X, J; .V i THE 0EIII-Y7EZIXy ItOBECOITIAII. ( .11 1 " rrot. i&w. iimDeriaKe,ir..oi . . V i" B . A V 'mA B'T . A A . , V W t . , ' 4 ' I paper on tne yunwruwn juaw i i Coresonian pususcinc co. before the North Carolina Bar ' j.r- ' .la. J. A.3ACTE. V Editor. I awoww si: ;j.ne purpose ox tma paper t wMcuraoii aiTKtt , - I j, to enter a " plea for, - the . . - r W 'waeruoess anq security oi . , ;?,-Vv. h oar aocial syatem. It would v-" '' perhlps be not unwise for our MMMfi4 law-makers to 'take into con : ia rdriK o Mdmi f b tprobnrfta I sideratipp the q uestion whether ' KEnASSto not the present leal refiner R.n1. i. V .diir- a,e8 " we encroacnmeni SJ'L.1" ?Rpoii family punty are propor- ! , ThSTinMr wnti u wr u wwob du I tiODate to the ' enormity of the ' and will fif th m neh latitude M l . . thiak. while miter wmit. r at I offense. ' in ' some cases under ;'; ;rrw? rigid rule .of the unwritten ' to ommctlo tUrktoB one oe WMatr tft nffnpr Qnrlnuhtfv tWMoat, t glv h aam when Mkd tor. I public opinio n approves the " 1 j sentence. Perhaps- it mig-ht be 4joBrMof Maroii r4. iw7. r . IprescriDea toe . death penalty for him who invade theaanctity fore Jadge Pritchard at Asheville to be diligently prosecuted with out the State's having; any ques tion of jurisdiction. . . . 7- AvtTllsetnSi. ! A-yonng1 married man wants President FInley Arrested and V J , -; 'Released.' . t," President Finlej, of the South ern Railway, .was arrested at Ashville' Saturday on a warrant sworn 'out at the instance ' of Police Justice Reynolds-' Befor e Mr. : lanley was taken from the Battery Park Hotehhowever.a united States Deputy Marshal served a writ from the United States Circut Court onthe police officer and Mr. Pinley was taken to the United States Federal building, where Judge Pitchard opended court and subsequently ordered the release of the arrest ed president of the Southern- NOT ROBESON. COUNTY CtESX. ' Monday, JULY 39 t7 I of the home--but it does4 not. I Perhaps it might be well if this til - . AIn , A I w , . . , s .. 1 riihlir nn ninn Snrh si inTv that the pesky rate tangle is at Krftm;M--.. nn rw,; -an end, and doubtless the South- ion t0 the unwritten law. but , yrn w surrjr mam, uiu uut pun mipht go f ar toward removing i the new rate into effect . at once. I the cause for its operation. It . ; It could not be satisfied, though. I might go far toward satisfying ii. .ji. - 1 ..t-. oi-l 1.1 .... j " j'..: UOUl 16 VflBU WJ TUB UVBT IUB ObHbV I WIC UUI raCU 1UU1V1UUU1, i WU1K I . and give the people additional In would at the , same time m- reason to "cussV it. I sure Uhev "offender the, trial which the 'Uinwntten law ' j j I Idonot wish to be under the picnic and educational rally , M1t."i""-V w , V , i:r-u -Hi?- st00l as o the extent of ; vu,u. or- advocating so far-reachinsr, a day a petition for a . special school gtep, but as merely advocating im M jKucu vj iw K uuwj- i me suggestion ox a pro Diem ber. of people- People all over which is undoubtedly confront- jthecoantry are realizing as nev- ling the profession at the pres er oeiore me vaiue or good I em ume. wim me -unwrit- -sen 0018 ana longer terms. -' -cu -- baciuu wuiupruiuime can be made. If can find no 'tttI 1 - - ' , legal justification in a well-pre- .. ' We tmI nn mon fool a rnnrn , , . , . T r . ... . - "r served community. -V - , relieved over the happy ending m, . r . of Ihe railroad controversy than K Th, la,W Pr0v,deS - Judge . Pritchard,' for we guess i1 crirnt that, are, jn :"f that he has felt very much like" WpSnwM.wbiRllwheiB 1 man would feel who had sudden- Qtt tae tt stack in the ly and unthoughtedly grabbed a "unwritten law," but it might lightning flash by the tailsorry indeed be well to consider if it he took hold, and did not know "would not be Ves t to make this how to turn loose or what to do concession to ' public opinion. ..-With Hi - - Rllrplv thorn ie - nn -nrreate . ' Lisg , w crime than the one 'referred to Adverting, to . what Tb& Robe. i above." ' - sonian had to say last week aboul v , the fact that the county board of '..4-? audit and finance refuses to show "Its records, The Red Spring: . Citizen'says that 1 be llobesouian ".feels a personal slight or gricv ande'Notatnir hnve done ;oufiJdut :in naalrin tn effort ' 4 to obtain a report 'of the1 doiags t "''oi this ioardand it.is'uptotM board It is a;4 alter that con . -cemfj every other citizen fa mu.-li asit concerns ufi. It seai tii. us ' ' that the board of audit-and tinsufw ' Vouldjbetterturn on thelightntu,! - let the'people see. what i uoln,'. RAILROAD GIVE IN. New Rat Law Will be Observed -Terms Agreed on Saturday i .-All Indictments and j .Prosecu tions i Now, Pndlad Agalns: Soni"acrn trt be Slopped. , "'AtV ODnferehce ia Governor Glenn's ofiipe in "RaM-rli Satur day .between -Gov.' Glenn' and Southern Ry.j and Atlantic CoSsf (jitie oilIefaK the fiite law fi;hi cntjff Jo end and tho rnilioads pivt ih'j 2,'-r.'tint aire into ei nci a.'on as' "iity "cpn fa'nrv t h o 'r. " '.v se u Th 3 -foil-, a . Mr. Dttmpnrey Says That Charoe ' That Re HadrAayllitng to do . With the Act to Validate Cer- , tain Probate , Deeds ts sidle - nIoa. . ; Xdltor of The Aobcaoniaa : Since' handing you extract o bill passed by' our' last Legisla: ture relative to notaries public. I nave learnea , irom a . reliable source that some person or per sons are agitating the suggestion that I had the bill passed-1 1 ask of you space to say- that rio charge ; ever made against any one was further from the truth I bad not the slightest ideatha any ' one ever, thought of having such a law passed until I discov ered it in Jhe Acts whichrj just received this Week- I felt when I read it that some clerk of the court must have had it passed, but while I try ,to look after my own interest in all legit imate ways," jet I have never felt drorafekftve aJlawi passed that waia fsrijsrtftsi the interest of other- as tfti does, just to geVa few paltry dollars for myself, ;,1 seems to me; to people, who know me, to merit even a denia ,1 The -only; public-law that .f asked to" be passed, I placed in the hands of Cbl's. A. McLean aud.E. P. McRae, after' having submitted it to our county attor ney, Mr. E. J. Britt, and getting his ; sanction, ;-'and-it only adds RobesoV to'theist'of ooun'tfesin which the officers -and'yvithesses will be entitled to their half ?ee? ' 4 Cr r- '- i" ' S ' tS v V" ' T , ,r V',' " " ' ' "" t ' 4 '-;' t ,: V to correspond wita merchants who want more nelp The artistic Stein nized as the standard and excellence- Manysatisfied customers v , ; -jo AUU lit uaiiuouD uuuii. m; . piano,recop; ln 'Kn-r . t , ' K - " . '-i 'in 1 : " bfvalnetCV ' . ...-''!,' , . 1 t' "'"vO"1 1 i V ' who m :t:;.:--4; ? ry1" : have bad their. eyes tested by Haaahurtoutofiit)rotrtioBto,4ti inft.'' ' V'.. the Eyescope Which is now Owned defeat. U lot ot'tfoableto get rid of it;but!tis wu-Jlyao J , and'opersted by & Hum ,'"tofen,vitwiUl ivCAA1' t .wV.' vr-i i ,J;v Phre.;:t:;;r-'fi-,vr , vff f v-nV-i'a-k'A ra.;ra' ;; Big tailoring opWing UJen- 5 M)IU Llire KftiV rette-Singletary Co.' Wednea- f wIt is good for all kinds of commit seldom ornererfaila and tke " "l and Thursday. , " ; ' . hVv ults are qukk.the remedy doesn't harm or hurt la any way,l 5 f v, - , t v. v. Mweiauuts, vummiBsiUD-1 '.t . er, advertises sale for " parti- j W'"' ' PRICE 10 CENTS." 1,- tion. -Mrs. R. SBondand5bildrenJJSJ of Rowland,' have ' been, visiting ' Mrs. ! Fannie past week. ' yesterday ... $ . .. Peterson for the r : v vr m-;''"1-: m. V.V W .,7- Mr. Bond came over V?V?J 1'-! Ci.? r;- orayislt' - -J fr&&&r 1 r H V'?i . -MrsJX Lumberton Cotton Milk' Wednna-r ' dayoftyphoid fever. Her hus- K N KSS ' Kl II 1 .1 1H KN in t.hrt mill. Mra Woi-ririrr tiros ht flff- tt" . d la this colnjn. - Whether U uquv u a House to rent, someibing p, ..v mains were taken V to her former '""i pt tonj thing iow want to buy, home in Bladen county , for inter! IWwXSSSSl W'?1 mend 1 nursaay morning. Have you a picture of Gen. Rton11 .TTLVT't Jacluonand his boyhood home? We will fXtf hmwi. tvt uaiiuuir iiu twentyfive cents, T . Mecklenbtinr View I Wanted-. Younv marriMt man .. f onnA o it. . ... I . 1 . , ... ... o 3ctcuui ourci, inar-oite, I experience wouio ujte to correspond N.C v '' ' 7-35&S9 I with, merchants who would like to have more neip oy ist ot September. , Ad- i ll lid 1 ' 1 La u a : aTPnr IT . lu ham "Will 1 III lilll . 1 lifters v 1 1. dress, Clerk, care Robesonjan. 7-29-gt For : SaleGentle bum horse. five ( . years. 01a; faocock buggy afad ttarness; XApply to Jt. f Uw.ence, luraberton, N. C t . . 7-l5-m , p; makes on hand. Every Buggy fully For Sale Pour mules.' suitable", fnr loir. I -,y ging or hauling. Apply to South Fast l vrn Lumber. Coir A8hpole;! Nv.C,-73-jt Wanted -To uy s,Jt;4P,JSbrea. Dxesl ucu vwuni aiui diock. i rtauress lxcs Box aai, tumbertpn N. C. 7-8 J for Rent Nice 4-room house, artesian water, bpufh of S. A. 1 and Raleigh vnar.eston Kaiiroaas. o. G. Frenc 7-4U . , 1 ,l t t s in (he tn Rwxt," old-fash- "' lnaiundiciiiniiiit hrad the Inrx of ht-le cMlirr for ,! ; 1 1 the piH uo year. It it mcO. s ' , t -' vf Iciiie 'nutde tv-etre. ft ha M , " . icvrr lct knywii to fail. If your cild hf lck. xt.a 'Q- boiue oi' V '. FRtY'S VLRrilFUGt V f IMETOf JCFOS CHILDREN 1 ', .lo aot take a ibatittiie. - if ? v yl" !ra,i-vl 4o-h ntt krxp" 1 - It, atml twaijr-Ste ocMtn tu kUllllplt to ' , , ' - 33. Us GS. TTsxaTiS-sr i aada hatttr wir lie mured you. " I , - J For; Salc-rThe Hob-sbniati Publishing -..ii. 7 "n ' 1 ' .11 ' i LLJ J I Ccmpauy IiMsa good second-hand print- , . -iVlOrtgagee S bale. j - plating startup Anew paw would do -nranrl h viH.M I ' P to Wo boyingThe Rob- r. , - - tnu jimui soniair ruDiisnnw i.oii!ranv. For Sale One tWrty.five horse power, Erie City Boiler; eood as new. Reason . ' a.. - '. a " - . ' I t icr selling, increasing boilt power.- I Call on or write Carolina Lumber Co., kow anu, si. v.. 6-6-tf authority vested in the linderaiVnerl morteaKe'es, by a certain niortjraee . exe-1 Wanted Evervhodv cuted to them on the iotb. day oi Decern' On Sifetf bt-fvre tJiev boy. O.'B Barn.s e Co., Grceushora, X. C., U-26tf ' ber. ito4. bv Enoch' Tavlor. -unmarried, i . Saf 1 and recorded in Book 8, Mortgage D.eds, 1 , ; nape x6. in the offi- of 1 the Kpr1Wih( I. SlJjlI ' . o w - . 7: : -f,-.v v. twtt Deels of Rpbesoo countylkdfault id pay ment of.wnich has, been made, tue under-1 ' E3I IrrV i MAM . Carries the usual Large Stock as here- tofore foupd with the old firm of 1 - : ' Linkhaw& ComoanV. Several rari - " j. loads on hand at all tames. Yo can uuuusi wnat you want., The (Styles A , are nght no to date. Stick Seats, Rub- 7' ber tires, Plain and Fancy Tops; Wide , oiiu otjB, jiign .ana J jlow , 1 " , . Wheels, &c. The makes are among ; - , the Most Popular and Substantial sold in the South. Hackney, Wrenn and ""Wi r our iesaers. , utner ., . : Warranted 1 lu Wagons, we don't think thCIr , Hackney hasi an equal in this conn-'' wy ' vve n ve uemtn all sizes, both "!.. , one anij lwo4idrse. 4 Also Piedmont, P 1 Hickory,? and other makes, k la . buy- y" " . - 1 ' te ii ' JDg.a wagon you make.jLjnu'take you tail to buy the best. Wherever . . la Hackney goes .kmakes ftisnda iml customers. An inspection is all we t - t ,ask. Great variety, of Harness, Sad- , - -'.,' dles Bridles, Collars,4 Rbbes, -Whips. ' ' In my absence you will receive court eous .attention om my salesman,- , Mr Arch Morrison,, who will make f! f the Lowest Possible Prices in kee-riw" 'i f.l. y-. 1 ....... m. . - 0 ' f iiu vimxi uooas. lenni uun r On lime with Security. 1 FratikGoiigh -35 ; 1 -r A, BEAUTIFUL - - zsow Kevealea '' " .4 . To The,Ii)beAtjhians jj i( I f. t quest Ssj to t!ie curaretto's -'.4.;L-i ' Pirsr, the laih-ay putty t -'V to .srovV, T:it-Cb-uiin. U",-. .-v-'. ;:M- u: ciicf noi J.:-m mirTTrnrrrTT iaaia y ': BHasl bMbCbV MM T u n.. . 11 ..in. n ' n r ; 11 .r. m , v - 1 k. a ii'iiti' Mi 111 11 1 " iiiin a: r . a j-a a a 1 as 1 r tm 1 , uat akaaaasaai a. rna u 1 - - SKfnea morigagees wia expose ror sale st II JMn'i JUV.'IW .UVU: VVmH '"-jilN 7, - " jSubHc auction to the bigWbt billet for W1 - ' l- tt . -- cash, at the court house dwr in Ltaber- A , ivnAldlrtr, lif B ' i'u ' li ' ..""'-.' ' ' " . ton; North(CartTio,-n Mondav, A'-r -t , Hmton, it V - v r P 5 w hSbeauly.1 oe desirable ti.au an , . ((.".""uuhluwu, iii.'.i.vu.iv. m d; vfi. . , . m I-?li5"D" vuuiwob ami eiegasn leweis . ir. v ..- uiiDaiaCuons,3us-Jtnesame rfgittt . , W7J LM J If thetrrantl juri-s 'rettirn Vdton count. North 'CarblLa, adjoinins I" - O'tf Sf,OC,BH.Pd itl'Uii bill' '.a whenV4,trueWhVtte;J'L"dV-K '1 M4 li .'S3 diU-J "TMefaf. f The dirtdlonst and rrdpa for obtaining - ' -V is found: , . t. : - h't lAm - i' "tHas tnV biKlvanv nhriinn t wmthe Mine labels civeveit tv IjpocU j -.s'i1 'V1,'8'1'1 t ??i't guardea)gha; -th mind't.Qf ilie ; Hi'' "Y? b43tCtl0n to b,&raa Taylor, aad brisg fpart J RnU r-'oi'd Hlt, K ORIEXTAp aul GR4; 'f tni".. ' - 4 t r , of the Vlcey Rowftu estate lands. . - ti Ji i , ff ' 4 , '-'ir - Vt-' .r ' ' . lVThi.wi'dv of Jdly; t7- '"fi ' - r'74-T aST it tumii-non. X(?iJyV. wJ .7i4iii":. - :M?-Jf?v. -pr; .r""' X...'. ' iEOT "ii SIFSia toFSr4 Ontey.uuT.it. -aik, ff?f? ' . - . ,.i.u-7r,t wju,"ii' .1 -. ", - ' i 6'rv-fio!'A(-5r ?tr3f nuisertooii fana? w --'-jfeo'l lil.t, of ilie nnon smoV''i.:-:di.rs 4'jrTw," p 1 .-.t " t that f ' '"( c) up'- which vto eil j'is,t;t i ,' its rn.'' -t i'f ?s is o ', new tt 4"i')ii al ' :'f t v--, ' . " srxlJi, :', fi" ! W";' ; f ' 'f ;;.!. a.,il,it 'i l UK. " pffArotte u'jiIJ ! a ery porur- fclfi'l t' P'jlI". tV, if thorr ' : '"vere ir;t"iv 1 r -'V ir's t ooth t'v.r-, m v.i y'ii rjtu'o thun ' likely tiit" ;;u-l 7 t(Jj al&o vvi'j! rx'-ii't- ''inn Jtr ly o-3 ,arusL'm 'h sid. "ht.13 the ol JTitatilKtr r y v m' , . 'ni;, .ftnd rim Inf.- .uonru rit.l'iunt.M ft," T)the(4'?i )i-'--tr.s aril r.j s v a pinT. - arid'hoilK-jo iui'JJt tw f.'dri'a(Ut' ' carriage. HjfJW V.-nu.. , th ObsiorVtr"(l b-Cif (i srr.eit - sadly hi nr-jtt-dSi'jt.tiii.jri-ierf bte'ujatif daimy who pm - .iri.thestAlt rhvIarjtj; nrotffc Jtii;thevjfU'tte!ia t riuht uu. fij-f t'ltl't-ther JtH l'Ulrll irr'i.i,J. Of'j.ui, "iDerly a matter A Ut uboui ,iacjttt-itu tttibx thj.ju te. ,1,..!'- i'.itcha'-u's Aid , ''ii.it... li e rjf.iMh. n Tl.'is " M!;t 1 to tV S ' bt.pn t'. i f f ci.'-p is h ciilJti Uffrii.-4,! 1 t 1 jr . .v riii uf t''-ror t" , , . . - "-' . ' ;ii ' '-at ix'Jh Ai'los . o tt" t n-'- S'.ijl, .vf,..s :u v . . ! . 1 . 1 .ir 'i; " 1 1 . ' . t i w c . -i..'i ol,jr, Ci:U-j.".i.Wif--4 '. "i J. 1. 'iii Mt' ivs opt-' n fx .',-ih-i lii'-s :tit tic Ctijiwt Ltt: in one case. ' - liLftl j u.;,u 3if vibtM'A tvj rrf; I,, vtvuu-.4 I.r :ny lej;Vi. vlc.iioi . ."li4- rfti- i,s put ii.toi fuv"t r;s fai is tin' uuvernt'r tan coi.troi the xw e. ',.' 'f 4 ' ""Svontb: the G-vfwr avhi?e.s jhfK'aitiin' if th --ti.nrjvblvV itl .I'-ifs thfs people is f,i whi"" : i fq ;Vin r.ls ft r.r. It ? Of and forj.-f aTtaLtif'-d-cottiMexi. ' ' ! p.- ; r,d friv jour stin fro::; pnp-Cifbad f ' " "tyeslaesday slid TharsGay,- tit k i n i ii.uumor.ov wui uavo ateir j4.x, l-rt C..tu''r -letter ;i.t our, ttVre os. A A:-u-t Kt, b:iau'itfjnbf(5;-!!f IrtvO ,'kl , I-4, ' 'I jns;K-ct tli'.ti4Xat:''eatid n?.- V .' i i.. iho i:bsT u. in ift I ' . 1 7. 1 1 .-. V . a I a feY .. 1 f I I ; .- Ik a i Jks" n P. 1 . -'-'a-r-. .' r -. .P. .". A.V.al-a(l mJ ii Tt'J 111 X'. 11:L,U f r i if '4 M ' ' ' -'i 0 mfiafa :' - ' ! T ' ..vj.. juiiy., va,' utm llTJJl Ajytl jeo"0r 'fcj-t-atls, cio.1 Ttioj.ets-worai' tvi sieuj for the gepuiu v! ' ,ivad ng-pf 1 t-;Ti 1 1 ;rce.' fTl.e rcijie is fne HA ifr, itif ut , ( -i-y:,,... .'j " h ' ' ' " " - AeiA"iier t a . - i a ' 'a i . a pi i m j n i a c r a i , . . t ..- h of lhiSRcaf shoe lies v, , , ' ,? . ' ;llr i gives r jk'A,,;,, oWJ ifiS7CVW ' - ..'.: -..-..- o tc: "i !: ore- out v-iyi y i. ws;vl. 4 " ,! ,f lit ' i . ri i.Jstn It.v.Ji cr Ift'-f i!,tV , . I .... .J . I VIVIVVVUI IWl.it! W. VA. , turn- sin Ik'1, plaSinj? their fall Ur,lory v,T--- v v ,'0!l,j ;4 ,nv-rt---a'".U;iK wudintro-',' ''WnW that youiil find, sdmv-U'-V?- '' , c JK' i. ' .1- "T- c- A , ' I ' ' ' 1