f'W'.t;;,.-!--'i'':t..'.-f.- .3. "N fUE RFMT-WEB a.Y f OBSONIAN. 1 rO THE ROBEfSOIA N VABUSHKP TCK.SHAYS AWV FRUAY BY ROBESON1AN PUBLISHING CO P. A. BRYANT, Bus. Mar JI'BWRirTlON RATES: 11.80. 1 Monthd J hn Month Op Wonth 75 40 .15 i j ordr(nf th 1r1reM of hi pRprch-3fd S"riher in o aid rt th danm to wh'ch h Wn going. nd the nw addreM With W'ire o1oltlon tht It bag. The ftr.nian 1 first-rls advertising medl ui RatM wl'l h furntataed pror ptly to M-nnrjectlYr dTerUw r. The naprr want to fair to correspondent and will irl mem aa inurn lainuur n think nubile policy will permit. are not wpo"iri!e for the views of any corresooud aat. We require that a writer tga hla na- e Mi a eomtrtonteation uttaektnr gome one else r an Institution. In publlshlrg articles Where the name of the writer m not reqmren to ba published, we reaerre the right, for goad rfcaaoa. to (Tire the name when asked tor. THUKSDAY, FEBRUARY 14 iw SAMPSON COUNTY'S SHORTAGE. The grand jury of Sampson county Monday returned indict ment against A. W. A man. for mer Republican sheriff of the county, for embezzling State and county funds; also against the former board of county com missioners for turning over tax books of the county to Aman without settlement for previous year and for failure to require him to give school fund bonds; also against present board of county commissioners lor fail ure to require ihe present treasurer to give school fund bond. Aman made an assignment the latter part of last month and disappeared. The shortage is about $45,000 with $10,000 or $15,000 uncollected taxes to be deducted. Sampson certainly had confi dence in her otlicers not to re quire bonds and not to keep some kind of check on her Sheriff We believe that every county should have an auditor to g-o over tne doors ana ac counts of ils officers. Tiere is no corporation or private en terprise that would leave it all . 1 i 1 1 . 1 to confidence in it.- tmuWes ; l - and why should a county expected to do it. ... 7 , i Mr. D. C. Sinclair, of h,hy.a- I DethtOWll.tlie capi.al ol iiiacjcn : county, who is spndina few aavs "ere, dsscrictl ester.ia- ! 1 1 1 . .. 1 that his.is the be,t county in TTT the otato. v e haw a'xuit $37,000 in our ttvasurv and; not an inmate in ur ciiiiaiv home or jai'.exc p; one Tniled States prisoner." Tnat is a; nice record, ne'eed, and one' .that Hiaden siiould be proud of. If Robjson had the same; comiition of affairs he would have some mean rascals at i lare. Iii our jail nov- are - seven inmutes -lirfl; crimi-; nals, two United .Stabrs prison-, ers and two demented. On the ( chain fjfanof are about 28 con victs. The county is cariiio; lor ten ueservmo- inmates at ' M-"r-P j,nm i. the county home. j Major Andersen, who knows 1 every circus man in the UnFed It is tune something aS:Stat0S) has ri.coi,ei, .vine done to better the sorry mail i nelliKer.ee that a show ; is on th. service, that we are now having. way to Monroe. Yostorday Iv It is almost a oaily occurence walked into The Journal office that we have only jtart of the and made this announcement: mail due u, from north and! "Hoys, a show is heading this et of Hamlet. . . now what t'ie tr.mpie is but it slionkl be remedied. It is eitOUP-l'to have the iVeiiiht (ie- laytidtwiu' we are to have a dbm if mail service il i-, awtu h to t manv oi rscriber svvij Jesptoiu cWpiO ;o V 1 o s o 'J .f no, C3t V2esarie'.in. 1 In e r i 'om and ulwe Si for tUvigfrf"f&&,M CQ Passing, of 'The Kcjto OhRli'tte Ohrolitrle. It is snowinsr. A man has a woodpile, hut be can't find a ni er in town to cut it. The steam saw does all that sort of work now, but it is busy elsewhere A real estate agent had a "load' of wood dumped at his door yes terday. Twenty-six chunks com posed the load. It cost him a dollar. He was on the lookout for a boy to come along with whom he might negotiate tor the carrying of the waod upstairs into his office. One came. "Will you tote that wood up for ten cents?" asked the real estate man. "Naw," was the com temp tuous reply of the boy, who scarcely stopped to look at the pile, all of which could have been placed on a lire in an old fashion ed chimney and not have ade the old folksj sit very far back, either. Well, this goes to show how times have changed. Tke furnace in tke basement has knocked the nigger out. Ihe house resounds like a boiler shop and hisses like a locomotive at r.ist while steam is being raised and the deuce, is to pay when the furnace goes wrong, which it has a way of doing at the very time when it ought not to do so. A man is just as liable to wake up frozen as boiled, any morning. The weather we are having is oldtime weather, all right, but it is shorn of its old-time enjoy ments. Life is not what it was. Instead of the bang of the steam pipes, give us the snuffing noise of the negro boy as he comes into the room with an armful of wood, iks it in the fireplace, puts the "kindling." undi?r it, and soon a tire Crackling merrily, while in the kitchin Dina has the pork sausage and the hominy and the lot biscuits and the home- churned butter redely for the i ones coming. backward, luru backwatjd, O Time iu your flight, . 1 Give usour nigger just once for to. mght. Large Per-Cent Adulterated. Mirsliville Our Ho:ne. Not long ago an expert chemist obtained from manulacturers and lKlu)1' Uy",ers :U1 0V,M til' ITT . 1 11. . 1 P A I tnueu ataies samples 01 uioir 1 I h:'St, hrnndr of whislfcv not : cheaj) whiskey, but . thfir iiiiiest I priced bra .ids. A careful t.nal v-1 . - t vu m - r,n j . .... h1 1 best" honors revealed tlli- fact! tljilt ):, p.,r t.ont wt.,.(. ;uluitera . 1 turns ti:it, W!M-e rvisrmons ,ie m !J jurious. If "ihe b-sr" liquors ! 1 . show that Kind id record, wotit COUld ou O.Vprcl of I'd'UiU'V eneap tvt.iie lii.'i!inm 1 lie i;i;irj that has the bio--st aic In the J;u;e of nucIi conditions th man who.irinlcs whiskey i-eural-o- ly i s hn i.iiii nimseit mofe than anyb-idy else.and beim- conscious of that fact, it. is quite natuiv.l that theve shouiii appear on I'.;--Anson county petitions reWro many mfmes of'-tnen v;ho are habitual whislie.v drii;ke-s and win signed the. petitions of their own accord, without solicitation. I Ma. Anderson "Winds' 1 a Clr- cu;. ivity; don"t know wnicb one it is, onlv t!iat she's n M'h'topoi of yoi: r little old two 1 inir with one adv.ir.ee a Lei' sin-s e. sir- wiil h:.vo six Xojjf .! lo w s N.., rins, i:;d she carri.-s ad-.anee av,ent Iwf e-acii tie) ii:t nient . i;oes :h;i to buy nn. at i'M' ti;e ;o:, U!orl..-r t : ' ''. !.,iv f,r li,.- it in ; ui; 1 lie- 1 1 1 1 y s T ii" ca;n 1 v T t :(i 1,1! M. , ir.ae t..-ii-w r -k -; or;r cotii fuels ;inc! t; It ;,!,u: .'h ie a i :, overt ;i tit 1 s nt , r ' v. .- j i 1 ! 1 t'ie oaii,! li;.V s - 1 . 1 ti v l.o)uer.' aro H Bitter Cold Weather. A Nfw Yurk Uir-if,fimlMit to Chariot t 01. wrver 1 eHt'rn ,-. The wave of bitter cold which swept down on the city last, night sent the mercury down almost to the zero mark- At least two deaths are known to have re suited from th cold in the city Neither of the tictiros has been identified. One was found lying in the street at Degraw and Hicks streets, Brooklyn. His body was stiff. Another man was found dead in a hallway in First Avenue. He apparently had gone into the hallway to sleep and had been overcome. Several other persons who bad been overcome by the cold were found uncon scious in the streets and were removed to hospitals. Jhn Lene han was found standing by a lamp post in Fifth avenue, ly's hands and feet frozen. He proba bly will die. Dr. Charles Welsh, a dentist of Saujerties, N. Y., fell in front of the Waldorf-As toria and lay unconscious for more than an hour before he was found. His condition is serious. John Arnleder was found un conscious lying on a snow bank in lower Seventh avenue He had fallen and broken his ankle. From Jaekson.s Neighborhood. Munroe Journal. 'Squire Henry McWhorter, whose admirers fondly call him the statesman of Jackson, spent some time in Raleigh visiting the egislature last week. He was eceived with distinction. Mr. i. L. Stevens introduced him to the House in the following ap- propriatelamjua-je: "Mr. Speaker I desire to introduce to this House a distinguished citizen of Union county, known far and wide as a philosopher and states man, who was born and reared and has lived all his life and will die three miles from the birth place of the immortal Jackson, whom my county gave to this nation, and of whose admirers none is more loyal than the gen tleman whom I now present to v u and for whom T aiU- tl.o i privilege of the floor. Ls1 uirc ! Henry MeVnorter."The speaker 1 r t1i House. Mr. Justine, there- UiKiii wi'icoiiied the Ti.itor m ext.onded the courtesies j (it till1' II,. ..... I -- rder oi t:url ,0 Executors. Ad mln!stralor and (.unrdiaas. Jtldr V-bb made tlie folio-. -1 ' . . )i .r 0('iel' t. tile teCtn OI -UUlf .1' ' . :-, i-n f (m ' ' .w '"i ? ' y '""T " auniiMs m o r--. c.-"-itors ;e,u ;;tiai o:u;s w 10 nave not, miide as i'1 d ui red ti- la .v. t.'lC: !' :-";iii-t. "i" -n ... t. 1 ;oi(i :'oi!Mii:5- f 1 ;i K.rs , . ! I;i '. e I'lliC.I To , o,ev !avo- tioinP,' .es M'.q.iiivd by';r.v ;i ! hep ) , .(!'; i red t :ile sii'-l'i repor's ..v'-:..-h b .-j- i,in sixty tl;.vi in.m lie i;;ii- (i'Vo runry .fii, VXuj or the wh !' t.nis court i hei iv eireel 1 O ! .: :!:;'ke report o; ;ii; I'.'iin: ev i eo.ejjly r ;t l.ils oroef to til n-'Xt term 'i ' ho C"U ft 1 ne ar o J 4 Coughing hammer blows, steadily ap plied, break tliq hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, jars i and tears the throatfand lungs J until the healthy tissues give way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral stops the couniiingvnd heals the torn membranes. The best kind of a testimonial M.-.d- -T. 0 7r Cr... T.oi i1t Maja. 41. V uii.ulAOturbrfc of yers P1I I S. iiaik tiann. tl.o f Jr. ii-. ..ts .l"a I our nifacif;. F.;iioU'.in?s-;; COD i -.poOen rea'V -r;-ctvnry. C..i tete -rotr, Ayur . !- I , -r.w j TO VDTIIV TOUNG PEOPLE Wooan m-.tlymroeitallj'oun.rpcrsonH.r.onmttfT hr"Uwrdt)ieir means or .-ducation.vho wish to I om-im a tliorouah l.uBino?g training and coodpoi. tiya, to write b;; firat mail or our (rreat biklf-rata , ui.rBoennenccanoproMit.jerurtuna , Writntfwlair The -i..Ala. Bofintsi Collorft, Maeon. Ga. jr. lit JL , IN MfVOUIAM, ! w.inl Trfice-y Intnan; the brave spirit yf this yoiiri boy yielded 'o thereat en emy, Jiituinry 24th, 1307, living in this world not quit; sixteen years, having been born April 19th, 189 . He was the ol'l- .Ht son ot Mr and Mrs. J. B. Inman, of Iona, N. t . After only a wee of ill ties he breathed his last in Highsmith hospital, l ayetteville, N. C, of that ew ful" and dreaded disease, app ndicilis. Hia unTcnua was great, but be bore up till the last moment with greatest cheer and patience. - ' . Howard was a dutiful son,' and bo Vind to all who knew him. Only a month be fore his death he mode a public confes sion f faith and became a member of Ion Presbyte ian church, where he had always beeu a most ff.ithful attendant. He leaves behind a host of friends and relatives to mourn his absence, and ex tend their heart-felt sympathy to the ie ar one who are left behind to, mourn their precious loss. We should not murmur now, God knoweth ud doeth all things forthe best. "Some day we shall understand." E. A. P. LUMBERTON MARKET. Be( fresh per pound la cotton po" pound loo Com pr buatjrl 80 Fodder per hundred ).-; Hauig per pound 1 iii 16 sides -r 1113(4 Slioulderi It 11 Ke.. 15 Uhtolteng jrnws J6 8t C'htcKeiis, frl IB 25 Turkey' 741.60 Huttcr pr." jvjiiii'l 9ft Sf Seeswai Df- 'ind i'H Tallow petn.innd 0 Hat. per 10( pound - 1 w A Card oi Thanks. I wish to thvank..the Public for their past patronage extended to me in the line of tinwork. Aslo the lightning ro 1 busi ness, and as I am in tbe lightning rod business al ne I will state that all parties who ar going to have rods put on wdl do well to see tne before placing any or lers for same, as my P ic s, Terms and Rods are the very best to be had. Respectfully, H. G. WH.BSTER. Lumherton, N. C. 2-i4-2t Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue o? authority vebt in me 1)T the Clerk of the Superior Co rtof Robeson county, North Carolina, npp ovl wfcAiiC-JHou W . B. Council, Judge folding 'h courts of the Seventh Judicial D:strict, in the matter of Frankie I'ipkin, by and through her guardi iu, D. A. McCall, petitioner, vs Mary C. . kin, widow, defend int, the undersigned commissioner wil expose for s!e at pub lic an tiou to the highest bidder for cash, on Mondav, March 4th. 1907, at 12 o'cioc", noon, at the ourt bor.-e duor .-.t Lumherton, North Carolin 1, the follow-1 inir descri ed tracts of land, to-wit: 1st Tract - In Alfordsville towushi Robeson untv. adjoining tbe inds 0f 1 J'''iJ l)oares- A- -Mc, tJ" an,i oiher hinds couveved to A. L. and W. F. I: 111: look bv deed from James M' Ouee arid wife, dak il January 14th, 18S6, cordud n Book G tV ( V, paije 7.1 t. :nd rt- 11 lliei ofior of tlie KfL'ist r of Deeds of K'obe-i . .. T . , .,, ,. 2nd Ir.ict in Alfordsville township, on tile wot side 1 tile west side f Wilkerson Sw nip. , beginni g at a black yum and runs vel it, cl'.ains anrl S7 Hiiks to a stake; tht-nrci Norh I, chains U, a red -wk; the. c , Kast 33 chains and 87 links to a :;take;! 4l. ....... L ...-!. - .. 1 . . 4,. I I,. ! . . ........ containing 50 acres, being the smut; COnVCVCn O.- .I. I.. nut OCK TO I- raiHie Pii.l -in. bv deed dated lanuai v 2-,rd. lhS6 : , , . T ...... I. . ' . .... , Tc-r-msol srtle. e sh This 4th davof Fcbrnnrv. ityoy. D. A. McCAI.L. C i.oni-..-.io-,er. Mcl.c.m, McLean McCor",'i , M torue s for Fetit oners. 2- 7-41!. urs 'jt ice o' rfaie. r i Dy virtue of authority vested in iae 1111 ! der indgiin-nt and decree 01" the Sup ;' I or ourt of Robesrv:- county, rti'ered be-1 ; lor? t'-.t Cr . in n Sjucial l'ns ec ' ' ng ! t.hvrei:i peii' la.' citiJei V. I?. Pi-.riie'!. j : io-ar ian. :ii.'-.iii!-l P. . Downing, ami j , others.-sa.i.e bcirwr Special ProccoiniK No. j i .:575 iit)o;i the :jcket of said court, I vill, (.11 Monoav, the 25th day ol 1 ebrn..rv, u;u7, al 12 o'clock, 110 n, at the court hoti-.e do(r 'tf Robes :i county, : t J.'.'in-! ! rton, N. C, offer for alc at ttublio aur-! j li'.-n to the j.ift'nyythidde- for c: sir. ;a ccr-1 Lj ; ta;n i;.".el or pawjei of land situate e nd o'ciei: , noon, .- 1 -ie plant 01 tlir fum tj, i l;t ing in the eountv of Ruber-on, adjoin-, berton Colt. 11 ' i: a J (ii ining ' O-.rtpan-, ii.g the lamls of rink V.'illo gh.fy n n.i I : Ftn rv WiPotiuid v. V Wishait and lollies, boijuled and describe.l a-i fol ! lows: I lieiniiii'K nt rorlii end of Lemuel j i HV: ;r's latie and ru nin vith raid iaue t.. t: e roriz: cud thereof; the:-ec direct to 1 th JunipeT cont niiing the east end :' t..t pi.n:ti:-ion iormerb belonging to tjen;,.t Tr.vlor from sai'llone aitd iong o-aneli tid Juniper Branch., as will Cully , ,ij pear iron the will of Lemuel Taylor ! r. . i I' fed in the oflke of Clerk of tbe Su 1 pi -i r Court ol Koecson counfv. ; above la d is s .Id to ninkc parli j 'eon rn.'i :4 tenants in common. This ;;,rd day ot January, 190;. K. C. Lawki-nci?, Comiuissio'ier. 'Mclntyre X: Lawrence, Attorneys for Plaintiff.' 1-211 thurs Ad w 1 jtra tor's .JNoticH j Having; lbi flay ;uali.'ied i Adminis ! lul.t upon the estate "f K. T.nliK Jli"j;s, ! ..'rcVs'tl. this s t n-.tify all pei ioi;s hav- I ir:s' cMri'v at!'tst vu e-aa'c n present Haviiu' this .lay quuliilcd' s. Executors , ,ainc to me hi my rcudc-nee in Kobesf.11 1 ()f the xj'U -of jirs- A. A. Fre man, de , -sa-V. : i" Wc T'ltyie. I.av.-ieiice, i:iy ,.j.ahCli , jHLO 0f Ui. county of Robeson, , ..ttcnV'-'- "t 1 i1,rd:rrton, N. C, on ur bs- jthis ,s to n-,ii:"v all persons having claims . re t.ic .-.Ui 1. 0 .a J..nn: ry, I jeS, 01 this j , i r alt, to ..resent the same to .. .!-. ' t ........... 1 ;...f (it, ;r ..... 1 .. r .- ... i. .. ... ...... . . .. v.i.i . i-.v...., . ... .. - v.. . ry. All prisons tnrk '.in to biiid f-r tatc ! .sent. i L. J, lib C.S. V r Administrator. '. .. e & Lawrctce,' AttfirjieyS for A-ia-di -o-tor '- l-,tiJ-!Hburs A. Ill til . r -Jlyr-', , lr'!T ur" N. : "t." y T T ""1 , 5.. -UJJ U'f. Let the PeoiMe' tnow you1 me liVicg THE T I E F F Is the Be-t Piano mnde and ac knowledged Standard Mario of the world. It is the greatest piano value for the price paid, and consequently the ch apest piano relatifely. Its market value af er having been used depreciates less than that of any othar make ever produced. The mere fact of the possess' on of a Stieff Piano puts Ue aal of su preme approval upo . the musical taste of its owner. CHAS. M. STIEFP, . Manufacturer of " Tbe Artistic Stieff, Shaw, and Stieff Self Player Piano. Southern Wareroom, S West Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C. C. H. W1LMOTH, Mgr. We thank all our cus tomers for their patron age during the year clos ing to-day, and wishing every one A Happy New Year Respectfully solicit a continuance of the same durirg 1907. u.jCm Lumbertun, N. C. Farm for Sale. A 100 acre farm on the Bladen1oro and Whit- villt rosd. 3 miles from liladenbo ro, Blidt-ii county. This farm is about equal'v divided "V county road. Ha two sma' ' o'T-.vS almost adjoinint:. Goxl stal d !:eh:'rs. Ten acres clea ed; bal: '': . ( wf.ioil but little or no s:uv. ' r. T.and tirst-class, clav subsoil and 1" ' r in Bluden cuntv. For a qitif ' .ml t take f 1,000. ro. a iv 1 url ;ier inioTmation npplvlo "V. J. OIHSt 'N, 2-II Ooldifboro, N. C. Juninpr Shingles. Anv oiif wanting Juniper Shingles will 1 to we, 1 10 e-r t 1 e. i,ar:e quantity ou hand st all times, T. x pnvir.'D HlUvil! V C 1 '. ' T .rl f T?c-if 1 UZHl TO- etlT. I desire to rent a tv.-o-horse farm be- longimr to iMrs. 'Aate Aormeni, i.unrd- s laud-Minn. Vimr one mile north of the town of T I.,.-,... '1-1... . .M.. .m..l .-.. Ivlll-mn mil. (in: i,n, 1.. ma K,.,u ai.urui cult i vntion and has a good dwelling ? house thron. Aie- person desiring to 1 rent such :i pi 'ice v.itl see me at once. This December ??'.h, V)uf. H. Melt. McMillan. i.r vtf ! For Sale. fne d-nelliiMj hour-e and lot, one store hou e, w.tre'.'O'ise, stabler, etc., at Clark ten. , C. For I'.-.rther p rtictdars. address ; K. . 1IF.STMR, '-gent. 1 -v rilaneniioro,. ri. U. '7 . , WfflilllSJritflr S 813 01 i'mtUl FfOP er y. Ilv virtut o? .vtthoril vested in me a-; r.dinini' - tralov of tl;e e.- late of the late J. V. Uavl.on, U i.-e.;:.eil. I will, on Satcr- da', t'.ie 'H'Ui ": oi Fcbruaiy, iv7. at 12 near die town of Lniober'.on, N. C, ofie: for sale at pnb'ie auction to tha luhcr.t bidder for cash., ihc, following described personal pr ptrty, to-mit: Fifty-eu'lit I in coliou sceil meal. J. B. PITMAN, ( Arinir. J. W. Haybon ' Mclntyre & Lawrence, Attorneys Jor Administrator. . I-24-2-l4r JNotie of Dissolution. The copartnership heretofore existing between t e undersigned under the i'.rm naaie and style of J E. and W. F. Mc Donald, has this day been dissolved by iiHittud consent Mr, W. rV McDonald has tissiur.ed all the. liabilities of said lirw, mid ail persons indebted to said firm are lefpiesited to make payments to "him, he bein authori.ed to receipt for sa-.ne. j. Mcdonald, V.. i McDuNALD. Ietmcrt, N. C, Jan. 31, 1907. 2-7-4thurs f.'-xtfcutoi-s' Notice c 1 hp Mce 01 ti. jvi una. lvumotrion. X .., properly authe-ticated, on or be- iure l't-hruary 14m, lyon, or ous nouce will be nlead' 111 bar of their recovery, -nil persons indebted to said estate wi.l please make immediate payment to, the under- j signed v.-V' j Lateel tins 13m taay 01 veDruary, 4907. j '. , '- -.V ; -jtuiiT''.', : B UTT, ; i'T.-fKiiAJi, ; , . ; ' Executors. WS&m .BUILDERS. Try m d in thia colurtin t five censt per l-.ie for eich ins rt'c n. Whrther it is a houne to rent, something you av for 8t1e. or f.om' thin-; '" wat n bn , The RobeAonlan Wat Column wid br')ii ifie rtsnt Best Qo illty of Berte Oats for sale. K. M. Biggs. 2-14.it Wanted To sell ou chickens, eggs, and country butter. I also have on hand at all times nice count'y beef, pork nd pork saus ge Bring, send or phone your order. It will be delivered prompt ly. Phone No. 74. Dodenboff Market. Wanted You to inspect our complete and stylish line of Woolens befor pur- cnasing your apnng suit. John D MC- A'dister. 2-14 For Sale The Rob sonian Publishing Company has a good second-hand prints ing press for sale. Apy one contem plating startinv a new paper would do well to see us before buying. The Rob esonian Publishing Company. Strayed or Stolen Large brown hound; dark on back; little white in breast; white on tips of toes; thick, round ears. .5 f r inf rmation of his where abouts. H. L. Baxley, Lumberton, N. C. 2-14 Don't Forget March 6th, 7th and 8th is the date for our SpnuR Opening. We have a New Man and a New House. John D McAllister. 2-14 For Sale In Bladen county, Whit Oak township, 800 or 900 acres of laud containing a fa-m which will produce 4,000 bushels of corn without fertdizer. Also several hundred acres of land yet uncleared, well adapted to corn or cot ton. Also a considerable amount of tim ber; one good dwelling, barm, stables, tenant houses, etc. For further inform ation apply t D. S. Tatum, White Oak, N. C. 2 14 For Sale or Rent-fl-A small one-horse uiui in jimju L?iic 01 luiiivauoii, I, acres of which will produce a bale of cotton per acre. Located 4 miles North i f Iunherlon. For further information applv to J. A. Boon., Jr., Lumberton, N. C.R.F. D. 6. 2-14-it For Rent Oood five-room house near Robeson Institute Dormitory. li. D. McNeill. ' 2-i4tf Call and Inspect The Cole Cotton Planters now 011 sale at McAllister II rdware Co's. 2-n For Sale One i6diorse boiler; 15-horte e?i ine: o' e ';o''-sT in; on boss pr ss; (re v;ri ,t mill; one shingle mill; togetk er willi siufti g, beltings and other fix tures, al in good loudilion.. Address L. II. TowMsend, Lumberton. N. C. 2-7-tf NoJIcc to Committeemen Paint your Hlack boards wit'i "Harvard Sla'e Surface." for f-ale by McAllister ILir nare Compauv. 2-7-3-4 Six Good rVitiJi- and out sa'c. Caldwell & Carlyle. Horse for i-3!-im Jnsl Received A supply of Cole Cot ton Planters and Guano Distributer, at v eAllister Ifardware Co's. 2-11 tVnntcd - To buy several dozen lire coiiis. Will give iViisonabie )r ce. Als v. :.- h to buy good coon dog. Address U. S. Myers, Charlotte, N". C. i-3i For S5c -i valuable town lot on Klin (Main) Street, opposite Col. N. A. Mc I.e;o,'s netr reside nee. J. A. McAlliw-y- i-7 Cahbaoe ojd CoSIarrt Plants 10, (X..O ebbu;;.: ami lollard pi oits for i-ale from January joth t" April 15th. Also other plants in season. Cbbae jtlantu at -5 ee'its er kx or "j per 1,000 -Special attention give i to ordeis scut no-.v, .uivinif tiiiie. Plains giia.auteed. j. A. Sniler, Orruni, N. C. U-31 VViKtii cJ - Kver;. body to get our prices on txiien liei'ore they bay. (I. B. Panus Sale Co., (ireera.boro, N. C 1 x-zbtf Fct Ke.r.i .--room house for rent. Ap ply lo Ceo. it. McLeod. 1 1-19 " ' ' ' '"" - For S.:iS A 30 h. p. Lillel! engine and 25 11. p. bdiler, both in good shape. F01 1. irllu-r iufornialiou, apply to Cul breth tS: Duncan, Pembroke, N. C. K. F. D. No. i. 11-itf The Crawford Mill. We offer for immefliate r.alc this ecel lent j)roperty. ; oca ted near St. Pauls, liota-son county, N. C. on (ovat Marsh, with ample wati-r power all the time. PlHiit cf.usi.sts of mill pond, three-stony Duihiing and out-b i'aii gs, two gins, press, engine, boiler, saw mill, planer, shingle machine, dry kihi, turning 'ma chinery, timber ml grist tniil. Plenty of timber near by. E-ccellent local pat- ' ronage for saw mill and grist mill. The toll from grist mill alone will pay 7 per cent. net ..ii total investment. Address Thk Opie Oni M Co., 12-31 St. 'Pauls, X. C. Ta Incorporate West iiimbertoB'. Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the present session of the Geiien 1 Asr-embly of North Carolina to incorporate the Town known as "West Lumbe: ton," the same to comprise the property and village of the National Cot-' ton Mills west of the Town of Lumber ton, ro d near the Seaboard Air Line Rail way, and th t in Said charter application I will be made for all such powers and privileges a . are usua'ly grar-ted to mu . liicipul erirporatious. ibis J6U.1 day vt January, 1907. X. A. McLean, President. A. P. McAi.ust. a, Sec. & Treas. I-2S-2-!4 Notice. Notice is hereby givtirthat application wi'.l be made to the Ceiierut Assembly of North Crvoiimi, now in session,-for the passage e' an act to incorporate the tow n of Kiugsdnle. in Robeson county, North v.aronTia. l)at'. i t',i s Jaunarv ?tb. 1 -v7 . MclNTYRi-i'Sc I AWt-;NCJ-1-28-2-14 . , ' ' Attorneys. K f v-"-v- SI