capn neediiiy R .ii Atorimu care and tn-ntrtieut aw.iy fr irt Uo::i , ;iwd old envir nut-nis. Vio!oiu irrsuue .ni.l consumptive cases nt rcc?iv...t :M-d nu'iital c;is s tuny be accepted but at dmg et uble orus not. . ' G. L. RE, B. S., M. D., Associate Res. Physician, Secrela'ry-Treay.uer. iy aii' l-'Jeut. 12-20 fore keroseneoil had cone into common use, and I speculated atn rst, as to how they would start tires; but after the first day or so, the problem was solved. The generous tire places were kept filled with wood, and kte in the evening, were heaped with logs to their full capacity, which fur nished by morning a bed of glow ing coals upon which a hand-full of dry oak, or hickory chips beingthrown, were soon fanned to a cheerful blaze, and I sdon grew accustomed to the absence of pne wood, so far as warmth was concerned, -but always missed the cheerful glow of the! ruddy light after night fall. On that visit, which was during the latter fiO's. I met a brother of our gallant Confederate Cavalry Gen eral, J. E. B. Stuart, and saw the beautiful grey horse, from which the brave owner was shot and killed. I also passed through Saltville, in Washington county and saw the natural salt works. made famous during the war, for the manfacture of much of;tfi$ It J - . 1 i71 il CM f salt usea in ine oousnern orates. The Yankees made several futile attemps to capture thess impor tant works, and as I passed along, I saw a dismantled can non, and other vestiges of a bat tle fought near by. In those days that section of country was comparatively un developed. Railroads almost un known, and the face of the coun try so rough and rugged, as to make travel very uncomfortable, and almost dangerous- The roads admitted of no vehicles less stur dy than wagons, and I was told there was not a buggy in the country. I am quite sure I saw none, aijd I rede SO miles on horse back from the depot in one day, and over a mountain at that, with my fourteen month's old baby girl in my arms, a feat I have often wondered at since that time. But the scenery was beau tiful even in mid-winter, the majestic mountain peaks, vast gorges, precipitous rocks, anu the bold, rushing little streams, with water clear as crystal, turn bling along over the rocks, and showing beds covered with tiny pebbles, while the rich verdure of spruce pine and cedar peeped out along the mountainside, from. their glistening white garments of snow and iee. Well, I have wandered off into the long ago, which is far more interesting to me, I dare suy, than to your readers, whom I hope may excuse an old lady's digression. Local items here a bouts are very meager this week, I guess the cold weather is keeping folks in-doots. The 'Squire is improving some, but not so rapidly as we would wish. Mr. David Stubbsalso is better. Miss Kate Uamer, of Rowland, is at present visiting friends and Relatives in the Pork. Mr. N. McCall, of McC.-dl, S. C, was in this section Saturday afternoon on business. Miss Miiuu Stuart, of John Station, spent some days l ist week with her uncle, Mr. Don ald Stuart and family. 1 had a message from an M veteran recently, V the elf . . .. -. i . ... . i until ne wiinieti uu; l wn'.f .titter to the county rc:r lives in m- Ljegisluture roqi:-si mil liietn to introduce a um r lieving the veterans ol r.tx;i :(; I would l)' glad ol mjcu a m -msi, ! 'Vlli.'il W ',lid lc 'i:i., '. :, r,' , !-! to r.t ii..., ' would also carry the Work ol lhe Lecjl.:ature. A bill was introdm-:d in thu Senate Monday to ijrevent the 1 Z,, i- . ..... miuiaciiiie i:iiu in.' 01 ilUUltor- ati-'d paint: Also to incivase number of judicial districts to 20, inaS-iing increase of four judges and lour solicitors. The bill of Graham defining the rithts of passengers in en tering and leaving cars and re quiring railroads to provide suit a ble arrangements for steps, was discussed and laid on the table. Iu the House Monday bills were luirouueea: 10 require banks holding deposits of State to pay interest thereon: Bills passed final reading to empower town constables to execute pro cess as other officers; to extend the time for committing, com promising and settling the State debt: to appropriate $20,000 ad ditional for Jamestown Exposi tion. The most important bill intro duced is that of Koonce, of Ons low, regarding fire insurance.and that of Gordon, of Guilford, re garding railway passenger fare and baggage One of Koonce's bills provides that when fire in surance companies demand from a policyholder a decrease of risk, a like decrease in the rate shall follow his other bill, rebates to the co-insurance clause in policies and practically prohibits this provis ion.. Gordon's bill provides for a m aximum passenger fare Tate of 2i cents on all roads where the gross earnings per mile report ed in 1905 amounted to $l,400,and allows 200 pounds of baggage for each passenger. On all roads where the earnings in 1905 were less that $1,400 per mile the max imum rate is fixed at 3 cents The bill further provides for sep arate cars for the two races, but for only one class of fare. The corporation commission is given authority to reduce fares at any time when such necessity is ful ly established, after hearing be fore it. The following bills were intro duced in the Senate Tuesday: To provide for the erection f a fireproof building 'for the State library and the great collection of relics in the Hall of History; lo increase the power of minori ty stack holders in electing boards of directors of corporations; To erect on the site or the present agricultural building and Su preme Court building, a building containing suitable offices fori the executive and judicial depart ments, State museum and hall of history and records. A biil passed third reading to require high schools and colleges hav,iug tifty or more boadmg pu pils to have a night watchman. Bills passed final reading: To amend the Revisal regarding license of attorneys by requiring thereof whenever practical in this or foreign countries. "Section 2 That said depart, ment shall be authorized in the interest of desirable immigra tion to employ agents at such points in this or aay foreign country, as it may deem expe dient or desirable. "Section li That the agent or agent herein authorized be em powered to make such arrange ments with steamship companies nid emigration airencies Hull we have in our country and abroiil is may best serve the interests ofourpeopk in bringing desir able immigration to iho State. Necessary expenditures being made within the annual appro priation herein provided for this purpose; provided, nothing here in shall prohibit said agent or agents acting without fee as agent of such citizens of the State as through the department of agriculture, immigration an statistics, who wish to meet the excess expenses o f bring ing ..desirable immigrants fo their farm or other lands or for any industrial purpose of what ever nature. aection 4 mat tne ooard o agriculture is hereby empower ed and directed to set aside from the funds of the department, for expenses and the conduct of this division of its work, $10,000 an nually. 'Section 5 That efforts to se cure immigrants shall be confln ea to tne unitea states and abroad to persons of Anglo-Sax on, Teutonic or Celtic origin. Section 6 That this act shal oe in lorce from and after its ratification." Laughinghouse asked leave to introduce a bill, saying it bad been prepared by the corpora tion commission in answer to tbe following letter signed by fifty members of the Housa? Yoiirare' requested to inform us what additional powers you deem it necessary the Legisla ture should confirm upon vou for the more efficient discharge of your duties and to submit the same in the shape of a statute, supplementary to the law ere ating your commission." The following is the text of the bill: "That Section 1066 of the Re visal beamended by adding: 'And to require all transportation and transmission companies to estab lish and maintain all such public service facilities as may be rea sonably just-' Sec 8. That Section 1907 of the Revisal be amended by ad ding: 'To require when practi cable and whem the necessities of the traveling public in the judgment of the commission, de mand that1 any railroad in this btata shall install and operate one or more passenger trains and also require any two or more railways intersecting to make connections at such points, pro- rvided no such order shall be made unless the business of the road justified it. The commission is, from time to time, to carefully examine into and inspect tbe condition of each road.equipment and management regarding pub lic safety and convenience, and if found unsafe the commission to at once notify and require the PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Wale Wishart, D. T. Shmw. Wishart & Shaw, Attorneys at Law, U-Mr,KRTON', ... V. . All biwinrss entrusted to us prontptf) attended to. Office in Shaw'Buildinfj. t. a. McNeill, Attorney at Law. LUMIlBRTOV. N. C. Wii! (.ractice in all the Courts. Busi ness atii'iided to promptly. A. Mci.rnn. A.W. MeLesa, J. O. McCormiek. MUl MUt & KcCOSUCK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ..rtMBKRTON. - N C Jfflcet on 2nd floor of Bank of Lom berton Building, Rooms 1, 9, 8, A 4 'ruuipt attention givea to all btudnesa CHAS. B. SKIPPER, Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, - - - N. C. All business entrusted to him will re ceive prompt and careful attention. Office in First Natiowd Bank Building ver Post Office E. M. BRITT, Attorney at Law, LUMBBRTON, N. C. Office npstairs ia Argus Building. AH business promptly transacted. Mclntyre & Lawrence Attorneys and Counselors at Law, vDMBBRTON, : : N. C E. J. BRITT, ATTORNEY AT IAW, Lnmberton, N. C . . Office orer Pope's Drug Store. R. O. PARVIN, Contractor and isnlldcr. Lumberton, N. C Plans,, Specifications and prices fan ned on application. F. L. BLACK, Attosnbv at Law, MAXTON, N. C. Office on and floor McCaskill Buildinsr. Rooms 6-8. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lnmberton. : :. : : N. 0. Office at Hospital. Phone No. 41. Down town office at Dr. McMillan's Drug Store. Phone No. 75. applicants to give certificates of fcompany to make repairs. good moral character and arove ec- y- That Section 1006 of this to the satisfaction of the the Revisal beamended by insert Dr. R. T. ALLEN, Dentist, LUMBERTON, N. C. the- over Dr. McMillan's Drug Store. DR. J. D. REGAN, DENTIST; LOMBEBTOS, - N 0- Fr tn Shaw '-wiWing, over Pope's To allow full pension for loss of an arm and a leg. The general bill for the relief of sheriffs and tax collectors al lowing them to collect back taxes. To give the corporation coin mission authority to com pel . .al ways to provide depots or na tions in less than live mi!e. of each oilier iu certain cases. To permit cities and towns to conde.nn lands for cemeteries und'.:r certain conditions. i A report has been asked on I the following Dill: I "Section .1 That thu depart j ment of -agriculture, immigration I -and statistic, prepare and : ..", j li.: uiiriouu'iii ill! 'V-rt.'.-Ns t.-y .1 ' formation as to 111111. s, uiine! ; i oils, cii mutes, -''..Li-.-.-,, --X, . ; oilers', ti-.ierios, :tn!:;: sins. ; dustries and ail ih.:r such in Dr. F. H. PITMAN, DENTIST, Ash pole, n. c assur.ince in 'LIS, V I' in ;'!- tei .tu vei'i ise att.r.ic" 10:1s u'iii ad v .iitag-'s iieh S rty i.'aroi.n;; ; ffords to im.n -gra.iits, a d s ial make illustrative trie exposikou the words 'anu delivery," and after the word "telegraph" the word 'company," and by strik ing out the remaining part of said section and inserting: "And to make just and reasonable rates for telephone rentals and furnishing telephonic communi cations by any company or cor poration. Sec. 4. That Section 1110 of the 'it,evisal be amended by in sorting after the word person in the iirst line the word or com j) unity and byNnsertiug alVr tne word discrimination in the! second line the v.ords or Uojusl and u-.ireasonatiie r.itf', d by wading to tiie s-.K-tion: Tne cor ;.oi,ition co'irniissioii shall have .'. ULiior: y t-o e!iiji iy couu vvtieii ver any of its judg.'.i.-ri' necessary utid counsel soeiupl I'd shall be pnnl an.Asuch fee may b a-.; - eeu up-.n- t .em a itporuven by tin; tiovernor. c .) I'ii t Min se f -n '.), N'C' -.Au, of the lii-visal, o- pealed. , , Ct. R. B. BECK WITH Physician and Surgeon, ffera his services to the people of Lnm berton &nd snrronnding country. Office in ae McLeod Buildiag. Phcn 7?. 6. Can be found at night at residence formerly occupied by Mr. George M. WfaitfieM. i- y- f Dr.'R. G. Rozikr, Dk. John Knox. Drs. Bozier & Knox, Physicians and Surgeons, Office at rear of Robeson County Loan and 1'r'ist Company. AROHIiS COLLiNb, ASOPOLE, N. C. Contractor a ul Builder and Dealer in Buii'l'-rs' .Supplies. Special Atte.ii.ion Giver 10 all Applies- Dr. w A. McPbaiu, Paytsltiaa and r.-.wt, A-!tpa?e, ':V. . Night ctUs uuswvrvu. iu"U.puy. 1 Mi 1 ,Af-