BY-LO Talcum ; Powder. Natural Violet , By-Lo is so fine that it ' floats in the air, and so delicately perfumed.; with , the odor of fresh flowers, that we ; know you will like it. It does not have that Talcum rowder, odor, Just The Smell ol - Fresh c Yiolets. We handle all the different kinds of High-Grade Talcum Powders, but re gard By-Lo as the best there is. You will think so too when you try it f Yours to Please, ' Dr.; J. D. . tollan S Son DRUGGISTS, - Lumberton, N. C. June iSth , 01 ) jnojni l ppo puv supra nns rB i iio Sujop tQoq axs oa pin aqsq Xtnisq ug si IS iCjo is -qM 0 sapd f sjw safA ,,'pio Rpa oa aou y3 Xqsq am S V incravo ox xna H ft. 1 t ' f The Old mm e. My Market has- ever beenrand is yet up ' tirdate in -Variety . and Quality. j, As to service, I give the Best in my shop. A. H. Hinds, . ',, Phone 53. Notice ! LUUBERTON NOVELTY WORKS , For Mantels, ' Columns, ! Brackets,! t Balusters, Pulpits, Church Pews and ' all kinds of odd jobs. Mail orders solicited. Terras reason- . ble. , . . . R. B, Humphrey, . J f . Proprietor and Manager- - GEO.-S. HACKER & SON !,v, MANUFACTURES OF . ' oora. Saab, atllndaV Ifaaldfaa Building Materia, gash . Cbarlestoxu vs , , cs. c " "Purchase ear make, which re Euat antee snperior to any sold Sooth, and thereby sate money. Window and Fan Fire Insurance For "further Information apply to . S. H HAMTLTON, Western Union Telegraph Office. Hart Tour Loved Ones Graves. Headstones. - $4 00 Up Monuments, - ; : 11.00 Up .Best Blu and White Marble. . Save Traveling Agent's Commission erder through G. E RANCKE, j..yj-l ' . Lumberton, N. C. ft Tnina 0! Beauty Is fl ; . Joo. Forever. Our Photographs are peiutiful and Life like, finished In the most trjy-to-date styles Come and see our wo'k. We make Fsnii ly Groujic. V ei Come while th weather is i lt nd bring the littl folks- , ' & J,n WAIT8, . IUMBEKTON ART STUDIO. - Over To e's Drue Stot HELP IS OFFERED TCVWORTHT T OVNO PCOPLK. HFT&J'?1 yoonlr . w nttr bow UmttM tMr means or adueation, wb with to obtain thorough taafam training-and good pori. Hon, to writ by trmt mtQ fer oar trmt baif-mta ffr. 8eeanLDdaBmdnetaadjmhdkifitaM ' ' '&nmoo'xt Of saopipai m sjsrssp n IV 'l ii 'As9 pus j(t)(u qviiqputp ano pus 'ote a3Vf rati' 'i3 'troqjjosnaf. aan 'uoRsararsvaj 7npoj4Dd jnoA jja amniU jo imiioin. tfi rro amotj-Addvi )vax3 aa AatjjL I OMpjjtp 9An pjnoqs no! Coca-Cola Is Dangerous. Ojnmird Tt.uei ' " Prof. M. H. Holt, of Oak Ridge Institute, in this State thinks coca-cola is adangerous beverage and has writien to a number of eminent physicians for their opinions on the sub ject. Extracts from some o the replies, are reproduced be low: - Z Dr. James McKee, of the State Hospital for the Insane (at Raleiffh) writes: think the government owes it to itsde velopihg youth to place res traint upon the sale of coca- Cola,r because With ? the cheap ening of this; drug comes the increased use of it, and with the , increased, of , it conies the moral depravity of young men, who eventually wind up in raa- Dr. J. D. Spicer, of Golds. boro,. says: 4,I . consider coca cola as injurious to the mental moral and physical euergies of the addicted, ihd tends alike4 tu sap the intellect and sooner or latedestroy8 the sfulness of the whole raan.M, ; , , 1 Dr. P. L. Murphy, of the Western Hospital for the Insane most unhesitatingly condemn the use of coca-co'Iaj" ? I Dr; H. F. Limg; of States- villffrwritesrrhps ,w h o d r i n k coca-cola ilCOoihave h& Ho lt fixed upon them, and will iau easy, vi cum s to wuisKey, morphine or cocaine. Next to the last, it is the most harmful drink 1 knuw of-'L , ,' ' Dr, H. T. ; Pahnson, the cele- t j i t. i ' . . oraieu pnysiciau anu surgeon of Winston SaletriV , writes: "I am sure that coca-cola drinking is one of the worst habits that a young man can form, and doubt the alcohol habit is any worse. 1 he sale or the poison ought to be prohibited by law." .- " i r . ;- r-: Dr. Stewart . McGuire, the well-known , physician of St. Luke's Hospital, Richmond, Vu., writes: "I regard the coca- cola habit asxtfemely preju dicial to! health," and think you should use every legitimate means to' arrest its; develop ment among your students. - PILES (Set ImjaeiEate Wlcf tm Dr.ttwp'sMalkOlfftoctit I'll stop your pain free. To show you first before you spend a penny what my Pink Pain Tab et can do, I will mail you free, a atrial Package of them Dr, Shoop's Headache Tablets, v Neuralgia Headache. Toothache., Period. Pains, etc.. are dne alone to, blood congestion. . Dr. Shoop's H adache Tablets simply kill pala. b7 dcoaxing' away the nnnataral blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by all dealers. Atneriea'a T f m bar - Sappy ' . Masi soon Give Out. . Every person in the United States is using over six times as much as ho would " use if in, Eu rope, The country as a whole consumes four times as more than all of the forests of the United States growin the mean time The average acre of lor est lays up a store of only ten cubic feet r annually, whereas it ought to be aying up at least thirty cubic feet in order to fur nish the products taken out of It Since J860 more than703,0O0,0OOt 000 feet of timber have been cut for lumber alone, including 80,000,000,000 feet of coniferous stum page estimate of the census In 1880. : v 1 , . These are some of the remark able statements make in Circu lar ,97 of the Forest Service, which deals with the timber supply the United States and' of reviews the stum page estimates made by all thVimportant au tbories. A study of the circular must lead directly to the con clusion that the rate at which forest products in the United States have been and are being consumed is far too lavish, and that only one result can fol low unless steps are promptly taken jto prevent waste in use and to increase the growth rate of every acre of forest in the United States. This result is a timber famine. -This country is today in the same position' with regard to forest resources as was Germany 150 years ago. During this period of 150 years such Qerman States as Saxony and Prussia', particularly ' the latter, . have applied - a policy of government control and regula tion which has immensely in creased the productivity of their forests. The same policy will achieve even better results in the United States, because we have the advantage of all the lessons which T Europe has learned and paid for in the course of a cen fcury of theory and practice. i Lest it might be assumed that the rapid and gaining depletion of American forest resources is sufficiently accounted for by the increase of population, it pointed out in the circular that the increase in population since 1880 is barely more than half the increiseinlumbeTteuein-the same period. Two areas sup plying timber t havem already ready reached; and: passed;' thei r maximunl production-ihe North eastern States. inl8TO; ahd;th4 Lake States in 1890. Today the Southern State, which cutyellew I line ainuuDuuif, im;-one-inirqine total annual vlnmber cut of. the country," :undOat t ;il (near mafim1ini.MPbe Prcifio States iirrsopn ' t?':e the ascendancy. ThlStatef Yashington w(thin o lew jr vara ixs w?wa ux una iron i and now ; ranks'ilf at ofl iftdi-vidqalJSttesJ.n.vol.ttm'e.otciit. At present but one fifth of the total area of the U. S. is em braced in National Forests. The remaining four-fifths' have al ready passed or are most likely t ) pass into private lands. The average age of - the trees felled tnis year is not less than 150 yrs. Itf'other words, if be is to secure a secondd crop of trees of the same size, the lumbermen or pri vate forest owner must wait, say, at least lOOyears for the second crop to growl As a rule, such ong-ti me investments as this waitingwould involve do not com mend, themselves to business men who are accustomed to quick returns, -out the States and the Nation can look much farther away. The larger, then, the area of Nation and State control over woodland?,lhe greater is the like- ihood that, the forest if tbe coun try will be kept permanently pro ductive. r'V-.-,i' 'ittftinmmtiiiiHmt'ttMn 'In buyhifl' wedding treents.''don't for. vei we rc n Company, Pine - 8eaeh lre Kvvaut- .Vum ' , HI y Structares In' Nulns. . v'Xorlolk, Vi., Jutu-C(, rir,' early to-dy jit Pine Uim:u n rert lilled ' with hotels t vaV fyirg size, restaurants, hKre-- and places of amusement jtijt outside the Jamestown Exo- , sition gronnds, destroyed fram ed structures covering a lirge area in the territory between Virginia and Maryland avenue and One Hundred and Second and One Hundred and Third streets including Exposition, avenue. An unknown negro j was burned to death in a shack., The burned district is immedi- ately on the outside of the c western fence of the exposition , grounds, extending to a joint near the Pine Beoch Hotel and j north to Hampton Roads fromf the trolley track, which runs ' from the exposition fence at Maryland avenue to the origi- nal Pine Beach pier at the j mouth of thef Elizabeth river, j The cause of tbe fire, which started in the Berkley Hotel, is. as yet unknown. The losi, placed at between $200,000 and ?250.000 with about 20 pci j cent insurance, - the high hite j having been almost prohibitive j for the taking of large risks oti i 'he frame structures. ' EXHIBIT BUILDINGS THREAT-! EN ED. ; The Inside Inn and the Ken- tucky State building on the western side of the exposition j grounds as well astheutgruj building and auxiliaries there-, to, were threatened for a time, j owing to the wind, but the fire' reached nothing inside th grounds. ; The Arcade Royal Pine, Hampton Roads, Washington J Houe, Outside Inn, Powha-; tan Carolina and Berkley Ho-' tels werer among "rthe largest! buildings destroyed. Thej . T . . .... I states notei.. was not in i mine-r diate danger. The Powhauini Guards and the exposition lire t department did splendid work in preventing the tire frm spreading beyond the bouudirv in which it was finally con flutd and burped itself out- I SQMfi 1,000 PEOPLE HOMELESS " About tlW only 'buildings Uv- 7 eq within the affected area re, the -Tourisl; jjoteltiGry stone Inn and Calif ornia Krunk l buffet all on pneJIundred d j Second street. Betweeu 4ln4 60 structures were consumed 1 and probably 1,000 people are homeless. ?wjir$ The burned buildings w ere! of temporary construction, the f Arcade, Hotel with 280 .roo,iu,: bei ng the largest ahd cost Ik t, representing an investment, in- f eluding furniture and equij ment of $80,000. I m ijnswpiniasjw.iiii isayssaiawswawisi ia hsm m "imihsj ymmit'myt mf"f wn y w ww aJLaMaalasmaMBaaaaBaisaa M I ir lukaaaMssll n i il n ifi iw I fcllsM im Where you find Shield Brand Shoes it is a safe place to trade, because they are sold by reliable mere everywhere: Be sure to ask I Riser's King $3.50 for men. and vou will fret money's worth. Ma(Te in styles and all the popular Leathers, Patent Colt,' Vici, Gun Metal, Box tali, etc M. C Riser Company Manufacturers ' JtTUfMTA, GEORGIA vour frjit t- i k i . . . M X : -4 a. 37 U v-SSrfTfi p.Coit l m. u naW I II J -II' CURED Ths Circulation Stimulated and the Muscles and Joints lubricated by using Price 25c 50c 6 H0O . "Sold by &II Dealers 1 'Sloiris Treatise On The Horse'Sent Free Address Dr. Earl S.SIoan,Boston.Ma5S. tieadqaarters. JdcLean-Kotier If you carry chickens wim their heads hanging down Jut after In the city of Atlanta .uo will be baled before the reun u r and fined under the city rioit" nance that 'prohibits cruelty t aiimals. This important ruling was made by Recorder Brc it..t Tuesday morning when two tos cases were tried in his com t. i .. :.wv;Mm n. ii n, ,, I.,,, , ,i I,,,,,, . Cared of Lang Trouble. ! "It is now eleven years sir re V bad ' a narrcw escape f n m nr. aumption, wiites C O Flojtv 4 leading business man of Ker- nw, Q r U n had run down in we. to 135 pounds, and cougbiog s donstaot. ; both by day and. f night Finally I began lakii g I) I nag'ajNew Aiiscovery anq c ; - ynuea injs tor aoont six m- titr when my oougb and lung were entirely gone and I W"WWf St i im i tn mo . nnrmtl ra! tt, jionuds ',.f11iott3and8 , ptpfypm are healed every year, (4ntf.tiife' m.i .11 J 1 . .'. ' n . . i .1- ru ! at an urug aiurea nuo aim $ ; V J Alum r in food causes . ' r stomach dbsordcrs--4tfrCon-tYi, tinucd use means permanent injury to neaitn. . h froiiowing tneaavice oi mcaicai r Jcienthts, England nnd France have in bread making. OAmerican housewives should protect their house holds against Alum's wrongs by always buying pure Grape . Cream of Tartar Baking ' Powder. ' ; ' Q Pure Grape Cream , of ; Tartar Powder is to be had for the asking- Thai bottle free., if-rlfli .hi. -if fl, ereat abundance. tiv Cut-class and fcBd-paatM.idis; abundance, llcusn-'r" . Buy by name r sri