t 1 I I. 6 V ft it ' 1 1 It' To the County Superintendents, ot Health. The Bioloo-ist of the St.it. Laboratory of Hyuierie ili-ir -to secure certain tl.ita n.vdYl to complete the establishment of normal of quality lor sur wen (i feel f the j j Tin- casin.:i -1 1 v 1 1 1 extend at ' i. ; i lie "vncr.il i .-N't l ! 1- The platform ot' well iMx.ul.l be in ,Uo)(i (-(.liditiMii. i 5. The well should br one in e i 1 ... face and shallow well-waters ! constant use tor armun- pur froan different eolojrical forma-; poses. tions of the State. For tliisj !. No typhoid enses should purpose he will send to County j have appeared in any family us buprintendents of Health in i ing this well within a year past, different sections of the Slate a Samples and correspondence number of small sterilized hot- relating to this subject should ties in w hich to procure sam ples of well and spring waters used for drinking purposesand known to he unpolluted and of good general quality for drink, ing purposes. Carriage will be paid by the Laboratory lth wavs on the these bottles and samples. The wells sampled should have the following spe cial qualifications and the sam pler should determine the con ditions and surroundings of the well from personal inspection, to-wit: 1. The well should be not less than twenty feet deep. 2- The well should not be within 150 feet of a privy, ma pile or sewer, nor where kitch en or household slops are thrown on the ground. Dos Coffe disagree with vou? l'robably it does! Then try Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. "Health Coffee" is a clever com bination of parched cereals and nuts. Not a grain of real Coffee, rememher, in Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, yet its flavor and taste matches closely old Java and Mocha Coffee. If your stoniache, heart, or kid meys can't stand Coffee drinking, try Health C ffee. It is wholesome, iiouri-h-if , and satisfying. It's snfe evi n for theyoungest child. Sold I v j. H. Wish-art. be addressed to the undersign ed. Very truly yours, (lerald McCarthy, Biologist. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 15, 1907. Martyr to Aatl-Tobacco Pledge. Atlautlc Olty, N J. Speoial to the Oreotboro Indotftrlal News - Believed by his family and neighbors to be a victi of his devotion to an antitobacco pledge taken during a recent revival. John Henry Johnson, of Port Republic, died at hi home in the little mainland city last night. John son, who was eighty year,s of age, was among the audience of several hundred who listened to an evangelist hurl anathemas at tobacco from the pulpit of the St. Paul Methodist church during the height of the religious awak ening. Johnson was one of the men who swore off, alt hough he had been a user of tobacco for titty ears. Within a few hours of bis renouncement he was taken sick, and physicians declared ths'.t his nervous system was shatter ed hy sudden abstinence from the weed. v Allhouyh informed that return to tobacco might, save his life.the aged man refused to give in to the tempter. "I would rather die because I am trying to do right than per ish in hell fire in, another world," Saturday neighbors who glo ried in the old man's attitude gave him encouragement The aged martyr to his beliefs was conscious to the last, and exult ed in the strength that held him faithful. It Pay to Advertise Id Newspa pers. Autobiography of a Busines Man in Everybody's Magazine. For a number of years I ad vertised only in my windows and in some of the street cars, because I did not feel that I could afford to advertise in the daily papers. I was having a cravenette coat sale, and I succeeded in selling for a cou ple of weeks about fifty coats a day. I thought I would try a column ad. in one of the evening papers. The next day this column ad appeared in one of the evening papers, and, by the by, it was not the one that has the largest circulation ia Chicago; I selected the paper this ad appeared in because they agreed to give my ad a good position in the, paper. The result was that the sale-, which formerly had coats a -day, jumped to 145, and in 50 days I had sold over 3,500 raincoats. For the year following that sale I continued to advertise in this paper. Last fall I felt that I couldjafford'to invest, say, about $5000 in advertising in some of the other papers, f used three morning papers and three evening papers, the best in Chicago. The results have been something' phenomi nal. I did not have to invest the $5000. The profits came Lback from the newspaper ad vertising before their bills came in, and I do not figure today tjhat I have a dollar invested in advertising. 6 over by some runaway cars an sustained .injuries from which died 13 hours later. The i : . ; . i l 1 t .1 been about 50 '"""S L,ew 1W" JUhl No. 40. Th si i no Mr. Wilcox Lived 13 Hoars After Accident. Hamlet Spacla', llta., to Chariot te Observer. Yesterday morning at 2 o'clock Mr. Wilcox, whose home was at Lumber ton, was run Tae Limit ol Life. The moat eminent medioal aoi enist are unanimous in tbe conclu sion that the generally ' acoepted limitation of human life is many years below the attainment possible with the advanced knowledge of which the race is now possessed. they gave me a low rate, but !The oritioal period, that determ ines its duration, seems to be be tween 50 and 60; the proper care of tbe body during this decade cannot be too strongly urged; carelessness then being fatal to longevity. Nature's best helper after fjO is Electric Bitters, the scientific tonic medicine that re- the coacnes ror no. w. ino shifting engine was standing in froiit of the passenger station and Mr. Wilcox was standing on the front of the engine oil ing the release brakes, when the passenger coaches which had been left standing some distance away, started to rolling andbore down upon theunfortu nate young mas before he was aware that anything was wrong. His right leg was mashed off and his left one crushed almost into pulp. He was attended by the phy sicians of Hamlet, but there was nothing that could b done to save him. He had only been at work eight days. This is the second man from Lumberton killed on the yards here this year. To stop a Cold with "Preventics" is safer than to let it run and cure it afterwards. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will heid off all colds and Grippe, and perhaps save you from Pn umoiiia or lironchitis. Preventics are little toothsome candy cold cure tablets selling in 5 cent and 25 cent boxes. If you are chillv, if you b gin to sneeze, try Preventics. They wi 1 surely check tiie cold, a'.d please you. Sold by all dealers. Cats Out The Sponsors. Char.ty aud' btldrrn. Gen. Stephen D. Lee shows his great good sense by issuing an order cutting out tbe sponsors from Confederate reunions hereafter- For years the old veterans have furnished the occasion for ambitious young ladies with influential relatives to parade themselves, and the newspapers gave larger space to the charm ing beauties who became the center of interest than to the boys in gray who had nobody in their homes sufficiently popular or prominent to occupy the place 01 sponsor, tilled by society girls. 1 1 . it. .. .. vitalizes every organ ot the hody The thing had become ridiculous. UUttrHmeBU u ""iggisw. uuc aI1,i th( r(.unioils W(.re be(.() more and more the springboards for society people to leap into notoriety. It is to bo hoped that the gra.y-headed veterans who bore the brunt of battle will be the ones around whom the honor and admiration of these occas ions will gather, and that the beautiful young women who at tend wilL be content to take a lower place. There can not be many more of these reunions. Thinner and thinner the ranks are growing. Each year a larg er number are answering the roll-call on the other side.' It is not meet that, standing in the glow of the sunset, these brave old survivors shall be pushed aside to let a lot of girls, how ever bright and beautiful they may be, or however strong the pull of their parents and friends, over-shadow them at these an nual reunions when the people of the South assemble to do them honor- General Lee has done well, tfe is a man of sense and courage, fr it takes both of these qualities to handle a Situation like this. Of Interest to Women. Every woman naturally should be heaitkyand strong, but a great many women, unfortunately, are not, owing to the unnatural condition of the lives we lead. Headache, backache and a gener . I tired condition are prevalent amongst the women of todav, and to relieve these con ditions women 'rush to the druggists for bottle of some preparation supposed to Tc par icularly for them, ind containing nobody knows what. If they would just prt .1 lwx of Hrandreth's Pills, and take them regularly every night for a time, all their trouble would disappear, as these pills regulate the organs of the feminine system The same dose always has the same effect, no matter how long they are used . Hrandreth's Pilis have been in use for over a century an-- are sold in every drug and medicine slcre, either plain .r sugar coated. '.-Subscribe for The Rolesoiiianaud keep ming ! up w. .til t.'.f "TOV.'i. n m m m 3m KMX ISA m 25 P m n m - jr5 XXfV 88 FayetlewIlDe Jcilil 9 N C m The Record made by "The Southern Life" for promptness in settlement f claims and for fair and impartial treatment of its PoUcy Holders, should be M most gratiiying- to those who have a Policy with the. Company. The Company numbers its Policy Holders by the thousands. The people of -TXODeson ana surrounding- counties are niacin sr a, la.rp-p rmrt, nf thniv Tnsnra.nnp n with "The Southern Life " showiner exclusivelv the his-h estimate nlaoed on 1 the contracts issued by the Company. 11 j:..1. L.tri- "M"er.' 1 aM'WJ. Srac Lumberton, N. C, January' 14th, 1907. Messrs. McLEAN & BARKER, Agents for The Southern Life Ins. Co., Lumberton, N. C. & Dear Sirs: I wish to thank you for the Check for One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) just; nanaea me m settlement of Policy No. 303. on the life of Ervin L. Bie-e-s. 08 who died January 4th, 1907. -a This prompt settlement is most erratifviner to all policy-holders of "The South ern Life," and confirms the confidence of those who have ninned their faith to J-"U. -v h T l r -. hwj uiio j-viaiiagemenTi oi your good uompany. Very . Respectfully (Signed) E. J. BIGGS, Administrator. R. D. Caldwell, K. M. Biggs. Hector McLean, DIRECTORS IN ROBESON COUNTY: J. W. Carter, T. L. Northrop, R.F. DeVane, A. L. Show, AGENTS IN ROBESCN COUNTTt J. W. Ward. L. Shaw, J. A. Barker. B U a B B B O I, 1 ' f ..." 1

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