:-.-i.''v".:v; ;'i''1'v''.''-': V v .v., 'K",: THE &EMI-WEEKLY ROBE SON IAN. f .;v: v A-; cut be greatly Increased by girlng sptdal care to the healtk of every animal and fowl on the farm. Sick poultry, sheep, cattle, hogs, horses, etc., depend on their livers te keep then well. Black-Draught1 Stock and Poultry Medicine keeps their Irera working and therefor keeps them welt Black-Draught Stock and Poulr try , Medidne is a pure, natural, vegetable, blood purifier, and acts by regulating the stomach, Mver and bowels. It prevents and cures Hog CkoW era, Chicken Cholera, Colic, Dis temper, Coughs. Colds, Coostipa tloa, fever, Loss of Appetite, Wasting Away, and all toe asm moa stock dlseasn. It is perfect medldns for (sn eral turn ass. Try it. Pcfcc 25c for large can, At afl am gfists and dealer Real Estate. Transfers. P. Lb Black, Com., to J. S. Mp Rae land in Red Springs town hi; consideration, $500. N. W. Hall.et ux to W. S.Cobb, land in Lumber Bridge town ship! consideration, $15 50. Moses Jen!-! ns to Frank Gough, land in Lumberton township; consideration $150. G. B. Patterson to John Leach, land in Maxton township; con sinerafcion $10. Truster's Aslipo't; Baptist church to J L Brown; lan. I in Wnite House townsuip; considor nLou, Si5 . D. I. McN.'i!!, M. ux. lo.f. Ab uvr !!,'.r!M-, I in S ; ( ' 1 1 i 'Pro.' lowi.siiip; coi'.siijc: ;tl i n., $ 1 1 . .J. (I Vi(-( ' -rin '.!-, Com., -o Nov. it .Jari.son, in;oi si in hind in Tiioiu,)-.;!! invviis.ii;); consid e :iU.n. r;-l,lU0. W. V. Willis, it u., to L G 11 ii i'Mv, lands in Burnt Swamp township; consideration, $1,500, Z- R. Jackson, ct al, to Ncill M. Murray, lands in Thompsons township; considera ion, $400- Lither Hinson, ct ux, to D. K, Caddell, lands in Maxton town ship; consideration, $300.33. John McLean and wife to Prank McCallum, land in Red Springs township; consideration, $15. Martin McKinnon to D. M. Carmichael, land in Red Springs township; consideration, $1,500. A. W. McLean, et al, to An drew Graves, land in Lumberton township; consideration, $150 Sarah A. P.iui to Beaufort C tunty Lumber Co., lands in M-ixton iut' Alfordsville town snips; consideration, $iy-00. Sural) C. Oxi-rdine to Solomon 0oii(!iiif, J r., (p.: it cliiim do l .f land in 1'iir-Mt Swmnp townshi p, for $2 and oihi.M' viilua'ihi consid erations. Mm a LumiHT Co. to P. A. Fore, land in Alfordsville town ship; consideration 10. J. P. Smith, et ux, to A S Thompson, tract of land in Back S.vamp township; consider-atiou, $2,000. John A. Britt, et ux, to Enoch Britt, land., in Bi itts township; consideration, $70. F: A. Humphrey, et ux, to J. Abner Barker, land in lied Springs and St. PanH town ships; consideration, $400- P. A. Fore, et ux, to J. G. Me C'trmick, land in A! foro'svillt! 1 township; consideration, Sl.dOO. (d. B. McL-o-.l to A. W. :W ' L' .in, lands' in Burnt S-.vomp! t'f.vishij.: co;:side; ;it i- n. K" 1 John Wil.-'lK-lib.V, i! t., Bilttet-s Lu'n ;;! Co , Uu in J 1 ii-s ;.rt fji'ifk iciiel front ! )r. S r ' ' . njfii- Ointr. cnl. Ki'ii:i-iii'ii-r it' tit;ulf t,.i,f for l'ili-s :ti:ii it works v.nii ri r.-; 1 ; i t ty and salisf-ii-: ion. Ilrliiii", i,intii! ' protruding, or Miiiii ; ik- li.si pjic.ir lik. , iMiek" by its use. Try .1 and nee! Aii j Wishart township; consideration, $100. Jackson Sealey, et ux, to But ters Lumber Co., timber near Coward swamp; consideration, $1. S. E. Willoughby, et ux, to Butters Lumber Co , for $1 tim ber near Juniper Bay. J. D. Smith, et ux, to Beaufort County Lumber Co., timber in Howellsville township; cnsider- ation, $950- Receiver Edwards Will Take an Appeal. Pn ord 8pecll. 11th., to Chir. oervr. Jn United States Circuit Court January 18th, Judge Pritchard signed a final decree in the mat ter of the Union Trust Company, Robert L. Forest et al complain ants against the Southern Saw Mills & Lumber Co., defendants, and also the Carolina Northern Railroad Company against the Sou therm Saw Mills and Lumber Company. The two caes were consolidated some time ago. The decree was signed upon there port of Special Master H- F. Seawell. The litigation has been in the courts for the past two years or more. It was a long continued suit with many connecting inter ests. Toe property was placed in the hands of a recei ; er in De cern ber, 1902, in a suit brought by the Carolina Northern Rail road Company. The mortgage bondholders, however, did not appear in the suit. W. J. Ed wards was appointed receiver and remained in charge two years. In October, 1905, the boud- wbii h cash was paid to the extent of laoie than 12,000,1)00 feet, Sequoyah, the "American Cad tnus," and perhaps the greatest amounted to $20,249. u7. In addi- of all Indians. tion to this there was paid by him ia cash from thr earnings of the company $2,827-16 in way of prior claims, precedent from this payment was taken from receiv er's certificate given by the court in similar payments. The find ings of the court are chiefly made up of these prior claims. The court's accountant in au diting the books of the receiver found the accounts in good shape and a balance of $4 51 in Mr Edward's favor. KNEW DOLLY MADISON. Daughter of Chief of Cherokee Visited White Bouse Often Son a Postmaster In Indian Territory. Musk htel T ,C ir. to th G-censlwro cw. Mrs. M. J. Ross, mother of Postmaster Ross, of Port Gibson and who lives at that place, has just passed her seventy ninth year, and is in fine health. Mrs. Ross is perhaps the most distin- ffuished Cherokee woman now living, and comes of good Chero kee and Scotch lineage. She was born in Georgia, and came here when a child. Her father was Louis Ross, brother of John Ross, unquestionably the most noted chief of the Cherokaes, having ruled over forty years-Mrs- Ross has seen John Howard Payne, author of "Home Sweet Home," at her father's house-Mrs- Ross was educated in the State of Pennsylvania, and was frequently in "Washington with her father and Chief Ross. While holders brought suit to foreclose, I in Washington she was a wel- and asked for the removal of the receiver- In Judge Pritchard's decree the cost of the above proceed ings, und other handings were phiced upon lieeeiver Edwards. Mr. Edwards has engirded n hie ' w She is very retiring in disposi tion, seldom goes abroad, and has never allowed her pictures to be published. Her husband W. P. Ross, established the Cher okee Advocate in 1844, a weekly paper devoted to the interest of the Cherokee Indians, and espe cially those who dr) not speak English, the paper being printed half in the Cherokee language and the other half in English. Her father was among the greatest and best Cherokees, and was elected chief of the nation alter the death of his brother John Ross. IGNORANT OF TflE LAW. Bigamist Boards With First Wife, Who Acts as Brldd .'smald to Second Wife. New York Special to Grenkoro Industrial New Declaring that he was utterly ignorant of the laws relating to marriage and bigamy, William E. Blautelt pleaded guilty to having two wives in the county court of Brooklyn. According to his re markable story, he voluntarily surrendered his first wife to an other man because he loved her so much that he would not stand in the way of her happiness, and she, he declared, acted as a bridesmaid at the ceremony that united him to his second choice for a helpmate. The innocent victim of this ar ran?ement is Miss Florence E Fitzgerald, who.with her mother, lives at Brooklyn, and who; brought the complaint against come visitor at the Vt hite House, 1 her husband. She went to the and was a favorite with "'Dolly Mi tymond street jail with her at- Hold Your Cotton If you expwt Higher Prices later in the jx-asoti. You ean store it 1m oar Warehouse and have it insured for f tit 1 value, at a cost of 25 cents a bale for a month. WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY on your wnrehonse receipt at 6 per cent. This is the plan recommended by the Cotton Growers' Association. Deposit your Earnings with our Saving Bank and get 4 Percent. COMPOUND INTEREST. Robeson County Loan and Trust Company, Lumberton, N. O. A. W. McLean, Preident. C n. Morrow, Cashier. Start ilf I U 11 By purchasing the right kind of FERTILIZERS. W will handle tome of the kinds that will bring prosper ity to your homes by increasing your yield per aere. W don't mean to say by this that there are not others just asgfood, but we will carry a full line of Hhjjh Grade Fer tilizers this season, and would consider it a privilege to have the pleasure of serving you in this line. : : : : : Yours Respectfully, J. MCR. BRACY. Rowland, N. C. ciun.Ni.'l will appi'.'tl tH? case the Anpelhile Conn in Ri h uiotui, a nil ''iitWdvur to l-oI the tiiiiidi;,. s set. ii.vitK'. lu'O'i ver rid-1 whim'.-, ivports on in edict j -now a suceessful operation of j Madison," wife of President Madison, who was perhaps the most. (Iitin.'ruishfd mistress of the White House- Mrs. Ross :ie(i::iiiitcu with Jeff Davis, :; r-.v.i r;l nr si'l;nl of th s; ' l;i r: eoii t"(i'-i ;iey, 'vhi-u he lii'M .";;i(!c to Fort (libson.a V' iin.r lieiitriKi'.it, tied also '-;t'i Bh t.v-Tayio;-, uauuhu-r of G -'it -ral Taylor, who wore visitors im the property. Tile spt eial ma;-(tier ler's report shws that Receiver Kd wards turned over to his suc cessor accounts recei veuble and lumber to the atnountof 15,80i5, 131 to apply against any debts of the company, anl the same re port shows thai he added new property in way of buildings and machinery which was paid for ut of the earnings of the com pany and standing timber for loino, and she lias I'req u- n'. ly seen the two sitting, before the bi tireplaee in the Sanders' home in Fort Gibson, which house is still standing. Mrs. Ross is a brilliant conver ter!) jy after Blauveit had pleaded trinity and personally served bun with the paper.s that bean an action jor the annulment of her ;:...i-riu-u. hi April, IhUe, Hi. tuvott wedded : i f ; i i l A. SuilUi at- tier home in -.ivoie iJenU'C, Ij. I, A yi-ar'i inter toey separated, aller i,ei iiave tier a p,i p,.:r a ukd In- na;!- i ined r.-ei i ..ti e il a duoreo. ''' Un'U d.NSit.-d tier in c-a i t, 111 u t, i ner Wi.li lo become M (ji".ir U. Cam irer on Mtticii is, V.hn). On May JU of tiie iitoe year he married iMiss ! it.aerald, and wife iSo. 1 was bridesmaid, while her new husoanu was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Cammer toon a house at Bn.okl.yu, after her last The Groweii Sanatorium Gompanu. I incorporated) FOR THE TREATMENT OP Whiskey, Morphine nd Nervous Disease, and other select cases needinfir'Sanatoriun care Htid treatment away from home, and old environment. Violent insane anJ consumptive cases not received Mild mental casrs maj be accepted, but noisy ami disag ecalde ones not. S. M. CROWRLL, M, I)., President. (',. L. KFvA, B. S., M. D., Associate Res. Thysician, Secretary-Trta.Hurr. u-20 'oiyogt Company, Wiiminjrton, N. C. , hn' profe'.ly vtids every as to sadsfy Mali O-Ti.r.'j Roivo Prompt Atrention. w sationalist, and never tires of marriage, and Blauvelt and wife relating incidents in her early No 2 boarded with thorn. Then ,l nL.,r . .. the four led a happy existence s T until the mother of No. 2 began Fort Gibson was the western out toask quesuons. This had the post of the government. She effect of causing Blauvelt to de was acq uaic ted with the wife of serthisnew wife. This man bought a supply of tobacco with out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste of SCHNAPPS Tobaccq, which has the cheering qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at less expense than cheap tobacco. SAMPLES. Buggies ! At my place can be found all the Beat Grades of Buggies, such as Tyson & Jones, Oxford, (Chase City) and several brands of Medium Grade Buggies. Also Nice Line of Harness. Nice lot of 6 Mules and Horses For farm or road work. OS C. !!. FULLER Febni.'irv t 4th LUMBERTON NO. CA. SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this paper so that every chewer has had ni opportunity to get acquainted with the facts And know that drigs are not used to produce the cheering quality found in the famous Piedmont country flue-cured tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS is what he ought to chew. Still there are chewers who accept other and cheaper tobaccos that do not give the same pleasure. fV K - --. - ' they'v; long 'bio vh themselve.:. err -Tr ee ! of the rrral v,'h"rc in 5 11 rks, c,'ii;i .1 ; .1 " -d 1 r- HW Mills Sc. C;:r 2!i'jr iixarn -" a m ,4 r