i 1 ' : r EMI-WSEKir? ROBE n Cotton po-day Mr. A- Strong Wi -iiart came down feci:; Wi!uint?ton Sunday, for a few days' visit to ids l'ami- 10 5 8 cents 15 cents ly , Superintendent J. R. P. Bullock, of Rowland. slxnt yesterday a t LOCAL iUJIEFS. Mr. ' spent Tuesday here. Mr. NeillHuuQpnrey, of Tolars ville, was in town yesterday Poole Back Swamp, visiting the schools in that, section. Mr. M. Blacker -has returned Yesterday was Asli Wednes day, the bepinnin : Lent. The rubhio stone for the foun dation of the Confederate Monu ment has been received. Mr. Jno. T. Boylin has accept- "Old Mal!' Crave mi tn." N.tic is served V,)i the pib that on 1-Vbruarv l.Vh. n n UicU, p. in , which is turiii'i-'mv evening, tht re will he n iM-e'lne-of the "Oel Maids' Convention" at Stinyeon Instit ute, Orrum. I is further requested that you 7! Mr. Wm. Johnson, of St. from Marion, where he went bun- jj q Birmingham ed the position of telegraph ope-. 'Vnmo onp (.omR a f)m sr(thf rator atthedeprt here, to sue Pauls, spent yesterday here. Mr. R. T- Gaitley, of Rowland, spent Monday in Luinberton. Mr. G. B.. Sellers, of Maxton, was among Tuesday's visitors. Misses Minnie and Dora Rozier, of Rozier, spent Tuesday here- day for a visit to the family of Mr. D. Swartzman- Misses Dulia and Julia C. Mitchell, of Ashpole, spent a few days here this week visiting their sister, Mrs. J. T. Singletary. Mrs- Daniel Shaw, of Laurin- bitrn, arrived yesterday morning Mr. S. M. Oliver, of Raynham, frr a visit to her parents, Mr. spent Tuesday in Lumberton. and Mrs. G M. Whbtield. Mr. A. W. McLean spent a few. Dry N-A. Thompson and R. days in Raleigh this week. B- Beck with attended the meet- Mr. Henry Britt, of Ashpole ing of the Fifth District Medical vicinity, was in town yesterday. , Society at Fayetteville Tuesday. Mr. J. G. Humphrey, of De-! Mr. Ed. Beasley, who has been troit, Mich., risked here this visiting his sister, Mrs- W. O. week. . Thompson, for some thne, 're- Mr. H. M. Brown, of Pern-. turned to his home at Louisbur, ; Confederacy. broke, spent Tuesday here on: Sunday. Mr. O. C. Norment is prepar ing to open a grocery store at his home on corner of Sixth and Moore streets and will do a retail business. There was a small fire at the oil mill Thursday night, resulting from a hot-box. Only slight dam age resulted and that was to seed, from water used in extin guishing the blaze. We are asked to say that vet erans who desire to apply for crosses of honor can obtain blauks A. Mc- business. Mr. J. K. Butler, of the St. Paul section, visited friends here !da-V roornintr from Abhottsburg. Tuesday. j where they visited Mrs. Lee's M W. rr rv.vlrt f T?o ! mouier, rs. ioi fore, spent Tuesday night here on business. Mr. J. F. L. Armfield, of Fay etteville, visited relatives here this week. homely old maids changed into blooming young ladies " Adtnis sion is 1ft c;nts for adults and 10 cents for children. Doors will be open at 7 p m. Special Train to Barnesvllle. The Raleigh and Charleston Railroad will run a special train from Lumberton to Barnesville Wednesday Feb. 20th on account ' of entertainment to be at Biirns- ville. on the night of the 20th train will leave Lumberton at 6:.'iQ p. in. and leave Riirnsville returning at about 10:o'0 p.m. u nnn vincr tn iM ru .1 A alf- ' A. . . , . i, i berton 65 cents; Kingsdale 50; Alhster, president of Robeson ' " ' nu tt . a t u r 1 roctorvi e L'j cents Ghapter United Daughters of the I With Our Advertisers. Mr. T. N. Higley ro;urned ' J,)'in D. McAllister wants you Tuesday from Raleigh,, where he ' to inspect his line of woolens, went to take Lawrence Alford, : H v ould alo h:.ve you remem who was convicted of murder in , b,M ,,is spring op-ning. the second degree, and sentenced T!u' Kobesonian Publishing Co. to the penitentiary lor 15 years. J lls a &kk1 secondhand press Mr. Higley attended 'the Legis- j f01' ale. lature while in laleigii, and says A lftrge, brown hound has been land, arrived yesterday for a few 'the subject of the new county to lusr- days' visit to th- family of Mr V. be coin nosed of part of Moore I D S. fatum, white Oak, N C . ... , A. Bullock. and Chatham counties, is being Mr G G. Frrneh visit. -d his gitateci warmly. Thenevr county Mrs- R. E Lee and little son, Osborne, returned yester- Mr. D. A. McKay and grand son, McKay Pleasants, of Row- as FA.vi;,o WANT BECAJci I 1 1 5 fopiw-r I..i-,jr. J It sralU'fi the i-Vi:;ijvr .-til "Ver the fnrru'-v, t It dtx-s not WMsieany .:roum! -ituinjw or cuds, v 4 rhrrp arc no rh.iirs uur thinK to clo or break or K't ,it of nlrr, 5 It is -impie. strong and tlur able, 6 It is light running, 7 It is u rantred to give sat isfaction or money refunded. A. P.? djoinlns For Sale by Leading Merchan m ube-od ana Countl.s. N. JACOB1 IIARDVVAML COMPANY, Sole Agents, WllnaluyttMi. S. C. THE BANK Of LUMBERTON LUrVIBEHTO. N. C. Capital and Stock Guarnn tee, - $100,000.00 rottU R sources $380 043.71 Strength and Safety are our Greatest Considerations. Not & Dollar lost by bad loans in otir career of nine years. Our Presi dent and Cashier borrow no money from the Hank. The fact th.it our Dire-tors are Successful Uusiness Men, Insures Safe Management. ::;::::: Hnnhnrvrl Mrs F W Mr-Moiifrh.: ton. of Boarman.,iSited friends 'moUieP' Mra r- Griffith, of wdl be calledUecounty here yesterday. Greensboro, this week. MP ; F rencn ficconipaniea nim.tnev re Mrs. Jake Thompson, of Back Swamp, spent: Tuesday here shopping. Mr. D. H. Britt, of Back yesterday. Dr. T. A. Norment, and Mr Frank Allen spent yesterday at Kingsdale. Mr. L- E. Whaley left yester day morning for a short busim ss trip to Wilmington. .Mrs. H. B. Jennings ;ind Miss Addie Norment left this morn ing for Richmond, Vji, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Molded went to Wilmington Tuesday evening lor a short visit. Mrs. F. A- Bond, of Moss Neck, spent Tuesday in town with friends.- Mr. Prank Townsend, ofRayn hain, spent Tuesd.ty here on business. Mr. Mac. HumnMtv.y of Saddle Tret; io.vns'.ii), w.is in hnvu yes terday. Mr. N. II. Stul.hs, of Board- turned Wednesday evening. With the Sick. Mrs. A. T. McLean has been confined to her home by sickness I Mr. Mike Caldwell and Miss ; I several days. I Julia. Loft in have returned from ; Mrs. J. B- Pitman has been ! Latta where they went for a.' quite" ill during the nasi week visit to Mr. and Mrs. "Walter . She is slightly improved. Finnian. i Mr. Washington Phillips, 'who Mrs. Frank Stepln-ms, of Wil- j resides aoout three miles from iningi o-i, has been visiting the j town, has-been very sick. family of Mr. A. II. Phillip.'; for Mr. S. W. Phillips, salesman some time. She left, Sunday for j in the sUre of Messrs. Caldwell B. llam.v for a visit to her father, J & Carlyle, has.heen kept at borne Mr. P A Toad. j 0y ieiip.oss for the pat few V,,Hi T.o llfrnan u- ! ,v- L1KS. has H0 or 900 acres of land for sale. J. A. Boone, Jr., has a sm.-ili far (ii for sale or renr. li M. Britt and S. T. Freeman have qualified as executors of I. e estate of Mrs. A. A. Freeman H. G. Webster expr ssi thanks for patronage in tin bini ness and wants to soli yon liuht nil g rods. L. L. Sniothes givs notice 01 entry to land- K. D. McNeill has good live room house for rent. Chickens, fggs ;;nd butter at Dodenhoff's. Best quality of Bert The Bank of Luinberton C. B TOWNSEND, CWiier, .1. T. ST ANSEL, Asst. Cashier. A. W. vieLKAM, Pre. A. K. WIIITK, Viee-l'rcH. R. I). CALOWELL, Vice-Pre.. STEI'HIiN Vcl TYKR, S. A. KDMUNI), J. G. MoCURMICK, Q. T WI I.l.I MS. C.KU. (V. KRliN'CH, D ,KG H)RS: R. I). CAI.D'.VKI. . . c li. tow si:nd, WJ 4 STKKI.lt. R. R. HARNKS, O. C. NORMENT. L. H. C LDWKLL, A. E. WHITK, W. McLHAN, H. B. JENNINGS. N TiCE O count r 0;u- Wt- liar- Just kVceiwd Fine Car Loacl '4 chn rge of t '-.e musi.' department of B irnesville s hool, visited ut' unable to attend to her duties a The homo of Mr. Tom PrcTatt, Monday and Tuesday. M rs M.unie Sinclair arrived j here Tuesday from ft! i.a bethel Hig'n grade bug; at C M. the store of Mr. L. H. Caldwell ; Fullers. The R: a town lot Mrs. Die It. weit'oaie on friends ner. Kri'Kiy . Til" COildi' ioll of !( . .,v: id iris l)ren peritoni! is imprving. this week on aceount of the ill ness of her inoihor, Mrs. J. B. j Association Pitman. j statement. i .-..i u 1 1 ' i r i jir l , 1 in:in. -, iruin.-1 in. it. jiinu ti tj llei-visit is a most ! go t' ress j tin.' effect that Mr. i to her n ii inerons j Zacn Pinnimer, a, farmer of St. She will return w'ar.d Building Sc - k u!i l)!ishes iTi.iH.; mm A tmM worses Brent io ti "v si'-i (or several .!:i Bar : with s, is 1 sui cide ye st M'aav oy Ir.iniag tmn- Pioils stthment.t: immitt .i. St"!f t,-) 1, r r iii ,i'i ol 1 .i .l I a : w his h ;ne. 'rhs w-is ao y.v., " ; .ars of ag ci-.is : his a-.tci m has .ioi ; ;on le.-invi-l in LIck ol Valentine. The foHowiii ir.vi'-.ili'-a lus i.:. i sued to !'i i c-.U.: : "Mr. ar.'l Mrs. A. V. McI.Piia. n lifi! of St. VakT.tir.e will eat .it !1i,;iht, i V..u Can F,;i JUST WHAT YOU WANT t On- -rt'e Stables. Uu ivin ties, Farm Horses, iaicliod r;g..i. Farm Mules. uestlay s van man, was ati'png tors. Mr. 15. Stan-el. of Aiienton, spent toc;;y hero with hisdaugh t r, Mj-s. .1 .' 1). Began -Mr. ('inham Mclvinnon, of Rowland, was a business visitoV to Lumberl'.ii ties week. Vi r l. T1 A lii.n ursis! ntn. fined to her home by sickness for several days. Mr. E G S i ; ; le r tpin& a few days at iwd Sp"e on business this week. Mrs. John Clones 'ni s returned from Charleston, A',,, re she went for a visit to her husband. Mr. J G MeCm-micsc left Tues day afternoon Richmond on legal business. Mi'. Homer Lyon, of hiteville, spent a shiri uhiie here last night en legal business. j Misses Lena larnesanci oessio McNair. of Maxton, are guests of) Mrs. A, V. Me Lean. I j C i- S. A-Rdinund spent Tues-1 day in Wilmington m business,' returning hi; me yestt.-r.i.y. j i Mesdames Lon. T. Towns 'ndj and Suf McLeod s pent Wed lies- j da. at Ray . .. visit:. ., fricads. ' Mr. Z. . Straughn,(dl Asapoie, ; r:'.r4j Titaezijci' iti'-'-rf .I'-fi..-.'.v-i'j '- - !MWi3R,tW f'l til' f tM mi m TO GUARD SHIPS against the unsetn dangers at sea. ths United Stat Qpvcmnr.ent maintains lighthouses. To guard your heme against the un seen dangers of food products, the Govern ment has enacted a pure food iaw. The law compels the, manufacturers of baking powder to print the ingredients on the label of each can. The Government ha3 made he label your protection so that you can avoid alun read it carefully, if it does not say pure cream of tartar hand it bade and z brand. They have been tested repeatedly on sucli Jvra -o:s as Hickory and Llgnumvitae without losing their edges. Ajyoa Lo has used gU KWIfR Chisels will tea the saae story. t I rtv- j .. :i , a . s, il,r,iis, ICtc. We can jfive yon :n,;c!;- I 1 ;is vj'- : ;: - t ne li.-s . vV- have expert bu vers on the I '. ,r::":y 190T. I t , , s s...v ... r lir-r. 1 f r. . -1 . t- T.. ! " e !.;,, ' ,;(,-,.'..,, "mj o.'u e Dealing to all." WfagSBSBEBBi ' jjySSJ" 1 . r '- 'i' ' r t ;-dw-:!-.. nictu W,- thf.i.k ou for your gowl pal- tSfs, HI 1 i. wrimmm s:,i... ,r, UW$mm" t' u vvitissiow, U r ; , .-'o-TON. N. C. fcS raVW9ISflRRPSlj: - mi w n ftrfhzicmvs Vi ITS 7 A( ITT- tf. 1- m i v I 1 M H tnad. They have been tested repeatedly on suJi Jvra ;o:s i ; 0 9.331 U as Hickory and Llgnumvttae without losing their edges. Ajvoa Lo f e i4rl B tA3 osed KUM KU1UR Chisels wUltea Um saae story. 5; a complete line of Chisels. Ail are forged from the highest quality of crucible tool steel, tempered in oil, full mirror pol ished, sharpened and hand-whetted on an oil-stone, ready for use. These Chisels belong to the famous si lit. i,b I. ih' mmfmmmmemam . -r ------ r-j. ,3 dw v eew writ e v in,. C. t.'ury v o' :!' , on a visit from N U uuiva - ' V . M . . .. V. 1 ... - . . the health- M 1 Jjf ' f V r ' ferMif&t-rP1' .