''ill ,",V 1 , v Cow Growers Can Economize Th Ccoaoatcs ot Improve 4; taenia la CaUagta Stole sad , rTattr, BcUfloa to taa rresent ' Terms oltaaC L F. and Per Curt. " Coctraet Terms Coa- '! ' samptloa 1 of Cotton Largely , , , AUcctea Cy tae Cost-Valaabi , Treatise oa fea latportaat aa4 , . Timely Topic Beat Oelore lae tateraatloaal Cottoa Coaaress at Vienna to Usy. - '-'j A paper prepared, by H W, ' MacAlister. Chairman off the International Cotton Contrac Commission, for the Fourth , International Cotton Congress 'May,1907,tVienna. v 1 r s .This paper is in some re- e specta 1 a continuation of ,tba' which I had the honor 5 of sub mitting to your notice at the a meeting of j the: Internationa, Federation . of Spinnera ; and Manufacturers. in Bremen .last year, and it also deals with the suggestions recently made ,by the commission (appointed upon that occasi6n) to the cotton ex changes pt tiverpool, Bremen, and Havre, regarding altera tions in the terms of the exist ing c. i. f. and 6 per cent, contract1-,, ; V 'f J' 1 '5 There are , many , opposing ; interests bound up in the sub jects of better baling, etc., and it will probably take some time to effect 'any greai im !" provements upon present me thods and machinery. (In mat ; ters commercial, self-interest is usually a strong motive 1 power in helping on reforms, so that as it is to our interests as the last buyers of the raw cotton to have certain reforms effected $0 we musfbenby aVcertaln ing how best we can make it to 'the interest of some of those who precede Us inf commercial sequence to effect the improve menUwe desire in the .baling it. cotton. . . -'", . If goes without- sayingthat -these changes may appear to l I T 4 ' :run counter to the advantages 'now enjoyed bj one or more of the parties in the long line of those interested m tne many sections of the ? trade in raw "cotton. . . , tinder present conditions the following is &e routine through which the raw 'material passes from' plantation to shipboard: warmers wagons are con structed to carfyabout 1 ,500 lbs. of seed cotton and each wagon-load of. : seed cotton, upon being v. ginned, , yields about 5001bs. of lint, equal to one bale of cotton. j ; This bale is semi-pressed at the gin and covered by canvass and six iron bands' weighing together about 2lilbs. , From the ginnery1 the bale is carried by rail to the nearest centre, where there, is a com press.' Here it is . unloaded, and sooner, or, later passed through the compress, its bulk being by this process reduced about one-half. The six origi nal bands put on at gin press are shortened, and one, some times two; others , are added. Sufficient, old- canvas, ; some times sngar bas,l is also placed upon the bales, .-nominallv to cover : sample holes, but really to bring the weight of canvass, etc., : within, the termsof the c. i. f. and 6 per cent, contract. The bale is eventually re loaded upon the, freight-car for transport to , the ship, 'where during the process of stowage the shipowners find it' to their advantage, although at consid erable cost, to employ gangs of men, with, screwing apparatus devised for the purpose to pack the bales so that the vessel may carry a maximum weight This screwing ! process is said to be one of the chief causes of Vno mark" bales; etc.,S and of the damaged condition of bale covering upon 'arrival at t lie port of des'tihation,,' ' The consumption of attorn- " ' '. 1 ' si moany wmcn isuBea; uyv mu lions of the, poorest 'peoples 6 the world is largely affected by its cost, therefore if cotton in an improved bale can be as effi ciently and satisfactorily trans ported from producer to con sumer at less cost in ' canvass and bands as covering, less cost in labor incidental to ' rail and steamship carriage, with the use of fewer freight cars and lo comotives, and with a conse quent reduction in cost of haul age, we are ensuring, by secur ing these economies, ,.a . contin uance of and a prospective ex pansion in our trade in manu actured cotton, which most of he great1 vested interests con cern ed in the business must rec- 6n the farm Is the primary cause or the raw ; cotton business, of falsely-packed cotton (so-call- claim that it is an econoay to ed plated bales;, and this fault is accumulate cotton at conprtss one, of the principal reasons c-ntres. 7 ina'amnHTWlt femi:. which buyer of cottoa will ad- UatM tht Amni5nr Ainr fK wtoDythange shipping of cotton in round in baling cotton at gm- Educate lois 0f, say, X00 bales each, but the farmer and ginnery propria- ? AVV " tu rur toronthispointiindyou will re- W COOBl move the necessity fDr sampling cuo expense wnicn bales with an aueer. with the the present system entails upon concurrent t loss in ' weight of the rlway companies, and upon samples to the owner of the cot- J the 'farmers' : planters, ' and tonand the creation of a' city (country dealers in cotton. This crop of bales . as the Southern I expense forms part of the price people term this waste. I of the raw material and la thus dis- (b) It is futhermore, to the ad- tribiited amomr the n'roiirsra .Miig v .u """- miaQienieii.,! and cnnnumpm seeo cown onnay ea. throughout ? the world, '.The aesnouiawereiurw, w Iwh- . o O O O ' O OO ' G ' rf',fra - - j Young men -who appreciate - o lar to send his production to the : " 7 T 7 ginnery which iurn. oat the best "eresting theavselves in fAflr'thfttla thahMt nt Wd lnu,,PrWUS Item, VIZ.,' DSO longest possible stapled llntj and oalingand its cost, ahdnuirierots I should say that the farmer can attempts- arebeing made Ho maieriauy xaciuuibe uua eua pjiow" mo jiuwcu, picking his seed 'cotton as I free I Several types of round bales as possible from "seed pods jmd I are . now made (among them leai. aau muss iiuvurwuin w mu,uj 1 nein? mme ' nr thA Kiftntors f I auk ncDumg ww bw wu w uo 1 . , ; , iwnuaned on 3rd page-) rin-iintARM t la "tierfdctlv drv.l " "'. a . Twi m ... i -w . . w iw a waj si a-aa 'v a tu im ; a at a It is impossible to gin cotton well if, the fibre, be damp.? the Result iiosieelaI Day. la September Deinecut nore ana v consequent at the Jamestown Exposition, impaired value to both buyer and I sept! 14. Goiei Arinr. ' " . t I American Veterans of Foreisrn Service. and bailing press machinery is Imjjroved Order of Red Men Annorj' interested in ne out-turn oit nis 1 , convention Hail. r.o to . , ; Beware of Ointment for Catarrh that Coatala Herenry, - as mercury will anrely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous ' surfaces. Such' articles should never be used except on prescrip tions 1 iron reputaDie pnysicuns, as tne ige tney wiu do is ten fold to the gooa you can possibly derive from them. uaii'suatarrn cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, - acting , directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimoni als free. . bold by Druggists. Price, 75c per bot tle. ' Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. -' . It V,- FdII line Ladies' , and Gent's Watches, all sizes and prices. Mo Lan-ttozier uo. oenize. ' ' . Now, how is this to be brought about? Well.' in the first place, we must go back to the begin- ning of the line , of industries connected with the production and marketing ot raw cotton, and point out to-each; section co ncerned ' how ; the desired changes will affect their respect ive interests. ?. , " We have' ' with1 us today amongst our friends from' the Southern States two gentlemen who ' have devoted themselves specially to the : interests of those of their, countrymen who produce the article ; we here are so much interested in, as the raw material fo our local industries."; I refer to Mr. Har vie Jordan, of ' Atlanta, ; Geor gia, the president of the South ern Cotton Association, and Mr. Barrett, president of the Farm er's Union, and we shall ask, them to exercise their great in fluence and organizing abili ties with the members of their great associations . to initiate the reforms which we feel sure will be beneficial to the trade generally, beginning with: ' (a) The small farmer, who as a rule, does not take foe keen in terest be might do "in ; careful picking of his crop, and par ticularly in the matter of keeping seperate clean and dirty seed cot ton. The loading of clean and dirty seea cotton in :ne same wagon Saved jDer Son's Ufa. The happiest mother in the lit tie town of A va, Ma, is Mrs. S. ttuppee. - one writes: ;-une year ago my son was down , witn such serious lung trouble that our phys- MHBU WttO UUOU10 w uviu nun: when, by our druggist's I sdvioe ; I began giving him Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon ' noticed im. provement. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks when he was perfectly; well. He has worked steadily since at carpenter work. Dr. Kings New Disoovery saved his life. ' ' Guaranteed best eough and cold cure by all druggists. 50o and $1.00. Trial bottle free. ' The Kodak season; is .in its prime. Get an Eastman. MoLean BozierOo, . Sept. 15. Anti-Saloon Leasrue. superintendents and plant in two ways.', If he buys tne seea cotton irom tne proauc- Superintendents and Workers confer- erofhis owjj accouuD he takes! l moisture if it Is ' delivered ' in a Superintendents; and Workers confer he-allows to remainin the bin for l PS1 B?rd l" Navigation, s-mrni s ivraina TAini -4 Bomeuuietu ury, suu uuuici, i&epi. 17. anu-saioon ieaeue. care 1. taken to oid JSFSSSi 1 the saws too auickly, ' so that good work is the natural result. On the other hand. If he : is per forming this work for the far mer, who pays him a fixed price oer bale for cdhning. and the Delaware Da IT. Ieague aof American Municipalities', eonveuuon uau, 9-5, Anti-Saloon League. Sept' 19' Maccabee Day YLadles.V League of American Manjcipalities, convention sau, 9-5, u-. Ann-oaioon league, same for baling, it Is to . his in I Sept. ao. League of American Unnki terest to turn put the greatest I JJrrn Hu 5 number Of Dales in.tne.snortestl Anti-Saloon League, Auditorinm, 0.5; spaced of time. He carea very LJ3-!73 ? little as to the quality Of the lint I National Temperance Day. cotton produced, and bis only IJttVESVttttS!": anxiety hi the Case of damp ( Horticultural Congress, convention Hall, Bond nnttnti i thft rhnldnff of the Retail Merchants Association. seea COttOttlS tne cnomng OI me H Maryland Horticultural Society Saws and tbi risk Of fire, WblCji Day, Auditorium, 9-12; 3-4, . . flntkil ft BtonDftffa of machinerv Horticultural Congress, , convention r Fr-D- T ----. ua II .h - , , and resulting l03S Of output and I Loubana-Panama Day.l nrnflt tn hi mafilf . W. 5- ' Colonial Wars, Audi- " . 1 . tonum 1. 'There is srreat room for im-1 Florida Day. 0 . ... . j I , , .. a . . . a f . . . - i . a nnwAmt ?n h rnnf t-nrtirtti raeraupns ounoay Ken Associations t"--" v. w- "-1 ' or America. , , of the Southern p-inninsr and I SeP' a6 American Peanut Growers, - . . 6 . . e. I convention Hall. baung machinery, Out 1 am I Retail Merchants of Virginia,, Conven- gladtO Observe, that there ap erXn Sunday Rest Association. pears to be a growing" interest I National Nut Growers Association, An- taken in mqy'ements tending Sept, a;. American Peanut Growers, con m this direction. Planters : SSm ot vifeinia. and farmers are alive to the I ' National Nut Growers Association. Att- fact -that great economies can seot. 38., Retail Merchant, of vinrini.' be affected in this departments I Natbnal Nut Growers Association, An And invfintnra tiro hit vat wnrlr I fij.nt n yi wx. enaeavonng to solve the prob- iraSa, lem. The great dearth of Raleigh, n.c n.iKubsuu.iuSiWviuisHk An Attractive Booklet. J, COttOn Crop SeaSOtt Has pernapSl 4 2 tndustrial Denartment of the Smu done more to call attention to I i1" Jt 1 a the necessity for improvement Industrial and Agricultural Development ui: r .'il. I the South. This issue contains a very u iub uiu6,i vufcfcuu i. wuc 1 interesting article descriptive of the James- pnn than all the discussion and I town Bposition and will proveverygcod 0 ... . , I treading to those wh contemplate attend- wriung upon ineSUDject, DUt ling; It contains handsome views of al how beat to arrive at tho rfinatl tM ownment ana state Buildings now Desi 10 arrive ai tne mosi Uampt,,, Roads, Birds Eye View of 2m efficient methods has Yet to be I Grounds, Geographical and Historical . j , , I maps of Norfolk-Portsmouth and the evuiveu. . I Tanestown BxTMsition. and that nnrtinii The comoresa comnanipsl of Virginia in the Vicinity of Jamestown. . 4 . 1 who as trusts monooolize to a very large extent this branchl Stomach troubles, Heart and Kidney ail- . . r.m menis, can oe quiouy correctea witn 81 prescription known to druggists every- wnere as ur. onoop's KestoraUve. The prompt and surprising relief which this remedy immediately.. brines is entirelv . - . .. . ,r .f one w lis Kesiorauve anion upon the conirouing neryes 01 ine stomacn, etc. a weajt oiomacn, causing ayspepeia, a weak Heart with palpitation or intermit tent pulse, always means weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart nerves. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative and see how quickly these ailments disappear. Dr. FAIN tMa in tba hatul Tla uiwIibm. kaa Ha Mm fata asoattstlon, rln to blood prMur oothifti 1m twaaujrv At mm, to mn Dr. Bboop. and to irrovstttashafenatadaUttla pinkiablot Tkt4 taucseauea Dr. Blioop's Beadaobs Tble foazas blood prattor rwar nW pain eentera. lu ffctUchrmhi, plaMinrly delightful. Qeatif, '.utumvsqiiaiiMSUM Diooacuoa. - If roe bavs a bcadaeba. tf, blood pwtrora. It it's painful periods with women, tame earns. If son are leepiet. rntleta, rwrrout, U'l blood onctftloo blood prataura. That turely it a sertaintr. for Or. fitaoop't Headache Tablets ttop Hjn -onunutae. ana tne tabiew tunpir auuibuts i rVwi. . . . r I . RmlM Tfxir Iniw. And rfnaan't tt imt mil. Mid swell, and pain rout Of coarse it does. If s con. free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health it certainly worth this sim ple trial. Sold ty all dealers. We have iuat received th mnatl up-to-date hne of Ladies' Hand Bags, ever dein in Lumberton. Prices are right Come before thevl . t.L.J Z A?r.r 1 ."I a-1 ai jjiuavu uvor, , iuouean-Aozier tectioa. blood prendre. You'll Had t where pain lr alwart.' H't -Imply Common Sent. 1 Ws tall at 25 oaota. and obeerfoUr reeomrosaa Dr. Shoop'o Hcadacho ' Tablcta ; .."ALLDEALEnsr 4aW $ Vf t J.I Good Qothes,' Stylish Clothes, ' k Correct Clothes that fit and are guaranteed, are cordially invited .to come in and see bur new Fall- them in JBlacki, Browps, Plaids , , and- plub Checks andf all the !, 0 f ' .tpaternsinlcularaf, Stouts, f 0 t o T d. Of and made up in Bingia and u ble-Brested Cacks and y we -' ! '. 4ht to fit the ar4 to fit. ? O Counsr meaning o!Tf to col- : lep wbuldilo well' to, inspect, ' AV; agsand in", fact Everything 1 0- i , r r uir VMM1 : yvstoiiij UVWU, u Wf 1 , t " , f , , t i j n TfcJT J.KPurcell. , ; ; . : P. T. Wetmore. PURCBLiL & WETMORE, Laud and Drainage Sttryeyiitg, Mr. Landowner. Do ypu KNOW; where your lines are, or HOW MUCH land you have? If you da not know-why not nnd-out? WE CAN HELP YOU. RED SPRINGS, N. C. you Will be pleased with our Select ! Stock 'y;'-OF . "; ' SEASONABLE GROCERIES. Come and: make ydur own selection or phone us and we will DO OUR BEST TO. PLEASE YOU. . i" J;0L Wishapa Lberton, N. 0 Free beUvety,'-- ; Phone itfo. t.' Ec Uccrcs' Sons 4 Co,, , t , , i . k vtrii ,ia TkT i - Brick Manufacturers Dealers la Bnlldiag KatsrtiL Alpha" Portland Cement and Kubber-oid Roofing Pa- I-SMra HELP IS OFFERED TOjWORTaT TOVRO PCOPLK Wa earMBtlf retroast all roans- twraont, tM matter how limitad thair imuu or arinmtian. who wiah ta obtain a tboroosh boaiaentraiiiiocaod oodpeet. tioQ. to write btr first meil for oar sreat balf-nta offer. Snnriet. todpendmeaid probable fortaae are snaranteed. - Don't delay. Wrtte today. ; Tks GaAXa. laeiaeet Callafto. Maeeay 6a. '"-, i 1 N B. 300 reqnests tor telegraphers now per month. ' t BUSINESS ! Whenyou wish Fresh irishj . Beef and Fanoy Groceries; . don't forget to oall on- Britt & Smith Go. They will always be pleased to have you call and will be sure to treat you right. " . 8-19-lm - si jBuy.Geyserite, KING OF TOILET SOAPS. Once you try ,t' always like( it. , v X H. WISHART. ; 7-aatf ; . , ..''.- 'x " o to $70 19.1m ; Notice , of Special Term of ;ttf Court i' Notice is herebv riven that Governor R. B, Glenn has ordered a special term of Superior Court for Robeson County, said term to begin September 30, 1907, and to continue for two weeks for the trial of civil cases only. . ' j . s This September 5, 1007- , . - -, . W Carter, " Chairman Board of Commissioncs. v ; Notice of Bond Sale. , Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Commit sionera of Robeson :. County, until 2 o'clock, p. m. October. 7, "1907," for the -sale of $50,000 of Robeson County court house bonds, said bonds tq run for thirty years and to bear interest at the. rate of v 5 per cent, per annum, interest payable f semi-annually, bonds to be issued in de- nominations of $50. ; Bids may be filed ' -with Ej. J. Britt, attorney for the Borfrd, Lumberton, N. C, Or with J. W. Carter, Chairman of the Board, Maxton,; N. C-;' All bids to be sealed bids and to be sc- v companied by certified check for a ' per cent of amount bid, check made payable ' to J. W. Carter. Chairman of Board of Commissioners of Robeson County. The ' Board of Commioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids. This September 4tb.'ioo7. ' . h W. Cartsk, - Chairman Board of. Commissioners. - ' . S-5.10.3r ,s ' T ' ; ' s For 4 S?le, - Two valuable farms situated in Cum berland county 6 and 12 : miles below Fayetteville, N. Cr, on south side Cape Fear river. Each contains 950 acres, adapted to all crops. For full informa tion, address J'.- ' , i' h$ J. A. Gainky, iJ-- -t r34t , j . ; .' f Sherwood N. C. Subscribers are eariiestly re quested to report to us any fail- ure of carrier to deliver paper promptly,-' Hi " 4.' 4. S. ill) 1 . ) fl' 1 1 ' t , . .;: ..- !t' V.'t 1 "... -.1" M'U'H , ymp"'"1 "