ucaiNirics dangscs. ' ) - ' t maxkly. Safpstc&TUfe, '. ' v . Wtam tha lAndaa Chronic. ..'' ,' ; t la this country ; we bate no , M. ' , means of ascertainini? -precisely ' .what is tbe - amount, of, mischief done by 'UghtningV k tu I France ' -and Germany -statistics t on ;the ' .v subject1' are systematically tabu- : tUiell by KoVernment eVery ysaf.' - .. ir complete statistics ! were sc . tess-ibltj . mere can be little-doubt tLey would snow that the annual - s ' lot of Ufe and property is far " v ; givateir than is- comraohlyf sup-; -rnf1 ' Tn rno rncrt t.h rln.m. ,m ajrp"v .....v .B .'.mf mm-tm9'mtl - age is often greater1 ttyu&Ji, need 'i tV be. tevttn'aoart frooi snY 'consid- " t oration 01 irgntoine na actora ; , ., During five or, mx days in the - r summer of 1681 it ww estimated ' ' by, com p Wot authority that besides . other' mUctiitf not less ' tnatf-JBOO animal of ' one sort or another in Eneland ; were killed rvjby liRbtninik most of them being 1 t sheep and cattle m the field' In 'i I alltsucn casualties' i asual to regard tbe carcasses as unfit for human food, and they are ord- narity buried, vv i'- ' --This summer has een especial o v ly disastrous. In vurious parts of the country thunderstorms have 1 - been. frequent, and. scarcely' a the newspaper have nt "necord- i ed ' tbe destruction of sbeep, and j; cattle. - - . ; 3n leside tHelling of sheep and cattle, there have been sever al disasters fatal to human life, jbu aj uubuiuK vi. miscuiei w property of various kinds. Here, i again the mischief is often quite V" easily avoidable-It is, of course very well known that agood light ning; conductor properly fixed . is an c absolutely reliable ' safe guard against: all injury; but; ft r - fact which, is not so .well ,' known Is that an efilcient lightning icon r auctor migat orten be set up at " the cost -of a few shillings by . taking advantage of -the conduc i ng power of trees. f ; Everybody should be aware by this time that trees are a source of peril in times of,, thunder 8tormthoughfrom accidents which every n6w and again oc cur it would seem that there is still a great amount of ignorance on the subject Only a few days ago a lightning flash struck a : poplar tree near Winchester and ' killed: a " man; 'who bad taken .shelter at the foot of iv no doubt in ignorahce'of his danger Such fatalities are exceedingly "coni , mon, r and it has not infrequently occurred that cottages and other -, " buildings -'have .been struck by ' . lightning in consequence of the vicinity of some tall tree, V 1 1 " The. casualties to' animals arej - often due to tbe fact that with , the commencement of a' thunder i.a showerthey are apt to gather for ,V shelter beneath the .branches of , ome Isolated tree, i1 The explana tion of the mischief is' Very well ' ' t " i r - r . v-; r, - lightning,, but not a - veiy' good one. In the absence of j a better ' 1 channel the lightning' will flash through it, but there is always a chance of " its glancing aside to any medium that affords a read. , ier passage. . Now, the body of a . mon AvanSmal tnnafifnfaa mnflh better conductor than a tree does and consequently the electricity, whenever it iias an opportunity . ' of i doing " so, a. will leave the tree and flash through; the'.1 animal body. .Tbe same thing will often cnrwhenttha chtntng pass ing downward through the , tree, reaches a xint at which a read ier ' passage", is , presented by some adjacent building. ' .The' full volleV M deflected from the iree into toe Duuaing ; . va II has been suggested that fn all sucb cases if a metal rod were -hort distance up the Ttree there ould be no such deflection., The uletal conductor.' would afford, a readier passage than the body of shuman or the materials a hdase, "and the tree, wMch other tfse .is a source fof;: jaeger, would! ' become an absolute 'pro t&tibn;! !5t CvT,lw6p on.ani- mals sheltering beneath it., Of course . nobody would sutrgest ttataii trees sDouKi oe tnns iieait with,'1 but Jt . often happens' that from, itSv special;, position atree during "at thunder fstbrm U not oniy source pi, some peru out is we occasion ox muca uneasi ness and anxiety. According to the licbtninirrod conference appointed a few years ago by the Meteorological Socie ty, of London; to inquire into the subject and -report on the best form of the thing there is nothing much better ' than a solid iron New of Yaur Ancestors. From-ha 8il FntnoMoo CbrviljU -', kneesWrhonUngh'tis -conie to be about as much, of fad in this free-and-easy republic or ours as it ever was , among' the inhabitants of the 'effete despotisms of Europe, ; and to has authorized the Directors, the Census to publish the names of the heads of .families, with accompanying ' information shown on such schedules of the census of 1790 aa are fn exist- enpe. ,The schedules 'of some of the Southern States were de stroyed when our British coas ins' burned the Capitol ( at Washington in 1814, but: those of most or all the States north of the Potomac ere saved,' and those of New Hampshire, Ver mont, and Maryland are now in press, - and will be shortljis- sued, separately. 1 he schedule of each State ' will constitute a separate 1 a ocu men t oi aoo ut 150 pages, and will be attract ively printed and bound : 'in es pecially handsome and durable semi-pam phlet bindih g." There will also be a map of the State as it was in 1796. With unusual regard for economy. Congress did not authorize the free dis tribution of these - locumentai but directed their sale at a price which the Director of the, Cen sua has i fixed at $l"for each State, Which is cheap enough ior ' a gooa pair oi -ancestors. Thdsr who' desire " copies should address the Director of the Census at "Vashington, En closing 'the 'necessary dollar, TheV Congressional' appropria tion is not sufficient to print the schedules of all the States this year, but It , i expected that the- amount necessary.: to publish those of the. States not named above will' be appropri ated at the next session. lf ttV0 3TATUTS. Cat Adopts Sqvlirrcl. aiitujciui;" If President 'Roosevelt u. J"" '' t mmmm ki it tmeanimall I . I , . W- ; :nn., 1 rii!u SJ i Up-10 JLTC (V ' ' . ' . SiJr 1.: fl iiliiiEl At, Reasonable Prices, T i & t flOS ' KcwsrC , tlOS. . ' u ' The readert of thb paper will be plea. d - to ' learn that; there is at least one dreadid disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages, and ' that is Ca tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tbe only cositive cure sow known . to the medical ( fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional Sail's Catarrh Cure is taken in disease. meat; HaL ternallT. mctinjt directly upon the blood . and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the di. , ease, and giving the patient strength by ' building up the constitution and assisting . nature in doing its work.' The proprie- aJi a uaiv ssvr utuvu taivu ui au vMovaw i c" powers that they offer One Hundred Dol- irs for any 'case . that it fails to cure.-- ; , ' Send for list of- testimonials; c ; rK , . Address F, J, CHENEY St CO,, ' . f ,.."'"' " 'Toledo, 0. f Sold by all Druggists, tSC V . 4 $.Take Hali'li FamUy Pill foe coaatips - Cared el Land Tremble. ' :. """It is now eleven years since! had a narrow escape from con sumption," writes 0. 0. Floyd, a leading business man of Kershaw, S." 0.,f'I had rpn down m weight tovlSS pounds, and coughing was constant, both ' by , dsy ' and ' by night Finally I began taking Dr. King's Ksw JUisooyery, and ono tinued this for about six months, when my cough and lung trouble were entirely gone and ; If was ;. re stored to my !: normsl weight, 170 pounds.? Thousands of- persons are healed erery year. Guaranteed at aU druff stores. ' 60o and St.OO. Trial bottle free. r r , Subscribe for The Robesonian your family need it.' . rrobattaa Deeds sb4 Teklsta Al- irintltsncfoMiNouriee-ree) lever hear about it true, animal I Jeurors. i " 4.- T Ltory which, has ditoc rha ab-iianiin. L.3 ' 1 v T . , I hera in Ashefille a j .? (;.ies.: I ' " ,."T,il 1 send yovf eitracts from two cuse somebody of "nature fak r i4iffAnn. ti(nfiM:: tviHiut li . thai itiflr:. hut thrt CitiEAn hm the an I - last Legislature. The first con- thority of several responsible cern tbe probailnf: of deeds and people that the following story is tbe taking: of affidavits before no-1 strictly tme, ' snd that the ani taHes public, who are also prac- pal characters can be produced ticing attorneys. TnUactseotasI to prove true, j to hare been in force ' since the About three months ago Will 11th of March. . X U . Parby OU, the ten-year-old son of fbe second (s in regard to the p. H. Purby fill, living near Bing fees of jarprs. The reader r will ham Heights, found a baby sqair notice that while tbe per diem of I rei. The little animal : did, not regular , jurors . has; bebnin- jyet have its eyes open, and when created to two dollars per '.day, the lad - took (I it home, t his they onlv tret mileam one t way. mother told him it would not whereas they formerly . rjeceived live ovtr night. The . boy sug- mileAgefor bbtb'waya, and also gested that he might put Jt with f thatthefees of special veniremen; a litter of .small kittens which whennojdiwjpmbe . family cat wss at that arenbt .chantted. ' They VwUl time guarding "as "jealously1 as simply get one dollar per day; as only a ; mother cat can guard before," without f mileace;f Taey her yonng Tn 'tmm will also note that ' the fees ; of were only two or three ; days tales jurors .have not ; boon old, and the idea tof putting the changed. - - :l .'!,! Uttte qlrtel among them so it t have no doubt : but that ; our I could keep warm appealed to the people will .be disappointed in I boy. His mother thought the the changes, ss they are not alto-1 old cat would devour the stran- gether what i was expected: I ger, but as there was nothing have promised jurors who have else to do, she gave her permls effect that si soon as Iconld 4as- Tbe next morning tbe family TWa , pYflftQltlotl I ltlft tfi "Wnr-fnlfr inf.!n '. init Lu.l" 1m j aaii I nra atttntahojl fn UttA that. tVifl I Mr , . ...,. j .... . .. . " , p Vcmoiu just nuav nus ian wucoi ni ,wuoh , w uuu uv i really provide, that I would ; ior- cat bad adopted the baby squir- ward them tickets for J any bal- rel, and was (treating It just as anc that might be due them for shawas-berown offspring. She services as such jurors. , .This . I continued to provide for it just ss HamptOll ' Bdadfl,1 willbroceed to do as r promptly she did for the "kittens, and ss I csn.' " ". ' t ' 7' , f seemed to have a great love for the tiny orphan, After the kittens grew up and Clerk Superior .Court.- were separated,' after the man Lumberton, N, sJuly 24, 1907. ner of the cat life, the toother cat .K. r . and the Mnirrel bacama . maena.. 1M ' ACT Trt ViT.TTlATtfV ni'I?"T' ATM . t-1 V i - v, - , TTTU-. .-I - WOUCU . :: r" "j. .; - T - - rai II CnaniinMnf.r'.' 1 1 DDlliail Lumberton, 27. O. 61 E ABO A K;D S: AIR LINE RAILWAY Jamesto wn Exposition, , norroiir..va,, April 26th to November 30th, 1007. W, H. Humphrey, OS Imaa SPECIAL RATES FROM LUIBERTOII: . , Round Trip Season Tickets, -fisja ,, Round Trip 6o-day tickeu, . , ,ios ' r Round Trip 10-day Ticket, " - ' 9-45 m' , Rooad Tm Coach Excursion Tickets. '7 . ,v , a,a ach excursion rate sold Tuesdays aad Fridar prior to opening date and TnMila,. lintr1avn dan and atwlnraMl CKn( nm1 in Slanliir ln1ftM. PBATESOrpKEDS.A lone Koes. . " ' t - . ' The General ' Assembly- of I When the squirrells jriven a pea- . For '" poittt. PpJy to your nearest Seaboard Agent, or represent. North Carolina do enact: t. jl.ii-- 11 av"Bmcuwwww'' N 1, 1 ... -w . - ' . i uuh. ah iuuuwb .ua uauuiaumauiuuv Chapter 1003, - Sec-3. That noj to burr it. and the cat eoes alone notary x-aouc suau uave, power i to see what it is doincr. When I '17 r. 77; r; or authority to take the proof and the squirrel runs ' up a tree the acknowledgmenb of deeds for cat" waits at thef cot of the tree UiS be registered in the office of the I the mound. When the sauirrelt ! watch for Announcement of Low Excursion Rates and Register of Deeds of a county or I is but of sight the old cat shows I Improred - Schedules. to. taite; the private i .? eminatton her distress by crying until it W100 WW vO any sucn pa- returns, r , , 1 TrTiFor infortnation and literature address per in which he is interested , ss I. .The unusual situaUon has In- attorney, counsel or otherwise, terested the entire neighborhood, l ' O. T. COX nor to administer an oath to any an4 foe strange pair are always person to any affidavit or other wtched with wonder bf those paper in matters in wmch no ;sj who know the circumstances. interested as . attorney, counsel J Unexcolled Pxisionser Scrvlco. Seaboard Air Line QaU vdy a II. GATTISi T.P. A., ttaleish. ti. C. a MM laMKMtaa M Y- or otherwise- Sec. 4 wThat this act shall not affect pending actions Sec, 5 That this act shall - be in force from and after its ratifi cation. - . " . In the General Assembly read .hree times, and ratified this , the 11th day of March A. D. 1907. Electricity. Tarns If am Tbrcc Colors. '. jLabnrr Dlspatob to th New Tors Ansrleaa After going through the expe rience of having his body turn to a deep red and "then blue, and finally coal black, from the force of an electric current; William Hicks, an employe of v the New York and New Jersey Telephone Company, is , slowly recovering from the shock. Hicks - was - at work , splicing cables at the top of a thirty-five INSUEANOE THAT ENSURES. I Q. WTT iT J AMBFirefogurance Agent, ? Best State, American and English Companies Represented, IS Years Experfeaeo ' iq uc munncw. fxever oaa iom uuk was nox paio, nor ci&un coniesiea. BINGHAM SCHOOL 1703 lOOS FOR US ViAR3 boy bar. bw st-parad far VDLLk&Z mdfmllti, mmi k baw trafaad HtMlfENTttt SINiHAM SCN0OU . I4aaJy bcaM4 - AaWrilla PWuaaav Omaiwkai M1UTAK.Y Bar Watlad fci atW aeWih o if al d, Mrtiai Sow rallad dUcovao. MaxiM iciaied by pUd( of boanr. LWtadial?!. RMamwaa. aMa. AddrwaCouR. BINOHAMB-o. K. F. D. How 4. ASH CV1LLB. M.C AN ACT TO REGULATE THE PAY OF JURORS IN ROBESON COUNTY. The General Assembly of "fcTA-aadV t Ml1 tnM lak AOA ra.teR9rflttn '1. ThatIpoie Si rauioy ;u tu Dn.'nntir Wh.ii morning WtVtSlU '.AWbfWVU waj wmbbui . . , " - ' - - w I J mm , VtiMrl AMflllAn San 9A AM1 tT. . -'w - . I Irmt&ntlv he w&s' hurled from the rors m tne enpenor ,Joun; snau "7-7-, . . A receive, while serving, two dol lars per 11 dsy and 1 mileage, .one way, and jurors on ' coroner's in quest shall be paid two dollars. per day, without mileage. ' ,Sec, 2. Special veniremen, when drawn from the box, shall be paid one 'dollar per day and mileage one way,,- - ; . Sec. 3. All laws and clauses pole and held danorling from , the wire. He tried in vain to free himself, but so strong was the current that his bands were held tightly to tbe -i wire. , finally , his body became rigid. "Workmen ran to tbe pole, but 1 were several minutes in reaching Hicks. "Meantime -bystanders were horrified to see him gradu of laws in conflict with this act deeP "d tbT!tt bais I arfiherebvreoealed. ' - t wo nnwy n uSUW c: Cn 4 .,!, .hall I were v wu yuw u w WWt 7f 2 A SJVhv ajuasaf ftw-ww vswm w - t . -". - in force from and after its ratifl- 1 1 t . t T ' H - r afF-w-;v"-: . cation.' rV ''V' '-,fr In the General Assembly read hree times, and ratified this the 4th day of March Al D. 1907 J . , 1u m.r ,. , . 1 w -' The Rlflht None. an1 ha titd a 'XnxtraToA tn ort-nrmfT I with a block and tackle. IVTo Ynrvn Tttiti AAnrlrPi myn Evervbodv expected thatHickS '- V;4 7 BO. Uar . tarf hnr n ... Hr.n,v,v wamannraninrR nni ,ri.'iiUirum : buu raw juiua. ottou . . . Mr: Anrnat RhArtM. tha normlariness returned- tie ?WUI ison, la.; Says overseer of the poor,1 at Fort Mad 1 ably recover. :-;Dr. King'a New found there was still a spark - of life." The doctor, worked on the man for anhour before conscious- pro b- Cotton Gins snd Presses snd Machine Work We do General Repairs , in Foundry .3-15 Life Pills are rightiy named ; ,thy Dr. 5hoop's Magic Ointment Fiease aot moreareablv. domore eocdlnoteitisniaeaUne for Pe9, and its and make one feel better than an v I action ia positive 'and certain. 1 1tching, ! ar t'a 31 -tL.J.'A.' Snhscrihs Fop 1 tr i fl other laxative.' Gnsranteed ' to I ours biliousness and constipation,, 25o st all drug; stores. painful, protmdtng or bund piles diasp-1 -a near like magic by its use. Large nickel-1 , , capped glass jars 50 cents. . Sold by all Sealers. , " lilt) f , f11 Vs' W ' soman. 4' c

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