'4 Hit i i - 4 ' I i 1 v THE SEMl-WfifiKl.? fcOBESOJNIAN. 8 7 THE fcOBESC'MAN itOXtJAV, .iiAliCil kS, '? PARKTOX NEWS LETTER. Community Sorrows Over Death 'oi ::r. , Nicholson Want ine New Kullrossd tyrrS,oud-tiR'-of T e P. .w. i Mr- Willis, who is interfiled j!n the Novelty Works, moved his family here last wei-k. We wel come then) in our midst Mr. O L Johnson and famjly hav'e mi):d ii.ii. :!seir new cut tae n Thi;-'. su..-:.. The work oi, .Messrs. Br s , nevV brick huildioif gtvssinjrim-ety T.'iey c.vj finish the bric; w i s in. Mrs. L tui-. v ii i.'mi. i J t ct. I( veeir. rliter. Miss Eh ino, fr-.n it.'An.K.spuut -Monday hei e v. v , !'n- mis. 1! a.nd sister are ii.akinr ht-i home witli lii m "since th a tr.iic death of his father a few weeks ago. Col. S. J. Cobb, Messrs. Neill McNeill, J. B. Malloy, Spurjfwn ! ( n ,he list for the last sev Satunliiy. the Ino ait. The tie ceased wus ivyouni nwn of in dustrious habits and was well res-peeled. He had been, for several years working with Mr. C. K. Jackson, his brother-in-law, a nl was married about two yea rs ao to Miss Ellen Jackson, daugh ter of I lie late .Mr. U. J. Jafkson. ili.-. 1 -.. s a . ii.i.nv iiatl one child. lie wu.s a sru of Mr. Samuel Co.-:, of Ui'-nLiviiu S. C. The - . a - i e rernnns were iu -:cii to us lormei home on the Benn'ottsville train on the evening ' 'in: 1-Hh lust, for oitennent. V'e oxt-id our sincere ,yicpaiiiies to the be-reav.-d family and friends. V.'o are requested to express the thanks,(f the relatives of the late Mr. Julius Cox to their liienos and neighbors for the many ac'ts of kindness and as sistance rendered to the afflicted family during the sickness and list sad rites, and for the many expressions of tender sympathy shown to them. Mr. N- McL. Conoly has been Jones and II. B Lancaster spent Monday in Lumberton to go be fore the commissioners in the in terest of the now public road leading from Park ton to Rex. Some of the above named gentle men were for and som; ag; inst the proposed new road. How ever there was no trouble in get ting through this much needed ' road. Mrs. John G. Hughes and chil dren returned Thursday from a month's Tisij to her old home, Ludiwici, Ga. It is rumored that the new railroad to be built from Lum be r ton to some point on Atlantic Cvast Line between Red Springs aod Fayetteville, will come here. We hope that this is officially ru mored; -we don't see how they can do otherwise. Parkton is a thriving little tovvn and bids fair to be one of the foremost towns in upper Robeson. It has a fine territory of fertile lands and timber to "back it." Miss Mary C. Malloy ha3 ac cepted a position as saleslady With Mr. Neill McNeill. Last Wednesday afternoon, March 6th, our town and com u unity was greatly shocked whea the news spread that Mr. i, T. Nicholson while fighting fire near his home was suddenly .stricken down caused, by heat And overexertion- They started borne with him in a wagon and when they reached Mr. W- L Thames, a near neighbor home 4ie was so nearly exhausted they btopped there with him, the doc tor beiug quickly summoned. "Every thing that could be was done but de tth had chained him. .In the death of Mr- Nicholson "Wj lose one of ou r most honored And best citizen, the church on. of its most consecrated and effi cient officers, the home a kind aad affectionate husband and father He leaves a widow and little J daughter, live sisters and two 1 brothers.Mrs-Hu mphreY,Tolars vilie, Mrs. D. C- Johnson and trs. F. Tbumes, Hope Mills, Mrs. R. H. Alford, Henly, N. C, Mrs. Ed Pipkin, Atmore, Ala. Mr. 0. C. Nicholson, Maxton.and Mr, 0. S. Nicholson.Altoona, Pa., tiegides & host of ther relatives aud friends to morn their I039. . Mr. Nicholson was in his 56th ffear aad had been for several years a deacon in tue Baptist church. We shall miss his kind 4y, presence but sorrow not as fiose wha hare na hope for he died the death of the righteous. r Parkton, N. C, Mar. 15, 1907. eral days. Ve hope to see him well very soon- Mrs. Nellie A. Cobb's condition is somewhat improved this week we hope. Miss Ethel G. Cobb returned to school at Lumber Bridge Mon day, the ll'h, after spending several days with her grandma here. We notice that Mr. J. E. Sin gleton is enlarging his store. Mr. Dorinau is building a shop at Sbannon. We hope he will do well. ,Mr. Samuel Cox, of Blenhiem, S. C , spent some days at the bedside of his son, Mr. J. J. Cox, this week. Mrs. A. J. Jackson and chil dren, of Rennert, are in this community this week at the home of her son, Mr. C. K. Jackson, and her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Cox. The infant daughter of Mr. P. McN. Gibson died March 4th, after a lingering illness of several months- We extend to the be reaved family our sympathies. We had a stormy night last night, but so far as we hare seen the damage is confined to a few treas blown down. There was considerable rain and the roads are sloppy. Shannon, N- C, March 15th. fore were content. iWter enjoy? irrg all sorts of gauiQs 'and some lively music rendered by Messrs. J. W. I). McLean,, Frank Sinclair, and Miss Mary McLean.the guest departed after expressing their eojoymont and offering thanks to their hostess. Miss Agnes Evans went to Rowland Friday night to spend Sunday with relatives and friends. - , , Mr. Jim Kitchin spent Friday night with Mr. David McLean. Misses Jessie Stubbs and Ruth Alford spent Tuesday tyight with Misses May and Katie Bracy. Sorry to report Mrs. J. E Ai ford on the sick list. Hope.she will soon be well again. Miss Nora McNair, of Tar Heel, has been a recent visitor in the Alfordsville section. Rer. A. E. Paul will hold his last service at Cheerful Hope in April on first Sunday afternoon He is expecting a large congre ga'ion. Little Miss Mary Kennon Wal ker, of Rowland, spent one night last week with Miss Alexa Alftrd. Misses Nannie Sue McLean and Katie Sinclair, spent Friday night with the Misses McLean at McLean's Mill. Mrs. J. D. McLean has been unwell for a few days. Misses Agnes Erans and Mary Edna McCallum spent Wednes day night with Miss Blanche McCallum. Alfordsville, N. C. Mar. 16, 1907. CMld Labor Bt II as Passed Leg-f-'"'". lslature. f ' ' Section 1. That no child under 12 years of age shall be employed or work 111 any fac tory or manufacturing estab lishments in this State: Pro vided that after 1907 no' child under 13. .years of age; shall be employed in any fuctory except in apprenticeship capacity, and only then after having attended school four months in the pre ceding twelve months. Sec. 2. That not exceeding1 Ob riours snail --.constitute , -a week's work in all factories and manufacturing establish ments in this State, and no person under 18 years of ae;e shall be required to work in such , factories or establ 1 u 31st Is Easter ! s And wa bip new ready to show yon the Finest luine of Woolens cn tli aimlt-t from which to, select your EASTER SUIT; " Don't forget the importance of ordering now and avoiding the rush JOH N D. MeAlsLISTER, Madc-To-Teasurc Garments for Gentlemen, Kocnt No. 6, Oyer Batik of Lumberton. FAIRMONT NEWS LETTER. ALFORDSVILLE NEWS LETTER. SHANNON NEWS LETTER. Death of Mr. J.J. Cox Briefs and Personal. COritg x(..deoe -I The Robctootan. We are sorry to have to chron icle the death of Mr. J. J. Cox, which occurred at his home about two miles east of Shannon on the Might of the 13th ii-st., of pneu ,tnouia. He was only sick since School to Close Soon Miss Bol lock Gtves Charming Enter tainmentPersonal and Brlls. Correttpondencftof The Rol38omn. The Alfordsville School will close April 5th We are expect ing a concert, but we are not de lighted in sucn a ooon closure Miss Lena Bullock gave the young people of this community a very charming entertainment 011 Friday night last- The par-j lor was crowded with a merry crowd of young folks and there were some who were not fortu nate enough to get in but they were spectators of the most de lighted crowd who were enjoy ing them selves inside and there- Young Man Dies In Hospital Business Changes. Corrrapondence of Tti Robeonln. Dr. A. G. Floyd and wife, of Fair Bluff, spentTuesday in town with relatives. Mr. Byrd, Qne of the most popular of travelling ' men, spent Wednesday night in town. Mr. R. E. LInmanis building a house for Mr- J. P. Brown, on Morro avenue. It will he for rent- Mr. Jas. Bullock, of R. F. D. No. I, died in the Walker Hos pital, Wilmington, Friday. This young man, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bollock, will be greatly missed by a large family circle. He leaves also a wife and baby desolate. Two of our mercantile houses changed hands last week. Messrs. Tom and Gordon Gran tham having bought out W. W. Ward and Mr. Alan Bullock pur chased the stock of Mr. Travis Grirasley- Messrs. B. L. Page and Z. V. Straughn left Wednesday for Richmond, Va., to attend the agents reunion of the Equitable Life Insurance Co. Fairmont, N. C, March 15th. The Parker-Gardner Co., Char lotte, begins a regular ad in this issue. For Catarrh, let me send you free, just to prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop'a Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow white, creamy, healing antiseptic balm that gives instant relief to Cata; rh of the nose and throat Make the free test and see. Address Dr. Shoop, Raciirfe, Wis Large jars 50 cents. Sold by All Dealers. ments a longer period than 60 hours in. one week. Provided that this section shall not apply to engineers, firemen, machin ists,, superintendents, overseers. section and yard hands, office ncen. watchmen or repairers ol break downs. Sec. 3. All parents, or per sons standing in relation to parent, dpon hiring their chil dren to any factory or manu facturing- estalishment, shall furnish such establishment with a written statement of the age of such child or children being- so hired, and certificate attendance; and any parent or person standing in relation of parent to such child orchildren, who shall in written statement misstate the age of such 'child orchildren being so employed, or their school attendance, shall be g-uilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction shall be punished at the dis cretion of the court. Any mill owner superintendent or man ufacturing establishment, who shall knowingly or willfully riolate the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a , misde meanor, and upon conviction shall be punished at the dis cretion of the court. Sec. 4. After 1907 no boy or girl under 14 years old shall work in a factory after 10 o'clock at night. Sec. 5. This act shall be in force from and after January 1st, 1908. ri j-M A ; LOOK AT Y01R WATCH. It niay be that it needs, reoairing. I am prepared to do all kinds of Repairing ol Watches and Jewelry. See me before you have your repair ing done. I also carry a nice line of Watches and Jewelry. I can be found at the Columbia Hotel. -. H. B. HUMPHREY, Lamberton, N. C. Don "Preventics" will promptly check a cold or t-e Grippe when taken early or at the "sneeze stage." Preventics cure seated colds as well. Preventics are little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr Sho p, Racine, Wis., witl gladly mail you samples and a bookoiCoids free, if you will write him. The samples prove their merit. Check early Colds with Preventics and stop Pneumonia. Sold in 5c and 25c box es by All Dealers. 't ! Don't ! Don't ! Fail to see our Large Stock of Mattings and Rugs before you purchase. Our Goods are New and Prices Right. JOHN T. BIGGS & CO. N O T I C El We Have Just Received Fine Cartload mm and morses. You Can Find JUST WHAT YOU WANT At Our Sale Stables. Nice Driving Horses, Farm Horses, Matched Mules, Farm Mules. Buggies, Wagons, Carts, Harness, Etc! We. can give, you Prices as trood as the Best. We have expert buyers on the spot, thus saving railroad fare and any expenses. We give tnis to our customers, uui munu i""' piw1 r.mtnmer are our best advertisement. We thank you for your good pat ronage in the past and ask for a continuance of the same. Edgertoti & Winslow, PARKTON, N. C A.J. GAFRIS, : : : : Manage Hapificent 11 II Piano IF YOD GET IT AT WARD'S IT'S GOOD. til That's New In Stationery. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft m Each season our Stock of Stationery is Larger. It is large because store people are coming here for Stationery. They are coming be cause we always have just wtat is wanted and the price is invariably tight. This season's stock of box and bulk correspondence papers is especially fine. It includes all the new tints, shapes and qualities. Yon can find just what you desire at just what you wish to pay. Box Papers, bo to $1.00. Bulk Papers in any quantity desired. Also everything that goes with Statiouery Inks, Pens, Pencils, Blank Books, Etc. e H. B. WARD, Ph. G. Drugs of Quality. Rowland,. : : : : : N. C. 4 tit m -ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft JP THE Hallet, Davis Company, of Boston, Mass..' builders of the "Hallet and Davis" and "Conway" Pianos, were established seventy years ago. They rank among the oldest, most.reputable, richest and distinguished piano makers in existence, and their product is used and endorsed by the;best musical authority and musical institutions in the world, dating from the days of the i raraortal Listz down to, the present day. The Hallet, Davis Company have decided to more thoroughly advertise their Artistic Conway and Hallet and Davis Piano, in the South. They have appointed us General Southern Wholesale Distributors, and have instructed us to giveaway, absolutely free, one of their best CON WA YPianos and sereral th o usanJ dollars in advertising. This Great Advertising Campaign is now open at Fayetteville. N. C, in the form of a Geographical Contest. Asolidcar load of Magnificent Sample Pianos, togeth er with $400 Gift Piano, are now on exhibition in "the old Laundry Building, next to Carolina Baptist office, Fayetteville, N. C. You are invited to enter this contest. You may get a Magnificent Piano for a fevr hours work. Send postal for particulars. - Respectfully, ' W. F. BLOUNT, Mirch iS Fayetteville, N. C.

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