4 'r'.'.l l7':," .; - V.THE SB MI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. ,. , , . . . 7 , t '"J I I Wr-:'.'' THE ROBE SONIAN AXD VDBHSHED TUESDAYS y:.,;t"rv',S'-,f'"'i-.?,'i'-;i':',i ' W1 f, :VAi ROBESONIAN PUBLISHING FRIDAYS CO. I ' 1 1 vr f - . mjw. If onttas J ' ,W Tan Months . . . ;0 . On Soma i-,- j. , .11 la ordering the A(rtH of hi nserchsnrd iuN)rlbr shoald jjlv th Mi tnnbtob It h bwn coin, and h uew dtrr. With th U'FrtirnU'lon that iv The Robssnntta l (Imt-o'aM adverttalnn niedl in. Ratt yel he (urnUoed proaptly to prnpetlT dTrtlaer. . ' ' Th ptpw want to H fair to rArronaaf i and will five them nncb latitada.aa It ttiiak ounlie poli will prralt, ar not mponalhle f the vlw of att rorrriipopd cnu We require that wrltr aia-n bia name to omnnnieatton auaoklna aome ope ele or an inTH"tlon. In puhltdhio article where the name of the writer i not required tt t nabilahen. we reaerve th rtjtht, for Rood reaaoaa. to ! the name when aaked for. . Unferel aee.od-sUa mttrt the Poet office Lntihertn, N. O., under the Act of Coiifrreia of March Jrd, J9H7. MOXDAV. JULV i CAUSE OF WRECK. The fact that the Pullman on train pot off the track on Sat- 4 urday just below the Lum berton cotton , mills is further 4 .f.and decidedly significant proo of the dangerous condition o ; the Seaboard track. Our inform mation is that this acciden ; was due to a broken rail, which would seem to prove that the ; vrail on the " track is not only worn out but that there are " not sufficient number of ties under it. It should be borne in mind that this happened on r: a ' straight track and with , train having a sched ule of a lit tle less than twentytwo miles ; per hour. The pretense which the officials of the Seaboard art ' making of patting the Hamlet Wilmington divisionTiirgood condition should not be longer considered by the .corporation :. f commission. These officials could have and should , have been indicted for criminal neg- ' hgence for allowing" it to be operated -in such dangerous condiion. If present conditions are allowed to continue it is only a question 01 time until some serious accident will happen. . It is stated to us that seldom a day passes in which sorae'of the trains are not flagged on account of broken rails joints or some other defect in the track, and the "slow orders" which are issued from time to time are bo numerous that the . conductors and engineers can hardly remember them. -Coal burning locomotives have tak en the place of wood burners, ' and the schedule time of the - pt"crers , has .nevertheless . been increased more than a hour between Hamlet and Wil- , mingtbn, and even" with these changes, passengers can :feel safe ohy aftr their destina- ',' tion has been reached. . v .The newspaper correspon dents who . are so frequently writing about the improvements v which the Seaboard is making betweei.Hamlet and Wilming ton should come down and take a look for .themselves and lheirrepbrti might be different. : We know that railroad mana gers, and sometimes their at torneys have a good deal to 6ay about government regula- tions and control of railways . and endeavor to make the peo i pie ; believe that the railroads are private propertv which the , owners kindly'permit the pubi lie to use when duly compen sated ' : thereftor. 1 The people generally have long since ' ceased to pay any attention to . each rot, and in this section not only that; but we think that " both ( passengers and, shippers wo uld v go a -i step f u rther; and If those who are in charge are Jso hopeiesgly blina ana incompetent as"lheir' tnlinage-" ment would seem to indicate the corporation commission or other proper authorities should handle the road as the proper ty of incompetents is usually managed, and place a guardian in charge. Wo hope the Board of Com missioners. "Aliddie. 01 tne Road,' etc., will see that the town is put in proper sanitary condition. The Superintend ent of Health has gotten out a circular, which is published in this issue of The Robesonian, containing valuable 'informa tion. It is important that the suggestions contained therein s aould t be. followed, but this should not be the end. The Board should see that the work is done and properly done im mediately. , VVfi must apologize to our readers for not furnishing a re port of the , meetings of the town Board of Audit and Fi nance. We may be miptaken, but it would seem to us that this Board was Selected and elected to perform a public duty and that they owe it to the people td get down to busi- ness. it they do not intend to do so, they should resign and make room for their success ors. , SnI Trinity Graduate Commits clde. W. M. i Smith, a ' well known base ball player on tho Trinity College team,,, killed himself Thursday at Durham by firing a ball through his brain. He was in his room alone at tho time and no one heard the report. It is supposed that he killed himself about 11:80 o'clock, al though the body was not found until an hour later. Smith was a son of Rev. Thomas W. Smith, of Concord. . He was a graduate of Trinity College, and took his masters degree at the recent commencement, and for three weeks had been in the employ of the American : Tobacco Com pany. - ' It is supposed he was despond ent and then be was nervous and in 111 health, having visited ashy sician that morning Thursday morniagt 10 o'clock he went to the manager of the factories and said that he was' not satisfied with the progress he was making in learning the business, bat the manager tried to cheer him and told him to get i. some j medicine and take a rest, until late in r the afternoon and then talk about the matter. This despondency is be lieved to have caused the rash act. ' ; : CiS-f..' - Smith was 2 years of age, and was popular- While in college he was not only captain of ; the base ball team for the last two years, but was manager of the Archive and South Atlantic Quarterly, and honor man of his das. ,v J-i The Object of Fre Masonry, For The" Sobeeonian. A-to- the-ongin -of -Masonry, and the exact date when tbe'sys tern was first brought into use, Masonic writers are unable to de termine.yet is is awellknown fact, among the craft, that it extends as far back as to the civilization ofEtfypt ' . , , : , Primarily the object was.mu tual protection and an intercom munication' of knowledge. ' During thepeaceful reign' of "Most Excellent King Solomon" Masonry flourished in an-unusual degree. It was confined to the operative art, the object be ing a proper division of labor, whereby each workman from theyoungest&A. bearingbisbur dens to the most skilled workman, Grand Master H. A., who enter ed the S. S. or . Holy of Holies, and drew designs on the'Trestle board" received a just remuner ation for his services. By the wisdom of King Solomon and the strength of Hiram King of Tyre these were so classed and ar ranged that peace and tranquility prevadedthe world atthat im portant period. n In the erection of that Superb Model of Excellence' there was not heard the sound of '. axe. hammer or any tool of iron.," Prom this has been ' formed and perfected the beautiful' sys tern of speculative Masonry. The object of which is not only to inform the minds of its votaries by instructing them in the sciences and useful arts, but to better their hearts by enforcing the precepts of religion and mor ality. -v ' The tenets of the profession Brothery Love, Relief, Truth, Loyalty and other virtues,- are inculcated in . hieroglyphic sym bols during the initiation of the candidate, and he is often re minded that there is an "AH see ing Eye" above which observeth the workings of his heart and is ever fixed upon the thoughta-ad actions of men. - The clothing is simply the 'Lamb Skin "or White apron,typ ical of the righteousness of Saints, and emblematical of in nocence and. purity, The distinguishing jewels are Attention to Wise Counsel, Friendship, Morality and Broth erly love. The Plumb, Square and Level are working tools in the hands of operative workmen from which the important les sons of "Walking Uprightly in our several stations, regulating our actions by the Square of Di vine Truth, and ever mindful of that ' undiscovered country whence no traveler returns to which we are hastening on the T 1 m; - ' ... . w lime- are . luaeuniy written on the mind. . . -: , J. W, Rowell A. G. L . .-'fi . An Attractive Booklet. . " ' ? i , ' - ' , The Industrial Department of tie Sea board Air Line Railway has just issued a very attractive Magazine d oliT""tUtbe Industrial and Agricultural Development ol'thetkmtU. 'Tliis UsueconUin a very uiteresting article descriptive of the Jamea to!uk Exposition and will prove very good reading to those who contemplate attend ing. It tai'na handiionie views of all the Govemtnont and State lluildings, Hampton Ko&dt, Birds Eye View 'of the Ground,- Geographical and Historical quids of Koriolk-I'ortsniouth . and the Jametown Exposition, and that portion I of Vireiiiia in the Vicinitv of lamentown. I 'f? V opics of this magazine cun be seured by (& addressing C. H. Gattis, Traveling Passen- i ger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. v. . IMF YOU GSMr-ATWARDirS GOODr Health Iitsuraiice; The Artiistic UT : , . r-u iS fa The time will soon come when there will be far ! ? active measures will be taken to prevent it It is easier to prevent ' than to cnre.'; It costs far'less and is more satisfactory in every way. The best preventative measure is to ' - . , ' ' USE DISINFECTANTS FREELY ' " (f5 ' A bout your premises, especially, at this time of the year. We have a 1 ffi , the best ones. ' Can tell you what to use and when to use it. ' Stieff. f The time never comes to the pur chaser of Siiefi Pian to realize that he has bought a cheap instru n:ent. ' v 1: Year in and year out it retains the same hweet and Sympathetic Tone, The same delicate and evenly bal anced action, aud is an ever-increasing source of pleasure. An Emblem of Purity in Musical Re finemeut and I'r. of of an Artistic Ta.-le. 0- EL B. WARD; Ph. G. - , - Drugs of Quality, Rowland, , . , : 4 : ' : N. O. ft ft BUSINESS BUILDERS Ttv an ad in. this column at five censt nerlue lor eacn.msenirn. wuemcr u fa a house to rent. ' something vot uvc for sale, or omethJng'von . want ro bny, The Robesonian Want Column will bring the results. - j far Sale Two Hundred Thousand Brick. . Fine . Quality, Whftheld & Freoch. . 7-i-tf STIEFF Manufacturer or the Piano With the Sweet Tone. Southern Wareroora,' S West Trade St. CHARLOTTE, ; . - N. C, C. H. WILMOTH. Mar. For Sate For cash or on easy terms, a second-handxotton inns and I old twit , er. ' Apply at once to G eo. G French, Lumerton, N. C 6-io-im l For Sale One thirty-five horse power, Erie City Boiler, good as new. Reason for selling, increasing boiler power. -Call oh or write Carolina Lumber Co Rowland, N. C. 6-6-tf Trinity Park Scliool We Have a client who has. $30,000,000 j more wiiich he desires to loan, in lotr of $1,000.00 or more on long time on J first real estate mortgage. Interest six if- per cent. Time, ten years if desired. Communicate with Mete tyre & Law- re nee. Attorneys, Lum berton, N. C. 6-3-1 m Payetteville Observer: Messrs. E. G. Davis and Leon TV Cook, two bright joung lawyers, left at nwn for New York, from whence they will sail in a few days on one of ' tho big liners for a three months tour of Great Britian and Ireland, and' Continent of Europe- . .... : ' - i A First-Class Preparatory School. Certificates of Gradua tion Accepted for Kntrance to Leading Southern Colleges. Pest qnipied Vrepariory. School in the South. Facu'.ty of ' Ten Officers and Teachers. Campus f Seventy-five Acres. Libr r- cont a in in g Th irty Thou " sand Vol nines. Wellequippl Gymnasium J Hp h Standards and Modern Methods of In- structiou. Frequent lectures by Promi nent Lecture s. 1 .- ExpeiisesEsccedinglyModerate . S-ven Vears of Fhenantinal Success. KrC a'ofnc and other Inform , lion, d B. M. NORTH, Hfadmaster, DUKHAM, N. C. i Mm For Sale The Robf sonian Publishing Company has a good secoud-nana print ing press for sale. Any one contenw plating starting a new paper wouia do well to see us before baying. The Rob esonian Publishing Company. . Wanted Everybody to get onr prices on Sales before they buy. u. u. names Safe Co., Greensboro, N. C. ii-26tf 1 tf Just Watch Our Delivery Wagons And you will see them delivering Select Groceries ,:; To scores of delighted customers. No house-keeper should be expected 1 to be continually chasing around for Sonttteg Snitablj lo hi The wise henae-keeper finds itnunec- , essary to make further search after , giving s trial order. ' Try us. We will do onr beat to satisfy yon. Luxnbcrton, It CX Frank Gougli, '. O'. .THE -. BUGGY MAN, Carries the usual Lar e Stock as here tofore found with the old firm of Linkhaw &.. Company. ' Several' car loads on hand at a.l times. Yo can find just what you want. The Styles are right op to dote, Stick Seats, Rub ber tires, Plainand Fancy Tops, Wide and Narrow SeatY High' and Low.' v Wheels, &c. The makes are among 5 -theVIost Popular and Substantial sold Jn the South, Hackney, Wrenn and t Babcock, sre our Leaders. . Other -makes on hand.. Every Buggy fully Warranted. In Wagons, wc don't think the Hackney has an equal in this coun- try. We It ve them in all sizes, both one and two-horse. Also Piedmont, ' Hickory, mid other makes. In buy- J ing a wagan yon make a mistake if you fail tobuy the best. Wherever " a Hackney goes it makes fiiends and customers. An inspection is all we - 1 ask. Grent variety of Harness, Sad- ; dies. Bridles, Collars, Robes, Whips. In my absence you will receive court . eons attention f om my salesman, Mr. Arch Morrison, who will make - the Lowest Possible f rices in keeping with Good Goods. Terms Cash or on ' 1 ime with Security. Frank Gottgh Free Delivery, ! Phone No, u a. KM. BIGGS; LiUmoerton, . US r OF LETTERS. J Uemaining m Vhe"Lulnbetoii, N. C, po&tofficei J uly 1st, 1907, If not called for in one week, will be sent to the Dead Letter C fice. Washington, D. C. Parties call-; ingr will please say advertised. ' P. P. Baily, Belt Baker, Mrs. i Annar, A, Burning, Rowland Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis, Miss Bal Cnrrie, Mattie P.irly, A. O. Eisly, Francis Fox.T. M. Gerald, Callie HamiUon, C H. Hays, Miles Johnson, Lou Lovett, D. G. Limas, Mr. W. D. Lewis, Lucis McLean, ' Miss Mary McCullar, L R. Nance, Doglas Pope, Miss Allister, H. Powell, Miss;Suse PreVatt, B. -D. Pate, James' Thompson, Asley Taylof,' Lilly ! Taylor, Gertrude Taylor, J. EL Womack, a West, rf t Is Your Hair Sick? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmm -Ta 5, FrSk I ticed it was lookine prenv thin and rough of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. By the way, Ayc's Hair Vigor is s regular hair grower, a per fect hair tonic. The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft end smooth." Ayer's Half Vigor cures sick halt, makes It strong and healthy. say; that the safety of life and property demand that the Sea- tc-rl shouM be made to da I R M. Korment, P. M. Ths beat kind at a tsstunoalal- Sold tor arar atxty years." UNIVERSITY Or North Carolina, , - T:".i '" ' .a '"S'iJHf .if' '.'i'!'r!, ' 1789-1907.. 1 Head Of the Sute't Educational System. DEPARTMENTS. Collese, . Enelueerine Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, iGt.Ct XorTH CAoU.Va."T Rperior v Kootson cuumy. j Court. , J.- K. Poole, ' vs Xlrs. S-iliie Martin. Ilo.f.n Martin (jnfam,), Nora Msr tin, (infant. ) - i 1 he defendants alxjve nMied wijl take notice ha mi action eiiii-.kil as above !lus been co)nn,c.n-d in tkr Superior Court of Ri beson county to for cl se a : certain nor jfjage eed. executed by J. V. ' Martin ami wile, Sallie M rtin, to J. R. , loole, said niOntfaKe being recorded in book to. pat e 135; nd the said defend . ats will tntthir ukc notice that they are nqnired to wppear at the next term of the Snpt rior v'oui t of r iid county to be held on the. ;th Monday before the is Mon day in rept. 107. at the court bouse of Library contaSns-45,ooa ylumes.- New water works, electric lights, ce tral heating system. ' New dormito , l ries, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. buildisg library, i 732 Students, 74 In Faculty. " The Fall Term Begins " Sept. 9, ' 1907.. Address 'v FANC1S P. VENABI.B, ' PRESIDENT, Chapel Hill, N. C 6-t7-6t - The S rcret ol A BEAUTIFUL " COMPLEXION Now Revealed I FREE Vhat beauty is more desirable than an exquisite complexion and elegant jewels 4a opportunity for every woman to obtain fcolh, for a limited timeonly. The directions and recipe for obtaudng; a faultless complexion is the secret lone gnarded by the master minds of the ORIENTALS and GREEKS. 1 ' This we obtained, after yes rs of work and at great expense. It is the method wed by the fairest and most tattttfa) women oY Europe. - tr T,,w,.. .', Haadredi of , Atn'ericaa women "who now use it have expressed their delight aad! MfMicHcs.tft'? ' This.aeeret: ia-esiIviiiaderatDnd ana simple to foltew and it win save Vont the expense" of creams, cosmetics bleschea and forever give you a btiotiful complex ion and free yonr ikin from phnples, bad color blackheads, etc' It alone w worth to you many tims the price we ask yon. to send for the genuine diamond ring of latest design. J , " - Administrator'fl Notice. said conntv, in um eiton, N. . C," and I trstrix of Reddinf Wilcox, deceased, late answer or !emnr to the coninbint In Mid I ' Robeson county, North Carolina, this Having this day, qualified as Admmis- rrrfr-Tri tnm a i .1 9 ' ilHlllMIl . 1 vers sction or the j .aintifT Vkill apply to the court Tor tne retiet di manued in said con'pl&iut This the '6th day of June, 1907.' , - W. H. HLMPHRRV; ; Clerk of the Superior onrt' V Robert P. Lee, AtU ruey for Plaiatifl. n fr-io-imor. x Ereryt iny hi rings, front a plain Wad to he hstidaotteat signet ring. McLeao Raster CO.a'.;i y-" t-WWr ; ft la to notify all persona . having . claims aga nit said estste to pres nt them to ti. J. Britt, Attorney, or the undersigned ad ministratrix on or before tre 4th day of June, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded n bsr of their recovery.' f 11 persons in. debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. - ' This Jnne 1st, 1907. r-'--.' i fifg&f;!!, . Ada inistratrnt;. - J. t rltt. Attorney. 4 S-jhuucmi We sell you th;s riflg as oi:e niall profit above mannfacturins. cost. The price ia less than one-half vi hat otbcis charge. The recipe is free w ith every ring. ' f IV.it a genuine rose" cri diamond 'rlngp of sparkling.bnlliaiiry ,ibolute)y guaranX teed, very dainty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany setting of laKt. gold shell t your local jeweler it; would cost con siderable more .than $2.00. . 1 ' We mail you this beautiful complexion recipe free when your order is received for ring nd a coin money order, stamp " or bills. Get yi.ur order in before onr- supply is exhausted. 1 1 , - , This offer ia made for limited time only as a means of advertiiing and intro- dudng our goods. ' Send today before this' opportunity ia forgotten. J , v ;,,T, ,C, MOSEIEY, 'T.v;. ' MEsat.3rd Street, Sw York City.t , Subscribe for the KoUsocian pyonr.neiifhtyr is, tirtd of Se inp; bothered ahut his pattr. UflTVh . 1111 iti4 ife,.-jnjtl i J -,-v, j