Country. God nixj'ruth SlNGLh roPIhtf OH NTS i. xxxvnr. no 7 LUMBFRTON, NORTH CAROLINA. MONDAY. MABCH 18. 1G7 WBOLBJ NO. 2235 T AHUSH K l "1 8,70. i I u J 1 1 SOLID GOLD GOLEMS We Have Them in Pins, Buttons, Fobs, Charms, Rings,, Etc. Us Show Von Ssfore ft l m you my. Bonn's Jewelry Store, Lumberton. N. C Mm HOLINESS DISAGREE. 4 The Eagle Furniture and Carpet Go., Lumberton, N. C, Has decided to sell at COST, their whole entire line of C. hina and Glassware all now desis. We make this "offer because w- must h ive more room to display a more Complete Line ot Musical instruments. Give us your Christmas order for Huse Furn ishings and Musical Instruments. DON'T FORGIET To call on ue. Ask our PricesCompare Quality. E AG LEU FURNITURE AND CARPET CO: M n ones! AS A wxa.'-'.', Dollar. 'he Best Suit Values in stores to-day are offered in the "Honest as a Dollar" Clothing. You will surely be surprised not only at their ''Superior Quality," but at tbeir "Perfect Fit," and you win et them at moderate prices. See our Three Button Sirgle Breast Sack at MAX mm m mm i Writ MM And cur Three Button Dou ble Lreast Sack m $12:50;md $14.5', which me equal to tfae Uest Custom Tailored armeiits at twice the price. Come ui and inspect ouv gar ments. and see if we can't, save you some moiieyjjon your : Saw- r Odtlit. mm 35S mm mm mm Easte We- have ljust received' a .Kice Assortment of Ties made iwpecially for our trade, in Silk and Washable Goods, at from 16 cents to 50 cents. (T Look out for our big" offer in Shoes Next week. w&m, wmm mm atftajan A . MgMM f&txt Door Above Dr.; McMillan's fug Store. - . me. 'Talking With Tongues" not Unanimously Accepted Here. What is known as "Speaking With Tongues" and referred to by some as the "Modern Religi ous Mania" has caused a disa greement among the followers of the Holiness faith here. Some believe in it white others do not, Just what effect on the local con gregation the disagreement will have is not known yet. The Holiness membership he. was 90 or 100 strong. It is com posed of some good, strong, con- scientious and influential people. They have a tubernacle here and have accomplished good. They reach a class of people that need the Christian influence thrown around them but who are" some times not reached by other churches. In this way they have accomplished much lasting good. But any one familiar with con ditions were not surprised to hear Saturday morning that there had been a breech in the congregation over the "Speaking With Tongue." This idea, start ing in-California had spread and some time aero reached . Dunn this State, where is a stronghold of the Holiness followers. Know ing that it was a short time unti it would be brought to Lumber- ton and taught to the congrega tien here, two officers of the local congregation went to Dunn to at tend one of the services in the Unknown Tongue." When they saw and heard, while not ques tioning the genuineness of the ef- ct of the teaching, they thought and advised tnat the time was not ripe for the new doctrine to be taught here. The Lumberton officers came home and no more was heard by them of the com ing of the teachers of the new doctrine. However, two weeks ago yesterday two of the preach ers did arrive here and in the absence of the regular pastor of the church here they were per mitted to use the tabernacle for preaching these new ideas. It is believed that a few of their servi ces atthe first did good. Some of the congregation were so af fected by the teaching that they talked in the "tongue" while there were others who were not effected to that extent. It was this that caused the disagreement. The teachers of the new doctrine went so far as to claim that no one who could not be so affected had not receiv ed the Holv Ghost- Many of the conservative element of the con gregation could not see it this way and were not willing to have the hope that, they had built up and believed in set aside by such teaching. The pastor of the church is not himself a believer in the "unknown tongue" idea and offered his resignation to the congregation unless a stop was put to the new preachers. When the visiting preachers announced services for Saturday night they were asked to withdraw them until a conference of the church could be had and until it could be decided 1 whether the meeting should be allowed to continue or not.- The new teachers seems to have misconstrued the spirit of request and withdrew from the church. We hear they exoect to place a tent here later and con tinue the preaching of the un known tongue idea. This new teaching has , been disastrous to the minds ot some. hese who have believed all along they had been saved and recei ved the Holy Ghost were resting con tent on their accomplishments and felt at ease about their soul's salvation. 'When they bad that they have not showed dence of the real. and supreme test of thjir solvation. They n.usit Ik? affected so as to express themselves in "unknown tongue." Taey, some of them, endeavored t' d-isoand could not. There- suit is tint their mind , has been atiected. THE "OESTBICT SKULE. AROUND THE TOWN. Busy Reporter Finos Tilings Where he Walks. If one would know the busiest claj-s of men in town he should have taken advantage of the spi iug-like days of the past week to perambulate around town a little. The workmen were hard at work. The carpenter has all he can do and there is more of that kind of work than there are carpenters. The brick-mason has no time to be idle and the unpro fessional laborer is in special de mand. Around the railroad yards is the greatest evi 'ence of activity. The new depot is building and taking shape. The walls are al ready aeveral feet above the foundation. It is going to be pretty aud up-to-date in every respect unless it should become) too small for early future needs. With the present growth of the town it is a hard matter to plan definitely for even a few years ahead. The Seaboard also has a large squad of bands at work building sidetracks from the de pot east. They are filling in on both sides of the main line. This is badly needed as the congestion of tracks his been very inconven ient for several weeks. N We un derstand it has been impossible lately fofl verad Jays at v a time for the Kaleigh or Charleston trains to get up near the station. Freights and passenger trains have to exchange all kinds of courtesies at times to get pass The new railroad, the Carolina & Virginia Southern, is also a factor in the railroad activity The promoters are at work on it. Grading is going on and rails for several miles of track are en route, we understand. There are stacks of railroad cross-ties on the depot yards and there is the material for the Sea board's new trestle across the river, we near that the Sea board and the town are negotiat ing arrangements for the town to furnish water for the Seaboard's trains. If this is done we sun pibse the old tank will be removed at tne aepot- mis will remove an unsightly object and at the same time save the trains some tinfe on their schedule, as they will be able to get water while the passengers are getting on and off the trains- About tlae town afe many new bouses going up, and others are undergoing noticable repairs and and still others will be started poon. Mr. A. W. McLean is planning to build a handsome res idence on the lot where the late B. Godwin lived. We understand the Godwin residence will be moved back and give way to the new one. The cottage occupied by Mr. J. R. Poole will also be moved back. Other new and handsome residences have been completed recently and have al ready been referred to in these colu in ns, with the new court hous graded school and other needed undertakings completed we will have ground for being proud. The town authorities are con sidering the matter of numbering the streets and houses of the iwn in order that we may know where we Jive. Fairmont Local Talent Presents Amusing Playi, 1 The "Deestrict Skule", a play, was presented at Fairmont, (Ash' pole) Friday evening by Fair mont's local dramntic talent. Rather the play was repeated Friday evening, as it was pre sented two weeks ago and proved so popular that its repetition was insisted on. The play was given in the au ditorium of the school building It was for the benefit of church purposes. The attendance Fri day evening was large and atten Hve- ine poor receipts were nupplemented by sale of cream after the play. ine piay as presented was just what the name suggests a Deestrict Skule." Characters assigned to act the different parts did so with distinction and glory to themselves. There was the Ichabod school mister, a teacher of the old school, with his switch with which "he urged sometardv oiterer along the flowery path of knowledge." The personnel of the school was the same. There was the "smart-alec", the "know all", the know-nothing", the "timid-lad", the "blushing- lassie", the "mischief-maker above all, praise be, there was the immortal Blue-Back. If one had forgotten the scenes of his childhood in and around the country school he should have witnessed the presentation of the "Deestrict Skule" at Fair mont Friday evening. PfiOfESSIOKAl CARDS; Wade Wishart, V. P. Shaw. Wishart & Shaw, Attorneys at Law, LUMBERTON, - . - N. C. AU business entrusted to ns protUDtlr attended to. Office in S&aw Building. t. a. McNeill, Attorney at Law LUMBERTON, N. C Wilt practice in all the Conrt. Busi ness attended to promptly. a. MoLaan. A. W. M !. J. . MsComlck. 2cLEAN, ICLE A! IcCORIICI, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, .UMBERTOK. - N C )fflcet on 9nd floor at Bank'of Lobv berton Building, Booms 1, Sr 8, 4 'napi attention gives to all DiuineM CHAS. B. SKIPPER, Attorney at Law LUMBERTON, - - - H. C All businea entrusted to him will ro ive prompt and careful atteation. Office in First National Bank Buildlaff ver Post Office M. BRITT, Attorney at Law, LOMBEBTO!, N. 0. Office opstairs ia Argus Building. All businens promptly transacted. Mclntyre & Lawrence Attorneys and Counselors at Law, ,OMBERTON, : : N. C E. J. BRITT, ATTOHNKV at Law, Lumberton, N. C Office over Pope's Drug Store. . Mcintye & Lawrence, attor. neys ror bankrupts, publishes reached that state they are told notice of sale. Charge Against Oil Mill .Came The Washington correspftn dents of TheCharlotte Obset ver and the Raleigh News and Ob s server sent tneir papers news stories Thursday to the effect that cotton oil manufacturers in the State have been charged be a . . . iore tne interstate commerce commission with a form of rail road rebating. The more sped fic charge filed with the commis sion was that the Laurinburg Oil Company and the Lumberton Cotton Oil & Ginning Co. bad been giving false weights of cot ton seed after receipts of ship- nrtore. : Contractor and Balldor. . 'Plans. "EDeciacaitons amt PAa f- Ished on application, F.'L. BLACK, Attobmcy, at Law, MAXTON, n' c. Office on and floor McCaakiU Bnildin. Rooms 6-8. Dr. N. A Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SURGKOV, Lnmberton. x : : : N. O. Office at Hospital. Phone No. 41. Down town office overiDr. McMillan's Calls promptly answered ment by the railroad. ihe statements sent out and published in reference to the Lumberton Cotton Oil & Ginning Co. have excited considerable comment here- Much surorist? has been manifested and it is generally thought that there must be some mistake about the matter. The officers of the com pany are men of high character and integrity. An inquiry at the offices of the company has elicted the information that they know no nothing whatever about the charges being prefer red ;that pro cess of any kind has been served and that if the invistigation re- S nA- r in 1 .1 1 1 cuclS w ia C1"ur wing maae or dr. r. g. Rozikr. Di Tohm fetox is contemplated on tne part of the I tw VLi A, xr - night or day, in town orin the country. Dr. R. T. ALLEN, Dentist, LUMBERTON, N. C. ffice oyer Dr. McMillan's Drug' Store. DR. J. D. REGAN, DENTIST, Loubertok, - . N. 0. 'ffice in Shaw baildine. over Pom's drujt siott. Dr. F. E HTMAN, DENTIST. Ash pole. n. c Government that the officers of the company have had no notice of it. No counsel to , represent the mill or its officers as individ uals have been sent to Washington by ahy one connected with the mill here. Physician Sargeona. Office at rear of Robeson Count Tnn and Trust Company. ; 4- Good Spelling. In a recent exaniination in written-8pelling in which oae hundred and forty words were given to a class of twelve in the Dr. W. A. McPhauL, Physician an4nrceoa, Asifenalc, . C Office Phone, No. j. R. Phone No Night cans atnrweredgpromptiT. LUMBERTON MARKET. BMf-fMahpar poend.i Long iJraneo school Miss Emma X: Jjfv , y-- Roberts missed 1; Miss May Koberts 2: Miss Lee Pora 2: ".m,prmd s-u to 80 Sides.. Ernest Prevatt 2; BunEdmondj 4 aaoiU4srtI"""""IZI Grover Pope 5; Grady Pope 6. SlTr" Chlokent, fries : ; The Stieff piano has been se- bdu, "T ected for the Jamestown Expo- Bew r pound .11 lH 10-u sition. Tallow porpound. M 7-160 .. n se - w ot 1.9 HaA, sr 100 p onadi