.n ' -t ' . j .6) rHW BKMI-WSEKLY ROBE80NIAN. r Salaries vs. Fees, ttattvllle landmark. 1 'The Landmark has expressed ' itself as in favor of placmp all oi .ficers county, State, etc, on a ;alary basis instead of paying .them in fees, as many of them are now paid. When the bill to . place solicitors on a salary was Under discussion in the Leisla tare recently it was noticed that i all solicitors whose fees aggre , gated more than $'2,300, the max imum amount named, opposed the bill. This was natural. They want all they can get out of the Office. It is the same way with county officers and all others Who are paid under the fee sys . tern. Thev cet more money ieetion to the salary system An official who wants what is com in t nun and no more will pre for wor kiiiyr for a salary, so that no char fie of padding the fee list, or of doing things purely to get loos, can be made against him. It has been suggested that if solicitors are put on a sal ary basis they will not do their duty in enforcing the law, the idea being that they must have the incentive or a fee to move them to do the work they are elected to do. This can only mean that solicitors are so dis honorable that they will not do their work unless they get extra fees for dxing it. We can't be lieve that any of the men holding than the public generally is aware the office in this State hold such of and they want to hold on to the fee system. The fee system of ' fers unlimited opportunities for Kraft in case of a corrupt official. A1 solicitor, for instance, can make a half dozen cases out of one, purely to gets fees, if he is looking after the money side of the proposition, and a county of ficer who is paid in fees can work the same game in different ways if he is amind. The general pub lic has no knowledge of the fees allowed and they have to pay whatever the officer says. Often these officials become a power in politics and they use their influ ence with members of the Legis lature to have special acts pnssed increasing their fees There can be no reasonable ob- For Catarrh, let me send you free, just to prve merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow white, creamy, healing antiseptic balm that gives instant relief to Catai rh of the nose and throat Make tke free test and see. Address Dr. Slioop, Racine. Wis Large jars 50 cents. Sold by All Dealers. views of their duty. If they do, the sooner we get rid of them the better. If the fee system is necessary to get officials to work, then it would be well to pay Superior Court judges in fees, allowing them a certain amount for every case disposed of. That would induce them to do more work, probably. The fee system will have to go. The beneficiaries of it will pro test, because they don't want to turnloose a good thing- But the movement is under way and by and by all public officers will be put on a salary and the fees col lected will be put in the treasu1 ry. When this is done the pub lie will be benefited and if officers on a salary can't do the work they can be turned out and oth ers put in their places. OJLD FORK GLEANINGS. Subscribe for the Robesonian your neighbor is tired of be ing- bothered about his paper Unrest Among , Laborers Four Africans Craved for Native Home Personals. , Corremxiudence of The KobetAnian. I hear of but little news in the Fork these days- Agricultural progress has been retarded by wie laie rains, dm 1 see on a neighboring farm this morning that plowing has been resumed mi . . mere seems to oe among some of the laboring class a spirit of unrest, and instability, which is very detrimental to the farmer's interest. Last week one of our nearest neighbors lost on of his crop pers, without warning or provo cation, after contracting to run a farm, and doing considerable work thereon. His whereabouts have not been discovered, but he has probably skipped across the State line. Such conduct as thin eaves the landlord, at this sea son of the year, in a bad strait, and I hear of many similar in. stances. . It is in this way that the negroes destroy the confi dence of the white' people, and the innocent ones are caused to suffer for the guilty, because it! is getting difficult to know who to rely upon, although there are some worthy and industrious among them, who are living hon est lives and are respectable citi zens. A long time ago, there was in this neighborhood four native African negioaj, three men and one woman, all of whom contin ually craved to return to their native land. Although owned by good Chris always cherished the belief that they would go back to Africa when they d ied : and in the cou rse of a few years one of the nen CQuld no longer restrain his anxiety to depart, so one day as he was workingin a remote field all alone, he went into the edge of the woods, made a noose of his suspenders, fastened them in a tree and hanged himself. Another of these men, "Lavnier" by "name, was .tattooed on face and hands, and claimed to have been the son of an African King but he and his wife lived out their natural length of days and many of their descendants are yet living in this vicinity. Mr. J. B. McCallum and little son, of Maxton, passed down through the Pork this morning en route to his farm. Mr. 0. T- Reynolds went down to Rowland on Saturday and re turned yesterday afternoon Mr. Robt. Stewart, of John Station, was visiting, home folks yesterday. v ' . A r Miss J.ulia McQueen, who had. jbeen our gaest for two weeks, returned hom& on Saturday. Mr. J. B. Hrown, who has been vwry m wim pneumonia, is im proving. ' Severe colds, some grippe and whopping cough are at present prevailing to some extent in this neighborhood. "Aunt Becky." Maxton, N. C-, R. F. D. No. 1, March 4th. Lost and Found. Lost, between 9.30 p m , yester day and noon to-day, a bilious at taok, with nausea and sick head ache. This loss was oooasionfid hv ffinrlinrr of all rJiir a4n..n . I - r tian people, and in constant con-1 Dr. King's New Life Pills, the tict with good influences, they guaranteed cure for biliousness were never tul v civilized, hut, malaria and laundice ELBOD NEWS LETTER. Death of Mr; Braey-r-SIelcness In Community Personal Items. Corrfspondei.ee of The RobruonUn. Mr. Abe Bracey died at his home near here Tuesday night, Feb. 26tb. He bad been in de clining health for several months and there was little hope for his recovery; still his sudden death was a shock to his family and friends. He was a faithful, con sistent member of the Presby terian church. We have reason tq believe that he died in full assurance of eternal salvation He leaves a wife, four children, mother, several brothers and sis ters. 1 To the bereaved ones the sym pathy of the community is ex tended. Mrv Elbert Bridgers, who has been quite sick, is improving a little. Mr. D. A. McCall is just re covering from a spell of the ffrippe. Miss Julia McCall is on the sick list this week.- Mrs. Gay, of Rockingham, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Poole. Miss Irene Poole spent Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. J. A. McRae and son visited relatives near Maxton last week. Miss Annie Culbreth spent Sunday in Fayetteville with her sister, Mrs. N. C. Stubbs. Elrod, N. C-, March 4th, '07. AH Vanity and Vexation of Spirit Says Blackburn. Washington Correspondent of Ohtrlotte Ob . ierver. . t Like a lot of other people, the members of the North Carolina delegation appeared to take pe culiar delight in kicking the ship subsidy bill out of shape. Evea Blackburn showed up in tbs House and voted against the bill. This, it is said, is the first vote cast by the Republican member during the present session. Mr. Blackburn does not think much of the congressional game anv more. He told Mr. Godwin, the member-elect from the sixth, that it was all vanity and texation of spirit, and added the discourag ing prophecy that he would go home at the end of his term much lighter in purse than when be came- Tne Touch That Heals. Is the touch of Bueklen's Arniot Salve. It's the happiest combina tion of Arnica flowers and healing balsams ever compounded. JNo matter how old the sore or ulcer is, this Salve will oure it. For burns, scalds, outs, wounde or piles, it's an absolute oure. Guar anteed by all druggists 35 cents "Preventics" will promptly check a cold or tue Grippe when taken early or at the "sneeze stage." Preventics cure seated colds as well. Preventics are little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr Shoip, Racine, Wis., will gladly mail you samples and a book on Co ids free, if you will write him. The samples prove their merit. Check early Colds with Preventics and stop Pneumonia. Sold in ami tan hnT. by All Dealers. Heart Strength Heart Strength, or Heart Weakness. mratniiNerM Strength, or Nerve Weakness nothing more. Pos itively, not one wean neart in a Hundred is, in it self, actually diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. This obscure nerve th Cardiac, or Heart Nerve simply needs, and must have, more power, moM stability, more controlling, more governing strength. Without that the Heart must continue to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also htv these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains why. as a medicine. Dr. Shoop's Restorative has In the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Hhoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suflocafc. Ing heart distress. Dr. Snoop's Restorative thai popular prescription Is alone directed to thesa weak and wasting nerve centers. It bulks ; ittstrengthens; it offari real, genuine heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, strong di gestion, strengthen thew .nerves ra-eatabl&a them as needed, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative 1 1 . ca . . . . . . . ;flie Southern Life Insurance "ConSanvi Fay et Seville, M C m M The Record made bv "The Rrmt.h Sntf ?r T lnd imVtrt1?1 treatmet of its Policy Holders, should be W most gratifying- to those who ha, n. PrOi- tthi, -t-i ine LomnanY numbers its PrVHrvn- tt-i td-. , 47 vxuvio kjj uj.j.0 unuuiiub. ine people oi w?th tL SrUn? G?nntGS are placing a larg-e part of their Insurance! , 7 r . ,7 wuig uuiuHiveiy tne nig-n estimate placed on, the contracts iasn fid h-o-th nnTYTo-n-rr L ? j V VJJJLUllJ . Ml - -X J IL . MST. 1 Messrs. McLEAN & BARKER, T ' Agents for The Southern Life Ins. Co., Lumberton, N. 0. Dear Sirs: . it liSJ? t0 thaiS1 you for th Gheck for ne Thousand Dollars ($1,000) just handed me m settlement of Policy No. 303, on the life of Ervin L BigW who died January 4th, 1907. vui uruggs, r?Q?t set2lemen1t is most gratifying to aU policy-holders of "The South ?f ' cnfirms the confidence of those who have pinned their faith to the Management of your good Company. Ver Respectfully (Signed) E. J. BIGGS, Administrator. rs? . R- D. Caldwell. m K. M. Biggs, Hector McLean, DIRECTORS IN ROBESON COUNTY: X Carter, T. L. Northrop, R.F. Deyane, Ay E. Shaw, AGENTS IN ROBESON COUNTY: J J. W. Ward. I Giaour tm "J. A. Barker. i mi m :,4l