FIT THE SEMI-WEEKLY RORESONIAN. fci-Weekly 7 When Uo.agias Ueiil Hat. Lincoln's t Tonics STABLE H 1 OL. XXXVIII, NO 2 We Have Ir:: i vi Cribl!) "Utl'itl iil Li'i;-' first in- . I'l: T.''lt- (i." ! f h n i ,' f i r ' rm l.; cone j -lirf of' m, ! Hold Yotit Cotton iil'I.'j : i-r!r V .1 IV;;,, -If y Reason For C: nr. v I it r : More it in our : -n'.i i , e. tor i '.- T ..:;..( ' ,t 6 per . v t- .. ..tio'l. ik cinU met 4 i . 1 I 'Hi' In ; ft ' .. uouniy Loan 4-1 t viist Lumber ton. N. O. McLean, ,;. jr Uorrntv. - - " V 1 ; hi A New Supply of ape And Eye, and with our other stock v pared to fill your orders than ever. We Have a Complete Stock of Oak, . Qtnro Lumber0 uulilJ UUJfllll O JDWOIIJf UlUID, 01 In" s i'ou:u wur : : : ),::. U Mill iS', i ,. til'1 ;;-m., i 1 1 1 M):,y '"I'C il'Mj ilMIIU.'li coin i.k'- a f;l! lv ! t.'asitjr, plan 1 . .: i IFYOD GET IT AT WARD'S IT'S GOOD: Professional Service. This is a Drug Stre in which the Professional side of Pharmacy in Emphasised. We recognize our duty to the Public and fulfil it the best we can. Back of the service rendered is 1 2 yet s experience. This experience, added to our technical knowledge of drugs, is ap plied for the benefit of our customers. We enddvor to give you Just the Quality of Goods and Just the Service you should have. We do this for your good and our good. Our Interests are mutual. We have never believed that immediate profit was the thing to be striven for in a Family Drug Store. If the service is right profit will in the long run, take care of itself. - .L H. B. WARD, Ph. G. Drugs of Quality. 1 1 Rowland, : : : : : N. O. ft to to to to to to 9 to n iuying ewelry ! Whether you'ure hu'ing for yourself or someone else, you want somcthing Good and Reliable. This can be obtained from us. We carry at all times, the Largest and Most Complete Line of te Fine Jewelry and Silverware To be found in Robeson County. Every piece that leaves our store is Guaranteed. Headquarters for Wedding Presents. Write us for prices. McLEAN - ROZIBR CO. I'O ,.ell tot! The Eagle Furniture and Carpet Co., Lumberon, N. C, Has decided to sell at COST, their whole entire lme of China and Glassware all new designs. We make this offer because we must have more room to display a more Complete Line ol Musical Instruments. Give us your Christmas order for House Furn ishings and Musical Instruments. - DON'T FORGET To call on us. Ask our Prices-"Compare Quality. EAGLE FURNITURE AND CARPET CO. Dec aoth. . Tho thai, 'i .'' 'Oii'i may ' to." C!.r. wi? 1 .t iicail,ir.u AI p;iin in tiir head not tunl Ijinm inav ivuuirliabii' scent: when Liih-oin. ! be inoilerated. ii' 1101. relievMil aoout to deliver his muie.'u ral ! teinpeianiy, by .some form of! Iieadaclie lewder, " but a fre : M 1 M I jfflDov cln.-e 1o him. 1 witnessed Ui.-Jdu 1 , 10 in: 1 , A. W ,l n n imp. r m r address, cjuld nui at oncelinda convenient place for his hat, and Douglas took it and held ifcijke an attendant while Lincoln was speaking. I saw the withered form of Chief Justice Taney, the author of the famous Dred Scott decision, that judicial cotnpend of the doctrine of slavery, adminis ter the oath of nffira tn t.ho fit ' - UUU Ul o u A: j i .... ijatw.eut eieciea on a aistmct I. will painty olatform. T saw Tis your sign the out going Pres MAXTON N Buchanan, with his jlinedo- - ;je. Subscribe For The Soon to Vote on Water Works and Seweraae-'Brlefsand Personal. Joreespondence of The RobeHonlan, Mr. M. W. Cole spent .Sunday in Carj at the home of his par ents. Mr. D. R. Barnes, who has been visiting in Dunn and Ral eigh, returned home Sunday morning. He was away about two weeks. Mr- Jessie McCallum was a visitor here Monday. Mr- Geo. B. McLeodis in town today on business. Mr. Leon T. Cook left Tuesday night for Raleigh to take part, in the opposition to the proposed new county to be formed out of parts of Robeson and Cumberland. There was a meeting of the cotriiaittee of location of the Methodist College to be located here held last Saturday. As yet no site has been selected but it is thought it will be done this week. There were several engineers in town last night to meet with the Board of commissioners of the town in regard to the rtater works and sewerage matters which will soon be voted on by the people for a bond issue. The object of the meeting was to secure an engineer and let him survey the town at once and give an estimate as to the costs etc. Maxton, N. C, Feb, 27, 1906. Center Dots. Correspondence of the Rob soman. Miss Ora Atkinson, who has been spending some time visiting relatives in Harnett county, re turned to her home Friday. Rev. L. A. Paul filled his regu lar appointment here Sunday. Miss Cora Lewis spent last week visiting her sister, Mrs.! Neill Smith, near Ashpole. Several of our people are ex pecting to take in the quarterly naeetiag to be held at Smyrna Sunday. Mr. W. T. Jenrette, of Back Swamp, spent Thursday night in this community. Mr. Jacob Ivey.of Or rum, spent Saturday night and Sanday in this vicinity. With best wishes to The Robe- t, ... soman. Center, N. C, Feb. 27, 1907. townships organization are urged to attend the meeting Sat urday and to remember to send full delegation to the county trice ng the following Monday, March the 4th, as business of im portancewill be before this meeting. quent recourse to this means of cure may fatally weaken the heart. When this stops beating the headaches cease to trouble, but the patient is not in condition to know or care- Less serious but not much so, is the abuse of tonics. A true tonic is anything that promotes the nutrition of the body. This may be done by increasing the appetite and improving digestion, which is the function of the bit- WmVTaSf week1?- Proving the Miss Ida McLauchlin. of Rae ford, after spending- some time with relatives here, has returned home. Miss Bessie McKay is spend ing a while with friends in and near Dillon. Mr. William Thompson, after a severe attack of grippe, is able to be out again. Mr. R. S. Bond is able to be iaain, after having been confined to his room for sev eral days. A petition has been numer ously signed and forwarded to the Legislature asking for au thority to vote on a bond issue Kor the erection of a graded school building. This is a vote in the right direction and we certainly hope it will be acted upon favorably. Rowland's school facilities have never been in keeping with the town and a first-class graded school here would add greatly to our ma terial prosperity. It is rumored that we will have a paper here soon. Mr. Wood, of Dillon, is the moving spirit in the new venture. Mr. R. S. Bond was in Fay ette ville last Monday on busi ness. The Washington Birthday celebration at the public school building last Friday evening was in every way creditable and reflected great credit upon the pupils as well as upon Prof. Harmon and Misses Muse and Whitley. Mr. W. F. Bristow spent last Monday in Dillon. Rowland, N. C, Feb. 27, '07. Pembroke Items. Sorrctpondaoea of Tbe RobefooUn. We are having more bd weather. Sunday was the w.irst day we have had for a longtime. Misses Lena Melvin and Mamie Davis were this town Saturday. Mr. A. B. Williams, of Ren nert, spent a few hours in Pem broke Thursday night. Mr, , Normy McDiarmid, of Lumberton, passed through here By purchasing the right kind of FERTILIZERS. We will handle some of the kinds that will bring prosper ity to your homes by increasing your vield per acre. We don't mean to say by this that there are not others just as good, but wo will carry a full line of High Grade Fer tilizers this season, and would consider it a privilege to ' me Measure oi serving you in Mis line. : : : : : Yours Respectfully, J. MCR. BRACY. Rowland, jy. C. JlsXMH.Saflatorium Company. Pembroke, N. C, Feb. incorporated) BARKER NEWSLETTER. Successful Entertainment Movement ol Barker People. Correspondent of ThkRobeonln. On account of tbe inclement weather there was no Sunday school Sunday. Messrs. Bunyan M 'White and Robert Pate spent a few, dajs last week visiting friends at Bellamy Mr. Troy Powers, who has re cently returned from Richmond, Va., Business College, has ac cepted a position as bookkeeper with ..the McDirmid-Williams Lumber Co. Mr. and Mrs. Jim M 'White who have been quite sick with an attack of lagrippe, are recover ing. Miss Anna Betune.of Lumber ton, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents near Ten Mile. Sunday is communion service at Ten Mile Baptist Church. The concert given in the Acad emy Friday evening, Feb. 22, was i mi 1 1 a success- ine iouowing pro gramme was rendered. Play: "The Wanderer's Return" Cast of Characters: Enoch Arden Mr. Preston Pate, Annie Lee Miss Emma Dell Powers, Peter Lane Mr. Braxton Kinlaw, Miriam Lane Mis- Blennie Powers Mappy Ralston Mis Dovie Britt Phillip Ray-Mr. Albert Paul, Dr Winthorpe Mr. Charlie P. Powers, Sailor Boy Mr. Carr Powers, Enoch Arden's Children: Mr. Carr Powers, Miss Annie M' White, Miss Pearl M'White, Mastor Shelton M'White.Little Miss Pauline M'Donald. Between acts of the play "Home Sweet lome"' was well rendered by Misses Pearl In man and Lottie M'White. This beig considered more appropriate in connection with the home scenes of the play. Ins't Misses Effie M'White and Pearl Inman. Vocal Solo Miss Eva Powers. Ins't Master Roland M'White. Vocal Miss Effie M'White. Ushers: Mr. Avery Powers, Miss Mst- tie M'White, Mr. Reub-n M'White, Miss Minnie Eare, Mr. Will Jones, Miss Pesrl visitors to i Sanders, Mr. Harvey M'White. Barker's, N- C, Feb. 27, 1907. "Sfeeding'Sanatorium Attorneys and ConBeib4uane and way and uDMBERTON, : : i. E. J. BRITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lumberton, N. C Office over Pope's Drug Store. 11. O PARVIN; Contractor and Builder. Lumberton, N. C Plans, Specifications and Prices furs tohed on application. F. L. BLACK, ATTORNKY AT LAW, MAXTON, N. C Office on and floor McCskill Building, (looms 6-8. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND 8DRGEOV, Lumberton, . : : : : N. O. Office at Hospital. Phone No. 41. Down town olBce overDr. McMillan's Drug Store. "Catts" promptly answered night or day, in town or'in the country. telecrram statin cr that Mrs. Thursday night on his way to'Geonre,8 mother had died at her Wilmington Star: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. George went up to Clarkton on the early train yes terday morning in response to a Greensboro, where he will spend a few days. Mis Maud Vaughn left for her h me in Iraporia. Va., last home there at 8 o'clock Monday night. The funeral waslconduc ted at Clarkton yesterday, and Mr. and Mrs. Cfeorge willreturn Dr. R. T. ALLEN, Dentist, LUMBERTON, N. C. ffice over Dr. McMillan's Drag Store. DR. J. D. REGAN, DENTIST, LlJMBEKTON, N. 0. fice in Shaw 'uilding, drug Hiotx. over Pope's Dr. F. H. PITMAN, t DENTIST. Ashpole, " n. c Dr. R. G. Rozikr, Ds. John Knox. Drs. Rosier. & Knox, Physicians and ; Soracons Office st rear of Robeson County Loan aud Trust Company. Dr. W. A. McPhaul, - Physician and Surgeon, Asapole, N. C Office Phone, No. 5. Res. Phone No. Night calls answered,promptlv. Go Over To FREEMAN'S WOODWORKING PLANT FOR Mantels, Balluaters and Columns. it-ijtf Friday. She was accompanied1 home today?