THE SEMI. WEEKLY R0BD8ON1AJN. PERSONAL. Cotton to-day 10 5-lB cents Eggs 15 oents Mr. A. W. McLean visited rela fciTes at Maxton last week. Mr. Robert Griffin, of Fair Mont, spent Friday in town. Rev.Mr.Moore,of Red Springs, spent today here on business. Mr. M. G. McKenzie was quite sick for several days last week. Mr. K. M. Biggs was in Fay tteville Thursday on business. Mr. A- L. Jones, of Fairmont, spent Saturday in town on busi ness. Mr. Benson Rozier, of Rozier, spent Saturday in town on busi ness. . Mrs- L. R- Breece spent last week in. Georgia with rela tives. ' Miss Roy Edwards, of Bladen boro, was here shopping Thurs day. Mr. Leslie Norment , sf Nor ment, spent Friday here visiting relatives. Miss Claudia Davis was con fined to her home by sickness the past week. Sheriff E. C. McNeill spent last Sunday at Red Springs with his fainiiy, Mr. C. P. Grantham, of Fair mont, spent Saturday here on business. Mr. Wade Wishart spent sev eral days the past week out of town on business. Miss Julia Loftin is in Max ton nursing" a patient under Dr. Shaw. Mr- and Mrs. A. B. Small spent Sunday with relatives at Moss Neck- Mr- J. K. Singletary, of Back Swamp, spent today here on business. Miss Agnes Ashley and Mr. Rouse, of Fairmont,spent Thurs day in Lumberton. Mr. J. G. McCormick returned Friday from Washington where he went on legal business. i -, Miss Mamie Kyle,of Fairmont, and Mrs. E. I. Poole were among the shoppers here Thursday. Mr. A. H. McLeod returned Sunday from the western part of the State, where ho has been for a week past. Mr. Thos. Martin, of Board man, was here today on account of the illness of his nephew, Mr. J. V. Martin Mrs. John Brown, of Jackson Springs, spent Thursday, at the home of her uncle, Mr. M. G McKentie. Mr. Rufus Bennett, who re sides in Bladen county, has been visiting his father, Mr. J. Bennett the past week. Dr. Henry Gibson and Miss Bessie Jones, of Red Springs, spent Sunday here visiting at tae homo of Mr. W. H. Humph rey. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Biggs, of Saddle Tree, spent Sunday here visiting at the home of Mr. K- M. Biggs. Mrs. Biggs will spend this week here. Mr. N. fi. Andrews, who is studying medicine at Davidson, was here Saturday on his way to his home at Fairmont, where he will spend his vacation. Mrs. Flemming Ramseur, of Lynchburg, Va., who has been visiting . relatives at different points in the county for several days past, was in Lumberton Friday. Mr. X. W. McDiarmid,; who visited bis sister, Mrs. O. C. Norment for several days recent ly, spent part of last week with his sister, Mrs. James McQueen, at Maxton. " ."- Mr, A. R'Spitey returned Elitabethtowp FridayVfter spen ing several days in Lumberton and at Center. Mrs.'Spivey, who been with b;f father, Mr:F. Lfcwja, at Center, returned with bun. - .' I.OCAL lfcF., Mis. Hoouer Ellin ditwl aL Li home a Spencer recently Mrs. The board of countv commis- Ellis will be remembered by sioners were, in st-ssiou today. many here, whtre sbe and her Col. N A. McLean led in the has band res.ded many years, clay pinon shoot Thursday af- Mr J no. T. Pate, of near Bui'.1, ternoon, he breaking 21 out of 25. j who has heen sick for several In the game of ball between j months past, died Wednesday, r.nmhorr.m Vinvtrin tfamtfo was buried Friday at Red Friday, on tht Maxton diamond, the latter won 13 to 1. His friends here will regret to ltarn that Mr S H McRae has been very ill at his home in F iy etteville for several days. Preparations are being made to move the residence of Mr. A. W. McLean to the vacant lot at the rear of the Baptist church. Mr. E G. Sipher spent a few days in Maxton last week for the purpose of installing electric lights for some of the citioens Express service has been in stalled on the Raleigh and Charleston between Lumberton and Marion and all points on the road will be served. Rev. R. KMcCullar will preach at the Methodist church Sunday week in the absence of Rev. P.L. Kirton.wbo goes to Raleigh to as sist in a series of meetings. Mr. W. p. Barker returned Friday night from Punta Gorda, Fla., where he has been spend ing some time. We are glad to learn that his health is improved by the trip. Rev. Roland Thompson, of Barnesviile, passed through here today on his return home from Clyburne, where he conducted regular services Saturday and Sunday morning. Mr. J. F. L. Armfield, of Faj etteville, spent a few days here last week for the pu rpose of look ing over the work on the new railroad being graded towards St- Pauls, in which he is inter ested. Miss Ada Brisson and Mr. K. Davis Were untied in marriage by Mr. J. H. McNeiil, J. P., Sun day. They are making their home forjthe present with the groom 's parents, who reside on Pine street Springs, with Masonic honors- On account of the death of the little daughter of Mr- A. T. Par mele, the office of Register cf Deeds, wuere Mr- Parmele holds! a position, was closed Saturday. Any candidates for member ship's in the Rebecca Class, which is a branch of the Odd Fellows for ladies, are asked to correspond with Mr. R. E. Lee. Mr. Blackburn, of the Lum berton Bottling Works.bas moved with his family from the cottage of Mr. H. Barnes, on Water street to the cottage until re cently occupied by the family of Mr. V. D. Baker. Mrs. Mary DeVane, of Bre vard, and grand daughter, Miss Mary Maultsby, of Bladen ar rived here Friday for a visit to the family of Mr. A. Nash. Mrs. DeVane is a sister of the late Dr. R. F. Lewis. Quarterly Meeting will be held at Smiths church Saturday morn ing and in Lumberton Monday morning, by Rev. Mr. Moore, P. E.Mr. Moore will conduct services in the Methodist church Sunday, both morning and evening. Mr. H. H. Ivey and Mrs. T. B. Ivey, of Marietta, were in town Saturday. Mr. Ivey tells us that he finished setting out six acres of tobacco on the 12 inst. and the plants seem to be doing well despite the cold weather. The directors of the Southern Life Insurance Company met in Fayetteville Friday afternoon. Those present from Robeson county were Messrs. Dr. T. L. Northrop, A. L. Shaw, K. M. Biggs, J. W. Ward, J. W. Carter. A L. Shaw W. H. Sikes and T. B. Upchurch. Full line Baseball Goods. McLean Rozier Company. : 4-1 FuyetU'viiie Preabytery will mt, in Maxton tomorrow. It era braces churches in Mont gomery, Soctland, Richmond, iiobeson, Cumberland, Mooe, Uarnt'lt, Jo'insou ami Chatham counties a:d is composed of the preachers and elder ..of U2 ctiu relies. At the hfme ' of .Mrs. Sailie Boddie,in Durhauj, Jij r daugii er Miss Mary Noodham Boddi- was united in marriage to Dr. Wil. liam Franklin Smith Wednesday morning at eleven o clock. Im mediately after the ceremony, they left for their home at Chad- bourn, where Dr. Smith practice s medicine. Mr. W. C. Lewman, an arc hi tect, has been here for several days for the purpose of submit ting plans for a new court house. He has a number of beautiful de signs with him. If one of the plans submitted by Mr. Lewman is chosen, a cut of it will be fur nished this paper for the benefit of the public. A committee from East Robe son circuit met with a like com mittee from the Lumberton charge Saturday in the Methodist church here, for the purpose of arriving at some agreement as to the division of the parsonage property, the parsonage here having been the property of Lum berton circuit before the division. Mr. L. Carter, of Jessup, Ga-, spent Saturday and yesterday with relatives in the county. Mr. Carter went to Georgia and Florida about twenty-five years ago and has been quite success ful in business there. He is now engaged in the banking and'rail road business. This is his first visit to Lumberton in ten or twelve years. Miss Annie Lee Kirton enter tained a number of ber young friends at her home Tuesday evening, the occasion being her twelfth birthday. The evening farmer's want the k. p. s BECAUSE. i Ft Hojiprjt is Large, a It fitters tlie Fertilizer nil orer the furrow, 3 It does not waste any around stumps or ends, 4 There are no chains or any thine to clog or break or get out of nier, 5 It is simple, strong and dur able, 6 It is light run Ding, 7 It is vu.ranteetl to give sat isfaction or money refunded. For Sale by Leading Merchants In' Robeson and Adjoining Counties. N. JACODI HARDWARE COMPANY, Sole Agents, Wllmlnatoa, N. C THEBflMOFLlMBERTON LUMBERTON. N. C. Capital and Stock Guarantee, - - $100,000.00 Total Resources, $880 943.71 Strength and Safety are oar Greatest Considerations. Not a Dollar lost by bad loans in our cireer of nine years. Our Presi dent and Cashier borrow no money from the Bank. The fact that our Directors are Successful Business Men, Insures Safe Management of Lumberton C B. TOWNSEND, Cashier, The Bank A. W. McLEAN, Pres. A. E. WHITE. Vice-Pres. R. D. CALDWELL, Vice-Pres. J. P. 8TANSEL, Asst. Cashier. STEPHEN McINTYRE, S. A. EDMUND, j. g. Mccormick, Q. T. WILLIAMS, GEO. G. FRENCH, DIRECTORS: R. D. CALDWELL, C. B. TOWNSEND, W. P. L. STEELE, R. R. BARNES, O. C. NORMENT. L. H. CALDWELL A. E. WHITE, A. W. McLEAN, H. B. JENNINGS. was spent-in playing gamtR Furniture, Pianos Pianos, Pianola and Organs. which never grow old to children. Delightful refreshments were eojoyed. Annie Lee received a number of beautiful presents from her little friends. You can search the land over from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Snow-Clad Peaks of Mtine to the Myrtle Groves and Orange Bowers of the Sunny South, and you will not find a more Complete Stock oi Furniture j'lj ' - OPENING DISPLAY Good News This! THE new "Queen Quality" Shoe styles are in! Here, sparkling with newness, cro the styles that later will grace the fect of fashionable femininity throughout the land ! Here arc the original models that set the fash ions for women's footwear! Here is the shoe event that women everywhere look forward to with no less interest than to the greatest of garment and millinery displays, the "Queen Quality" Opening! And never did a season offer greater lati tude of styles from which to.cnoose. Ox fords will be tremendously popular this season. We have them in great variety. Graceful conceptions in Patent Leathers; Gun Metal and Kid, from those with flow ing ribbon ties to Pumps, trim and plain. Shapes and patterns from which every taata can b pleased and every foot fitted. . May we not have the pleasure of ahowinf these now while acsort insstt art cospplcte. $3. $3.50 TOWNSEND BR0S.i Lmtibertotia NX. Than we can hhow you. Onr Pianos are the Recognized Standards of the World- KNABK, CHICKERING, I VERS & POND, SDHMER and SMITH & BARNES. Write us for our large 400 page catalogue. We can ami. WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. A postal card brings the Catalogue. Parker-Gardner Company. U. L. BARRETT, Special Salesman. 0 LARGE STOCK Of the Celebrated iole (Sutton Plant lorn Planters And Fertilizer listributors McAllister Hardware Go. Lumberton, N. C. Mattresses ! Mattresses ! All kinds and grades of Mattresses made by us. Each grade made from best material for the price and made properly. THE PARECTON MATTRESS COMPANY, PARKTON. N. C.