BY-LO Talcum Natural Violet. By-La is to fine that It floats in the air, and so delicately perfumed with the odor of fresh flowers, that we . know you will like it. 'It does not have that Talcum Powder odor, just The Smell ol Fresh Violets - - ; We handle all the different kinds of High-Grade Talcum Powders, but re gard By-Lo as the best there is. You will think so too when you try it. Yours to Please, Dr. J. D. McMillan Sod DRUGGISTS, Lumberton, N. O. June 18th , The Old Reliable, My Market has ever been and is yet up-to-date in Variety and Quality. As to service, I give the Best in my shop. A. H. Hinds, Phone 53. Notice ! LUMBERTON NOVELTY WORKS For Mantels, Columns, Brackets, Balusters, Pulpits, Church Pews and all kinds of odd jobs. Mail orders solicited. Terms reason- ble. R. B. Humphrey, Proprietor and Manager. ia-20 GEO. S. HACKER & SON MANUFACTURES OF oors, Sash, Blinds Mouldings, Building Mater Ik Sash Weights and Co J. Charleston. S. C Purchase our makes, which we guar antee superior to any sold South, and thereby save money, window ana ran cy Glass a Specialty 4-20 Fire Insurance! - For further information apply to ' S. H. HAMILTON, Western Union Telegraph Office. Mail Year Loied Ones Graves. Headstones. - $4.00 Up Monuments, - 11.00 Up Best Blue and White Marble. Save Traveling Agent's Commission order through G. E RANCKE, 1-3-7-1 Lumberton, N. C. fl Thing Of Beauty Is fl Jou Forever. Our Photographs are Beautiful and Life like, finished in the mosrup-to-date styles Come and see our"work. We niak Fami ly Groujics, V;ew i;.tc Come while tb weather is pleasant nd luring the little folks. E. J.l WAITS, MJMBERTON ART.STUDIO. Over Pooe's Drug' Store. Juniper Shingles. Any one wanting Juniper Shingles will do well to get my prices. Large quantity on hand at all times. ' - D. T. ROZIER, i-i7-4-5 Howellsville, N? C. Subscribers are earnestly're quested ts report to us any fjtr ure of carrier to deliver paper promptly. i . ,'.V Powder Old People needvutol it strengthens and vitalizes With old age-'comes feebleness and loss of power; the blood is thin and digestion weak. Vinol repairs . worn tissues and checks the natural decline. It tones up the digestive organs, aids assimi lation, makes ( rich, red blood,, and strengthens every organ In the body. In this natural manner Vinol replaces weakness with strength. Vinol contains all the medicinal elements of cod liver oil in. a concen trated form, taken from fresh cods' livers, the useless oil eliminated and tonic iron added. Try it on q.ur guarantee. Dr. j. D. McMillan & Son, Druggists. OUR ORPHANAGE. Editor Johnson Writes Interest ingly ol the Orphanage. For the sake of those who are not familiar with it we will say that we have 340 children at the Orphanage, and the daily expen ses of the institution are seventy dollars. Think of that will you? Bills at the end of each week to meet aggregating nearly $500.00 and without a dollar pledged by the Legislature or any other body. The Lord is our refuge. He has a willing people, and through all these years has touched their hearts and made them tender, Has he touched yours? If not, will you not let this story have its blessed effect, and gladly join the throng who stand by the Or Dhanacre through shade and shine. Many of the children are with out father or mother- Waifs and stvaylings adrift upon the tide ;hey would be, but for the friend- y hand of help extended them throuerh the Orphanage. But thanks be to Him who loved and blesed little children, they have here a beautiful homesurrounded with hallowed influences and ex empt from many a temptation to which your child exposed. Yes, it is a beautiful home The time was when it was deem ed unsafe to tell our people of the comforts the orphan children en joy; but that day has passed, and the friends of the institution re joice in the advantages surround ing the homeless ones. Camp All Rowland Will Meet Friday. Camp Alf Rowland No. 1302 Confederate Veterans, Comrades, you are hereby directed to meet at Lumberton, May 10th, to take part in the ceremonies of the un veiling of trje Monument by order of the Commander. N. T. McLean, Capt Commander. W.J.Smith, Adjutant. Rowland, N.'p. May 6th, 1907. CURES ALL SHIN DISEASES. , 3 Sulphur-the Accepted Remedy for 9 Hundred Years. Sulphur j one of the greatest remedies nature ever, gave to man. Every phyn cian knOw it cures skin aud blood trou bles. Hancock's Liqiud Sulphur ena bles yoii to get the full bent fit in" most onvenient torm. Don't take sulphur 'tablets" or "wafers," or powdered sul hut In. molasses. Hancock's Liquid SutppUR is pleasant to take and perfect in ft action. Druggists sell it. A well known citizen of Danville, Pa., writes: "I have had an aggravated case ofEczema for over twenty-five years. I liiytt used seven 50-cent bottles of Liquid and one iar of vour Hancock's Liquid Swhur Ointment, and now I feel as though I had a brand new pair of hands. Jthas cured me and am certain it will cure anyone if they persist in u-ing Hancock's 1iquid suwiruR accoraing 10 airecuons. IiUTI.BR H.DGAR. IfSolidGold and Gold-Filled Booches, P ?ces right McLean-Rosier Company. Drops From Hospital Window Fay etteville, May 6. Tb is morning about 7 o'clock pedes trians were horrified when they saw a man, a patient in the Highsmith Hospital, hanging by one hand from a window on the third floor yelling to save me; but before assistance could be rendered he lost his hold and dropped to the sidewalk, 50 feet below. After being carried into the hospital by doctors and nur was found that he had sus tained a broken arm and broken leg, also internal injury. He proved to be John L- Sherwood, a prominent young business man of Dillon, S. C. He fell at 7 o'clock just as the night nurses were going off duty and the day force coming on. This gave him his first opportunity to get to a window. Mr. Sherwood was formerly a resident this of city, a clerk for the late Jamds Burnes. This af ternoon his condition is critical, and little hope is entertained for his recovery- Mr Sherwood was admitted to the hospital last Wednesday and has since been perfectly rational with nothing in his condition to require watch fulness or lead to the supposition of any danger of such a lamenta ble occurrence. It is thought he had risen and was sitting in the window and he lost his balance. His immediate cries for help would indicate that. A careful examination shows that the right leg was broken. At 2 o'clock the physicians could not give an opinion as to chances of recov ery, i Later. Mr. SheWood died from his injuries at 6 o'clock this afternoon. Demon Flees From Axe. Charlotte Observer. Columbia, S. C, May 6.--WU-liam McDuffy, a North Carolina negro, was lodged in the Marion county jail last night, charged with havingbroken.into the house ofT. W. Sellers, agent at Zion railroad station and attempting to crimiininally assault Mrs Charles Sellers, who was spend ing the night there. There was no one else in the house at the house at the time except Mr. Sellar's little daughter. Mrs. Sellers managed to get hold of an axe after having been severely choked, but the negro made his escape unhurt. McDuffy was carried before Mrs. Sellers, who identified him as her assailant. McDuny maintains his inno cence, but bears a bad reputa tion throughout'! this section and has served several sentences up on the chaingang for various of fences. Mrs. Sellers is highly respect ed in the community in which she lives. The news of her experi ence caused considerable excite ment throughout the county and that the fiend did not meet death at the hands of the infuriated people is proof of their high re gard for the law. Float From Red Springs. Citizen. The marshals appointed from Red Springs to assist in unveil ing the Con f ed e rate ,mon u ment at Lumberton On Friday, May 10, have placed at the disposal of the Daughters of the town a float to go into the parade. The Daughters have accepted this generous offer, and have called a meeting to be held at Mrs. T. M. Cunningnam's home on Tuesday afternoon next at 3:30 o'clock to make arrangements for the trip to Lainberton, many of whom ex pect to take part in the unveiling ceremonies. Call at our store, please, for a free sam ple of Dr. Shoop's "Health Coffee." If real coffee disturbs your Stomach, your Heart or Kidneys, then try this Clever Coffee imitation While Dr. Shoop has very closely matched Old Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and taste, yet he has not even a single grain of real Coffee in it. Dr. Snoop's Health Cottee Imitatation is made from pure toasted grain or cereals, with Malt, Nuts, Etc. You will surely like Health Coffee. Sold by John H. Wishart. Lockets and Chains to suit everybody McLean-Rozier Company. '- First Sulphur Matches. Youth's Companion. In these davs of rapid pro gress it does not take long to make an appliance old fashioned and out of date. Not more than seventy years ago the match was considered an in novation of a daring and dan gerous type. The conservative still scraped away with the steel and flint, holding" the suipnur dipped stick in fear and trem bling. One Robert Gibbs tells the story of the first match he ever saw. A school-fellow who had visited London brought back with him, besides his stories of that wonderful town, a box of the newly invented matches. He exhibited them to his won-, derful mates and, as a ereat favor, presented one to Gibbs. The boy took his prize home, struck it in the chimneycioce and g-leeful watched the surprise of his mother. "Now you may throw away the tinder box," he said. "No such a thing," responded the prudent woman. "Matches which lisrht themselves will find no place here. Why, some night we might be burned in our beds! Give up the tinder box." A Salem, Mass., newspaper of June, 1836, speaks approv ingly of one of the inhabitants of its town. "Notwithstanding the con- vemence ot tnose dangerous little articles which are in almost everybody's hands, but which will all their charms, bid fair to prove a heavy curse on the community, we learn there is one man in Salem, a respectable tradesman who keeps a store where he should generally expect to find such things, but who has never, sold them or allowed them to be used on his premises. He sticks to the Hint, steel and tinder; he shows his wisdom in so doing. How many can say as much?" Rubbing Restores Life. Charlotte Observer. A fall into a tub of water head foremost nearly cost the life of little Alma, the 13-months' old child of Mr- and Mrs. John B. McQuay. Only the most per sistent effort of neighbors who responded to the screams of the motbe- and used every known means of resuscitation caused again the tiny lungs to expand with the breath of life, after an apparent lapse of several min utes. The accident occurred about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Mrs. McQuay had left the child alone but a few moments, but missing her, went in'search of her. She was horrified to discover the lit tle one standing on her head in a tub of water at the well. She seized the child and called for I help. When neighbors arrived there was no evidence whattve r of the presence of life, but hope' was not given up and after a vig orous ruboing and tne use or; stimulants the infant was brought around and showed but little ill ' i effects. i A Hard Debt to Pay. "I owe a debt of gratitude that can never be paid oft, " writes G. ,' S. Clark, of Westville, Iowa, "for my rescue from death, by Dr. ' King's New Disoovery. Both lungs ! were so seriously atfected that. death seemed imminent, when I' commenced taking New Discovery. ! The ominous dry, hacking cough quit before the first bottle was' used, and two more bottles made a complete cure Nothing has ever equaled New Discovery f ..r coughs colds and all throat and lung com plaints. Guaranteed by all drug- J rists. 50o and $1.00. Trial vhp torn. Subscribe for The Robesonianand kerp up with the crowd,, The C. W. Polvogt Company, Wilmington, N. O. Ours is the Largest and Handsome: Store, not only in Wilmington, hetpfobably in the State, and our Si ock is at all times Pull and Complete. It incltder every Article needed for Ladies Wear and our Styles and Prices are such as to wiisxy Shopper. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. SEND FOR SAMPLES. p)PflMlTI Mfp II j u 11 W 11 lovliSg I Let lis Know Up - To JOB PRINTING At Reasonable Prices. Freeman Printing 60.. Lumberton, N. C. Tobacco Stories. Charlotte Otoeiver They were talking about tobac co. Said one: "I was the luckiest fellow that ever lived when I be gan the habit. A great many times I fooled my mother, who would believe me on sight. But my father came in on me in the kitchen once when I actually had a pipe in my mouth, drawing at it and emitting a cloud of the smoke- "ffe did not need to say any thing. I knew. "Papa,' I said, 'I am not smok ing. I have just lit the pipe for Mary,' and I passed the pipe to the cook with as confident an air as I could assume. "Bless her soul, she took it and went on smoking, and my father went on his way, satisfied " "I had a worse time than that," said the next man. "My father came upon me with a large chew of tobacco in my mouth. Said he, 'Son, aren't you chewing tobacco?' I gulped the whole thing down, held my face as straightas I could, and said, 'N-no sir. " A Significant Prayer. "May the Lord help yeu make Bucklen's Arnica Salve known to all," writes J. O. Jenkins, of Chapel Bill. N. C. "It quickly took the pain ont of a felon for me and cured it in a wonderfully short time.' Best on earth for sores, burns and wounds. 25c. at all drug stores. Largest line G ld Watches in town. McLean-Rozier Company, Seasonable Farm Seeds D CAi(ltllMtll vim lcaa, iiuigiiuiiM, Millets, Teosinte, Late Seed Potatoes, Buckwheat. Vetches, Crimson Clover, etc. Wood's Crop Special, giving prices and timely information a bout Seeds that can be planted to advantage and profit at different seasons of the year, mailed free on request. Write for it. Lftdies and Gents Sgnet Rings, all sizes. McLean-Rozier Company, II II request. Write for it. I T. 7. WOOD &iS0NS9 .. 1 RICHMOND, VA Your Needs. - Date Mast Wed or Pay Fine. Omaha, Neb., May 7. All old maids and old bachelors of Oma ha must get married within sixty days or pay a heavy fine, if the city council has the power to make them do it. "Cowboy" Mayor Jim Dahlman says he will sign the ordinance to be in troduced at the next meeting of the council, which requires that all single persons between the ages of twenty-five and forty-five of normal physical and mental conditions get married within sixty days. No excuses are to be accepted. Get married or pay a heavy fine are the only two things left for the unmarried to do. However, the bill does not discriminate against the men, as the order will apply to women just as well as to the males, Wid ows and widowers are exempted. A majority of the city council men have expressed themselves as in favor of the new ordinance, and Mayor Dahlman says he will lose no time in attaching his sig nature to the bill when presented to him. May Drive all of Tbem From State. Jefferson City, Mo. May 8. Insurance men in Missouri are awaiting with appreciation the taking effect on June 15th of sen ate bill No. 1106, passed .recent ly by the legislature. The act provides that no domestic life in surance company shall pay any salary or emolument to any officer or person in excess of $5,000 per annum unless such payment has been authorized by the board of directors- But section 2 causes the most apprehension. It reads as follows. "No life insurance company which pays a salary or compen sation for services or as an em olument or allowance of any kind whatsoever more than $5,000 per I annum to any one person shall be licensed to transact business in the state." If the section is construed lit erally, the effect will bo to drive from the state every one of the old-line companies. Attorney General Hadley says the section means just just what it says. Full line Baseball Goods., McLean Rozier Company. 4-1 Subscribe for the Robesonian j -your neighbor is tired of be ing bothered abeut his paper. 1 'i;v ;-:. ".- , .v.'"..-; r ,';.. ' . v ; -, . . . ' ' '., .

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