, 4 1. . ,( A1 1 J V ' K StABLlSHiSD 1870. 7 '4. j J Cotiritry, God and Truth. SINGLE COPIES 6 CENTO ? v VOL. XKXVin, K0.53. LUUBERTON; NO&Tft CAROLINA. MONDAYS AUGUST 26; 1007. (WH0LD 110-2231 : . SAODLS TBCE nCNIC, wr . ; i Aec6af l S4lTr BUy n4 Ucntlon of ' Crop 1 v Catlct i Bring laf crstlna Letter From '; Former . Kolesoalan to J Far Away TxaiSoaa latcrest- Jag StaUstlei Ta Twlas Cr. Cartyle Ucatioac4 Were tllclt .lag ap Thelrt rJeeI;Ceaa . Glad of tfee rroaiUcd ZUlaea - tloaal Bleaslae ol Taat ne wuiDaiouna uompieLe. r . r , ; i xour report ot tne t eaoca- x; " - & The Demand for Fobs is iiarge ana suu grow- ? ring, tHerefore our jstbcjc Atiythimg from the tionaI raI1 at 8addle Tee v- av?.'.'"!' 5 1 li. l " ? iotereatin in more my . than ''ThnocifA;TKwiKTom4.1ia one; and the inspiration of the Finest Emblem to the Cheapest Leather. mis enrolled ' in- the nublic Feraeal Mewa Iiaiaa creased 73,659. . In Ohio there Proe Misses Alice and fRutb Horn- was not , only no increase, but n,IHMr unm. fpAm an actual deereaseof 012;inUyetteTm wbere they ipent inaiana, a aerease ot h.wo; in jne ,jme th their uncle, Mr. Iowa, a decrease ' of 25,886; lyr. a. Humphrey. in Nebraska, 9,512; and Kansas We are sorry to report Mr. J 7,097. This large increase in H. Jenkins on the sick list this North Carolina was n ot d ue to week. ' , ) any sudden filtinar up of the ' Mi Blanche ,FIowert, ,of North Oarftiin, fMtU'''ttt Barnesville, ;and. Mis Clara w , r,aa w w mmf . : w m . .'. 1900 21.14 W ont f all th 1 " W uff, are visiting pqblie school as aofainst 20.32 frf8; . J ' . .-n r-7,wu . " "cr' --ir u wuc u.vcu is spendin- time with rel tartner than the cmnes,otJfireneraiiy. , , v. atives near here. rvooeson. i t i it is oouonai with me jwortn Mr .nri m,.. w.nr w.rin I . .i. t. .i , ' ... . . . . F-a wa- mw4 waa RAirHC TtWftlr Qfrif Your statement tha,t!The Carolina parent whether he will have been viaititing: relates, near JOU 1111)0 OVfyLLj C memory of the oldest inhabi-f sed hU child to school or not, Barnesfille this week. tant does not run oacic ;to a and if he sends to school he Miss MaRgieJohnstou is spend. T.A-HcirnLL, . - Attaracy at Latr, . LUMBERTONN. C ; Will finctic fa I1 the' Coarta. Bom new attended to promptly, , i4 . , WADE WISHART. ; Anoaavr at Law. ' V;' , LUMBERTdjf, N. C. . , Prompt attention gives tOAlI bwiaeaa.1 Office over Bank of tnajberton,- S-l - D.P.SHAW, t Attoraeyat Late, J All btwiaew et treated to him oraatntl Office in sUw Bnfldiaf. .A.KaUm, ' V' A.W.lutraa. J.0.XComlk. , (BD) me , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, -tUUBSBTON, ., ; ,c i5 wtf Vt , Alai f iwAai In - .-,;r'. BBjaa) i . i ' v 'i ' ,ww ' " " .7 " w " - I Uwfca JLlj lis9 W U C A UCU9Ci U Lf" I wwsw niwui i4wi va M 1 CUnLUVUl kJVaVW : O nificant of the real prosperity he doesn't wih' hi child to A number of the young people of the county than itB 40,000 walk to school he must at his "P0 enter chooI .at Orrum Offloee oa Sad floor at Eank.of Lo- haW nf mttnn it 700-Ano nf monaay, eptemoer zna. . - w w 'v-wvv v ! u ww u . a.. 1 rcr 1 1 rr , iFiiiviur- .; 1.1111a 1 . , , Wa Have Juat Received a Larere Uo-to-date rotton fflrtnrii or it?nrt milps L- u.' u. Mr. Hay nes Barnes and little etteatioa gives to a baau 7 , , V T' lu kUC son. Tiflfanir. wpnt tn Fair WnfT vx . . or muways an- states of the north, tU bwVesterday. 7 OHAS. B. SKIPPER, ''MlWN'Si H I S . v.-. .as- uenaance w compuisoryrDoi Quite a number of the youn . Atf at taw. ' vi'AUii k jljljl a. jv Ata) ', 4V i KiCKinir un their npp s.iADDt An K.a . . . i r--.-., i , , , j a.' ' t ' J ' - : ' ouvu' v lioufs enjoyea a social entertain- mjjibkbton, h. c. See Them Before You Purchase One Goods .r" u .virvpvVc weu s,iree uooks, ireeoou ment given at the nomeofMr. AUbndnmentruttdtoaim ci isratw.r.i pmnuifl PTflnT ' promised educational blessings f veyances, etc.; are offered. 1 In J. H, Graham Tuesday nirht ceita prompt and carrfoi attention. -. of that red letter daybut em- North-Carolina nnhnrfv .r M: ahm iWv nf ViiminJ 9J NrtioMlBa Baniiaa ' i - are New and PRICES RIGHT. JOHN t: BIGGS 7-25" tUMBERTON, Ni C. &rjn I phasize the many-sided; obliga- 6 or over 21 gets any benefit! ton, is spendingrabme time with vvuo w hib i&-uaycia . u huai iroui rue iree BCnOOL iunu. ' iq iciauiea ju uiu aevuuu school district. Many inhabi- a number of - States in J the , M88"' Geo- ftnd Ipvte Gra- imuw xiub.auiuu vc uiucav, r inorta tne " schools are open toi r " vv J. BUfl'KE, Jeweler and' Optician, , R M. BRITT, Artoraey at Law, member that it was noVa fate people of ail aees, free. - The WiIoijl&'ton WrihtsvUle Offie. ntn la Aifn Batuieg, o 1 -o- 1 vivt ut uvsvu uvi -uit auuiiksi. . . ... - . mi. I f,m;iin ff TOUk:h, n. ennA' i- ' f r . mlngtoi t i: r , I MftTnt.VTA - Pjl 1 7 .nvrrra-nnn WILMINGTON, N.C; .rv V r "y niaiasor Misses. Gertrude and Meekie iuw V mo a v"awc i nurses to. carry tne mue tots ini,.-;u.4..fc.u,imi.-j I nti it.L tr.' jj l-.i i . . : - : . lcmbsbton. i!, : : k Diamonds, Attornert and CooaaeXoni at law. - - - ,"r V ' lhfith nnA fnmtlv lia O , nwwucs, . vivw a:. t. T ii.l . . -' .. " . .. ., . I . 1 : . r 7 .' 1 d .iewirv . ,us ,s uwr nuat . t . i i" ,ate mem wnue were and wltb friends. ; ' t . t - otttot ffrh Wfyitbem bschooie safely ,Mrs. J.? J. 8tone visited rela- V'Il " r ' SllyerarjCnt.aiass And "Within thelast month, I had Compare those" wndUionV mnfo&KSSi''" -fS' ;t Silver, Novelties. occasion to aPaWh thi rnort fk 'u,-A"f , T?U ' ProorlV VLTR A tier 07 fwbertoa, N.C ; - v . uuuxDWEr rural a iirDV Aran Repalrlns and Adjusting; Fin watches a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed,; r 4 the the U. S. Commissioner twins , attending educational ' An attempt v of Education vfor 1904-5, for rallies, lying in wagons and 22d to blow up 5-13 was made on the nn a rmaftpnerar train material to be used" on an peca- kicking up their heels, iollifv- with dvnamite between Crionle . - - 1:1.: csj,til? ' . -T "1 . . . . VT . I ; inspector a. a. a,. Hy. o1"" "lie wuc a- oauuic mg over tne ; prospect 01 a new ureek ana uoiorado Bpnngs.uoi. iree, 1 was not lookiner for 1 school huildintr and hpttnr hnnl Ererv window in the last car was . .. r - I - . ' . :. fJl ' 7 - ' i) .,' ., I race suicide statistics, but while! facilities. vThey were evidently broken. Jon the search,"! .'read in the havinar a good time thinkine n Mclean & black. 7' ATTokmcvs at aw." ;v v , HAXTOtf, 1ST. C Office la the ifcCaakfil BoOiatv STOCK REMEDIES. I'hinif ; If I Iytawii I mormn&f tater a disoatch f rom lhmtf Mmthtiir onH Ji'tt,. am " Tty bottle 0 Dr. Edmund'a Colic I II I II M II II1IKI I w c V o Auumpaou, proprietor oi wae I and Lung Ferer Cure ia Gtunmtecd for AUllliV At V I Ul 1 rlainneld, Indiana, announc- younir alwayst jive in anticipa- Thomnson Dental Parlors at Dnr- ?WV pneaiooBia, atomAciie aad ing-thata weddingfhad taken ti on of better things to come, ham, attempted suicide by drink- g wb. o. edSSSSJ place tnere, tne first in 141 the v mijrht hav heen lookitiir infflaudamun. Drink and finan- Lumbetton, n. c. months. . I forward to the ti mn whnn thv Icial troubles are said to be the! ; ir. xr a- rm.'im' 1-- J I Al. M. a. auuuiuwOr Life is short and Sweet Success often comes .late in life, but for bar- - 'cams m Fttrllttti'e, ! Kemerabenncr that Presi-In,ti1 cause. o I U1U ijvim ' vaiw a vawt VS lit caau 1 I -. finvvefrw a a aent Koosevelt had sounded thelahont tho fimnna tivU f tt.,iI - ,t , . xrr I w HT wmw w Vviw V 4-rfVa- I UW 9 M AW A AAA VCUUCUU UL HUO I m ' . . . alarm - of race suicide in that I mnnA TTWratt ii,a ni.t Wattm tTnun nrtA..u r lnmberton, i ! , N. : 0. I : -.w.- aWTVtvvij WW a. AAA MOV vwnvi m V Ul'U A,wf Arj t 4 if VV CSV I : ' ' . . . f .:::, .: Office at Hospital. Phone No.' At. A rA Tlfiiftirnl Tnafrn. I latitude SfVrRl ? vAara nrro Tlmta 1 .1 r-zann Miaa nnuliJ nen iro.Uira tUm .i L.i..j.j .x-flj . ; ! ........ , IT--j- .i. i . , i Down town otSce OTerDr. McMilUa'a ...v., ..v. .,, .wciuu. wuuuuw w unu out, u pusai-imust pensn, With special em -J w inruisntnragf Store, Call promptly anaweted fill Hmoa . ' v ; It. I'"... ' I . . '' I- r.iT . ble, how the schools were being Iphasis on the we must. affected by race suicide in that I . part of the countv and found I Austin TW Am h 1007 Grenada and Greenwood, stating FIlRNITflRR KM llt nfPr'ntPJ :i:Li::i::: that operators had been forced iru- ThftDreminmllaf of th fnrtv-w HO" , we twoomcesnrs tvivuvuiUKi HUU BvIWUlf T ' -- - .w.. EAGLE TORE, AMD CJI COMPANY. ;--M-;-t ' spvnth annal RtatA tW f ea, , ana, .ma. cuizenso. jvuwsun . iu Darwcuiar. anai-r-wy-v-v. v viai- v.. H --.-- , :.w ' - ' " . , Worth Uarolina in ceneral. still iwbww.' ... iaugntriage is : oeapoara ait Line MOT.fc - . - r . . L.tJ 'it. 't mi - i I nnDTTv: WIMM IhDnt iMturi h l shall not give many figures. noias wese-iairs.- me ooara "7 ; r: for the reasonlhat the average of Arriculture this year allow. eln reader dosn't lik-to honor: 750for .pecial premiannfor ?"'i"!:?d;: '?"?? - . .-.!'....'. - ,. - i leari. Btsiziisu iih mun in. inn eu wun statistics. - "r" "uu " Ibncnrv and laahed tha old w r 1 ... r i 1 : . .. f . -. protection for the officers of the ! nilxt wy. town or-iu the country. Western Union at Holly 8prings, J TT ,t rp ATT FfT . Dentl3t, r LUUDERTON, W. C: dffice erer Dr., atcKfllaa's Omf Store, TO ; man mon3i?ni Pa m -a-(r' at m u n -aaa- aaai u ' la 0 No. 89, v . lannmal .Mm K .. !.-, T .J I may be , better appreciated 8taPle onesi m case the Glass ran to the scene, where s it is proper to state that firtpren"m is $25. the se- crowd, had collected, and sfter from 1900 to 1905. no less unu AJ f"1 lue ,nra fo.jgraboingtne whip away from the Traintr Pass Lumberton as Follows: than immigrants land- WJ" r De Vei vai; aaugnter reuewtneatucicup. wrcHomum, y Etbod' " Luntrips. and nf h... nn. crops. One of the featuresof sway. He objected to his daugh Ja 45, - 6;85'A:M. ' - Koi 40. ' 11:28 A. Mjtkn iftnvn lu:- the air will be the SDeech bv ter' stor. r- M- school age. Practically speak- WI,wm Jennings iJryan L hurs- A dispatch of the 22d from St Exposition Rates Lumberton to Norfolk and Beturti . iner, none of these located in I ?av October 17th. Louis, Mar is to the effect that jat?m?.U : the. Southern States, so thath.' Two flresat Pittsbnrcr. Pa., on PernalB.,Mason, ofTbomasviUe, fV Viav THr.vo ' ... , 'S 1 1.1 1 i .1 . t .1 . I i.u-ooj j i t i . .IN. n . wm mi imnrpi-Ad hv th .: m$ I nie bcuyois : 01 ine iorm irom 1 uo-u,ubbu ujr wi explosion oi 1 . r , , . " 45 - r"'i.. ;L ' wtiftii-fl i niAv,0. 'i-. wmpumenra passea on uis cibt- -.acit.',4n. fcuc wy f .lernesrby two affable strangers to Oreiron and California: ah-1 taWishments, eaused damage es- on a Chicairo A Alton train that cweek;ahaenotgdlnPuUm ' ; SESwS inTrSTf . 1 11 -1 1 . : . : , I ft 11 ran '".. v. 5. ;.; 'I ." Tf -..-.J . T . . s I . . . . ' ' - 7 . feK. "SerTare the' fact, W 22ZS2$2&tS2&& -OJE-COX Agsai f 1 C tLCATTIS, T. P. A' crease in schoolpupils: From gulkj in . his father's dairy at est fellow on earthed that no !', . ,. T " vt ,.l.i, At . Jr Ufa attleitAt TB AL. a, A. L l 1-1 I 1 I ML.-. a. ' Si :. 1 Ksleigh, N. C. I WOO to 1905, the number of pu-Iand was drowned. .... 'the game until he had lost f407- 6o Day Tickets. jo my Ticket. Lumberton, N. 0. DR. J. D.:REGAN, DINnST, . LtnosBToar, a K. 0. -,' , i ', i Ot&em la Shaw 'wilding, over Fopa'i drag eur. - , - Dr. F. H. PITMAN, 1 DENTIST ASHPOLC, W.-i6 H. T TOPK, w. A. KCTHAWX. Drk 3?ope & JllcPhaul, FkyslelajBS ad Sauveaaa. Laabertotf, (f. C OfBoa p stairs in rear of Pope Dra . Go's store. Dr. JUoPbA&ra reai deaoa phone No. FREE To Women for collecting ziamea and aelfing oar nor elties, we enre Ma Bvcae faaaa. Send your name to-day for our aew ittlaa of Mar arollts with littl work. Writ to-day. Address C- T. MOSELEY, .:. Premiam Department, xx B. 33rd Street, New York Gty . 6-3 " Subscribers are earnestly re quested to report to us any fail ure ot earner to deliver paper promptly.;-; ;-

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