or; xxx mil; wo 4" L0MBERTON, NORTH OAKOLINA. THURSDAY, MARCH 7. JPG7 WBOLB NO- 2232 P ! H ill ,afl ill ed another lotofthooe B-autiful Comijs alio These Goods were made especially for the Jewelry Trade ani are well worth vour inspection. Boylin's Jewelry li The Eagle Lumberton, N. C ( Has decided to sell at COST, their whole entire line of China and Glassware all new designs. We make this offer because we must have more room to display a more. Complete Line ol Musical . Instruments. Give us your Christmas order for House Furn things and Musical Instruments., DON'T FORGET To call on us. Ask our Pricee--Compare Quality. EAGLEII FURNITURE Clothes FOR Gentlemen v . ... - AT Jenrettc-Singletaiy Compans New Store: Are Garments aie made by the" Best New York TriIois. aud il lustrates the Styles that will be aiost popular this season in Single and Double Breast, and area little smarter 6tiappy and a little more distinguished look ing than anything we have yet seen and we invite you to come in and inspeot them before pur abasing ybiir Easter Suit. They are going at $8 00 to $20.00. We are agents for the Cele brated orlise Coon Collars and Cuffs, - -And Lion Brand Shirts, o And can a Pall and Complete Xine at all times aud oan always fit yoa. " -r-iEHZ ' ' -i t ' z. W ttl jast received a BlG XOTof Easter Dreaa Goods and intit the Ladiea to ceoie in and Suspect oJty took, before baying their EABTSR SUITS. The latest -and Newest Patterns JLLL NEW. ftfoea.Bight., COME TO-DAY! YoM will find some Grand PevrfAina Viia mrr aaTtia a onoe. Jenrette-Singletary Go Next Door above Dr. McMillana irag Store. m have just open mi Hat Pins. Store, LumbertQn-l c. if 1st ! Furniture and Carpet Co., AND CARPET CO. w irs:-;stommm tat s w. : -crr.;r ?-...vtmlm,i.Tsl if IliliPf v pipirw' COMMISSIONERS rtlEET. Jurors Drawn- for April Term ol Court Bridge to be Bollt. The board of county com mis- sioners met in regular session Monday morning, Februry 4th, Those present were Messrs. J W. Carter, chairman; D. S. Al derman, A. R. McEachern, C, A. Oliver and A. L. Bullock commissioners. i . . . Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The regular pauper list was allowed. Ordered that CVT.Klwangeri $9.52 for lumber for bride be paid from Britts and White House townships' funds. Ordered that A. C L. R. R, vo. De allowed re bale or one- half of the 8. S. district levied in Rex district Lumber Bridge No. 3. Ordered that R. D. Lancas ter be paid $74 fdr self and guard for chain gang for month of February. . . Ordered that bill of N. A. Ratley, $8 for conveying four patients to jail, be allowed. Ordered that Jno. T. Hooper be allowed rebate of $3.09 in Back Swamp township. Listed twice. - ' ' Ordered that F. Cv Jones, superintendent of public roads, be paid $100 salary for motith of February. ; ; Ordered that J. H. Floyd be paid $29.85 for conveying pa tients to asylum. , Orderod that' bill of1 E." C. McNeilfV;-$18 for conveying Grif fin H. McLean to asvlura, be paid. Ordered that bill of W. H. Humphrey $57.10, preparing bur dockets, etc., be paid. Ordered that Bennie Rhodes be allowed $1 per month for self support and, be placed on regular pauper list. ,n Ordered that JE. J. Britt bo paid $2 self-support for month j-pf March. - - - - ; - . On motion it was ordered that the nume..6f Zella,Jlaya.'-be flfpod from the regular 'pau ier ij't. ; i Ordeiod that bill of L. H. Caldwell, $103.05, for paint and oil for county home be allowed Ordered that bill of McAl lister Hardware Compauy, $6. 55 for blinds for county home, be allowed. Ordered that Louisa McLauch lin be admitted to the county home. Ordered that J. L. Lawson be allowed rebate of $4.40 in Ster lings. Listed twice. Ordered tbat Miss Laura L Wishart be allowed rebate of $5.28 in Britts township. List ed twice. Ordered that bill of A. B Fisher $6.50 for feeding jury, bepafd. Wraerea that 1. J, If lowers ke.ifcftjpV $85.50 for keeping pu&y home for month of Feb ruary. . . .'v.'. . Ordered that tbe sheriff be instructed to hare -taken up rroof ol Merit. The nroof ef tbe merit of plaster it the cure it effects, aad the Toluntarr tes timonials of those who have ustd Ailcocks Plasters daring the past sixty years u'ua- impeacuable evidence 01 tneir superiority and should convi ce the most skeptical praise is no recommendation, b it certificates from thoc who have used them are. Allcock's are the original and genuine parous plasters and have never b en equaled by th we who have sought t trade up jh tneir reputation dv matiug glasters ith holes in them. Av -id sub stitutes as you would counterfeit money. and cleaned and replaced, the matting on the court house floor and replace the old matting on the steps with new matting. Ordered that application o IL K. McCormick for rebate on pistol tax of McCormicY& Rog ers be not allowed. Ordered that the monthly al loWance of Irzie Baxley be in creased to $4. Ordered that bill of Freeman Printing Company for $25.30 be allowed tor printing. Ordered that bill of J. H Floyd for $78, keeping jail for month of February, be paid. Ordered that bill of E. C McNeill for $19.50. summoning!, jurors, etc., be allowed. Ordered that B- C. McNeill be paid 27 cents for telegram for county. Ordered that E. G Sipher be allowed 50 cents for supples for court house. Ordered that bill of J. D. McLean & Co. for $166.35 for supplies for chaingang, be al lowed. Ordered that bill of D. W. Bullock for $36.12 be allowed for recording bonds for county officials. Ordered that bill of W. T. Newton of $4.30 for conveying Sam Campbell to jail, be paid. Ordered that R. M. Williams be allowed. $9.60 for conveying B. Campbell to Lumberton jail. Ordered that bill of E. C. Mc Neill sheriff, be paid $24.85 Mrupp!iesiia& CQU ntyaJiad- cuffs. Ordered that bill of W. E. Hall be allowed, $5.50 for con veying prisoner to jail. Ordered that bill of Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. be allowed, $26 for supplies for countv. Ordered that bill of W. T. Newton be allowed, $5.45, con veying L. Locklear to jail. , Ordered that the following good and lawful men whose ijarnes are. drawn from the jury box, be'hotified to attend the Civil term of court which con venes April 1st, 190": First. weekL. l, Martin, H. S. Smith, W. T. Carter, Elias Collins, John. Walters, C. L Page, J. G. Rhodes, Moses Warwick. E. D. Gaitley, R F. Council. G. M. D. Howard. Paul Wellington. O. Stanley, T S. Greyard. II. M. Grimsley, D. B. Avers, Malcom L. Mc Lean, G. L. Willis. Second week I. S. Britt, J. P. Price, L. M. Currie, Thos. B. Pace, J. A. Peacock, A. H. O' Brien, Martin A. McQueen, H. B. Canady, H. C. Newton, J. A. McCallum, A. T. Garvis, E H. Branch, F. Wishart, Leonard Brisson, H. A. Townsend, J. E. Wilkes, J. B. Caldwell, Alva Oxendine.- On motion it was ordered bv tha Board,', that they borrow $2.500 1 from the First National Bank. ' prdered that bill of J. M. Deef be allowed, $7.85, for re paTr on court bouse, and $4.15 for repairs on jail. 4 Ordered that W. K. Brock be allowed $90 for self and guard. vOo motion it was ordered that the building of Gilchrist's Bridge, crowing Lumber river, be awarded to Carolina-Engi-neeriniT Company, of Burling ton, N. C., for the sum of $1,. 990 LUMBER BRIDGE LETTER. Sodden Death ol Mr. John T. Nicholson Remains of Police man Chason Interred -Person Is. CorrMpondeneaof Th Robewoisn. Misstate Mears, of Bennetts ville, S. C, spent a few days days with Mrs. L. L. Hargrove the past week. Messrs. Leslie Shaw and Lacy John were "sparking" in Red Springs Sunday. Miss Anna Beth u me, of Lum berton, visited her cousin, Rev J; W. Cobb, Monday. Mr. M- h. Marley spent a few days in B&Mgb Jat week. Hi. & iP- KJtpj, ho is visit i0K bis daughter, Dir. Mebane, at Burlington, is critically ill His wife and daughter, Mrs- J. E Clifton, were called to his bed side- We wish for him a speedy recovery. The rema;.n9 of Mr. J. ACha son, of Fayetteville, were interred in the family burying grounds this morning with Masonic hon ors. He leaves a wife and three children. We extend to them our deepest sympathy. Tbe family of Mr. J. D. John son left today for their country home near Cromartie. We are very sorry to lose them. Mr. John T. Nicholson died suddenly today at bis home near Parkton- Our deepest sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones. Lumber Bridge, N. C, Mch. 6, Pembroke News. Correspondent of Th Robesonlsn. Mr. Marvin Paul is in the Highsmitb Hospital in Fayette vijle for treatment. He is better ai tnis wnung. Mr. Hector Brown is a little indisposed this week Messrs. Edwin Pate and John Buio spent Sunday in Fayette ville. The Misses Brown, from Red Springs, came to Pembroke to visit their brothers a few days ago. Mr. Todd spent Sunday at Hope Mills. Miss Emma McQueen spent 'a few days last week in town. She left for her home at Buie, Sun day., Mr. Hugh Monroe was in Pem broke Sunday. Rev. Mr. McLean and family, of Rowiand, spent Friday here. Air McLean will be our pastor here this year. Pembroke, N. C, March 6. Robeson Medical Society Meets. The Robeson County Medical Society held its regular meeting in the town of Ashpole Wednes day, at 11:00 a. m., in the parlors of the Robeson Inn. Much busi ness of interest was discussed and transacted. Much praise is given the physicians of Ashpole by the visiting members.for their ordial hospitality and the splen did manner in which they enter tained their guests- The atten ion and courtesies shown the visiting physicians made the meeting even more than ordinari ly enjoyable . j Members of the Society "bre feent were; Drs. J. D McMillan, j. D. Croon, JC- McKehzie, Howard Reedy, hJM. McNartt, J. P. Brown,' W. E- Evans, R B. BeckwjtH, H. T. Pope, W. F. Stephens, G.M Pate,A.B,Croom, Lloyd Grantham and N.A.Tbomp-son- Dr. Eaaley. of Board man, was a welcome visitor. At The Opera House. ! Miss Eva L- Dunning, of Col umbus, Ohio," reader and jmper sonator, will give an entertain ment in the opera boose Friday night, Mch, 8th, under the aus pices, of 'the Lumberton Lodge No- 83 K. Of P. She comes most nitfhly reeotumended. Tickets will' h on safe at Pope's Drug Store 35 pt and 15 cents. PfiOFESSfOMAL CARDS. Wade Wishart, p. F. Sbmr. Wishart & Shaw, Attorneys at Law LUMBERTON. - - - W. C. All business entrusted to M fromptLy attended to. Office in Shaw Building. t. a. McNeill, Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C. Will practice in alt the Court. nesa attended to promptly. A. UtVtmm. A. W. McJLMta J. O. MeCoralrt. IcLEAI, EcLE U IcCORMlCI, ATTORNKYI AT LAW, r,UM BERTON. M C yi&on on 3nd floor of Bank of Ixua barton Building, Booma 1, 1. 1, A 4 'ompt attentioM given to all btadneM i i CHAS. R SKIPPER, Attorney at Law LUMBERTON, - - H. C AU basineto ntraittd to him will re ceive prompt and caret a attention. Office in First National Bank Building ver Poet Office E. M. .BRITT, Attorney at Law. L0MBIRTO5, N. C. Office upstairs in Argna Building. All business promptly transacted. Mclntyre & Lawrence Attorneys and Counselors at Law, uUM BERTON, : : N. C 1 E. J. BRITT, Attorney at Law, Lumberton, N. C Office over Pope's Drug Store. Rr tt PARVIN, Contractor and Bull4er Lumberton, N. C. 1 Plans, Specifications and Prices font ivhed on applicauoo. F, L. BLACK, Attorney at Law, MAXTON. N. C. Office on 2nd floor McCaskill Building, K.oomi 6-8. : Dr. N. A. Thompson, ' PHYSICIAN AND SURCBOV, Lumberton, t : : : N. 0. Office at Hospital Phone No! 41. Down town office overiDr. McMillan's Drug Store. Calls promptly answered igtit or day, in town or in the country. Dr. R. T ALLEN. Dentist, LUMBER TON, Ti C. tfice over Dr McMillan's Dnig' Store. DR. J. D. REGAN, UKJNTISTi '' !0MBRTON, ' - ;' - N p. "iiikhng. over Pope's Dr. i . a. P1TJMAN, DENTIST. Dr. R. G. Rozikr, D. John Knox. Dra Rozier & Knox, Physicians aa4 Sargeons. Office at rear of Robeson County Loan and Trust Company. Dr. W. A. McPhaul, Physician and Snrgoti, , v.tr. Aafeaate, 1C C Office Phone, No. 5. Res. Phone No Kight calls sjwweredtromptlr. Th Crawford Mill We offer (or fanmndiate sale this eseeV lent property,- located near St Paula, Robeson county, N. C, on Great Marsh, with' ample water power all the time. Plant consists of mill pond, three-stoay building and out-b ildiugs, two aimy press, engine, boiler, saw mill, planer, shingle machine, dry kiln, turning ma chinery, timber and grist mill. Plena of timber near by. Excellent local pat ronage for saw mill and grit mill. The toll from grist mill Alone will par 7 per cent, net on total investment. Address Th Opik Odom Co., i-3i St Pauls, N. C.

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