A1- A . -ft 1 1 THE .. SEMI- V7EEIILX ROBSSONIAJ 0 LOCAL 'EXISTS. Cotton toay ggt " 13 cents ". 20 cent i ' ' r f - c , j '. , ,t ' " t ' Mrsf A. B.; Mo6rwbo f has been critically ill tor some ?weeksi r. if. B. RoWnson Is fmi n his residence on Second street enlarged and repainted , TiThere will. be a reunion of oW Confederate soldiers at Park- tnn nn flat nfilatr ti? vraolr. f-" - : Hazel, fhe: liaaghtert :. Mr, and Mrs- J JR.!Prevatt; has, v ( been quite in for several days. ; J . ' . John the little ; son ( of . Mr, . and5Mrs II? Wishart, has " " , . been quite sick for, several , days In a game ot. ball between Lumberton and Klngsd&le.Satur ) day afternoon, Lnmbertoa won " by a score of 8 to 6. -, ."-' -tAx meeting of the graded school board Thursday afternoon Miss Minnie Avent;: of Morgan 4 v ' - ton, was ejected to take charge of the sitth and seventh grades. . ; A meeting of the directors 0, ' the Robeson County Loan'&Trus Co. was . helcT in the , company . '' office - here .Thursday, A semi annual dividend of ; 4, per "cent was declared. -' - ' , , Of the ,20 white applicants for teachers' certificates. At ' the examination held by SopV Poole on the ,11th, ten received -first . grade certificates, 9 second grade and one failed,' ' " " chased a Jot pnLSecondlstKee " J near; the home of Mr. E. E . Shooter,' and .will make immv diate preparationfor the .erection ' of a residence. ,q KM 'The Bank of Ashpole has fil ' ed with the Secretary of State a certificate of, the change of name ' of theinititution to fcelBank d : FairtnounU the name uie town , ' havine been so changed at thJ last session 6fhe- Legislature. S; . A metfng: Spt ; several tday will begin: at Antioch -onthejee; ond,Sundayr;in ugns. fite . assisted by Rev. F, TT: wooteniof Chad bourn. 45 vflou rs of seide will bell aJxv,. and 3. p. bj in town' stlu rlaysl1? tballie" severe storm tna0iite'dthi!isec 1 uon .jc nuay niuii uiew uowu ' about fpur -WaKoiis loads olcorn ""onjthe farm of Mr.: Joseph Town - sendj" ani&f. jJuSulfirft.-tii Kaft Swamp township. - . 1 Cdneailoaal pally At ' Antioch y An edacatioDal rally and picnic was held at Antioch church, nar AUenton, ',- fj&torday. "j Some ojf the' people of that sectioa .have beetr working to "get special tax for scbool and SuptJ.IR Poole was Invited to attend the . picnic Kaletgh, supetintendent of color ed ana uroataa normal scnoois of the) ? State, accom pained ' Prof. foole and alscr Wade a 'speech After the speaking a petition for special i tax was signed by many of tbpsej present, f , This petition will be presented to the county board of education at its meeting the 1st , Monday in, August and -vwiU , be approved by thp board and presented to the board of commissioners for an election. j in toe parlor or toe M'ayette Hotel at. Payettevili::ThuVaday aiternoon, ir A. WLrolar and Missy, SallieToiar,-bf ' Rennert. were united in ' marriage, ' the ceremony being performed: by their old i pasVir, Hev. O, P; Meeks,ldf Fayetteville,' TbVy were accompanied by A U li Agent J. H;, 'iUis. and Mrs.; Wil lis They left' Friday; afternoon for Wf tghtsville to spendi some time. Both these "fount: people are very popular andl have the best wishes of a host ' of friends throughout the county Xf - ' , - " alitor and business manacer of ; Mr W. R MceiD, of Buie, ' taiv paper' ; now of The Land- Evaipgcllat Pecic .ttf. Fa jrctt . . . ' vll! Frcsbytcfjr. f.r .Th0OffiQjitteej)n, HomeMis. sfons pfA Fayetteville5 Presbytery uiBb uere r naay. xne enure com mlttee composed s of ' ReV H. G. Hill. 3K, P. oCMartotu Rev; J. M. Rose, D('D. of Inurinbtjirg; ' Rev. W. T. Walker, of Antiochy Rev, ACE. Baker and Elder rCMc- Castill, of Maxton; , was ' pe'sent. ' select Weva&gehst itcd .Payette Bilk, fnrmfirli nf f.hnrlnt.toi '. elef;te d and ft WtideHfifel will Iccat; ;wlfl J Wsid la Bed Springs ,t aim !o ijtimmi rt A" tsSrtnfr AuZffa til 4 ? yirnl Kingscolbeed.Mwisyshot? teipi Jcidyfjigh1t , aKotl o'clock and seriously -wounded. A negro from Laurin burg, who -.wasr'tt ) An ci i n ? j t, tti ii i h t, h a r a ft, arunx anci proceeae,a w raise a r&cirstLi iitas.,oii iy i Jim that the darkev was Rtanrlini? iut . ff"'C-- ijI - 4f - acrossrte ,old bndgp, shooting at wnoyn-aQjaf the baUM was here Friday.-; i. r.J ,A . Mr. A B "vTiliiamf of Ren nert, was in town Friday. C Mr! Ai W. McLeanVpent FrW day and Saturday in " Wilmington- r-r; !,v; : Mrsl B' F.Kunn has returned 1 1 rom a visit to relatives in Hills i kr: : "BilHe" . McCormick, o Dillon, 6. C, spentthe past week here: - - - Miss Nannie McQueen left this morning for her home at Mayes villeJ - ' : 2Ir. ton Smith, of Wilmington,' was ."in .town ,' on business last week", "v. v" , r" ' r - Mr. R. R. Flowers, of Barnes ville, was in .town on ,! business Friday. ; Miss. Gertrude Maxwell is spending some time visiting at Tolars ville. Miss Anna McLeod has . re turned from a visit of, several days' to Elm City. Mr. W..B. Neve spent part of last week in Elrod vicmity doing some surveying Mr ,D, Y, Floyd leaves tomor row for Pittsburg, Pas where,, be Holds a position. vt:c;. : Mr. A. B. Pit man', of Fairmont, visited at the home' of Mrl J, tx Steobens Fridav; 1 RSev. X I Scott arid - sonl' Mr. R.' 6i titpotiof Or5?um,spent iSAt uraay nere on ousmess. Miss PeArl Flovd leaves1 this week tor Jamestown7 and "Other points for a month's" visit. : MissBettie Britt, ofTen Mne, spent - Friday here visithig bei brother, Mr. E. M. Brittr;- I Mrf A. S -Tynerwno lives' on rural route no. l irom s uie, was J D.i.' Jl-'' " fik )',f i I Mr.R. A.. McLean, of Winter GardeniFlaiyisitiughis father oi ox, A.,iucjuean, oi. ipis piace. -Messrs, Al"W Bullock, -J L. J Z. Hedgpeth aid C Morrow, of Rwlaid spent Fridayyn, jum f,Mrs.,;D.F , McKenzie,'of .ack- so Springs, is vsthe guestothr iister,Mrs; M.j'."(.4 Mckenzie of tbferplace,rii4l4fli t' ju stJii8'und'ayxiau Saddle , Trt-e, yr-AW tnefp pare'its. and Mm bam, , ' - r Mr,, Qi'-AVUllams -Who lives on 9ih vstreet 6en,t'at "sam ple of water from thdweU'At"' his residence to State Bi61dp&t.G' aid McCarthy, ''at : Ralejgu. " Th J lMisT&Kv feegaS, of Olday.' 8 T, mark, at Statesville, spent Sat urday in Lnmbertoo, r . Mr. Archie Collins, who has been Attending Jamestown Ex position, passed through " here Friday on his way to to his home arroctorsyme.. : ',Mr. DiY. Floyd, who has been visiung relatives here and a other points in the county for the past month, leaves this week . or Pittsburg Pas to resume bis work. Mr. Joe Stone has returned to West VirginiA, where be iias -.a poaiuon. xie was cauea w uam berton last week on account of the death of hiav father, Mr Isham Stone. , A Mr. John Backettr superin tendent of colored normal schools of the State, spent several-days here last week visiting bis daugh ter, Mrs. K. M. Biggs. r K ! Mr and Mrs. J.. P. McNaiU, Messrs. C. M. Fuller,, D. D, French, EL ,B. McMillan are among those froni"Lumberton woo visited the Jamestown nix position last week. , , ' . v Mrs. Thad 'Bullock left this morning to visit x relatives at Troy. Miss Goldie Stephenson, pf Raleigh, who has been visit ing Mrs. Bullock,, left for; her home this morning. , . .. - j Mr.EG. Webster and family Went to Rowland ( yesterday, where Mrs... Webster and children .:.. :. . . . 1 r wiUisiHorsome time with reiaA lives. : Mr. Webster will sjSent the reek at Marion business. - l Miss Wessie Bethea, . who has" been visiting her brother, Mr. J. A. Bethea, has returned to her home at Latta. Sh was accom panied by Master Carlyle Bethea Imo wui spena some time, at iat a." - " :Mrs. w.'O. Brewer and broth r,' Mr Percy McKenzie,, who ave been visitina ther brother. Mr. Benj. , McKenzie, for , the uast tnrce vreefcs. lelt lor their hOtheS 16 Florida ' Ff-iday 'even 4 FARMERa WANT THE K. P. ;- S It Hopper it Urgt . It tcattcn the Fertiluet, all t . ret tie furrow, ? ' t.3 It does not waste utr tronnd tumps or ends, v 4 There are oo chin or tay wujgw C4w or onu ot i - - R out of order. , . 2r" hi I y a 5 It U simple. tronitaddttr. v;Ti; . .-V; 7 It is anaraateed to gi?e sat. & .',V, i lJ0 4 ' --,,,,A. . . W-ctioa or rone? refund- 'f, A;- ' y-fJ V t f " For Sale try Lcadlaj Merchants in Robeson and Adjeiates N. JACOBI OACDIVACE COMPANY, SoIeActsts, P ji IK. rs innnr lWllUIL To meet all Legitimate Business need's, has ALWATS BEEN FURNISHED oar Customer. This 'Bank is 7 the OLDEST and LARGEST in Robeson County. Its , CAPITAL IS DOUBLE that of any OTHER BANK iti the County. ' IF YOU NEED BETTER BANKING ; ; ; FACILITIES, CALL OR WRITE Ua : V : ?' The Bank of . Lumbertpn; A. ,W; McLEAN. Pres. - ? C. B: TOWNSEND. Cashier. ' A. E. WHITE, Vice-Pres, , . , ; , ; f , - ' R. D. CALDWELL, yice-Pres.;. ' J. P. BTANSEL, Aast Cashier, V, J1 DIRECTORS: STEPHEN McINTYHE, ' , R.D. CALDWELL, S. A. EDMUND. ' , C B. TOW.V55ENT1 OKICW. F, L. STEELE, GEQ. O. FRENCH, " O. C. NORMENT.! , 4V , 9, ,r ' V tl If. CALDWELL. Vl,AiE. WHITE, ,f i Extensive ;proyisiori made 0 supply, absolute nee4s as occasion requires. We. find thisito ;be the .condition of the Dejfartment . of Caldwell & Carlyle's ..Store -which up plijsjt BuriaL t and rFuncral, Fnf nishings. r- Ther il.ive f oae ; ' entire- Wkthti&si Mevoted:.jtOJ ti& Furnilure, - Pianos,: Pianola : PiaROs and Organs.: T; 5 Voa can earcb the land over from the" Atlantic s to the Pifu.v ' " from the Saow-Clad Peakt of Maine to the Myrtle Groves, anl W " ' Orange Bowers of the Shmbj South, and you will not find a mote ' " 1 ' " I''GoniDiete Stock" ot f orrilture- - - , , ;4 Than e caa show yon, Oar Pianos arc the Reeoanlzed ' 1 1 ' Standards of the World KNABE, CHICKERtNG, I VERS &, POND, SOIIMER od SMITH & BARNES. - f& ;? i .-.Write us for, our larjye 400 page catalogue. We can and WILL ' ' O ' ' 'j SAVfi YOU MONEY, . A postal Card brings the Catalogue. ' , ' S v:Parker:GerdnervCom """ ' - -- . L .'.r'"""", . 1 I . . V t I 1 i-m-r- I ,: 1,. ' a. i :m ' k ...i i f-"-:' r-rr ''l . - k- I rkiit1 li tia' n l r t. i . . t Pj. Ft I t. jc at v.t.j-- 1 . TS 4 . i. ". , ;r-,'. v . . I . - . . , ".TZZL1 '.' ..IT1-" 1 "T " 1 i"PiapBaiPiaaw i j .RhnnMiKMrtHKawrt SV -iKiTOra l.u.Mr: df'rfdods m1 Which they r s 'V ' n . .? trtj,tostabaraof tobacco by flro-,trautea. p Hia condition is uot?T donsTmtJilJ U.r: f VaI rlUi jUilV 'SS AlT-l.i i ft ff -"t f. 4 if i' A L' V. ' report i--4yryfrruhl ii'C,VUj-11 l-J'. 'J ;;;7 . xifiS i-.t,i' b-u.vH' sVnAui t,- i..-.u-"'- .t .i-.:,,:.. N.tJ" V ' . 1 ', f " --T'.,;J . , 0 JV j. ! r,vT;i-.-i ..We;. .1 t"v .-.-4, t ' . ' . ' - , '? an that would !m h?M ,t"' Tft vi. rt71.it. 4 wv;jr fj;le p-.n Toa.-cfW.v-iw'h-v" J!,f.i-jv...'. .c .- ,.j ,!.,..! j ' f -u-,!- t., .-' 8na that iht;sxh.tix0H wtiitJrai! . , ' ,r ;;fit v 1ltCc;.ctv": :H?iti , Let' us Quote 'yoU; mttiy tilings - - hecitwicuii -f- is .."".'liA . . . . "if:: :,v; ' ft . WWfe -il l fiQ-' ?ti!Ciil )lS S.liptl .i8S..,-; ' ci.ju-j, 1' ''0,0. n ! :,!.. liHieie.taft'tfwifUifA l.i injAtiftiui 0.,s.,uj ,.4") . '-Ull Uia'w i.'s,c.v ! iroui1jt..UEjt.oa, . - ,. dHli .T'-'vU'.t. ' tittrt u.t:.rYulIoffl:J3-rf - ' .7-5c.j f 'WaroftJ H .ii : U t-J-J. WA ;;- . ' i i, '-'"'.'V' '' 4 -7 ' , . ."c"1 ;r ui ' V ' ' , r ' ' ' l ' s ' f